HOI4 Massive Multiplayer WW1 Mod Boi Toys :D

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it's this it's why and they like stay in it's a different [ __ ] this card will be right back okay yeah I don't know I mean I think we should all stay in here so we can you know kind of figure out what countries are being played it's the freaking selective ballsy god dang I can't find it Brandenburg how about you play for interest I'll have it you play Italy is that okay okay we need an English player but you know that's not gonna happen because I [ __ ] hate England and I'd rather play the u.s. says in [ __ ] streaming yes zero-cost thought I put Zera cost in there hello hello all this dreamers back should manager zero-cost just oh it's faction manager without having up said once Joe in the day I can't I'm trying to figure okay sorry I'm trying to figure stuff out I'm very so alright dang okay we're streaming so as long as it's not something you know this is tactics okay this is neatly mod the front line are we using the front line mod yes can you rank that to me so I can get to real quick I'm hosting the server by the way all right whoops in I got a run you through what's happening here we got a run you through what's happening here as you can see I've posted a bunch of screenshots the last time I did this hmm besides the is real one at the very top we're doing a 1911 war okay I'm gonna be in such a bad position but let's do it nope you can't even join at that point oh so I get to do everything in the Balkans good I'll sing I volunteers a crap you can send volunteers maybe if the world end it gets high enough and all that so how do you know you're pretty much out of the war til until I can invite you through my focus trip okay well can y'all send me the link and stuff so I can get this stuff done I need it I need to get who's hosting by the way Buster also stream sorry it's been a while I'm glad I'm back you've been dead for so [ __ ] long man if I'm also waiting for the link wait I don't have it link Buster but up later I know what link to the mod with the front line a yeah so people for the people who can hear me on the stream it's like this is what I have to deal with every day it's like my secretary come on secretary alright let me let me do so ups and I'm afraid you have an appointment at 3:30 how long does it take to get a link no but um whops in let me let me run you through what we're about to do we're about to run through Russia capitulate the Netherlands almost instantly and then do a full portion to France how is it give you an option like with the sleeping plan 19 Algeria crisis oh well that's gonna be fun get rules that denies that so I mean that's pretty cool exactly I'm not warning him that I think okay if we win this too quickly we're gonna play another game okay so sounds gonna go well no no we're doing the original Treaty of what the Germans and the Austrians and the Ottomans would have agreed on at the end of the war when thought we're defeated I know we're gonna play a world war two so I mean who is um when is the link coming because I need to get this I need a house it's an amazing it's in the it's in the it's in the chat of my server oh you should just told me I just posted I just posted the link alright but so that's what's gonna happen we're gonna focus on the Russian front well I try and hold the heat while I try to hold the West after commissioning Midlands and then we're gonna try and see how much of a push we can get into France also you're gonna have plenty years to build up and Italy will be pretty much an easy kill for you that's pretty easy it was always pretty easy this is a pretty well populated game guys this is gonna be good a lot of force I want it let me paste the dang link I did no I won't enjoy Syke trophy it's not let me paste it on the freakin Steam Workshop so what's the name of it front line better mechanics front line AI all right but this is gonna be a really hell hellish game oh my god yeah it's going to be it's going to be action-packed for those of you who don't watch great war videos because they don't want to see a slaughter on the western front and like this is gonna this is gonna be this is gonna be the instead of waiting for years it's gonna kick off immediately what this is what I was trying to tell Buster of couple days ago anything great war takes too long to kick off it only takes forever I was trying to tell him that I was about to do this well oh my god and if this works it's gonna be crazy we're gonna try and play this through World War two okay so let's see better mechanics frontline I've colored buttons why the [ __ ] out the Christmas modern naval don't need a fax you manager action zero costs Christmas is over for Christmas not reflective water play light peace conferences anything else I just hope none of the people in that Chapel watching let's if they are the PLC factory manager defection manager zero cost great war better mechanic spent leaning I not gonna select Great War I almost forgot great work okay so where is this server linking everything in my cert in my discourse or God please tell me for those like freeze up because it's so gay those freezing oh my god no it's not so far those of you watching this dream I'm much more active with games than webson is right now so if you want to join discord survey hey hey hey quit yourself I don't look like any of hey it's an escort server not a youtube hey hey hey it's self promotion I don't like he's my secretary so he does base whatever I say hey Buster get down on one knee hey buster asked Omega I'm the marionette swivel chair will get omega now you tell ups in the [ __ ] off yes sir Buster guess what that's why you're fired he's a trump Oh crud alright it seems like we got a Japan which may be a pain shall we move back to the other well I have to load up Great War first and everything so yeah okay yeah yeah I drank three monster imports today all right oh my god switch over to the other oh it doesn't look like any of the people that are on the other team are currently I'm going to I don't know wait okay think if there's no Serbia in this game no Balkans no sir be and no Russia oh yeah yeah no Serbia no Russia okay oh yeah what my balls people in the okay my control V's not working just letting you guys know that like a lot of my keyboard shortcuts aren't working right now so I have to type in this stupid code manually beautiful of my brain sighs there's way too many people do this to boys this minor which is to it I just want minor that's all right who's playing France I knows me I'm France what's the password dang it BBB why do I always my nugget holes okay now it's frozen hey the American player who was the American player lv2 on earth brag SLV me all right all right you'd already selected it yes nevermind I think I all right who is the UK not me I mean [ __ ] it's frozen who is United Kingdom it was currently Portugal me [ __ ] who's currently Brazil really want to play me oh wait anyone but a major okay whoever's all right play a major let's really don't okay I'm connecting it's like baby right who is playing the UK the room goes silent whoever is the last one in here who doesn't get a country gets the UK why no neutral countries none of that random small countries if you don't pick a bit major country now you're getting the UK at this point you say that who we've a portable fazil like yes they will be changing oh all right let me change to something yeah all right who is playing France hey is it capital B or one we've got a guy hold on I lowered it but it's not we're going to lowercase I know hold on a second but we did I do wrong all right nine zero a little join using steam just fine using steam true what the hell it won't shift have my freakin thing won't shift are you kidding me I have to use the [ __ ] alright other side of moe Jason get in here France ready up alright who is Italy I am is that a problem it doesn't even give me a chance oh my god oh really alright who is playing we've got a guy playing France we've finally branches getting in here let's all right France needs to get in here yeah anyone else who doesn't have a country who does not have a country all right a missile I need you and ready cuz you don't have a country I do know you means the major all right we have a Japan that can work all right fine Brazil can work will we serve a country in England we're about to get an England for whoever is last or whoever volunteers is joining we need in England this different version that means you the wrong mods yeah is yours be 1.4.2 z06 a3 Belgium get in here what's the plan alright so it's the three months right the country there's gonna wait hold on I'm gonna repost the mods in the chat there's five months yeah who doesn't have a country who doesn't have a country right now MW anyone else those are the months who else does not have a country thank you no one else had as everyone else is the country all right MW let's see what we can get you here I think I am screwed you could put brands France is Johnny and we have a France okay no but he said would you willing to switch yeah I would swear right are you willing to go UK no not switching yeah why does everybody hate the UK it's like the easiest one to play I played them and I played them last time I don't wanna play them again because I suck at boats so Italy's going on time right none on yeah on time right alright well it looks like you know MW it looks like you've been stuck with the UK yes we get someone else in here that wants to play it I mean we've got the the the trifecta here with me but we've got we've got the majority yeah any people in the discord 8 people in the game so Frances still joining Belgium mister joining I'm just don't worry about it just get in here and do I have to be in the Anton is Italy yes yes why because because they're really people versus the rest of the world just trust me whoops in is really good at the Ottomans Michael yeah I've played Anton powers against him and he's like impossible to kill all right if you say so okay I'm loading in the game and it's also better because that way we've only got the three of us in the a question okay that is not in what kind of the dude who's not in what country playing he's France and then we have a Belgium okay really need a Belgium though because Belgium's just like gets raped every time it's not even fun they also like Belgium for half a second to look at it be like oh look a raping country our country like wonderfully Belgium uh who's this hey destroyer are you playing or not yes all right are you trying to challenge me Portugal he's playing Spain it's the only country left he's flying spanked free man can actually help be on top of countries do I love planes baby who always get mad at you for some reason honestly okay they're in the chat right now they're in the chat look at the yet here once everyone's so loud I don't know but maybe you should turn your phone cause I've been trying to yell over everyone and I need some ham things sorted and in this one Omega the light I mean it's like 30% hello oh yeah I've turned it Shawn Martin ten dollars I believe this is where the fun begins yes you're right the fun w thank you so much by the way what are you when do you realize that you've got the three best players in the game playing the axis what why do you think Elsa so young you know me do you do it I'm not that good I'm just gonna time out okay just like online for those of you who aren't on my disk red server regularly the reason that Pequod is Conrad brest-litovsk E is because one game we play we played he played as Russia and I think it was he joined late in really nineteen fifteen or sixteen and the Germans and Austrians nearly pushed him to the point where he would break and have the civil war on everything and he held on to brest-litovsk II but if I remember correctly it was two or three years wait who was playing we had a really incompetent person playing Austria if I remember but the person playing Germany was the Austrian the Austrian front is where the war is won most of the time and yeah so like that's why we shouldn't push your I even sent like 24 divisions to help push like where I was pushing I was I was trying to push around Brussels housekey but they wouldn't listen me I was like hey if we go to the south and uh we'll do a lot better yeah yeah but it was still an epic last stand for the ages which is why you're talking about his epic last and what about when I was left with like a sliver of a country we just anchor I left that was it well yeah but having the shaft like come on yeah for like three years half of a shaft of uh yeah but you're you don't need a special you don't need a special rank for that man like all right it's cold yeah I just need to have the rank designates called having so as a starter what I don't know no this way way I'm I'm getting in yeah we got more after this hey buster after this game I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get the rank designated German we do I'm pretty sure the central power stand I feel like this comes without saying but with Omega be aware of German aggression hey buster shut the hell up hey that's just a military maximum that's like every every game you need to know that be Val German aggressive beware of the sweeping Ottoman bear who the [ __ ] you said show you I will kill somebody I don't like that I don't know you just I hate you all right I think we got everyone except for now men so know what take Ferb I like how it has to hit a hundred percent world tension for me to join a faction in this engine and this mod Japan plays like the same as whatever anyways it's so funny it's just like you just spend other divisions and then you also send your Navy and it's fake oh yeah funding your homeland no why because there's no one else joining us well respective Amin whoever's joining should be forced to play Serbia just to slow down yeah it is me no one talked with Tom who we waiting on me what's this we're waiting on in chat that's posted everywhere buster I'm gonna move down in the chat for access cuz you know okay anybody want I'll stop here okay gosh that is a lot of crane is not on right now Ethiopian player for the central powers that would be pretty cool tell me all the people not in a place where people not in the game can stay here we need to get a Ethiopia central power we are using them they're doing I'm going great warm on yes yeah we're do that would be pretty cool haven't you do you like a plays he did it what Oh BAM yeah that'd be funny that will be funny so let's see I'm not really sure how I'm gonna be to do is the Ottomans it has been a really long time since I played Ottomans last time I played Ottomans i encompassed this entire area here all of Iran the entire Arabian Peninsula yeah I looked like a cross it was pretty cool pushed into Russia a good bit up to about right there that's pretty fun Norway Central Powers Norway strong they look pretty cool why not Russia there's a reason there's no Russia mr. panther kiss you know Russia just dies and it's not that fun it's kind of a lost cause when you have a player playing is Russia I go see what's taking them so long uh-huh okay whenever you already just move me into the axis because I need okay we're gonna stay here till everything's sorted out what's the password female okay are the odd time countries not moving down hello and the unkown days is moving slowly and sorted okay got it well I have the Jews so I'm good did somebody say Armenian Genocide well what is that well that's like once a non-existent we go to go to Mexico is that truly necessary or if like a thirteenth person wants to join you can get a Mexico cuz they can we please cap it at eleven because it runs really poorly at 10 and above that's true hey we have like okay fine we currently have 11 people so just saying if we can't hold three speed then yeah yes yeah somebody can if somebody can't hold three speed they're gonna kick what I'm worried is is because I am streaming I'm not gonna have the strongest internet I think I'll be able to hold three speed but the thing is with so many people I probably will not be able to hold for speed for very long I don't know if my internet could keep up with 11 people so we'll see if I could usually hold action timed out I luckily the host server me has a ethernet cord connected to the computer so I have to it's just the fact that it's a lot of people yeah yeah they're on the East Coast which is nice yeah because I'm closer to Europe than a lot of people so but I'm also close by us because I'm in the US I need to drop down Panther you need to drop down now yeah yeah I love them Panthers up and the first thought alright now thought destroyer you need to get in here yeah I'm trying to but it's like loading in hot spot destroyer are you um he's a loading East loadings on sis connection timed out okay get in here you just make sure you have the right pods okay we what are the mods where they'd be Humphreys his faction manager shall I repost them PLC faction manager factory managers deal cost and both have to be enabled that one is an add-on to the other great war and better mechanics frontline a I make sure you have no other modern abled they're in the bottom of the chat okay so what is the better mechanics front line I actually do shuffling it decreases the amount of shuffling you get the loss organization on a large front oh dang that's gonna hurt me because I crave on the fact that people get terrible organization cuz they do a lot of stupid crap it doesn't fix it that much it helps okey dokey oh we may have a 12th person joining we're not having a person is up um I forgot to say this there's a Italy Ottoman war and I'm pretty sure it's like a focus for you thing we preach have to do it how are we handling that you're doing the war yeah we're gonna either war but like uh if you wanna are you Italy no mom I literally know that like I'm gonna put up a fight but it depends since he's not gonna join a central power if he was see we're not letting him to the Central Powers so you know I guess I'm probably gonna put a fight I guess just really yep it's PLC player led peace conferences yes yes okay how bout make a rule note volunteers from either sides like no one lease either sides like that kind of stuff like yeah that sounds good I mean he's not gonna be to get lilies or anybody neither will I we can't age it because the war so early there's no way to actually do it so there's no no reason even saying that almost what well alright thought we need you to hurry up geillis yeah yeah I know I know I'm loading in whose picture long dong is that uh Pequod I don't know if it is I have a vendetta against him uh who do you want to know is Pequod mix long yeah I believe he I think that is Pequod well I'm gonna kick his ass in the war he's got a little too big of a head I'm just gonna take that just down just a little bit I mean yeah he did decent as Russia all I did was slammed on is Pequod yeah just yeah well he be slim that means I'm gonna have a harder time on the Italian front you'll have an easy time with me on the Italia front looks like a picture later from the war the war happens around the same time things will be kicking off he has a he he will have a very hard time Shh I should be connecting now all right good okay I'm in Who am I playing alright you're playing Spain unless you can find someone else no not Russia it's just pointless you play as Russian eyes so annoying unless you can find someone else right now you're playing Spain okay I'm playing Spain okay alright let's start a gang game I'm ready to on but to pee myself not really alright comes to the other chat we're okay to talk strat now yeah why did you say right stuff getting kicked off whenever what's the safe is in there thought has no idea he's barely played this mod he has no idea what I'm talking about oh good thought a lot of people have no idea what I'm talking about because no one ever does this well I know but you know it's gonna be fairly obvious sooner or later lubed so I start off with a decent yeah fairly obvious sooner or later it's it better be sooner otherwise it's over yeah you might like enable zero costs all right I don't like the zero cost but you know that's whatever I mean for those countries remember what I told you you need to get everything fully equipped and let me run the numbers on the Cantone versus the artillery it is more defense better break through better soft attack the production cost goes up by seven defense goes up my arm let's see is that a three break through up by three heart attack by two soft attack doubled decreases speed five piercing same reliability I would say it doesn't you whether you want the abandoned artillery it's up to you anyway new artillery okay I think I'm gonna do field artillery it's much more well the soft detect you get from the heavies can be good just depends on what you want to play as because I've done both but I've only done a full game with the regular Rd and then you also don't want to build too many civilian factories early on here buster extra not building a single should I focus on submarines I just cruisers focus on getting a securing fleet got a harassment fleet wait so you mean like one that's just like gonna secure my waters wrong yeah I'm probably sick here are the waters okay you're gonna be more concerned about that I think I have a one fleet that's a cat I want him he's an old-timer okay now I have to edit all of my troops I am also going to pretty much completely Linna Gluck my Navy most to this and focus on submarine just like regular Germany because the navies don't match up well that fine by you you think you'll be able to do the do with that or what what do you mean do the deed you're planning on doing with Britain or a while oh I can do this alright if everybody I'm gonna put in jet like alright swap over to the stormtrooper divisions and get rid of all of these all right you are going down to default updates artillery artillery I can't do it god damn it all right I get one artillery base in at least trained three ten twenty three one time drop that on Berlin do you think they're probably ready or mmm I don't know they got a lot of people some of them aren't used to this mod give them a little longer yeah get your material designer up fast you're gonna want to get as many infantry upgrades as possible this early what do you mean by that oh my division Turner yeah for get your infantry equipment designer shows up cuz you're gonna want to pump that out ahead of time cuz that gives such a huge bonus I just put a war industrialist and my first I put our just I put the top on it I am EF which is the design company for the rifles so yeah whenever y'all ready yeah I'd put mine I put mine in already yeah I think I'm ready so is it a smart idea to have divisions on the Italian border or just like all of them don't worry about the Italians when you need oil uh buy it from me by the way okay I gotta get my flights together hold on cuz like I am the main supplier of world here also whenever I take over Iran wish it will give me like maybe eight more well but take you to the Middle East I don't think gives me any law does it [ __ ] it should give me some world but just give me any that kind of pissed me off when I take fourteen thousand guns down that's fine yeah I'm three point five thousand so I'm doing good I I'm gonna piss like 50 55 a day not bad I'm gonna have fifteen factories on my infantry I'll be ready I've got one factory on the airship so I'm gonna keep it there until it gets the full max and then cap another factory on it I'm not gonna focus on building any military factories for now because building your civilian industry helps out a lot more early on well for you it will we're going straightened up yeah why well no no I'm reading my chat on uh oh okay Wow I was gonna say why not yeah it's like a free white one factory one civilian yeah and once the manpower it's a it's a lot of manpower when you get the 8% yeah I know we did I say a lot more it's only 2.6 million there it's the same as the Croatia don't make you well yeah but that's a lot of man power you can get our let's give that a little some free who wants to do Operation Iraqi Freedom where I play with Iraq release iraq the you've just released Iraq and then have George Bush go in has antibiotic seen any weapons of mass destruction no sir the other gay hey it's 2018 man but gay is still not so pay yeah you're bored already if I need yeah can we start the can we start this yeah let's do this yes I can looks like we can hold for speed and everybody do not today should be like tell someone's got a to tank a wanker and I'm gonna kick their ass does probably gonna be Pequod alright they're all on the same page about doing not today so alright oh no you're poking that in England I'm sorry [ __ ] you oh alright I think my fronts looking pretty swell already take a quick look at that Buster which front are you talking about all of them yeah yeah my nice invasions uh looking quite swell here oh you're just putting a friggin thing on Moscow okay why not yeah just tell the men to go on aggressive it no go yeah never draw lines why if you draw the line anymore because to draw the line just drop it on a major objective then they'll go straight there and kill everybody in their way I'll push the south then I guess so yeah you you go you go towards Stalin grip or okay all right I mean I mean if you want to go to a selling grab that's right all along the way yeah I just said Sebastopol because killing the fleet here helping the Ottomans because it legitimately kills off any Russian dominance later in the game yeah yeah I believe if they lose all their ports here and their fleet runs they can never get back here Belgium's just like can't you're twenty nine divisions away from my border I mean 30 to the Belgian so you're saying and he's going to give Belgium what for hey what are the vagina I just went in there two differently to say do you want more Belgium Wow just totally the funniest guys I've ever met in my life I know I know we're hilarious is it my um that's my puppet he just he just he just when are we allowed to start war what's though when the war starts got it um when the war kicks off yeah that matter when the work itself isn't working stuff like I can kick earlier later already gone France just starts justifying that's the best thing yeah that's why whenever it kicks off through events whoops that's a big event they're probably thinking oh yeah so when the Archduke gets shot nine nine nine how many debate let me let me point out how many divisions Belgium has currently ten by the time this war usually kicks off they have forty they're probably gonna have more than that whatever no no no I'm just saying when the war usually kicks off Belgium is impossible to get through due to it having so many divisions this is what another reason why an early hit does so much damage also since they'll all be exercising we literally get a free run into most countries I'm exercising my troops because I want them trained I am NOT okay every single one Italy won't be able to touch you the world that's why it's not on them yeah no I'm not making that mistake with Izmir again that was some bull sticky what happened with this Mir remember we do invaded me too freaking Izmir cuz I had a troop there but there's like a glitch where like he walked out as they were invading because there were three different invasions at once and when he secured it he walked to another port that's on another Island and in the same tile why is there two in this there's two ports in the same tile he went to the other one and yeah that's how it happened those [ __ ] Troy Troy Troy all right I need my men fully equipped I'm 40,000 in feature equipment in the hole I have a mighty five dockyards wha I have 1000 we're going to 7095 dockyards - I like how I could produce three military factors at a time though that's nice I can only produce - yeah yeah reinforce decays as an authority all right just tell me when the frigging grace does it do it I can do it myself check my tree Agadir crisis it has to be June 1st 1911 but either of us can do it and if he doesn't do it I'll be like be prepared for a June 1911 ok yeah I'm as soon as I get down to tourism and then full over yharnam it I'm gonna head over there for Agadir because I need that I need that 7% with a 10% division training time down so that I can get my 5% where is the Agadir middle tray straight down anti-british I think you ought to get there probably maybe not it's not gonna be too bad if anything I hope France does it himself all right I got my a hundred 50 divisions readied now I'm just building up there's the Agadir crisis for him it's about the same spot I see it he might not go down there I hope he does I can wear openly talking strategy it's kind of funny well I mean as long as none of that marine your stream we're fine problem is I don't know if anything more or not so it doesn't look like it what I'm looking at I'm keeping an eye out they'd usually be mods and they're not in here I'm gonna drop into the allies and tell them that Bell what a quick a quick reminder that stream sniping is considered a cheat and will not be tolerated yeah I'm going like full industrial focus right now I'm gonna focus not on capital ships but I'm building a whole bunch of like smaller ships that might work out for you hopefully it does it's good build an aircraft carrier certainly yeah none of them knew like but I'm pretty sure someone now yeah cuz someone's keeping the alerts on for your channel hopefully cuz it yeah true hopefully yeah alright so we're just gonna drop the strategy for now yeah drop it like drop talking about it how about now how about that how about that oh how about that Oh catch me outside alright the kriegsmarine has been created good good good Anakin and that is being filled with in a level one port shut the [ __ ] up I did not realize that ah skirt they're going out and start to destroy all right now I don't see any of yours crap it's kind of funny alright automatic split off is on and they're prepared to go ham wait how far can the sub schoo not far enough everybody keeps asking why am i training those shitty infantry what they don't realize is how awesome I am I'm not training anything I need to get my infantry equipment to a solid positive me too I haven't so much that I've assigned thirty factories to it oh geez yeah I don't have that many factories so I've only got 17 total I have 29 and 26 of them on infantry equipment currently holy crow there's a reason I'm building a lot of airships I build like 90 years so I gotta buy some aluminum from somebody I'm gonna buy it should I be building horse-drawn vehicles or no horse-drawn is your motorized of now if you're using divisions that require any motorized of any sort you need to build them yeah like so support companies they're yours they're your regular motorized for support companies yep okay so shoot okay if I crush as you eat and everything you that you think that I raise the real tension alone or no no well I think Jin doesn't matter because all of us are really either democratic or authoritarian so we can't do anything and by the time we start doing anything it's already gonna be crazy anyways so it doesn't matter at this point have fun because we're getting close we're already halfway there Wow okay so already halfway there I'm so got the infantry equipment designer right the what infantry equipment designer yeah grab that because as soon as you start putting in the research you're gonna want to get them out as fast as possible especially re-equipped infantry if you can get them out four years ahead of time you will legitimately crush everything we're talking about the new equipment the rear quipped infantry oh yeah dude totally if you get new helmet the Stella hell oh hell yeah yeah getting just pumping these up early or often time is incredibly powerful so that's why whenever that hits about five hundred to four hundred days you pop it so getting as many modifiers on that as possible is amazing and remember to grab your early motorized and motorized ambulance as well as well those are gonna be your big payoff because that recovery rate is amazing and going into regular motorized changes your would over to rubber or no it just cost steal for horse-drawn but it increases production and efficiency alright I'm already down to thirteen from thirty nine the power of German engineering hmm that's nice mobile sorry Jeff I gotta do it oh do what what happened annexation haha yes alright after I get actually I'm gonna push down anti-british right now so I could push to Agadir out faster cuz I don't think he's gonna go there he might though he's going down that path finally I'll see if he keeps going down the anti German diplomacy and if he does I won't force yeah also by the way those bonuses I was talking about me and you get 50% recruited population we gained army experience every day I get an I get a new starting level which isn't that good I get better planning more speed and more planning in total you gain less planning speed but you get more division speed better reinforced rate and a lot more planning max nice so you can do a lot more planning I can do it a lot faster you also move a lot faster hmm I'm grabbing radio I've already grabbed it yeah I don't know axial computing first I grab my industrial text first Mayim brain that body out bone sorry Kevin gates alright I already got me 34 military factories nice I'm getting two full groups of infantry equipment out huh I like how the one division who jaws has it's called the [ __ ] oz army it is the entire army basically oh boy two hundred guns a day that's a nice number may I make lemonade lend-lease me some arty you know I have no artillery production I have six artillery production a week oh geez I could be built yeah I'm focusing on getting the majority of my men equipped before I go for the specialties uh should I like there's a trial list proposal - what is that so basically it like makes me you either release a whole bunch of my things don't do it or I'll release ya don't really suggest [ __ ] so nonsense now I'm negative political power all right don't worry about it yeah oh one second how much oil okay no actually buy from me 15 almost a fear I have no need to buy oil oil yet but when y'all do I'll be here I can currently get out of you 42 or maybe hold on let me check no you think you can only get no 15 I was looking at the wrong resource yeah 15 yeah it's wood 42 that's why we're in that is because I use too much wood that's why we're in limited exports by from the Germans all right I'm back okay yeah any guns me no all right you need two guns whoops 'n i need well okay what i need is big guns but you're not making any of those so yeah not yes support equipment soon as I get all these filled out I'm dropping one of these lines that do a full artillery line I got like four K surplus guns I'm still negative sick it does can you put Steve for Oh was it not as people yeah it's gonna go down just letting you know that I love you guys play goodbye Italy oh who the hell's like him [ __ ] oh my god it's France no now that was that was you okay never mind well now I'm frozen no one could do anything it ain't nothing to [ __ ] you [ __ ] dog oh my god has Brazil left sure hey I control is that why I I don't know no I just know we're all loaded we can go Buster I think you started all right back in business all right so he's gonna hop join back Brazil is so that's fun Yesi no point for world tension oh god it's getting so hi guys well I'm hi alright let's see these five Ottoman divisions March into this well it there we go it's finally starting to play I mean they have three divisions so they could probably catch me if I don't watch it I mean if it was a player you know maybe but then again it is alright and their five divisions are probably guarding their one precious port it's kind of [ __ ] but you know oh well you used to I would like naval invade from like around Kuwait like an idiot just have some extra funny Oh me yeah alright Belgium has about fifteen troops now Wow I think they'll get about twenty by the time things kick off hopefully Francine some none I'm gonna oh that was fast oh yeah that was fast well I mean I expected no less of course all right I wonder if France is gonna keep all his divisions on my border or if he's gonna move his divisions around cuz he's got 55 on my border no 75 on my border well I have 20 I think France is under estimating me oh no it would be his downfall you also got to remember that um sorry pushing in this game so oh I know that's why we're doing this now when trenches are level 1 or non-existent oh it's no if they're tricking me girls joining Brazil's joining no worries I was so concerned for a moment there Tory joins us Russia no god damn it you were meant to be were meant to join us Brazil not join us Russia you idiot you were that chosen one Big E trying to think of you as you were the chosen one but all right let's go all right let's just how many men does the Netherlands have seven I guess we can put 40 men on this border okay I put 40 men on the borders legit I had 40 on the border with the Netherlands but now I'm thinking I may not need that many I mainly do that because of the fact that everyone seems to immediately shove their men into there so two may just be my insecurities but I don't like the fact that there's 70 of the French out all of the French divisions on my border never mind every single French division is on my border I mean why wouldn't they like they honestly probably heard all right popular figurehead mmm wait let me see if I can do something I don't need the logistics company I'd like to replace you what can I replace you with I can replace you with the signal company yeah that'll be better no divisions and basic training I do not care I'm training divisions that are basically just like 2 by 3 and I'm training to buy things in one by twos oh yeah nice noise all right I'm finally getting some artillery guns I'm almost getting three a day nice I'm currently working on getting my Sam I was getting four a day because I just dropped my support equipment off I'm making like to support equipment a day and I was awakened I'm not even making one a day I'm only at five factories there I got five factories there anti-german Powell's he is going for the Agadir crisis oh yeah things are turning out just swell he's got a good ways to get to it he's got two more focuses I'm doing the armament effort which gives me a Mighty One Factory akia oh yeah should I have you you haven't gotten your militarism and your military youth should I do that then at 7% hello and P no Hawk is here well it's a little late yes we've got 11 people in the game yeah I don't think we really have room for if any hello hey hey we do not have room for a player we have 11 people in here oh very strong no going everybody we really can't almost area hungry Ottomans Italy France Belgium Spain UK Brazil us just read the friggin discord they changed all their names though do you guys even know Canada well the thing you know we don't need other players to slow down the internet this is great war Canada's not even useful useful my work it's useful as cannon fodder for the UK but the UK can just request their forces and still do that so they're saying I can't play today if someone drops what you're is it 1911 that's a one year in to bad I know there's to have a lot of people that's the problem and we have no countries left unless you want to play China or the parish Lodge no no no okay nobody else is joining you're gonna get about this it's gonna slow down the internet too much this isn't happening I'm streaming my joins off by the way um strong it doesn't matter how strong ears is it's called stressing the just just like China oh yeah China strong ignore my phone I can't ignore it I hear it yeah you better pick up that phone oh well let me see if it's the president mr. Trudeau oh no it's not the president you see Buster or a buster a Watson that is exactly why oh this is going to be so good because those level ones don't do [ __ ] and you know it those level one trenches you're building don't do [ __ ] how do you say yeah I have your stream up on my second screen has I got two screens now no hey guys what what's the licit trench one it everybody we know you know I like how you have fort limits like what's the limit on trenches it's the same thing as four it's five unless you get additional there all right oh yeah Felicity Baker wants to be a division Oh I'll name one after you I'll name one of the ones in Constantinople if I can name it can actually you should name one of the ones that's gonna be shoved in a Montenegro's hellhole Wow wait how do you rename individual divisions you click on it you click on it in the army tab I believe yeah Ottomans because the yeah clan you can just annex all of that stuff from the Balkan war sir be a Serbia's Hungarian yeah sure then I might like it okay there is your division in Constantinople can I be division and send me to Moscow maybe we'll see if we can if he actually gets the chance to truck the Moscow before they die yeah they are going attention now truck division our Turk divisions let's you truck I saw I mean I can't actually invite the Ottomans to my affection until 1914 May first ooh so yeah should seventy eight divisions be enough for the invasion of Russia yeah I only got 50 and I'm still gonna do fine because I've only got 70 eight divisions total though all of your divisions run don't worry I've got plenty of guns he's got maxed equipment I'm only not maxed because of the fact that I have lots of artillery pieces I need to fill in like that's the only thing keeping me down artillery and the horse drones but mostly artillery you know what should I recruit like 20 Alvin Jaeger divisions for the Alps that's up to you and then just like son the rest of my troops to other places let's just let's just drop to field up to Larry Europe's get those all filled out just drop sorry factories in thirty factories in a field artillery you know should be pretty easy I got 15 on infantry equipment 30 on field one on support and one on horse-drawn I'm good also remember to grab your equipment efforts early on to grab so that you can push tick you get four of them yeah so use them well I'm like should I do that or should I go for grab one of them and then push it early and then push it into early support weapons to just push them up to stall and help and then grab and then using the other to grab something else you want to use the first two to grab Rhea quipped as fast as you can yeah that's what you use the first two infantry your efforts for because they're 15% also 8.7 million manpower already you're still at 1.4 yeah because I haven't done those focuses yeah I know this is why you need to do those focuses because we get that 50% due to our German staff alright you're grabbing that too you're grabbing that that's being grabbed by the way grab research UFOs and 933 days what if what don't want to release the information to the stream now I'm kidding uh yeah fighters 1915 in 930 days I wasn't worried you what you're not the fighters well I just thought I'd do that because you know that's a slot would rather go would be better served in your industry or your infantry equipment tab think or grabbing your necks until there Tillery upgrade should I switch then or swap it over to do you have your field artillery upgrade no I'm gonna do the rabbit that's gonna be a hell of a bonus especially when every bit of damage counts also grabbing an artillery specialist in this game is not a bad idea especially with 10% and 5% I mean I already have 51 soft attack in my divisions I don't have an artillery specialist dang ouch I got 51 soft attack on my divisions so that's pretty good damn anybody can see what Italy's focuses are um no unknown focus damn we need encryption that's what I was gonna get but I didn't get it I'm getting decryption currently okay well so you can take him out because I have encryption online too I'm also getting decryption 65 days okay well tell me 117 we'll be able to figure it out soon enough Russia's sending illegal immigrants to poison my army according to my stream yes and I should build a wall there Armenian crisis kill them all all right it's June a second forces from June 2nd guys June say Oh God what so it's it as soon as I know that it's happening are they doing Olga dear crisis I can't see it unknown once you do decryption you'll be able to see it I know mine still on Lynn just in case so like what's the plan for the colonies by the way like what are we doing I will split them up pretty evenly the Ottoman Empire will gain a lot of their long territory no what I mean is like fighting right now banning them not were they what I know I been in the Kony's the Ottomans will fight for the colony what I normally do is I give Moldova and certain the Serbia in Serbia to Austria and then I take mu T Nia LT Nia moreover no no who's fighting for them who's fighting currently I wanna be fine yeah yeah you're legitimately only focused on their okay I'm gonna go push for the Agadir crisis in case this guy doesn't move 100 guns a day whoa whoa I'm getting 130 Oh I've also gettin 11 artillery pieces a day but it's still not gonna be enough to fill my forces of six a day from me I'll have plenty though for if you'd like me to lend-lease you like aa 300 artillery no I'm 1100 on the hole okay I mean any any little bit helps not right now so I just mix the submarines in with my main fleet yeah I guys Machu Picchu yeah I got Conrad von hötzendorf on uh um aggressive so good yeah my guys are all unaggressive currently and because I just need to get as far oh my gosh I've got 32 military factories already hell yeah yeah 32 currently working on getting a second row on support equipment I have got even producing support equipment at this point we're gonna slaughter Russia yep how are you gonna be able to handle France and Russia at the same time - hold I'm legitimately just gonna hold I'm gonna push as far into the ones as I can it's far and a Belgium as I can and hopefully get rid of Luxembourg and the Netherlands it's just gonna be a giant northern push to squeeze the line in and spread them out and they're just gonna sit there Italy won't be able to join so that's good yeah not for a while a long while I'm the pulling my airships my airships can reach Italy I'm gonna bomb the hell out of Italy since they won't have any fighters if you bomb France no no no no I can't because I'll be just at war with Italy I'm gonna bomb Italy's infrastructure yeah I'm not gonna have enough to do it with a ton of damage I might have like maybe 2500 Russia doesn't even have all of its line covered up now there goes finally I'm distracting I out here if I have in front of me I still outnumber them hold on if I put more divisions on my front with Russia they'll move their divisions over there to face it true yeah good I have more divisions on my fur on Russia than Russia that's on me and I 50 all right France show me that Agadir crisis come on did you get your decryption yet know how long I'm eight days out all right so tell me I need to know if they're doing okay they just supported the Italian claims here comes the Agadir that's 15 days though I heard that right it's 35 days for the Agadir okay so supporting the Italian claims means they just support thank you they allow the Italians to begin the war hmm well it allows the Italians is gonna go ahead when they eventually declare the war all right did you get yet yep playing with facts you managers so of course they could go in the world we shouldn't play the factory manager they are doing doctrine effort about Italy D that you can't really diddly construction effort UK is doing patriotic fervor us is doing trench warfare focus I don't understand that they're just wasting time they could I mean you don't know if he's gonna warm you or not but I'm preparing to it or with him probably Italy has eighty percent so I think yeah I think we're gonna have to forsake it here yeah I'll do it don't worry about it 461 days for early support weapons to yeah alright swap it over to signal company bingo now I got an initiation all right I'm going down it the [ __ ] why did I just hear now okay getting anti-french policy he just walked away with it with what the Mona Lisa [ __ ] the Mona Lisa all right let's get that entrenched speed up I'm gonna need that my encryption is too low come on red decription is too low come on he probably which which one no friends I haven't got my first one yet I'm still pushing for it yeah it says no national focus set right now all right they're choppy debating the Agadir they're probably like do we want to force force the war because we know exactly what they're doing infrastructure effort I can force this war yeah a little it'll just be 1912 instead Oh 1912 okay all right easy more time I mean it's all good for me it means my field guns get to build up more I wonder if they did anti Ottoman policy in Serbia I wonder where they go to the Balkan League and [ __ ] I don't want to fight him at the same time I'm fighting Italy cuz I could do it if he pretty sure took it easy but still Italy could join the Balkan League which is a [ __ ] / move no gosh-dang I took all my troops off of their orders you did a garrison yeah it was an accident - and now it deleted up frozen Oh nope that's the Chinese work yeah that's why I'm doing militarism so I should be able to get some real man power it's a real whoa be like your German brother get nine million you have nine million or a almost a 25 seven percent is crazy I'm only a and then what and then once you get extensive with the training time down 10% you neutralize your training time and now you have dirt or no not 13 12 % recruitable population and add in the 50% you get from being Austin being German with the floor never wore a woman with the Netherlands that's a little bit it means Belgium has a lot wider of a front Belgium Belgium Belgium that was the biggest mistake you've made thanks for giving all of my men one giant front oh yes good good good Anakin good I'm like two months you're not two months that's three four months five point seven one mil right now for manpower yeah yeah it seems like Belgium is having a hard time with six divisions the longer this war takes the more Belgians take casualties and the better this turns out keep fighting Belgium good he's already in the Anton's got for me and why do you got a kingdom [ __ ] on time I don't know okay takes a little bit the UK has to join after I declare on Belgium she's leaf implant is what gets the UK involved remember Italy doing any [ __ ] yet they got the little inflames Libyan claims Belgium's got it and now they get the duchies in these that's not a big problem I mean it's like you know aren't were we focusing there anyway our entire plan revolves around taking all of the Pacific right okay they didn't even take it did they now they did they just directly took it now if he's smart he won't actually do anything with that ones I just be having wild horses because it would make two fronts know we all like coaching him just like no no don't take it don't take it either way I'm gonna declare the devlins and him just take the land Belgium Oh white piece yeah they obviously heard our strategy so that's [ __ ] but whatever there'd be no reason why they wouldn't not take Netherlands yeah cuz now he can't do his full oh well I could so force Agadir on them actually still [ __ ] yeah oh but you've got Luxembourg now he's got a bigger front huh yeah I know he's still got blood he's still got a huge front and I still have 60 divisions to shove up his ass and now Netherlands has no divisions they'll rebuild pretty quickly no I mean they still have a six yeah but they are legitimately screwed now they've all been killed they literally just went through a fight their infrastructures been damaged for reading that and their men have been pushed around and their equipments been destroyed they're not gonna look so pretty I got something like a hundred eight divisions right now I still have double Belgians troops - there it is boom okey-dokey key biscayne a pause keep the game Falls please pause because we all need to prepare both of us and he starts off with a giant front on me he's probably already prepared naval invasions but that I was exercising my troops I was [ __ ] so again I gotta set fallback points I'll be watching chat just in case if they like say anything like hey I'm pause it well they can have positive self after a while oh I just saw it like I just saw the reasoning of why they did that in chat I don't think they're actually looking at our stream it just said but the border would be bigger with Germany the Belgian player said so it doesn't matter Belgium yes that's weird so I don't think they're actually cheating we call a 3-speed do you want to keep it or I want to see a good clean war here no touching of the hair or face no use of machine guns on normal people I love having a soundtrack mod that changes it to like all sorts of famous World War two movie theme songs and everything it's great remember you don't use machine guns on real people African they don't count that's exactly how they fought though remember I don't remember that bit that's exactly why the Netherlands are not the Netherlands some when they did major African Wars so many died and they were pushed back because they wouldn't fire on other whites with the machine guns it was only used against the African American troops what he said over here so welcome back to the old splitting of Africa days oh nice and circle mutton kill there absent nice still Burke it's not actually a decent place to encircle a he thinks he's pinned to me but he hasn't it's actually quite laughable well I see the stream for this I'm afraid that if I watch the stream the sir might like well the problem is is that okay I'm gonna stir he leave on the [ __ ] out of them right now I have 19 bombers it's not got anything still should I be producing Scout planes or anything like oh don't even worry about fighters Britain has 20 of them don't up worry ok so now they're not going for any like they aren't focused either they also have a France a UK have a total combined military factory limit of 35 nice wait wait what they've got a military factory thing of they got France has about 20 Britain has about 15 oh my god if I have more 35 I've got 40 let's say 55 but they also have about so you've got about 35 and you've got about 35 so they have about 70 civilians so they got more civilian than I do oh yeah they've got more civilian than I do I have 60 so I've got 43 so yeah I'm almost equal military to civilian fleet now consists of 56 of ships hooray three battle cruisers 12 battleships 12 light cruisers 23 destroyers have 200 ships nice twelve battle cruisers 36 so basically we'll just like keep our fleets not defined and I'm keeping mine deployed cuz they don't actually have the naval bases to not to that's just going in the East northern sea in the Baltic Sea that's true I'm just gonna defend my lads the best I can appear I should actually mmm when's that Agadir crisis gonna happen uh 30 more days for the British oh never mind Oh get the veg sleep in plan are you ready to rumble are you doing it is reached in other news the South Pole has been reached I feel bad for the poor explorers they're like hey we reach the South Pole the whole world's like every night the 19:05 Schlieffen Plan started war one is there any chance like what we could not do that I think I was an accident one like it's a like glitch or something what what why are you guys the war for like what waiting for an event that starts the war yeah that can start the war yeah okay I thought we were doing it 1914 yeah the war yeah the war is legal you can't just justify it ah crap I can't get into Belgium now they're they're holding I know I get through I'm breaking through in Russia alright stop pushing it at Belgium no I said stop pushing alright there's not a single red battle for me yes good all right well we are still pushing in a Belgium why are you pushing into France stop pushing into France come on capitulate the needle on de oh you can finally join hey Tanisha has joined whoa okay we're screwed Tunisia's joint oh dude look for Serbia dude underneath you oh yes shoot oh don't worry about it's not too bad and Montenegro everybody is attacking you we got rid of the Netherlands one country down okay you're gonna need to definitely cap that or he can deal with that it's no big deal it's nai what the [ __ ] he kidding me I didn't want to endure it told me that war was over they had a no no no if they had enough I know but if they had enough they what the [ __ ] oh wow he didn't push far enough to justify that he has to take Tripoli whatever oh well whatever all right the front has been secured luckily I built all those factories uh on other spots so I'm not losing any factories that's good that's good oh here comes the big join oh yeah Oh have free dockyards now oh yeah people down there are mad well I can't do anything anymore so uh what happened oh um the back of your crisis got the war started mm it's 1912 oh hey I'm not the one who did the a Kadir crisis hmmmm no it's Imperial they just get so salty it's kind of funny that's just what I thought that it was gonna happen and I know I but hey they're dealing with it I can't put it push any farther into Belgium which is a good thing for them and now they're just gonna slaughter themselves against me look at this battle over here at liege Kingdom of Italy joins me on time whew that was a fast one all right Buster's gonna have a hard time just just send enough troops to hold Montenegro and everybody but they're gonna push the once a [ __ ] on [ __ ] so win Serbia makes the Greek shake I got 24 yeah this is why I said we don't need the zero cost factional manager cuz they can just basically spend whatever the hell Hey it gives them a chance they're fighting back finally yes already had a chance beforehand like it was gonna be hard to win anyway so I mean all right I got 20 on the Italians no now both sides are mad I'm not mad oh it's I'm not mad at this is perfectly fine I'm annoyed I mean I would be you know I'm only got 37 divisions that I can have to fight right no I got 20 on yeah okay all right things really kick off guess who's training a bunch of divisions right in hell yeah 22 divisions at the same time can I do it yes okay 60 divisions let's see if we can't this guy's out well that's you all right I could produce a lot of men highly equipped and prepared for battle that Italian war was [ __ ] but I thought with them hey do the facts you manners a thing get in here if they do it you can do it I didn't exactly actually I can invite you to faction hold on hold on I can't I don't have the ability to do so you don't understand the Empire not really in a good shape right now it's never really been in good shape I've 10 combat with divisions but I don't have the ability to do anything right now all right all right whenever you get the chance tell me because you can be invited okey-dokey all right well it's all green on the western front here for me it's pretty much all green on the Eastern Front well I would hope so how the men doing we got seasoned you know we got some regulars everyone's at least getting trained that's good numbers and these guys are all getting up to trained good out they stopped the assault we're on the Western Front okay yo Spain's divisions are really filling the lines here they always do true true I just wasn't expecting so many Spanish all right my 20 divisions down here are not gonna push they're just gonna hold cuz I need to focus on the Western Front more oh my god Belgium is one military factory had six civilian oh yeah because I have control of alone I have control of half of their country I control leave so I control half of their country impressive most impressive I took two military factories and a civilian factory and I can build 15 more factories there I feel like I'm in the movie Jaws right now we're gonna need some we're gonna need a bigger army I need a bigger boat 19:14 hey this is fun man it's not as fun as I would have hoped it's a stress fund it's just like I hate stress this is the type of fun where it's like can I kill myself yeah yeah pretty much I got Italian divisions are freakin in Egypt they do you think he's gonna push me but he's not funny he caught me when I didn't have any of my divisions really because I focused more on a bunch of other [ __ ] which I probably shouldn't have all right you're almost trained good what else can i buy from austria-hungary to reset what he's lost in Istria and stuff how many five deploying troops that are green because I just need my need I know I'm straight-up doing that right now - here's 20 more on the southern front good good 61 fighting Italy 38 fighting if I was able to help you guys I would got 43 fighting the Balkan or yeah fighting in the Balkans right now so I can just kind of finish those guys off my fifty are still killing Rob they're doing the Italia Turkish war opportunity they're gonna declare war on me and form the Balkan League and stop being at war with you guys they're gonna leave the Anton and the on time won't be able to help them wait who Serbia they're gonna leave the on time I'll be able to help you all right they won't be able to help fee on time oh yes I mean that should have alright we filled in the line down here we're gonna focus back on the Eastern Front a little bit more make sure these pushes are going well well I have negative 216 political power so you know oh the casualties look fine look at those casualties are there well me and Austria me and Buster here at 50,000 each France is lost almost 40 and the Russians have lost 200,000 but the Russian lives don't really matter so I mean there are huge front a huge offensive on the on the Eastern Front on the Western Front against me it's all green wait there's a few Reds up there going green wait let me see can send probably one or two divisions oh yes the casualties ticking who's attacking gonna get parents militarism division training time - the US is attacking me the u.s. thinks it can questioned let's see what's the American casualty so far nothing yet it ain't nothing a [ __ ] [ __ ] dog Oh God Spain's lost ten thousand in their recent assaults on my line France by volunteers goddamnit the naval invaded mate I told you is gonna happen it's okay though I am on hold on they've got one foothold they're not gonna be to do much and I'm gonna separate some more of my units and I have 40 on your Italian border remember that times call for a pull off the Italians I can deal with this really you got it like I can I not all of them yet I'd need a few more to hold you okay so if I pulled 30 divisions off Italy and I've gots and leave another 30 maybe 20 I'll pull off 10 okay you only like one to cover its sorrow on offending you five divisions by the way okay cool yeah if you could just like do the meaty mean mediocre like the menial tasks you know like trying to protect against naval evasions and Prime yeah I don't have any naval defense but I don't think I need it do to my massive fleet on divisions off Italy to the east all right let's drop 20 more on you and we'll drop 20 more on you as my divisions are basically just used for defense so Italian Turkish or opportunity and if they do Balkans League then um yeah they will definitely have a lot of fun fun in hell yeah pretty much is that you Imperial hook yes how you doing buddy battle it's up to 4k you know Frances now up to 73 thousand casualties due to consistent attacks upon my line velocity is at a hundred thousand so I've nearly reversed my fortunes and Serbia take a quick look at this line engines where do you need my troops the most Germany I don't need them a mate's them so I'll send both mark my divisions over there okay yeah okay I'm out okay I'm gonna help him out in Serbia yeah I'll be good get rid of that front yeah awesome I'm not gonna capitulate them cuz I'm gonna need to capitulate them so I can get to territory never I go to war with the [ __ ] watch 21st my divisions will come specifically for you I need military access though by the way for my troops to get [ __ ] yeah there we go yeah yep and make sure you guard that porgy us is up to 20 mm Spain's at 20 Italy's at 12 France 77 games well don't worry they're not gonna do anything we gotta clean this up fast I know I'm cleaning up as quick as I can the Italian front gotta be the most difficult yeah cuz of all the mountains issues my front is holding beautifully you've got very little equipment though that's dudes that suggest artillery trust me oh you don't need any guns I need artillery artillery and support equipment is what I'm lacking I need like maybe a couple thousand guns will be great well I'm five thousand in the hole so oh okay I'm 18 thousand up I'm still on the positive for that but like okay alright I'm eighteen thousand infantry equipment up whoo well now I'm only a thousand seven in the hole so I won't point seven to the whole song I'm doing better I'm also help stop why would you stop just continue continue pushing where there's nobody I mean you have like no organization stop and regrain some more yeah and you're also attacking all along the Italian border are they attacking yeah he's attacking I shot him in the back and I just and I stopped and I stopped the order to attack but like there's still you need to delete it's the front line that's there I need to delete not the front line no leave the order to attack and they'll stop okay and put it just tell them to hold yeah yeah all right I'm gonna drop another 20 down there as soon as these are back okay I'm helping push in Serbia right now and this is 90 percent battle you see near um I don't know where you I don't it's near their Cabo I say it I'm gonna try and get some a little bit of foothold down there although it's gonna be other 24 days till you know anything really happens so now the naval invasion or no nuts not on evolution that's just Montenegro it's attacking in a very weird position yeah I see it I'm defending against that right now pretty well good by the way rest in peace silence listen eager he didn't direct like seriously he just didn't die I tried to make that joke yesterday and I got somebody but not everybody all right i'ma hold the attack on the Russian front for a little bit yeah me too I mean like my guys are still talking because screwed click hit H right click on the line hit H right click on the line it'll select all the units then hit H all it's all orders oh it's not uh it's not doing that for me if I right-click on the line it's just selecting the country on the you can't you're right clicking on the assault line on them all those units I don't know what is wrong with you Oh control right click gosh apparently they've abandoned some of Poland here Warsaw Minsk and lumps has just been completely been and they're retreating they do that whenever they're home dear old once I make a hole over here he's Italian divisions go away then he's got decent defense but no organization I should take him down open no time sound like there's a gigantic [ __ ] the type anything I see Austria is pushing with me I know dude if people thought that one room was so bad why did they make a second one snob god damn hope you die and how quite an enthusiastic reaction alright I need way more field artillery I got three lines of factories going Shox Olaf well I have like very few factories because you know stuff I'm not only building 12 about 12 balloons 12 big balloons that drop bombs France still thinks it can win by attacking into my forts and trenches you France is up to a hundred thousand casualties UK's nearing a hundred thousand the problem is as a man Japan too so my daddy got his car serviced and he got a Audi a4 like 2017 out of eight four it's super nice as his friend tool yeah yeah the difference between these divisions these have 107 defense only 18 saw photography 11 only 66 defense organization oh no don't don't forget to go to war economy yeah I did I have my own house a [ __ ] political power there's a giant hole in the Russian line right in front of me but why aren't you taking advantage of you crap I just figured this out I'm at a call myself to keep him occupied I'm just running the Moscow now right click on Moscow go yeah go fly you fools go get them you'll get a boy oh they got one of my men but they can't stop them all look at the spearhead of German men that moment when you when you are and then you do anything know what the [ __ ] he just said but whatever just quoting if I are not named I realized that after the [ __ ] made himself look [ __ ] we're all being so nice today it's great oh yes look at that attack god damn son well make minx with one of those troops we go into minx and then go one with one of them go down to Kiev oh they're cutting you off they're cutting you up they are attempting to cut you off Russia you mean Germany in Russia why didn't Belgium send me this I need leaves to be in my hands because they have one military factory right now and I need four in my southern state yo have y'all ever tried to blend these other countries convoys you mean request license production yeah request license production for them convoys there's already got to France Riley's yeah joy to Italy he'll understand I don't like so we did this yesterday I don't I told Belgium he's not getting leisure back just take his combo as though his comets us period maybe not him but calm boys trust me so I'm about to walk into Moscow no way trigger this legitimately about to walk in a Moscow not kidding at all take breath air ski did you if you guys Ryan we're trying if you guys set up layers where should this one hey probably one half because this is so disorganized anyway it's yeah but look we have like so many freaking okay there's the US there's England or Spain or France Italy Japan there's every single mofo in a game against us I mean why did sweater there's even a Brazil there's even in Brazil serozha Brazil y'all should stop looking at the spaghetti oh thing and they're like readjust your tits quit laughing now a lot of my different veterans now this is amazing I still I'm seeing yeah I know it's friggin insane I lost 200 family how many informant you need uh six thousand I'm gonna send you like 60% of our monthly production 60% yeah I only make 71 day it's not that good I make like a 180 a day this war is started way too soon for me it's just like once sir VIII decides to stop unscrewing itself and then actually really screw itself which is the Balkan League which use you have to develop the country or Serbia first they uh you know they attack me I pitch you late to have and everything you know it's great oh my god I do know the way general Cody I do know the way do you know the way to do you know do it do you like I do know the way I know do you know the way Buddha shut up do you wanna do it what is your stream saying about this noodle that is Russia well I really haven't been checking this yet it's like that's a long noodle you get right there it says um black screen take a look at it real fast how much is growing okay it looks like some like it looks like Superman has a deformed arm and like his head is like near please ginzvelo Riga and he's got like big pinnacle arms or something he's flying into Russia like actually no it looks like if when you poop on the wall and it like just like slides down streams of beautifulness I don't know alright I have eight I have sixty men on your front there where the Italian front should I can I move them off yeah Oh actually okay so my general says that if we assaulted this plan would be considered risky um so do we go you don't don't push the Italian front please it's not alright us permission to take twenty five divisions off Italy okay permission granted grow balls and not ask hey like I don't want to make Germany mad you know Papa Germany is holding a lot of fronts here yeah papa Germany's doing a lot of work how many divisions do you germany 250 okay one says either you have a hundred or four hundred eleven hey yeah I may have a hundred or I may have four hundred a B I'm just gonna look at this current maybe not so you guys have only taken four hundred thousand really thinking about seven hundred thousand well it's mainly yeah Russian casualties but well if you take away the Russian casualties it's still even that's mainly because of my brash assault into Russia also the fact that was whereas Serbian them I want to see they've lost Montenegro sells eight thousand Serbia 29s could be so much easier to take them over now like you know I was just see the glitch in the game makes Serbia declare war even though it has nothing to do with Serbia because it's the world war one thing so without that they wouldn't have had Serbia part of their big boy squad so Russians are not attacking into this giant noodle yeah I know I'm pushing in the South now oh yeah go to Moscow you have one year and go bisque he can move right no he's surrounded by Russians yeah he's surrounded by Russian troops I cannot see Jack crap press Louis fell Molina and like Minsk probably will know that is a big noodle dude that is a really big news that is an impressive noodle it's not as big as my noodle but this is an impressive noodle this is a whole nother level of noodle look at how impressive my noodle is now sorry your noodle is not very impressive put it up and I ain't talking about that noodle boy super noodle thank you thank you I juggle it I mean what stop spit on to fake Queen my brother my Buddha by Buddha no no my Buddha it's my Buddha boom oh are they attacking leash they've always been attacking leash they're like they're trying to get Belgians to military in one civilian factory back it is a lost cause Belgium they can't take it cuz half their men are attacking across the room who's this it's a peer okay okay ghin I'm out of the allies they're just like oh we gotta start another front that's true so Cody ever gonna play hearts of iron again he should he should is it's kind of funny they're like they're like guys actually like super calm about Russia like we got it really yeah very kind about this all of my battles are green I'm not even attacking anymore hold on let me just aggressive attack Green look at how this noodle expands watch this noodle expansion well I kind of don't like looking at noodles but you know I'll take a look at this noodle this is an impressive noodle I've been circled an unknown amount of Russians of it it's one okay just click on the battle man let me tell you what my men are fighting in in the Benelux region there are 54 Germans fighting a hundred and fifty Allied troops on the on the French border there are 80 Germans facing off against 70 Allied forces in the south there are 60 Germans versus sixty Allied forces this is freaking crazy I'm outnumbered three to one in the Benelux region and I'm still winning I know like what and they've only attacked leash oh here they go again another assault on Liege by the Japanese how many casualties can we get samurai ah-ah-ah-ah I'm almost recovered from my deficit well I sent you how much infantry equipment if I say yes see I've only thinking you think for one month 1300 for this thing okay yeah that's it for the rest of the war I'll say do that until you just I'm making a hundred sixty-six a day well I make seven how I con I make a hundred and thirty seven a day oh wow there's US troops in Egypt that's for me guess how many eighty-five United States divisions in Egypt they're just wasting that that makes no sense they could have to work on them they're expecting you to join oh I'm not gonna join until I have that until we have well not have your arrogance okay not until Serbia Klux itself over and decides it acquire war on me will I do it all right I'm gonna noodle a little bit more here the middle will it be expanding its way towards Kursk they're just wasting their troops on me I'm not gonna do a war there's no surrender yes okay there's no need for that language there all right Russia has about a hundred and twenty men left like manpower wise you killed that many of them no there's only a hundred twenty-seven men in the entire country of Russia yeah let's kill every single man in Russia no scratch that no every man woman and child it will never be a recover poor Benelux sixty something thousand casualties that must be kind of harsh for them score score score I'm a mentally [ __ ] poison all right let's write to the casualty list 21,000 British Raj forty thousand US 13 Spain 23 Italy 130 France 77 UK 50,000 Serbia 400,000 for Russia 71 for the Benelux 140 for the Germans and 290 foster Hungarians okay so later I can make Egypt fries yeah if you want to push real fast in Serbia we've got a couple battles that are like on 97 percent you know way talking to me yeah yeah yeah battles that really close Serbian presents look at him I can't see him I can't see where it's 97 but I'm gonna push uh Timisoara oh it's gone now they're all ending anyways don't worry about it I'm pushing in some areas right now so I just keep surrounding like a few off Russian divisions yeah Italy's removed all his troops from Montenegro and Serbia knows that's good yeah I would actually not mind Austria Austria takes over a lot of Serbia and Montenegro I'll let Jill I'll let you have Serbia Montenegro until the war ends cuz I don't want to go but it was justifying war against me this Brasil gonna join me on top now no they're trying to get the rotation up 200 Raziel store with anybody they're actually there chillin homes okay when the [ __ ] are the Russians gonna be like oh my god oh he's not Democratic enough what is their capitulation not high enough Japan is justifying a war goal what right they're not at war with me okay so my Navy's dead without the Japanese um also I'd like to just right-click on the central ally on the Central Powers and just look at how much of the world is red yeah I saw that it's beautiful it's gonna be a hell of a fight I keep on I keep on reminding myself as frightened I always get happy g-good like I have an army generally I have no army general Pickett reformed your division for another attack ha ha ha hey hey hey hey shut up just let us have a Warner do his thing ok hear that music joining in oh yeah I know oh wait that's not the seventies that we're talking about it that's not the sad music Nick whack paddy whack give a dog a bone this old dog went suckin dick what sorry I was talking about Italy I'm sorry I didn't mean to insult anybody else it was only Italy ok walk into Moscow the rest is removed enough troops division there no I can walk into hell hole which is my master pool get Sevastopol get some more capitulation pinned I don't give a [ __ ] if you pinned questions like please don't get real too weak yeah maja he took the Netherlands and Luxemburg but he didn't take Emily just let him free another Netherlands doesn't exist yeah it would've had a better chance if you did it wouldn't oh I would have killed even more Belgians because it would have been sweat off but he also is part of the oh they justifying war go on hmm on me the US troops like nope not anymore he was just boosting tension but to say [ __ ] you now France is justifying war on me maybe the u.s. is like oh crap I don't have enough political power and they can't handle [ __ ] they're like here let's fight another axis power that we will just throw men and die at you know all right I'm noodling some more kind of pisses me off too because it's like taking advantage of a country that's basically [ __ ] and hasn't had a chance to do anything yet oh yeah sorry my bad my bad so I'm about I'm gonna try and take Sebastopol good oh dang I'm gonna need more divisions down there or Chester crayon color crayon yeah they're gonna be done on the 21st - clay alright justifying war on me it's pretty [ __ ] [ __ ] well Brazil just finished their justification we are fighting the mighty armed forces of the Empire of Brazil and there are 14 soldiers yeah oh if we land in a naval invasion in Brazil right now we could pitch leave them there all alone Russians are retreating rapidly would you do it from where do you still have your your Ottomans when you get into the war you'll be able to just like completely wrap up the Serbians so that a problem is is yeah that's a good idea let me [ __ ] do that let me get my my divisions ready like I make those if you have anything less anything amounting so maybe 15 or 20 divisions they'll be done how does one eat nachos 94% on Kiev two days estimate well in two days they're gonna declare war on these though alright get your men ready yeah they're not in position for war so get as ready as you can it's gonna be really bad and honesty just trying to hold on I can send German divisions to help Natalie fine I'll do it I can once we if we kill Serbia we can actually have like a land front where we transfer divisions over to you so that'll be good okay we'll [ __ ] you friends god damn well night you can join well now game is frozen these guys are [ __ ] [ __ ] they they're taking that I mean it wasn't even my plan like it pisses me off you've always take [ __ ] out of me for no [ __ ] reason oh there goes the Czar oh that's why my games frigging also the wars be very well Japan and Brazil are in a seperate faction oh my god so much lag that's all these wars going off I think this Soviet Union just immediately capitulated Russia they have done this at the most least opportune time could they have used it like a shred of frickin common sense like instead of common sense any shred I think way too in this game Oh freeze let's do it it's hard uh okay I got fifty German divisions where do they need to go 89 come on should I open up on the sir I'll open up on the Serbians yeah we'll just put them out of their misery a massive assault coming off on this front there's actually some Reds in here but they're staying still so I'll probably win I can't do anything God why did it's lagging again what happened well they have mental retardation issues I told you all right now I'm winning like I don't understand what their what their idea was for doing this it makes absolutely no sense and honestly just is annoying all right where is the rest of my land Russia where is it you're gonna get it it just takes a bit I know I want to speed the out that's it oh here it comes oh all right let's put it back really long yeah I know it's not like that good but I'm not gonna beta push with me because I did Oh Montenegro is gone then I came here to push me because I didn't do anything stupid like oh it's lagging again what happened you're getting more land and there's oh there's Ukraine oh thank god one's gone one's ours now are they doing anything about oh my god are they doing anything about the friggin Romania no okay should I try and like do some focuses maybe get Romania mad if you want dude it's all up to you I don't think or should I just lets Romania with 75 divisions after we've dealt with a little more present I wish I wouldn't say blitz Romania that would probably be the most foolish mistake he ever made Serbia's capitulated yeah Oh God my men didn't even get there yeah I capitulated them all right well fifteen men on the building front now we carry guard guard the guard that regard the borders over there I'm sitting yeah right Ottomans need to defend their land and finish off the Italians I'm gonna hold the recipe Western Front finish the Italians how is that possible a naval invasion actually anything I have you all you both need to focus on that I'm trying my buddy [Applause] I'm gonna pull my 60 divisions off as soon as you get your army situated on this border oh yeah okay you want me to just yeah you take over you take over now all right I'll wait for your men to get here before I pull out get situated yeah um all right oh yes the Germans are beginning to equalize ooh sending volunteers to meet Soviet look three yeah I know that was little that was kind of [ __ ] I want to go down to be like what was your thought process on this again like did you not hear buster talk about the fact that I'm not gonna make the same mistakes again as the Ottomans like you are going to lose I don't make the same mistakes twice wait what did they do oh they declared war on me and they thinking they're going to push me from the south no you just don't one does not simply push me from the South this is more costly frickin River they really thought they could go across the river Belgium spamming me with messages just give noobs also for I was like 9 from home on and everything is what I'm talking about oh naval invasions where oh I just got the alert 1 2 3 4 dude the u.s. is just losing so many troops against me I don't know what is point what the problem is think of 5,000 I'm almost deployed on the front alt you know when that's finished on the Italian front by the way so now that I've got uh so I've got 75 divisions spare so don't overload my front yeah so just like my front is maxing over here yeah hey if you want um I might take up Bulgaria I don't know you know would you like to do that or it really just depends on what you want to do buddy what we could do is blitz Romania like well I don't know Romania and Bulgaria we could but it would take a long time because believe it or not they actually are fairly strong countries yeah yeah well Gary I can get on our side so I'll just leave these guys as a reserve or it's just in case if we actually use them to guard my lands let me put all my troops on my border guard my guard my ports all right that will help so much if I can just focus all my men there by the way some of you know the Soviet Union divisions attacking I can we pushed them out of a doing as you're requested all right they are on their way they're exercising so like you know but don't have them exercise on my ports I do not need a naval invasion to succeed here yeah true I'll just yeah alright I'm already getting the alerts I am NOT gonna deal with that all right oh I'll probably eventually replace those with more suitable divisions for that because those are all my row and everything so do they not understand that they're not gonna do anything like what are they doing I literally feel like I'm facing a five-year-old [ __ ] like I'm being serious it's stupid like I feel bad for how stupid they are yo guys I gotta go I won't be able to talk to you and you bump into your chat anymore what I gotta go I won't be able to bump into your chat anymore who's okay imperio yeah oh okay bye by empirical no but seriously like I'm still giving you a lot of guns by the way Austria you still need them uh not as many now okay so I'm gonna I should be able to handle myself I'm gonna modified lend-lease and just now a three-to-two on the Belgian front for you or yeah and your favor no their favor it's 150 to 110 511 days on fighters all right I just got motorized nasally invaded behind what the [ __ ] dude oh pretty mean I need help I'm the lions Ottomans Ottoman where do they enable them from Constantinople pin the frost and throw P I'm trying my best just hold me Jesus hold on a second I can't I said can we pause the games I can't [ __ ] I paused that tendon I'm sure men in Constantinople that could stop that as a woman right now to do all right ready yes all right I've got men on their way all right how many are your men situated yet they look situated enough Germans are pulling off the Italian front we are now going to outnumber them on the Benelux region another why I have my troops over there in Bulgaria that was [ __ ] I can get Bulgarian our faction they're a good Ally they are get him in the faction who's sending 18 divisions down is that oh that's Austria that's me we're gonna kill quite a few these guys by the way so it's gonna be where they're gonna be out a bill deport if we don't continue attacking in certain areas don't Yap attacking my general that I'm using for that is a for sure so that's sort of got a fee to leave some watch it if those divisions disappear then I'm kicking them immediately because that's the fragrance of the breach of the rules what do you mean if he deletes his divisions when they are encircled the only time delete divisions is if you have a clear path for supplies so it's just divisions like a hound dog that's what I'm doing Brazil and Japan are not in the auntaunt I repeat they are not in the on towns faction with this war if you capitulate Japan somehow the war for them is over you know what I want to do declare war on the Soviets no I don't want to do that Shh we'll do it once we've dealt with a little more land battle so that we can get into China and all of that I'm going for my focuses that allow me to try and get Romania in the faction all right a giant assault on the West is wasting their troops huge assault here German casualties haven't kicked haven't kicked up and like through the USA loss so many on the front you lost like 20,000 down here mo unless 25,000 altogether and a lot of that is fighting the Italians over here the Benelux is running out of manpower 60,000 left and reserve UK is almost up to a hundred thousand casualties but they have plenty of man in the reserve France is down two hundred thousand with only four hundred thousand and reserves but they can still get more manpower I think Abel invasions looks like that naval invasion by constant snowball and they're dead alright I've got 18 divisions down there do you need any like okay like okay and the Anatolian Peninsula like from like um Konya to Aleppo just stretch those evasions out there in case I need them anywhere cone yet it'll up okay oh this is a giant British assault with a little bit of French reserves because there oh yeah it's all the British and French here that are attacking so the British British count disease has jumped 30 thousand and french-kiss jumped 20 Italy is almost up to a hundred us is pushing 60 oh good god they've they just increase their casualty count by almost 50 thousand and it's still going up as soon as I get really this is gonna be a massacre let's hope no 5% defence okay yeah I'm actually starting to think this 1911 war is gonna go okay like hey this is actually an interest I wasn't when you had [ __ ] declaring war on me for no reason I wasn't even gonna join you guys like another three years oh let's take out Ottomans Empire they'll be easy to take out no no I bet even without week longer than you by the way I bet those eighteen divisions by Aleppo could probably like quash some squash down some of the British divisions in the south there the Arabian Peninsula not enough infrastructure what I have it on there is holding perfectly and they're just losing people it's it's just so you'd rather have the situation where they're just nursing people then yeah just I don't have that then the possibility of you know okay alright I got to build up my infrastructure everywhere two three and then I'll be pretty much Gucci Albania [ __ ] infrastructure which is kind of funny now beanie a [ __ ] anyway has the British take in the South African troops no then they have to have it like naval ii invaded the a lot of your German colonies they got rid of all the colonies though well I mean like in the Pacific like yeah it takes time and it's so boring look the Empire of Japan made China its [ __ ] wait what yeah they just got cut or hocked by Japan look they took like shrink oh they took shuttle oh yeah we're at war with China oh geez yeah that's why I said we should probably go to war with the Soviets once we deal with a little bit of this because then we can deal with the Raj Japan and China and if we could patiently if we capitulate Japan that means that Brazil and Japan both are gone immediately there's a lot of problems the capitulating Japan yeah but they only have very little amounts of troops if you can get a sneaky one off Korea really fast you can easily get on to the mainland I'm building level 2 trenches along the board I don't even have the trench tech researched Italy you know that's the only thing that's that's the only thing that went wrong for us we've you've lost 4% your 5 percent towards capitulation due to that little loss of land there yeah he lost quite a lot extra and yeah it's 5% of his capitulation I'm actually thinking about pushing them back don't you yeah you may outnumber them but this is great warm on things are [ __ ] yeah Russia didn't end up feeding me as much this time I didn't end up with 50 solid veteran divisions this is just probably gonna be a stalemate no honesty no it won't trust me things are about to get pretty fun it's the only have 14 military factories are the same as the United Kingdom the Belgian economy is non-existent two military factories and six civilian jf7 I am so not home whatever it's non-existent let's let's check out the total factories here I alone have as many as Britain and France combined but you add in the US and they're the trump card yeah but are they civilian they're mostly civilian I guess what I'm about to do cook the everliving [ __ ] look at my focus you haven't selected one Oh what does that do well all these these 25 little divisions that the US has that have been trying to push through my line forever I'm going to be gone all at Puppets egypt well they can release them as a free country and then you know if they release and England and the UK never asserted their position what does that mean if the UK asserts their position in England you can't do that focus or in Egypt it ain't nothing to [ __ ] your [ __ ] dog wow there's like no airplanes produced I'm so used to having so many damn airplane I wait wait do I have the biggest air force I do not it not impressive at all I know it's not impressive but it just like freaking 60 we don't even plane they're little balloons I bomb a building every once in a while yeah bombs are just like dropping here and there ain't none the bomb in Egypt though alright so yeah so uh I've got my improved infantry equipment in early support weapons now I'm gonna push for the Stalin helm it's five hundred days away but mine six hundred and four hundred and sixty days away still home four hundred and fifty seven three days ahead of me you [ __ ] it I'm also not gonna call you into the Brazilian Japanese war because if it does they may combine I'm gonna start throwing a bomb anybody have a surplus of artillery no I'm still down nine thousand I can give you eighty three artillery our field guns that's what I mean I feel artillery is still down man okay don't worry about it then it will always always Quiet on the Western Front I think because I have it researched um no let's just not let me send to 83 that I haven't I don't know why you know I wonder what happens if I hit this button here what is that button activate order button oh damn you're not y'all turned red yes you better stop the casualties look at this guy rugged and they're reattaching the cattle attacking yes casualties I baited them into casualties I took 10,000 casualties they're choking 20 doesn't gonna think they take it like a thousand every few seconds oh they're attacking on the Italian front oh good let them attack into mountains it makes absolutely no sense oh my god oh yes let's build trenches now let's make this impregnable right behind this river oh that's what I'm doing I'm gonna make the Rhine River impregnable or what does that major dam messaging me just like Ghibli's I'm just like no great sir questions never game you can ally Bulgaria right you can make Bulgaria Ally yeah yeah maybe that and I'm working on focuses to get Romania he's doing the Bora Volt nice alright next you will be doing that yep they only have two men down there so I think it will know they have three I'm not sure it'll work they're still attacking how many cases is taken we have taken twenty thirty thousand oh god he just jumped ten thousand there are 50,000 tupid I don't understand their thought process they don't know how to hold their men they've almost taken a hundred though they're almost there at fifty thousand now all right so Ottomans once this whole Egypt thing goes down right mm-hmm those 18 divisions are they gonna still stay there that I've got or I would suggest you move some of let's see if my infrastructure is good enough move like six or seven down where I am near like Israel and get ready to push through Egypt if we have to okay you're not gonna push she's just like oh my god I need one way to me they have a turntable named leave a name a name of naval they're building a port they've labeled bring those 69 where pause the game see where the naval day they established a beachhead oh shoot see I don't have any of my sound on so I can't tell because I have a stream and I can't have sound on the stream you should you could probably make like 20 divisions and then just defend his ports for him well I'm defending my ports - he's not he's not invading our port or just defending your Shores buster probably just dropped 20 men down and defend your Shores well I've already seen down the ha let me tell you what I just found out I've lost so little men recently I went from 7.2 something nine up to 8 million I'm now up to I just gained I'm gaining manpower they have that small organization if we push we can take the areas where they're they're really bust Buster I'm taking so few casualties I'm gaining manpower and back up to 8 million it was 7 a while ago my casualties are just barely going up let's just listen today in this out oh yes yeah job now they can't book and they're counter-attacking idiots what we're in the naval evasion area yeah they tried counter attacking but they immediately lost all organization oh my god this is still amazing watch their casualties jump I'm still attacking on the fronts yes they are with the cab they're still attacking over here they've taken almost 200,000 in this recent attack they started at like 780 now they're up to 920 on the on the Western Front here alright I'm gonna go grab dessert real fast no help do this [Laughter] anyway is about to go down I wouldn't do that if any naval invasion of Germany yeah they built us four in continue built support somehow they built support yeah they can't regain over though so I guess if we just continue attacking hey that's a Freeport man they just wasted factory time on a Freeport for you well no the thing is is if I don't they can just pump units in there indefinitely no I mean you take that and now you have a Freeport I know but what I'm saying is is I don't know if I will oh yeah I know defend against that it's literally at gallipoli but just not on the first gallipoli well not reversed now it's on a salient other side now it's on Italians and French instead of um now they don't lose any truth just because I slacked off the attack for two seconds they gained June to 200,000 casualties in the attack on the Western Front you want to just go her against them let's just guard against them this is guard against them yeah yeah because they won't be able to push I don't think well they are pushing you just need to stop attacking I am stop oh my Nexus dog Buster select all hit H yeah I did you made me yeah he's gonna lose a fighter he finally sent me Ghibli's yeah I told him who you were I was like dude just messaged Germany cheese I just said nein that's what I've been doing legitimately that's half of his infrastructure that's the best part I've taken half of his country I took half of his manpower whoo Belgium by taking alone I took half of his manpower I just realized that he's on service by requirement what's France at Britain stolen volunteer France is unlimited Frances down Bosley aim pause the game look at Egypt there's no US troops there oh shoot oh gosh go go go go go go but yeah the Brit British just let them oh yes that is incredible [ __ ] my [ __ ] what the [ __ ] they have troops that's the only two divisions they have surround them and kill them I'm trying Oh Soviets are sending another division oh oh they're attacking out down there by the way trying to get out of that yeah yep yep if you secure that I'll try and secure what I can't over here my area Hey look there's a Belgian division in there I think yeah they too have a Belgian division he said please tell him if he tell him if he if he leaves my port they leave my port that I'll let him have it damning me now how can please please okay yeah I'm gonna have to pull back right here it might not be the best idea what I just did what pullback or any attack that I had planned I think it was a diversionary tactic the Americans are back oh well hey that actually did pretty well though we should just put a bunch of divisions on a fallback line just along your coast like I thought I said you should do well that's what I did for you but I know I have enough divisions as of yet to do that for him uh-huh I haven't I just realized I haven't trained a new troop in like two years ever since the opening stages where I dropped a hundred men soldiers I haven't trained a troop I'm doing the focuses that are I'm gonna give Romania Bukovina so hey another Soviet unit I said keep asking it I'll take Amsterdam two or not I'm sorry ma'am tour I don't know one thing in Amsterdam well maybe because it's right above that if any of you has artillery to spare no man I was still 6k in the hole hmm I guess I should just probably focus on getting a whole equipment I mean if you need regular immature equipment I'm thirty thousand up oh I'm good and that Ottomans I'm fine all right far as regular things don't you doing they ever done [ __ ] in the war that your puppets still there [ __ ] troops I'm so glad that we don't have to worry about paratrooper invasions oh yeah that's give me a long time away 3632 I think uh you were only able to push a few thousand Sinai darn if if he had gotten the surrett if he had had like motorized to get that surround I did he said try me I'm gonna start working on Mel's Belgium just said try me tell him I'd own the East Indies what the football to me tell him he's [ __ ] attacking away from a port with his shitty little divisions why our Belgian troops and in there why are there only Belgian troops in there really oh yeah by the way they're suffering attrition at that port because that port is only a level if we keep attacking the port randomly they won't be able to build okay so I think we we should go ahead and attack now yep oh are winning yeah but it'll take a little take a while we'll win all right I'm gonna start heading down to get an extra research slot hey by the way they've taken roads so I gotta move some troops over there Oh crud it's fine I'm moving some troops okay I'll just keep holding on that naval invasion and I'll be it just said I just sunk four of your subs and I'm like yeah I've killed a hundred thousand of you owe you such a big boy all right I'm grabbing some poison mustard gas here get some breakthrough and soft attack [ __ ] [ __ ] up oh yeah 356 days till Stalin he'll stay in them honestly the Ottoman Empire is just too big to look at everything it's just so annoying that's what Dibby over the last time is it so big to monitor everything oh there's another one Rhodes I know I'm moving I like em take that I was gonna bait them in so that they would continually lose people I'm just gonna let the Soviets keep taking casualties for me oh yeah my trench research is all done okay hey we can summon up attacking that area right now around the port hey you can stop attacking the area around the port nickel Italy okay it's right under Gallipoli accident near Gallipoli it's just officially Gallipoli now okay there is only four infrastructure there I can delete all the infrastructure in this area and they'll get no supplies Pope neither will we okay I'm not gonna do that yeah I do it don't do it I'm not doing that I can suffer the attrition like so Germany don't be alarmed by my moving of troops off of your ports I've got another 40 divisions there to take up I see them moving up this would be the hard most horrid time for the British to launch a naval invasion yeah but they should be getting up there momentarily what I hate is that Egypt has to choose to go to war with the UK well I can make Oman and our Yemen and Oman my puppet I keep thinking that why I'm so far behind but then I realize it's only like 1913 yeah jeez it's like why can't I research these texts oh wait I think he's asking for leash I'm fortifying leash with level fighting margins for the $2 um but I won't be able to take I ran because Iran will join that's the mistake I made last time when I was doing really well as the Ottomans undated Iran and they capitalized on that and I was focused on like six different fronts and at that point they got me I just said just because of that I'm making level five forts and trenches and leash because the heats bugging me about it I'm making level fives that's like the friggin Belgian Verdun Jesus amazing so we can't stage Jews on players but we can stays on your superiority looks not too great it doesn't matter at this stage but they're gonna start getting them some yeah so he has nine percent water probably because Wow Wow Wow they declare whatever it is jaws right as I decide to Fria jaws oh well haven't free them totally yet and please no genocide naval invasion where had jaws there's no way I can make I can make sure it's reached they're honest sort of gonna take forever remember it takes forever I know the u.s. is attacking with 11 against 63 defense I'm moving some divisions down there as a legitimate they legitimately cannot cannot deal enough damage to get through the forever like they just keep running out of options and they're doing everything to cuck me over and it's kind of pissing me off all I want to do is just have some freaking fun and I can't I'm worried about stupid [ __ ] we do not need this in this chatroom [ __ ] off Christian [ __ ] I'm just fortifying the entire area with level 5 fourths the entire area is turning into a giant level 5 4 in trench and they're probably doing that in France too I hope so otherwise it wouldn't be a lie when I built my Ottoman Empire and it was like literally 60 times the size of uh well not it was like the same size as France and UK combined meaning like we're like military factories in crap yeah that was the day Italy's the only one left in that data port attack it never mind they've got too many troops there well I wait I could probably keep the attack going yeah we're in a navy yeah but give it like two days and we'll lose trust me we don't have enough soft side they have a lot of defence oh wow I hope they have one in black I say that's what it says it's kind of funny all right the entire border with them is just level five four all right so I've got forty four divisions down the Ottomans there where do you want them um a few nearest Sinai five or six near Sinai and spread them out as much as you can for naval invasions and areas where that's not very covered or where they can [ __ ] me oh you know what I'm just gonna do I'm just gonna put them all in a Eklund okay yeah yeah you can stop attacking that port we're not gonna take it I'll finish the fallback line first I can take the casualties the French think attacking into me is a good idea again they're trying to take Metz you think the same thing in this al they're taking a million casualties kind of funny poor although they're taking the most yeah you've taken the brunt of it but that's cuz you like didn't just been doing desperate attacks in the beginning he had to you know kind of it was to stall I'm just waiting for the next massive attack over here my name is like nothing anymore I finally got a battle cruiser and at this point I thinking probably get it hi I'm up till 8.03 million manpower I'm at two point two to two point two two yay that's so not as good as gaining 0.03 million man power all right they should be garrison in your Coast no you know what skirt I'm just gonna grab me a popular figurehead real fast I've known uh else to look that up attacking at that port no Gallipoli yeah that's that's just now Gallipoli it's not even Gallipoli it's just Gallipoli close enough the funny thing is that Belgium's taken almost the casualties I've taken ya Belgium is just dead on manpower they their own service by requirement us taking a hundred thousand is kind of funny let's see what are all their laws on Britain is Britain has broken a million man power they are below a million there are only a volunteer but that is a that is a blow France is unlimited with 300 thousand remaining the US has 7 million manpower on voluntold France took another Island they're just taking your Islands man the u.s. is pretty much 8 million manpower on volunteer Brazil is on 600,000 Japan is on 500,000 China Ukraine weak I could take over Ukraine technically since I don't have a Italy on at least on 800,000 with extensive then again there on total mobilization so that's probably part of the problem I'm gonna build a cavalry army of 20 divisions cavalry four divisions armored cars and that's just gonna be there like so if any of you are doing a major assault I can use that as a plate break through exploitation force all right let's see if I can bait them into another attack damn dude I know and there goes all right three two one halt yeah here comes the attack France I know from Belgium Belgium just this not that's right legitimately just baiting and spending like 3,000 men to bait this just still going on yeah who's winning we are good what I want let me just let me tell you what's happening here the Russians have capitulated back yeah the untalented up to 1 million losses we're at 700,000 spicy meme that's [ __ ] horror well how did they [ __ ] up a bad day if so many guys we have more factories than all of them combined I have more family as the German Empire I have more factories oh wait not anymore France finally got over a hundred and so did the UK's at like 120 mm-hmm and the and then Spain's finally getting ninety or no no no nevermind I was looking at divisions I look for the wrong one they finally got some real divisions I have 250 Austria's 226 Ottomans up to 30 not the UK yeah the UK is at about 70 France but I have more friends like UK in France France is lagging oh we're way no us yes France is liking hey we should enjoy medium plate tomorrow oh oh he's unfortunately left the game oh I make him AI controlled do it nah nah one second but uh UK in France of about 70 factories I have 160 yeah yeah you the US is really their factory really where their factors are coming from with almost 200 well if they hadn't cooked me over I would have little area in Greece and I would have like probably 80 factories right now well actually over honey mighty fine AI control for France because they didn't want because I'm nice and they decided that they wanted me to do that so wait this is not doing anything France is not doing anything yeah that's pretty much what's happening which is stupid but like okay so what they want France is leaving for five minutes so like oh you're back so they didn't what France to do a merciless assault into my lines that or move their troops at all I mean to France is making up a huge amount of the line here we should do the infection gameplay tomorrow yeah how about not tomorrow cuz I have to help babysit oh no actually I have a party to go tomorrow nevermind put that all right well while that happens I'm gonna go grab dessert Buster I'm gonna have to ask you to take control of any invasions that happen to show up and reinforce the lines even though that won't be necessary yeah yeah if anything starts turning red for too long to start reinforcing it just drop like three men in there and they'll be fine the only things that are red are your attacks yeah I'm not attacking you are that's the Soviets oh yeah Soviets Soviet casualties free manpower to throw at the enemy in case something really bad happens I got my that's on so I can hear you yelling like breaking through okay good yeah I'll run downstairs you guys better wins well we're gonna win this you better I mean we can declare war on Russia anytime and capitulate China and the British Raj nope that one the white faction not one the white faction kicks off going to the Comintern when the white I'm gonna wait for the whites to happen but when that happens you dude one of the oh there is a comma turn I thought that only happened when the rights went off and throw B its form that's when it happens okay so we could do that I'd have to train some divisions but well I'm not doing it now I'm gonna wait till our fronts are more secured and we don't have to Gallipoli v2 it's not my fault I'm gonna try and get up to 300 divisions I'm not until I have positive artillery I'm positive artillery but not by much I think you still like five fellas oh wow I'm making like 16 a day or as it is better than nothing I'm like 17,000 support equipment in the hole though you got any of that support equipment oh my god no I'm only 495 flux right now oh I'm 17 in the hole man I'm not building any factories anymore I'm just building trenches let me let me I would like to M prompt my construction tab right now the entirety look how far in aslan serene level 10 Maas land is going up to level 10 practically with the rest level 5 it's going up is the big one the Rhine I believe that's the Rhine right yeah all right from the provinces right behind the ride all the way to the for the bottom [ __ ] I know it they start at 6 and 5 oh yeah AHS lots of rain starts with level 6 trenches and muslin starts at level 5 [Music] see the smart thing to do is to build level five forts everywhere before you start doing a focus tree so then you get a little 5 plus X bar you can still go after you can do the focus tree then build up a 5 it just you know hey buddy watch it you're losing I'm not losing but you have a really shady yeah yeah yeah I know it's fine I'm moving troops I can move some truth all you need is one division man legitimately one or two divisions will hold a line this line apparently look at that look at that general and Buster's our gate I'm gonna find Collier so you guys win this for the memes catch you later [Music] this is why I'm building trenches hooray but you have the entire Rhine to the Belgian and French front is being global fived hmm oh yeah it's 1913 I totally forgot yeah if anybody wants to get armored cars I've researched them already like the good kind of course you get the good kind which kiss yes 191 days and television over here where Western Balkans I try on it but I'm moving troops oh right as they landed baby get cut and get [ __ ] you little piece of [ __ ] you'll be able to handle it most likely hopefully they're [ __ ] [ __ ] so yeah they have naval superiority above me but they haven't tried to land a single naval invasion I think they've just seen all of my troops I don't even think they can see that 200 days for the stout helm how many divisions oh well okay what I've got almost as many divisions as Germany now Chucky's a while and I've still got 120 and most of them are still like to buy ones don't worry about it man well they really cooked my ability to grow so that's whatever did the Titanic sink yeah it did I remember some long time ago man so my chat was asking Bonjour hello Brazil what do you need nothing I'm just gonna stuff y'all still angry for what starting the world kinda was really good for us since if we're if you guys had like waited you would have liked outnumber us even more what are you talking about it was good for you guys do you see the world ma'am oh you guys did meet oh you guys all you guys did was pick on the little [ __ ] kid the Ottoman Empire and how's it worked out for you not good at all so I mean it hasn't worked out at all like number one Belgium is crippled yep but okay okay you can't argue that it's good for you guys right now you have a piece actually better no look at all those green battles on these do you understand what it okay just because Germany has a lot of divisions in 1914 doesn't mean yeah we're not being worse if you guys have waited no it would have been much worse on y'all if we had waited alright yeah dude kiss yeah exactly it'd have been much worse on us if we had waited you all Central Powers always loose unless they have Italy oh these three always loose no one else in the world is our ally that's it's just the fact there was no way we must have [ __ ] tons of tuitions compared to this doesn't matter dude you realize they're just [ __ ] out divisions right like only because I know how to build a we don't have good people alright that whoops and [ __ ] those entrenched units you have which ones I don't know just the US where I don't know oh it's um South those the trench seven you've got sitting there taking a beating from there I know I keep moving in and out but these are like my one by twos by the way nice I don't understand Italy's point of naval evading more than a thousand field guns before I'm positive making thirty two a day thank the [ __ ] Lord you be positive on field cannons hey Germany how much infantry equipment do you have spare how much do you need well I'm positive I just like to be training divisions how much do you need I have 30,000 so you seem confident I'll have all used an exorbitant number of 50,000 I have 33 I can't get you that oh my god like 250 if he's played his cards do you need artillery Germany I'm only a 900 away I don't need your to it I can send you 9 I have 51,000 infantry equipment oh my god are all right 25,000 should be good it's totally fine one time ship is 25,000 how many did you make it about 70 hopefully how many cannons can you send me I could send you 900 a thousand what aren't you over I've got one point 3k total all right I'll give you 15,000 infantry for that all right sir at least once 15,000 so you just want a thousand artillery is it just drop a thousand I don't get me positive and then I can pull my damn things off artillery that was not a monthly basis I hope you know God 15,000 on a monthly basis [ __ ] [ __ ] I know a lot as the United Kingdom is invading umm is a naval y'avait to me in Arabia I'm gonna need some support you're fine Austria yeah what do you need that's why I need you yes that's all I need some divisions to Qatar like I need at least 10 all right well I'm just bring five will be fine as long as they don't they take guitar 142 days it a trust me trust me they can't take that they can deal eight damage you have 65 defense and now I have 213 there because of my own yeah now you're totally fine they will never be able to kill you so am I good like you're fine yeah yeah you're fine he's winning you did pay in Malmedy why do you have 8m trenches where okay Aslan so ray up you know I told him it's a focus no one questions me and I'm playing a marathon game Rayna I'm hungry oh jeez what's wasn't like anything really thank you but it's the white movement I'm telling ya it is the way mom better be great for us hey what do you know it's the white movement alright so we're just gonna wait and see who wins this and we'll declare on who's winning thought it would be the clown he's losing no whoever wins cuz this Civil War oh yeah if no one pushes though we'll just declare on both of them since they're both in a faction man I lost those Soviet divisions that were constantly attacking you know I lost some cannon fodder no dude Belgium has like no equipment oh I know well you took leash how does leaves control that one area because it's the only victory point now they have another one with five and while only it's not me or my neighbor but it's worth the most once you have over 50% of the victory points then you own the province I think I have a decent maybe I can't even see how much that province is worth they just have ships out there just looking at my coat so they know where to invade and we're not there yeah bail Tintin legitimately cooked they have half of the manpower they could though they have half of the factories they could have April in June us is eyeing a naval invasion forgetting which we call it um Sinai well there there maybe look Palestine yeah they're looking probably they've got ships there so like they're probably looking for maybe a type of naval invasion trying are you guys doing on your offensive in there for a long time my offensive doctrine is on counter-offensive alright I just finished that I'm getting spit I'm doing entrenching I tell me days to do it Oh your stolen entrenching yeah you were really far behind yeah I was doing other stuff I got nine oh well I'm working on my on my specific encirclements I wonder if I should try and bait another attack should I do it I mean if you'd like to sure so Italy is about to lose this Libya is just be a thorn in their side not to take care of with my focus like what happened Livia they're gonna lose oh nice hopefully they lose Livia okay so like so if we're going to war with Russia am I gonna be sending troops that way or I'll be sending troops that way cuz I have so many more than they do currently it's 75 to 80 and 144 to 150 I've got 266 divisions right now and I can drop them so many more right now about a hundred and forty days I'll have a snow home all right probably pull some gun some of these all feel artillery it's good support equipment done let's see how long do I have to on that 140 it ain't nothing [ __ ] you [ __ ] dog Japan is requesting a Lindley's for me what the hell yes you're not at war or with them one second Japan has almost 300 divisions oh geez they have like 200,000 are not 200 like 400,000 manpower oh let's take a look at the field of manpower here it's almost equal for the main war thank you oh yes so like total they've got like seven million manpower fielded whereas we've got 4.34 so for everyone we're almost out numbered but we're outnumbered almost - yeah 4.91 and they have pretty much 7 million out there who uh yeah all of our enemies versus all of us in total we have 4.91 so we're pretty much running 5 they are running about 7 if you add in the Japanese Brazilian war as well the one that you're not in because we don't want to have them we want to have two separate factions because if we kill the Empire Japan in Brazil that's two countries out and they never got to join the Anton that also means to win against the on top we don't have to invade Japan hmm we do have to get to America so also I would like to point that the Mexican civil war is still a thing mm-hmm I find that funny let's go math go let's go which one I want it it's an attack by the Belgians we're trying to take lays the freaking Belgians man in a no quarter we're the ones showing no hater the Italians are also trying to push oh yeah - well no better looks casualties just went up 8,000 I have 96 divisions in the Alps Oh Frances back so France is gonna or well France is back in discord so they're gonna hope well I mean they're gonna join back soon Oh Italy better go deal with that let's light them to the faction no no I'm not going to but that's funny you can invite Italy to the face no no that's the order they have zero men not a very good revolt if you tell me alright the Italian Oh God are those not Italians what is our Spanish yeah on my border that's a Spanish assault yeah also guarding their own grab the Benelux just went up from 118 to 152 casualties don't man Italy's focused on me Spanish casualties are up to 71 74 my mom if I did if I didn't have to change my strategy which I normally do for the Ottomans how to kick the [ __ ] of Italy in the first war I have Libya why are you guys about letting France back in uh he hasn't oh wait it's not doing oh yeah I've got it yeah ha join was turned off Tom what is France gonna do attack some more and lose more troops I guess I hope so I need some more veterans I've only got some seasoned I didn't I don't get veterans in the Sinai they doing pretty good pushing it's my 200 rifle or 2,000 men in each division well they probably have like 20 in each of the divisions you do jack all for damage against them defense it's fine for the damage not oh oh yeah by the way they pushed into one area and the south bein just jumped from 70 to 100 and 7000 guys help me push back in Rubik out there they're having an offensive right now okay all right Yemen just lost territory yeah I know they're pushing me that's what I was saying I knew I was gonna need help on there because they're gonna focus on it cuz they're [ __ ] [ __ ] Spain is up to 110 thousand casualties they jumped up 45 I'm moving 10 divisions to help you might even be able to push him back Spain took 40,000 casualties in that offensive in Italy in that Italian offensive nice what do I have down here in Arabia nothing I could pull up and cut my losses okay which is better heart attack or soft attack soft attack they're legitimately only infantry oh wait dude hey what if we start um requesting license production from the sensi order what do you mean what do they request license production and what you can do it you give them military factories alright not military civilian and they can build military that's too late man yeah they don't have any sunblock so it's not gonna work they're already did it I gave them a factory not lose land are they how they are they are I mean the u.s. put some troops on it get us a much softer attack in the air divisions as you can because of the defense being so high in this sacking Thessaloniki where is that in Greece that's the Ottoman they're not going to ten Italians yeah they're stalled but uh since defense is so ridiculously high compared to attack in this if you can actually get moderate attack you're good to go you're gonna need to reinforce I know I'm trying to find start attacking at Gallipoli again I'll grab two of the divisions off the German border why not the Greek border that's what I'm doing I'm moving right now alright France is joining in alright now I can get more kills yeah either that are they can [ __ ] with the [ __ ] kid me for a little while longer maybe if it and you know what I'm immediately gonna do as soon as we load in what do a bait attack know what I'm gonna do I believe Loudoun I'm gonna drill a Arabia no no don't do that why that's too far and how is it too far they picked on me like I was a [ __ ] kid I don't sit down and let that happen we're picking on them like they're [ __ ] cuz they act like ones up here just cuz they're [ __ ] doesn't mean that oh wait what the hell is it oh wait what's that that was Brazil whatever still crashed so I declined ai-controlled he'll join me but man Brazil I mean Abele invade bazzill we must quickly naval invade Brazil France right now I just put a meme I'm gonna get Bulgaria and this have you been able to invite them this entire time no I'm just going down the tree to get them okay yeah should I kill Romania no a what send troops I've got 45 divisions that I can just put there we can invite them oh yes mustard gas we can't we can't invite Romania they're not do hey I've done my focuses and they still hate me then that they hate you they just gotta like leader yeah they're just gonna like us enough should i improve relations with oh yeah they're good as long as they don't join me on top we're fine but keep divisions on there I were gonna take out this Italians again are the nubile Italy I'm getting croup 75 millimeter cannons bicycle divisions in nineteen yeah bicycle Commission's no it's just like they do okay well said well said when the [ __ ] of the Russians we're gonna do something god damn is things along I'm making a group attack I'm making it ten with motorized infantry division two truck into Moscow worth seems legit hey hey hey I'm just calling on the Moscow truckers hey hey guess what I'm about to release the Empire of Nasheed don't why we're not releasing we're not doing that cancer it's not cancer it's amazing alright so the Russians are doing the exact same thing they did last time so I'm going to justify a war goal on both of them oh um Brazil is turning back oh yeah we don't have [ __ ] insignificant nations like goddamn I just want to finish this [ __ ] it's been too long like I don't not that I don't care about the game anymore it's just like these people drive me crazy like this is when we shot back in the war like okay the war ain't even started IRL yet like I would know I would have like 50 military and like probably 80 civilian at this point 200 really strong divisions that can stomp anything just greater cameras decent Navy and I don't welcome to the fun zone yes I mean they're having the exact same process the pain zone they're having the exact same problem though they have no idea how to deal with the war Gabe leash I said [ __ ] off they're telling me to chill down over my cold dead Prussian had I likes nobody mention it suck his mom's teeny let what told him to suck his mom's dick and there we go okay actually loads this time there we go eight all right I'm back what the [ __ ] was that what did you say I said over my called ed Prussian body if you're gonna ask for the yueqin wait who is this oh he's gone that was us a strat talk um I have a joke to tell your stream can I say it okay sure um have you ever read Ethiopian food neither have they go [ __ ] yourselves Stalin wait what is omega what did you [Music] have you ever tried easy Oh have you ever tried to eat the opium food neither have they fun oh I'm going for nukes guys I'm going for nukes we're gonna have them in here early and have a year early guys Oh No Brazil join the on top now they can combine our wars no but they're not going to alright watch what watch this front real fast let's see if they do it 5-4 Wow time is freezing did I accidentally send all of those to [ __ ] oh I just sent 50 divisions towards jaws fun umm I can always use more divisions but you guys got a chill are they all going on here jaws now I I it was a mistake got right what now understand why they still kept that port at birth sites oh yes the counter-attack do it Belgium do it yes Belgium dangit Belgium keep attacking I took 10,000 casualties to get you to do that alright how am i four it's coming along are not my forts by trenches let's see level five generals alright level fives are starting to show up some of them are getting built alright Ryman's getting a few Muslims almost done beautiful now trying to be a dick here but I'm really not having any fun right now it's pretty pretty a pretty annoying at this point just gotta see the brighter side of things man there's no bright side now this austro-hungarian troops and I should have a good music mod why are you troops still moving down there jazz I i'm reforming the line how long do you take to reform the line it's lagging like hell man yeah like it's cuz we have 11 players you we once the once you we won six Tennessee Nocona said we once we are the one I am the one that is amazing I can get up to a hundred soft attack now Gott mit uns good idea look look at lemon listen near Bordeaux to the left to the right of Bordeaux i damaged an infrastructure a little brown that's pretty no no the wars combined so with everything is cancer now Japan is about to drop 200 divisions on this front which is just gonna be more casualties oh and they're also gonna drop it on the sub nope they're probably gonna take me out first now that I think about it what they're gonna they're going they're gunning for you they're probably gonna try that Oh Japan's not in Japan is it in the untucked I'm sorry they are in the war though let me let me explain you to you how [ __ ] the United Kingdom was okay they took divisions from Nepal and Bhutan and drain them of manpower like they just decided that let's use Nepal and what is the point like Napolitan divisions what are they gonna what are they gonna do net police I believe this Neapolitan I like Neapolitan ice cream I can deal a third of their defense now in damage I think it might be wise to open up another front stage of cooing British Raj well okay that's an idea right it is what we're both authoritarian so we can't do it Japan has a war goal against the Soviet Union currently oh I just got 1914 artillery hooray oh boy whose game has become monotonous it's it's not here come on man the war hasn't even kicked off like it would we'd have been sitting here for the last two hours doing this yeah anyway I would be able to trash the [ __ ] idiots in the Arabian Peninsula and they wouldn't have pushed me to tiles which really bugs me in fact they push me details it's yes it'll be okay miles but it bugs the [ __ ] I it'll be ok whoop Senor it's fine whoops in I mean I'm getting 500 defense here how are they pushing me in winning like it make any [ __ ] sense well cuz you're not doing enough attack well I'm doing 70 attack now either in 38 I was doing 70 if you found not enough what do you mine my heart attack is you see that bump your heart your soft attack up as much as you can it is it's a 26 off attacks and 183 defense I only make guns dude I'd only make guns all right I need to build more military factories let's what I'll hold on the entrenchment the heck is this like probably someone else really bad I am thinking just amount of frickin divisions Cheryl look at this look at the clock go it's like not mope I mean it would be worse if this was the regular game though gotta admit no actually it goes much smoother than this cuz there's no retardation in it like Brazil who plays is Brazil Brazilians Brazilian wax whatever alright let's do another assault nope today oh okay have a nice table Zell allosaurus probably good oh he knows is just say good night allies die yeah little do we know he was actually saying good night to the Allies as he secretly invades America what they exist what the hell they continue to be a thing this [ __ ] since the order which if I'm not mistaken Buster still has his I'm giving him a factory oh gosh good god man all right go 60 days till I get re remade infantry oh I got 63 121 the game choice 5% go up 5 that's nice dude 5% defense they'll never be a push to me I will lick their nuts what I won't do that I will do nothing of licking could probably upgrade all my divisions to my mighty by 5x take about 5 it's 5 by 2 it's 2 by 2 by 2 by 5 yes it is all of their divisions along the Italian border are mountain infantry you should do that to yours at least a half of them ok I've got like a hundred 16 divisions there so basically what war 2 has been going on for about two years guys and nothing's happened except for a Russia going away and then you know no one's being a sliver and bellhousing my Moscow my Moscow truckers are up to two by 5's we call them Moscow truckers yes we should hi guys my name is Logan Paul let's go video a dead body cuz it actually matters it really actually matters that it was someone to commit a suicide like holy hell YouTube and all you celebrities that were like how dare you talk about suicide okay first of all [ __ ] let's get one thing straight he's a youtuber he's there for entertainment who cares have you show some Japanese monkey did like holy crap she committed suicide on her own or his own I don't know who I don't know what it was you know hung itself you know I'm caught in it committing suicide is a selfish act it's not something that we need to glorify and be like we need to make this a public thing no you need to call him a dumb idiot and get it over with and then we'll do it and they do it they're [ __ ] there we go fix problem problems fix when you hear the sound of thunder grab your Thunder buddy and say these magic words Thunder you can certainly take what's wrong what's wrong nothin did I just assume through skier everybody we're just like doing other stuff right now I can tell besides talking okay bastard notice oh no what I think I'm gonna make some dinner what you gonna mean what else we gonna do I mean I have to worry about a lot of things do you not see the fact I'm the only one being pushed from like six different fronts I got a front gallipoli I got a front and signing I got a front in the Arabian and I worry about all my stinking ports I got a front Italy I've got a front in I've got a front Montenegro I've got a front guarding Germany's ports I've got a front against Romania Jane you've also got 300 divisions you quad knuckle [ __ ] about somebody who's got a lot to manage I got 120 exactly my the amount that you have to manage exponentially I've got a bigger Navy than you oof I'm so you better be scared dad I'm get up on them butter than biscuits what I'm gonna get up on you buddy biscuits boy you don't watch it really there's nothing bake it butters if you don't want you butter biscuits I have a level six general cuz the [ __ ] is down here keep attacking in there AV pencil and it's like oh my god will you kill yourself please oh gosh yeah I'm gonna make some yes I won't die I won't die yes sir if anything happens I won't be able to hear you so okay I'll be Attard I probably won't be on for more than a couple bit hey did you notice that the capital of since the order is the Libyan desert and it's 45,000 people I probably should have just left and like message one of you guys and then that way the stream would and they wouldn't be able to stream snipers huh they're not stream snipe and luckily oh wait a minute what does there's no they always seem another gap in my line this can i push italy on well i'm winning you're winning a few oh my god there's solo organization they're facing so much attrition focus on certain areas where you can attack from three or four areas like you see where you were like surround and focus oh holy [ __ ] tory shoot da da or a poopoo 30 division just dropped from the french throught front me and part you don't screw japan will be a little towards art crabcake liquor dude they're attrition is so bad you're going to smash them in the booty hole keep smashing what your boot hole well maybe I shouldn't go for dinner right now yeah just stay for a little longer yeah don't eat noodles justifying Japan is just an empire Japan is testifying against me how they are they just gay already at war with me they're being gay I think they're pushing on your front by the way no they're not ah buster I would stop pushing on certain areas where you're losing and focus on many areas where you can attack from four different places I will endure no you want should I give up the Italian offensive just cancel the order and then manually select the ones that are in the losing battles and tell them to hold cuz you got a few medals it's a click and drag and hit the H button I'm just gonna I'm just gonna keep the offensive going no no no no buster I will literally jump to where you live because I know and nobody else does you kill you got uh I gotta get the pressure up my dudes I got to keep the pressure keep up the pressure no no you don't you don't need the pressure all I want to do is just have a nice peaceful Empire but I can't like who said I gave a crap about the [ __ ] people like I didn't really care about joining the Central Powers I just wanted to have a big ol Empire alright the Italian offensive has done that fight myself my Serbian war but no we had to do something stupid also this game is going really slow I'm about to die like literally about to pass out got two hours last night that sucks to be you know it sucks to be you alright now I'm gonna go get dinner cuz you'll be without an hour butter them biscuits not butter them cheeks boy my butter is cheeks Oh and love like people texted me the entire time playing this game and I just like have it really I'll be right back I'm showing someone what's going on in our war what happened in Brazil he left okay bye it's just so quiet Omega Oh God afforded Omega I'm back for a quick second is there anything I need to be able not really go make a left to wait oh my god has to like go no he like left like I don't know he just kind of like like he told me a you something about showing somebody about this game I don't know I am tired I can't think ah okay all right so nothing bad happen good does all scream whoo how's the stream going oh no I'm just I haven't checked it like two minutes ago whenever I do check my freaking text messages said like 30 of them people doing they're attacking leash and there's nothing Germany can do about it because it may get away and we're winning so cuz that's where it all is factories are oh six days until I get fighters dude do you see all the civilian factories that he's building there Germany where's the CIA Maloney he's just smashing down civilian factories click on it it's just making it look more oh my god more enticing to them I have a question at any point is there an event that into the war know few people okay I mean technically you just like repeat whatever yeah why's everybody always leave when I'm trying to speak like [ __ ] those [ __ ] yeah I'm officially at 300 division a I could probably start to build other stuff other than just effort or equipment but wait honestly the fun is behind this game for a while hopefully there's something that like thumbs up book well ever since they decided to pick on me for no reason it's like okay come on man I wasn't planning on joining the war for a while like and you had to do that like I was gonna be peaceful you crap we're not peaceful just like not give a crap I mean I understand you know I was gonna be in the war sooner or later but I know yeah they're attacking in the turret front they must know that he's not there they must've they must somehow probably watching my stream all right I'll be right back okay become a second I mentioned they must be watching the stream they stop attacking Omega yeah why would I die [Music] right I'm back again I'm taking a lot more casualties as the time as like Tom wears on and they're not taking it because they're not attacking they're just comfortable where they're at I mean if there wasn't a Spain player oh okay fighters researched I can't really produce some no I've got like 94 aircraft I got more than Britain or France I know hey guys hey we're gonna end this or like yeah we ask please it's not fun for anyone okay if you wouldn't have picked on the Ottoman kid you'd have had an easier time I wasn't gonna work you decided to pick on the Ottoman me I wasn't gonna join the war and I decided to pick on me so okay ladies feel me I didn't do anything wait really yeah I was enjoying the work like I hope we didn't make any attempt to join that's why I was posing only on myself that's why I had no troops ready cuz I wasn't planning on joining it cuz we thought you're gonna join the war because what if someone called out your focus tree was going for war so I declared on you to get a jump on you my my focus tree was going on to clean up the Arabian Peninsula I was actually gonna friend everybody actually I was gonna take over when the Serbian war kicked off I was gonna take over them and then just be happy you know I was probably Iran that's called that and you certainly what's with declaring war that early yeah Germans got if it worked out how I wanted it to work out it had been okay Buster didn't okay since we have a faction and manager and faction manager cost I was easy for Italy to join the the affection so we weren't ya he wasn't accounting for that so if we had a base game you know without the zero cost it would have worked out and he probably would have pushed you all day lease paris i had a zero cost because like who at least theorists your high no no no he would have pushed you to paris for sure i had two guys had russia two divisions and player on just paris know if i wasn't in it then spain would have his like sixty some troops on france yeah but the doctor saying like if he had a part of the war that's about probably i mean he had to divert only recent survey during the war is because it's a glitch in the scripting that serbia montenegro half a joint I don't know why I mean it's because it's what actually happened but if you start the war early they join no matter what so Austria was but screwed by that and it wasn't for that and I've seen it work out a billion tiny hey I don't want to hear your what-if sorry it's not about if it's what and I had you said you declare were through event and not like do an event I wasn't the event existed we had too many forces on Parris tree to take it we have like all right that's why I said we would have pushed you to Paris I don't think we would be Paris but I know it would have like in a decent part of France and then at that point idly would probably join and it would just be a stalemate until I joined like probably sometime in the 16 or 17 but you know well we're never gonna get to the 16 17 we're going at one speed oh yeah yeah but like if I if I had my way I probably would that during the war at all why would he just let y'all find it out and be like whoever offers me the best thing gets it now if you said something about that I told he would have liked offer do you like well no like I I wanted to come down and be like well the [ __ ] you pick it on the autistic kid that like number one I wasn't prepared for a war I didn't build any divisions or design any of them like literally if you noticed the entire time I played I've only used infantry I haven't used any I notice that I noticed that Egyptians the Egyptian Civil War for you was a mistake because that just gave 2gj got many more divisions yeah yeah it went from like 1 to 15 wait were you guys the ones who did the thing in Libya the sense yeah the thing is supposed to be the entirety of Libya for some reason it doesn't always work out the sense you order is supposed to take over all of Libya it's my focus I can turn all my old colonies against you guys so basically Egypt is supposed to go to war with Britain but it never does it just stays in the on top same thing with the since the order it's just a little stupid well this is the order we went to war with we killed them and then we got a white piece for some reason yeah and then they took away one civilian factory from Italy yeah no actually that's a Buster's he he bought a um Ellen Lee's licensed production from them for some reason I don't know why to give him a factory to screw you guys yeah we were gonna give him a whole bunch of factories but then I realize unless they actually go down and get military factories that it's like your units yeah I think we should call it a tie all right can we do another game and world war two yeah yeah if the game was right it don't end it for another like for another like ten days please cuz I have something I left can read your Kaiser am it no oh please I would rather fill myself with a rotten potato I'm in disgrace in them yeah we're just doing World War two wait wait Germany reason again oh I really want to be a miner me too I never got to show a Ottoman Empire I was gonna build a baby yeah let's leave I have an invasion by the way Landon are we gonna do Road 256 yeah yes please where'd the naval invasion land that you're talking about no it's so prepare for another like three days and it's gonna take like ammonia so well I was gonna try and um like I was able to guard most of my my port stuff yeah yeah you did a really good job believers are not all my port guards are uh one by two yo you know you know that or I have as the icon your Gallipoli yes we call that the new literally I was so [ __ ] pissed off I was talking so much no dude the [ __ ] you know I built that port right I know I was so bad I was like because I noticed it too late and I thought I made it onto the land too so that defended it too yes I made it a friendly dude did you know what happened over wait listen quit with the tie fish listen Ottomans when you were pushing right you know how important don't build when you're getting attacked yeah that's what I do yeah you attacked me when there was one day left yeah I agree that the reason it built is because while you were running into the promise serious yeah oh my god kill myself can someone please explain the civil mechanics like if I don't oh oh Russia was broken and this is why that civil war isn't supposed to happen until later in the years that's not what I meant I meant for the Spanish Civil War if I build troops a national Spain side like before the war where they stay with nationalists know what happens is whatever troops you have like pretty much get split yeah but the thing is is you also spawn with more troops yeah basically it's almost wiped a clean slate it's bait it is it is a clean slate basically all the troops you have are basically gone like canwest ever do is to not train anything to 56 trade ok listen the chat is what I'll say we pretty much won that though what I gained 1.2 million losses for the on tante you civilian no billion well I mean I think you million losses Russia capitulated I mean for a second so I can oh it was 2 percent in favor of the defenders apparently that was due to Austrian casualties we did order in the court okay so suck a ball the mods are Clare led Peace Conference on livestream
Channel: Balls Of Iron
Views: 6,277
Rating: 4.7629628 out of 5
Id: h_5AXkfMT3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 25sec (14185 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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