Hearts of Iron IV "Tutorial" w/ Barry & iSorrow -14th March 2017
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Channel: Yogscast Live
Views: 324,927
Rating: 4.6997547 out of 5
Keywords: Yogscast, The Yogscast, Livestream, twitch, stream, highlights, vod, barrypyrionstream, barry, isorrow, isorrowproductions, hearts of iron, hearts of iron iv, hoi, hoi iv, hoi 4, guide, tutorial, how to
Id: ZuZ1JFW37gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 8sec (11768 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
So when is he getting a formal Invite only to be kicked out half an hour later?
I didn't watch the whole stream but tell me iSorrow drove a truck into Moscow
Ah yes, iSorrows takes his first step into Yogscast grounds, unaware that 20 years from now, he would be in Simon's place as dictator of the Yogscast.
Holy shit that Barry and ISP is a great combination. Only livestream VOD I've ever watched in full, and now I wish there were four more hours of it.
This is something I never thought would happen. Although saying that, Isorrowz is probably one of the quickest growing channels atm so it seems pretty in favour of the Yogscast to work with him.
I can't stand this dude. The thumbnails and titles of his videos are meme of the week cancer level shit. He might be getting traction but I wonder what kind of audience he has. The "barely over 10 minutes" length he's got going on isn't promising either.