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hey everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video in this video you can see we are in a different place than we usually are this is definitely not the studio we are actually at an ice rink right now and i don't have my mask on because we rented the whole place to be covered safe but okay you guys may have seen this in some other videos but i've been teasing that i used to be a figure skater i was a competitive figure skater for quite a long time and i've mentioned in a few videos about my figure skating past and you guys have been really interested to see like a video concept basically where x figure skater tries skating again after such and such years so i haven't done figure skating in eight years i quit eight years ago so it's been a very long time i've been figure skating like well not really figure skating i've been like skating on little like rings just skating around but trying like jumps and spins and things definitely have not tried i woke up with like the biggest upset stomach because i am so nervous i really don't want to hurt myself i actually went to the chiropractor two times this week to be ready for this because my bone density is that of like a 70 year old i'm gonna get my skates on and we're gonna try it today hopefully it goes well and i can show you guys some of the stuff that i used to do i used to be a competitive figure skater who skated six days a week and it was like two hours of skating one and a half hours of off ice every single day so it was like a lot it was a lot and i used to compete quite a lot and honestly i did decent in competition so we'll see if i've still got some of that talent so these are not the figure skates that i used to skate in i actually got a pair once my feet stopped growing but they looked kind of like this the only difference is when i used to skate i had jumping blades which basically meant there were holes in the blades to make them a little bit lighter i still to this day don't know if it makes that big of a difference but it looked cool so i liked it when i was young we were looking through some keepsake boxes and i didn't keep all of my skating dresses some of them i got rid of afterwards but my grandma actually used to make some of my skating dresses so we kept them because obviously they're keepsakes so here is one that i wore quite a lot there's a little snowflake on here and as you can see it's very small if you guys want to see like a q a of figure skating sometime maybe i'll try and put one of these on it'll probably be really embarrassing but then here's this other green one and i have a few little videos that i'll show but it's been hard to find stuff i think i have more pictures than videos from me figure skating okay i'm about to try to record the only disc and routine i could find i was looking far and wide for any sort of recording if you can hear that is the computer having trouble reading this disc from 2011 i've already tried like three different ways to read it i'm getting concerned that it won't work but this was a ice show where the theme was alice in wonderland and i was actually alice so lead role okay but for real i think i do a few things in it so we'll watch oh my goodness that startup sound i don't know how this is gonna go you can hear the disk drive is working overtime this is an old macbook it's my mom's but it's the only one that will play this disc yes [Applause] i taunt skating for a bit so this is me just leading a routine for kids that are younger than me it's not super exciting unless one of them is your kid but we'll just speed through this part [Music] this is me i'm in a few others but we'll do this this is my alice in wonderland solo it's very different than my competitive routines less jumps less spins but it's still pretty good and it's the only one i could find sadly i couldn't use the music because it was copyrighted but just take a look oh what did you think what'd you think of my routine i'm gonna put these on [Music] let's do this my dad's here he wanted to come and watch he used to watch my figure skating pretty much every day and was that all my competitions hyping me up dad you know what we should tell the competition i was at when i stepped on the ice and forgot my entire routine so i made one up on the spot and then i got second seriously i forgot my entire routine the second i stepped on the ice i made one up like i didn't skate off i just like was like whatever i'll just do something and i was like super upset when i got off the ice because i didn't get to do my new routine and then i got second we're like should we just leave yeah we were like should we just leave she clearly didn't place she didn't even know what she was doing out there your coach looked at me in the stands and she's like shaking her head like i was just skating around the ice randomly trying to get points don't get confused you guys i'm not stretching because i'm going to do anything really great i'm stretching because i'm a 80 year old in a 21 year old body all right you guys let's see after eight years how i can skate i'm going to start off by just doing a lap and we'll see how it goes right now i feel okay my biggest fear is getting a toe pick and landing straight on my face i did that way too much when i was young so goal don't hit your face on the boards and don't hit your face on the ice [Music] i gotta keep my arms up cause i fall oh my gosh i'm already out of breath i remember when i was young and i would skate i remember being like why are people out of breath and like i get it now like i just did one laugh and i'm out of breath all right skate backwards i love skating backwards because i can't hit my toe pick come with me little ming you now you don't hate your topic should i ask on instagram what people want to see all right you guys i'm going to ask you guys on instagram what you'd like to see me try see if i can still do it we'll see what you guys want to see [Music] oh my gosh you guys are crazy the first one was a flip i can't do a flip you guys want to see me do a flip okay oh sorry guys the camera cut out i don't know why backward skate we already did that jump and axel so when i quit skating i was just starting doing doubles so an axle still was still pretty difficult for me so i'll definitely maybe try an axle oh no but i don't think i'll be trying any doubles but we'll see but i can definitely try singles for sure people don't want me to hurt myself that's nice thanks guys sounds like you guys just want to see a bit of everything so i'll just try what i used to do i'm gonna try and do a simple spin to start my favorite spin of all times i don't remember what it was called but you'd go like this and jump into it backwards and then down on your wrong foot so hopefully we can build up to that but i'll start with just an easy one i feel like i'm gonna have like snot flying across the ring let's see i'm gonna get dizzy [Music] oh no oh my gosh whoa oh my gosh that did not used to happen to me aging is quite the term you guys let me try that again oh my god little dad's coming on guys he couldn't stay away he watched for a minute and then he's gotta come on a race oh gosh okay [Music] [Music] oh my gosh that was scary i think we should go again [Applause] maybe we'll start with some easier stuff actually we'll get back to the spins i'll do a bunny hop this is how the kids did bunny hop when i used to teach skating but this is how the professionals do bunny hop what clearly i'm not a professional anymore but that's what they used to do you want to see me shoot the duck dad all right oh no oh i yeah don't shoot the duck you guys it's just a name after this i was really curious where the name came from so i did a little google search and sure enough it didn't really come from anywhere i guess i don't know why it's named that you still got it really that's a hard thing thank you i always liked doing spirals backwards so there was no risk of falling on my face and the judges thought it was more impressive so i'll try that [Music] i don't remember what way i go [Music] how's my leg is it straight is it straight [Music] the judges love that give him a little razzle dazzle we've seen lunges we've seen spirals do you want to see the beginning of one of my routines oh yeah this is the pink panther routine it won me gold three times because judges ain't never seen nothing like this before so how it went was i was in all pink and fishnets and i started on the boards where the people played the music i'd skate right up to them and they thought i always had a problem with my music but then i'd give them the flip and down like this i think i got a problem with my music i'm skating over to tell them [Applause] if you've seen the pink panther then you know the music but it basically would start with a pop-up you look both ways and then you skate go go go and i don't remember the rest but i know there was something like this people love that they weren't expecting that from a 10 year old i'm going to take a drink and then we're going to get into some jumps and some harder spins do i look messed up by now because i'm tired let's try this it's gonna be spiral pike up we'll see okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] wow oh god oh god this is not looking good for me doing my jumping spins this is gonna bother me now i'm getting memories back when i was a figure skater all right i'm doing a jump because i don't care about my body i'm doing a jumping spin this is my favorite jump this is the last jump i learned before i quit and i love it it's a flying i don't even remember what it's called like flying spiral or something i'm not sure [Music] that was better than i was expecting that was not bad i like that flying one [Music] all right so i'm gonna try my jumps now i'm gonna try i'm gonna build up from easiest to hardest i don't think i'm gonna do any doubles when i quit bigger skating i could do like one or two doubles maybe so it was new back then so i already know eight years later i don't think i'll be able to do it but i can do the little stuff so we'll try it we'll start with the easiest thing what'd you think how was it dow cow hold that landing [Music] triple axel edit the ground out those are all of them now i have this weird one to spin again because i'm not feeling sick anymore sick again my gosh i should not have done that [Music] is there anyone in here to help me i'm so nauseous you guys i just filmed a tick tock where i had to spin really quick and i did it so many times i love spinning but seriously my my brain is not used to it my brain is being thrown around in my head right now um i'm trying to think of more things to try if there is anything else you guys would like to see me try make sure to comment down below and we can do a part two to this video or if there's anything else you'd like to know about competitive skating ask me i'm not an expert but i did it for a while and yeah this was a lot of fun i haven't been able to try the old skating moves i loved skating so much and honestly it was a lot of fun coming here and just trying everything i hope this lived up to your expectations i was surprised when you guys were interested to see this video so hopefully you enjoyed and i will see you guys in the next one [Music] goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 731,717
Rating: 4.9827118 out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, ex figure skater tries skating for the first time in 10 years, figure skating for the first time in 10 years, figure skating, competitive figure skating, athlete tries sport 10 years later, come skate with me, my sport of choice, figure skating after 10 years, skating, figure skating compeition, come compete with me, skating vlog, day in the life of a figure skater, athlete vlog, daily vlog competition day
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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