Hitman 3 but I kill everyone on the map

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/u/thisisxay's murderous tendencies exposed for the world to see B)

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Takotakotakotakotako 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing some hitman 3. now you might remember on hitman 2 we went through a lot of the maps killing everybody and well like any good serial killer it's time to escalate we're moving on to hitman 3 and we're going to england if that weather doesn't make you murderous i don't know what will anyway let's jump in shall we okay so what we're going to do is we're going to try and kill the entire population of england but today we're just starting with this i'm just wondering can i just it's just a briefcase bash oh oh i'm fine i swore he was there a second ago yeah i could have sworn he was here too let's keep looking i got other cases to solve though so you try and root him out and i'll root out the other murderer i didn't even kill them i just knocked him out took the eyes closed then walked away what even is stealth that is still you may not like it but this is peak stealth oh god someone's coming i see someone on the map why is there a white dot running around just out here what did you bring an extra set of clothes or what he's in his same clothes again i'm just trying to figure out where he's going i think he's going back to the car he's a bit lost mr whitmer thank god you're here what can i take you to madam carlisle um yes please she's like i could have sworn you just walked off the other way he's like how have i broken the game literally in their driveway oh god is he just back in his car he is he's just having an existential crisis look at him at least i got my briefcase back i wonder if i could hide a um retrieved snowball no that comes later that's the secret weapon oh the perfect weapon oh god she has one too i better be careful i don't think that would work at least she'll be clean i was about to say when she wakes up i know i snapped her neck it's not how these things work all right time to hide some bodies in the hedge maze but to hide some bodies i'm gonna have to make some bodies oh this is going surprisingly well they're i mean they're finding a lot of bodies but there's no way to pin them on me other than the fact people started dying exactly when i showed up but they don't think about it that much this is a thank you very much for the five subs by the way that is very very kind to you i'm gonna kill someone just for you the next kill is for you if i know you and i do very very well you hate gardeners so i guess i'll target the gardeners on your behalf [Laughter] a master assassin they're all going to have briefcase marks on them they're going to struggle so much that combination it was so slick no oh god he's fighting back no no no no no no you can't beat a briefcase with a gun it's physically impossible all right i've taken out my secret weapon oh zay i can't believe you've done this it's onsei's fault no one knows it was me somehow i got out of that situation oh god i'm gonna need a fish if i'm gonna get this job done zay i know you want me to murder every gardener to ever live but i think i should leave the area i can't always do what you want to do say he's probably there just like i'm just trying to support the dude and now he's framing me for merging okay i'm gonna head inside for a bit outside is getting a bit uh dicey wait oh my god this is the closet they're keeping the bodies in i'm gonna level with you here folks you're gonna need a bigger closet [Laughter] there's gonna be a big pile of fish oh let's just all falling over him wow can you smell it i had beans and i think they were off sorry you kind of ruined the moment what was that did you hear that all right never mind i like how he's saying that about his beans but i'm here holding a fish a rod just a raw fish oh oh oh no the bean dude come here i think i can kill these people pretty quick what oh they didn't even notice okay well then just take out the full-size axe something about the axe is just so much more vicious than the rest of the items oh no no no no he's running straight out i didn't know there was a door there no they'll never know it was me he's over there do you think i could take out these gardeners before they get away oh jesus with situational awareness like that i think so look at him he's having an existential crisis he's like i thought i was i thought i was dead but then i got revived but then i went up to the castle but i was already in there so i ran down [Laughter] he's just so confused oh all right here we go no don't fake surrender don't fake surrender why does it have to be the same button all right what what's going on here what happened what you're so speed on my way then hello i heard what why are you naked wait are you the pi excuse me i'm talking to you oh he is the pi one second i looked in the bush and i didn't find anyone this guy is going through torture oh it's the beans dude he's forgotten me i didn't make that much of an impression good man looking good thank you why is your opinion changed to me you didn't seem to care about impressing me earlier anyway i don't like you i love the punches in this game just the sound effect i don't think any murders are going to be solved today there's way too many of them oh god i hope no one see wait that's him again he's in the closet oh my god i'm going back down there and i'm gonna teach him a lesson how does he have so many changes of clothes but they're all the same this is just all over the place this is just all over the second place how many times have i knocked him out how many changes of clothing does he have you just keep stripping him he deserves to be stripped of his job okay but i've just been stripping his clothes it's symbolism i am an artist oh oh okay now this is awkward one second hold on all right hold on there we go okay that was really awkward thank god they're dead and they'll they'll just not be able to remember that moment i won't have to stay up thinking about it at night no please help me the way he said that's so monotone is that a brick yes the perfect weapon other than the fish it goes fish brick machine gun second i want to see can i just start filling the grave for no reason i can okay there's a mid-murder spree he just goes digging oh and he does it fast too right well that's a bit odd just fill the grave for no reason it's his call sign if you see a fresh mound of earth you know it's the shovel killer can i get you from here lady oh i think that was caught on camera the camera's looking right at her that and the mound is how they're gonna know it was me the shovel killer a shovel just comes in from off screen oh she's giving a talk the undertaker should be here for a talk i mean the wrestler by the way not me i just think it would be cool to have a celebrity appearance at the funeral choke someone for 30 seconds it's an easter egg all right i can try and choke this lady out how long are we going i can't do this just get it over with ah someone spared me hold on no the oh i just gently threw him a fish as some sort of bribe and now we need to just i did that on camera the camera was showing off the top left for effect's sake who do you think could have done it i bet it was the infamous shovel killer what do you mean you've never heard of him the guy is infamous one of the most bloodthirsty killers ever and he's really well dressed and cool also like you you really seem to like this shovel killer guy yeah but it's it's not me i got to keep an eye out for stragglers around the grounds because you never know where a cheeky gardener might be hiding and you know how zay feels about gardeners so we gotta try and take them all out there's the detective he's got his clothes again how come he keeps getting them here he must have some serious serious head trauma by now the amount of times i've knocked him out you see i want to just see why he keeps coming in and then immediately leaving i don't know if he's getting clothes from here you think at this point the detective would see me and like my image must be just ingrained in his uh memory now like i'm pretty sure i'd haunt his nightmares forever at this point where does he go he does he gets it every time from there all right well someone will probably find you at least the clothes will be next to you this time [Laughter] this man has been tormented oh my god oh what do we got here a soda can and some fruit an apple and an apricot weapons of mass destruction in the right hands maybe not maybe no hens can make that a weapon he's going into shock oh my god he can't believe he's dead what's wrong with him i don't know what's wrong with him i'm sure he'll be fine oh that is alexa i'm finally seeing the target of the providence partners i don't suppose this will work oh well that's madame carlos that was the first and last time i've seen her i like how they're introducing her as i'm killing her she's like oh good job what sorry you said something about the target where is she what floor is she on it i i'm just killing everyone the body found thing is just constant it will not stop coming off like i don't oh it's the detective did you see that there was like a little brief flash of the the detective there he's found the body he's such a good detective he must be like thinking himself i'm in way over my head here i thought it was one murder that was disguised as a suicide i didn't think it was this and the office safe is hidden what sorry i didn't like him everybody just have one of those days go to work time to go to work he says i think it's too late no bad is happening i could hear the detective it's just like something really bad is happening i wonder what that could be like look out in those gardens i honestly don't know how these people weren't a bit more concerned standing on the balcony given everything that's going on even if they weren't aware of all the murders inside you can see like literally 10 bodies from the balcony they're everywhere so i don't know why they were so calm about this whole situation is that a well oh [Music] well well well [Applause] whoa all right surely that must be nearly it like who could possibly be left on the map i feel like we've killed everyone but just to be safe we're gonna disguise ourselves as the man himself and go take a visit the hardy boys will figure this out detective droppings still fresh ah there he is he's still having an existential crisis sorry but do i know you you do i'm your twin let's go solve crimes together do i need to even say anything i think my face says it all it says i'm the one who's been killing people hey tosha what the hell do you call that outfit what do you mean you love this outfit you wear it all the time and not only do you love it enough to wear it you love it enough for it to be your only outfit you keep changing into it he is brave or stupid to call me a tosser because i've knocked him out quite a number of times today and i'm holding a crowbar oh gardner oh jose i'm going for him don't worry thank you very much for the support zay i hope i have paid you back and uh i've killed enough gardeners for you i don't know why specifically you want the gardeners dead and i know you never actually said kill all the gardeners but it was more like body language that i was picking up on it was really telling me to kill all the gardeners so yeah you're kind of more responsible for it than i am in fact even in the court of law i don't think they convict me i did nothing wrong today you can't even see me but look i'm picking up on the body language i i i'm very good at body language i'm picking up a lot as we speak and right now i'm picking up that you're delighted to take the fall for me as you should because you are the one that was like motivating all these killings guard fork already got one thank you very much wouldn't let anyone think i'm a gardener especially not with zay around am i right guys that's just been pushed under the box for everything it's just getting completely blamed i heard say is here run i'm convinced that everyone like the guards and authority are all dead because they don't seem to be running for help anymore oh balcony what there was someone on the balcony i'm coming that person is just terrified if i was agent 47 now i would get down onto all fours and bound up the stairs growling oh there you go oh i still haven't found the case file oh my god and i killed everyone so i don't have any lead on it button okay there we go not the greatest secret safe be some sort of a code okay oh jesus even using my brain hurts i'm getting angry this is a cool little back room you've got so much peepholes let's just look away from that let's look through the other one instead they have no bodies everything seems fine oh there are clues above the safe clock telescope fire and moose what oh wait there's a number on the wall oh nine okay one seven now we have 197 and that's all we really need isn't it one nine seven one one nine seven two right one nine seven three okay all right one nine seven four okay all right one nine seven five detective kevin strikes again it's simple watson you simply kill everyone in the mansion so you have ample time to figure out the combination did i kill the detective i don't think i did i think i got to go finish off my last order of business what a day of detectiving detectiving detect detecting detecting detectiving the ai is so confused even the music is like picking up they're like something bad's about to happen i don't suppose you want to run the other way do you i'd love to throw him down the well to the well i'm hurting him i'm hurting detectives go on go no no no no herding oh he's just confused to be fair i don't really blame him an apple to the head he's being tortured that was a soda can he just went flying i assume the fall won't kill him and he'll just wake up down the well in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the english countryside everyone in the manor is dead and he's going to be down in the well just screaming this poor guy literally did nothing wrong i don't know why i've decided to target him specifically this pi is going to haunt the house now oh it's perfect it's all going to add up isn't it it's going to be great and now they legit will get a letter like oh your estranged aunt has died and all of her family have also died as well as all of their staff and now you've got to stay in the mansion for a night while it's haunted by a random pi for some reason it's all very confusing i know it doesn't make much sense oh thank god you can dump i was worried there you go it is water down there he's gonna be fine yep he's totally fine any second now he's gonna bob to the surface um here's a ball because you're alive and we'll need something to keep yourself busy down there all right let's go my job here is done mission accomplished and what's better no witnesses yeah he's just walking into the field they just caught it there because they're like uh we don't know what to do after he walks over the bridge we did it we killed everyone in good time as well like if it wasn't for the file and like torturing the detective we probably would have done that in like an hour and what 10 minutes i think we spent a solid half an hour between the file and torturing the detective but that is a gg
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 962,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hitman 3 kill everyone, hitman 3 kill everyone challenge, hitman kill everyone, hitman kill everyone challange, hitman 3, hitman 3 gameplay, hitman 3 ps5, hitman 3 review, hitman 3 ending, hitman 3 full game, hitman, hitman 3 ps5 gameplay, hitman 3 part 1, hitman 3 gameplay part 1, hitman 3 2021, hitman iii, hitman 3 game part 1, hitman 3 video game, hitman 3 playstation 5, hitman 3 2021 gameplay, hitman 3 levels, hitman 3 vr, hitman 3 story, hitman 3 callmekevin
Id: xXq2LyrRZe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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