A Powerful Start to Elden Ring | Weeping Peninsula

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welcome to Eldon ring I can't believe we finally made it to the launch first things first let's beat the tutorial boss I mean I call it a tutorial boss but this place isn't a tutorial you're not going to learn much here I mean you're gonna learn how to die and that's about it this boss is tough plus the reset for this area if you want to beat this boss first try it just takes ages so learning his moveset is a hassle and you need to learn his moveset so eat your boiled prawns and get ready foreign what's the reward for beating this boss is it worth it I want to say yes it is worth it especially if you want a powerful weapon and a powerful shield for the early game by watching this video I think I can help you get them so every boss has a tax you want to look out for that was one of them it's very exploitable and so is this foreign if you see that attack winding up then you'll have plenty of time to mentally prepare for the Parry although the Parry window is pretty tight as you can see there so if you try this you're going to want to choose a class with a 100 physical block Shield the Vagabond and the Confessor both have one the Vagabond has a lot more health and better armor than the Confessor but the Confessor has a heel which means there's a little bit of room for error but the best starting class for this encounter anyway is definitely the samurai I mean he comes with a long bow and a ton of arrows and a really good Longbow weapon art that just lets you destroy this boss from range you don't even have to really learn the intricacies of too many of his attacks thank you so who is this boss the grafted Scion the name alone is super poetic and it tells us so much so grafting is a Horticultural procedure whereby tissues of plants are joined so they can continue their growth together now asayan is a young shoot or a twig of a plant that is specifically chosen for this purpose so this boss might have been chosen for the purpose of grafting but a Scion also has another double meaning in that a Scion is a descendant of a notable family and based on the weapons this boss is wielding there's definitely some nobility there the description of his swords reads after falling from Grace the dregs of the golden lineage sought power and purpose in the past I wonder if the process of grafting was a part of this past and I assume they're resorting to this depraved act to get their power back that was a good fight man just the feeling of practicing and overcoming difficulty is so rewarding and it's absolutely there in Elden ring some bosses are easy but some you really have to learn everything about them and that means there's something here for every type of player I think these swords should appeal to every player they only require 14 dexterity and 10 strength the shield on the other hand requires 24. so where do we go now well you walk forward here and a great Crow carries your way or not [Music] so I'm skipping ahead here I've leveled up my character a fair bit and I've cleared pretty much all of the stuff that was within the fog in the closed Network test it's definitely time to move on from that content we're headed south so the concept with this edited playthrough is to have a really good 30 35 minute session with the game going through a lot of really good story beats and exciting gameplay encounters and showing great things that you might have missed and showing off tips everything so this route that I'm taking through the world it's really heavily planned out but it has to be executed perfectly in my eyes and I've actually attempted this run multiple times by reloading my saves I was pretty happy with how this one went however just because I planned this out doesn't mean I don't run into trouble the game is still hard I will still fail foreign yeah so that attack is very cool you can only use it when you charge up your attack fully while the swords are buffed though so these soldiers that were fighting they are soldiers of godric who resides in stormvale Castle upon their tabbard is a lion Crest and it's the same line Crest that was upon the shield that we got from killing the grafted Scion according to that Shield the lion emblem depicted is sarosh an aged counselor who guides the golden lineage but the golden lineage is clearly in disrepair and these soldiers are not in complete control of this area hello is somebody there might I bend your ear for a moment please my name is Arena I've escaped from castlemorne to the South servants there have rebelled I I can't be sure what it is my eyesight's been weak since birth you see but I swear I heard frightful howling from all over this poor woman was being escorted out of Castle mourn probably via this Carriage that lies destroyed in front of us my good father secreted me out the castle but decided himself to stay he says it's his duty as commander we're fighting our way through the dejected remains of Arena's Entourage right there their bodies are being Savaged by wild dogs and worse I I fear for Father's life servants are full Roth filled with hatred for every one of us they've since come for every one of the companions I escaped with they haven't spared a soul my fear it's no different at Castle one please I implore you would you mind taking a letter to my father at the castle and my soul wishes that he escaped even if his honor should be the price what's so amazing about that whole sequence is just how well it tells the story through the environment but also how well it humanizes all of the enemies we just faced that doesn't happen very often in Souls games but it adds so much to the world you know those beastly creatures were former Servants of Castle mourn which we're heading to now and those soldiers of godric those were simple soldiers enlisted to defend a noble on her Escape out of the castle the giant was pulling the ruined Carriage the dogs were feasting upon their corpses there was a story there if you're paying attention to it right now I'm prepping for what is probably the most difficult encounter in this run it's a boss fight that only shows up at night against the night Cavalry one of those riders that was featured in a previous story cut scene where they were talking about the Rune of death being stolen I want that weapon I want that weapon so bad it just suits the sort of dark Templar Confessor character that I'm going for so we need every Advantage we need kukri we need to sneak up on him we need to use fire weapons and I'm gonna use a flail myself because the flail does bleed damage and if I can bleed him out then that will be really good because bleed is a percentage and that's usually better against encounters that you're under level for also the flail is just cool as hell especially when it's imbued with fire the best strategy while you're mounted against this guy is to try to stay behind him and it's worth remembering that you can quickly change directions while doing mounted combat by doing a double jump [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign flasks not looking too good so I try to pull out the cookery because I forgot to equip them I desperately want to bleed this guy or kill his horse so I can even the odds you'll be surprised how much damage you can do when he's off the horse foreign [Applause] foreign this is where you get your damage in but I am aware I'm one hit away from death and if I let this go too long he does a mounting up attack that does quick AOE damage so I decided to keep my distance [Music] foreign and the rewards from this boss are so good barricade Shield which you'll remember from some of my earlier playthroughs in the network test and the Knight Riders flail 24 decks requirement that's why I have like no Health but I do decent damage now at least after I'm done applying the ashes of War it's time to go to Round Table hold this is a place that you'll unlock after defeating Margaret as melaner invites you there forgive me I've been testing you to see whether or not Grace truly does guide you and whether you are fit to face the challenge that entails it seems my worries were unfounded torrent had your measure from the very start whereas I merely pretended there is but one other thing I can do to offer you guidance I can take you to the round table Hall Gathering Place of tarnished champions Guided by grace the last time a new tarnished made their way to the round table very well as your senior I bet you welcome it is safe here you may let down your guard allow me a word of advice as your senior you had a mere visitor to the round table nothing more a house guest here to earn their keep remember your place newcomer nice to have this dialogue play as we go deeper into the Roundtable hold with our stone sword Keys the senior has more to say later on oh are you aggrieved at the notion knew about a visit and here then you would do well to remember the first words of Grace given to you stand before the Elden ring and become the Elden Lord if those words held any meaning to you follow the guidance of Grace lay low The Shard bearers and claim for yourself a great Rune do so and the doors to the round tables in the chamber will open and you will receive the wisdom of the two fingers once the wisdom of the two fingers becomes your own I'll impart to you a proper welcome as a true member of the Round Table oh I see you've just arrived welcome to the round table hold I'm Corin a man of the cloth I teach incantations the strength granted Us by the two fingers and explore the secrets of the golden order so that one day if a tarnished of the Round Table hold should become Elden Lord I might counsel them ensuring order regains its proper form writing rule over Men by the way still see it the guidance of Grace you do wonderful news most tarnished are blind to it these days you are something of a rare breed well what do you say care to learn an incantation of the two fingers that is a work of heresy its incantations bear no lineage from the earth tree very well I'll take it off your hands darkness is a spell that we use a little bit later on it's an incantation of the two fingers servants who once served as the Assassins of the Round Table hold May the golden order shine through you these assassins were themselves once tarnished who had strayed from guidance and they pursued their Duty in the darkness that is without Grace maybe this played a part in our Exile your new face no matter it's all the same loud your arms let's get smithing as Eve noticed the chains nothing special I'm a prisoner and these are my chains I'm trapped by the hole undying smithing for you fools I love the atmosphere in this place the round table hold itself almost feels like a character by way of example the blacksmith just claimed that the round table hold itself chains him greetings great Champion called by Grace I am fear circumstances have compelled my stay at the round table hope great champion would you allow me to hold you but briefly perhaps you might share with me some of your Lively vigor and your stout-heartedness doing so will grant me the warmth of a champion and you I am sure will bear a boulderkin's blessing so that's fear the deathbed companion that was mentioned in the opening cinematic she's one of the famous tarnished and I wonder what's making her stay at the round table hold one thing to bear in mind is that I haven't played that much of the game yet I don't have the answers I've had access for a couple of days and in that time I've made sure to only really comb through the early areas as much as I can as of the time of recording Eldon ring is about to release in an hour but reviewers have had the game for a while and man the response is insane a lot of Metacritic sites are having it hailed as one of the best games of all time if not the best by a lot of their metrics from the biggest details to the smallest like that Forest Watchtower shooting a demi-human they've just done such an amazing job at crafting unique encounters to cram into this world and it might well be a masterpiece I know I'm always pretty positive on from software stuff but it's just a privilege to be able to talk about this and bring it to you all I hope I can do it justice you know that's the goal one interesting encounter is with these Candlestick Phantoms that lead you to points of interest I look at where this one's going and I realize there's a little ledge underneath me that I can jump down to this leads to the earth ball cave I think the name is implying that something has borrowed into this place there's so much to explore I kind of forgot we're supposed to be on a quest to reach irina's father so easy to get distracted gotta explore the cave though I mean look at that chest over there foreign nice of those two rats behind me not to join in foreign I like that they give you kukri here it's a bit of a hint I think that the next boss is a bit weak to bleed attacks which is usually the case for most beastly creatures bleed and fire that's the way to go uh for some reason he doesn't aggro here I take this chance to get my sleep potions ready I didn't realize they need FP to throw sleep has been nerfed a lot since the network test but it's still pretty good against the bear although they do need to stand in that cloud for it to take effect the Bear's asleep now I decided to do a charge tattoo attack here because with a lot of bosses you can do a charge to R2 attack and still get the critical afterwards not with this boss though apparently foreign I'ma head out it's a bit of a bore that cave so again as of the recording of this video it's now 2 A.M here and Eldon ring has officially launched it's an awkward place to be in as a Creator because all I want to do is just play through this game completely and not think about content at all but at the same time I have to think about the content it's my job and it's something that I enjoy I enjoy bringing this game to you all through my videos and that is part of the enjoyment I get out of a game release you know it's not just playing the game for me it's creating content about it that said I get this fear of missing out you know what I mean like I've just been hearing fellow reviewers talking and venting about how amazing this game is and I am only in the early stages of the game and a part of me just wants to catch up and rush through it but I have to stop myself thinking that way you know like fear of missing out is an awful feeling and I just want to take my time with this game and really really savor it and I think that's something we should all remember like don't just rush to the end of this game don't just rush through it they've spent so long crafting experiences and you should do your best to take your time in a recent video we talked a lot about what these enemies are doing they're unleashing the flame of frenzy from their eyes the flame of frenzy is essentially like a sort of Eldritch truth it's something they've seen that is driving them mad and the crazy thing about it is that it can affect rats as well they infest this church of America that we're coming up on now this is actually where you get the flame of frenzy spell foreign I'll be honest I died on purpose here no I actually I have merch about that animation so I kind of needed to work it in somehow this incredible piece of artwork inspired by the flame of frenzy was worked on by Chun Lo who does an amazing job with all my Teespring designs so if you need a hoodie or a shirt or if you just want to support what I'm doing on the channel then check it out finally in the distance is Castle mourn the place that Arena wants us to visit to find her father a funny thing about mourn and Arena those two names are very heavily featured in Dark Souls 3. Arena was a blind faith character in that and mourn was her Kareem companion she was in training to become a fire keeper and she was Inseparable from him funny that they reuse similar Concepts like that foreign giant here you have to start piecing together all of the allegiances of different enemies in this game and right now I'm starting to think those Giants are on the side of godric they are fighting to defend Castle mourn and the warden of Castle mourn was appointed by godric although Castle mourn has been lost or at least it's in the process of being lost as you'll see you'll recall back at Arena whose Carriage was destroyed by the ex-servants of mourn Castle those creatures were so beastly and you have to wonder if a transformation has taken place although considering the demi-humans maybe this is just a race of beings that is abused or taken advantage of and like the demi-humans they're probably tired of it so this fight is going pretty poorly when you do six rolls in a row like that that's how you know good thing I have my get out of jail free card Darkness that God counter comes out fast on the flail every weapon has a different guard counter animation you want something that comes out quickly and do you want something that does a sort of horizontal sweep in my experience got the flail and barricade Shield are just a deadly combo you take like no damage while blocking you do a quick guard counter to follow up and you get the flail and the ash of war from the same boss which is cool that said I'm the kind of person who has trouble sticking to one weapon this game just throws so many incredible options at you how are you supposed to stick to just one but I think I'm gonna make that a bit of a staple of this series if it continues I think I'm gonna make a different build every time and just show off a different way to play and where to get the key items for different builds [Music] man I was gonna have a sick role play here where I like sneak through using assassin's approach while they all fight that arrow in my head's kind of ruining the seriousness of this scene oh it's gone I love that the enemies are fighting each other there's just so much drama going on in this sequence of exploring the castle uh there's a face I've not seen before I met your Warden of this Castle as ordained by Lord godwig himself but you can see how things have turned out the menials have all rebelled they gave me good service or so I thought but it seems it was all an act foul creatures as it said and true enough their foul inside and out I'm sorry to disappoint you but whatever you come here to do I'm afraid Castle mourn won't hold much longer of course this is Arena's father and you can give him her letter I see from Arena thank you I'm in your debt but I can't leave yet even if the castle should fall as Commander I must remain to ensure the treasured sword and mourn does not fall into the wrong hands the legendary sword of Castle mourn is the grafted blade Greatsword this storied sword is a revenger's weapon I'll explain more when I find it but it's important to note at this stage that the story of Castle mourn is one that is mired in themes of Vengeance and revenge these themes played a part in the ancient past of Castle mourn which we'll talk about in a moment but these themes of Revenge are playing out in the present as well against the nobility fascinating that that Noble is more afraid of being eaten and the disgrace that that would cause him than he is of death itself maybe death isn't as big of a thing in the lands between or maybe an ability and being Noble is really important if you see Arena do tell her her father will come for her once he's fulfilled his duties According to some law that is written upon great swords that are outside Castle mourn long ago this place was under siege and in this Siege A Lone Hero fought for his Vengeance only to fall at the hand of Lord Godfrey again this reinforces the Vengeance theme that is all over that legendary sword that we mentioned earlier honestly I'm kind of going out of my way to use the darkness spell and make it seem useful but in reality I'm a bit doubtful about this one although maybe it's supposed to be used offensively instead of defensively because while enemies are blinded they are very very easy to backstab so in this upcoming boss I use my spirit summons for the first time and I think it's my kind of informal rule that I'll use Spirit summons if I'm having a lot of trouble with a boss or maybe if it's like a main boss kind of thing in general though I've noticed Spirit summons can make some encounters ridiculously easy although some bosses are also absurdly difficult [Music] this boss isn't that bad by the way [Music] foreign [Music] counters here foreign I should probably also level vigor in my next fight with this boss I decide to use the boulderkin's blessing which is the blessing we got from Fear the deathbed companion these blessings are a powerful buff that consumes FP and also they use up some of your maximum health while you have them in your inventory so it's best to find an opportunity for them as soon as possible you very warm what you felt light up inside you was a bulldogan's blessing oh it is but a fleeting thing I am afraid come should you require another I will take you in my arms as often as you need this boulderkin's blessing increases your Poise which is admittedly not very good against a boss that can one shot you but hey at least it gave me a little bit of my health back [Music] thank you foreign so we recover this sword of Vengeance and return it to Edgar I'm in your debt for keeping the sword from those Fallen creatures are no longer bound by Duty unsafe rescued Arena I will spend my remaining days with her greener how could this be my daughter deserved better the life with me I chose Duty over my daughter's safety and that is how Fate has answered I'll find him the foul wretched responsible for this I'll hunt them down and exterminate every last one of them rest assured Arena it will be done and so the cycle of Vengeance continues thank you for watching this very long video leave a like if you enjoyed it consider getting the merch that I mentioned earlier and I'm so excited that everyone can play the game now and have Adventures that I just like this one
Channel: VaatiVidya
Views: 3,142,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guide, walkthrough, lore, dark, souls, remastered, dlc, two, bloodborne, story, vaatividya, vaati, vidya, videos, (video, game), shadows, twice, from, software, sekiro, combat, tips, tricks, elden, ring, trailer, demon's souls, remake, remaster, ps5, playstation 5, exclusive, xbox series x, queen marika, lands between, tarnished, great runes, demigods, weeping peninsula, grafted scion, beating the tutorial boss, what do you get, irina, edgar, questline, night's cavalry, how to beat, nightrider flail, flame of frenzy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 26sec (2186 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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