History of the Rosary w Fr Donald Calloway & Dr Taylor Marshall

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we go well today we have with us father Donald Kalwa he's a convert to Catholicism and he's a member of the congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception before his conversion to Catholicism he was a high school dropout who had been kicked out of a foreign country institutionalized twice and thrown in jail multiple times he had a massive radical conversion and he went on to discern his vocation to the priesthood he got his BA at Steubenville Franciscan University of student bill and philosophy and theology he went on to get his m.div and his STB at the dominican house of studies in Washington DC and his stl in Mary ology at the international Marian Research Institute and Dayton Ohio he's the author of seven books including a book that I loved reading it's his spiritual biography no turning back I really encourage everybody to read that it's a fascinating story and it just tells us his massive conversion through the intercession of Our Lady and then today we're going to talk about his new book which is very impressive it's called champions of the Rosary the history of and the history I'm sorry the history of and heroes of a spiritual weapon so for the cowboy it's great to talk with you yeah thank you so much dr. Marshall I really appreciate it I've heard about you for so so long and read your stuff and finally we we get to be together yes well we're both passionate about our lady in the Rosary and popularizing that you've done a magnificent job in getting people inspired and pumped up about the rosary so thank you for that yeah absolutely I mean I love it I am I have it every day in my pocket no matter where I go so I figured I might as well write a book about it yeah exactly exactly so I want to leave off the question that um it has to do with the revival of the rosary in some places after the Second Vatican Council the rosary kind of dried up in places it wasn't encouraged you know some people thought well that's kind of an old-fashioned devotion it's not for our times and of course saint john paul ii completely reversed that and he was a man of the rosary to the nth degree and but why was that why did why was there this lag in some places after the council and a lack of zeal for the Rosary what happened well a lot happened I think unfortunately there was a lot of maybe well-intentioned people sometimes maybe not well-intentioned who really sought to emphasize ecumenical things to the detriment of you know some of the central themes of our faith like Our Lady and so some people mistakenly thought well if we kind of downgrade her a little bit or put her outside of the main issue maybe we can you know come together more and that's just silly you're never going to have a united house if you're not united around the mother of the house exactly so so people put away the beads and you know Our Lady's rosary and then also you know sadly a lot a lot of people start thinking well we're not the the church at war anymore this spiritual battle you know so we're we're just kind of only the people of God you know we are the people of God but we're other terms also so a lot of people in light of that thought while we no longer really need these things that used to be called weapons in the spiritual life where are the wolves you know show us the wolves it kind of got away from that understanding of us being a spiritual war so you put down the weapon when you don't think you're at war anymore so people put down the rosary yeah you know and I like he mentioned the ecumenical because I was a Protestant minister I was an Episcopalian priest and yet it was the Marian dimension of Catholicism that just set deep hooks in me I mean as an Episcopalian priest I was praying the rosary I was wearing one scapular yeah I mean I was it all started because a guy gave me them right the right miraculous medal we were wearing that and it was just kind of our lady kind of like a tug of war she just like grabbed and just more of more devotionals you know and Acra mentals and just pulled me and never in that I know everybody had different journeys to the Caliphate but for me never was my love for Our Lady you know never was it was it was the the devotions of the Catholic Church repelling me in pushing away I know it's different for other people hmm but I think on an ecumenical level like we need to be stressing the mayor of dogmas the marian devotions because i mean ultimately she is the co-redemptrix right and we're all called to Cobra diamond that's enough man Saint John Paul the second taught us mm-hmm and that's something that I think a lot of processes can get on board with because they're Evan jokl they want to you know save people mm but we do it you know in and through Christ and that's what the Marian Dogma isn't it and the doctrines teach us is that yes she is the greatest creature of God but all of her ministry and all of her work and all of intercession happens in and through Christ yeah no absolutely what I mean okay that's what it's all about yeah and we think about a st. Paul said that you know the church is the mystical body of Christ and nobody as far as I'm aware lives without a heart so Our Lady is the heart of the mystical body and it's through that heart that the lifeblood of grace gets circulated to all the other members and so without Our Lady is it really a home is will the church only be an institution we have to see it as a family and every family has a mother and Our Lady every woman is the heart of the home we know this is young sense every soldier every culture sighs yeah and we get this from God's family and he's invited us into that family to have the same mother that he has so why not yeah absolutely okay so let's lead over this book this is a book that needed to be written I'll put it up on the screen people to see it here all right champions of of the Rosary why did you write this book yeah well I you know the rosary was a big part of my converting to Catholicism and then discerning my vocation of the priesthood and I've been praying it every day for the last 24 years I've missed a few here and there but not many and you know the greatest book in my opinion written on the Rosary is the secret of the Rosary by st. Louie de Montfort but that was written three centuries ago and there's tons of information that we can fill in since then and even things that he would not have been aware of during his time because today we've got resources where we can do research in libraries in France from the convenience of our laptop in our room you know it's unbelievable so I thought you know what there's a lot of ideas about where the rosary came from out there today you know modernists have their take on it and people D mythologize things and call it legends and such and I said you know what somebody's got to tackle this issue and really go go and and thoroughly do it I better step up to this before somebody attempts it and does it poorly yeah and then I'm frustrated because I get this other book that's bad so I said I'm gonna do it myself yeah that's why I did it that's fantastic because I like you do believe that the rosary has supernatural divine origin so let's talk about that just go back to st. Dominic and if you could just briefly tell us the story of how the rosary instituted by Our Lady and given to st. Dominic yes so in the 13th century there was a diocesan priest from Spain who was living in southern France named Dominic Guzman and he was a great preacher and he was up against this heresy called Alba gentian ISM and they really were drawing people out of the church and they they believed very strange things that all spirit was good all mater material was bad and he was doing his best to get these people back but he wasn't bearing much fruit so I went on basically a retreat into the forest and asked heaven for aid for heavenly assistance and as the tradition says Our Lady came to him and gave to him this form of a preaching method that parts of it had already been in existence as far as you know the the bees themselves you know people have been using beads to pray on for some time or even little stones but she said to him preach my Salter and by saying that she was acknowledging that the Psalter was already in existence because it was but she was saying take this method out into the streets you know your he wasn't aware of this yet but he was going to found a new order called the Dominicans the order preachers and they would be mendicants they wouldn't be monastic they wouldn't be diocese and there would be preachers and so she was preparing him for what was coming and so he did that and as the tradition also states she basically gave him the same mysteries to be attached to it in his preaching and praying of this method of prayer that the Alba Jenson's were attacking so the life death and resurrection of our Lord were the mysteries that they were attacking and so those were the mysteries that she was given and so and it worked it bore grapefruit now you mentioned the Salter there so for some of the people listening who may not know what the Salter is explained on how it relates to the number of the of the rosary and the beads sure so initially you know back in those times monks would pray the 150 Psalms you know from from the Old Testament but many of them if they didn't know Latin they weren't able to participate and so there was different forms of substituting like the Potter Noster beads that they could you know if they couldn't read Latin I could pray those as a substitute eventually through in the 12th and 13th century the Cistercians helped to develop this thing called the Marian Salter where it was the same set of beads but the existing Hail Mary prayer at that time was used on those and it was simply like a Marian counterpart or devotion to you know the Paternoster beads so when she said to him preach my Salter she was telling him I'm giving you something new now go out and preach the mysteries of Jesus Christ with these bleep beads my Salter and win back souls yeah and it's important here that it's not just 150 Hail Marys it's a hundred 50 Hail Mary's in conjunction with the mysteries yes right absolutely because you know Protestants are going to see if they're just thumbing the beads and hail Mary full grant you know right and she and our ladies even rebuked that in apparitions rightly the point is is that we enter into a form of mental prayer we are contemplating these gospel mysteries and that's how st. dominic conquers the emergency ins because it's informing the piety of the people it's also informing the preaching of the preachers they're tackling the heresies by bringing up you know the Joyful Mysteries the sorrowful mysteries and the Glorious Mysteries absolutely and basically that the rosary is the Bible on beads you know so the prayers come right out of the New Testament so you're not when you pray the rosary you're you're not just reading the New Testament you're praying the New Testament and that's going to pack a punch I mean that's going to come up that's that's the spiritual sword to st. Paul talks about when you wield that dragons get slain yes exactly exactly and praying the New Testament it sounds like a good idea but it's kind of extract like how would you pray the New Testament what's great about the Rosary makes it very tangible you can actually go through the Hell Marys and the Our Fathers and the glory bees and and move along each mystery you are praying the New Testament now originally we had the 15 mysteries the Hail Mary itself was a little bit different than we have it now you want to explain that for everyone yeah so initially what happened was the church basically melded together the angelic salutation what st. Gabriel said to our lady hail full of grace the Lord is with you with the announcement from Our Lady's relative Elizabeth st. Elizabeth blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb so in the liturgy in the seventh century the church combined those and that became what was known as the Hail Mary prayer so after that was there a there that was that was it yeah that was all that existed at that point and people did pray it up at that to that point but they really didn't pray it with any meditations attached to it or anything so when people prayed the Psalter for example and they prayed that prayer 150 times they weren't meditating on anything at that point it wasn't understood yes they may have it could have but it wasn't understood to be a spiritual weapon up against heretics you know being so and that was even the case at the beginning of st. dominic's using it so it what it wouldn't be until two centuries after Saint Dominic after a very difficult time in the church the Black Plague you know that I wanted to get to that next yeah let's talk yeah yeah it's unbelievable a lot of people today are unaware of this I mean reports are that one-third this is what we know one-third of Europe died we're talking at least twenty five million people died and that's only in Europe that's it we don't know ugly death and ugly that's very ugly death oh yes and this it spared no one we're talking you know from priests to even Saints would contract this because they were helping others and they died as well from this so when that happened people weren't particularly were concerned about continuing of maybe writing books about the latest devotion happening in our land they were worried about surviving you know and places were being burned because they were infested with the plague and this often happened in times where they were being taken care of which would be convents which would be monasteries sometimes even libraries so these places would be burned and important documents were lost well because of that a prayer developed out of the heart of God's people that added us the second half to the Hail Mary prayer of intercession of urgency you know Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death now in death are almost one exactly you know so that prayer got attached to it and then it would officially officially become part of it in the 16th century when pope pius v would kind of canonize it and put it into the prayers of the church and he was a dominican that's right perfect yeah good what about um Alain de la Roche yeah in the popularizing of the roses kind of like a second apostle right oh it really is yeah he really is yeah so after after the life of st. Dominic in the thirteenth century then you had the black death in the 14th century in the 15th century you know things are getting back to normal a little bit recovering from the Black Plague the Black Death and there's an what's called an observant reform movement happening in a lot of communities especially like the Franciscans the Augustinians and others trying to get back to the ideals of their founder because after the black death you know they needed to kind of recapture what they were given a century ago so the Dominicans became part of that as well and one of them in particular was this Blessed alain de la Roche who was a very learned Dominican and as the tradition says our Lord our Lady and Saint Dominic began to appear to him to tell him to renew the dominican rosary and so he began to do that although at first he was a little reluctant he was an academic and so he's thinking you know I don't know about this tonight he'd yeah my fond prayers gonna thank you know so so what rook was was the rosary in decline amongst the Dominicans at this point I mean was it a lost devotion was it just a few friars what was this the status of the rosary at this point history yeah it did get a little lost even with the Dominicans because you know many documents were burned and they themselves were you know concerned about surviving along with others but it was held in a certain sense for safekeeping offshore in England the dowry of Mary it became known as in the 14th century and it was being prayed there the the Dominicans had gone to England in the year 1221 the very year that Saint Dominic died so there were Dominicans who are praying it on mainland Europe there were but not not too many that's why our Lord Our Lady and Saint Dominic himself had to begin kind of giving these private revelations to one of the sons of Saint Dominic to tell him to restore it why do you think that is what why the continent was it lost well I I think you know because of the Black Death but also when you think about it the first monastery that Saint Dominic founded in France dedicated to women which is according to tradition where he was received the rosary in this field near this convent that you know to this day believe it or not has gone through very tumultuous history and has never been fully restored to this day that was 800 years ago eight years ago from the time Dominic's or from Black Plague the Black Plague did its devastation there as well all right but then there were the other elements of history the most recent being the French Revolution which to this day still it's not been fully restored and so there's a lot of dominican history that we've lost you know as a result of either the plague or revolutions or persecutions and so forth and so the Dominicans themselves needed to be reminded of the great treasure that they had and this high and it's actually often happens with religious communities and you have to always be going back to your founder yes um what was that charism that he or she was given right you know I want to go back in time just a little bit because it's a question that I've always had and I've done some research I've never found an answer for it and if anyone has it's going to be for the Calaway and that is I know Thomas Aquinas who's my favorite preached on the angelic salutation you preachy homily is on the Hail Mary but I've never found any reference in his writings or any biographies of him and the rosaries or anything on Thomas and the rosary not specifically by that title rosary because and and the reason is because you know that the word rosary itself somewhat developed initially the the prayer that st. Dominic used and his sons and daughters used for many centuries after still was called the Psalter of the Blessed Virgin Mary and so that there you know there's not going to find a lot of documents talking specifically about the rosary not even in st. you know Saint Albert the great Saint Thomas Aquinas his teacher and many others even in the life of st. Catherine of Siena for example and she often is the most famous uh Dominican third-order Dominican in the pictures showing the rosary which Saint Dominic but in her writings and she has a lot of writings you don't find the word rosary but that's because it was it was developing it was still being called the Psalter of the Blessed Virgin Mary and it would it would only come to be known specifically as the rosary with absolutely no questions in the 15th century towards it so your your command who's the first what do we first see the Rosary being used cochlea as the lady Salter what is it where is that yeah pius v no actually paisa v will be in the 16th century so the 15th century you've got the the story of the franciscan novice in 1422 who is given the franciscan corona rosary yes from our lady and so at that point because it begins to be really seen as a way of crowning our lady with roses all forms of Marian Salters begin to be called rosaries at that point and then that's when people start to say but the original the father of all of these is the Dominican rosary and that's when it picks up and that's why you have later in the 15th century towards the end blessed Alain de la Roche specifically restoring the rosary and the rosary Confraternity and that's when the rosary really it doesn't really go back to being called the Psalter at that point would with dominic in the early days if we even know this would praying our ladies Salter the 150 Hail Marys would that have entailed the use of beads necessarily would they have what we recognize as a rosary with the decade and the big bead or the separated bead in the loop right it's very possible we don't actually have any writings about it because believe it or not and this is fascinating as far as I know and I've talked to Dominicans about this we don't have one single writing from Saint Dominic not one and that's interesting um yes I saw these rants this but me right but we have some not much yeah not much but what we do know is that during the time of the Crusades which was at the time of st. Dominic and even a little before there are images and there are instances where it was written about that they wore various Crusaders Marion Salters on their belt ah and so who's Marion Salter as the language here that's right correct wristing very interesting and so only 1,200 then that's right yeah hundred perfect Wow exactly and that was a time of medieval knights in swords and they wore at most times on the left because when it went a knight unsheathed his sword most are right-handed so they take it from this side so when we get stories of the rosary beginning to appear on habits in art and so forth it's almost always on the left side of these religious almost always in that and that's of course with your book and the imagery is it's the women the way right so it goes all the way back it's not just something that Padre Pio thought thought up and everybody followed right then it's run weapons right this actually goes back to the Crusaders that's right so shading it with their sword exactly exactly yeah that's fascinating okay well now let's go to Lepanto speaking of battles this have a grocery story tell us how it happened oh yeah well in the you know in the sixteenth century you had a lot going on oh my goodness to have lived in that century would have been something else you know you've got you know the the Protestant revolt going on you've got divisions in the church itself but then you've got Islam seeking to take advantage of this division and at the latter part of the century and you know they're they're really looking to conquer Rome well you've got this Pope a Dominican Pope who's well aware of this and he forms a holy League st. Pope Pius v literally he forms an army of men with literal swords to go out and meet this threat head-on and then he also forms a basically an association of Prayer and he leads it himself at the church of santa maria sopra minerva in rome he goes for alyssa dominican church that's right yeah so that's where he went to pray the rosary himself lead so that was like the home base yes buzz Wow that's right I didn't know that's great yeah so then you know he's praying about this and he sends them them out and they you know today it's a it's a Bay near modern-day Greece where this actual battle took place and the Islamic forces were very skilled at you know naval you know ability and and ours were not really you know and we were outnumbered and everything and everything was against us the the weather was against us the fog was not in our favor the wind was against us everything but everything changed in an instant and the Christians naval fleet was able to overcome the Ottoman Turks the Muslims and win this decisive battle which historians say is the battle that saved the West that basically is the reason that we're not having a conversation about the contents of the Koran in here right now yeah yeah yeah right and then this Pope he knew he received actually well basically was a vision before the the messenger came back to not him know that the Christians had won he was in a meeting in Rome and and he had a vision where he saw that the victory was won and after that he established the feast of Our Lady of Victory in Thanksgiving and then after that it was another pope who turned it into Our Lady of the Rosary specifically to remember it was the Rosary that was the reason for the victory yeah Wow it's such a wonderful story oh yeah and I'd heard up until recently that the the banner of the of the Muslims of the Turks hung in Our Lady's church santa maria maggiore in rome is that true i I had heard that too and I've looked at that because that's where the body of Saint Pope Pius v is for so in that church um so I had heard that too but I haven't seen it I don't know if I heard I heard it was taken down or giving back something like that oh okay mm-hm well I'm kind of curious I'm sure the people are too your apostle of the Rosary which is your favorite mystery oh goodness oh that's a tough one but I want you to find a groove in and just every time you get to that when oh yes I'm in a presentation you're on now yeah that you know crying of thorns or yeah I mean I mean I would say of all the mysteries the sorrowful mysteries probably are my favorite set of mysteries as a whole yeah but I have to say that there's something to me about the second luminous mystery the wedding feast of Cana really okay yeah because I you know it's I try and put myself in that mystery I like to see what is our lady doing is our lady how does she look can you imagine how beautiful she would have looked at a wedding and was she dancing what was her smile Oh was our lord dancing you know it's a wedding he's not going to be sitting there stoic on the sidelines I mean he's the one who asked for more why he multiplied the why you know I so I like to see that side of my Jesus and Mary you know what what you know it's a it's a wedding it's beautiful it's it's lovely and I don't know I really love that that's great I like I like the glorious night I think I like the assumption it's kind of like you turned the corner and you're now in the glory you know yeah that's the kind of one that makes me perk up a bit nice you know we didn't we didn't cover the luminous and I think we should because there's some in some circles of the church there's some controversy over the luminous so tell us about how they came about with Saint John Paul the second and then how do we understand it as Mary Salter but we now have two 150 now we got you know two hundred so sure so give us a Fiat oh gee for that yeah so basically you know when we started to get away from calling it our lady Salter well that meant that didn't necessarily have to have an association with 150 Psalms so I can develop the rosary is is is something that can be re sharpened and remade for other threats against you know Christianity and so today what's being threatened well marriage for example you know people are redefining it so we've got a mystery now where it's one man and one woman married to Cana right now yeah your famous tree right and so we're work and when we pray that decade we're actually consoling Christ we're making reparation on some level because he is offended by some of the crazy or not good anoint you know yeah and and also you know if you take a poll of Catholics how many do not believe in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist it break your heart so we we've got this mystery to the institution of the Eucharist you know so so in without reaching even the proclamation exactly need that we need absolutely we do right and and in my opinion especially for the Muslims with you what are the Transfiguration has at a pie well that Jesus is gone that he's divine because today you've got religious pluralism me right Jesus is just a guru it doesn't matter what yeah what religion you follow it yes it does and now baptism obviously is kind of a new evangelization you know that's right absolutely yeah I've never that perspective before it makes complete sense though yeah and just like our lady gave that set of mysteries to overcome the Alba Jensen heresy today we've got these things that we need to bring light to and so I tell people all the saint john paul ii did was resharpen the ancient sword of the rosary and turn it into the modern day light saber you know to conquer the darkness right yeah that's what the Luminous Mysteries our history yeah yeah this is what we know today star wars and stuff so you know yeah so but in 2002 when john paul ii gave us the Luminous Mysteries this is the the key issue a lot of people think well you know I'm not going to pray those because those aren't of ancient origin and such and well you know if you do a little history you find out actually that even st. Louie De Montfort three centuries ago in the and they uh and in one of his little pamphlets he wrote called methods for praying the rosary he talked about other mysteries and would you believe that four of those are the current five of the Luminous Mysteries so we're talking three centuries ago by a saint right by a dominican saint by the waves a third quarter dominican so it's right he's not an outsider playing or tinkering around with it he's on the inside yeah um but then also a lot of people might say well but those are a post Vatican two you know invention the ones we have now the five and so I don't know about that well there's there were other great people before vatican ii who promoted it for example the servant of god Patrick Peyton who promoted the rosary almost more than anybody ever has --is as far as getting millions together to pray it in streets in brazil philippines colombia even in 1961 he got half a million people to pray the rosary in san francisco you know unbelievable yeah and he talked about the possibility of there being additional mysteries before Vatican 2 yeah the servant of God Frank Duff the founder of the Legion of Mary the world's largest Marian organization ever talked about other mysteries but in 1950s a man who would become a saint st. George praça from Malta came up with specifically the mysteries of light the Luminous Mysteries those are the five that st. john paul ii that gave the church in 2002 but here's the thing that everybody missed what happened in 2001 john paul ii beatified blessed george Preta everybody was like who is this guy jump knew what he was doing because the next year he would give us fracas five Luminous Mysteries and then in 2007 benedict xvi canonized saint george Preta the real inventor of the luminous mystery so him they're good they're very good and I is something that I struggled with in the past as a convert and of course I love the Luminous Mysteries we pray him as a family every week but we also have to note that even since Dominick there have been modifications we thought oh yes even the Hail Mary itself there was a chance to even the at the beginning the Creed the our Father the three Hummers when was that added was that yeah at all different parts of history and so they wanted to conform it to the bravery the Liturgy of the hours so they added the glory be prayer at the end yes in the Psalms and then also the you know you'll have a Marian song at the end that the salvaged ena or whatever liturgical season it is but then even Fatima we get that yeah people may have no problem at in the Fatima prayer right so so the it's I like how you say sharpen the weapon yeah exactly it doesn't imply that there's something wrong with the sword right it just means we maintain the sword and like you said there's new battles there's new attacks it's still the same weapon that's writing it and here's a funny thing you know we just recently celebrated the canonization of st. Teresa of Calcutta right we love the love the rosary and before she died she wanted after the collapse of the Soviet Union you know communism she wanted to establish 15 house in Russia of her missionaries of charity in honor of the 15 mysteries well she established 20 now she died I believe it was in 97 I think it was well she had no idea that in 2002 John Paul II with five more mysteries yeah heretic it's prophetic yeah better yeah that's fantastic when you think when I say the word Marian who alive on earth comes to your mind Oh at the currently currently oh my goodness I can't say John Paul the second or Lou Diamond right or Mac and Colby like who now right is the Marian theologian or apostle or missionary of our time that's a great question you know I've never really thought about that are you caught me aa okay becomes if someone comes to mind I'm just curious like who is the Marian of pop maybe to you I don't know maybe who's the Marian apostle on earth right now that our Lord and our lady are kind of maybe guiding especially - that's interesting yeah I'm gonna have to really think that one through I mean we've got some great people promoting Our Lady for sure out there doing great stuff but a lot of times they tend to be rather regional or in a particular country whereas in the past we've had ones who are in ur of international acclaim you know like Frank Duff and Patrick Peyton and Padre Pio and many others good question dr. Marshall I'm going to think about that one well on that note tell us a little bit about your order and and what y'all do in promoting Mary ology yeah so we we the Marian father's we were founded in Poland in 1673 by st. Stanislaus PAP schinsky and he was just recently canonized so a long time in the makin there for his canonization but he founded us to promote the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary which was he was way ahead of his time you know 1673 we were founded that wasn't declared a Dogma until 1854 so that would be like somebody founding religious community today called the little brothers of the co-redemptrix Yeah right right yeah it's it's doctrinally understood but it's not technically a dogma yeah Ecklie um so he was he was ahead of his time and also to pray for the souls in purgatory because he was mystic and a lot of people are not aware of this that every day on this planet at least 150,000 people die every day it's a big planet people come and go and so a lot of people are unprepared for death so we have a charism to pray for the souls in purgatory in our daily prayers and then also we've been entrusted with the message of divine mercy now that came with the revelations given to st. Faustina in the 1930s but because of our polish origins under the pontificate of john paul ii our community was entrusted in an official way with being the main promoters of that message beautiful so yeah so those are the three things that were most known for and we're busting at the seams of vocations we have Cordy want seminarians right now in the United States awesome yeah I've heard that praying the rosary brings great consolation of the souls of purgatory Knights who have received revelations that praying the rosary I mean of course the sacrifice the mass is the highest consolation but the Rosary especially for us lay people like you can get some I said get some work done in purgatory with the Rosary well that's it and a lot of people don't know that you can gain a plenary indulgence every day when you pray the rosary and you can apply it to either to yourself or to a Souls and soul and purgatory so we could literally be cleaning house you know now it has to be done either it before the boys sacrament in a community or family is that right that is correct apply extra yeah that's correct yeah yes so if you're listening and you have a family pray the rosary every night take it you know say the prayer for the intention of the Holy Father you know detach from all sin start getting those indulgences every night or sixty-five days a year I got mass and all that but yeah it's it's a powerful it's a great opportunity the church has given us mm-hmm okay so here's the here's a singer question for you if you were Pope what would you do in the realm of Mary ology oh my goodness I don't know yeah there's a lot of I do I definitely would would declare the dogma of Our Lady of co-redemptrix media excuse of all graces I would definitely do that because I think that that's that'll be a moment of complete renewal yeah um I also would probably I'm a man and I tend to be very much you know concerned about things happening today I would probably form another holy league uh yeah yeah I just you know when I when I know that there are radical people who hate us when it decapitate us and want to you know kidnap our daughters and do horrible things they cut our heads off and burn us alive in cages I'm not cool with that yeah with that so you know I'm not about bloodshed but you know I'm a gadget for protect yeah exactly that's exactly have a right to defend ourselves and so you know i I'd form one just like Pope st. Pius to fit around the rosary right on yeah yeah so um yeah I do a lot of stuff man I I really would I'd probably put something too associated with Blessed Allen de LaRoche and a Eisen back in the yeah can I break you free okay I probably make st. Louie de Montford a Doctor of the Church yeah that'd be great that would be to me that's a no-brainer a Maximilian Kolbe right why not you know st. Faustina sure I mean come on you know so yeah that do a lot I like all those I like all those yeah yeah those are those are good ones yeah you know you know there used to be a feast of the media actrix of all graces for Our Lady I have some older missiles that are pre conciliar yeah in there I think a Rick originally only in Holland or Belgium somewhere up there Ryan it was printed in some American missiles right and it was taken out I don't know you know this right on that why me there was a feast day the media tricked all graces it was all graces all its yeah yeah it had all yeah and yeah that what that's happening I yeah there's a I don't know exactly the history probably dr. mark Mir Valley probably knows it really well but that's the day I chose to be ordained a priest on by the way May 31st they made 30 hours yeah I was ordained Oh made your date in the calendar for May 31st well actually in our calendar it's it's not on there but I believe is that if you went to it you you would still be May 31st even if it was May 31st in the in the calendar now what would be listed there oh the visitation bar late yeah okay correct yeah right so but I believe now I hope I'm right here and if I'm if I'm wrong you know uh I totally admit it but I think that if you celebrate the mass in the extraordinary form you can still use those books that still have that feast so you could likely still celebrate it exactly exactly and it's like an American missile that is lozano Latin Mass pre-vatican - and it's I think that's dated from the 19 late 50s and going to open up to May 31st in there that's right yeah exactly and I think and I could be wrong on this too but I believe that a bishop and his diocese has the right to request from Rome the permission or maybe you can even give it himself to have certain feast just for his diocese so for example here in the United States a lot of people find it odd that on October 5th the feast of Saint Faustina it's not on our liturgical books why because it's not she's not it's not a universal thing seen as a national st. the poem right so in Poland it is and maybe in Rome perhaps and but all the country has to do or even the diocese is make the request and you can have it in your diocese right that happens with a lot of saints you know but I believe that also with some of these Marian feast all a bishop has to do is basically make the request or he himself gives permission for it to be done so I think I mean I think that that feasts is just so important to know that everything we receive comes through our lady absolutely in the new st. Thomas's do we have lessons on how our lady is the mediatrix of the seven sacraments mm-hmm yes she's the mother new birth and baptism she's the mother there right absolutely you know the confession reconciliation through the cross of Christ are they standing next to him on the cross I mean she's praying for you she's right there ordination obviously she's the mother of clergy I mean you go to less rights you know or everything notching the sick of course like she is present every single one of the sacraments in a personal into a mediating even at the highest levels in the Catholic Church through the seven sacraments oh yeah I just feel that we need to be preaching this and making this aware for people because like you said the very beginning of this of this interview the church is a home and we need to rediscover the church as a family in a home and we can only do that if we recognize the heart the mother yeah right on I couldn't agree with you more you're in good company because that's what the Saints and popes have been saying for longest time yeah so so why is there resistance to having these dog having these feast days or having these dogmas it's simply ecumenical is it theological why are there some people that say we shouldn't do that right why it I mean it gets played out and those things that we see but we're at its root it's it's in the things we can't see there's a spiritual battle going on and so there is a you know what's the spirit behind a lot of the false accuser or the the really radical feminist ideologies that have crept in that you know makes people kind of shy away from some of these you know profound statements that you know on one level you could read it you hear the term co-redemptrix and you think wait whoa really how is that a greater term than Mother of God she's the ATO's god right I mean if people say well covered I'm just confusing they otoko's can be confusing too so we don't shy away from it exactly yeah we we exhausted we have a feast they did right we begin our we would begin the secular year in the West with it yes you know January first it's God's new year's resolution for us basically you know be like Herbie Theo Tokai is what I thought you two cute little God bears so so we shouldn't shy away from this stuff I think that we've got to be more bold on our proclamation of this stuff and when we do that I think that that's a huge part of the New Evangelization it's not in our stupid committee meetings and sitting around spending money you know putting ideas up on the easel boards it's about basically having Our Lady at the core of this battle because remember she's the queen on the battlefield just like in the game of chess the whole game it's all about the king but everybody knows the Queen's got the most mobility not because she's better than the King no he gave her that mobility to fight for hers to fight for him yep so fight for her you know then you win that's right that's right all right before we close I want to tell everybody how they get the book and why the books important but what's your challenge for everybody listening I would definitely say just repeating what our lady has said pray the rosary every day yeah um is it always easier convenient no but you will never regret it what if you don't feel like it father doesn't matter I don't feel like a lot of things just do it yeah I don't I'm a priest and I hate to say this I don't wake up every morning go yay the bravery you know many mornings I don't feel like praying it you know but I do it anyway you know even if I do it a little late I'm doing morning prayer at 2:00 p.m. you know I'm like God you you're outside of time yo please do it don't let it go by you'll never regret doing it yeah yeah good and then the book is fantastic I think part of it is we need to pray the rosary we need to have all these merry and devotions and understand the Marian theology the mary ology unless we can do that is to study and this what I like about this book that you've done is it gives you the theology but it's a historical theology it's learning theology through a narrative so I think some people who might be intimidated about getting deep into mary ology I think that this book is perfect because it's not like heavy dogmatic theology you can get into it you're learning the theology learn the history of the Rosary you learning all these key pivotal players that you have listed out in the second half of the book and you're telling a story I think people get into it so where can they get this book father yeah so they can get it champions of the Rosary they can get it on my website which is a great way to support my religious community the website is father Callaway calm and you have to spell out the father part sometimes people just put fr calla when they go to some weird website right so put father Callaway calm or you can get on Amazon they're selling it Catholic bookstores have it but um yeah get a copy I really do or urge people to get a copy it's really really good thank you for writing this father thanks dr. Marshall appreciate can you give us a blessing yes indeed alright Heavenly Father we thank you for this time we ask you to bless all the listeners pray for their intentions for their families for marriages for children we asked us to the intercession of Our Lady of the Rosary in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen amen well thank you Father thank you my friend you
Channel: Dr Taylor Marshall
Views: 113,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Youtube Event, Rosary, Mariology, Blessed Virgin Mary, Catholicism, Priesthood, Fr Calloway, Lepanto, Crusades
Id: x93BxbbJNSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 17sec (2657 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2017
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