History of the Rosary & Praying the Rosary Sideways

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the rosary is needed right now really strongly it's a beautiful weapon it's a beautiful shield it's a tremendous doorway it's a beautiful help and support brings tremendous insight and clarity and and situates us rightfully as you know disciples of Christ living in the world but not of the world not of the world here a deacon mark you can mark Muller and the request has come in you know because we are not able to celebrate Mass in the same building right now and pray the rosary in the same in the same hall or in the same room right now to sort of like bring the the parish together and anyone else that wants to come on board with first a history of the Rosary it's powerful and I think some of us we have some issues about you know the Rosary being mechanical or or too repetitious or a little empty or I don't know for old people or something but the history is gonna clear that up and that a beautiful gift the Lord gave me on how to pray the rosary in in a way that perhaps is why they're in deeper than we would have ever imagined it's called praying the rosary sideways but at this point let us begin in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen has deacon mark - what is this rosary where to come from and yeah what about it so father I'm glad you're asked and for the next hour and a half to two hours I'll probably no nevermind father five minutes Thank You honest promise so where did the rose where we come from and I will tell you that the rosary is both as we understand it a development and prayer but it's also this wonderful gift from heaven that's was given to Saint Dominic by our Blessed Mother and so we'll talk a little bit about that so the rosary is a counting prayer this is an ancient practice counting counting counting so you know the Psalms were the original prayers of the church and so many of the Hermits as they went out into the desert they would dedicate their time to memorizing all 150 Psalms in the Psalms the Book of Psalms in the Old Testament yes great some of the some of them are ascribed to King David many of them were sung many of them are poetic yeah 150 Psalms they're absolutely beautiful but you can imagine that through the course of the day that you might lose count and so these monks would walk around with a bag of stones and they would start with 150 on one side and as they prayed they would move a stone from pocket to pocket are from pouch to pouch now the counting prayer is beautiful and that in that counting in the recitation of the Psalms there's this deeper prayer that begins to emerge and that truly is the beauty of these the meditations of our rosary and the Psalms it virtually every experience of our lives every emotion imaginable every human experience is wrapped up in those 150 Psalms absolutely absolutely so over time as monastic communities begin to form they begin to prayer pray this beautiful prayer the Psalms and community and they would just simply read the Psalms but unfortunately not everyone could read and so that would they would ask the other brothers or sisters to do what they would read the psalm and then they would pray in Our Father and then someone said you know we should really truly honor the Blessed Mother of our Lord and so they would add then additional Marian prayers and what developed is what is called and even now used today the Marian Salter in fact we have histories of st. Claire talking about praying daily the Marian Salter and what would she use she would use a string of 150 beads and so in order to keep track many began to use these prayer beads now by the way you may have seen many in many Arab countries that people walk around with prayer beads brothers and sisters those are rosaries they may not know it anymore but their rosaries maybe they just lost the original prayer but generally speaking they consist of 50 to 150 beads and and you know if they would only remember where they came from boy they would be back to where they need to be right so we know and we have a picture of one of these ancient set of prayer beads that are that is there on the display those belong to the Lady Godiva of history so all of us know that Lady Godiva you know basically got a little bit of a tiff with our husband and and as a humiliation he asked her to ride naked through the streets so that's the you know the the sordid worldly understanding of Lady Godiva but everyone understood even then the sanctity of this woman and all but one refused to look and that's where we get the word peeping tom but anyway this is a little aside aside today there yeah this this wonderful holy woman when she passed away left her prayer beads and coventry to one of the monastic communities and so we see those 50 beads now and oh by the way we see the emergence of our Father beads those big beads there and in the middle we haven't gone to mysteries yet but we're getting closer all the time so the next thing that happens of course is this idea of the rose so when you're praying the the Psalms there is this term The Rose of Sharon and so this this rose became to be associated with our Blessed Mother and so you can see here from a monastic prayer instruction it says our Lady would be even more pleased if you would say a vase each day for her for a crown of roses and so overtime in the Psalter of Mary these a vase began to be prayed now you start to see the formation truly of the rosary and think about it many of our roses the the our excuse me many of the rosaries that you find soul today our Rose woods soaked and rose water why because they bring us back to the Rose of Sharon Our Lady of the Rosary and again that's how it gets its rose name but here's the big point the turning point st. dominic and 1203 so this very young preacher pretty fiery pretty kind of crazy on fire with the Lord we know a similar preacher I won't mention in here but he gets in a little bit of trouble with his bishop because he's just a little bit too full of the Holy Spirit and so his bishop decides to kind of send them okay so you want to see how fire on fire you are I'm going to send you to the hardest and most dangerous mission possible and he sends them to the South of France then in the throes of this terrible heresy the Alba gens Ian's these people adhere to what's called the Cather heresy which essentially says that all material is evil and that was created by a bad god and you had all the spiritual which is good and that was created by the good God every dualistic very dualistic sand thanks be to God recognized and condemned as a heresy for separating that the spiritual from the material and in doing so now you have more than one God and oh by the way then they had to then to deny the divinity of Christ and so truly people just by this crazy heresy led away from heaven so Saint Dominic is praying how in the world does one guy with about five or six brothers assisting him convert an entire region and as he's praying Our Lady comes to him and she gives him this instruction I promise my special protection and the greatest Grace's to all those who will recite this rosary she gives Saint Dominic this beautiful prayer which becomes the weapon that he wields this holy weapon the saving weapon to convert the Alba Jen's Ian's now so he gets down there and the beauty of what he is telling them is that hey look if I just focused you on these beads on this prayer you would learn everything you need to know about our Lord and in fact the five mysteries our first pronounce there right so because all of them proclaim the life death resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ it is encapsulated in this beautiful prayer and everyone everyday can now immerse themselves and the lives of Christ in the midst of holy prayer in prayer in communion with our Blessed Mother and all the saints in heaven so Saint Dominic would then later found the Dominicans a huge huge preaching order still on fire with the Lord even today but they are now very specially devoted to the to the Holy Rosary and again a weapon that we should wield even today in fact Pope Francis has asked that in the month of May that we daily pray the rosary because this is the weapon that will defeat any pandemic any pestilence because it brings us back home to our home and Christ our home and heaven our salvation and the Lord and in it so father that's kind of the real quick run so we have the formulation right of the joyful sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries and it was that you know those three were prayed rotating throughout the the days of the week until Saint John Paul the second right until Saint John Paul the second and this as a matter of fact this rosary was given me by st. John Paul the second so we'll be praying the rosary together later but you know he moved by the Holy Spirit in his love for the Blessed Mother and his deep relationship with the mother of God adds the Luminous Mysteries right these luminous treasures are all sacramental it's so beautiful so we want to open up for you now Deacon marks gonna help out this - I think right something that the Lord gave me brothers and sisters I was actually on a on a treadmill ten years ago ten years ago or so I know it doesn't look like it but I guess I need more treadmills and you know I would always pray the rosary it would be my my rosary time would be on the treadmill and one day it just struck me almost like a an injection or some sort of gift that while I loved praying the rosary in its traditional format a joyful mystery sorrowful mystery glorious mystery luminous mystery day the Lord put this in my heart he's like hey Mike try praying the rosary sideways and then it don't begin to unfold in my heart what that actually meant but I want to share that with you now I want to share that with you now so we can consider this part too as it were okay we have the history from deacon mark I want to open up with you praying the rosary sideways and we will conclude with actually taking the weapon out stepping through the doorway literally praying this devotion with this new I think deeper and wider possible approach to it you know father I heard this presentation 10 years ago beautiful changed the way I prayed the rosary but I'm going to tell you now gives me all new depth to find out that you found this out on a treadmill I would suffice it go exercising always leads opens the door to spiritual exercise any man so first I want to open up with there's the Lord kind of put this on my heart as I was trying to make sense of this five revelations that the Rosary offers the typical rosary that Deacon mark you know developed through history is now in our hands to pray with all four sets of mysteries okay but there there are like five I think background points or revelations that have to become apparent to us if the rosary is to be fruitful is to be fruitful and what do we have for the first one there Deacon Mart so you say it says I must pray the rosary with intention and dive into the life-giving mysteries of Jesus's life as one might dive into the ocean and go scuba diving yes stop right there for a moment praying with intention is enormous is enormous it means I'm going to literally put myself in the event in the event if it's the Annunciation I will be there as the angel comes to Mary I will be an observer or I'll be listening in on it or I'll be with Jesus in the garden literally or if we go to the Glorious Mysteries you know I'll be one of the ones the first ones at the tomb literally they're on as the as the darkness began to break to dawn you know and a stones rolled away or I'll be there for the final luminous mystery I'll be there at the Last Supper table when Jesus Institute's Eucharist it's praying with intention means I let myself go there because the danger is this there's a quote there what do we have it's from Pope Pius or Pope Paul the sixth he says without contemplation the rosary is a body without a soul imagine that brothers and sisters a body without a soul we call that a corpse with we call that without contemplation the rosary is a body without a soul and its recitation runs the risk of becoming mechanical a mechanical repetition of formulas in violation of the admonition of our Lord Jesus Christ right what did jesus warned against don't babble empty words just empty noises pointless with intent go there go there father you know when I pray the rosary sometimes it is it starts mechanical but I think those prayers just they lead you deep they leave you to lead you into the ocean like you said so any of us who love to go to the ocean do we sit there and and count the waves and say my goodness that's repetitious and that's a note that's annoying me no we don't with that that's all background music as is the beautiful that are the beautiful prayers of the Rosary that lead our minds and hearts to go somewhere deeper somewhere more beautiful it's background music and people brought it this up too so let's say I'm not in the mood or let's say you know I do find it repetitious oh let's say I'm tired I'm just too tired folks the Lord will read our heart he'll read our heart and if you ask me there's no better place to fall asleep than in the arms of the Blessed Mother you know and and as her son who died and rose for us is is granting me this rest or even the repetition I will let God be the you know be the evaluator of the sincerity of my prayer what are we after number two second revelations father it says my human experiences gained Kingdom meaning and power when I connect them to similar experiences and the life of Jesus and his mother I love this you know what we opened up in the introduction opening comments with this that we we live in the world but we are not of the world get a spiritually clued in person gets that and we live in and through the difficulties we live in and through the beauty-full moments but always always we are aware that our earthly lives are eternally alive in Christ we have eternal life now and connecting my earthly experiences yours with the life of Jesus and his Blessed Mother our Blessed Mother is to give them kingdom power deeper me to open us up to the big picture the world according to God yes otherwise my my personal experiences can be isolated I can feel oftentimes very cut off very separated right now with this pandemic everyone is you know six feet apart well guess what we can be literally in the same sofa with someone and feel millions of miles apart right so our human experiences can isolate us and what's enormous in in praying the rosary sideways the second revelation that we'll share with you is the important any formation of the rosary sideways or or traditionally to pray it I have to connect my life experiences to those of Jesus and Mary what do we have for number three third revelation I am never alone not in the joy of my life nor in the work of my life nor in the sorrows or victories of my life this is enormous people's biggest fear men women young old rich poor any ethnic background our biggest fear is being alone being deeply deeply alone especially for all eternity so praying the rosary with meaning and depth and as we will open up praying the rosary sideways especially confirms that I am never alone any experience of my life joy in my life is connected to the joy in everyone else's life my work connected with everyone else's work my sorrows connected with everyone else as always my victories connected with everyone else's victories to not be mindful of that is to be a bit spiritually absent-minded and permit myself to be isolated sort of in a phone booth reality you know father the the fact that we that the rosary is a common prayer that has prayed across the world every day every time I pick up my rosary I'm always thinking that hey it's just not me trying those mysteries it's the entire world you know of Catholics out there that are doing this I think this is really a beautiful revelation yeah it across the world and then within myself to this next point addresses how we can almost isolate our experiences and feel like a bit cut off from reality what would is number four here say I cannot consider the joy of my life disconnected from the sorrow nor the sorrows from the glorious victories nor the light of Christ from any of these praying the rosary vertically tends to isolate one set of mysteries or experiences from the others we're so we're number three has us connected with every other human beings life experiences spiritual experiences number four here says look we have a tendency don't we that when we are truly truly joyful glorious sitting on the top of the world we cannot even remember or imagine the most horrible terrifying moments of loneliness or despair that we've experienced in our lives likewise when we are in moments of sorrow doesn't it seem dica more doesn't it seem folks that in deep deep moments of sorrow I'm never going to be happy again I'll never touch light again glory again victory again yes so we can tend to have isolate our our internal experience instead of praying the rosary sideways as we will open up brought me this revelation that joy is always one inch away from sorrow sorrow is always one inch away from glory they're all just one inch away from light what are we after number five the starting point affects the revelations that the Rosary offers me the starting point could be the set of mysteries for a particular day right like Monday the starting point would be the Joyful Mysteries Tuesday the starting point would be the sorrowful mysteries so the starting point could be the particular mystery of the day or or it could also be my own mood or disposition when I begin praying the rosary on a particular right so what I'm what I'm feeling on that day that's my starting point in addition to that what the rosary calls for if it's Wednesday the Glorious Mysteries okay but what if I'm having a really a bummer day a down day a really fear filled or saddens day you know or what if what if my starting point happens to be the the amount of work I have to do this day the amount of of pressure I may be under so these are all starting points it's all very human and at the same time very spiritual these are the five revelations the five background points to praying the rosary in a traditional way or as we are going to open up now praying the rosary sideways so here we go we are all accustomed brothers and sisters to on Monday praying the rosary and recalling the Joyful Mysteries the Joyful Mysteries and we recall them and and to pray them actively means I'm gonna place myself there at the Annunciation I'm going to be running alongside of Mary through the hill country - I'm Kareem the face of the spring the house of Elizabeth in the visitation right why cuz good news has to go somewhere good news has to go somewhere or in the third joyful mystery I mean let's place ourselves right there in the manger setting you know in the cave as it were or accompanying the Shepherd's there in the fourth joyful mystery you know that the presentation of Jesus in the temple be with Mary and Joseph carrying the baby up the many many many hundreds of steps that would lead to the - Mount Zion and to offer their their son to present their son or in the fifth joyful mystery you know let's be right there as as a child that 12 year old Jesus is is teaching the teachers in his father's house so all of them right where we're accustomed to praying them vertically the the next set I think we have here are the Luminous Mysteries right that's falling so we often on Thursday will pray the Luminous Mysteries put ourselves right at the Jordan River right at the Jordan River in the the baptism of the Lord and place ourselves right there to hear heaven open up and God the Father say this is my beloved son listen to him or hear the murmurings of everyone or oohs and ahhs of people on the beach on the shore you know and and to be at the wedding at Cana place ourselves there these are the Luminous Mysteries are beautiful they're the sacraments going deeper in the sacraments here the sacrament of baptism in the first mystery now the sacrament of holy matrimony if there's one thing we need in this day and age is going deeper in the holy holy beautiful sacrament of matrimony this vocation that makes Christ present in the world as men and women are united in this in two soluble bond or that the third luminous mystery right the working of the Holy Spirit Jesus is preaching and Jesus's miracles and all those that are active and happening in the church now and then through the mystical body of Christ or the fourth luminous mystery you know Jesus take Peter and James and John up the Mount of Transfiguration and he is transferred climb that mountain with him or the final luminous mystery being at the Last Supper table for the institution of the Eucharist and the holy priesthood be there actually every time we're at Mass we are there that that's that fifth luminous mystery and the Glorious Mysteries we pray on on Wednesday you have the the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ of course praying vertically right excuse me the resurrection the ascension of our Lord the descent of the Holy Spirit the Assumption Jesus lifting married to glory and then crowning her a queen of heaven and earth and finally the the sorrowful mysteries if we pray those vertically you know on Fridays the the sorrowful mysteries the the agony in the garden the scourging at the pillar the crowning of our Lord our thoughts be there be one of the ones doing the crowning of Jesus you know placing the crown on his head or one of the ones flogging or be lonely with him in the garden and then the you know the way of the Cross he bears his cross and be with him along all three of those Falls traditionally on the Via Dolorosa and then the crucifixion itself these are that this is all praying the rosary vertically we are accustomed to that right right but brothers and sisters remember we have a tendency to isolate our experiences and when the Lord brought this praying the rosary sideways to me this is what I experienced it was on a Monday and I'm praying the first joyful mystery the Annunciation and I am putting myself there I am there as the angel comes to Mary I'm hearing the angel speak to Mary I mean with Mary as she is you know somewhat confounded and pondering what sort of greeting this might be yet with an open heart and as the miracle of the of the Annunciation allows Mary to receive the Son of God by the Holy Spirit but then it occurred to me wait a minute if I while I'm praying this decade this first decade of the Joyful Mysteries I have 10 Hail Marys to have fun with why don't i swim across what's going on during these 10 Hail Marys of the Annunciation okay what's going on in the first luminous mystery let that seep in there because now the heavens open up and there's another announcement only it's God the Father saying this is my beloved son listen to him and hey the Holy Spirit descends right upon Jesus for all to understand this is the anointed son of God here so we have all the Trinity present there again and it's all very 3d very very magnetic it opened up you see that there's a commonality and if we just go across again again it's all during these ten Hail Marys for the Annunciation and if you just want to you know go easy and let the Annunciation seep into a little bit of the first mystery of the luminous you know that's fine but let me show you we can do going across all four because we have ten Hail Mary's so just and there it's sometimes pictures or images in our head like being the being the first one the resurrection of our Lord right the first ones at the tomb wait there's another angel is it they're announcing good news isn't there and there's another in breaking of God's will here isn't there that death will not have the last word death does not and will not have the last word and if we continue straight across again all during the same ten Hail Marys and if again you just have to you get used to it and it's beautiful if we go now to the first sorrowful mystery now we are in that isolation where is the good news we're all the Angels comforting where are the heavens opening up declaring God is here God is victorious Christ this isn't right so it's important I think again to connect the the joy and and victory and glory to sorrow they're always only one inch apart from each other look if we simply go to the second joyful mystery here this is kind of neat brothers sisters and again the starting point if it's a Friday and you're beginning with the sorrowful mysteries you're going to get a whole different taste right now this is all introductory ok but at least giving you the methodology and you can't do it wrong you can't how can we pray wrong how many rows are you wrong if our intention in our heart is to love Jesus through his mother be be lifted up the second the joyful mystery what do we have the the visitation and this is what struck me in this ok no good news can stay inside of me inside of you bad news wats Proclamation because that's the kingdom of darkness but there's truly good powerful news brothers and sisters it's got to get out of you and out of me and this is what the visitation is Mary now with the Lord in her womb the words become flesh in the womb of our Blessed Mother runs through the hill country its Hills she runs through the hills to bring this announcement and share it with Elizabeth as John the Baptist leaps in Elizabeth's womb and what struck me here in the second luminous mystery right that's what we have here even though it occurs on Thursday we have the second luminous mystery right a side of the joyful here but what occurs to me here is what greater news is there than a wedding then God's will uniting man and woman in a selfless life-giving beautifully fruitful sacrificial loving intimate bond a sign of the kingdom of God on earth until death do they part folks that's great news anyone who has been at a beautiful holy sacrament of matrimony knows you are running through the hills you are on hilltops as is the Ascension right we see the second glorious mystery what is the essential but Jesus rising up on his own power the fort of the second sorrowful mystery however look it again the contradiction being tied to a pillar we can't run we can't move there's no being lifted up you know literally being tied to a pillar and again we can't separate one of these experiences from the other pray them across the let you know just so so if we if we begin that the third joyful mystery and go across will see the Incarnation the word becomes flesh but what's the third luminous mystery for goodness sake it's all the healing miracles of Jesus and all the preaching of Jesus it's the word become flesh in the church in and through the church what's the third glorious mystery for goodness sake it's the Holy Spirit coming and enlivening the church the birth of the church Pentecost is instead of the word becoming flesh in the womb of Mary and being born in the third joyful mystery now it's the word becoming flesh in the church by the same Holy Spirit the Pentecost right so again we're praying across what's the the third third sorrowful mystery there again there's another sort of crowning but it's not our human lives crowned with the Holy Spirit now it's is God being crowned with our misery with our sin with our guilt with our fallen nature but it's all it's all a crowning if you will either humanity being crowned with God or God being crowned with fallen humanity so in it goes this way you know let's try something let's say you're at home let's say it is Thursday let's say it is Thursday and we are beginning with the we're praying the Luminess missions all these sacraments all these sacraments and so the first sacrament would be the baptism of Jesus at the Jordan you know that the sacrament of baptism as it were and as I'm praying that we just let's just go over one instead of trying to swim across all four of these you know in with each decade because we have ten Hail Marys to swim across right all four and this should not be mechanical this should not be stressful if we are in touch with these mysteries then the images just fall into our mind and into our heart but let's say it's Thursday and we are praying the the Luminous Mysteries and the first luminous mystery is the baptism of the Lord and you're standing on the shore there of the Jordan and John the Baptist is Jesus is permitting John the Baptist to baptize him the heavens open up the voice of God this is my beloved son or in another gospel you are my beloved son with whom I am well-pleased but just step across during that powerful light in breaking of God to put the your foot then into the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus feels so distant right even saying father if this cup can pass please then take it away from me and even him he was saying that he went he went he sweat he sweat blood and in his tears fell into the the Garden of Gethsemane 'he's desert soil surrounded by you know these humongous olive trees that were witnessing it as Peter James and John are sleeping over there but wait a minute do we see you know how close light and glorious the heavens open up and the father says this is my beloved son are you and my beloved son and the very I just choose to inches away and and here we are in the Garden of Gethsemane and Jesus is like I'm alone it's it's terrifying here the same thing with any of them if you just want to begin this exercise of praying the rosary sideways first remember the five we put up the five first remember the five revelations okay the five revelation sees sort of background points pray it with intention not mechanically you know that our human experiences need to be connected to the experiences Jesus and Mary Jesus is God and then for goodness sake if they're going to have Kingdom value that we are connected also with my joy is connected to yours my sorrow is connected to yours that the the fourth point is that we sort of tend to isolate our experiences if I'm feeling sad I can't possibly imagine being joyful again or vice versa and and then the the fifth point be that the starting point no matter where I am in my mood and my work day at my point in life or or the particular day of the rosary the starting point also affects where I go the rosary is infinite it's a deep deep ocean brothers and sisters and we are about to pray that powerful weapon Pope Francis asked us throughout the month of May I mean I'm trying to make the rosary a daily devotion of mine everyday many or not I know at this point everyone's a bit fearful with this pandemic you know fearful physically especially and emotionally and psychologically and people are tormented tormented guess what this is a physical pandemic a much more terrifying eternal pandemic is the loss of souls is the loss of souls so we are going to pray a powerful experience of praying the rosary sideways get your rosary out I'm going to have mine with saint john paul ii here who-who gave this beautiful rosary to me my second year of ordination deacon mark will tell you about the rosary he'll pray with and we'll meet you at the rosary so father just before we do that just to remind everyone that with this video came to pieces so the revelations that father talked about but also kind of a beautiful matrix that kind of you can look at it you know at some point before you start to pray but I'll tell your father you know when I I pray the rosary every morning when I walk my dog this is perfect time but we I start doing this and I start swimming between those mysteries next thing I know it's three miles and I'm done you know it's just it's a beautiful beautiful way there in exhaustible these mysteries are inexhaustible so again praying them vertically traditionally beautiful beautiful oh we are offering is and I think the Lord is is a chance to go deeper and wider Amen see you in the rosary
Channel: JS Herrick
Views: 2,130
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Id: 9GvIvIfnYJg
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Length: 39min 36sec (2376 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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