History Of Spider-Man 2099

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[Music] welcome to vert we love comics bored that I want to see spider-man 2099 in the MCU I'm your host eros quinones last week we wrapped up our five-year anniversary celebration and giveaways and the variant nation was out in full force as literally tens of thousands of you participated so before we dive into today's episode we wanted to thank all of you for making it an awesome event for those of you who missed out see or not we have some plans for some really cool giveaways coming up very soon but we also want to give a big thanks to our partners for the giveaways Sideshow Collectibles think geek and shield labs there are all amazing companies with equally amazing products we once again put links with our websites in the description below so make sure to check them out with all that said I don't know about you guys but one of my favorite spider-man comics growing up was spider-man 2099 he's Hispanic like yours truly has an awesome costume and some really cool powers that the normal Peter Parker spider-man doesn't have the character has also been back in the spotlight since he appeared in the superior spider-man title he also has a brand new self-titled comic series so let's talk about this futuristic webhead [Applause] spider-man 2099 was created by writer Peter David and artist Rick Lunardi he first at the pages of a comic book in spider-man 2099 issue 1 in August of 1992 although he was technically first seen in Marvel age issue 114 in July of 92 but it was just a preview book not necessarily a comic with the story but again that technically was his first appearance what I'm saying is I lied to you but I didn't I kind of did but I really did it let's just move on but the story of comic book heroes and villains usually start with an origin so let's take a look at his the man who would become spider-man 2099 is Miguel O'Hara he's half Irish and half Mexican as from Earth 928 in the year you guessed it 2099 Miguel was the head of a genetics department for the alchemax corporation where he specialized in genetics splicing more specifically he always toyed with the idea of recreating the powers of the ogee spider-man but whenever you're trying to do something cool or good in the world you can always count on the universe sending you a douchebag and Tyler Stone who was Miguel's boss would plug that douche he secretly got him addicted to a drug called rapture this was stones cruel way of getting his employees to do whatever the heck he wanted by offering them this extremely expensive drug in exchange for their loyalty needless to say Miguel wasn't too fond of that idea so he attempted to genetically cure himself by rewriting his genetic code from a previous sample he had taken but he didn't realize he was being watched by his coworker Aaron the gato who is that slimy person in the office who would do anything to move up the ladder Aaron then tried to sabotage Miguel by pumping up all the levels on everything in the imprint sequence this caused all the equipment Miguel was using to explode - Aaron Schock however Miguel survived the explosion so he approached Miguel saying that he was going to tell mr. stone that Miguel was responsible for wrecking his equipment but when Aaron grabbed Miguel saying turn around when I speak to you he finds a frightening Fang and Claude wielding Miguel being terrified as any normal person would aaron freaks out pulls a gun and starts shooting at him Miguel tries to calm Aaron down but the altercation caused Aaron to accidentally shoot a highly explosive container destroying the entire top floor of the building and killing Aaron despite Miguel's efforts to save them soon after all this Miguel's boss mr. stone hired and sent out a cyborg bounty hunter named venture to catch him Miguel fled home and grabbed a costume from the Day of the Dead celebration he had hanging in the closet a costume he'd previously made for what he called unstable molecule fabric so that it wouldn't rip at the Day of the Dead festival in Mexico as he said it gets pretty wild over there that's what happens in Mexico stays in Mexico but really it was just the way to explain to us the readers why his costume is so resilient anyway he later attached a torn piece of glider cloth to the costume which he got from a Thor worshiper he hitched a ride with in order to escape alchemax security in the end he defeated venture and began fighting against the evil alchemax corporation at spiderman or as we know him spider-man 2099 spider-man 2099 s first series was a decent success and lasted 46 issues during that time Miguel continued to work at the alchemax company since stone still didn't know he was the mysterious man with powers who blew up his lab eventually however Miguel's brother's girlfriend Kacy was kidnapped by a samurai called the specialist and this caused Miguel to realize that there was still a need for a spider-man even after all these decades so he suited up and saved Casey from the specialists however at this point in time he still wasn't fully aware of just how powerful he was and accidentally slipped a specialist throat with his talons during the fight spider-man 2099 ability to find himself in Nuevo York which was a city overrun by gangs it's here where he also came face to face with a vulture 2099 who unlike the Adrian Toomes vulture is a cannibal vulture 2099 asked spider-man to join his gang but O'Hara was all like man I'm all set spider-man instead teamed up with some other gangs and defeated the vulture only to later make its way back home and continue being spider-man spider-man 2099 became popular enough as a character that Marvel put him in a crossover story where he would meet the classic 6-1-6 spider-man the story put Peter Parker spider-man in the 2099 universe where he faced off against vulture 2099 and spider-man 2099 was put in the 6-1-6 universe where he fought freakin Eddie Brock venom talk about an awesome matchup later in the story spider-man and spider-man 2099 gets together and are thrown into the future where they meet spider-man 22:11 who has six arms and they also beat Hobgoblin 2211 who looks more like Green Goblin 22:11 in this reality Hobgoblin is a girl in spider-man 22 11th daughter we also find out she is the architect and the reason for all this crazy time-traveling and whatnot in the end all three spider-man team up to defeat Hobgoblin 2211 at which point both spider-man are returned to the respective realities with their memories intact talk about a MINDEF after his encounter with a 6-1-6 fighter man Miguel became a full-blown Justice driven superhero and just like Peter Parker his personal relationship started going downhill as he became more interested in being spider-man than anything else he even tried to tell his mother that he was into a spider-man but she just broke down laughing right in front of his face that's a real confidence builder but let's jump forward to more recent events that began around the time of the superior spider-man title after all sorts of anomalies in the 2099 universe Miguel heads back to the present time in the 6-1-6 universe to save his grandfather which was during the time when Doc Ock would disappear spider-man not surprisingly he ended up getting into a confrontation with superior spider-man as Otto was attempting to apprehend Miguel's grandfather what also didn't help spider-man 2099 s case is that he called superior spider-man Parker which caused Otto to give him a quick backhand with his fists Otto later knocked out Miguel with a single punch to prevent a time stream meltdown so I guess it was merited Miguel would later debate killing his grandfather to prevent the foundation of alchemax which in turn would rewrite the 2099 timeline but he ultimately decided not to go through with it because it could have far worse ramifications he also discovers that stone had destroyed the portal that sent into the 6-1-6 universe leaving him stranded but in order to help guide the alchemax company on the right path my girl becomes Tiberius his assistant under the name Michael O'Hara with the aid of his computer Lila spider-man 2099 later appeared during the Goblin nation story to help superior spider-man fight off Goblin King's army they were both attacked by brand-new next-generation spider-slayers built to capture superior spider-man luckily though O'Hara with his 2099 tech was able to shut them down although they were rebooted like literally minutes later Norman then gave superior spider-man the option to stay and fight like a man or go find Anna Maria Marconi guess which one Doc Ock chose yeah he left Miguel all alone Miguel then says I knew you were an imposter as the real Peter Parker spider-man would never leave one of his allies during a fight after a brutal fight Miguel is beat up but nonetheless victorious over the spider-slayers he then teams up with the real Peter Parker spider-man who was back in control of his body and he explained the situation to 2099 then while Peter Parker went off to face the Green Goblin or Goblin King spider-man 2099 began evacuating the alchemax employees but I'll leave the rest for your eating eyes not even more recently following the newest Secret Wars event Miguel is still stranded and time and is thinking about quitting the hero business after a young girl is accidentally killed in a robbery he attempted to stop Peter Parkinson approaches him and offers Miguel a job at Parker industries and Miguel accepts with this new job Miguel is happy being able to help improve the world without being spider-man as he feels there is more than enough spider power heroes to make up for his absence I mean he's right but he's definitely one of the best spider power heroes out there but when he builds and uses a time portal to investigate the future it reveals a devastated 2099 when Loraine Monroe the mother of his girlfriend Tempest tells Miguel that she was killed in an unexplained terrorist attack Miguel is forced back into action to track down the man responsible we later learn is dr. Chronos he apparently taught robotics to Victor Von Doom before his expulsion so Miguel Don's a new spider-man 2099 suit that's better made for him and gets to work at spider-man 2099 once again this of course is the most current iteration of spider-man 2099 with his brand new red and white costume and it's just awesome looking spider-man 2099 has some pretty cool villains that are basically 2099 versions of the 6-1-6 spider-man villains like vulture 2099 who I mentioned earlier who's a gang leader and cannibal yeah that's right he has a taste for human flesh fortress nose flesh next was Goblin 2099 who looks more like a purple green demon then there's venom 2099 who I might have to give his own episode soon because I like them that much and the last one I'll mention is flipside a dangerous Android that can mimic spider-man and Venom's powers which is just nuts spider-man 2099 pretty much has all the same powers as the six one six spider-man with some differences here and there he has superhuman strength agility durability enhanced speed reflexes and great eyesight his healing abilities are also heightened unlike Peter however he has organic webbing that's made from spinnerets in his wrist he also has retractable talons that come out of his fingers and toes these talons allow him to climb any surface and also help him in fights they're razor-sharp and can cut through almost anything like many real spiders he also has fangs that secrete poison if he bites someone the poison from his fangs paralyze his victims and has also been shown to be powerful enough to affect people like Submariner Miguel doesn't have a spider sense like Peter but he makes up for it with odds enhanced senses Miguel also doesn't web-swing nearly as much as Peter does but he could still travel just as fast because he uses his webbed capes to glide the same web Cape that I mentioned earlier that was given to him by a Thor right one of Thor's worshippers as I also mentioned earlier his original blue day of the dead costume is made of UMF unstable molecule fabric which makes it very resistant to damage currently he has a brand new suit that was made for him by Peter Parker this new costume has unstable molecules bonded to Kevlar making it even more durable the suit uses sensors for vicinity readings improved lighting and thrusters in his boots all in all it's a better costume functionality-wise but I personally still prefer the original Day of the Dead one as for spider-man 2099 reading recommendations check out spider-man 2099 Volume one spider-man 2099 out of time spider-man 2099 classic vol 2 spider-man 2099 volume 3 smacked the future and the complete superior spider-man series he doesn't show up until issue 17 I believe in that series but the whole series is great either way when you buy a domain name from domain.com you get the power to influence and control what people find when they search for you online no domain extension will help you tell your story like a.com or.net domain name domain comm is affordable reliable and easy to use the guys at domain.com get variants an awesome offer it's 15% off domain coms already affordable domain names and web hosting when use the coupon code variant that check out so when you think domain names think domain.com first up for Wednesday August 2nd we have spider-man issue 19 mouths has been wrestling with some inner demons and losing has he gone so far into the dark that he can't find his way back to the light here we have Darth Vader issue for Vader's first mission isn't going well the dark side is the way of power but no one said it would be easy next up is elsewhere issue one this is a brand new series that I thought looks pretty interesting it focuses on a girl who is transported to a mysterious world full of magical creatures then we have injustice to issue 7 the heroes come together again to mourn a fallen comrade and Batman is confronted by Blue Beetle and Black Canary is visited by someone from her past and finally we have Batman 28 the clash between the Joker in the Riddler continues to escalate with the rest of the cities villains picking sides and joining in that's going to do it for today's episode my peoples but head over to variant comics calm to join in on more conversation about spider-man 2099 and a ton of additional content also remember to give the subscribe button a click as well as the Bell right next to it so you never miss a new episode links for all things Baron are in the description below but I'll see you guys next time when I talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 1,932,726
Rating: 4.9180751 out of 5
Keywords: spider-man 2099, Spider-man, miguel ohara, Marvel comics, Marvel, Superior Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man, Peter Parker, Spider-man Homecoming, comics, comic book, comic books, graphic novels, dc, vulture, amazing Spider-Man, Nerd, geek, geekdom, variant, variant comics
Id: NlKd8Uh0wTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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