Venom Becomes The Most Powerful Marvel Hero

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[Music] what's up my comic comrads the day has finally come and by that i mean the finale to marvel's epic king and black event this has easily been one of my favorite marvel events to happen in a long time and the main series has been incredible but today it all comes to an end and let me tell you guys it ends with a bang if you've been watching our past king and black episodes you know when we cover the latest issue of the main king and black title we also briefly recap the most current venom issue which directly ties into the king of black meaning before we get to the main course today i'm going to briefly break down venom issue 34. but i want to emphasize briefly because quite frankly i am super excited to talk about king and black issue 5 because some things happen in it that i need to share with you but before we wrap up king and black we want to thank keeps for sponsoring today's episode it's no secret that for many guys including yours truly a shrinking hairline is one of the 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in those issues watch our video on both those issues which you could find right here if you didn't watch that episode or haven't read the issues for yourself you're going to be lost today as we're picking up exactly where those issues left off with that said let's start this off with venom issue 34 it picks up where issue 33 left off with null holding eddie off the side of a cliff of the godhive this situation is all too familiar and recent for eddie as not too long ago null did the same exact thing ripping eddie's venom symbiote off and then throwing him off the side of a building which killed him so null does the same thing this time but unlike last time on earth venom symbiote finds him and saves eddie we then get an epic page of eddie saying we are venom with massive dragon wings as null screams no in the background the venom symbiote then tells eddie the real fight the war it is above because remember they're inside null's purgatory or godhive as they called it we must go to the real world eddie tells them wait how i thought we were only a memory the venom symbiote then says you are a codex i could take you with me but you must choose a form so as eddie burst his hand out of hell aka the godhive where null trapped him making his way to earth we see on the next page the form he chose to take is a godzilla-sized venom which he does by seemingly absorbing all the other symbiote mass around him that's trying to take over earth it is freaking awesome i mean it's a godzilla sized venom imagine seeing that crap in the mcu forget godzilla vs kong i want to see venom versus godzilla and kong godzilla venom as i call him starts making his way to null in the real world while swatting symbiote dragons out of the air like flies and crushing them in his hand at which point we see flash thompson aka agent venom who took the form of a white symbiote dragon last issue has followed eddie up to the real world saying eddie holy crap man is that you he says yes and flash then tells him okay big guy point me where you need me i can provide cover but eddie tells them this is between me and null i have to save my boy i need you on the ground flash then says on the ground but my physical form is in the grave i can't venom then tells him do you remember what happened to cletus when he got a symbiote dragon flash says no i was dead for that but and then says trust me go find out i got this what eddie is alluding to is from web of venom carnage born where cletus was able to be brought back to life by a cult bonding his corpse with one of null's grendels so if flash bonds is an old symbiote dragon with his corpse it might bring him back to life anyway we then see godzilla venom finally find null and go to attack him leaping towards him but midair he gets pierced with light the venom symbiote then tells eddie the god of light is here i felt him like our kind but different his light approaching blinding screaming roaring the light then rips the venom symbiote from eddie with eddie falling saying no don't leave me venom then tells eddie no you must let go you must let it take you i will find you always find you we then see a panel of null screaming no as he no doubt knows what's happening the next several pages then show us what we saw at the end of king and black issue 4 that the god of light aka captain universe the unipower the enigma force has finally arrived and has chosen eddie as its new host the unipower then asks eddie to choose a form as it raises his body above the hospital bed and he says i laugh as it asks me because there's only ever been one answer to that question which of course is venom and then on the last two pages of the issue we see flash thompson in the form of a symbiote dragon fly to his grave saying okay brock you better be right about this as he flies into his grave as his corpse absorbs the symbiote dragon on the final page of the book we see his hand burst through the ground in front of his tombstone and with that the issue ends with flash thompson being brought back to life but if you can't believe it that's just the appetizer friends we are officially entering the main course now with king in black issue five kingdom black issue five starts off with silver surfer and null at a standoff null then says to silver surfer you surfer we have met before yes he replies indeed we have and i remained unimpressed null there is another now a god of light as he turns his board into a final fantasy sized sword null responds saying yes so i have heard but you above all should remember no matter how fast light travels darkness is always there waiting then as null rises up forming all black he continues to say in a way i admire you little light i remember you you will die a noble death server then tells him perhaps but i shall not face it alone then on the next page we get an epic two-page spread with the avengers charging null while captain america is yelling the iconic battle cry avengers assemble but before they could reach null a voice says i appreciate the assist fellas but i'll take it from here as venom now the god of light lands in front of them to face null one on one null then just looks at eddie saying so this is it then the great god of light has chosen a host that i have killed how many times now is this meant to scare me honestly you can't possibly believe that you could beat and then on the next page before noel could finish his sentence we see venom put his hand out calling mjolnir and surfer sword to him from thor and surfer as he's saying to null yeah i really think we can meanwhile thor is like mjolnir he summoned mjolnir that should be and silver surfer finishes thor's sentence with a grin on his face saying impossible venom then says surfer thor spider-man all of you stay here protect the innocent as he does something to thor's hammer and surfer's board and on the next page we see he tells the avengers to leave this one to us as we see he formed a gigantic battle axe by merging mjolnir and surfers board together creating what one could only assume is now the most powerful weapon in the marvel universe or at least top three with this new gigantic awesome battle axe venom charges null with light radiating from his axe eyes and spider emblem meanwhile back on the ground cyclops says to some fellow avengers was that eddie brock wielding a battle axe made out of surfer's board and thor's hammer did he just fly essentially cyclops is just as shocked as many of you are right now and i was when first reading this it is so freaking awesome but we're just getting started as venom continues to chase null he says he's hiding running throwing everything he can in my way venom then says tonal come on as he starts hacking and cutting the heads off of his dragons with his battle axe while venom is continuing to decapitate knoll's dragons he says stop hiding come out and end this at which point null comes out saying you want your end little host then let all black be your end as null swings all black his sword down at venom but on the next page we see venom literally just catch and disintegrate all black with one hand while saying no more no more swords no more dragons nalden asks how are you doing this venom then just grabs a null by the throat saying just you and me now in case you don't understand how impressive it is that venom not only caught all black with one hand but also disintegrated it with a single touch let me break it down all black also known as the necro sword is one of the 10 most powerful weapons in all of the marvel universe it is quite literally capable of killing gods even beings like galactus and ego the living planet are scared of this thing and venom now the god of light just stopped it and got rid of it like it was a child's play thing anyway while holding null by the neck venom then proceeds to fly null into a building saying you want a darkness i hope you enjoy it as he raises his battle lacks ready to bring it down on null null just laughed saying you know nothing of the darkness let me remind you as one of no celestial's hands burst through the building trying to grab venom but eddie without even thinking about it swiftly swings his battle axe decapitating the symbiote controlled celestial hear me my comic comrades eddie just decapitated a symbiote powered celestial as if it was made out of butter what more can i say if that doesn't impress you nothing will eddie then looks back at null saying i don't need a reminder while grabbing him by the neck again saying remember when you dragged me up here from the sewers all the pain the fear the agony as you rip my other from me while he hangs null off the side of a building as null did to him twice before null then says you you can't but on the next page eddie just says i remember all of it as he raises his axe and cuts through null's torso but on the next page we see eddie just isn't using the battle axe to cut through null's chest no he's also using it to strip him of his symbiote of his darkness while saying to him do you know what i remember the most i remember feeling hopeless i remember falling as he lets it all go off the side of the building as null hits the ground venom flies down saying get up we aren't done null while bleeding out tells venom you can't you can't win you may kill me but the darkness it lives in your son eddie says you want to talk about my son let's go talk as he grabs a null and flies him into space while null is telling venom you'll never be free of me the void it is eternal the darkness has teeth child venom replies so do we as he uses his newfound power to melt null's face then continues to say you might be right there will always be darkness we might all be swallowed by it we may all lose drown in your kingdom of black but i don't care this is for you dylan as he pushes null into the sun's core killing him for good or good because comics the unit power then tells eddie edward do you feel it you've done it they are singing to you edward null he is gone his hive they are free as we see the darkness shed itself on earth we are then taken back to where eddie left his battle axe with thor and silver surfer just staring at it but surfer eventually puts his hand out saying bored to me then thor puts his hand out saying mjolnir and with that the battle axe turns back into thor's hammer and surfer's board returning to them with thor saying it would appear the battle has been won and silver surfer replies indeed the battle is done thor however i do not think things will ever be the same as eddie brock flies back down to earth landing between all of the avengers spiderman then asks eddie is that really you null is he and he answers saying yeah and yeah more or less spidey then says oh my god you did it it's over he tells spider-man no eddie then walks over to his son dylan saying dylan it's me can you hear me dylan says dad as he hugs him telling him it's okay i'm here dylan then tells his father it hurts inside me i have a piece of him and i could feel him burning eddie says to his son i know try to breathe this is gonna hurt as he uses his new power to put his hand inside of his son's chest ripping the piece of null out of him while saying i know it hurts i feel it too but i made you a promise you will not inherit this darkness as he pulls said darkness out of his son and destroys it with his hand on the next page we see the unipower leaving eddie while he says wait what's happening and the power tells him you have done well edward but i must leave you you do not need the light to protect you not anymore eddie says but i don't understand how will i and the power tells him you have a new role now edward you have become something else something new at which point we see the venom symbiote bond with eddie again saying i found you can you feel it eddie can you feel what has happened now at this point some of you may be saying wait didn't eddie have the symbiote the whole time he was fighting null and no he didn't because remember at the end of issue 34 the god of light and or the unipower stripped him from the symbiote as he was attacking null and then asked eddie what form he wanted to take and he chose the form of venom so while he looked like venom he didn't actually have the venom symbiote on him but like the venom symbiote said in issue 34 don't worry i'll find you again which it did just right now so now bonded with the venom's to meet again he tells his son we're okay stay here we'll be right back as he flies off eddie then tells the symbiote i could hear them all the hives but i can't understand them meanwhile spider-man looks at eddie fly away with all the other symbiotes following him and says i don't understand what's going on why are the symbiotes chasing him like that we then see the venom to be at answer eddie saying they are speaking to you in our ancient tongue eddie because you have defeated the void you freed our kind you are the hive mind now eddie you are the god of the symbiotes you are the king in black as eddie perches on the top of a building with all the symbiotes flying around him and with that the issue ends this finale was incredible most epic stories like this the ending is usually where it falls apart but this was solid all the way through and actually the last issue had some of the coolest reveals out of the whole series i mean venom verge thor's hammer and silver surfer's board to create a gigantic battle axe that could kill celestials and the lord of the abyss it literally made the necro sword look like one of those pool sword toys or like a larping sword we also see venom literally fly null into the sun killing him chop a celestial's head off and then at the end become the new king in black aka the god of the symbiotes which is crazy there is just so much to talk about which we're gonna do in depth on our podcast that's right if you didn't know we have a podcast simply titled variant the podcast so if you want to hear tim and i speak about this in depth you're going to want to tune in and check out our podcast links in the description in any case i am super excited yet saddened for venom issue 200 which will mark the end of donny kate's and ryan stegman's run on venom but it's going to set up a whole new story arc and course for venom but clearly i absolutely love the king and black event but what did you guys think are you excited eddie is now the new god of the symbiotes and what did you think of his battle axe i feel like i'm gonna keep talking about that forever it was just so freaking cool but either way let us know your thoughts in the comments and that is going to do it for yet another episode of but if you liked today's video be sure to check out this one right here and if you like all of our content as always subscribe like and comment it helps the channel grow but i'll see you guys next time when we talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 1,287,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Venom, eddie brock, spider-man, mjolnir, silver surfer, knull, king in black, symbiotes, god of symbiotes, marvel, marvel comics, comics, comic books, variant, captain america, black panther, battle axe
Id: Wpam9EkZ1WU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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