History Of Ultimate Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

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today's episode of Aryan is brought to you by domain.com today on of Aryan I give you the history of ultimate spider-man Miles Morales [Music] welcome to Viren we love comics more than I love Thanksgiving leftovers I'm your host eros quinones as many of you know I'm a pretty big spider-man fan and not just Peter Parker spider-man but also spider-man 2099 the Scarlet spiders and of course Miles Morales from the Marvel Ultimate Universe so since miles is such a great character and I know most of you agree let's talk about him [Music] [Applause] Miles Morales is pretty much a brand spanking new character making his first appearance in ultimate fallout issue 4 in 2011 he was created by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Sarah Pacelli when the Marvel Comics staff decided that the ultimate universe Peter Parker would be killed in the 2011 storyline death of spider-man the character Miles Morales was created although Morales is the first black spider-man he marks the second time a Hispanic character has taken the spider-man identity because he's also half Puerto Rican Miguel O'Hara aka spider-man 2099 was the first Hispanic spider-man who was half Mexican Morales did replace Peter Parker as spider-man but only in the Ultimate Marvel Universe which is a parallel universe that reimagines the Marvel characters Brian Michael Bendis and axel Alonso who is Marvel's editor-in-chief were inspired by real-life people and events when it came to creating Myles both side of Barack Obama being elected president of United States as a positive motivation and sign that the country was ready for Myles who could be a role model to people of every race and I just got to say I'm glad they created Myles because he's an awesome character anyway that's how and why Miles Morales was created but now it's time to talk about his comic book origin which is told in the Ultimate Comics spider-man series Myles was born to an african-american father and a Puerto Rican mother which fun fact I'm Puerto Rican mouse was born and raised in Brooklyn and had an aptitude for science much like his predecessor Peter Parker after Oscorp scientist dr. Marcus uses Parker's blood to recreate the Oz formula that created spider-man Myles is uncle Aaron Davis aka the Prowler steals the formula and in the process one of the spiders created by Marcus crawls into the prowlers duffle bag days later the prowlers nephew Miles Morales is bitten by the spider during a visit to Aaron's apartment Morales developed superhuman abilities similar to those of Peter Parker but does not tell his parents due to his father's distrust of superheroes so he could finely in his best friend gank Lee I also wanted to mention for those of you who don't know who the Prowler is in the main 616 Marvel Universe he's a former criminal who turned into an ally for spider-man in the ultimate universities just a criminal and two miles but back to miles he just wanted a normal life and was unhappy having these new abilities and initially nauseated at the idea of risking his life in super heroics which writer Brian Michael Bendis wrote the character that way it's a further contrast miles with Peter Parker however after witnessing spider-man's death at the hands of the Green Goblin the guilt Brent and Myles realizes that he could have helped now you may be asking how could he have helped he could have helped because he got bitten by the spider eleven months prior to Parker's death after gangs suggest he assumes the mantle of spider-man and learns from Gwen Stacy why Parker did what he did Myles is inspired to try his hand at costume crime-fighting during his first venture into costume crime-fighting Myles takes down the villain kangaroo but spectators feel that his costume is in bad taste since it's very similar to Peter's costume who is now dead which fun fact I like to give you guys fun facts Myles his first appearance and ultimate fall out issue 4 started at this point in the story where we just see Myles fighting kangaroo and people saying his costume is in bad taste and then the Ultimate Comics spider-man series which was released a few months later told us how he got there and then of course continued his story we learned that after Myles fought kangaroo he is captured by Spider Woman a member of the government superhero team the Ultimates over his use of the Spider Man identity Spider Woman unmasked in arrest Myles and takes him to shield headquarters where Nick Fury reveals that he knows all about Myles and his family including his uncle's criminal activity after he helps shield catch the escapes to River than electro shield releases Myles and gives him a modified black and red version of the spider-man costume which gang feels makes him officially the new spider-man he also receives the blessing of the main Marvel Universe Peter Parker or if you want to be technical earth-616 Peter Parker during the 2012 spider-man miniseries in this series Parker briefly visits the Ultimate Marvel Universe and meets Myles after the newspapers begin reporting the emergence of a new spider-man Myles uncle figures out that it's Myles and offers to train him and work with him after Erin uses miles in his conflict with the Mexican crime lord scorpion Myles realizes he is being exploited by his scumbag of an uncle and refuses to assist his uncle further despite his uncle's threat to inform Myles his father of a secret this leads to an altercation between the uncle and nephew that results in the malfunction of Erin's weapons causing the weapons to explode and killing Erin in later storylines Myles becomes acquainted with Mae Parker and Gwen Stacy who know of his secret identity and give him Parker's web-shooters which now allowed him to web slang because for the first 13 issues of the ultimate spider-man series he wasn't able to as he couldn't figure out how to make web shooters like Peter and some time later he eventually has even given a new set of web shooters by shield he also encounters Captain America who reluctantly agrees to train miles it doesn't get much better than that being trained by the First Avenger himself this young web head of course is most recently involved in the spider-verse storyline and I have to say if you're spider-man fan and not reading spider-verse what the heck is wrong with you so the series focuses on the return of the unstoppable Morland so every Spiderman ever has to come together to stop them to sum it up it's a huge event that unites wall crawlers across all universes against a single threat so I recommend you read it now I've told you about miles creation origin and just some of what he's been up to in the comics the last few years but I've yet to talk about his powers which I need to do because some of his abilities differ from that of Peter Parker's since he was bitten by a slightly different genetically engineered spider than the one that gave Peter Parker his powers but let's start with the similarities to the original spider-man such as enhanced strength and agility being able to stick to walls and even a spider sense that warns him of danger which manifests itself as a buzzing sensation in his head even though his strength and agility are similar to those of the original spider-man his spider sense is not as strong it only warns him of immediate danger and only right before the danger reveals itself he also has two abilities that the original spider-man did not have the first one being the ability to the camouflage himself so that his body and even his clothing matches that of his surroundings the second one is an electrical venom strike that can render people paralyzed with a touch even electro the venom strike can be conducted through miles gloves and even effects nonmetal materials so we can even Electrify plastic Lego bricks if you wanted to his Spidey suit that was given to him by shield is incredibly tough and resistant to damage including gunshots and let's not forget how smart miles is he was able to speak in sentences at just 1 years old and was reading and writing by age three and a half but now it's that time in the episode where I give you all some reading recommendations for the character I'm talking about meaning today you get some ultimate spider-man Miles Morales comic reading recommendations miles a mouthful you have ultimate fallout issue for ultimate comics spider-man volumes one two three and four the spider-man miniseries the spider-verse storyline and the Marvel now all-new ultimate series I think that's plenty to get you guys reading some spider-man goodness but if you want to see him on TV he's appeared in two episodes of Disney XD's ultimate spider-man web warriors cartoon which I got to say it's really cool to see him get some on-screen love when you buy domain name from domain.com you get the power to influence a control what people find when they search for you online no domain extension will help you tell your story like a.com or.net domain name domain com is affordable reliable and easy to use the guys at domain.com gave Arents an awesome offer get 15% off domain coms already affordable domain names and web hosting when you use the coupon code variance at checkout so when you think domain names think domain.com [Music] first up for Wednesday December 3rd we have fan oohs versus Hulk issue one this is Thanos versus Hulk need i say more here we have Miles Morales ultimate spider-man issue eight well how convenient Miles Morales comic being released the same day I'm talking about him and this issue Miles finds out the truth behind his legacy now we have Grayson issue five Grayson is on a mission to stop Paragon from using the body parts of dead villains to create something sinister and finally we have Batman eternal issue 35 this series has been great from the start I'm just loving how it's using such a wide range of Batman's villains and allies not to mention the events that have taken place in this series we're going to change Batman's universe completely well that brings another episode of Baron to a close but before I leave you guys I have to announce the winner of last week's vs. episode 59 percent of you thought that Brainiac would win and even though I picked Ultron as the winner last week I can't completely disagree with people saying Brainiac would win like I said I was going back and forth for a while on who would win it was definitely the hardest time I've had picking a winner but I can totally see why most of you picked Brainiac but that brings another episode of variants to a close but remember you can always like a variant Facebook page and keep up with the show in all things comic related you don't follow me on twitter at twitter.com/zeromd working on is but I will see you guys next week when I talk about all things comics the older generation won't like this movie but the newer generation will and the only things I liked in it were the updated x-wing Millennium Falcon and the lightsaber it's pretty awesome it's going to be interesting see a new direction for the Star Wars franchise but it looks cool I'm a little scared that there are being a really terrible thing hey Eris I think this is my most exciting times I've ever seen I mean it just blows drastic world out of water but the thing I'm most excited about in this trailer is the fact that we get a broadsword lightsaber I mean it's one of those things you know without a doubt is gonna be cool when you see on the screen also more pod racing pod racing is just the coolest thing to come out the prequels
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 1,409,970
Rating: 4.9220495 out of 5
Keywords: Miles Morales, Ultimate Spider-Man, All New Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate Marvel, Marvel Universe, Comics Books, Comics, Peter Parker, Aunt May, Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane, The Ultimates, Nick Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D., Marvel Comics, Superheroes, Green Goblin, Electro, The Amazing Spider-Man, History Of, Origin, Origins!, Supervillain, Scarlet Spider, Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Woman, Iron Man, Captain America, variant, variant comics
Id: BayPkTbZQUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 03 2014
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