The Legend of Revan (As Told by Kreia)
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Channel: JJ Edits
Views: 350,914
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Id: JBVfCmcyfSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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Yah I’m surprised Kreia’s dialogue in kotor 2 is enough to talk about Revan’s story. Plus her voice actress is really good so that’s a bonus.
Disclaimer: The video is not mine. Credit goes to its creator, JJ Editz.
A couple of weeks ago, I was on a thread here that mentioned Revan, and I was surprised at how many people seemed to be unfamiliar with his story. I understand that not all Star Wars fans have played KOTOR or grew up with Legends, but to be honest, the story of Revan is an interesting tale that exceeds any in current Disney Canon and is too good to pass up.
So, I found this: a brief, but concise telling of the history, mystique, and morality surrounding Revan, narrated by his former master, Kreia.
While it is definitely not the full story, I believe it shows enough to grasp what Revan was all about, and maybe stoke some interest into knowing more about him.
It’s this era of the galaxy that I’m praying Disney leans in on.. More games, maybe a show.. so many rich stories to be told