History of King Shark

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I didn’t know he originally fought super-boy

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Stanlax-X 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] what's up my comic comrad today we tackle the history of king shark who made his live-action debut in the cw flash series he's also appeared several times in animated form but now he's making his big screen debut in james gunn's suicide squad and is being voiced by rocky and rambo himself sylvester stallone and i gotta say king shark looks like he's gonna be one of the best parts of the movie he looks like a giant kid's pool toy except he will literally bite your head off james guns king shark seems to be a live action version of the harley quinn animated series king shark but before we get into the history of king shark i also wanted to remind you guys that my first comic series astonishing times is finally out and in the world available for purchase exclusively on comixology and kindle we've done several episodes leading up to the launch including the official announcement a character spotlight and a creator's round table where we talk in depth about the comic this has been a lifelong dream for me come true and the whole creative team and myself think we created something really special for you guys so if you haven't already please check out the first issue on comixology or kindle and let me and the entire creative team know what you think and as i've said before we made this book for all of you just as much as we did ourselves so we really hope you enjoy it but with that said it's now time to dive into the history of king shark [Music] king shark first came yoda in superboy issue zero in 1994 before making his first full appearance in superboy issue 9 in 1994. he was created by carl kessel and like i said in the opening king shark is no stranger to television he's appeared several times live action on the cw flash series and looked incredible might i add but he's also made appearances in the dc superhero girl show which is one of my four-year-old daughter's favorite shows so if you have a daughter who likes superheroes i highly recommend it and also like i mentioned king shark is a main character in the harley quinn animated series he's voiced by ron funches who does a hilarious job we've also seen king shark in animated films like superman batman public enemies batman assault on arkham and of course justice league dark apocalypse war but enough on his appearances outside of the world of comics let's take a look at his comic book origin [Music] we are given king shark's origin in superboy issue 9. the issue literally starts off by giving us his origin it states in the long ago of hawaii's legend nanawe lived in the waipio valley as we see a cloaked figure tell a guy and a girl to not go in the water a shark is waiting the guy responds the water is cleared in all way i do not see any shark shadows telling us the cloak figure is nanawe anyway the couple goes in the water and the comic narration tells us no one knew that danae's father was king of all the sharks or that the killer he always warned us of was himself no one knew because the naue ate all who disobeyed him as we see nanaway jump in the water and eat the couple for disobeying him we literally see him lunge towards them with an open mouth towards the end of the issue we learned that nanawe was the son of the shark god he came to a woman named kaikia telling her you will bear me a son ikea and you will protect him and he will protect you you will name him nanawe in time he will be king shark and we learn this as the legend states it happened like the legend said it would he came to her in a dream the shark god her family's amakua her lover more and more her memories are jumbled or indistinct but this one remains clear let the others think what they will about her and her son she knows the truth she knows the shark god is watching from his ocean throne waiting for the perfect moment to return he won't forget her or their children so in summary nanawe aka king shark was spawned from the shark god in the pacific ocean near the island of hawaii hence the name king shark but now that you know king shark's origin let's move into story arcs and publication history as for story arcs let's start with this first one ever where he caught superboy in the story we learned that he's the son of the shark god coming from hawaii as i just mentioned in his origins and at a beach in hawaii he's responsible for a bunch of missing people because he ate them all all jaws style but king shark chose the wrong beach because he just so happened to start eating people at the same beach superboy was at and superboy is just that superboy meaning he still enjoys things like spring break anyway superboy goes into the water to investigate and he's able to scare the shark off rescuing the girl that was in its grasp once superboy brings the girl back to the land he's greeted by an expector who says this wasn't a shark that did this that's what my money says my name is special agent sam mccoa can i take a look at the girl for a moment he does and then says i was afraid of this these leg abrasions claws did this not teeth superboy then asked makoa what brings you all the way from honolulu makoa says let's talk over here for a moment see before i became a federal agent i was a cop i worked missing persons for a while i thought a number of cases might be linked to maybe a serial killer that was partly right one perp was responsible but it didn't just kill its victims he ate them almost ate me some sort of man shark creature his family had covered up for him and fed him for years superboy asks how could they mokoa replies sharks are generally beneficial predators in hawaiian mythology superboy they thought their son was the new king shark they couldn't accept that he was just a savage mutation i'm here because king shark escaped from kulani prison last night no one knows the killer better than i do there's only one place to go we're hitting it tonight i know i've been less than thrilled about you coming to this island superboy but if you want in superboy interrupts saying you couldn't keep me away from here superboy finally comes face to face with king shark he fights king shark and at first king shark gets the best of superboy underwater but then superboy is able to get the upper hand by using his heat vision to defeat king shark at which point they cuff his feet and hands and then send him off to star labs until his cell at kulani can be rebuilt by the time superboy issue 13 rolled around we saw king shark recruited to be a member of the suicide squad to help them destroy the silicon dragons basically how this all goes down as superboy and makoa start working with amanda waller and the suicide squad and when they meet with the team waller standing in front of a large crate says the mission is to take out the central base of the silicon dragons an extremely dangerous pacific rim crime cartel specializing in high-tech weaponry hardware and information the base is on the ocean floor don't worry we'll get you down there that's where these tracer bracelets come in two tablets blue on the way down to adapt to the tremendous pressure red on the way up if you don't want a painful death from the bends and since you're all going to be literally out of your element i decided you needed an extra edge king shark as she has her men break open the crate behind her revealing king shark inside of a special tank makoa tells her no one mentioned this to me waller i damn near died capturing that killing machine once he almost ate me what sort of twisted deal could you have possibly made with him while in replies i simply mentioned that researchers would love to poke and produm for the rest of his captive life and if he didn't help with this mission those tests might start any day mccullough replies blackmail that'll make him real cooperative waller then tells him no but the explosive belt he's wearing will you're the team leader mccullough the king knows if he gets too far from you or anything happens to you he'll be blown in half believe me down there you two are gonna be best buddies superboy then says well reality check lady he'll chow through a dozen guys like their big belly burgers once he gets going he's almost totally unstoppable waller then just looks at superboy saying that's exactly why i think you'll need him kid if you want to come back alive for the next two issues of the story arc issues 14 and 15 of superboy we essentially sing king shark be the suicide squad's enforcer chowing down and eating all the henchmen he can during the end of the story knockout a former member of the female furies tackles king shark off the ledge in the base they infiltrated and then grabs his belt saying is that an explosive belt you're wearing king or are you just happy to see me kiss me love her as she detonates his explosive belt to blow up the base but thanks to king shark's amazing durability we later found out that he survived the explosion meaning amanda waller really underestimated just how durable he really is after this we would see king shark as a member of the legion of villains which was led by manchester black then some time after this during infinite crisis king shark was one of several villains recruited to join the secret society of super villains which was secretly formed by alexander luther but jumping forward in time a little bit we have the new 52 from 2011. in this rebooted continuity and timeline kingshark now looks like a humanoid hammerhead shark and we find out that he's been tortured and forced to work for the suicide squad by none other than amanda waller once on the suicide squad king shark would actually end up eating his fellow teammate yo-yo but again this is comics so yo-yo didn't actually die after this we had dc rebirth which started in 2017. in this continuity kingshark appears in the teen titans where we see him kidnap a reporter and plans to overthrow the surface dwellers but he's stopped by damian wayne and jackson hyde aka aqualad and after all that we find out the reason he was doing this is because he was working for black manta but with all that said friends it's time to move on to powers and abilities king shark as we all know is a giant humanoid shark who is the son of a hawaiian shark god first and foremost king shark possesses superhuman strength and even berserker strength he can punch through steel and concrete and has even been able to throw characters around like superboy and aquaman and when king shark enters a frenzy or berserker state he is nearly unstoppable and is in a trance of blood and flesh destroying anything and everything that gets in his path put it this way we all know aquaman is incredibly strong just under characters like superman and wonder woman and king shark is said to be even stronger than aquaman which makes sense and is why he could throw around a character like superboy a freaking kryptonian king shark is also extremely durable like i said earlier he survived an explosion that was specifically designed for him by amanda waller being nearly invulnerable he's bulletproof and can withstand extremely cold and crushing pressures of weight and blunt force dude was literally dropped from an airplane and hit concrete and got up like nothing happened and on top of that if he does get hurt he has an incredibly good healing factor to the point where he can regrow missing limbs all deadpool style then of course he's extremely dangerous in the water seen as he's a super humanoid shark fighting him in the water is worst case scenario as that's where he's most dangerous because again he's a shark god's son the water is literally his element that's where he reigns supreme then of course he also has deadly claws and teeth which could bite through anything like steel concrete and other hard surfaces case in point he was able to bite through omak's armor which is one of dc's most powerful meta-humans lastly king shark has enhanced senses and sonar which gives him the ability to see on the ocean floor as well as navigate his surroundings both in water and on land this ability also allows him to know exactly where he is on the planet just by tasting the water imagine just drinking water and knowing exactly where you are by the taste of said water it's pretty weird but kind of cool but now that you know a little bit more about king shark's powers and abilities let's get some king shark reading recommendations for king shark reading recommendations check out aquaman's sword of atlantis which i didn't talk about today but it's fantastic the new 52 suicide squad title super boy issues 9 through 15 and wonder woman rebirth annual 1. those should be enough to get you all started [Music] first up for the week of the 28th we have star wars issue 15. luke skywalker embarks on an epic mission with the brave pilots of starlight squadron to rescue the lost division of the rebel fleet now we have robin issue 4 damian wayne versus his grandfather the immortal raz al ghul for years batman's son avoided learning the ways of the demon from raz but now that training may be exactly what robin needs to win the league of lazarus tournament here we have detective comics issue 1040 when the cops brought bruce wayne in for questioning last month a giant money man with a bazooka and a mustache blew the place up so what does that mean for gotham's ex-favorite son well it means bruce wayne has to spend a weekend in lockup can batman's alter ego go the weekend without getting stabbed and finally we have astonishing times issue one this is a monumental moment for me being able to put a comic that i co-created and wrote on the buy list but yes like i said earlier this is my comic reading debut in a series that follows journalist noah sans who gets pulled in way over his head when he starts investigating the murder of a legacy hero and that's gonna bring today's episode of grant to a close but if you liked today's video be sure to check out this one right here and if you like all of our content subscribe like and comment it helps the channel out but other than that i'll see you guys next time when i talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 701,639
Rating: 4.9366274 out of 5
Keywords: King Shark, suicide squad, peacemaker, polka dot man, harley quinn, weasel, brainiac, starro, movie, comiocs, comic books, variant, variant comics, astonishing times, superboy, aqualad, aquaman, dc, dc comics
Id: -GWMM3IqWac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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