His Brother Was A MEAN YOUTUBER! (Full Movie)

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oh come on Nate stop running uh Joey leave me alone that's right guys for my birthday I'm gonna prank my stupid brother Joey you're ruining our family I'm going to go delete your YouTube channel once and for all you better not check this prank out everybody let's see my stupid brother oh man Joey what a horrible prank my brother is just so mean I don't know what's gotten into him oh finally dad's home dad uh this again what is it this time Joey's just been out of control dad ever since he started his YouTube channel he's been so mean oh you're just being sensitive look your brother is working really hard okay he's just trying to make the family Rich well there's more to life than just being rich what are you kidding I'm being serious now he's just being mean and man he's making some terrible content oh really well that terrible content just bought me this brand new car Nate are you done crying yet like get over it dude it was just a fire extinguisher no way Joey that was horrible can't you pushed me into the computer that really hurt you know what hurt is that you won't help me with my content I'm not gonna help you because that channel is ruining our family yeah well my Channel's making so much money now who really cares yeah exactly Nate you sound like a big cry baby dad Nate ruined my birthday blog and he tried to delete my channel what unbelievable Nate I'm disappointed in you get yourself a new birthday present I'm sorry you have the world's worst brother oh where can I be so dumb you saw the video right dude well if it isn't the laughing stock of the whole school Matt what do you want just leave me alone oh no way my brother's video is so hilarious you know that like 10 million people saw that right 10 million people oh man yeah the whole world thinks you're a loser nothing like your brother he's so cool yeah well my brother isn't the cool YouTuber that everyone thinks he is he's just a jerk you're just a baby look there he is Joey you're awesome all right guys thank you so much no sorry no autographs right now well from the looks of it seems like everybody loved my new birthday Vlog yeah everyone except for me get over it already Joey how could you do this do what be awesome yeah it's super easy it scares me in front of the whole school and now the entire world making a whole lot of money and everyone thinks I'm awesome yeah well you're not awesome you're the only person in the world who thinks so all right everybody what do you say you want to see me prank my brother again you don't do it yeah him could look like an idiot well you hear them I gotta make another video Joey you're being unbelievable oh my gosh what the heck happened hey oh my gosh we were robbed look we lost everything someone came in took all of our stuff all of our valuables oh no that means all my stuff is gone too gosh I'm so sorry guys hopefully they can find the person that did it awesome surprise ah you guys just got pranked Joey Joey honey did you do this yeah of course I did I figured I had to up my prank from the left so you have gone too far this time come on dad just relax okay it's not a big deal yeah well I want my stuff back oh well it's too late for that too late what are you talking about I rented a helicopter and I threw all of our stuff in the ocean what what it's really fast they're gone you guys can make more money it's easy it's not a big deal you gonna help us buy new stuff no this is the last straw Joey come on honey let's go see if we can fish our stuff out of the ocean well because of Joey's amazing pranks now I had to pick up extra shifts just so I can buy back some of the stuff he destroyed I just can't believe that he did this to our family come on you stupid camera why won't you work no no not again oh so dumb I'm gonna have to go buy a new one Joey what are you doing here I was supposed to film a new video pranking you but my camera won't work Joey you really need to stop doing what you're doing how does somebody stop being awesome I don't get it I'm not talking about that I'm talking about all these pranks oh my gosh this again dude just get over it okay you really don't understand do you understand what that we're family we shouldn't be tearing each other apart and being horrible to each other yeah well I'm making a ton of money doing it so I'm not gonna stop just because you're making money doesn't make everything okay yeah it does money solves all your problems I can't just stop posting videos it's what the fans want what the fans want how about what your family I think you're just jealous you don't understand you do understand you should just be nicer to your family I'll think about it okay whatever gotta go buy another stupid camera oh gosh what happened to our house babe do you know anything about this well I bet that I have an idea what happened it was your brother I think this has gone too far now not only did we lose all our stuff but now we lost the house that's right guys I just finished a tour of my destroyed house make sure you subscribe and hit that like button for more prank videos and cut all right dude that was awesome I cannot believe you would do this to your family Joey what make an awesome video you ruined everything this is just too much oh yeah well it's not too much when I'm giving you all the money I make all the time is it you guys are just being dramatic and the camera's not even rolling you guys just need to get over it okay this is our lives now get used to it we're supposed to do our home is gone well that's the best part I got a funny little place for us to stay Joey can not be serious this place is disgusting we can't live here I'm pretty sure he is serious this is unbelievable I just don't understand how it got so bad how did it come to that how did it come to this you guys realize this is all your fault right your fault no it's not of course it is you guys let him do whatever he wanted he became an absolute monster maybe right he really has changed he definitely isn't the sun I used to know that's for sure all the brother that I grew up with you guys were just both so blinded by the money and the face how could we not I was getting recognized at the grocery store which you didn't recognize is that your spoiled son was destroying the family you got what you guys deserved you know what young man I've had it up to here with this little attitude of yours okay I don't even want to argue with you guys anymore I'm out of here wait where are you going come back here young man excuse me we have a big problem here a problem oh no what is it sir I asked for extra pickles and triple cheese with no bun I see a bun in this burger oh my God my gosh I'm so sorry I'll get you a new one right away you're so stupid you don't even know how to do your own job excuse me you heard me and I recognize you I know who you are you're that dumb brother on Joey Awesome's Channel this again it was his millionth subscriber and I comment first on all his videos I've seen all his content you're even dumber in person than you are in his videos you know what I'm not taking this so frustrating night night there you are are you okay I'm sorry boss I just had to get out of there I got a customer inside screaming that you're some kind of dumb idiot what is this all about well it's a long story but right now I don't exactly have anywhere to go is this about your brother again I say in his YouTube videos and all the bad stuff he does to you and your family I hate to say at night but uh brother's a jerk yeah he's the worst brother in the entire world he ruined my family and now I'm all on my own and I saw he destroyed your halves too I mean who does that and now he's making us stay in this gross run down apartment all just for his dumb videos oh my gosh that's terrible I know and I ran away I can't even stay with my own family we're fighting and I really just don't want to be around them at all well that's not good at all I guess you could sleep in the back room here until things calm down with your family you know thanks boss I really appreciate that oh my gosh Nate you may oh page great to see you see you it's great to see if you were gonna come but I'm just really glad you're here I'm glad to be here too it's nice to get away from everything yeah I'm so sorry with how everything is going on in your life right now but I am really proud of you for working so hard and Rising above all of this thanks that's really sweet of you to say but to tell you the truth I really just miss my family I'm just really glad that you've always been there for me you know I always got your back speaking of back oh Nate what's wrong do you need your floaties to swim Joey that was not cool don't you think he's had enough uh Joey you know I can't swim whose fault's that you are the worst brother in the entire world so that could have been really bad what come on guys it was great right classic Joey Awesome products unsubscribe I can't believe this Nate you're ruining everything I'm pretty sure you're doing this to yourself Joey well whatever you're all just a bunch of losers anyways another day at work I really hope today goes better than yesterday Mom Dad Nate hey buddy we knew you we'd find you here well yeah I mean I work here but what are you guys doing here well we came here to apologize to you honey that's right your mother and I were talking and uh you were right the whole time we wanted to say we were sorry oh I'm just glad that you guys finally came around now you can finally see how terrible he's been to me all this time yes we see that now but we just miss being a family it just doesn't feel right you know not having our boys with us but we're gonna need your help son my help with what work together and buy us a new family home that way we can all live together again well of course I'm in as long as Joey isn't there I agree honey I hate to say it but he has gone too far you're right so what do you say I think it's time we uh bring the family back together again absolutely it's good to have you guys back hey idiot you and I need to have a conversation I really don't feel like talking to you I'm not really giving you an option Nate you have no idea what you've done what is there a hidden camera somewhere is this another prank no although that would have been a good idea you know all because of you I'm losing followers now my subscriber count is going down by the minute and everyone's calling me me that's because you are mean family's basically homeless because of you and you won't help out at all no all I was doing was trying to make the best content available and then you had to go and ruin it for me Isn't it you're just being selfish and mean and everyone is finally seeing the truth the truth the truth is everybody is dog I don't want to be around you anymore you enjoy being a homeless idiot then because I'm never gonna help you Joey you're the idiot more rich and famous you'll see oh this is gonna be so awesome the biggest YouTuber convention on the planet is happening and I've got the best prank ever this idiot Ralph isn't gonna suspect a thing and that's why being kind and courteous to everyone is going to make you the best YouTuber around half of my Channel's profits go straight to charity sounds like Ralph here is just another poor loser I think what this is all about is making as much money as you can I'm sorry but who are you what are you serious I'm Joey awesome dude duh Joey awesome oh oh I remember you you're a terrible person what you're exactly the type of person that shouldn't be on YouTube you just make money off of hurting people yo whatever dude you're just jealous everybody loves me isn't that right guys Joey sucks it doesn't really seem like people like you I can't believe this this is the worst all right and when you know it's done that's when you flip it see oh yeah wow thanks for teaching me that dad of course no one knows how to grill koi like your dad it's really nice that we're back together again uh Hey guys Joey is that you ah Joey if you're just gonna prank us just leave I want to say uh I'm sorry I know I let the fame and money go to my head okay it took me until I hit rock bottom to realize I changed and I'm really sorry okay well I'm really proud of you for saying all that but you can't just erase what you did I know I really messed up big time I'll leave you guys alone wait do you want to stay and have some dinner with us yeah I'd really like that thanks guys Tammy stop leave me alone Noah quit being a baby get back here the camera needs to see that you got stung by all the bees I put in your room you're crazy you're the meanest sister ever you cannot run me oh yeah oh man this is the greatest moment ever this video is gonna go viral hey Kitty you okay yeah yeah I think I'm fine no he's not fine and you're both ruining the shot you are the worst YouTuber ever oh man I think I finally lost her thank goodness that the mall is close by with all these people here there's no way she'd find me well while I'm here I just need to get my mom a birthday present anyway there you are no not again oh no you don't get back here nowhere just leave me alone already will you just listen to me why why should I listen to you because I want to give you a present present wait really well yeah where is it it's right here let's see how long you can last in the cold water look you're already shivering if this doesn't get me a million views I don't know what will oh man Tammy is the worst I'm freezing Tammy dear that is incredible news I mean it's 10 million subscribers oh Noah what is wrong Tammy is what's wrong Mom do you know what she did to me sure it's just all fun and game she pushed me into a freezing Pond he's being so dramatic I don't see what the big deal is but did I tell you what your sister got me for my birthday ten thousand dollars and a new Gucci bag mom do you even realize how she's getting all those views on her videos it's because she's hurting people he's just lying and he's jealous and all this on your mother's Burgers I just can't believe you too no no you are getting water all over my clean floors go upstairs and dry off oh man what am I gonna get my mom can't exactly afford what Tammy got her well from the looks of it looks like things are pretty expensive in here I don't think I can afford anything I just hear you say you can't afford anything yeah that's why you can't afford things in here maybe you should leave hey wait a second I know you oh no I'm a huge fan of Tammy's prank Channel you're Noah her dumb brother yep that's me her Channel's so funny yeah it might seem funny but it really isn't what do you even mean what I mean is that she's terrible she only does stuff like this for the views she doesn't care about anybody still really funny to see it happening wow you're horrible if you're like complaining so much just make your own channel then make my own channel probably gonna fail though you're definitely not as cool as Tammy you know what I think I will start my own channel whatever I'll get out of the store your poor is ruining the vibe dude foreign [Music] I hope she likes it what do you think you're doing minding my own business Tammy I heard you say my name so what were you talking about and what is that what I was talking about this is Mom's present I got her a sweater a sweater what what's so funny so lame hand it over hey give it back no way and besides mom would never want such a stupid present I totally have to film this no not again hey guys it's Tammy back with another awesome Vlog let me stop filming right now be quiet you're ruining this ruining this you're ruining my life I would just give it up you really hurt my feelings I'm sorry I hurt your feelings but look I have a surprise for you what is it this time more bees in my room no that was like real expensive I got us a private jet and we can literally go wherever we want and hang out wait really yeah I thought you'd like it not sure if I'd believe you why would you just suddenly change your mind I don't know I mean I guess I kind of feel bad we don't hang out like we used to so figured this would be a great start that would actually be really nice I know go get ready time's wasting yeah I'll be right back [Music] let me get this right so you could have literally gone anywhere in the world and you chose to go to a national park in the middle of winter are you crazy no I'm not crazy I mean look around look how beautiful this place is this trip was actually really cool thank you so much for bringing me along I mean I'm not all that bad so I've gotta ask why do you make the videos that you do what do you mean I mean just pranking me all the time you realize that it hurts right I mean I haven't really thought of that and I mean you know how hard it was for me to grow up I had no friends people made fun of me at school all I wanted was for people to like me so then when I started doing my prank videos and people actually liked them it felt cool it was the first time in my life in a long time that I actually felt happy well I always thought you were cool shut up no I'm being serious you didn't need any of the videos to do that saying that that's actually really nice wait wait hold on I want something to remember this trip by say something to the camera uh okay this trip was awesome perfect oh my gosh I gotta go plug my phone in I'm gonna run to the plane my phone's literally about to die okay yeah sure I'm glad that my sister's finally being real with me at least now I know why she was doing all the mean pranks I'm just glad things are finally changing what is that sound wait is that our plane no no no no no no no oh she left me here what am I gonna do now uh Tammy I cannot believe her I have no cell service out here maybe there's someone here that can help hold on a second I know you you're from the YouTubes oh man even way out here yeah of course we have the internet out here what's a big fancy YouTube celebrity doing out in the middle of nowhere well my sister just left me out here and I have no idea how to get home classic Tammy what your sister does to you is absolutely terrible finally someone who sees it besides just me I don't know what people see in her content honestly it's trash I just don't know why she still does it she completely tricked me and then abandoned me out here well I'm heading back into the city tomorrow you're more than welcome to come with me oh man that would be amazing always willing to help a person in need that's my motto speaking of that do you think I could film along the way I actually want to start my own YouTube channel I think that'd be cool I'd like to see that and I promise no pranks this channel is going to be all about being kind to people instead now that is content I actually would like to watch now come on why don't I get you some food get you out of this cold and done awesome the first video is now live on the channel you know for a lumberjack James actually has quite the sense of humor what the heck do you think you're doing well Tammy if you must know save it I already know I saw you posted a video are you crazy no I'm not crazy at all I have my own channel now you know this is not gonna work out for you because you're not taking the spotlight from me well it's not exactly my goal I'm not trying to take the spotlight from you but I definitely think that this world needs content that makes him feel good and what is that supposed to do don't you realize it being mean to people just makes them upset you don't even know what you're talking about everyone loves my content I just really wish you would stop being so mean to me I missed my sister and I hate who you've become now get used to it Noah because this is me now hey I'm sorry for bothering you but uh are you Noah yep that's me let me guess from my sister's videos sister's videos I saw your video yesterday on YouTube wait really you did yeah I was on my homepage and saw this video had 10 million views and I had to check it out wait what 10 million dude have you even looked at your analytics before no I don't even know what that is well it's one of the top trending videos on YouTube right now dude top trending this is insane it was nice to see someone act kind you know and that guy James was hilarious that's actually all I wanted to do show just people being nice to each other and hey thank you so much for watching I'm glad you enjoyed it of course man I can't wait for your next video I already subscribed and everything but I gotta say I did check out your sister's YouTube channel Tammy it's really not cool what she does to you yeah it's not cool at all well keep up the good work man at this pace you might be even a bigger YouTuber than she is [Music] Mom Mom are you okay what's going on it's your sister she went too far this time she was filming one of those little prank videos and she completely crashed my car it's destroyed oh no I'm so sorry well Mom these mean pranks aren't as innocent as she makes it seem huh clearly not and she won't even pay to have it fixed or buy me a new one sounds exactly like her I had no idea that you were serious she does take this way too far I thought you were just overreacting well I was being completely serious mom and I'm sorry that she had to realize it the hard way I just don't know what I'm gonna do now I need my car to go to work well Mom I don't think you have to worry about that at all actually this is no joking matter I'm not joking I started my own YouTube channel and the first video I posted went viral yeah because of that I'll buy you a new car no problem oh no no no you can't just do that I mean your sister needs to do the right thing and pay for my car well I hope that she will I'll try talking to her hey Noah thanks for coming by today man I really appreciate it of course Brendan thank you so much for having me so what did you want to talk about well I just wanted to hang out you know pick your brain a little bit you know about how you make content well sure I'd be happy to share anything that I know even though it's probably not too much I know you just heard YouTube what only a little while ago dude you're already one of the biggest names on the platform biggest thing is just being nice and trying to do good for others I have to have you on my podcast man I want to talk to you about your approach and get your real opinion yeah of course I'd love that oh there you are Tammy what are you doing here yeah this is my house how did you even get in here um Brendan look I'm losing subscribers and this is all your fault my fault Timmy you need to relax yeah this isn't really cool Tammy no what's not cool is this loser here is ruining my channel look Tammy everyone knows that you're mean to people maybe that's why they don't want to be around you yeah I think you're kind of doing this to yourself this isn't fair the moment you got on YouTube everything changed so delete your channel now what there's no way I'm doing that you are ruining my life you're ruining the Vibes here Timmy can you leave my house it's over Noah and I can promise that ow Brendan was so nice I can't wait to collab with him in the future what happened here that's the new Tesla I bought mom and my computer what is it doing outside in the snow it's totally destroyed you ruined my life Tammy you're out of control you have no idea what you've done I'm not even a famous YouTuber anymore they might even take my subscriber plaques away are you kidding me Tammy when are you gonna realize that this isn't my fault you did this to yourself no I didn't yes you did and the solution is just to change your content start being nicer to people no I don't want to people before and now because of you no one likes you cannot be defined by how many views you get this isn't healthy no you mean it's not fair and because of all this I hate you well you know what how do you think I feel you made a living out of torturing me and look where it got you okay here we go three two one hi guys it's Tammy I just want to say those of you who aren't watching my videos anymore you're trash you're terrible only losers unsubscribe Tammy seriously what is it Noah go away I'm busy no I'm not going anywhere you and I have to have a serious talk you need to stop being so mean first it was just being mean to me but then you were mean to Mom and now you're mean to all of your viewers this is who I am now Noah I have to be this way why why on Earth do you feel like you have to be this way well if I'm not this way then I won't get any subscribers No One's Gonna watch the videos and they're all gonna hate me and be mean to me just like they always have been I'm tired of people making me feel bad about myself Tammy just put all this aside for one second you're a good person that is the side of you that people want to see now you're being mean to everybody or I can't do that I'm scared I feel like I've created this personality and I just gotta keep doing it well don't be scared I have an idea what what great idea this time look just hear me out do you want to be in one of my videos that way you can see what it's like being kind to people for YouTube seriously I mean after Ed and Donnie order videos of course this channel is all about helping others and being kind to people so why not do that for my sister welcome back guys now we've fully sabotaged someone's car I gotta get back to work gotta go on patrol this random idiot's gonna have no idea what's coming I can't wait to see it oh my God oh my God I saw you with my own eyes you're under arrest I can't believe I'm in a jail cell because of coal his stupid pranks actually put me in jail they are going way too far this time he's obsessed with going viral what am I gonna do with you are you talking to yourself and here loser just shut up all right you're free to go get lost oh thank you well look at my son the criminal Dad please let me explain I can't believe you would get yourself arrested pulling a prank on a police officer are you at this cold and why would your twin brother do something like that he was doing another prank for his stupid YouTube stupid Kyle shut up and I didn't know it was going to be a cop's car it doesn't matter if it was a cop's car or not you shouldn't be doing that to anybody well it's enough of this I really don't care it's time for us to go home disappointed in you Kyle oh man what a day at least I can play on my computer or something oh my gosh my stuff what happened to my stuff it's all smashed and perfect oh man look at my brother's stupid pathetic face it might look like mine but it looks way Dumber right now oh what is wrong with you why would you do this it's for my next video what kind of prank is this on your face is so pathetic oh that's it cool I'm telling Dad Dad Cole's going way too far with his YouTube channel oh come on Kyle you're being dramatic his pranks aren't that bad yeah actually my pranks are hilarious people love them you're the only one that seems to have an issue with it yeah Kyle I don't really get what the big deal is the big deal is that he's making my life a living Nightmare and you're just letting him do it because it's getting views on YouTube I'm so sick of this you don't get it I gotta go edit my video Kyle you need to lighten up on your twin brother okay he's just going through a little phase he's making fun of YouTube videos so what Dad I just don't see this ending very well for us so what you gotta buy all new stuff now man that stinks yeah he's the worst that YouTube channel he has has made him a monster I can't support him anymore if he has these horrible intentions with it yeah and I'm tired of your brother's pranks too Cole pranked me that time remember he spilled paint on me while I was sleeping dude I don't even know how he got in my house ever since he started this channel it's gotten off he's been letting all the fame go to his head so I'd call down this really bad path and I don't like it just change yeah remember when your brother used to be cool and we all used to hung up that was fun when he got to high school he just 180 man well speak of the devil and he shall Sean hurry up dude hold up I'm coming looks like your brother's up to something no good yet again I'm gonna go catch him in the act all right Duty rolling yeah here we go we're rolling all right awesome check this out guys my principal sucks and this is gonna teach him a lesson Oh no you're not okay what are you doing I'm going viral that's what I'm doing now give me back this you can't be screen painting the principal's car he's a nice man why would you do so you're rooting my YouTube videos dude you have to stop pretzel Peter sucks he deserves this and you can't tell me what to do just because you're my twin brother to tell you what to do I'm trying to help you Cole you shouldn't be spray painting people's cars for Content you're going to get trust me I'm not the one that's gonna get in trouble come on Sean yo let's beat it hey hey hey what's going on out here Kyle what no no no no principal Peters this isn't what it looks like I promise spray painted my car I am so disappointed in you it wasn't me it was my brother I promise twin Switcheroo you think I'm gonna fall for that you're suspended Kyle thank you gosh my content is so awesome Cole we gotta talk about this I got kicked out of school I'm suspended because of you you get time off from school you would have got suspended instead of me if you confessed to doing the prank and get Dad super mad at me yeah right maybe you shouldn't have followed me maybe you should have left me on your twin brother I'm always gonna look out for you Cole and I'm telling you right now these pranks at least what people want man look at my channel look at the views I get the subscribers I see you're going about this all the wrong way you need to stop these pranks right now before somebody gets oh my gosh just shut up Kyle I'm not going to stop because these pranks are harmless if you stopped messing with me then you wouldn't be getting in trouble get out of my room oh cool this is actually a really nice idea the the weather is great and I really wanted to spend more time with you kind of nice to spend time with you too I figured riding bikes was kind of like the old days oh yeah definitely it really is nice to catch up hey oh my gosh I can't stop okay it was just a prank Kyle Kyle oh my gosh that was intense oh where am I Kyle Kyle thank goodness you're you're okay how are you feeling well my head hurts but other than that I'm fine I'm so sorry I had no idea one of my pranks would lead to you you cut my brakes off and no one really sorry that's right guys you saw it here first quote unquote famous YouTuber Cole and his twin brother Kyle this is what happens when you pull pranks on your twin brother subscribe it's called by Jerry to see more dumb YouTubers caught in the act are you serious Jerry drama yeah that's me dude this was an accident okay what are you doing here you're one of the hottest new YouTubers out there Cole and I'm here to expose you you can kiss your pathetic YouTube channel goodbye just get lost Jerry oh man Kyle I'm really sorry I did not mean for you to get hurt get wrapped up in this YouTube mess I don't know what I was thinking you know what Cole you know how you can make this up to me how dude I'll do anything try being a good YouTuber [Music] come on dude is this really necessary yes 100 this is absolutely necessary now go ah fine hi guys welcome back to my channel um today and now going forward we're gonna be doing something different I want to change the style content and put up on my channel in the first order of business is giving back to people that I pranked like Henry here oh uh haha y'all I hilariously pranked Henry in the Press well it wasn't that far you're right Henry it really wasn't that funny and I kind of ruined a lot of this stuff so I wanted to give you a present to make up for it see Cole being a good YouTuber isn't so bad oh my God that's right viewers look at Cole being a real terrible friend and YouTuber you keep giving me great content like this Cole your channel will be tanked in record time no it's gonna want to support you after this [Music] oh man what am I gonna do what am I gonna do hey Cole how's it going you feeling all right no I'm not feeling all right Kyle leave me alone come on dude talk to me what is there to talk about all my followers are gone my channel is completely ruined because stupid Jerry drama put out another video about me now everything's gone and I'm a total loser no Cole you're not a loser you just don't have to be a mean YouTuber to be popular that's what put you in this problem in the first place being a mean YouTuber was the only way for people to notice me no one cared about me I had to do something I had to get noticed somehow Cole by doing pranks like that and being that obnoxious you're only going to be noticed as a jerk not a cool person you don't have to be a mean YouTuber in order to get attention well how else am I supposed to do it Kyle this is the only way that's been working so far you wanna know how to be a good YouTuber let me teach you the right way with no pranks this time [Music] well Kyle this is kind of your idea I think you should be the one to announce it first thank you all for showing up everybody we like to welcome all of you to the first Mansion created for YouTube content creators [Applause] of content the best part is it's totally free all you have to do is schedule some time that's it hoping that any content creators can come by and film videos with us yeah right Jerry drama here ladies and gentlemen don't listen to these idiots okay this is just another lie what what do you mean it's another lie you just built this place so you can prank other YouTubers freely that's not true at all I don't even make prank content anymore from he hasn't pranked me or anybody well I'll believe it what I said the first thing we're gonna do is Kyle and I are gonna donate a thousand dollars to the creators that join us I'm finally starting to do good things on my channel and this is the beginning of it just wait Jerry you'll see wow Kyle look I can't believe all these people signed up to use our YouTuber house I know it's crazy look at all the people here this is awesome you're doing a lot of good call I told you people would be into this you don't have to be a jerk oh my gosh dude look who's on the list it's Jerry never doubt the Jerry drama okay losers Jerry you were bashing this idea from the start why did you decide to join us well if it's to support other creators then I'm all in for it obviously that's what my content is about helping other YouTubers see the truth well that's great we'll give you and the creators the a thousand dollar Robux tomorrow morning yeah you better you know what you extended Olive Branch why don't you and I film a collab video tomorrow yeah well fine yeah I guess that would be uh kind of cool or whatever awesome Kyle why don't you put that bag of Robux in the safe yeah that's a great idea now let's get out of here guys it's late we'll go around and lock up and Jerry you're free to see yourself out all of those Robux are gonna be mine and this stupid Venture of yours is gonna tank all this drama is gonna do so good for my channel not only do I have all this money I'm gonna make so much more I still can't believe Colin is stupid twin brother were up to this idea but I gotta prepare for tomorrow the look of those losers face but they don't have any money to give those other YouTubers hold on a second these real bucks are fast what the heck what are you doing here what's going on we knew you're gonna steal those Robux man we're just gonna do something to create some drama now everyone knows about it you're a total fraud and you stole you're going to jail what no I can't believe that actually worked Kyle I want to thank you man thank me thank me for what for helping me and making me realize I was a mean YouTuber I'm really sorry you know I'm always gonna look out for you no matter what you do man and it's way better being a nice YouTuber than a mean one mom you're the meanest YouTuber ever please Jesus prank hey what's going on out here what the hey Karen are you serious gotcha you just got pranked I just bought this Tesla you know I've got a really important meeting don't be so lame wait wait I need this for Content okay you're the worst sister ever John get in the car and keep rolling oh man this sucks come on Frank get in the car I'll give you a ride wait really yeah duh I'm your sister after all thanks come on I don't want you to be late [Music] uh Karen what are we doing here I just need to do something my car's just driving funny can you go out and check my tires real quick Karen we're in the middle of the night just go check or you won't even be able to make that meeting oh fine Karen it looks like your tires are fine what are you talking about awesome did you get that did you get that yeah I got it Mom that was really mean hey wait good wait for my meeting mom your pranks have been going way too far this isn't good YouTube content and you know it I'll relax I haven't gone far enough my last YouTube video had over 10 million views so who cares uh I care mom that was your brother Uncle Frank didn't deserve any of that your uncle will be fine he's just a big idiot anyways I think you are really just becoming a Super mean YouTube you like this house what yeah I guess I do like this house what's your point well all those views that you're complaining about yeah they're the ones that paid for this house I'm so famous and Rich it's not even funny yeah but now you're becoming mean that isn't a way to make money mom there are millions of people right here that beg to differ my fans love me and I mean why wouldn't they I'm great just because people watch your videos mom doesn't mean that it's good for the world what kind of message are you sending whole terrible pranks on your friends and family and become rich and famous because of it well yeah look at my bank account 15 million dollars who cares I can't believe this whatever mom sick of arguing with you dude did you study for that vocabulary test I hate to say it Keith but you're really bad at spelling hey I'm not that bad at spelling out of the way losing you know your mom is cooler than you I'm not a loser Blake leave me alone oh yeah what's it like having a famous YouTuber for a mom honestly dude it's awful my life was a whole lot better before my mom started her YouTube channel I wish I could have my old family back your old family what do you mean well the accident really affected my mom negatively ever since it happened she hasn't been the same honey the storm is really really bad oh don't worry Karen everything will be okay I just really miss my dad a whole lot you know oh let's go oh man that was such a tough day at school and they're giving us homework over the weekend should be illegal John John come here I need to talk to you Mom oh what's going on what's with the phone I'm filming and I have something really important to tell you uh all right I'm really sick and I only have a week to live what no this can't be true is it you you can't leave me what see that guys look at my kid he's crying like a little baby mom is this one of your stupid pranks again duh oh my gosh unbelievable give me the idea how much you scared me that wasn't funny mom that was so funny look at his stupid face by the way Karen seriously I'm a huge fan I love you I love meeting my fans mom you are being so selfish right now I can't stand you don't be such a crybaby it was just a joke well that was a really really terrible joke mom oh ah hey John hey come on in oh thanks Mr Smith I appreciate it hey man glad you're here yeah thanks Keith thanks for letting me stay here I just didn't want to go home why wouldn't you want to go home dude you live in a sick Mansion yeah well my mom's pranks are completely out of control I just don't know what's gotten into her oh John as a parent I can tell your mom's doing the best that she can to care for you but I have to admit I don't really agree with her strategy her YouTube channel is a kind of cringy yeah I showed it to my dad he wasn't a fan not in the least bit but I know in her mind she's got to be trying right it must be tough because everyone loves her channel right yeah it is and I'll be honest I don't want a famous mom well maybe you should tell her that I have told her that she just doesn't listen to me what what is that noise is someone street racing John John get out here right now Mom what the heck are you doing what I thought this would be a really really fun idea and thought it would be great content you're ruining Keith's lawn mom what are you Karen are you serious right now look at my lawn oh man my fans are gonna love this Karen this isn't funny you need to grow up oh really yeah really your pranks are terrible and your content is absolute trash it should be ashamed of yourself everyone loves me and my content oh don't push me all right enough I think it's time I go yeah maybe you should go way to go Mom thanks you just made my best friend's dad hate you [Music] ladies and gentlemen I'm here with All-Star famous YouTuber Karen as she's here to receive a reward for best YouTuber prankster oh Jack Kingsley I'm so excited to be here that was Karen how incredible is this moment for you I'm just so grateful for all my fans and most importantly my son John Garrett do one of your classic pregs please we love it well if my fans insist mom what is wrong with you what they asked well I'm done with this by you I can't believe you let your crazy mother treat me like that she embarrassed me in front of the world yeah well it's not my fault I didn't even want to be involved in this stupid prank thing anyways yeah right you're no better than her look get out of my way I'm so sick of all of this [Music] Keith Keith dude are you home come on man I need to talk to somebody Keith come on dude who is it uh John uh hi sir is Keith home look you're not welcome here anymore as far as I'm concerned you two are no longer friends Keith is my only friend I I why can't I see because your mother is a terrible person and I don't want Keith being associated with anybody that knows her and that includes you John thought you were a good kid but I've hit my list just let me talk to Keith absolutely not you know what your mother did the other night she filled our house with slime slime I tell you your mother has ruined everything we have sir I'm really sorry you are is leaving this property foreign I need to talk to you Mom what is all the yelling John well I was walking home and I saw your new YouTube video what'd you think did you leave I didn't leave a like it was horrible I told you to not prank Keith's dad and you did it anyways you filled their house with slime the video is going super viral right now who cares Mom you're supposed to be my mother not some mean famous YouTuber that's only caring about herself you know I lost my friend because of this Keith's dad won't even let me talk to him anymore John I'm doing my best here no you're not you're being selfish you make your living off of hurting other people and making them upset does that really feel good mom John I'm not hurting anyone it's just good fun well I'm hurt Mom I'm hurt by everything that you're doing and now because of you I've lost my only friend well I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings you know Dad would be so disappointed in you right now if he could see you that's not fair young man yes it is when Dad was alive you were the nicest person in the planet you are the best mom ever since we lost him I feel like I lost you too what happened to you Mom you know what maybe I wanted attention because I'm hurting too I'm all alone John you're not though you have me your son because of all of this you're you're just pushing me away you're pushing away everyone that loves you that's not true you pranked your own brother and now he won't even talk to you anymore oh my gosh I'm sorry I have to keep the channel going it's the only way we can keep our head above water now that's what I thought well you know what Mom if you want to keep your channel going that's fine I want nothing to do with it and I want nothing to do with you anymore I'm out John John wait no please come back John no I don't want any part of this I'm done um and this sucks I'm gonna do now wait that's Keith hey hey Keith yo dude hey man can we talk please I'm sorry John I'm not I'm not supposed to talk to you right now I know and if your dad finds out he's probably gonna be super mad yeah really mad he's still cleaning slime out the carpets I know and I'm really sorry for what my mom did okay do you have any idea what happened that slime prank destroyed our house we have to sell it now me my dad have to move away what no no no that's not fair gosh my mom I can't believe she would do this I know you didn't have anything to do with it it just sucks you know yeah trust me I believe it and it sucks having my mom a famous YouTuber I don't want to move out my dad's blaming me for all of this well that's not fair we had nothing to do with it maybe we should just run away you know what actually that might be a good idea maybe we should run away and prank our parents I know my mom has a vacation house out in the mountains she never go goes to it whoa really honestly I wouldn't mind yeah maybe we can just go stay up there for a little bit maybe this will teach our parents a serious lesson you know what I think you're right plus it sounds like fun let's do this all right I just think I remember how to get there you know dude I really do hope this teaches your mom a lesson all this really sucks I want to go back to my old house yeah I know and I'm really sorry about that man but hey the house should just be up ahead I think it's just past this River how are we supposed to get across on that I guess I don't know that log looks kind of sketchy I think it'll be fine hold on I'll test it see it no no oh hell please help John I'm coming I got you don't worry sweetheart I'm here hold on John are you okay I'm fine now oh that really scared me look I promise I'll be better for you what seriously yeah of course I was at the vacation home preparing a video and I missed you so much I saw you and I can't lose you too Mom I just want our family back of course I love you son
Channel: ShanePlays Roblox Movies
Views: 772,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, ShanePlays, ShanePlays Roblox Movie, FullRobloxMovie, Roblox Story, Roblox Animation
Id: Q3nLp0l9Tcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 45sec (2985 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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