His Girlfriend Dumped Him For A Billionaire! *Full Movie*!

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are you having fun at all no I'm not it's just so boring I'm tired of doing all of these cheap activities well the fair is not really all that cheap it's for me I want to do something fancy I want to do something expensive I want oh I want something like him hey I just had to stop driving my Lambo for a sec to tell you you're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen oh my gosh stop really oh yeah hey do you want to hang out with a billionaire like me what the heck Chloe are you serious sorry James we're done I'm gonna go hang out with what's your name yeah awesome Cody Chloe no you can't afford me anyways sucks to be you poor loser I just can't believe Chloe would break up with me like that we were together for over a year that just came out of nowhere I just need to go home and clear my head what the heck what happened in the apartment complex hey Hank oh yeah yeah James what do you want hey what the heck happened ah the apartment complex has been bought gotta tear it down to building some new fancy hotel here couldn't get like any kind of lease notice or anything came out of the blue and to get it done fast well who could have done this Chloe there you go Hank this is for you thank you what is it doing business with you Miss Chloe um what are you doing on my property you're property what play the apartment complex yep I'm rich now thanks to Cody and he lets me do whatever I want so you tore down my apartment yeah everything inside looked sad so I wanted to do something cool you can't just do that oh my stuff is now good and that's my problem because you're a monster you must suck not being able to afford anything you're gonna regret breaking up with me you'll see I highly doubt that so I was able to find a new place to live but I know even though things turned out bad with me and Chloe at least now I know what she's really like you're right and I mean I never really liked her anyways it just sucks if it took so long to realize it you know yeah well true love could potentially be closer than you think yeah maybe right now though I've really got to stay focused I want to turn a new Leaf work extra hard at the Shoe Store really prove myself oh speaking of we gotta go to work we're gonna be like oh yeah you're right don't want the boss getting mad I need new shoes for my basketball team gosh darn it I want to buy new shoes but I don't like any of the ones in here they're all terrible oh looks like that guy needs some help I think I knew just the thing hey Coach Jenkins good to see you man couldn't help but overhearing basketball team needs new shoes again yup it's an absolute mess our shoes are absolutely torn up and ruined I'm absolutely upset well why don't I make some brand new shoes for the team they'll be state of the art kind of flashy but at least they'll all match hold up hold up make new shoes oh I don't know about that James well here take a look at this I've been designing these new shoes and I think these could be the next big thing what do you think actually these are pretty good looking I haven't seen shoes like these before Top Notch design James so what do you say I make these for the team and I'll make an extra set just for you just for me you know what we have a deal awesome you can come by in I'll say a week and they should be ready well that sounds absolutely fantastic can't wait for it James good to see you Coach Jenkins oh my gosh Lisa you know if I keep working hard I'll be rich before I know it all right so that's 19 boxes of shoes and one extra special box for the coach I think that should be all of them oh thank you a lot James no that's promised five thousand dollars oh awesome thanks so much coach appreciate it wow five thousand dollars oh this is so are you sure this is the place yeah this is it Chloe what are you doing here um I want to buy some shoes duh uh okay what can I help you with I do not want a broke loser like you helping me with anything well Chloe I work here oh yeah we'll see about that excuse me manager can you come over here please I have a complaint yeah I own this shoe store now uh what no you don't I own the shoe store here you go oh oh yes yes you do you own the shoe store now thank you I'm rich what the hell's great now that I finally claim ownership of this wonderful property you're fired you can't just do this oh that's crazy because I just did did you not see me give a money like what's wrong with you get out I can't believe I lost my job just like that all because of Cody and Chloe and their terrible attitudes oh it's so frustrating that five thousand dollars I just made is nowhere near a billion dollars like I want without a job how am I supposed to make more ah come on James you gotta think of something oh this sucks I hate it hey man what's wrong you okay no I had to throw my shoes away now I have to walk home with no shoes this sucks well what happened to your shoes they just don't feel comfortable my feet are very wide wide feet well maybe I can help you out man help me out how are you some magical shoe fairy or something I actually make my own shoes yeah right no seriously let me think of something real quick oh my gosh these look so cool oh thanks man I really appreciate it yeah of course no problem this gives me a really good idea oh my gosh James is that you Chloe oh my gosh I didn't even recognize you I forgot how poor you look what has gotten into um I moved on to bigger and better things I wanted to enjoy the Finer Things in life and you could never do that for me you're right I couldn't if that's really all you care about you know Chloe when you broke up with me at first I was really heartbroken but now I'm more determined than ever I'm gonna show you the mistake you made I did not make any mistake trust me hey James so you wanted me to meet you here what is this place well this is gonna be the spot for my new shoe store oh my gosh really this place spent almost all the money that the coach gave me but I figured I gotta take a risk if I'm gonna earn anything big and I think I'm gonna need some help running this place what do you say oh my gosh really I'd love to help you I know you can do this I believe in you and now that I'm here you're definitely gonna succeed so what do you think dude should I cut up these shoes are awesome wow look at this place come a really long way in only a couple of months wow business has been going really well now the company's worth at least 10 million wow you know Lisa I wouldn't be able to do any of this without you oh no no no this was all your creativity you did most of the work I just was here to help you and I wouldn't have gotten anywhere without your help seriously I really mean it thank you so much Lisa of course and hey can I um actually I ask you something uh yeah what's up do you want to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night oh my gosh yes I'd love to really oh great [Music] all right don't be nervous James you got this whoa hi James hey Lisa wow you look beautiful thank you you don't look too bad yourself so what do you say let's go inside and get some food absolutely I'm starved you know this is actually a whole lot of fun it really is I love spending time with you and I do too I really like you a lot Lisa I really like you too I really appreciate you always being there for me always having my back and supporting me babe someone's in our favorite spot oh gross get away you're gonna get your poor germs all over the table oh my gosh James Chloe I'm surprised that you're even at this fancy restaurant I'm surprised they could even afford that good one babe that's not true at all at least he's not some rich snob like you guys no you know what Lisa don't worry it's not worth it no you don't deserve to get treated this poorly no one does you two are terrible people terribly Rich come on Lisa let's get out of here we can have our dates somewhere else all right start of a new day I need to start drafting up a new idea give me some new boots or something James hi yeah Chloe what do you want I just wanted to say I'm sorry you're sorry yeah the other night I just realized you're not just some poor loser anymore but you're rich you own your own shoe store I can't believe you're doing this right now just because I'm doing successful now you're starting to treat me different maybe you shouldn't have degraded me before I started this business look I just wanted to acknowledge how rich it became and I want to buy one of your shoes really you want to buy one of my shoes yeah everyone's talking about them I saw them on Instagram so I have to have one all right sure you could have any shoe you like I want these yeah of course no problem well I hope things turn out well for you and Lisa's business bye that was kind of weird what the heck's going on big line outside the mall I gotta check this out the line goes to the old store what the oh my gosh that's right everybody the premiere of the new Chloe ones is here that's my shoe Chloe uh sorry sir you have to wait in line I'm not waiting in line what the heck did you do that's my shoe um no it's not I took your design and I made it you got it really ripped off my shoes no these are the Chloe ones enjoy it while it lasts you can steal this shoe design that's completely fine with me because I know you're not gonna be able to make another one I can't believe I actually believed your apology we're just there to steal my shoes from the beginning wow what are you some detective scientist or something get out fine good luck with everything Chloe you're gonna need it all right this is it the big day oh look at all these people thank you so much for coming everybody really appreciate the great turnout and to honor this big moment I'm launching my brand new shoes ladies and gentlemen the Jaguar Reds wow it's so sick oh my God those shoes look totally fresh James James Wes Westerly from Channel 7 News I have a moment of your time yeah of course absolutely excellent excellent business is booming over here huh you know I heard a little rumor on the streets is that you're now worth over two billion dollars yeah apparently so so tell me what is going on what's your secret how are you feeling give me the update people need to know well there is something I really want to tell people it's about the new shoes with every shoe you buy you give back to people in need all the sales from these shoes are going to go straight to charity straight to charity incredible oh my gosh I'm sorry about this babe I can't believe he's giving all that money to Jerry can you do something about this I could if I had more money than him but sadly James is way more richer than me what are you kidding me oh wow I can't believe how far you've come now you own your own Mansion well I wouldn't really be able to get this far without you Lisa this is a really big step and this this is our Mansion now wait what our Mansion Lisa will you marry me oh my gosh yes awesome I love you babe I love you too Cody I asked you for the pink bag and you gave me the blue one I'm sorry all they had was bad you're useless useless I spent all my money trying to help you because of how jealous you are of James now what I'm not jealous of James I don't need you anymore I'm breaking up with you good riddance find somebody else's bank account to drain all right Lisa opening up another new shoe store this is incredible we have like seven of them Edge [Music] this isn't fair this isn't fair you know Chloe I really want to thank you thank you what's wrong with you I want to thank you for turning me into the man I am today uh it doesn't seem like anything's fighting today no my girlfriend Katie's up too oh my gosh yeah well that's weird it sounds just like her wait a second that is her and that's my best friend Thomas what are they doing all right oh my gosh you're so Jerry what are you doing here you could ask you the same thing Katie come on man we're just uh hanging out Katie are you cheating on me with my best friend of course I'm cheating on you Jerry what the heck yeah look at him I mean he's really handsome and he's super rich and he's way stronger than you all together you're supposed to be my best friend how could you do this to me yo dude just chill out okay it's going on two three six months six months you and I are broken up and I'm gonna live my life without you whatever don't care can't stand to look at either of you right now you're no longer welcome here this bye loser I think I let her borrow this I think that's about it got my stuff and I'm out of here oh Jerry hey how's it going buddy hi Jerry what are you doing here well Katie and I have broken up I just came here to get my things what I can't believe this you and Katie broken up you guys are high school sweethearts what happened why would you do this Katie was cheating on me with my best friend Thomas she would never do something like that yes I agree it was probably you that was cheating what you probably just needed the excuse to break up with her you know Katie is way too good for you I knew it from the start didn't I honey yes you did say you have no business in my house get out come on no problem Jerry there you are hi what do you want I think we should get back together I changed my mind what no way what do you mean no way you broke my trust in my heart Jerry stop being so stupid Jerry come back man Carmen we have been so busy the past couple days everyone's coming in to buy that new iPhone and you seem a bit distracted are you okay distracted what no I'm totally fine I know you better than that what's wrong well I broke up with my girlfriend Katie because babe whatever you can get whatever you want in here I want the new iPhone 14 anything for you babe wow Jerry fancy seeing you here Katie you know I work here oh yeah you told me that but I forgot because it was so boring yeah super boring look at my new outfit that Thomas bought me would you ever buy anything like this for me probably not I didn't look at his own clothes yeah whatever if you guys aren't gonna buy anything then you need to leave the store who is this poor girl and why is she talking to me I don't know babe I think she works here you know what you can't tell me what to do whoa Kimmy what is wrong with you being around you just makes me so all right both of you guys yeah yeah whatever we're out of here come on babe let me go buy you a new Birkin bag that was your ex-girlfriend yeah and my ex-best friend too oh my gosh I'm so sorry yeah don't worry about it not gonna let them get to me so what you're not super rich like that guy I mean he's probably never worked a day in his life they have no idea I'm gonna improve myself for my own sake you broke up 18 19 20. okay that's a pretty good warm-up one two oh man it's a whole lot harder than I thought man I don't really cut out of shape aren't I but I start from somewhere like man I feel so weak oh my gosh Jerry you're such a weak Loser yeah you'll never amount to anything man no no I'm not a weak loser I am gonna better myself and then we'll see who's laughing all right let's do some dumbbells get this going hahaha whoa Jerry over the past couple months you've changed you look really strong well thanks I've been hitting the gym almost every day and eating a whole lot healthier I'm feeling a whole lot better too I'm so happy for you thanks Carmen I mean it feels good to be like refreshed like this you know kind of like I'm a whole new person you know self-care is really important so I'm so glad that you're taking care of yourself yeah I totally agree well I'm gonna get back to work hey uh Carmen hold on a second yeah what's up um are you doing anything Friday night uh no I think I'm free oh yeah yeah so am I uh you maybe want to go out to like dinner or go on a date or something really yeah of course yeah awesome Friday night it is that um do my eyes deceive me or did Jerry just ask that girl out and I just that forgettable is she just that much cooler than me no no one is we'll see about that little date Jerry this was a really good idea yeah it's been so much fun I'm having a really great time with you Jerry and I'm having a lot of fun with you too Carmen I don't think anything could go wrong tonight [Music] what the heck is going on I thought the fair was gonna be open for at least another hour yeah unless you're rich and can kick everyone out yeah and look who it is Thomas the poor loser what are you guys doing here well I closed out the fair for the last hour so Katie and I could just have it to ourselves yeah you would never understand because you could never afford something like this yeah Thomas real cool flexing on everyone with your family's money yeah well at least I have a rich family stupid idiot Carmen let's just get out of here arguing with these two hold on Jerry I got this you two are the most terrible materialistic people I have ever met Jerry is the best person in the entire world and you know what Katie you made such a big mistake cheating on him you heard me all right Jerry let's get out of here yeah let's go Gary can you please come to my office uh yeah of course is everything okay am I in trouble for something no no no you're not in trouble there's just somebody that I want you to meet okay sure thing Jerry welcome hello hi oh my gosh you're oyster Wilson CEO of the company yes nice to meet you uh Samantha what's going on well Terry you've been working really really hard for this company so much that I had to tell Mr Wilson yes I got an email from Samantha saying that there was someone down here I needed to meet and that person is you wow I uh just kind of overwhelmed they've been doing such a good job for my company I think I have a position for you really am I gonna be a storm in a no we're actually bringing you to the corporate division of the company you'll be working at the home office cool office oh my God exactly and with this new promotion you're going to be getting a huge raise as well congratulations oh my gosh wow thank you so much Mr Wilson thanks Samantha this is an incredible opportunity well you deserve it Jerry congratulations all right today's the first day you can do this Jerry Mr Wilson good morning hey Jerry good morning welcome to the home office I want to introduce you to somebody meet your new business partner what the Katie oh my gosh what are you doing here I just got promoted what are you doing now let's see I took all of Thomas's money broke up with him and then I bought myself into this company now we can work together isn't that great he's got some great ideas for the business and I want you to take a listen to them partnering with Katie is not going to help the company she's just doing this all for herself what no way I have lots of great ideas that's Jerry Katie gave me a lot of money to join this company and I could not refuse you two uh clearly have some history together but you gotta work through it business comes first what are you up to you're never gonna get rid of me Jerry just face it whatever let's just work together and get this done so Carmen what do you think oh my gosh this place is amazing I know right I never thought I'd be able to afford a place like this climbing the ladder has really paid off I'm so impressed and I really am proud of you Jerry thanks Carmen and I've got to say I need to thank you too thank me for what well you've always been there for me been by my side and supported me I might be able to do this on my own but it's a whole lot easier when the people I care about are there for me yeah I totally know what you mean does anybody have any spear change please I could use some money wait a minute Thomas Jerry what are you doing in this neighborhood not only rich people lived here yeah well I just bought this house what are you doing Katie took everything from me took all my money and broke up with me and now I'm homeless man feels really weird saying this but I'm really sorry dude yeah man is there anything you could do to help like spare some extra food or change or something Thomas do you even know what you did to me what I did yeah dude you broke our friendship you went behind my back and started dating my girlfriend look that might have not been the smartest thing I ever did okay I'm sorry you forgive me look I want to mend our friendship and I do miss you you were my best friend I don't know if I can forgive you so easily I I get it dude I just want to be friends that's all yeah I do too why don't you come inside and get cleaned up and order us some burgers or something wait really that'd be so awesome thank you [Music] a man a super late night at work I cannot wait to get home well there you are it's about time Katie what's going on what are you doing here I wanted to apologize for everything that I've done to you all right I broke up with Thomas and I want to get back together with you I hate to say it to you Katie but I'm not interested what what do you mean I'm not interested in getting back together with you I don't want to date you at all I'm with Carmen now you're with her I'm way prettier and funnier than she ever will be plus I'm rich and she's not care if Carmen's rich or not she's a great person and I love her yeah but she'll never love you the way I love you you don't love me at all are you insane right now what are you doing are crazy whoa now there's a fire oh man it's only the beginning you're gonna regret not getting back together with me Jerry hi Jerry can I get your help with something sorry Kitty can't help I'm really busy right now did you not hear me I need your help absolutely not why don't you go after somebody else no I asked you to help me so I need you to help me right now why not just get this over with so what do you need help with oh my gosh see the computer's on fire oh my gosh we need to put this out where are the smoke alarms all right everybody hey hey what's going on in here what's all the commotion oh my gosh Mr Wilson Jerry is trying to destroy my office Jerry I can't believe you would do something like that sir that's not true at all I just got here and her computer was on fire she probably said it herself what no I didn't it was easy playing the blame game okay we're all adults working in a corporate office let's be professional I'm trying but this is no I've had enough of all of this Jerry just get out okay get out of this office I don't even want to look at you right now I told you you would regret this what is her cell phone number I want to give her a piece of my mind right now uh I don't think that'd be a really good idea Katie's uh kind of crazy Katie's not worth it okay I don't want to see you getting upset over this how can I not get upset about this she's sabotaging my boyfriend this is personal Katie is totally out of control I can't believe you lost your job over this it's not a big deal I can always get another job I'm not gonna let Katie bring me down to her level it's just wrong Jerry it's not fair I know it's not fair but I'll be honest I've been starting a thing about leaving that company anyways oh really really what were you wanting to do I might start my own phone company I mean I've learned a whole lot over these past couple years and I think it's something I could really do on my own I believe you can do it you can do anything yeah dude I agree with Carmen and if you need help I got your back I might be broke but I still know a whole lot of rich people oh thanks Thomas I really appreciate that dude how combat I mean what else are friends for oh man glad to have you back once again I want to thank everybody for showing up to the grand opening of my new phone store I really really appreciate this I want my phones to change the world for the better [Music] seriously Katie you wanted to destroy my new business yeah Jerry you are nothing oh you're the worst no kitty when I was with you I used to think I was nobody thanks to you I've turned myself into somebody important all right Officer I'm done take her away man this has to be my favorite restaurant in town uh-huh yeah whatever this place is so cheap yeah good food at a great price you can't beat it oh man maybe we should split an appetizer what are you thinking split an appetizer I don't want to split anything with you I just want to be spoiled well I can't do that right now babe I don't have a whole lot of money you're a broke loser you're never gonna be ready I am gonna be rich one day I'm gonna prove her wrong so that's it Samantha and I are really done for thought she was my best friend and I loved her so much I'll show her people look at me now and just think I'm a poor Loser yeah right just wait and see what I can do next well this is all my stuff what is it doing out here well it's about time you showed up sell what is going on what's going on as you're late on your rent okay I know I'm good for it man I always get you back within the next couple days I'm sick of it you're kicked out of here so please I I don't have anywhere else to go that sounds like it's not my problem you had your chance get out of here all right if I'm gonna make some money I need to start making some moves I need to get a job man my stomach is growling too I gotta find something to eat oh this gosh Dawn box how am I gonna get this all right one two oh hey are you okay oh it's just the old pack again I am fine oh here let me help you oh yes please just get that box and help me carry it over here all right yeah of course thank you so much for your help young man here ten dollars to do it ten dollars sir I can't take this I was just helping you now it's okay trust me you did me a favor you earned it plus you need it more than me well thank you so much sir thanks it's awesome hey saw you helping that old man with that stuff you look like a pretty capable person you want a job I need someone to help me with my trucks unloading product what do you say oh yeah definitely I could for sure use a job yeah I could tell start first thing tomorrow morning oh awesome all right Victor this is the last delivery of the day all right now we gotta install this TV and this is a very very important job you got me and I can tell this guy's house is huge yeah he always comes in and buys the most expensive newest stuff don't mess this up okay we gotta install this TV perfectly all right is it level yeah it looks pretty good Dalton said the job is all done your TV is all set up you should be good to go Dalton what is taking so long with the TV wait what the Samantha oh my gosh Victor what what are you doing here well I moved on to bigger and better things he's super rich who is this poor loser babe some idiot I used to date but then I dumped him and then I laughed in his face because he was so poor that's all you won soon I'll be richer than both of you yeah we'll see about that Hey Kevin uh it's uh whatever fire this guy fire him you serious yeah do it now pick that you're fired wait what you can't just fire me like that I'm your boss and I can do whatever I want yeah sucks to suck loser now get out of my house ugh I can't believe this I'll get more money somehow and I will become rich one way or another dude are you not listening to me this computer sucks what is going on in there what all my money back please sir just give me one more chance all I gotta do is just give the computer some minor adjustments and you had no idea what you're doing do you stupid idiot I'm out of here wasting my money on some stupid Story please hey man is everything all right nope not at all just lost another customer all the computers I try to make they always fail it's if this keeps up I'm gonna have to close down my store well dude I know a couple things about computers I kind of remember from school want me to take a look yeah sure go ahead but it's pretty hopeless at this point well yeah it looks like that was the problem should be all set for you now wait you can't be serious you fixed it yeah come on dude give it a shot wow it's working like a charm and it's faster than ever before Oh man thank you so much this is gonna save my business I owe you big time dude this is a thousand dollars I can't take this oh yes you can you just saved my company are you working right now do you have a job or anything no I don't well you do now how's about you make some computers for me yeah I'm definitely down that sounds awesome all right sweet you know what Roger I've got your back we're gonna be billionaires once I'm done with this place you'll see well it looks like this place has rooms uh excuse me sir I'm looking for a room to stay for the night uh yeah sure we got some space awesome I just need a simple bedroom nothing too fancy oh hold on one second hello okay jeez wow uh is everything okay what's wrong uh well uh unfortunately we can't get you that room anymore what why not because the motel was just bought it's Under New Management I've got it shut down immediately wow that's uh that's crazy is there any way I can just stay here for the night dude I don't really absolutely not the orders were to kick everyone out ah now I gotta go tell the guests they gotta get out of here leave already I can't believe this what Samantha Dalton what the heck are you guys doing here Samantha won her own hotel so I just bought this dog and we saw you running in here so we thought this would be the perfect place wait you saw me so you bought this place and shut it down on purpose yeah it's pretty great huh I'm thinking we call it the Samantha isn't that so great yeah it's super great yeah well it's not really great because now I don't have a place to stay all the other places in town are way too expensive no place to stay expensive that sounds like poor people problem I am so happy you dumped me what yeah it helped me realize what a horrible person you truly are what I'm not a horrible person I think I'm the best person I know yeah and I think that's the problem well you're a broke loser so it doesn't even matter I am not a broke loser and I'm gonna make you regret calling me that you'll see oh man this floor is so uncomfortable sleeping here sucks Victor what are you doing here oh uh Roger hey hey man I figured I'd just like coming here early that's all are you ready to get to work it doesn't look like you're just here early did you sleep here last night um no not at all maybe yeah I did I I didn't really have anywhere else to go so uh I hope that's okay dude you should have just told me you can stay with me wait really I didn't want to be a bother put you out or anything well I'd much rather you stay with me than sleep on the floor oh thanks man I really appreciate that no problem all right it's time to get to work at least you're early hey welcome to the store how can I help you today uh hi um I was wondering if you could fix my computer yeah absolutely I'll take a look at it well it looks like it's just a programming issue just need to reset it and you should be all set wait seriously it's that easy these things just get buggy sometimes that's all oh well thank you so much um what's your name um Victor what's yours I'm Natalie it's nice to meet you and thanks again for fixing this yeah anytime I hope I see you again maybe without a broken computer yeah me too wow she was super pretty Victor Victor Roger what's up I've got great news dude I just got off the phone with an investor and they want to pay a million dollars for your computers no way gas away dude this is the start of something crazy the whole of this is awesome I can't believe it I heard they only have like 150 of them left dude I need one of those computers yo dude how are we supposed to game without it Roger it's been a couple days since we launched our new computer there's still a line of people yeah they're The Talk of the Town we have a waiting list now man you know what man when I first met you you almost lost this business and now look at it well I couldn't do it all without you I just got off the phone with a huge tech company they want to buy hundreds of your computers for themselves I think now we're gonna be worth over a hundred million dollars oh yeah easily oh sorry Victor give me one second I got another phone call yeah man take it no problem I'll run the front whoa what's all these people uh what the heck Victor what are you two doing here we saw a line of people and thought something cool was going on but it turns out to just be you well something really cool is actually going on these people are here to buy my computers this looks lame you're such a nerd for trying to make something like this yeah they're probably poorly made you know why because a poor person made that oh good one I mean the help of my friend Roger I'm actually not really all that poor anymore Samantha I'm trying so hard to be a billionaire when it's never gonna happen you don't know that at all this could be the biggest computer company in the world for all you know keep dreaming it's not gonna happen I am gonna keep dreaming and I am gonna make it happen Dalton I'm gonna be richer than you one day you'll see yeah this place is starting to smell poor yeah my store goodbye dude come on tell me have you asked her out yet actually uh I sent her a text earlier this morning oh right that's my boy what'd she say well she said yes all right congrats dude thanks man appreciate it I'm a little nervous but kind of excited man look how far you've come what do you mean well when we first met my computer store was struggling and you were homeless and look at us now yeah I mean we have gone a long way and you know Roger I'm really thankful you gave me a place to stay of course it's no problem thank you for coming into the store and saving it I appreciate that man a lot but now we're on to bigger and better things our computers are gonna be in businesses in people's homes people are playing video games on them and I know you've been working super hard so I kind of got a surprise for you a surprise what the heck are you talking about man this building right here dude we're going corporate whoa wait so this is ours yeah we just closed the other day kiss the computer store goodbye we want to make big moves we're taking this big time man whoa this is amazing and of course I want you leading the charge the whole time absolutely of course I'm in good man this is gonna be the start of something amazing Roger oh my gosh wow these houses are so cool don't you think yeah they are pretty cool I mean not as cool as you though oh stop it no Natalie I'm serious you know we've been dating for a couple months now and I just want to say I really appreciate you being a part of my life I'm so glad that I met you in that computer store yeah part of me thinks you used to break your computer on purpose just to come talk to me well maybe I did maybe I didn't and you know with all this wealth I'm gonna start buying more property actually and start giving back to the community I remember walking around neighborhoods like this thinking I would never find a home again I want other people to suffer like that you know thanks for everything Natalie I love you so much and I love you too how about we go back inside and I make you some hot chocolate yeah that sounds great but just uh there's something I want to do first what is it Natalie will you yes of course oh my gosh what [Music] boss yeah what is it Nick uh you've got someone here to see ya I'm uh kind of busy right now man uh sir just please come out here now oh no no no not this you can leave my office I'm too busy for this no picture wait what what could you possibly want Samantha please can you just take me back what okay look I was wrong to call you a poor loser I just don't want you to marry Natalie what how do you even know Natalie and I are getting married I have my ways of Victor okay you can't do this oh yes I can you should be marrying me instead yeah no I am not doing that you had your chance you honestly think I'd get back together with you after everything you've done duh I'm the best thing that ever happened to you oh no you're not oh yes I am I made you into a better person I broke up with you and now look at you you're rich Mr get lost before I have security throw you out you can't do that oh yes I can oh yeah now on to some of our more interesting news Finance ladies and gentlemen if you know anything about money you know that this man right here Victor is one of the richest people in the world right now his computers are next generation of Technology now we're outside of some of these buildings here and Victor you actually own these buildings don't you yeah I do so what are your plans I mean what's a billionaire gonna do with all this part of town well I'm gonna turn them into homes and schools for the poor people that struggle to make it by having a hard time getting education place to eat anything like that I'm here to help them wow not only is he the richest person in town but now he is also the nicest Victor it has been a pleasure to meet you so what do you say you take me a tour on some of these buildings and a we talk business I can't believe you're such a loser Dalton what what do you mean look you're lazy and you don't do anything with your money unlike Victor I mean look he's on TV who cares at least I didn't try to get to together with my ex excuse me you heard me I saw your messages to him on your own oh my gosh you're such a loser you went through my stuff uh yeah it was mine I paid for it you know what we're over you're such a loser all right today's the big day you're gonna marry Natalie and you're gonna spend the rest of your life the woman that you love okay don't look nervous come on Victor you got this okay wait a second Samantha look I know I wasn't invited okay no you weren't please leave I will but I just wanted to apologize to you apologize to me you cannot be serious look I'm sorry for the way that I treated you okay I understand what I did was kind of wrong yeah what you did was really wrong and really really hurtful I know okay I'm sorry well I appreciate that and if you want you're more than welcome to stay for the wedding just as long as you don't cause any problems it's kind of the biggest day of my life I won't cause a problem okay I promise and now Victor do you take Natalie to be your wife I do more than ever I do then I Now pronounce you husband and wife Michelle are you cheating on me um yeah kind of and with bow dagger oh sup dude he's like the most famous YouTuber ever yeah another trichelle and I are together she's gonna be super famous too we're iconic like a super Duo how exciting so are you serious you're just gonna throw away all the years we were together sorry things change get lost loser hey Kaden how's it going you've been sad all day what's wrong well the other night I caught your shell cheating on me oh yeah that's right what oh everybody knows already I mean it's all over the Internet the famous bow now has a new girlfriend check this out welcome to the Roblox entertainment report I have with me trishelle and Beau trishelle you are the new it girl absolutely blowing up everywhere on Tick Tock and Instagram yeah that's right that's me hi everyone I'm sure it helps having one of the world's most famous YouTubers Bo dagger as their boyfriend Bo how does it feel uh feels pretty good man you know trichelle's really an awesome girl yeah and it's super awesome because we're like so totally in love isn't that right Beau you're like everything yeah I am everything and I mean we've been dating for months but we decided to finally go public and it feels so much better what they've been dating for months are you kidding I just found out about this yesterday whoa dude that's awful I'm really sorry I used to look up to Beau he was my favorite YouTuber oh man that's gotta be even worse are you sure you're okay I think I'm gonna take the rest of the day off I can't be here right now what is going on is there a guy hiding in the bushes hey you I can see you well look who it is if it isn't Kaden how do you know my name everybody knows about you the loser boyfriend that trachelle dumped for Bo dude this is my house get out of here [Music] dude what is that all about that guy's been waiting outside her house all day track listen this wasn't my fault okay it's all because of trishelle and her new boyfriend they're dragging me through the media so what now I have to suffer because of your poor choices I didn't know she was gonna break up with me I didn't know any of this was gonna happen well you need to figure this all out or else I'm moving out track we're roommates I can't afford this place all by myself well you better figure it out and find a way to stop this or else [Music] subscribe to Shane plays of course that's silly everybody should have already done that cool poster though all right now I gotta get some food for the house let's see oh this looks pretty good oh I'm sorry I didn't see trichelle oh what my gosh seriously did you just like bump it into me I'm really sorry I just didn't see you the nerve seriously you didn't see me I just can't believe you like why are you even here just grocery shopping no you're stalking me because you can't get over me oh my gosh it's Rochelle and her ex-boyfriend Kaden Caden tell me is it true you can't get over trichelle and you keep crying all night thinking about her what no it's like so totally sad and then he tweets about me all the time I'm out of here wow look at him run away you such a loser so trishelle is that what you wanted yeah that was perfect thank you the more stupid we can make him look the better yeah I agree now I think it's time you do a little interview and I'm rolling all right trichelle tell me how are you feeling totally devastated I don't even know what to do Caden is like trying to make me seem like a bad person and saying I broke his heart and like that's just not the case I feel like a victim right now foreign but he is heartless and he can't even allow me to do to do that she's just putting me on blast again to get more Fame it's so annoying yeah I don't know man it seems to me that you're enjoying the intention I mean who wouldn't want to be famous that's not true if I was gonna be famous I don't want it to be for something like this well this is it man I've had it I'm moving out at this point I don't even want to be friends with you anymore track please I can't afford this place by myself I can't move back home I don't care I'm packing my things maybe you should too and I mean you love being famous so much so why don't you give that a Go Jack wait I can't believe you're actually back home me Mom and Dad are actually so glad yeah Bray but this isn't really what I wanted sometimes that happens in life it's just a little setback but we always get through it I don't know dude it just feels like my life is completely falling apart and it always feels like that when you're in the middle of it but once you're out of it you'll see but for now you just gotta buckle up and handle it just don't let them upset you you'll have 10 minutes to escape or you'll um I'm sorry what was the line you are absolute trash I'm sorry I'm just really nervous it's my first time trying this you have literally no skill acting whatsoever someone give me Band-Aids for my eyes all right just just give me one more shot three shell wouldn't give you a second shot so why would I listen all of that stuff is just a misunderstanding you're thinking you can act is a misunderstanding now get out [Music] hey hey stop stop you gotta get out of there man what's going on is everything okay uh yeah I mean everything was perfect besides the fact that nothing was good at all yeah you're awful I was in banned for years I'm not that bad yeah what did you play the triangle get out of here man ah nothing seems to be working whoa look who it is I heard you were down here trying to record an album or something I wanted to see it for myself what how did you hear about this I'm friends with the sound guy obviously I know you're trying to get famous and stuff but let me tell you it's not going to happen I'm gonna be famous one day probably more famous than you oh my God that's hilarious maybe comedy is your gift try to be famous all you want it's not gonna happen and I'm gonna make sure of it hey Caden where have you been man how did your audition go I saw some stuff on the news that's on the news too come on one when am I ever gonna get a break well I mean it's all about your mindset towards things and right now it doesn't feel like you're looking at things positively it's hard to look at things positively dude when you've got super famous bow running around talking about how awful you are well then why do you want to be like him so bad what makes him so special trichelle chose him over me obviously he has something I don't just need to forget about him and trishelle and everyone else I mean it's obviously her loss no matter how hard I try it seems as though nothing's gonna work out for me nothing well when you're trying to be someone else you can never be a better bow than Bo is but you can be a better you than anyone else can yeah I guess you're right I mean there's only one me right exactly and I know that my little brother has his own dream you never wanted to be famous you wanted to save lives I always used to ask Mom and Dad for those play doctor sets or Christmas I always thought being a doctor was like the coolest thing ever exactly and Bo can't do that but you could and that's what matters this party is amazing don't you think Fifi yeah like it's totally the coolest party ever still can't believe I ran into that idiot Kaden the other day he's so trash what happened we need the Deep oh he was just crying to my friend trying to get a record deal wait a minute you're friends with a sound guy yeah Milo and I have been friends for like years well this is so totally perfect like I've always wanted to be a singer you should totally introduce me to him yeah I'm not gonna do that trachelle Bo what's wrong you've been acting like so weird and distant listen I'm gonna go take some selfies with the other celebs here whoa trishelle like what is your issue maybe I made the wrong choice in cheating on Kaden Beau is kind of a jerk he only cares about himself and like why not me I don't know you're super famous now and you weren't before when you're dating Kaden so like I think you did the right thing here maybe you're right I don't know so you see sir that's why I want to apply to medical school I want to become a doctor listen kid medical school is no joke all right I know how hard this is going to be but I'm ready for it I've been saving up my money for a while I'm just trying to follow my dream just hand me your stupid application let me take a look here you go I've got all my references attached to you can see that I had good grades in school denied what I'm turning you down because of who you are you and those celebrities thinking you can just get whatever you want well not today buddy but I'm not a celebrity uh what seems to be going on over here this guy he's bugging me all right I told him to leave I'm just trying to apply for medical school are you another student no of course not I'm a doctor and a professor here uh give me the application let me take a look at this all right fine here look see it's absolute garbage right actually this application's incredible it's probably the best one we had in like a few months now what's your problem you're gonna turn this guy down you have any idea who this guy is it's not fair you're judging me on what other people say about me here take this application back and make sure you enroll him as a student put him in all my classes I'll help you become an incredible doctor one day now I'm not taking that sir please this medicine is gonna help you feel better what do you know you're just a stupid intern I'm going to ask you to calm down okay he's a highly qualified person I know who this guy is he's all over Instagram and the internet Biggest Loser of the lifetime I watch Bo dagger on YouTube all the time he's so much better than you sir that has nothing to do with this I'm just trying to help you well I'm not gonna accept your help Kaden I think you should go take a walk yeah fine whatever [Applause] oh that's so annoying hey I think it's important to remind you that you shouldn't let your past affect what's going on now I know Dr Banner it just it's just so frustrating I mean it's been six years you'd think people would forget about this by now the only answer I can give you is to stop caring what people say about you I've been trying to be better about all of this Fame isn't everything exactly just keep doing you and keep improving where you need to you're gonna be an incredible doctor one day another hour well I'm home now and what exactly is going on how long has been going on for oh like a couple years maybe I could not believe this you were supposed to be my bad let's see let me just talk to Michelle alone okay here why don't you go buy yourself something nice cool I cannot believe this about like my heart is broken after we got together and we got super famous it just was obvious we had to stick together but we don't really have a whole lot of chemistry trachelle whatever fine then we should probably just like wake up that means you won't be famous anymore you'll just be a poor nobody honestly it might be better than being with you you're heartless you gotta have tough skin if you're gonna make it in this industry to yourself so you have to make a choice if you want to be super famous you can stick with me if you want to be a poor nobody go on your own all right all this stuff past the trials I think it's a cure for that guy's illness gotta go give it a try [Music] well sir this is it it's mildly experimental but I think this will actually help you if you say so oh wow I feel incredible I think you did it DOC I think he cured me I'm glad but this isn't just gonna cure you it's gonna cure everybody that has the same illness too you're the best doctor ever out Dr Caden there he is the man I'm looking to see oh man let me guess you're here to talk about how awful I am and blah blah blah absolutely not no we heard about the carrier developed it's going viral on the internet you are famous now well honestly I really don't care about the fame a whole lot all I wanted to do was to help people make people feel better and do my job wow famous and humble incredible story this is gonna go all over the news now tell me was being a doctor your dream I got a little sidetracked I didn't think it was gonna be my dream but I stuck True to Myself and I made it happen excuse me Dr Caden you might want to look at this oh dagger has officially broken up with his girlfriend trachelle the over wow that's crazy just wonder what could have happened you know usually in cases like this the boyfriend always cheats and that's what the rumors are saying oh my gosh Kaden don't you look adorable as a doctor Michelle what what are you doing here I need to talk to you so cool that you're like a world famous doctor now right congrats it's so exciting thanks I mean I just enjoy being a doctor the famous part doesn't really matter to me but what do you want Rochelle well I've just really been soul-searching and thinking and like we should definitely get back together wouldn't that be amazing no I'm not getting back together with you after everything that you put me through I finally got my life together and I'm on the right track and I'm following my goals and I'm not gonna let anybody stop me chances are you only want to get back together with me because I'm a rich famous doctor wow okay whatever I seriously wish you the best trachelle and I hope you find something that will make you happy
Channel: ShanePlays Roblox Movies
Views: 1,000,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, ShanePlays, ShanePlays Roblox Movie, FullRobloxMovie, Roblox Story, Roblox Animation
Id: mAcUrP25C2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 38sec (3338 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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