MEAN Mom Only Loved ONE Twin! (Full Movie)

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oh my gosh dude this day has been awesome yeah Trevor happy birthday so what should we do next well gee man I don't know maybe we can buy some robots and uh hello hi Jimmy outside I was mom she told us to go out front I think she might have a surprise for us hi happy birthday oh my gosh mom you go I got you a Lambo Trevor mom what did you get me for you I forgot you forgot what do you mean how could you forget my birthday gift Trevor and I are twins oh my gosh you're being so dramatic now come on Trevor let's go take it for a spin oh man this is gonna be so sick okay whatever bye then ugh I can't believe I had to walk all across town just to get home oh man today's been so much fun Mom oh honey I'm so glad today's your special day hey guys oh hey Spencer hope you had a whole lot of fun driving the lambo I had to walk all the way across the town just to get home oh man get over it it's no big deal get over it come on dude it's not that serious plus the walk isn't that bad I agree I think you need the exercise anyways what Mom why did you get him a Lambo anyways and then you got me nothing Spencer you're being very childish right now okay you're starting to ruin your brother's birthday his birthday it's our birthday we're twins is it because you don't love me Mom it's obvious you love Trevor way more that is not true I just feel like you need a little more tough love than traveling what is that supposed to mean you were acting like a spoiled little brat this further proves that you need a more tough love nah I can't believe this I'm not the one that spoiled Trevor is and if you want to just spend the day with him fine I'll leave wait no Trevor man hold up man come back this has to be the worst birthday out of all the birthdays mom always gets Trevor whatever he wants the time she went over the top hey Spencer what the heck is your deal man why'd you Outburst like that Trevor just go away okay not really in the mood not in the mood Dude tell me what's wrong you're causing a scene isn't it obvious Trevor mom loves you way more than she loves me this again mom does not love me more than she loves you that's insane you just don't get it because it's not happening to you Trevor you don't understand no I do understand and I don't like that you're acting so jealous jealous it's just not fair just whatever I'm going home I cannot wait to tell them what happened at school today someone was choking in the cafeteria and I saved them I'm a hero now Mom mom guess what oh Trevor honey I am so proud of you oh you know Mom I just did what anybody else could have done but you know I did it isn't it awesome oh my gosh Honey's so awesome uh hello Mom Spencer I have no time for you right now did you know do you know I'm with your brother today he saved someone's life what yeah your brother saved someone from choking in the cafeteria he's a hero Mom it's no big deal Trevor did not save somebody I did that was me oh my gosh I have had enough Spencer not everything is about you well this is about me because I was the one that did it dude are you honestly trying to take credit for something I did just because we look the same doesn't mean that you can copy everything I do oh my gosh you guys are crazy Trevor tell the truth I was the one that saved Caleb from choking at school you were having lunch with your friends laughing Spencer stop this right now I just don't know why everybody's yelling you guys know I have sensitive hearing and now look what you've done Spencer first Trevor's birthday and now this you're impossible you know what Lorraine you're impossible and you're the worst mom ever if you keep talking like that you're gonna be grounded for the rest of your life go up to your room right now oh man I can't believe this Bobby they sold out of tickets to officer Rufus in the planet of the squirrels oh what no way dude I really wanted to see that yeah I know I did too plus it was super pumped to hang out with you man yeah dude but like if the movie's sold out I guess we should just go home right I guess I just really did not want to go home tonight no yeah man the fight with your family like that sucks like seriously your brother is messed up for doing that stuff to you he didn't even help you out yeah well even if he did it really wouldn't have mattered anyways my mom only loves Trevor she can't stand being around me yeah but wasn't your brother like super sick as a kid yeah he was for a while yeah I remember Trevor was never around your mom was spending a lot of time with him maybe she just feels like she needs to protect them yeah maybe but it still sucks it still makes me feel like garbage and neither of them understand that regardless dude you're still doing everything right you're killing it in school you also saved Caleb's life in the cafeteria then trim ever took all the credit for it see whatever man it's all gonna work out for you I promise yeah well thanks Bobby I appreciate it I'll talk to you later man and I am super hungry I know Mom probably got Trevor his favorite takeout as usual dude leave me alone I said shut up and give me all the money you got are you dumb no I'm not dumb man I just don't have that much money dude Trevor you know what you wasted my time you're pathetic oh Trevor like the two of you I'm out of here hey Trevor are you okay um I only got 20 bucks left don't take it all you're gonna be fine all right come on let me get you home hey Spencer thanks a lot man I really appreciate it I'm just glad you're okay oh my gosh Trevor there you are I'm so glad you're okay yeah Mom I'm fine thanks I cannot believe you would let this happen Spencer what you can't be serious I wasn't even with Trevor today it's not my fault he got robbed that's exactly why he got robbed you should have been with him you could have done something to stop this what no no no Mom Mom he did defend me he chased after the guy yeah he just got away I was gonna stop him if I could but you clearly did not try hard enough I can't believe you could let something like this happen ah Mom it's okay everything's gonna be fine it will be fine Spencer I don't want you to leave your brother's side I need you to make sure he is gonna be okay fine I'll make sure Trevor is safe from now on good you better dude congratulations I can't believe you won an award I told you you aced it on those papers man yeah I guess I was stopping the class this is kind of cool isn't it dude it's absolutely insane I've never met anybody who wasn't a ward what well I think I don't know man still I can't believe your mom and your brother dude yeah it was kind of a big ceremony I don't know why they didn't show up either you know what bro it's just water under the bridge man I'm just hoping they come and pick me up now I figured if my mom and brother showed up I'd at least get a ride home oh dude if you need a ride my family can give you one thanks man but I think I'll wait my mom will be even more mad at me if she shows up and I'm not here oh yeah good call Bro congratulations again dude yeah thanks Bobby man it's starting to get cold I guess no one came to pick me up not even my brother and his big fancy Lambo I guess I have to walk home again wow thanks for picking me up from school mom really appreciate it I have more important things on my mind right now okay Spencer more important things I want a big award at school and you couldn't even show up or pick me up and drive me home Spencer stop it your brother just got caught shoplifting okay what Spencer got caught shoplifting why would he do that that's not like him at all I don't know he's in jail and I just want to give my poor baby out of there I don't know what to do um everything's gonna be fine if you got caught shoplifting maybe this will teach him a lesson how dare you be so insensitive to your brother mom just stop it okay you baby him so much why do you love him way more than me that is not true I love y'all both look this is all in your head Trevor just needs a little more help and appreciation okay a little more help and appreciation can't you see that you spoil him like crazy no wonder why he went shoplifting hold on one second hello I'm coming right now I have to go get Trevor I'll be back yeah of course at least you can go pick up Trevor not me dude you were avoiding me all night we need to talk talk about what Spencer what is your problem dude I don't have any problems Spencer some stuff happened recently and I'm over it there's nothing to talk about things to talk about maybe you spending half the day in jail because you got caught shoplifting listen I was just with some friends they wanted to steal some stuff and I figured you know what might as well go along with it I didn't think I would get caught you know that's wrong just because your friends are stealing doesn't mean you should too you should be able to think for yourself dude what think for myself you were completely dependent on what mom thinks of you what no I'm not throughout this entire week you have been crying to me over and over again that mom loves me more than she loves you this is not about me right now Trevor this is about you getting caught stealing all I'm trying to say is your friends suck and you should know what's right you know it's crazy that you of all people are telling me my friends suck when you only have like what one friend to begin with yeah but at least he wouldn't make me steal yeah whatever dude you're just being a jealous baby and you are being a spoiled brat whatever Trevor oh my gosh Mom thank you so much this is incredible this car looks amazing of course honey you deserve it even looks better than the first one what the heck is all this well this is your brother's new car yeah dude it's sick isn't it no it's not sick you didn't do anything to deserve this your brother went through a lot this week so he does deserve this can't you see what you're doing mom you're completely enabling him Trevor shut up you are just so jealous of everything I do I'm absolutely sick of it no I am not gonna shut up I am so sick and tired of this I work so hard I do the right thing all the time and I can't even have my family show up to my award ceremony Spencer it is not always just about you okay right okay so then let's talk about Trevor Mom let's talk about how your son is a thief and you buy him a new car the day after he spends the night in jail do you understand how traumatizing that is he needed this to get his mind off of that terrible night he must so scared I was Mom I was so scared this is insane I've had enough of this I'm out of here great job Spencer you picked an awesome night to run away it's freezing cold and now it's snowing and you don't have anywhere to go I did not think this through man but you know what I can't last too long in this cold oh the old Christmas tree farm and there's a log cabin over there huh maybe I can sleep there until the morning it doesn't look like anyone's here are you doing in my cabin oh no look I'm so sorry I just don't have anywhere to go okay I just ran away from my family oh running away huh that's not good wait a second I remember you weren't there too were you yeah me and my twin brother I remember you two what happened you guys look like a pretty head the family oh it's a long story well if you don't hear anywhere to go I guess you can stay here at the farm tonight that's not a problem really thank you I'm super grateful yo why don't you turn it into a popsicle all right oh look who it is the baby himself did you really have to cry and run away like that yeah I did I had to get away from you and Mom why because you were jealous jealous of what well I don't know what do you cry about literally every week she loves you more than me she loves me you're just a jealous little brat and you are a spoiled brat let's just be real the only reason that you hate me so much is because every time you see yourself in the mirror you see me you want to be me so bad trust me Trevor I don't want to be you at all what is going on over here Spencer Trevor you guys causing a scene don't you get enough attention being twins already principal green I'm sorry and I'm sorry but you two have been fighting and causing drama all over school and I can't have that you're both suspended watch you've got to be kidding me it's not my fault that he's obsessed with me I am not obsessed with you all right enough us I am suspending you and that is final no principal green please this is gonna affect me going to college yeah well you should have thought of that before you were screaming at each other in the hallways like babies plus your brother's a total spoiled brat he's going down a wrong path well like you actually care shut up oh really because of that you're suspended for an extra month Spencer we need to talk mom can't this wait I'm at work right now no this can't wait I cannot believe you've got Trevor suspended what I got him suspended that's not true at all well that's not what he told me obviously because he lies to you always to get his way you need to stop defending him and spoiling him so much turning him into a rotten person oh my gosh Spencer you need to stop with this jealousy thing so what I got him a couple of cars big deal it is a big deal because he doesn't appreciate it at all this needs to stop and you need to come home too I'm not coming home I can't see him being around him honestly I don't care anymore what do you mean you don't care I'm gonna go off to college and move on with my life and I'm Gonna Leave the people that hate me behind like you and my stupid twin brother just don't care about us at all do you that's not true at all I love you guys so much but I'm hurt and you don't seem to care at all now if you don't mind Mom I have to go to work welcome back bro what was life like on the other side suspended for a week that's not it was not that great Bobby honestly I just hope it doesn't affect me going to college this is going to be on my permanent record now I don't think you have to worry about your own record it's driver who should be worrying about his record man he's going down a real bad what are you talking about it's only been like a week are people still spreading rumors at school yeah man they've been tping houses breaking into cars stealing stuff what if Trevor's really doing all that stuff that is so bad and he's not gonna get away with it for long oh for sure dude the cops are going to catch him eventually yeah that's not gonna end well at all sure my brother sucks but I don't want that to happen to him sure dude I completely understand we gotta get to class bro we're gonna be late oh man I cannot wait to go home and take a shower I reek like coffee wait what the heck was that Mom bro you said you're a good man like trust me I'm trying Trevor Trevor hey oh great Spencer go away what do you think you're doing well breaking into a car and taking it for a joyride just shut up okay Trevor this needs to stop right now listen just go home Spencer this has nothing to do with you Trevor you are being such a child do you want to get arrested for this no of course I don't shut up I'm out of here this sucks you suck too Trevor no Doug come back here oh come on Spencer you are literally the worst person ever you know that I'm trying to save you from making a big mistake dude just grow up why don't you grow up and leave me alone you know what if you want to be a loser and live your own life like this then that's your choice okay that's it hey seriously yes seriously you're the worst get away from me Trevor Trevor where are you he's not home Spencer what's wrong what's wrong Mom is that Trevor is getting a whole lot worse we just got into a fight because I caught him stealing a car honey he's just going through something going through something mom what is wrong with you this is part of the problem too you know that right Spencer please stop no because I am so sick of this all you do is baby Trevor and you can't see all the bad things that he does Spencer that isn't true yes it is true mom and it's tearing our family apart Trevor thinks he's Invincible he can do whatever he wants look I'm sorry but Trevor just he needs a little more attention right now he needs a little more attention how much more attention can he get just isn't like you okay yeah because I wasn't babied my whole entire life Spencer where's Trevor now how am I supposed to know I was looking for him he just ran off can you please go find him yeah fine whatever I'll try to bring him home not like he's gonna listen to me anyways Bobby hey Bobby dude have you seen Trevor anywhere nah dude I have it why what's going on well things are getting really bad for him right now and of course my mom is taking Trevor's side and she wants me to go look for him all the rumors you heard at school I think they're all right man I'm just so sick of this I just wish my mom could see the truth about Trevor you know it's kind of the problem bro she's probably just gonna see him as that little baby who's always well yeah and now he's a grown-up and he's a monster but somehow I'm the one that has to go find him yeah dude I heard you ran away yeah of course I did I couldn't stay in that house anymore you need a place to stay bro you can stay at mine you can focus on graduation yeah man I'm definitely gonna take you up on that thanks if you don't mind I gotta go I gotta find Trevor come on man are you the one who blows up my phone about stealing Christmas presents and he still doesn't show hey Trevor oh Spencer what do you want looking for you why can't you just leave me alone because I'm trying to help you you have all the opportunity in the world why are you acting like this you know what because I can Spencer I'm doing this because I want you just really want to be a criminal and a bad person you know what you don't know what it's like to be me I go through a lot of stuff man so you know maybe I just want to blow off some steam by stealing yes by stealing you've got to be joking dude you can't just go around and hurt people and make yourself feel better okay from the way I see it me and Doug steal these presents then they can just buy new ones it's no big deal all this just because you're jealous of me man that's so funny you genuinely think I'm jealous of you guess what Trevor no one's jealous of you and you're probably not even gonna graduate school forget it all right worry about your own life and quit worrying about mine if I'm such a loser dude despite the fact that you got suspended you're still finishing with top student in our school how crazy is that well I worked super hard made sure I passed all my classes and I'm really excited about graduating top of my class too college is definitely gonna take notice of that yeah totally bro by the way is Trevor still going to graduate probably not my mom is spending all her money on tutors and trying to help him bring up his grades but he doesn't even show up oh man that's a bummer yeah I didn't see him at school at all today did you what no not at all you think he ditched I totally think he ditched there's got to be some reason behind it though oh man he could be hanging out with those sketchy dudes again stealing stuff oh it's all gonna catch up to him eventually I mean I still kind of hope not huh what do you mean I just I just want him to learn from his mistakes that's all uh dude I understand but at this point I don't think he's gonna learn anything man well we're not going to learn anything unless we get to class come on let's go well I don't know we could always like throw rocks at like a dumpster or something I know but we always throw rocks at dumpsters we why not throw rocks are like Windows or something honestly all this stuff sounds stupid I'm bored dude you're boring me hey sorry wait hold on I just got an idea wait what let me hear I'm just gonna steal stuff duh oh yeah right you know what I'm thinking Trevor that new iPhone is so sick this belongs to me why do you care think you're doing oh nothing officer just how hanging out oh yeah we were just holding these for a friend yeah I want your friends getting your set to jail you're under arrest hey wait a sec mom what are you doing here oh thank goodness you're here yeah of course I'm here this is my job what's wrong Trevor's in trouble oh I'm not surprised what happened this time some people are lying and they said that he shoplift a phone Mom I'm gonna be honest with you it's probably true he's always getting into trouble yeah but this time I don't have the money to bail him out well good Spencer can you please do it you want me to go bail Trevor out no I don't want to spending some time in there might actually teach him a lesson I can't believe you're being so insensitive right now and I can't believe you're still babying him after all of this because your brother needs help and I want you to move back home I need you to help guide your brother I tried that before he doesn't want it and honestly I don't think he deserves it either your brother needs you he's your twin after all fine fine only because I care about my family thank you thank you so much Spencer I hope you really appreciate me bailing you out dude yeah yeah thanks Spencer now come on let's go home what no no no I I have plants we have plans what kind of plans do you have you were just in jail I still have friends and I still have a social life so I'm gonna go hang out with them are you kidding me do you have any idea how upset mom is you should go and talk tomorrow we'll be fine the minute I go up to her she'll just be happy you are such a spoiled brat you don't have to work for a single thing in your life the least you can do is come home so Mom isn't upset I don't care if mom is upset are you serious that's her mom oh what the mom you've been flipping out at that Mom you're the one who called her by her first name she almost lost it don't pretend all of a sudden that you care about Mom of course I care about Mom and I don't know why but for some reason I still care about you too she loves you way more than she loves me so it's the least you could do is go and show her some respect there he is Mom now let him have it young man do you have any idea how upset your brother is right now oh he's upset what do you do shut up Spencer you're always putting me down it's not fair that you get to graduate and I don't I work just as hard as you do no you don't look it is not fair to Trevor that you are graduating with so many awards I think you should give some to him are you choking me do I look like I'm joking I'm not giving him a single thing he didn't earn anything I totally deserve it man I deserve everything you're just being selfish you keep saying that as a defense and guess what Trevor it's not working mom this is ridiculous he can do no wrong in your eyes can he Spencer that is not fair it's hard to hear the truth you're unbelievable I can't deal with this right now I'm out honey wait look what you've done what I've done look at what you've done you love him so much more than me you are spoiling him constantly and it's turning him into a monster I'm just trying to help him yeah but whatever all the money you spent and all the help you've given him has got him really far hasn't it look I graduate on Friday and if you don't feel like showing up I won't be too upset about it dude this is really it we are graduating today this is so exciting I gotta admit bro I didn't think I'd get this far I knew you would how's your graduation speech I think it's pretty good at least I hope it is so what did you think was it good Spencer your speech was amazing bro I can't believe we're going to college man yeah I can't believe we actually got into the same school well I'm excited to go with you man I'm just kind of bummed out my mom and my brother didn't even show up to support me amen but your friends were still here people who actually wanted to see you graduate Came To Stay Spencer Trevor I'm surprised you actually came yeah I just wanted to give you something oh whoa that's what you get for thinking you're better than me you know what I am so done with you dude and I'm done with Mom too I don't need you guys yes you do you're absolutely pathetic you probably wouldn't have even graduated if it wasn't for me you literally did nothing to help me graduate Trevor if anything you almost messed it up I'm so over this I'm moving away and I'm gonna be successful and Rich unlike you oh just shut up already oh I'm a responsible adult yeah we get it you graduated now go and move away man that was a super long meeting it was so good though I can't believe they actually let me host it for the first time but now it's time for some lunch I am starting to get Mom what are you doing here hi Spencer I was just wondering if if you could give Trevor a job here wow still babying Trevor come on honey he's in a really bad place okay that's not my fault and I'm not gonna get him hired here I just I don't understand why you're like this he deserves it just as good of a job as you it's been over four years now and you still don't get it you don't just get a job like I have you actually have to earn it plus my boss would never hire someone like Trevor he's rude he's untrustworthy and he's a liar that is no way to talk about your brother Spencer mom I really don't care he's your problem so you take care of him and if you don't mind I have to go to lunch and get back to my job because unlike him I have actual things I need to do man it feels so good to be home wait what was that is someone in my house uh typical Spencer leaving your stash in the same place Trevor are you stealing for me I'm just taking what's rightfully mine I totally deserve this no you do not you think because I'm successful that means you have to be as well should be my house this should be my money I am supposed to be the successful one you're the loser twin you've got it all wrong buddy you are the loser twin do you have any idea what a terrible brother you are and how bad you are to me and to Mom listen I don't know what to do with my life okay past four years hasn't been easy to me I'm jealous that everyone moved on okay you've got to get over it robbing your family isn't the way to get your life together now give me the money okay now get out of my house he's such a spoiled brat a jealous spoiled brat this isn't fair this should be my life this should be my house this should be my car my fancy new sports car that I should be driving on the speedway oh I don't believe this you know what he gets everything graduation money this is my car I'm taking it oh man this thing is fast I cannot believe you took my car and crashed it you don't even have a license anymore Trevor whatever dude it's no big deal no it is a big deal honey Trevor's Spencer is right what no Mom no I have always babied you and that is why you are the way that you are Spencer I am so sorry you were right Dylan I'm scared don't worry will follow me fires get it out of control he's still got two people inside my baby boy please get him out of there there's too much fire I don't think we're gonna make it out of here no I'm your big brother you listen to me and follow me come on look we made it well oh honey are you okay well I was really scared quick let's get away from this house oh my gosh will what happened yeah don't worry Mom I'm fine too yeah I know you're fine Dylan I can see that oh well I was so worried I love you so much why don't you love me what you don't love me at all mom do you Ellen that is not true stop it well my ankle hurts what your ankle hurts oh no no no excuse me you need to call an ambulance right now oh yeah yeah right away what excuse me doctor hello uh yeah what seems to the problem my son will here has a sprained ankle if it's a sprained ankle your son's probably gonna be fine there's nothing I can do for a sprain hey guys I'm I'm having a hard time breathing what happened what is going on here oh that's just my son but look my sons were just in a fight boys are in a fire that cough seems pretty serious we need to get him help quickly will all right fine look we'll check both these boys out let's go come on [Music] well I hope you're satisfied with yourself to Dylan satisfied with myself what your brother had a sprained ankle and you took all the attention away from him like you always do you care less that I almost had smoke inhalation I could have gotten seriously sick or Worse all you were worried about is will you are so selfish you never think of anybody else but yourself don't you what I went in that fire to save will and there you go thinking all about yourself again you want me to call you a hero fine Dylan you're the hero mom just leave okay I don't want to deal with this I don't want to deal with your attitude thank you for taking us shopping Mom oh of course honey well since all of our clothes and things burned in the fire we're gonna have to get new stuff here here's forty dollars a piece I think that should be enough what no Mom I need more than this you know what you're right here there's a hundred dollars for you am I getting any more too um no that's all the money that I have yeah and I'm not sharing either so don't ask thanks again mom oh I'm going to GameStop we're supposed to buy clothes not video games uh mom this isn't fair what's not fair obvious you love will more than me what that's not true at all so what I gave him an extra hundred dollars big deal he was the one that was caught in the fire you're just completely spoiling him no I'm not look you're his older brother you should look out for him more out for him more you do enough of that for him who's gonna look out for me oh my gosh Dylan you are being so dramatic why don't you just go and get some new clothes okay well what am I supposed to buy with forty dollars I don't know Dylan why don't you go figure it out can't keep playing favorites like this Mom it's not fair I don't know what you're talking about Dylan I don't play favorites with my sons I love you both equally yeah well you have a funny way of showing it thanks for letting me hang out here Steve you're a really good friend no it's no sweat Dylan you're my best friend you can stay here as long as you want until your mom finds a new place well luckily she just got a new house apparently but I'll keep that offer in mind in case I need to run away or something ah come on dude your family ain't that bad yeah it may not seem bad just try living with them I gotta go thanks again man I appreciate it no problem Dylan see you around I can't believe you're making me wait for a whole minute I told you I was going to arrive at 6 30. yeah and it's 6 31. I just had to get my stuff I need to get into the new house fine whatever well this is it oh Mom this is awesome I want this room I call it hey wait a second is there another room only looks like there's two bedrooms in this house yes this one's Will's and I need the other one obviously where am I gonna stay oh we have that comfy new couch you can sleep on that what Mom I'm not sleeping on the couch I was doing that in the hotel room well I bet if you asked will maybe he will share the room with you I don't want to share I want my own room oh honey fine you don't have to share unless you want to Dylan can deal with the camera no this isn't fair I want my own wow look who's being spoiled now now will honey what do you think maybe we should get you a new king-size bed uh unbelievable well at least we're closer to the school now it's a nice easy walk back home yeah I guess that's true oh man I slept so good last night I actually really like our new house I'm glad to know you love the new house and you got a great night's sleep where I got a horrible night's sleep will that couch was not as comfortable as mom made it out to be oh you're just being a crybaby I am not being a crybaby you try sleeping on the couch you no sleeping on the couch why would I do that you don't even see what's going on do you you are so spoiled you have no idea what you're talking about I'm not spoiled mom just sees the good in me you're just jealous that no one loves you no one loves me that's not true I can't wait to take everything from you Dylan we're brothers will we're supposed to take care of each other and look out for each other I don't have to do anything I don't want to do Mom says so you're just a pathetic loser you call me that one more time pathetic loser that's it uh get away from me over here Mom Mom what is going on will is everything okay Dylan's gone crazy he's trying to attack him what has gone into you sick of will in its attitude seems as though you're the one with the attitude no trust me I'm not you know he didn't even thank me for saving him ask you to come in there and save me see how spoiled he's acting it is not acting spoiled you don't see it because because you don't love me oh my gosh this again only love will Mom it's pretty clear you always take his side with everything will just needs a little more attention she's a big baby and he always will be that is it you are grounded young man and I'm turning off the internet on all of your devices you do not talk to your brother that way what are you gonna do Mom send me to my room you're gonna go sit in the living room and that's I know whatever hey Dylan I'm happy you could sneak out and meet me here I haven't seen in like a week since you've been grounded yeah I know dude and it's the worst I don't even want to talk about it I just want to enjoy my night with my friend and hang out and I know just what we're gonna do next let's go to the arcade oh yeah that's a great idea you know I'm probably gonna beat you in every game though oh I'm not gonna let that happen again trust me I've been training oh yeah you've been training doesn't look like it oh you're just too good you know man thanks for suggesting this this means a lot it really helped me calm down you know hey no problem you need it to relax what's the problem hey you officer is everything okay on the ground right now what what did I do do as I say all right all right what is happening all right kid here you go great well about time you're home mom I can't believe you did that you got me arrested for sneaking out of the house yeah that's what you get it's not a criminal offense mom you could have just called me or texted me do you have any idea what was going on here poor will had nobody to hang out with no one to hang out with how is this still about will what are you talking about I snuck out to clear my mind and hang out with my friend and you are making this about will don't you see what you're doing mom why are you treating me like this I'm doing the best I can Dylan what more do you want from me I don't know a mom that loves me oh my goodness that is so rude I am your mother what makes you feel that you can talk to me this way because it feels as though you literally don't care how I feel my life completely changed once will was born everything was about him it's like you completely forgot about me look will just needs more stuff and attention and that that's just it you know what fine he can have at all because I'm done with this I'm gonna go stay with Steve you can't do that you're grounded it doesn't matter anymore Mom it's obvious you don't want me a part of this family so I won't be Dylan wait stop come on dude we're gonna be late all right I got all my stuff let's go living with you has been the best of course man it's been great I love going to school with you every morning and you know I'll always be there for you yeah I know I appreciate it there you are finally Mom what do you want have you seen your brother anywhere have you heard from him no I haven't seen or talked to him in weeks oh this isn't good this isn't good we were on a hike and we'll just ran off will ran off no one's been able to find him and I'm starting to get really worried I don't know where he could be oh no no will what have you gotten into this time gotta find him Steve we've got to do something I can help me my dad go hiking all the time I got some gear back in my garage all right let's grab that and head off to the trail if Will is out in those woods I don't know how long he can last yeah I don't think he'll last very long out there we'll find him mom don't worry we'll bring him back safe my mom said she last Saw will around here so I guess this is the best place to start looking well well come on dude where are you well why are you a big Cry Baby seriously that might help them come out wait did you hear that antenna just like him will there you are dude everything's gonna be okay all right don't worry I'm here last person I expected to come looking for me well we're still Brothers okay and I still care about you even if you don't care about me Dylan what are you talking about of course I care about you oh what was that it sounded like a bear bear oh no I don't want to be eaten alive and you shouldn't have run away in the woods in the first place oh come on we gotta get back to Safe the old bass can run right I do that's why I'm gonna be the distraction Steve I want you to get will out of here get him to safety come on let's go all right here goes nothing hey don't eat me I'm over here tickets coming after me I gotta lose him somehow oh my gosh there's gotta be another way I think we're losing him no no no this isn't happening I don't think he's gonna make it what no no no no no this is impossible there's got to be something you can do I'm only a doctor ma'am your son fell off a cliff he's got bruises broken bones internal bleeding I don't think he's gonna make it no no I he can't he's my son I care so much for him I was so harsh on him I wish I was able to tell you before you got hurt I'm so sorry for the way that I treated you Dylan I do love you I love you so much I'm so sorry Dylan mom mom is that you oh honey I'm so sorry no no I hate it I hate it take it away no no thank you um what seems to be the problem the problem is this is a boy I don't want a son I want a daughter well I'm sorry ma'am but you definitely had a little baby boy he's very healthy that's good and all but I want a girl take this away ma'am I can't just take your baby like that that's not how this works what am I supposed to do take the baby home and care for it what a stupid idea but fine if it's my only option now this is the best day of my life I could not be more proud of you oh thanks Mom I really appreciate it you know I really think I do have a good shot at winning this academic competition I mean the first few rounds were hard but no no no no no don't you but you are going to do this Missy you are a shining star thanks Mom I just can't wait to win myself a scholarship hey mom guess what I got through the first round seriously Finn are you kidding me what I thought you'd be happy here you are trying to take away the Sunshine from your sister's big day I just thought you'd be proud of me I'm trying to get into college too I don't care about that and I don't want to hear your voice for the rest of the night got that [Music] hungry hey Marie where's my dinner oh uh yeah that's right I don't think Mom made you one seriously again yeah sorry I mean there might be some cracker crumbs in the cupboard if you want to look I don't want to eat cracker crumbs for dinner I want real food where is Mom I don't know I think maybe she's out back foreign what are you doing oh me look I am not gonna let you ruin your sister's chances of winning a college scholarship all that stuff was gonna help me with the competition it's supposed to get me into college I don't care about that I care about your sister getting into college you're just a horrible person and you don't care about you're right I don't and I never wanted you just so you know fine if you don't want me then I'll leave foreign if I just carefully put this in here the reaction should be minimal [Music] hey Grandpa oh you then you messed up my experiment what are you doing here I really need your help Mom burnt all my notebooks it was all the stuff I needed for my competition notebooks huh science project yeah let's see what I got here um yeah here's some old science notes and papers that I've had you can take them oh well thank you so much now they should get you through that competition you'll probably win first place well I hope so I really need to get into school and Mom's definitely not gonna help me [Music] [Applause] then I have to say you are doing excellent you've got so much potential well thanks so much I can't believe I passed the next round with your fast work in your bright mind You're Gonna Go Far trust me it's crazy your neck and neck with your sister in this competition yeah I know she's really smart too well keep up the good work you've got a bright future ahead of you excuse me oh hi Mom did you see me win the next round I did and where did you get those notes well I went and asked Grandpa and he let me borrow them what are you kidding me you went to your grandfather Yeah I mean you burnt all my other notebooks he was the only person I could go to for help I've told you a million times to stay away from him don't you listen I don't know why you hate Grandpa Rick so much he's so nice he can get a little grumpy but he's usually nice I am your mother Finn and I make the rules around here so what I say goes I tell you not to see him you don't see him well I had no other choice well now I have no choice you're in serious trouble oh man Finn Focus where is it where did you leave it oh no I can't find that notebook anywhere then we're leaving without you no no wait mom hold on just a second oh I gotta keep looking what no no she's leaving without me oh this is awful if I miss this round I won't get the scholarship I've gotta find that notebook maybe it's in here I knew it Mom hid the notebook in her room oh man I've got to get to the competition on time oh how am I gonna get there I can't run I'll call Grandpa Rick I'll see if he can give me a ride foreign [Music] wait a minute Ben what are you doing here well it's coming to the competition you guys left without me is it already over it is already over and your sister's already won no oh man you know hold up wait a minute what is he doing here oh come on Lisa don't act like that you have no right to be here you have no right to treat me the way you do why are you so mad at me because you never spent any time with me I was never good enough for you well that's not true you told me time and time again all you wanted was a son and well you got me what really Grandpa Rick is that true uh it was a long time ago why don't you just leave dad come on Mom Grandpa Rick's the only one that supports me why don't you go live with him what seriously yeah if you want his support so bad stay with him Marie get in the car we're going hey Grandpa Rick I made it I think this is all my stuff yeah that's about time you showed up I'm sorry I'm just just really upset said about what not winning the competition not getting into college and everything going on with Mom I don't know I just don't know what to do now well you just gotta figure something out I just feel like a total disappointment and a failure well I mean you did fail so I guess you're right there what is that supposed to mean well you failed the competition you couldn't even show up on time but that wasn't my fault and you had to use my notebooks to get yourself through it you couldn't even do the work by yourself but I just needed a little help that's all I just think it's time you just give up on this stupid dream of yours Grandpa Rick that's kind of hurtful well it's the truth well now I can kind of see what mom was talking about you are mean whatever well I'm gonna prove you wrong and Mom wrong I'm gonna get into college one way or another all right here it is college I want to go to I hope I can get in I'm gonna do whatever it takes if I really want it and I work hard anything's possible yeah no this isn't possible I'm really sorry what do you mean it's not possible well I can't accept you into this college you've got no funding You've Got No Parental support you need like a scholarship or something to get into this school well I tried that but I couldn't get one yeah probably because you're just too dumb to go to school hey that's not true just give me a chance okay no you're not getting into this school well I'm gonna prove myself I'm gonna get into this school one way or another yeah yeah good luck get out of here stop wasting my time I've got real student applications to go through here foreign stupid Grandpa I'm gonna do this on my own I don't need help from anybody Finn hey it's so good to see you hey Marie how are you liking school so far I love it it's awesome it's actually kind of funny I mean I have everything that you've ever wanted including mom's support ouch Marie true but mean oh I'm sorry I kind of meant it as a joke I mean you are right I really wanted to go to school so bad and I guess it's just never gonna happen for me I don't know I wouldn't say that's true I tried so hard to win that competition I mean I'm really happy that you did but I just really wanted that scholarship well you know what's kind of funny about all of this is that I never wanted any of this wait seriously yeah I never wanted to win that competition I never wanted to have to study every single minute of every single day but mom made me and Mom didn't even give me a chance wow but you know what we have tons of books and computers and stuff like that on campus why don't you hang out here and use it for your advantage really you'd let me do that of course and you could spend time with me well I do kind of miss you you seem to be the only person in my family that cares about me of course but stop being so dramatic come on let's hang out [Music] foreign [Music] oh come on you and Mom just have to reconnect and things can get better yeah we'll see about that [Music] Marie darling how are you wait what's Finn doing here hey Mom trust me I don't want to be here either this was Marie's idea yeah Mom I want to get you guys together to tell you something well what is it darling Oh this isn't gonna be easy to say but uh I'm quitting school it's not my passion I don't want to do it so I'm not gonna do it I can't believe this everything we worked for everything you worked for Finn this is all your fault how is this my fault because you've been hanging around that school and you've been infecting her brain with your bad work ethics I had nothing to do with it Marie came up with this idea on her own yeah Mom I know I don't want to hear it Marie Finn this is your fault I can't believe you ruined this again I can't believe I even came here and tried to talk to you it's pointless you've never cared about me at all sorry Marie I'm out of here wait Finn I can do this on my own I'm gonna graduate college and show Mom [Music] well it's time to pack up my stuff I finished my first year of school and with a 3.8 GPA I'm so proud of myself I knew I could do this Finn hey Marie what are you doing here I'm here to tell you that you need to come home Marie you're my sister and I love you but I'm not going home please Finn come on I beg you you have to talk to Mom why I'm not talking to Mom I hate to tell you this but Grandpa died what no you're joking right why would I joke like that Finn I'm serious that's why you need to come home we need to be together as a family you're the only family I have not Mom Finn this isn't about you you need to put your feelings aside the funeral is in two days you need to come home foreign I hope now you're finally at peace Finn enough ah mom what is it now can't you just leave me alone no you're going to talk to me I don't want to argue right now this isn't the place for it calm down would you you can't you can't tell me what to do this is a bad idea I should have never come here [Music] Finn wait up what Mom what else do you have to say now how dumb I am how stupid I am what how much you hate me we need to fix this I don't want to have a relationship like I did with my dad I don't want you to resent me Mom you've been so cold to me ever since I was born I know I'm sorry and since your grandfather passed that's all I can think about I should have never treated you that way do you have any idea how much that hurt me all I wanted was for you to be proud of me I am proud of you Finn and I'm sorry there once was a nice kid who ended up in some not so nice circumstances he once had a happy family until one day his mom died unexpectedly [Music] for him to deal with his dad married a new lady who was super she also had a son who they cared about way more it's not fair that he had to go through this but sometimes it's what we go through that defines us this is the true story of the hated stepchild [Music] so hot out oh I need to rest I could really use some water Mom Mom can I please have some water it's really hot out I don't feel very well hey what do you say I'm not your mom and no you can't have any water please I really need some I've been out in the sun all day these are the most chores I've ever had you know what I really don't care you know that water is for people who actually work hard and look at you over there doing nothing Mama I'm telling you I mean I'm sorry I don't know what you want me to call you but please please I just need a break it's not fair Darren doesn't ever have to do chores like this well that's because Darren is an actual good child and you're not get over yourself please are you gonna give me water or not I'm really thirsty no you get no water no get back to work [Music] oh man I don't really feel good oh oh man I still don't feel that good stop it you're just Faking It you want attention no I don't want attention I passed out from heat exhaustion yeah yeah likely story I think it's just because you're a little wimp hey Beezy on them now excuse me are you taking his side now well he is in the hospital yeah and there are plenty of other people in the hospital who have it way worse than him there's no reason he should be in here because he was a little too hot it sounds like he was a little disrespectful as well of course he was you know how much of a brat he is I'm not a brat please stop it you are a brat you're nothing you're a loser now son I don't like this back talk Dad please please look at me I'm in the hospital that's no excuse you don't get to be disrespectful just because you're in the hospital all right I'm sorry if I was disrespectful somehow or whatever but I need to get better you guys shouldn't be yelling at me don't you tell me my business you know what when we get home you are grounded [Music] Michael oh just got back from the hospital what a wimp Darren leave me alone it's not my fault it was so hot outside nothing's ever your fault why are you such a baby I'm so tired of you I wish that you never were born well I wish that I wasn't born into this family hmm you weren't so your wish comes true you're not part of this family you're just somebody who rents a room please stop it saying that I can't wait to go to school and let everybody know how much of a crybaby loser you are I'm not a crybaby loser you're the one who's a loser well at least I'm not the one with a dead Mom hey that's not fair don't say that man that's messed up oh here he is cry baby again oh man I'm so glad I'm not you just leave me alone would you stop please yeah I'll stop for now it's no fun without anybody else watching but wait till we get to school everyone's gonna know that you lied about being sick because all you want to do is cry [Music] foreign [Music] are you gonna go to the dance yeah I'm thinking about going to the dance I'm really excited I just haven't asked anybody yet oh I bet you'll find a date no problem don't worry about it I don't think that's true Darren please get out of here come on man you bother me enough at home ah Jared me alone yeah just shut up you're such a loser you're the one who's the loser man you keep going out of your way to pick on me overheard you saying that you were gonna go to the dance and let me tell you that's a bad idea nobody's gonna go to the dance with you well are you going to the dance with anyone who's going with the prettiest girl in school I haven't asked her yet but I know that she's gonna say yes are you talking about Alice you know I've had a crush on Alice like my whole life yeah well you better stay away from Alice because she doesn't like you she doesn't need to be with some stupid loser with no family that's not fair man how can you do this to me you better watch yourself you're lucky the Bell just rang I have to go to class uh whatever [Music] hey Alice great job on the math test today I can't believe that you got an A plus the highest grade in the class oh thank you Marco I know I studied real hard for that test it was pretty tough how'd you do on it I did okay I got a b-plus not my best work but I tried really hard oh my gosh a B plus is excellent you should be so proud of yourself thanks Alice I am hey what is going on here oh Darren what do you want man what'd I tell you didn't I tell you to stay away from Alice she's my girl whoa whoa whoa wait a minute Darren I'm not your girl well I haven't asked you yet but I wanted to see if you were gonna go to the dance with me well acting that way I really don't think I want to go to the dance with you see this is all your fault I can't believe you did this to me Michael Darren Alice is just my friend what are you doing you're being really weird I'm tired of you getting in my way all the time you're such an annoying little kid I hate you so much you know what I'm really starting to hate you too man we're supposed to be family how could you treat me like this no one like you is ever gonna be my family I'm so sick of you oh Alice what are you doing here you didn't have to be here I'm I'm really sorry about what happened oh my gosh you don't have to be sorry at all I feel so bad about what happened to you it's okay I'm used to it everyone in my family hates me so much they treat me like that pretty much every single day of my life oh my gosh that's that's horrible well at least I don't hate you I know that's very kind I'm really happy that we're friends I mean even if it does mean that I have to get beat up by my brother all the time also you should never go out with my brother he's a horrible person oh yeah he's terrible I I never want to speak to him again yeah I don't blame you I don't ever want to speak to him again either but fortunately I have to live with him I just wish that everybody liked me why does everybody hate me so much well it don't make sense to me you're so nice and so Karen and I just feel so bad that everyone's so mean to you all the time I know me too it's awful and now I don't even get to go to this stupid dance well how about you ask me to the dance silly I would love that I think it would be so fun to go together Morris yeah let's definitely go to the dance oh my gosh Alice you just made my day so much better [Music] I can't wait I'm so excited I can't believe I'm actually going to the dance with Alice hey what are you doing over there I'm not doing anything what are you doing I thought I heard you happy about something and you're not allowed to be happy about anything you ruined my life after all it's nothing I don't want to talk about it well I don't care if you don't want to talk about it and look you made your brother cry he's so upset about this dance and you took his girlfriend what is that about I didn't take his girlfriend he was really mean and disrespectful to Alice and she didn't like him and she didn't want to hang out with him she asked me to go to the dance with her and I said yes because she's my only friend I don't believe you who would want to go to the dance with someone like you all you do is sit and cry and play video games you're just a waste of space well whatever I don't care what you guys think anymore I have Alice and she's my friend and that's all that matters I'm only wasting time on people that actually care about me well is your little friend Alice gonna save you from being grounded for the next few weeks I don't think so that's it no TV no internet nothing good luck trying to tell your little girlfriend that she can't go to the dance with you this is so unfair how could you do this to me this is unfair well life's unfair get over it [Music] foreign for the dance and I don't get to go yeah that's right you don't get to go to the dance you stupid loser this is all your fault Darren Alice is gonna hate me forever now it's not fair she's my only friend she's not your friend she just feels bad for you that's all she probably never wanted to go with you anyway don't say that she wanted to go with me I haven't been able to talk to her because mom won't let me out of the house cry baby cry baby that's all I ever hear from you you know what why don't you ever feel thankful that we let you stay in our house you have to I'm your brother how many times we gonna do this you're not my brother fine whatever just leave me alone yeah that's right I'm gonna go to the dance with my date now see you later loser enjoy staying home all night just leave me alone okay I'll make sure to tell Alice that you ditched her on purpose I see ya no don't do this please bye are you crying again oh God you're so annoying knock it off no I'm tired of everybody hating me I don't want Alice to hate me too well how could she not hate you I mean look at you all you do is cry no I'm not crying because I want to cry I'm crying because you guys are terrible people and you treat me horrible well did you ever think we treat you so badly because you're such a bad kid I mean oh gosh you're just so annoying why am I even talking to you fine but you know what you can't keep me here I'm going to find Alice hey get back here where do you think you're going you're grounded [Music] oh man looks like everybody's gone wait Alice is still out there oh my gosh Alice hey oh hey Michael you finally made it Alice I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bail my mom found out that I was going to the dance with you and she hates me so much that she grounded me and she took away the internet and my phone and I had no way to contact you she wanted you to think that I ditched you oh my gosh Michael that's horrible but I knew deep down he wouldn't have just ditched me like that it is horrible but No One's Gonna Keep Us from each other because I really care about you you're the only person that's ever been nice to me and I don't want to let that go away please I hope you don't hate me hate you oh I could never you're the sweetest boy that's why I waited here all night because I had a feeling you were gonna show up and here you are and I'm so excited maybe we can steal One Last Dance together that would be great and I know that in the future my family's still gonna hate me and they're probably gonna pull some stuff like this again but please just know it's never because I don't want to be with you or be your friend it's just because well they put me in horrible situations that's okay Michael ah as bad as it is I understand and you know what it doesn't matter you're my friend and we get to be together and I'm so excited about that great now let's go have that last dance [Music] foreign
Channel: ShanePlays Roblox Movies
Views: 1,441,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, ShanePlays, ShanePlays Roblox Movie, FullRobloxMovie, Roblox Story, Roblox Animation
Id: Z1gj0x6TEWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 11sec (3791 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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