Hillsong Church - Don't Leave Your Gift at the Door

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welcome to everyone joining to the screen logan an amazing service you ready [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] look at the back [Music] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] lucky [Applause] he'll die [Music] [Applause] [Music] when you wake up any good Monte every boy name is out there you go I see the world your way I see you willed your way and I'm trying to bring to follow I see the world your way and I'm not changing faces my teaching days away and I'm walking [Music] cut me you know what [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah you wondering oh Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] this madam [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I mean in our Oh [Music] Oh [Music] like you human [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] then [Music] [Music] thank you thank you impress me love you look I seem to you [Music] got a create there at the start before the beginning of time no point of reference you spoke to the dog and such doubt the wonder of majesty oh yeah [Music] I can see I can see your heart and we are king creation thing [Music] enjoy fun yeah [Music] [Music] father [Music] kids catch [Music] while [Music] [Music] creative [Music] Oh [Music] everything you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] aha [Music] creating the eye of the world and in and talking to us [Music] and then you speak I'm feeling very disappear well that's what fighting back we could find if you have to play behind you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in time you can do the one so we sing your praise [Music] oh Jesus [Music] place up the steel gray so we see in this world we Claire I love you go Oh Dungey [Music] come on unity of us Northwest [Music] what a heart [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] Hey Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] Algirdas it is the linger in his presence humans are made to worship God we're made to worship Him this is not just a thing for Christians it's not something that we've learned to do it's not a Hillsong thing humans are made to worship and if we don't worship God we will worship something or someone like something will become the object of our affection but nothing can satisfy the soul because we're created to live forever so nothing temporary can actually fulfill us for the greatest the greatest quest of all humans is to find God the God who made you Jesus [Applause] we love you Lord we love you we want to thank you for life we want to thank you for forgiveness thank you for your grace thank you for your peace guides our hearts in our minds we honor you today Jesus you are here by your spirit [Music] what a good thing it is to come into your house to worship you to let our hearts be open before you we welcome you today if we welcome you we love you God we welcome you we are to you to know that you reign supreme we honor you Jesus come on every location wherever you are with us this morning it's worse you be one more time [Music] Oh me yeah [Applause] [Music] me Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] welcome to church this morning welcome to Sunday morning in God's house we're going to take a moment and pray all these prayer requests I'll encourage you guys to especially Church of the air wherever you are out in remote Australia we get people from the Hillsong Channel who email us with prayer requests be great to hear what you want us to pray about as well we'd love to pray for you with just some great reports here ah Barry Denton's birthday yesterday somebody snapped that one in Barry I don't know how that one got through the keeper happy birthday Barry and there's all kinds of really cool things that people thinking God for healing and some really great charity event someone found a house which is awesome there's an engagement someone got engaged okay we're going to pray we're going to pray for a lot of people this morning there's people that need guidance people that in the middle of exams and just people with safe travel there's someone in Hobart and just needing clear biopsy reports or all different kinds of things I think Steve's sitting back still sorry Steve your mum's funeral a few days ago I think that's your dad there too huh sorry about your loss and we're praying for you guys and the whole family the incredible couple that have done so much in Australia and Papua we honor you honor UPS service [Music] heaven has gained a great child this last week we honor you we're going to pray for all of these requests wherever you are why don't you stretch your hand I know some of you guys have got requests there any campuses father we thank you for your goodness we do God we thank you for your presence we think if we are loving your grace and we ask again today in every single one of these needs across our campuses Lord wherever people wherever people are wherever we're meeting today god that your presence would be stronger that your hand would be toward people God your face toward people and God that you would again heal today that you'd provide that you would make yourself known me your presence be near the people as we worship you and honor you God help people today in Jesus name and everybody said amen straight well good to have you in church this morning a great big welcome to you it's great to have you here so it's nice to worship the Lord together on a Sunday most take a moment turn around say hi welcome someone to church wherever you guys are they're in homes or the first connect say hi to someone [Music] you [Music] okay okay simian find a seat great big welcome to all of you who are with us already in person and Darwin Hobart Brisbane West saw a beautiful photo that I think Emma put up in Darwin yesterday gorgeous up there middle of winter dry season best time to be in the top end very nice so Cass and I have just got home from Hillsong conference in London and it was absolutely incredible it really was Cass and rich and the creative team and everyone who does what they do creatively just did an absolutely beautiful job again and conference was really really special up there in London so big congratulations to all the creative team and what you do that's really cool we're going to receive out giving this morning so I'm going to ask you to start getting ready cash LinkedIn fresh back from London is going to encourage us today why don't you welcome to at home good morning I look like an airline stewardess today unintentionally but I brought my suitcase with me how are you morning Perth okay on or under your seats is an envelope gonna take it in your hands and get ready to give this morning and if you're not prepared with cash then you can look behind me on the screens and it tells you how you can give but I want to talk to you about this do you like my suitcase it's pretty nice isn't it this is a birthday present it is like brand-new and it came with me to London and then Copenhagen and Alaska and Hawaii so it was pretty good and then when I got home this week on Wednesday night at 10:55 I waited for my suitcases to come out and my first suitcase came out it's a little suitcase and I saw it on the conveyor belt and I picked it up I checked and had the name tag on it it said rich Langton so that's close enough it's mine so I took that one home with me and then right behind it was this one so I picked it up and went yes two for one this is fantastic put it on my trolley walked out when my family was waiting for me they cheered there were tears there were posters and it was so exciting to be home through everything in the car went back to the farm and we went to bed that night I left my suitcase in the car but the next morning when I needed some clothes to wear I got my suitcase out put on my bedroom floor unzipped it and guess what I'd stolen somebody else's suitcase fantastic now the good thing is is that the lady whose suitcase it was she the first-class traveler so she had some pretty lovely things in her suitcase not that I was looking but she was about my size she had really nice gifts for her family in the suitcase and maybe a couple of pairs of boxer shorts but the suitcase wasn't mine and so I had a bit of a dilemma was I going to return the suitcase and all the very beautiful things or should I keep it what do you think I should do right so on Friday morning I actually returned the suitcase to the airport I gave it back to them and it made me start to think about our giving this morning to see because in your hand when it comes to your tithes and offering all that money ends up looking the same just like my suitcase look like the ladies suitcase your money can look like it's all the same but the truth is the Bible tells us that the tithe the first 10% of everything that you own actually belongs to the Lord but it's not yours to keep actually belongs to God in fact Malachi 3:10 which we're very familiar with it says you Rob God if you maintain the time for yourself if you try to keep that 10% it's not yours and Jesus said about that money who said do you know what you've got to give to Caesar what Caesars but you give to God what is God's and so this morning when it comes to our tithes and offering you don't get to keep the suitcase but it's not yours you don't get to keep the 10% that's not yours whether you're a 14 year old kid and you work in a cafe on a Saturday morning or a 44 year old who has a full-time wage or you're retired there is a portion of your finance that belongs exclusively to God so I'm going to ask you this morning to take his portion in your hand and let's give back to God what is God's and let's honor him with our tithes and offerings this morning so okay good so can I pray for you father I thank you for the faithfulness of your church I thank you that we have the opportunity to honor you with our finances this morning to give back to you what rightfully belongs to you lord I pray that you would find us faithful this morning you would find us generous and you would find our hearts leaning in toward yours we love you God we thank you for every blessing in life in Jesus name Amen amen and why don't you watch the screens while we receive the giving and Julie rubella and talk to us about connect groups the kind of commitment this church was building when we first started 15 years ago we really encouraged our people and what we consider to be a basic commitment level in it in this church that will help you and help this church to go forward and we talked about being involved in one Sunday morning service one of the Sunday evening services and making sure you're in a small group during the week as long as I can remember I've been in some kind of connector Bible study and for me connect groups are the heartbeat of our church we're unapologetically a big church because it's whosoever is welcoming into place and so we want to church where everybody can come but we don't want just a church where everyone can belong we want a place where everybody feels like there's what a place and they've got a people you know let them like people and I think that's where you get from connect group [Music] the centipedes to 1hour jeannette graf is really the Bible and the Bible is God's Word and it is powerful and is active I mean you can hear the word on a Sunday morning and I think it's awesome it's like it washes over us and it gets in us but then when you you can hunter it with conversations where where you actually have to talk about this truth that can transform your life your life can be turned upside down in the most unbelievable way that's the one out connector about there about getting to know Jesus and about sharing that journey with other people [Music] what a great what a great reminder from Jules and who'd love seen Pastor Brian in 1999 and but look like last week this week this is the sort of season in our church we want to just keep reminding you that we're not a crowd we are a family and we're not a big church were actually a small church and everything Jules said about connect group is so important for us as a church not just as a church collectively but individually and encouraged everywhere where we lo every location this morning think about how you can be involved and if you're not in card of a connect regret then you know we've got next step - at many locations you have someone there that leading the service and to make sure you come and talk to us at the end of the service we'll do everything we can to get you involved the other thing is really the spirit of our church which again church is not where we go we are Church and we wouldn't have homes to have connect groups or or a place together if we didn't have people put their hand up to serve and the testimony of our church really is that we've got an amazing God and an amazing people that want to get involved and want to serve and want to make a difference and many have been doing that for years now and so we want to honor you know one couple just like that that really embody what it means to be Hillsong and have opened their home and they've led small groups through a number of number of years and that we want to honor you guys Andrew and Sharon Pittman this and when you stand give everyone a wave and these guys really embodying pretty much who we are as it should and I know there's people right across everywhere we're gathered this morning but just tell us how long have you been in church 28 years 28 years you may either guys don't even look that old as I know as and how long has been leading connect groups yeah about 25 25 years we just want to say thank you and not just for coming to church but being church and really leading what Pastor Brian talked about that spirit of what it means to be part of Hillsong Church and so huge we thank you for everything guys you're awesome you're awesome and again so many people are just like them in our church and that's what makes our church great hey check out the screens for everything else coming up two teams [Music] are you new to face or new to church on or under your feet is our once next card with information to help you find out more you can also visit our website to learn more and how to get involved discover more about Jesus and stay up-to-date with what's happening in the life of you from church introducing the new comer coffee app the most convenient way to connect your local cafe order online from a selection of amazing hot and cold beverages or a great selection of locally sourced pastries and food options or from within out Racines live notifications letting you know when your order is ready you will spend less time in the queue and more time and conversation come and visit our account we would love to [Music] [Music] Oh I guess I like that thought about being a dreamcatcher I think when it comes to creating intuitive an endless amount to tap in the Holy Spirit through dreams and potentials and allowing yourself actually just to imagine and to think about different realities they often it's so easy to get trapped in the way that you've always done stuff but God is always surprising us always painting new creatures every morning the Sun sets different every story of redemption is unique and individual and I think when we allow ourselves to dream we actually enter into that creative process that God is about and we begin to allow him to infiltrate reality with his reality did I hear Cass Langdon say that every morning the Sun sets differently is that what she said every morning the Sun sets different I got up this morning and watch the sunset it didn't I can't wait to watch it rise tonight God created the world creative rearranges that's what they do they have their own Authority which we've known that for a long time the created conference is going to be amazing whatever you think it's going to be it's going to be different true they will read scripture differently they'll do everything different it's going to be incredible going to be great been filled how did that one slipped through how did that slip through the TV team is that creative as well you got to part of creative that's why it's great never would have gone through Amanda Ferguson no way that would have got through maybe videos and songs need to go through you guys if we get to host this conference is created conference where the Sun rises in the nighttime and sets in the morning and a whole lot of other great things will be happening it's going to be incredible tonight Sunday night live in the August Nights we're doing Sunday Night Live and cast lengthen is doing it tonight it is straight after the Sun Rise tonight cast will be giving her Sunday Night Live it could be a Sunday morning life we're not sure but tonight you will love it it's going to be great but we're doing in the mornings we're doing a series on red-letter red-letter Sundays and that's everything Jesus talked about we started that last week and we're continuing that through different people speaking and today Robert Ferguson is bringing the word it's going to be great so come on wherever you are in Hobart in Darwin in Hills in Brisbane West in Perth where we stand about feet in home across the place of right and welcome Robert Ferguson this morning as he comes to bring God's Word thank you Robert thank you appreciate you you're a good man as Joel said Amanda would pick it as soon as she said it five seconds after she said it Amanda said did she just say something see how you do it Eckstein did a brilliant job as usual give them a clap every Sunday they serve us faithfully so good what a great Church to be a part of well I get the responsibility and privilege of speaking to you this morning and across the link to various places perf over all sorts of places Church the air so good to speak to you I'm hoping that this message is going to help you why did Jesus come I'm going to pray in a minute we're going to start this message I just thought I'd ask this question first if you ask a modernist audience they would say to save the world to ask a postmodernist audience they'd say to save me one generic the other specific both true ah it's a bit more to it than that I'm going to talk this morning about why Jesus came and because it's a red-letter Sunday morning I'm going to talk about why Jesus came in his own words and I think you'll find that it maybe not what you thought it was and it's going to affect you more than you think it's not just a bad receiving salvation but a whole lot more you ready for this all right we're going to pray but we might as well stand and pray I have to stand all throughout the whole service father God thank you very much for these wonderful people both here at heals and across the Lincoln various campuses and venues I pray that every single one will receive the Word of God we ask it in Jesus name and everybody said amen god bless you you can all sit down in a row about 1973 my mother sent me around to a very wealthy friend of hers to take him a Christmas gift I was a typical 70s teenager diffident rejected long hair faded jeans I thankfully don't have a photograph to show you well I do but I refused to show it and I arrived in my beaten up second-hand Mini at this glorious house and in the drive were lots of expensive cars and unbeknown to me this wealthy man who had lots of influential friends including royalty was having a party so when I arrived at the door knocked on the door with my gift here he opened the door with a dinner jacket and a glass of champagne and invited me in so I thought why not so I left my gift at the door took the champagne joined the party place was filled with beautiful people wearing expensive clothes I was there in my dirty jeans and halfway through the party I noticed that the whole of my back of my jeans right across my backside was ripped two things became apparent at that moment but before I sidled out rather embarrassed number one the people at the party had absolutely no idea why I'd come they were expecting royalty and I turned up the second thing that became apparent is that I had absolutely no idea wired come I'd been sent to bring a gift but I'd left it at the door and joined the party why am I tell you this story because it illustrates two major challenges that I face daily because I tend to feel insecure I walk into a room and I want to be accepted so I try and fit in and I forget Who I am second thing I do is that I walk into a room and want to join the party and forget why I'm here I leave my gift at the door jesus never did that Jesus came to the party with a gift from heaven and he didn't leave it at the door even though they were expecting royalty and he didn't look like royalty he didn't forget who he was John chapter 1 and verse 10 says that the world didn't receive him even though he made it they didn't recognize him but he didn't forget who he was and he certainly didn't forget why he had come in John chapter 18 when he's facing Pilate the Bible says that orgy or Pilate said to him he said are you a king then and he said yes you're right in saying I'm a king and that's why I have come to testify to the truth these two realities in Jesus's life is identity and his mission gave him the motivation focus and confidence to be the person that God called him to be three things that I did not have when I went to that party I came with a gift but I forgot why I came I left the gift at the door he won a title for this message it's called don't leave your gift at the door don't leave your gift at the door jesus knew exactly why he had come and you may be asking well that's all right I know that Jesus knew why he had come the question I want to ask is why have I come why are the most popular Christian books in the world the ones on purpose because we want to know why we're here of course Jesus new way came he came to die to save the world I don't need to do that that was his job I want to know why I'm here what am I on this earth for well may I suggest to you that his mission is your mission you don't have to die that's not what he had to do but in order to understand your mission you need to understand his mission he said why he came and why he came is why you're on earth so we need to establish why he came he made it very clear in Luke chapter 4 and verse 43 but he had been sent from God I proclaim the good news of the kingdom he said because I was sent there's no diffidence here no rejection here no insecurity here no trying to fit in leaving the gift taking the champagne and joining the party he knew I am here you may not be the person you were expecting you thought you're expecting someone in royal robes and I came wearing faded jeans in a beaten-up mini but I am the person you needed are you getting those please his mission is the same as out in Matthew chapter 28 he makes it absolutely clear that he has told us to go into all the world and do what do what he was sent to do preach the gospel what are we going to do tell them what he told us what are we going to teach teach them what he taught us he was given all authority we've been given authority he's going to be with us to fulfill the mission what is it it's called a comission it's not called a comission for nothing it is a partnership it is a Co mission we spend a life thing o God what you want me to do you want me to be a plumber do you want me to be a doctor do you want me to be able to church what do you want me to do well I'm telling you just do what Jesus did it's not rocket science you need to find out as quick as why you're on this earth hence this message when I became a Christian in 1974 I wanted a know straightaway what's my purpose do you want me to be a biology teacher what I was studying at university what do you want me to be it became very clear that God didn't want me to be a biology teacher he arrested me in a biology classroom one day and so what are you doing here and I said I'm telling them about leaves and he said you should be telling them about me and I put down my biology and I picked up the gospel I'm not suggesting it's wrong to be a biology teacher if that's what God has called you to do but please find out what it is God has called you to do and then in it be like Jesus so I said to God speak to me from the Bible and he did 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 and verse 1 he said teach people how to live in order to please God that's I've been doing for the last 40 years I don't do anything else this simple mission statement teach people how to live in order to please God is my motivation on a daily basis it is my focus and it is my confidence it's what God said to me and it's what he told me to do and Jesus did exactly the same in mark chapter 1 we're going to read it together very early in the morning while it was still dark Jesus got up left the house went off to a solitary place where he prayed Simon and his companions went to look for him and when they found him they exclaimed listen to this I want you to get it everyone is looking for you Jesus wasn't interested in following the crowd he wasn't interested in picking up the champagne and joining the party he knew why he had come he wasn't going to leave his gift at the door no what did it say sorry that's not what I meant to do he next verse Jesus this is a problem we're having two things like having a bottle of water in your hand you tend to speak into one and jesus replied let us go somewhere else to the nearby villages so that I can preach there also that is why I have come say it with me that is why I have come all right three things that you need to know about why you need to know your mission statement Jesus knew his mission this is what got him out of bed in the morning he wasn't following the crowd he wasn't joined in the party he was doing what God had called him to do got it sent in to preach the gospel so he went to preach the gospel are you getting this and he said in my Luke chapter 4 verse 43 I'm going to proclaim the good news because that's why I was sent strong tongues I don't like getting up in the morning at Sun set Kazu especially on winter mornings it's cold I like my bed so why do I get up because I've got a job to do I've got a mission statement I want to make a difference what a tragedy if you go to a work just to get money just say just to pay the mortgage every single one of us doesn't matter what your profession every single one of us needs to go with a motivation we've been since God has caused me give me a gift to take and if you walk into you if you're a butcher you've got a gift today if you're a doctor you've got a gift today it's why you've been sent don't leave it at the door you got a mission jesus said he knew well that's all right what about us John chapter 20 verse 21 look at this please be with you as the father sent me I am sending you he's sending us it's exactly the same mission God sent him he sent us see mission that's that's why he said let's go that should be our motivation don't worry about the crowd let's go we've got a job to do drag your feet I don't feel like going to church this morning just come on Jesus had a mission we've got a mission so alright thank ad motivation the second thing that we need to establish is it from this verse is that he knew his sphere he knew exactly where he was meant to operate it says in that verse in mark that he went to preach to Israel he went to the synagogue's why because this was this fear this was where God had sent him Matthew 15 in verse 24 says I was sent to the lost sheep of Israel his primary role at the beginning was to speak to Israel after that the Gentiles you with me so when he called his disciples what was their primary role just to the lost sheep of Israel might do 10 verse 5 he sent out the following the 12 with the following instructions don't go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans go rather to the lost sheep of Israel in other words their mission with his mission his mission with their mission this was their sphere nowadays feeis changed thankfully because most of us are Gentiles so in Acts chapter 1 1 verse 8 he says now you've got the Holy Spirit now go starting Jerusalem in Judea in Samaria then Australia Perth the uttermost part of the earth cold waters are you with me he sent us engine to all work exactly the same mission this is our sphere why is it important because remember my mission statement teach people how to live in order to please God so when someone says could you teach this morning as Joel did this morning do I say what do I say do I pray about it yeah I'll pray about what to say but I'm not going to provide who is it the will of God for me to teach this is the will of God for me to do this it's been your life praying for the wrong things I just say yes anybody who asked me to teach I say yes but teach people how to live so I believe burns asked me to teach on the theory of the Trinity I'd say no why because I can't teach people have well I could actually teach people how to live from the Trinity but I'm not going to treat theory I'm going to teach practice because it's what God has told me to do or if someone asked me to teach in a in a motivational business seminar I'd say no why because I've been told to teach people how to live in order to please God and if you don't want me to mention Jesus I can't teach now some of them say yeah tell us about Jesus so I do others say no you can't mention Jesus sorry on someone else now if job is to be a motivational speaker if that's your calling if it's what God told you to do that's fine that's your spear but me it is teach people how to live in order to please God it teaches me how to say yes my mission how to say no my sphere Jesus knew his mission he knew his sphere and he knew his authority and his ability jesus said of himself John chapter 8 and 42 Jesus said if God we're your father you would love me for I've come here from God I've not come on my own God sent me you know some people think that I get a bit feisty on the platform occasionally Darren Kido used to say I have you taken you angry pills this morning you know why I speak with authority it's because God sent me this isn't my idea I didn't choose to stand here I wouldn't dare stand here and talk to you about your eternal destiny without God's backing or speak to you wonderful people across the link people I I've never met I wouldn't dare do it but God sent me I've been here sent by God heaven has given me this capacity this responsibility this privilege I'm anointed by God sent by God his words were in my mouth I have his anointing and his calling on my shoulders I'm not going to apologize for it this is a God sent revelation and you better believe it those aren't angry pills I've just understood that I've got all thority as you have Luke chapter 9 and verse 1 he sent his disciples out and he said I've given you authority to cast out demons I've given you authority and ability to heal the sick authority the right to do it ability the capacity to do it get out there and fulfill your destiny but I haven't got it you've got the mission a lot of them what's my purpose you don't need to know any more than I've just told you get out there and do what Jesus did that's you that shit's fair that's your authority don't walk into the room and I would have fit in now don't leave your gift at the door and grab the champagne walk in with conference with motivation with authority you you may not look like the people they were expecting but walk in with that authority I've got a gift you know you don't look royal you need to understand where I come from you getting the idea so if you look through the life of Jesus I've come up with seven reasons why Jesus said he would come or had to come seven reasons these seven reasons can be your mission statement and I would encourage you that after this message you write down a changed mission statement for your personal life because this is what God has called you to do are you with me firstly Jesus came with a mandate from heaven John chapter 18 verse 37 he's made absolutely clear that for this I was born to testify to the truth God wants us to testify to the truth and he sent us with exactly the same mandate and can I just say this if you fail to testify to the truth you have left your gift at the door look at this 1 corinthians 3:5 says this what after all is Apollo's what is Paul only servants through whom you came to believe as the Lord has assigned his task every single one of us has got a task mine is to teach what's yours what does God ask you to do know what your father wanted you to do not what your experience required you to do not what your education gave you the capacity to do what does God want you to do what does God want you to do why is that important because one day you're going to stand before Jesus and he's going to ask you did you do what I asked you to do but did you fulfill your task what task what you spent an entire life and you haven't worked out what I sent you to do my job is to testify to the truth tragically sometimes I don't do it one day I was in London oh my hotel door and there was a body lying outside my door someone with a backpack in an expensive hotel lying in the passage not a good security arrangement I stepped over him picked him up suggesting maybe he should get out because if he got caught he'd be in serious trouble in this hotel and he said thank you very much and wandered off and as he walked out the door I said oh I didn't tell him about Jesus I'm never going to see him again that's the end of that I left my gift of the do what an idiot I mean God really set me up send me someone lying outside my door all I had to do was open the door until you invite Jesus it's not rocket science but I forgot my mandate I forgot my mandate to testify to the truth Jesus never did that are you with me second thing that he did he indicated the difference between right and wrong he indicated the difference between right and wrong we often don't think of this of Jesus but this listen to this verse Luke 12 51 do you think I came to bring peace on earth no I tell you govision Oak right turn often hear people teach on that first what does it mean well the devil came to divide like from light sheep from sheep wheat from wheat but Jesus came to divide from unlike sheep from goats wheat from tares and at the end of time we'll divide those who go with him to be in heaven and others to be in hell and when he was on earth he always divided the crowd don't try and fit in be like Jesus your opinions your passions are going to divide the crowd and you're going to have to stand up for what is right tolerance of sin is not required of you if you tolerate sin you've just left your gift at the door if you don't stand up and rebuked the bullies at school or deal with injustice in the world you have left your gift at the door but I want to fit in I don't want anybody to think bad of me I'll just grab the champagne and join the party no stand on say this is right is wrong I are you with me now I know that's not popular because you know we've been told that Christians are tolerant and we are about some things but I'm never going to tolerate sin I'm never going to tolerate injustice I'm never going to tolerate what Jesus didn't tolerate if he stood up and was account held accountable I can get a stand up and be held accountable and he said in John 9 and verse 39 for judgment I have come into this world so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind he came to separate right from wrong are you are you getting the idea and Paul did the same acts 26 so king of group I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven holding on to the vision got him in prison beaten shut out first to those in Damascus then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea then to the Gentiles I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by I did he stood up for what was right he said you're going to repent you've got to change but I'm not going to that's too pushy sorry getting the idea Jesus came to fulfill a mandate Jesus came to indicate the difference between right and wrong and he expects us to do the same Jesus came to serve we know this scripture well in Matthew chapter 20 in verse 28 just as the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many if you just here for entertainment if you just here for the beer I went to a church once where the only drink available was beer I know there was no water in the building just beer that was different you'd better take that off the Ben remove that he came to serve and that's how we should serve if we fail to fulfill our destiny if we fail to operate our gift if we come in here and we're just here to listen to the word and enjoy the music and enjoy each other's company we had left our gift at the door Philippians chapter 2 verse 5 we should serve as he has served if we are entitled we have left our gift at the door I I was on a land chilly flight a number of years ago and I was in Economy and I traveled a lot and I thought I need to be upgraded and halfway through the flood I saw something come down from the empty business class and I thought this is my moment and I smiled at him he looked at me look straight pals pick two pretty girls sitting behind me who clearly not traveled as much as I had who clearly didn't have a frequent flyer point and because he liked them he ushered them in and I was ticked off until God said what's wrong with that thank god you're on the plane and alive and why are you getting upset that they're blessed whole trouble with Jesus is always right number four he came to seek and to save that which is lost that's what he said seek and save Luke chapter 19 verse 10 for the Son of man came to seek and save that which is lost I need to get excited about lost people and not so judgmental so Jesus came John 10 he said I've come to give life I've come to give life he hasn't come to judge people he's come to save them but I didn't spend my life judging people so I was brought up as an English Anglican certain tonnes a year I expect order in church good Friday is one of them I was in the city a number of good Friday's go and also to young people rushed to the front started messing around at the front I was so annoyed how dare they do that on Good Friday when Jesus rebuked me and said shouldn't you be happy the lots of young people are in church on Good Friday all right he came to seek and save that which was lost that should be our responsibility as well arguing I like the front he he came to incinerate the work - the devil came to incinerate the works of the devil 1 John 3:8 listen to this the one who sees does what it's sinful as Abba devil so it's not it's not popular to talk about the devil I don't talk about a devil well Jesus did because the devil have been sinning from the beginning the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy that Devils work if you're not healing the sick if you're not doing what Jesus did setting captives free doing good acts 10:38 Jesus went around to good healing all of those who are oppressed of the devil if you're not liberating the captives and setting people free you've just left your gift at the door and here's another one Jesus came to obey his father well we don't talk about this now lots of stuff in this message we don't talk about we talk about tolerance and not division we talk about we don't we don't even believe that he'll exists cuz hey I don't like it hey I don't like it either but I talk about it because it's there in the text we don't talk about obedience or Duty but Jesus did he said there's John 6:38 I've come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me did he always like it no he was here to do his duty he was here to do the will of God he was here because he was sent to do something and he wasn't going to leave his gift at the door are you with me and the final one is this he came to represent God's name he came to represent God's name it says in John 5:43 he's come in my father's name and you don't accept me but if someone else comes in his own name you will accept him in other words he said in another verse if you've seen me you've seen the father you want to know what God's like look at me that's what we should say to our neighbors you won't want to know what Jesus is like check me out what and if they can't say that we've left our gift at the door one of one of the great compliments I was paid was by a hairdresser in in in England and every time I walked in they'd say here's the missionary and I'd tell them that Jesus and then one day I walked in and he said I hope you don't mind I've been giving I've been telling a testimony to all the customer he wasn't even saved and he even used the word testament I've been telling you I hope you don't mind I've been using telling a testimony to the customers I said that's fine why because when I walked in I didn't leave the gift of the door I didn't pick up a champagne and join the party are you with me I remembered why I had come I didn't leave my gift at the door and then I meant now the same is going to come up in a minute he's going to talk to us not only here but across the link about your relationship with Jesus and I want you to listen very carefully to what he says but first and foremost guy I've been a little provocative this morning on purpose I hadn't taken my angry pills I've just hopefully spoken with authority Jesus had a mission served way it's a co mission have you been challenged spoken to this morning that perhaps you're not fulfilling your destiny your mission haven't found your sphere of influence because if that's the case I want to pray for you I'd like everybody to close your eyes around this auditorium and if you feel as though this message has challenged you provoked you and you want to get down on your knees and ask God to speak to you you you're going to walk out of here differently because you're determined that you're not going to leave your gift at the door oh thank you God has really spoken to put your hand in the air and let me pray for you father God you see all these wonderful people you've spoken to them this morning as I asked you to do only you can change each one of our lives only you know the challenges and the problems and the difficulties we go through father I pray that you would speak to every one of these people show us your show us your mission show us the gift that we have show us our sphere of influence give us the same motivation the same and the same confidence as your son had we ask it in Jesus name and everybody said a man god bless you god bless you come on everywhere when we put our hands together [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Robert when you grab a seat everywhere please don't move anywhere we still got some time and you know Robert it's funny you talked about your mission one of the things that God spoke to you was to teach and one of the things God told me to do when I first got saved he told me I was his witness as I 43:10 you're my witness whom I have chosen says the Lord and my servant that you may know me I've always had this burden to tell people about the Jesus I met so I don't believe anyone any in any way in any location or anyone that's watching anyone in this room here by accident now I believe I'm giving this invitation by accident that's what I want you to know that's what God wants you to know God what you know he loves you everything about God is for good towards you in fact you're not an accident God actually chose you before the foundation of the world the problem is that we've seen the Bible says that all have sinned full short of the glory of God you've sinned I've sinned and the wages of those sin for that sin is death which means we are eternally separated from God because of our sin and there is nothing that we can do to change that the problem is that if we believe that God is real and we believe one day we're going to stand before him and we believe that the what the Bible says is that we have sinned and we can't get back to God coming to church won't do it being good won't do it nothing you can do to can fix our sin problem that means that we're going to live the rest of our days actually in dread of the way of the moment that one day we stand before him knowing and we are guilty and we'll be judged that's called bad news and the reason the gospel is called good news it's because God sent Jesus to do what we can't do Jesus took our guilt he took our shame on the cross he took the wages of your sin and my sin upon himself why because there's no other way to God no dead prophet can take you there no teachings can take you there only Jesus can make you right with God here's the way here's the truth he is the life now that's what I want to do the same thing that was done for me many many years ago someone said that to me and said Sam God loves you but you've sinned and the good news is if you give you life to Jesus your sin can be forgiven and they asked if I wanted to do that you know I fought it for so long as many people right across it fighting that you're fighting it in your heart you know you want to but in your head you're thinking maybe not yet not yet not yet maybe later but you know the day came and I've got sick and tired of and tired and sick and surrendered to Jesus I asked him to come into my life and when I did that a miracle happened I thought I was going to get rules instead I've got a relationship God wasn't there anymore he was here he was real he changed my life he was the missing piece and this morning right across every location including here at Hills many people are going to pray you yes to Jesus amen when we close our eyes bow our heads if you're backslidden your heart you're far from God then this morning you're coming to your senses and you're going to say yes to Jesus well maybe it's the first time you're going to pray this prayer that's ask God to forgive you and say yes to Jesus but right across every location every head bowed every eye closed we're all going to pray this prayer together and we're going to ask Jesus to forgive our sins to come into our life not only does it guarantee heaven but allows God now to come and be real in your own life let's pray this prayer everyone across every location everyone out loud dear Jesus I thank you that you died on the cross for my sin please forgive me I know I've sinned I ask that you come into my life that you'll be my Lord and Savior thank you that I'm now a child of God in Jesus name Amen amen amen come on come on Church come on come on every day angel in heaven the Bible says is rejoicing because people got right with God this morning amen this is what we want to do we want to give you one of these Bibles if you prayed that prayer please don't rush off every location every place is going to be people in the foyers are going to be waving this Bible around and they're doing it to get your attention go to them say hey I prayed that prayer I'd love to get one of those we want to give it to you as a gift and on the back there's a card and we'd love to help you take that next step and if you give us just some basic details it means that we can help you do that is that cool come on one more time I reckon we should put our hands together what are we all standing Elfi as good as that Roberts thank you again what an amazing message what an amazing message what an amazing message that's what we want to do I want to pray for you I want to believe God for the week that's ahead but you know what who could you invite tonight let's not wait till tomorrow to do what Robert talked about there are people in our world why don't we think about who can we invite who could we pick up and bring tonight because tonight's gospel presentation is going to be powerful if you know what people are going to respond they're gonna meet Jesus amen come out on a profion and believe me there then we're going to go out with a summer faith father thank you thank you in Jesus name for what you've done thank you for reminding us of our mission and lord I pray as we go Lord we go knowing that we go with your grace and your favor Lord that you've already gone before us and father we think about tonight and father we thank you that in Jesus name that Lord I believe that those that are in our world will be saved the backslidden in our world will come home and thank you Father for it you're going to do in Jesus name and together we all declared amen Amen come on one last song a fight [Music] we sing it out [Music] my god [Music] I'm being I see [Music] [Music] [Music] knocking drawback I know you [Music] and [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you have let's say we'll see that you
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 28,598
Rating: 4.8340611 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, robert fergusson
Id: nFKaBxbFDrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 58sec (5338 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2017
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