Bethel Music GATHERING | Franklin, TN

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[Music] oh oh we welcome you god [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] every heart fixed on jesus [Music] i love you lord oh your mercy never fails me [Music] and all my days i've been healed in your head from the moment that i wake up until i lay my head oh i will sing of the goodness of god [Music] oh i will sing of the goodness of god i love your voice yes i do you have led [Music] i know [Music] in the goodness [Music] with every breath that i am [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] breath that i am made for oh i will sing of the goodness of god [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh the goodness [Music] look at my family oh [Music] you open and shut oh [Music] i'm living in the goodness of god [Music] oh i'm living in the goodness [Music] what i want but i got what i need this is the goodness of god look at where we're standing now this is the goodness of god his presence is all around this is the goodness of god even in the midst of a pandemic we still feel your presence this is the goodness of god freely given this is what the blood has done this is the goodness of god the bill is torn out this is what the blood has done [Music] this is what the blood has [Music] this done [Music] [Music] this is the goodness of god oh [Music] this is the goodness of god [Music] this is the mercy of god [Music] there's blood [Music] this is the mercy [Music] um [Music] [Music] um [Music] you might feel off track but it's easy to come back in [Music] he's calling you from off track to one track again [Music] mercy mercy mercy father with open arms turn to the beginning [Music] when we first fell in love return to the beginning where all my sins were washed worthy is your name jesus you deserve [Music] your praise worthy is your name jesus you deserve praise worthy is your name worthy is your name jesus you deserve praise your name worthy is your name [Music] jesus you deserve the praise [Music] to is [Music] the prices [Music] is [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] wonderful counselor mighty god prince of peace emmanuel [Applause] oh you are a wonderful wonderful encounter you a mighty god worthy is your name [Music] you deserve the praise jesus you deserve the prize and we honor you king jesus [Music] and we give you the highest [Music] come on just lift your voice i'm gonna lift it up [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] singing [Music] [Music] so we do [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] in revelation 4 it says come up here come up into my realm and i will instruct you what to do next so we ascend the hill of the lord tonight we come up to your presence to your holy mountain father where the air is clear we come up in your presence tonight father we just bless your name just lift your hands tonight just feel him drawing you straight up straight up off the earth just straight up into another realm of his presence [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] amen [Music] so so yes yes [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] to see things like you [Music] cause you know just what to do you know just what to do [Music] i see things like you do god i look to you cause you're where my health comes from you give me [Music] cause you know just what to do and i will love you lord my strength [Music] will [Music] [Music] [Music] forever all [Music] hallelujah [Music] in your life [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] jesus [Music] i'll [Music] oh i put my whole life in your hands again [Music] oh i am yours i am yours yet again cause hallelujah [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] see [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus at the center of it all jesus at the center of it all from the beginning to the end it has always been and it'll always be you jesus jesus sing it again jesus jesus said [Music] from the beginning [Music] man [Music] center everything revolves around jesus [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] she's [Music] jesus at the center of it all from beginning from beginning to the end it will always be it's always been you jesus jesus and nothing else matters [Music] nothing in this world will do i tried many other lovers but there's nothing like jesus jesus everything revolves around [Music] oh i tried you for myself [Music] you really satisfied [Music] i found something that really satisfies [Music] [Applause] it's all about you yes it's all about you from my heart [Music] [Music] [Applause] jesus peter [Applause] [Music] [Music] you can have everything every part of my heart [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus be the center of your church jesus be the center of your church [Music] shall confess you jesus [Music] he is [Music] oh jesus [Music] you are the [Music] all the earth will sing you are the one true i'm so glad that i found you living god yeah [Music] man [Music] no matter the sickness or disease [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] he's the one true living god he's the one true if you're sick today the living god is in the room and he's moving and he's touching bodies right now jesus jehovah healing is the children's bread we say come and heal jesus i even hear that the lord is healing like mental illness some of you have been battling mental illness like maybe depression suicide anxiety maybe you're not sleeping at night but the living god is in the room and god we say jehovah rapha come and heal show yourself mighty in this place show yourself strong in this place we thank you that healing is the children's bread he's healing right now we say yes lord yes lord we say yes lord if that's you right now and you need a miracle in your body raise your hand we're gonna surround you and pray for you you need a miracle in your body or if you've dealt with something that he's uh mentioning look around guys i want you to just to go and put your hands on people who are raising their hands right now let's be the hands and feet if you're dealing with suicide if you're dealing with depression raise your hand right now let's just go after it lay your hands congratulations to the ministry team just keep your hands raised [Music] peace we just speak over marriages right now if you're married just touch your spouse we just speak restoration even what this year has been rough and we just speak renewal and restoration to every marriage here right now father they would be literally closer than ever closer than ever we just be molded together father that you just let any thing that has tried to come in the way of marriage is just be settled and swept away father that your miraculous healing bomb come and heal marriages right now father yeah yeah yeah [Music] a sound mind a whole mind a whole heart jesus a whole mind a whole heart a sound [Music] we rebuke doubt anxiety fear of failure i feel even like fear of failure as a parent as parents i just declare over all the parents lord your love that we will flow in every person here that's a mom or dad that your love god i share the lord the lord saying you are enough you are enough thank you jesus thank you jesus you're doing just fine just fix your eyes what you're doing just fine lift up your eyes oh you're doing just fine lift up your eyes that's where your help comes from that's where your help comes from you're doing just fine lift up your eyes to the heels oh you're doing just fine lift up your eyes sing it again all you're doing just sing it over here lift up your eyes that's where your help comes from [Music] i just saw a picture of a liquor cabinet and i saw the lord just put a lock on the liquor cabinet for a while so i just released that whatever in our lives have been filling our lives with something that you should have been filling father we just released that to you we just come back to your heart fully god not looking for relief from elsewhere but from you holy spirit we just ask that you'd fill any place in us that is lacking in your presence god fill fulfill we just break shame we just leave it in the dust father we thank you right now just for full restoration to the father's heart for all that you have for us jesus [Music] [Music] yes how i love you jesus i keep coming back [Music] how i love your presence oh how i love you how i love you jesus so i'm coming back [Music] i've searched and i've tried and i've found that there's no one [Music] there's no one like you there's no one like you my jesus my friends my father how i love your presence oh how i love you [Music] how i love you jesus i'm coming back for [Music] how i love your presence [Music] how i love you lord i'm coming back [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] lord and how we love your presence [Music] [Music] is you're coming back for more of who you are more of your heart [Music] more of who you are more of your heart just to be close to you just to walk with you how i love your presence how i love you lord how i love you lord um [Music] coming um a child coming like a child i'm coming like a child no turning back there's no fear in your eyes only love so i'm coming like a child all i want is that all i want is my father all i need is all i need is my father all i need is so i come to you like a child [Music] i come to you like a child take all i have i'll come to you like a child take all this [Music] i just want my father just want my father all you need is a touch from your father just one touch from your fart [Music] coming like a child yeah i'm running to you like a child [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] gave me a promise [Music] [Applause] [Music] my heart has [Music] nothing satisfies like you [Music] nothing satisfies [Music] like you do [Music] is [Music] you [Music] i've tasted [Music] satisfies [Music] satisfies [Music] satisfies [Music] [Music] satisfies [Music] [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all my fountains [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] foreign living water [Music] nothing satisfies like you do [Music] cause you're the founder of nothing satisfies like you do come on every voice sing it out i've tasted life and nothing's satisfied [Music] nothing satisfies [Music] [Music] [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you are [Music] is [Music] here [Music] you are [Music] is [Music] lifted in my life [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] who i wanna be yes i wanna [Music] lord that is our prayer tonight lord we want you to be exalted in every aspect of our lives through our lives on this earth lord just speaking to us lord i pray that you would continue the work that you're starting in us lord truly when we leave tonight that there is a divine awareness a transformation that happens from the inside out where we we truly understand that it's not by might nor by power but by your spirit lord everything that we do every everything that we do and that our sole purpose on this earth lord as your ministers is to bring your name great glory and to glorify you so lord through your word tonight continue to speak to us transform us holy ghost i pray that you would do what only you can do take one word split it up however many different ways of the people that are in this room and speak specifically to each person lord we've had a year and it's taken that to remind us that this is only about you this is this whole thing is only about you and for your glory and lord if we don't get this there ain't no hope so do whatever you need to do to reawaken re-envision reinvigorate reas reframe re align us our hearts our spirits to be in the slipstream of your flow father you haven't stopped moving across this earth just let us get in the slipstream of what it is that you're doing lord and help us to bring others into that slipstream lord [Music] hey man amen i just want to get to the wood and i've got something in my spirit did that oh here sorry hi everyone i'm so grateful i'm just gonna kind of jump in i've always wanted to be part of the bethel worship team so i feel like i've achieved one of my goals i hope someone took a picture and can send it to my hillsong team so anyways i'm joking i don't sing i never have but um if you're taking notes on your phone or whatever you're doing and i think it'll just continue with what has happened i didn't even know jen just called and said come to nashville and i don't know who's going to be in a room but um let's just kind of we're going to do a series of things of what might the lord be doing because like you um i wasn't exempt from 2020 coming into 2021 it's it's about a year ago i think now we're coming to the end of february so i flew back i did passion uh whenever that was it what year 2020. so in um this is last year i went from passion like so many of you to uh and then i went to the send in brazil and it was amazing i thought this was the beginning of the revival i'd been believing for for years i've been serving jesus for over three decades uh got saved in the back of sydney australia went to hillsong before it was hillsong when it was hills christian life center in a warehouse not much bigger than this in nights that were just like this and so i don't really have to have a lot of faith to believe for revival because i've lived one through one in my lifetime i've lived from being in a shed in the back of sydney australia before any of you knew any of it and watch god do what only god has done over um 30 odd years and watched a bunch of people that just got saved man we didn't we're not the ones with the degrees or the theology degrees or the smarts but we had a passionate heart after god and um a desperation for god and out of that i've watched what the lord has done so it's something really fascinating when you have lived when you were a kid a kid that was just in so much sin you got saved you walked into a warehouse that wasn't much different to this in 1989 on the last um sunday in january 1989 and just a few hundred people in a room and then here i am 30 odd years later and go wow i've seen what god can do when people truly choose to honor god and when you truly do choose to follow the leadership of the holy spirit and when you truly do choose to make it all about him one of the benefits of growing up as an australian christian is there was no christian subculture and so uh there weren't enough christians there was no christian industry of anything uh whether it was music or whether it was um books or anything because there wasn't enough christians to buy anything so if everyone was a heathen it was awesome so you all you had to do was actually be about the father's business because there was no other business so you had to be about the father's business which was going about seeing people saved and um there was nothing else you could you better have been anointed with the power of the holy ghost because you had nothing else going for you man you turned up you had to like this we had to learn um because there was nothing else so you had to get a word of knowledge you could freak people out so they'd listen to you you had to get a prophetic word or a word of wisdom because nobody would listen to you any other way and it was like oh my gosh they're reading my mail they must know a god or something and out of that i've watched what the lord's done and out of that i've watched a lot of interesting things in the body of christ too and so i feel like the lord gave us a beautiful time out for the last year so like you know what did you go to your room you know i've got a couple of kids when they were little i would always go why don't you go to your room and think about that and then when you've thought about that why don't you come out and um and tell mummy what you thought what about what you had done or what you had said and i feel like the lord was like why did you go to your rooms and think about that and then we came out and he's like you know you haven't thought about that really well how about you go back in and um i'm from california so we've been sent back a lot but anyway so there's a lot of going back to to our rooms and um but but i feel like uh we're about to to come out and perhaps the the revelation above all else that um i think those of us that are ministers are going to come out with is the fact that um it's it's jesus and the power of the holy ghost and and there really is nothing else but jesus and the power of the holy ghost and when we were singing and going off and singing about no other god do you know it's not going to be that much longer before we sing that stuff and a whole lot of the world is not really cool with us singing there is no other god but you uh there is we've all gotten sidetracked with a whole lot of other issues and and we many of us think we're more compassionate than jesus and so we think we're going to love you and excuse that more than jesus does because we know compassion better than jesus he didn't know what he was doing when he said stuff in the gospel so we're going to actually be more loving and and accepting than jesus because that's that's what we're going to do and jesus is like that's awesome do what you want but the one thing that's not up for grabs is going to be the lordship of jesus and i'm listening to the sound coming out of you guys and i'm loving it incidentally and i'm thinking oh it's going to be costly to sink that soon it's going to be actually really really costly um because that is what is up for grabs i'm going to read you something from isaiah 60 and if you're taking notes the word for tonight and um i believe is like called the morning after and um and you know 2020 we all know intense global pandemic and racial injustice and political upheaval and economic upheaval and i mean it was just relentless and if you believe in the sovereignty of god you cannot believe that it was by accident that god allowed it um i'm a bit excited because i'm weird because i really do believe in the book of acts where the bible says that god chooses the times and the seasons um and and the boundaries that he places us in out of all of eternity thought awesome i'm going to pluck you out of eternity i'm going to position you in time in 2020 i'm going to give you gifts and talents for the purpose of serving your generation and you are my plan a for the planet in 2020 2021 2022 like we are god's plan a so this is not by default this is by design and so i'm like okay god you did it all and you figured out of all of the people in all of all of eternity we are the ones are the carriers of your presence to this generation to carry your light to this world the mandate hasn't finished the the mission hasn't finished we've got to be about the father's business none of that has changed because of a global pandemic or because of economic instability or because of the things that are happening all around the world the mandate is still the same go into all the world and make disciples and i think we are finally understanding that it's time to make jesus's last commandment our first priority and what has happened is we've gotten so caught up with a whole lot of other stuff and he's going would you get back to what my first priority is because see when jesus died and was crucified rose again you would have thought he would have gone straight up to the father after all that time away from him but instead of going straight up to the father he detoured via planet earth and said i need to pause and come back for a minute because i need to give you your marching orders before i go back to heaven to be seated at the right hand of the father and guess what your marching orders are going to all of the world and make disciples that's actually the mandate that i have given you to make disciples of the nations of the earth we've messed that up wouldn't you think just a little bit he's going i want you to go and i'm going to give you my spirit to empower you to do what you could never do in your own strength ever so i'm putting my spirit in you so that you go forth in the power of my spirit and go and make disciples of all of the nations and guess what then i'm going to come back it's not all going to be fixed this side your shoulders are not too big enough to carry the burden of what's going on on this earth there is so much injustice so much pain so much suffering listen you can try to do what you want your shoulders are not broad enough to carry the burden i carried it at calvary so your job by the power of my spirit is to go forth into the world and make disciples of the nations that's our job and we've picked so many other things we want to do and jesus is like you know could we get back to what this whole thing is about and so in isaiah you're all americans that will say isaiah isaiah it's so cute isaiah okay so isaiah everyone say isaiah isaiah isaiah mate sorry mate arise shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you for behold darkness shall cover the earth and thick darkness the peoples but the lord will rise arise upon you and his glory will be seen upon you and nations shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising lift up your eyes we sung that tonight all around and see they all gather together they come to you your sons shall come from afar and your daughters shall be carried on the hip then you shall see and be radiant your heart shall thrill and exalt because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you the wealth of the nations shall come to you a multitude of camels i can live without them shall cover you the young camels of the midian and epaph all those from sheba shall come they shall bring gold and frankincense they shall bring good news the praises of the lord we can go on but i said it some the morning after because when the israelites came after 70 years in babylonian exile they they came back to israel and then they were thinking they were coming back to what would be normal i mean they had dreamt the prophet had spoken to them they had a vision of what it was going to be like when they went back and they went back and the temple was in ruins other people were living in their houses they were surrounded by their enemies there was threat of war in in the atmosphere and the persians were raining it did not look like the light was upon them it did not look like people were going to come from all over the nations of the earth it did not look like they had anything to offer it's like they came back they expected to see one picture and they after 70 years of exile and what they saw was this foggy mess it was like a like you got to be kidding me what is this it could be 2021 it could be like hang on a minute we stepped into this year and and we thought it would look a little bit different but the fog still seems to be around us it's it's like whoa we started with a bang and here we are six weeks in and it's like we're really not sure what is going on day to day in so many different spheres some of you are booking stuff some aren't some don't know what's going on what's opening what's not opening how long it's going to open for what's going to happen what is going on it is really hard to have any sense of vision all we're seeing is this this cloud and the cloud lifts every now and again and we get a glimpse and we think this is it and then it's like oh no no it's not it's where i live in newport beach there's a marine layer that comes in in california and if i'm walking along the beach i can see catalina island but when that marine layer is in you can't see any you can't barely see your hand in front of your face now the thing is i know catalina island's there but while the marine layer is there everything is gloomy everything is foggy i can barely see my hands and and that's when i'm walking by faith that's when i know that there's something on the other side and it's into this situation that they've come back the israelites have come back the children of israel and they're like thinking we thought we were coming back to normal and the prophet's like no no there is no normal there's there's a new normal and this is the morning after the fog i know you've been in captivity i know you've been locked in your room i know that there's been challenges everywhere and you're looking around and in the natural you're like this is a mess how are things going to happen because in the midst of all of that i've got a couple of words for you arise and shine and as we've had the shift in 2021 that's the word to us the church it's like you know what it's time to arise and it's time to shine yes there's still a fog but it's time to reawaken your vision to be reawakened to your purpose to be reawakened to the promises of god to be re-awakened to the things that god has for us the vision hasn't changed just because the marine layer is in yes there's a marine layer but what you saw is still from god and all the promises of god are in christ jesus yes and amen and our promises are anchored in christ he is anchored behind the veil that anchor is firm and secure it doesn't matter what's happening economically or politically or environmentally our anchor is firm and secure his name is jesus it's jesus so because of that just because a marine layers in doesn't change what god's spoken to us just because the marine layers come in doesn't mean that the promises of god have in any way changed i want to read it to you from the amplified bible it says arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you rise to new life be radiant with the glory of the lord for your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you see the good thing that's happened for those of us that have had ears to ear here and eyes to see this year this past year hopefully we've been reawakened to the fact that we are sons and daughters of the king of kings and the lord of lords hopefully we've been awakened to the fact that we are citizens of heaven and just residents here on earth hopefully we've been reawakened to the fact that we are on mission with god to outwork the purposes of god here on earth as it is in heaven but this is not our home hopefully we've really awakened to the fact that we are living between the two advents of christ you see when isaiah the prophet was saying this stuff they were still waiting for jesus to come this was a prophetic decree the light's coming jesus is coming the messiah is coming well guess what if he was telling them in the midst of this brokenness you ought to have hope because a messiah is coming well we've already seen him he's already risen and he's coming back we ought to be the most hope-filled the most faith-filled the most purpose-filled the most life-filled people on the earth because we're living between the two advents of christ not only do we know that he's risen we're filled with his spirit we are the church on the earth that is filled with the spirit of god and you know what the early church did kept pointing people to the fact that he's coming again if you're wondering what our heart a lot of us we've got all freaked out about talking about this stuff because i know late great planet earth and everything and we're like left behind we're all still traumatized okay so i get it i get why we're all still traumatized but let's not throw the baby out with the bath water you read thessalonians you read throughout the new testament what did the early church do that they're telling people is he's coming again there was so much persecution there was so much suffering maybe it's time for us the church to awaken again and not this like left behind fear blow up late great planet earth stuff i want some of you guys to write hope-filled faith-filled beauty-filled songs about the coming of the lord because that's our hope because we're going to do our bit to bring god's kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven but you know what if we didn't need a new heaven and a new earth jesus wouldn't need to come back but the very fact that we do need a new heaven and a new earth suggests to me that our ultimate hope is an eternal hope so we got to get people's eyes off their temporal circumstances off their temporal losses of their temporal defeats off their temporal disappointments of their temporal discouragement of their temporal disillusionment and we need to lift our eyes to the hills we've been seeing about lifting our eyes there's an eternal hope and he is coming back and that is good news that is the gospel of the lord jesus christ not only that he died for our sins and rose again but he is coming back again that is the hope of the church of jesus christ and y'all we're gonna keep having the divisiveness and the chaos and the anger that we're seeing on the earth today if we don't lift our eyes a little bit and get an eternal perspective on all of this because there is only so much we're going to sort out but human nature is sinful that's why not only did we need a savior but he is coming back and when we act like it really matters it's going to be amazing how it matters to people and that's people will be drawn to that radiant beauty of jesus see in the 80s we thought let's freak everyone out and tell them we're going to blow the earth up and you know late great see you later you're going to be left behind don't go to the movies because you're going to be busted and you're going to go to hell and you know you're going to be left behind so everyone's so traumatized because of all of that nobody's talking about the fact that there is an eternity that jesus is coming back that doesn't excuse us from responsibility here on earth it's actually the opposite i don't know how you could be fueled to do good works here on earth if you do not if you are not fueled with a vision of a a resurrected savior that's going to return back to this planet see to me it doesn't make me not want to make this world a better place it makes me want to make this world a better place because i know that he's coming back so isaiah says you know what i'm addressing you because you're you're in a mess it's the morning after but just like he spoke to them at this time i want to speak to us at this time and say here we are in february 2021 and i want to say to the body it's time to get out of the fog it's time to arise it's a time to rise up and get out of the fog and get out of that marine layer because god's saying look i'm not just bringing back my previous glory did you see the list oh oh no that there's great blessing coming there's great abundance coming there's great provision coming and people from around the world are going to look and say what is that that is different upon you what is on you why do you have joy that i don't have why do you have peace that i don't have why do you have hope that i don't have why are you able to love in a way that i'm not able to love why is your source not running dry why is your supply not running out and you go it's the glory of the lord it's got nothing to do with me the glory of the lord has risen upon me he says let your light shine and we've got to get up because the fact is i think we are on the verge in the body of just getting a little bit either comfortable sitting back or we're so hopeless that we're forgetting we've got the power source that the world's waiting for see this the lights are on here because someone there's a power box and someone flicked a switch and i feel an urgency in my spirit now and the body to go listen man we've got to start flicking some switches here okay that the power's all connected you've got everything that you need in christ see it's one thing to sit about and sing about he's all i need and i've got everything i need in him but we need to remember again who we are and what we have in him and i'm hoping this time around we're not going to worry about all the other stuff and who gets what who gets what award listen this is what i want to say to you you can't get any higher than where you are you and i are seated in heavenly places at the right hand of the father and we are filled with every spiritual blessing that we need for everything so i'm kind of like there is no higher to go there is no greater reward that you can get there is no place you go man i just want to keep going up the chat you can't go higher than seated at the right hand of the father seated in heavenly there's nowhere the only place that you and i can go from where we are is down down see if you and i truly understand who we are in christ and what we have in christ assuming a posture of humility like jesus who did not consider himself robbery to be equal with god but made himself a servant he humbled himself see scripture says humble yourself scripture doesn't say humble each other with our beautiful beautiful uh our social media culture we think oh man i'm just going to humble you it's my prophetic gift it's not in the bible there's no humble each other in the bible there is humble your self doesn't mean to think less of yourself it doesn't mean to think of yourself less it does mean that there's a lost in a broken world and god wants us to engage and to make disciples of the nations to bring justice where there's injustice hope with this hopelessness life where there's no life [Music] but you can only do that when you know who you are so you're not spending and wasting your whole life on earth trying to prove who you are so when you waste your one and only life on this planet trying to prove who you are but when you can walk in humility not arrogancy the old normal was man i'm arrogance bless god i know who i am in god no no you're just so insecure and arrogant but when you truly know i'm seated at the right hand of the father in heavenly places i have access to every i can't go anywhere this is as high as i'm ever going to get doesn't matter what award i get doesn't matter what i'm as high as i'm ever going to get i'm already there so from there there's only one place i can go down so i'm stepping in filled with the power of the spirit choosing to humble myself in the sight of the lord how weird that when i do that in due season he lifts me up how weird in this upside down kingdom but see when you understand that the glory of the lord is upon you and the light of the lord is within you you don't need any showcase lights because i carry the light of christ same spirit that raised jesus from the dead guess what he lives in me and it's not just hype uh hopefully you realize that because we weren't on the road with our gigs and our shows and our bands and whatever so it was just in the bedroom i don't know about you but the same spirit that showed up with me when i was in these arenas last year is the same spirit that was in my bedroom same spirit that helped me read this word same spirit that raised jesus christ from the dead lives on the inside of us so i don't know really what we're waiting for because if we're still in a fog in february 2021 i don't know what hope the world's gone because supposedly the light of christ is in us the glory of the lord is upon us so why are we walking around like we're in a fog why are we walking around like we've forgotten who we are and who's we are why are we walking around like we don't know what we've got in him why are we walking around with a lack of vision and a lack of purpose just because a show's being cancelled doesn't mean my purpose has been canceled and god sounded like would you see it it is the morning after you you gotta rise and shine we've got agency in these guys we've got agency well if the lord just wanted to do it the lord would just do it the lord's like i did it i did it now would you get up the prophet says to them i i want you to rise and i want you to shine and i want you to start facing this day i want you to stop tweeting and instagraming and tick-tock thing all your fear and doubt and negativity and all your feels keep your feels state some truth not your feels state them truth about who you are in him what you have in him where we're going in him the fact that all things are reconciled in him let's start stating some truth and declaring and decreeing some things into the atmosphere so there's a re-jesus thing happening in our re-awakening it's like oh all i have is you that's right because the world's shut down oh guess what that's enough it's not just a cute lyric it's actually real so i've gotta arise and shine in the midst of all of that so i'm just gonna give you a few things how do you arise and shine well the first thing of course you've got to ensure that you are connected to jesus so glad this last year happened in some ways not not the pain and the suffering and the loss and the grief of course not that but the fact that the lord pressed pause let me flatten the whole earth and just so you could all get realigned again so glad my church get realigned again and remember what you're all here for and it's given us the opportunity to say are we really connected to jesus are we truly connected because it's one thing to be connected to a christian industry oh it's another thing to be connected to jesus and let me just say the way the lord ain't playing with what he is cleaning house with he ain't playing and so saying you know what are you truly connected to jesus because jesus is the light of the world not my coolness jesus is the light of the world and so jesus is the light of the world he says in john 15 without me you can do nothing but see a lot of us forgot that because we forgot jesus in the equation over the last few years and we were doing a lot without him and he's like how'd that work for you where did that get you because without me you can do nothing and i think we're reawakening to that truth that without him we really can do nothing like really really for the stuff that really really matters and so we must stay committed to him stay connected to him if we don't we're not shining we might have a spotlight shining on us but we are not radiating any of the light of christ and so you wonder why people are coming into our churches and into our worship meetings and into our and they're coming inbound and they're leaving bound because they've never encountered the light that sets them free they've seen a light on us but there's no power emanating from us that would see people set free and so then it just becomes a we don't we don't even need god you just need a formula you just need a formula and i think the lord's like you know i'm about done with your formulas because i love my people too much and my people are bound and my people are dying my people are addicted and my people are just messed up and i want to set them free so i need my ministers to actually get back to know what this is all about and they better know what the true light is because if they can't tell the difference between the light that is on them and the light that is in them their world will collapse and most of us don't know the difference if the light that is on you is stronger than the light that is in you your world will collapse and that's what we're seeing left right and center in the body of christ because we've had a lot of spotlights on us and haven't developed the light that is within us and that light within us the prophet says arise shine for the light has come but it can't be our light it's got to be god's light that's the only thing that has power to set people free you and i are custodians of that power jesus said in matthew 28 all authority is his and he gave it to us but when you take what he hasn't given you and you make something up in its place you end up with a weak anemic powerless christian subculture that we've had for a really long time and jesus says i wonder if you would take the power i've given you and allow that power to flow through you to see people set free the thing we have to do is not only ensure that we stay connected to jesus to rise and shine we need to ensure that we're connected to the word of god the word of god let me tell you anytime the enemy wants to under undermine the power of god he will try to undermine the authority of the word of god it is not new it is not new and listen i may be one of only a few people that still believe traditional historical orthodox christianity but i'm going to my grave believing that god's word is what god's word says that god meant what he said when he did it i don't care if it's not cool i want power and i want to stay connected to his word i don't want cool i want power i want power and this word is living this word is active this word is sharper than any two-edged sword this word has power i want the power of god's word to have the same power in my mouth that has it his mouth but it won't if you don't believe what this says when you try to dilute it and change it and we will be set apart those of us that go i believe this thing and it's not cool you know jeremiah 15 16 he said your words were found and i ate them and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart your words were found and i ate them they became someone needs to write a song about that they they became a joy and a delight to my heart i ate them i ate this thing what we do is we find a few scriptures that we like and use them to write a lyric god's like really i want power psalm 119 30 the unfolding of your word gives light that's what gives light that's why the world's in darkness because we christians are trying to minimize and dilute and excuse and cut out bits of the word and then they're wondering why can't i thy word is what a lamb unto my feet are light unto my path and the glory of the lord will shine through you let your light shine it's the word of god you're wondering there is more spiritual and biblical illiteracy on the word in the world today it's incomprehensible to me more access to the word but because we don't want to do what it says we either ignore it or change it and then we wonder why the world's in darkness he says oh no there's this unfolding word poor light light light light light light light light light light so you've got to stay to rise and shine you won't do it if you don't stay connected to jesus you won't do it if you don't stay consuming the word of god you won't do it if you're not committed to god's work matthew 5 16 let your light shine before men that they might what see your good works and glorify your father in heaven see we're not saved we know that we're saved by grace through faith ephesians 2 8 but we say by grace through faith four good works ephesians 2 9 and 10 for we are his workmanship recreated in christ jesus for good works that he prepared beforehand that we should walk in them so it's not enough to just sing love songs to god we must be engaged in the mission of god here on earth and so we have to be committed to god's work it's a good work isn't it interesting when jesus said if you like we'll lift up or keep i don't know whoever did the lift up thing you're on i'm in that zone i mean that lift up your eyes he says lift up your eyes the fields are ripe for harvest jesus said this 2000 years ago y'all don't have to pray is the harvest ready jesus like i told you that 2000 years ago seriously 2000 years the the harvest has been ready for 2000 years jesus said lift up your eyes to the field fields are right for harvest and then he says harvest a plentiful and then is it interesting he doesn't say but the christians are few but christian music is few christian books there's not enough christian churches there's not enough christian insert whatever no no no he says no no the harvest is plentiful but the workers a few because we don't have anyone that wants to work we don't want to be day laborers for jesus man we want to be superstars for jesus and jesus goes i'm not asking for stars man i want laborers you know what a day laborer does comes and stands at the side of the street you wait for the truck what am i doing today okay here i go someone else did that in the worship set whatever maybe it was earlier this afternoon i can't remember someone went off about whatever you tell me to do whatever you tell me to do that's what a day laborer does and in fact while we're all so busy trying to build our brands and trying to get our little blue checks we don't worry about a heart check but i want a blue check and then you know we just want to what we're trying to build our way jesus like anyone want to be a laborer got a lot of work for laborers a lot of work for day laborers the harvest is plenty for the laborers the workers of you so you want to stay connected you stay connected to jesus connected to his word connected to his work and cultivate righteous living whoa christine you mean it matters does sanctification matter yes honey because we wouldn't be here if it didn't because listen if it really didn't matter what we need to do is come out in an altar call get saved and then say look i need you to go home to glory really quick but jesus is like no i'm not taking you the minute i save you because i'm going to work my will in and through you and conform you to my image and i want you to become righteous so you're taking on my righteousness and you're becoming righteous see what's interesting to me is like we like to hide behind the righteousness of god and say well you know it's not me it's jesus it's his righteousness therefore i can go do whatever i want all that shows me is that you don't know what righteousness is because if you knew what righteousness was and it mattered to you that you had jesus's righteousness you would want more of that and to become more like that but the fact that you think i've got that fire insurance so i don't go to hell when i die and now i'm going to go and do whatever i want it means you don't know what righteousness is that's what it means and so we need to be committed to cultivating righteous living the bible says in proverbs 4 18 remember our whole theme is a rise shine light it says the path of the righteous like the light of dawn shines brighter and brighter until full day and i find the more i walk by god's grace in righteousness the brighter the light is and when the whole world's in a fog and they can't see and they're like chris i don't get why you're still moving forward that you could see and you've got vision and look what's happening yes because the path of the righteous it's it's not me i'm not like awesome but i'm saying you know what to the best of my ability i want to be conformed to transform to the image of jesus i want to become like him and therefore more of his light can shine through me a lot of us we're carriers of the light but there's so much unrighteousness the light can't come through and then you're wondering why can't i see i have two good days three bad days two good days six bad days like an emotional yo-yo i don't believe we need to do that not even as artists i really don't i believe that we can walk with consistency and his righteous light can shine through us but we need to want to pursue righteousness walking in righteousness is how we flourish walking in righteousness is another way that we're going to be set apart in the day in the hour in which we live in a very unrighteous world we're called to be in it not of it and i think during this divine reset the lord has gone i need you to think about some things because instead of being in it but not of it you became of it and you were no longer in it there was no difference between you and the world same aspirations same heart desires in some cases same habits same addictions i'm not saying that changes god's love for us that's not the conversation i'm having i'm talking about our effectiveness to arise and shine and to there comes a time where my kids come to me mommy i love you mommy i love you without a little and especially when they didn't want to clean their room they suddenly loved me a whole lot more and wanted to sit in my bed and i don't want to deal with some mummy and and i think god's a bit at the place going you know what really glad you love me except i think now this is more about you not cleaning your room than loving me so at some point we got to stop just singing come and sit at the feet of jesus and he just loves you come as you are absolutely but don't stay as you are don't stay as you are there's got to be a calling up not out of guilt shame and condemnation but so that people fulfill their purpose their destiny and as they're calling up and then our power of life and death is in our tongue and in our thumbs and in our thumbs when i see what is being posted i don't know if anything grieves me more but everyone will be held accountable before god for every empty not only word but tweet i don't know why we live like god doesn't read it god doesn't see it and why it doesn't matter i don't know why we live because what we don't understand anymore is the fear of the lord i'm not talking about a fear like oh my gosh old school i'm just taking the fear of the lord is what the beginning of all wisdom i have spent the last year going to my husband although i got people have lost their mind people are dumb there's no wisdom on the earth there's no wisdom that's because there's no fear of the lord there's no understanding who who he is and when there's no fear of the lord there is no wisdom and the thing that is lacking when i look out at the social media landscape i'm like there's no discernment and there's no discretion there's no discernment and there's no discretion because there is no wisdom and there is no wisdom because there is no fear of the lord and so therefore if there's power of life and death in the tongue listen i'm old school man i'm old i'm 55 this year so i got saved in my early 20s and i so was taught the power of declaring and decreeing the word of god and framing your world with the words that you speak and shaping and i was probably over the top but you know what i'm about to go back into over-the-top mode because when i'm looking at what's going on out there and i'm thinking people don't care i'm going to go back to cray-cray mode i really am and i mean i was not happy to be around in those days because i was like every word mattered and i would read scriptures like you will be judged for every idle word and i'll be like i have never regretted a word i haven't said i've never regretted a thing i haven't tweeted so just don't tweet it and don't say it it's amazing how much more peace you have it's amazing how much more connected to him you stay this is not i just felt to share this with you all and um it's not even okay the band can come because i don't know what i'm doing or finishing but in um there's a scripture in john 6 66 so you already know it's a bit scary because it's john 6 6 6 okay so so where do i think we are prophetically i think we are in the morning after i i think it is time to arise shine it you know in the natural at the same as when the prophet was declaring this in isaiah 60 the temple looks like it's in ruins in the natural enemies look like they're surrounding in the natural they're under foreign occupation and yet in the middle of all that the prophet says no no no no no our eyes shine for the glory of the lord's risen there's this light and we we in 2021 are in similar circumstances externally but it's like no no no it's the morning after you're not in exile anymore you're back i know it's not like what you thought but you're not in exile it's not 2020. you are not in exile so you have to arise even if the marine layer is still in and you have to know what's on the other side and lead people there and and and i'm i'm like i said that the shifts happen and i'm going forward i'm like i don't know if anyone's coming but i'm going so this is it and to the best of my abilities i stay connected to jesus as i stay connected to the word of god as i stay connected and be hopefully by the grace of god and walking in righteousness as i am being careful about what's coming out of my mouth and i i am going to be believing god this word is going to be illuminating a path for multitudes i'm believing for more than i've ever seen in my life millions to come to faith in christ the greatest revival we've ever seen i i really am believing we're on the edge of that but it's not going to come if we're not utterly connected because it's his light not our life it's not our show it's not our gift it's not our talent didn't work for us we had the best of all of that for the last 40 years in america where'd that get us not really that far something was off if after all of our music all of our books all of our cds all of our conferences all of our churches if that's where we ended up in 2020 god help us something was off light life power jesus so i've come back but i'm not going back to the stuff that wasn't working before i'm not just not i don't want anything to do with that i want jesus and jesus in this very poignant discourse in john 6 66 he says in verse 60 when many of his disciples heard it they said this is a hard saying i mean this is like full-on okay so jesus just feeds the five thousand and then he gives his teaching on i am the bread of life it's pretty intense it's like everyone thinks he's you gotta be accountable to be a christian because it's about eating my flesh drinking my blood like it's intense okay and so he goes through this extremely intense saying i mean they love the miracles and a lot of us man that's us and i just felt this for us in this moment in john 6 starts with feeding the multitudes so signs wonders miracles the multiplication of the fish and the lives i mean it's awesome and i love all that stuff too straight from that we go into this all of life jesus is like man you can't even be my disciple basically unless i permeate every part of you i come in and you eat my flesh drink my blood what would happen in communion but but it's every part of your life it's what you watch what you listen to how you spend your money who you hang out with what you tweet what you say it's not just what you're doing here it's what you're doing there and what you're saying here all of it it's this all of life consuming says yes it's the miracles on the mountain but it's every part of you after that he finishes this saying so intense and it says when many of his disciples heard it they said this is a hard saying who can listen to it but jesus knowing in himself that his disciples were grumbling about this said to them do not take offense at this then what if you were to see the son of man ascending to where he was before it is the spirit who gives life the flesh is no help at all the words that i have spoken to you are spirit and life but there are some of you who do not believe for jesus knew from the beginning those who did not believe and who it was that would betray him and he said this is why i told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted to him by the father and then this is the verse john 6 66 after this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him after this hard saying and i think after this year people can use whatever phrase they want to use some call it deconstruction some call it i've been hurt by the church some call it it's just too hard it's too legalistic it's to insert whatever you want but it may be that day many turned around this is what i really like and i'm saying all this to you to say this to all of us that that's really freeing because before twitter jesus was unfollowed and so there actually was a precedent for being unfollowed and so if you actually want to do what god calls you to do you're going to have to be willing to be unfollowed to actually be willing to stay faithful to what god has called us to do you could have to be willing to be unfollowed to believe what i believe is not cool to believe that jesus christ is the only way to god that he is that way the truth the life no one comes to the father but by him in 2021 is considered bigoted speech exclusive hate speech even but that's the hill i'm dying on jesus christ is the way the truth the life no one comes to the father but by jesus and so the deal becomes the degree to which you're willing to be unfollowed is the degree to which you will fulfill the purpose god has for you and is the degree to which you will actually stay on track with continuing to follow jesus because jesus had to be prepared to be unfollowed so that he could keep following the father because whatever i see the father doing that's what i'm doing i'm here to do the father's business and so in our world of notoriety and trying to build your platform and trying to build your followers and trying to build your the only way ultimately that we're going to do what god's called us to do and to have his light shine through us is to keep following the light and when you keep following the light you've got to be prepared that many will stop following you so arise arise shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen 2021 it's our time to arise it's our time to shine because the glory of the lord is risen upon us and the light of christ lives within us but if you and i don't stay connected to jesus if you and i don't believe that this is the authoritative word of god if you and i do not pursue righteousness and holy living if you and i are indifferent about the words that we speak and our confession if you and i care more about how many are following us than how many are not following jesus then we're going to lose the potency of that light then we might arise but we ain't shining much and people will not be being set free and people will not be being saved and people will not be being delivered but if we dare to do this man that's the adventure if we dare to step into 2021 and here we go and go okay lord whatever it costs old school i have decided to follow jesus no turning back no turning back the cross before me the world behind me i'm talking old school guys no turning back no turning back but if you make the decision not to turn back you may lose followers you may lose i'm not here this is i'm not here to go it's going to be awesome man it's going to build your brand it's going to help your sales i'm actually saying maybe the opposite except you're going to find abundant life people are going to be set free so arise shine here's the good news i don't need what people are going to give me because jesus says oh no i'm going to blow you away with what i'm going to pour into your life chris you're not going to lack anything sweetheart and you know what's going to happen chris people are then going to see how dark the world is around them and they're going to flock to you because they're flocking to me ultimately they're flocking to me and so the very thing that we want we're actually only ever going to get if we're prepared to die it's the only way you can arise nothing can be resurrected if it's not dead has to be dead so unless you die you can't be resurrected and then we say jesus i've just decided so truly that's all i wanted to share with you tonight that we have to you're laughing i love you too is that um if we're willing to do this go old school god's going to blow our minds god's going to blow him up like i believe it with all that's in me i really do so don't we just stand and sing i have decided to follow jesus thank you like i have decided to follow jesus to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus [Music] decided to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus no turning back [Music] no turning back the cross before the cross before me [Music] [Music] [Music] no matter what it looks like jesus i have decided to follow jesus no turning back no [Music] turn [Music] [Applause] the love of christ i know i'm gonna turn it [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] to follow jesus my mind's made up arise and shine and lift your eyes the glory of the lord is on you arise and shine this is our moment yeah and lift your eyes the glory of the lord is on you so rise and shine the glory of the lord is on you it lifts your eyes cause the glory of the lord the glory of the lord [Music] is besides the glory of the lord the glory of the lord is [Music] the lord is [Music] your eyes [Music] you don't have to hide anymore arise come on in all confidence [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're getting ready we're getting ready [Music] this is all by your spirit not by might not by powers oh so come holy spirit [Music] [Music] this [Music] holy spirit [Music] this is [Music] every question [Music] [Music] is [Music] come holy spirit [Music] we need your holy spirit we need you holy spirit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lift your voices this is [Music] holy spirit holy spirit [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is oh this is [Music] holy [Music] oh glory [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] i'm not satisfied with where [Music] holy spirit overflow overflow let the world see what i got a living inside of me let it come out from inside of me [Music] make me a flame not just a spark [Music] [Music] it's not just a spark [Music] pose [Music] um surrendered again freely i lay down my everything [Music] and this is my honor [Music] the gift that i [Music] all my heart and soul to glorify i offer nothing less than all my life for jesus christ sing that again i'll be and i will be a living sad creepers all my heart is so too glorified i offer nothing less than all my life for jesus christ cause i just wanna bless you [Music] whatever it [Music] my spirit is [Laughter] [Applause] me in place [Music] for jesus [Music] my [Music] [Music] for jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll give you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] my worship [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] i offer nothing less than all my life [Music] is you can have it all for [Music] nothing [Music] can we just get a rowdy for just a little bit longer we got like one or two more songs i feel like this is the thing that we should see at the end of the night i'm gonna give it all i mean what is the point of reserving anything back and giving 99 we're going all in so come on let's sing this one more time i'll give you all all of my words i wanna give it up [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i'll give you and i will be here [Music] i offer nothing less than all my life for jesus one more time i'll be a living sacrifice and i will be [Music] nothing less than all my life for jesus christ [Music] of jesus christ jesus christ [Music] no one more worthy [Music] in jesus christ no one more holy than jesus christ no one more worthy than jesus we love your names you're worthy of a lifetime of worship you're worthy of my entire heart holding nothing back giving you all i have time and time again i'll do it time and time again time and time again i'll break the chart time and time and time and time again we'll do it time and time again we'll do it time and time again we'll do it time and time and time and time again [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you can help me [Music] i'll do it over and over again i'll do it over and over again [Music] [Applause] when every breath [Music] i'll spend it over and over again jesus over and over and again again i spent it over and over again [Music] i spin it over and over again i spin it over and over and over and over and over where else will we go where else could we go where else could i go [Music] i'd follow you anywhere jesus [Music] where else would we go you're the only one with the worst of life you're the only one with the words of life where else would we go where else would we go [Music] over and over again even when it's costly i'd spill it over and over again even when it's costly i spend it over and over again even when it's costly spend it over and over again [Music] where else [Music] [Music] is anywhere i'd follow you anywhere [Music] anywhere [Music] i'd follow you anywhere i'd follow you anywhere i don't want to go my own way no i'd follow you anywhere i'd follow you anywhere we don't want to go our own way no we'd follow you anywhere i follow you anywhere i'd follow you anywhere i follow you anywhere anywhere [Music] anywhere [Music] [Music] going with you god [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] yeah we just i want to pray for courage there's many people in the room tonight that have hard decisions to make coming up and i prophesy that there will be an ease with making that decision and it will not be easy but that spirit of ease is going to come upon you and you're going to know that even the hard way is the right way the hard way is the easy way and so god we thank you for courage to go your way when the world's going the other way god we go your way we're going with you and it is our joy it is our pleasure it is our delight to go your way because your way is the only way it is the right way you are the way the truth and the life and so we choose life and i prophesy that things that would have died if you were chosen one way this way there will be life there will be life there will be life even over the dead things and over the dead dreams we just we speak resurrection power resurrection power things that you thought were done are actually just ahead he's been waiting on you just to choose the right way make the hard decision the narrow road and so god we thank you for courage for boldness and we thank you for authority you thought you were just saying one yes but whatever that decision is it's multiplied and i just see like a thousand yeses and because you say yes to this one thing because you decided this one way whatever that is for you there might be one person in the room it actually is opening up a thousand yeses a thousand doors things that have just been waiting on the other side and i just hear the father say thank you thank you for coming my way thank you for choosing me when it wasn't easy but thank you for choosing me i'm proud of you i love you so god thank you for courage thank you for boldness and we step into that authority like chris said we step into that authority and i thank you that we don't just speak life we speak resurrection when we open our mouths that miracles signs and wonders come out and so we don't just walk but we speak in boldness we open up our mouths and we prophesy in this next season we will see the most dead things come back to life [Music] we thank you for the thousands upon thousands upon millions of stories that will now know king jesus because of that yes thank you for the salvations that are to come thank you that people will know who you are because of what took place tonight and this re-up in us saying yes to you thank you for salvation thank you for salvation thank you for saving us thank you for saving us thank you for saving us thank you for saving us thank you for saving us now use us and through us save the world thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] amen [Music] so [Music] and come alive in the name of jesus come alive in the name of jesus this is a house we recourse and we bring everything to the feet of jesus everything in the name of jesus this is a house just sing this one more time sing it over your own home come alive in the name of jesus come lie in the name of jesus this is how some miracles and we bring everything to the feet of jesus everything in the name of jesus this is [Music] it's your house your rose and we bring everything to the feet of jesus everything in the name of jesus this is [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] hmm hear the sound of the promised land [Music] there's a king coming i hear the sound of the promised land i hear the sound of the promised land there's a king coming [Music] there's a king there's a king just let your face is [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] me [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] a little louder [Music] [Music] my enemies [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] for me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] father we thank you tonight for what you've done in each and every one of us we bless you jesus for what you've done we thank you thank you god for what you're doing in every single person we just say yes and amen to what you're doing in us what you're doing in the church what you're doing in the world thank you father we just pray for chris kane father we bless her in jesus name we thank you for her fire we just pray for an extra fire that's scary but we just pray for more fire for nick and chris lord even their latter days would be more fiery than their their previous god we bless their family and their children we just thank you for hillsong we bless the whole movement of hillsong father just cover them god i pray for grace and mercy and fresh fire for all of hillsong god that you would just cover them god just spread your wings over them father and cover them and that you would do it only you can do in that movement we thank you and we're behind them we're for them and so are you jesus so we bless their whole movement we bless pastor brian and pastor bobby in jesus name so father we love you we thank you for our friends we thank you for this city and we just are so thankful for who you are so i just pray for my friends as they go i bless all their families and just that you would lead us and guide us by your holy spirit jesus in everything that we say and do we love you in jesus beautiful name amen we love you there's a lot of food next door so please come eat with us because i'm hungry we love you you
Channel: Bethel Music
Views: 2,447,190
Rating: 4.9241858 out of 5
Keywords: jenn johnson, dante bowe, christine caine, brandon lake\kalley, kalley helignethl, kalley hieligenthalheligenthal, voice of god dante bowe, dante bowe live worship, close tauren wells jenn johnson, jenn johnson close, bethel music, bethel music gathering
Id: _HTSBarfYNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 35sec (10295 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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