Hillsong Church - Not My Will

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[Music] come on II hear you praise God I heard making up this you ready - praise Jesus this morning [Music] come on everyone [Music] Jesus you know [Music] how can I praise you in [Music] you are shining your the stars you [Music] Oh [Music] creation cause what's in the Savior we are this guy [Music] one is high [Music] how shiny all the stars [Music] Oh sing that again [Music] your love is like [Music] [Music] to us but to your name we Victor oh please not to us but to your name [Music] to us [Music] the skies [Music] you [Music] the stars [Music] [Music] go we bring you everything this morning well praise all honor or glory go we lay everything at your feet go worship you go [Music] like a child chasing shadows bats [Music] the smoke in the mirrors place [Music] so [Music] [Music] I found love in a moment [Music] the cross where the colors [Music] working-class in [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] know that [Music] know that [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] see [Music] [Music] my chains are gone [Music] what if you ever know [Music] well let's hear it [Music] [Music] cities [Music] [Music] what a great sense of the presence of God amen he's so so good to us and you know I'm holding a whole lot of prayer requests and wollongong darling what do we hold them up and maybe you're here and you've actually got great need as we believe God for every one of these prayer requests we're gonna reach out our hand and pray and believe together and maybe you're in great need and you need God to do a miracle listen it's not because of your goodness that God will answer it's because of what Jesus has done and so what do you reach up your hand to heaven reach out to these prayer requests so father we thank you that you are so so good to us and we declare the name of Jesus over every one of these prayer requests father and lift every person who has their hand raised to you right now the name of Jesus over every single life and father we thank you we thank you it will be as you said or be of every life in Jesus name and everyone declared together amen amen amen [Music] take some praise reports Hillsong college opened a to someone praising God for that as someone praising God for their son's 18th birthday Zachary your parents have said happy birthday I won't name and shame or is it cool when your mum and dad give you a public shout-out I don't know another praise reporters to see you guys are back from your holiday on the second row there holidays a good but churches so much better so much better and also too we launched our new barley facilities and photos up there and now this weekend which is pretty cool and there that there it is and it's just amazing what God's doing there which is really really cool and the other thing we're all our parents give us a way of all our parents now if you're a parent with a cubby house killer one year old a two year old a three year old check but we've been doing during the week we have brand new facilities I think they're gonna put well that's not a facility that's a train set that's not a facility that's a wall can we got something with the back there outside in the dance that's a ball kids no parents allowed when you pick up okay and then look a little here we're in doctrine aiding them early in the ways of comma and I think we've got one outside as well of the dance studio but anyway anyway you can only ask for these things hey what do you say hi to someone say to them hey glad you're in church [Music] wherever seat where it's we're excited um so next weekend Pastor Brian is back and we also have Paul Dion speaking so we're really really excited we're really really excited about that the other thing about today we're gonna have a great day in church already started but Robert focus is bringing the word this morning so we're gonna be hugely blessed and tonight can everyone say tonight Phil Phil Dooley from Cape Town from South Africa will be actually here and speaking in our 5 p.m. service and at 6 p.m. service so we're in for a great day and a great day next week as well so right now we're gonna continue our worship and Tozzi our youth pastor won't you come and encourage us thanks man thank you Sam good morning Church how are you he well you look well you look well ok hey we're gonna continue in our worship and come around our tithes and offering if you are new in this place new to this space please you're under no obligation just relax and feel right at home but for the rest of us that do cause Hillsong Church home there's a few ways behind me that you can give the mic giving apps actually really cool way to give as well so technology these days it's amazing hey Hillsong conference was amazing this year and I was young and free conference which actually a Youth Conference which actually happens about 200 metres across the road from where the main arena is happening with the main arena full of adults and young people in young and free conference world this particular day that I was this session that I was in this particular session with in young and free conference just went to the next level God turned up and he moved radically in words that I cannot explain I found out later on that the older generation the we're actually at the same time that this particular session was happening we're praying for the young people next door Pastor Brian was leading this Holy Spirit meeting where he was praying for the next generation and I just think that is a beautiful picture of the church and the generations you know what we're doing when it comes to our tithe is they're now offering it isn't sure is that you know the gospel doesn't just isn't just a thing for today but it's something that keeps coming for the generations to come that the church doesn't just stay open just for a season or just while you and I are on earth but after we're long gone that the generations would keep getting stronger and the kingdom of God would keep advancing generation after generation someone told me someone asked me this week you know why there's so many different types of Ages and young people at your church and I believe it's because we're part of their church that is more loyal to the future than we are the past and that it's all about the generations see the tithes and offering help us today ensure that the church doesn't just keep their doors open for a season but for the generations to come Psalm 145 says this one generation will commend your works to another they will tell of your mightier acts so we bring our tithes and our first fruit this often this one this morning let's be thinking about what's ahead that the future that were more loyal to the future than we are the past we honor the past but what's ahead the best is yet to come amen so wherever you're at why don't you get out what you're gonna give if you don't have anything just borrow something off the person next to you you'll be sweet there okay we're one big family here this morning through the link there come on I want to pray for you father thank you so much Lord for this incredible church Lord we think that it is you that is building his church Lord as we bring our tithes and our offerings god this morning god I pray you'd bless every household marriage individual Lord businessman that sits in this building and through the links God today God well we thank you for it in Jesus name I pray and everyone said amen amen god bless you church as you give and as you do that speaking of generations last week we had our kids fest and our encounter fair from high schools right through to young adults it was an incredible week just want to say thank you so much Church for believing in the next generation and parents for sending your young people along we're believing that it's going to bless your family and your community and check out the screens for a little highlight of what took place [Music] but I want to declare to you young person our God is the Alpha he is the Omega he is the beginning he's the end and the last time I checked even when during the middle of a storm when you're in the middle of your journey our God said never will I leave you never will I forsake you [Music] she said you were my best friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] over the past two weeks we have a kids first in four different cities Darwin Brisbane Sydney and Melbourne and hearing you South Wales we had the opportunity of recording and new praise and worship album especially for your kids and we still have hundreds of kids make citizens potatoes hey thank you so much for singing kids along we counter as such an honor to be able to invest into your family [Music] [Music] we don't want to wait for anything that's how we are as a generation we don't know one things instantly we want things yesterday but let me tell you something we need to learn to love the wait on God [Music] [Music] and what a week it was and I reckon we should thank all our kids leaders and all our youth volunteers you know I met I met Jesus when I was 22 and there's a whole lot of unlearning I had to do I'm so thankful that we have amazing children's not just for silly but amazing children's leaders and pastors and youth leaders and pastors that my children will have a very different testimony God willing than me amen and so were yours and so were yours Hey look on your senses one one out connect really what we want to do is just just focus on you know church is so much bigger than Sunday we all need Sunday and such a big deal as a Christian Sunday morning Sunday night to give Sunday to the Lord really sets up our week in a way that puts us on the front foot but also you know what we need to do life together and a great way in which you do that in a growing church and and and and that's what church should be doing growing reaching more people but a great way to keep church small and it's to do life together and a way in which we do that in our churches throughout connect groups and so there's a whole lot of information on out of the next step desk and so I really encourage you to do that evening college is starting up so between between studying the word being in a connect group and on Sunday I'll tell you what I tell you what the devil's already nervous and I promise you your life's only got one way to go and that's four words and so do everything you can to do that which would be great checkout screens for church news [Music] are you new to faith or new to church on or under your feet is our worth next cut with information to help you find out more you can also visit our website to learn more and how to get involved discover more about Jesus and stay up-to-date with what's happening in the life of Hillsong Church I like the word reimagine because I like to think about the gospel and how do we take it and continue to tell the same story again and again but in ways that are like twisting a diamond and go can you see it yet can you see it can you see it and all of a sudden because of the arts and the creativity that we bring to the table people have a new revelation of who Jesus is or what is like or the purpose of worship or the role of creativity or they find value and esteem or meaning in life because of what we present as a team [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi church this coming Thursday is our annual war for freedom it's traditionally something that sisterhood is organized and turned up in force too but when I was watching this happen last year out the window I was watching all the girls march and I thought I would love to do this I actually want to be involved so this is actually something the whole church can march to and that's what we're encouraging you to do today so this Thursday we are taking a stand against slavery at this time in history and we'd love you all to be a part of it check out the website for details well welcome to Melbourne Greater West Hobart and those of you still with us online look in all our locations this Thursday walk for freedom and you can purchase that shirt in the foyers and also all our fires there's all the information for when it's on so this Thursday I think we do it most of most people doing morning and night some are just doing a morning but get all that info which will be great are you ready for the preaching of the word come on what are we all standing our feet if you're new and wondering why we stand to our feet it's because you know what we want to honor God's Word we believe that God's Word really does have the power to transform our lives and we want to open up our lives set and secondly you know what we actually want to give Robert Ferguson a huge big welcome so come on [Applause] thank you Sam thank you thank you thank you wonderful people thanks team did a brilliant job I'm sure I wasn't here but too sure it was great was it good excellent give him a clap then thank you you can all sit down it's so good to see you want to put to talk to you this morning and of course to Melbourne Great West Hobart people watching online and church of the air so good to talk to you this morning over the last couple of months I have been doing a series called prayer pressure and I finished the series last night in the city campus it's based around the prayer that jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane and I've been looking at various levels of prayer various aspects of prayer but I thought I would choose the most difficult prayer that you're ever going to pray for you because look you're a mature godly willing audience released in Melbourne you are they're not looking very enthusiastic here have to say Jesus prayed this line in Matthew 26 we're going to come to it in a minute but he pray this line not my will but yours be done so this message is entitled not my will and I'm going to talk about things that I rarely hear anybody talking about because they are very difficult things are you happy about that so you've got to lean into this because this is gonna get you right between the eyes so we're gonna pray and we're gonna get right into this I'm gonna pray because we need it we need it father God thank you very much for this wonderful group of people not just in this auditorium but across the link in various auditoriums thank you for them thank you that they have faithfully gathered on a Sunday morning in community to worship your name to listen to your word and I pray that you would speak to us through your word this morning in Jesus name and everybody said amen in 1974 in common with many people all of us in fact to give our lives to Jesus I used a phrase I said Jesus is Lord of course I had absolutely no idea what that meant or what it would mean for me I just put him in charge and then carried on doing what I do so I was really shocked a couple of months later when he asked me to be a minister of the gospel in fact he didn't ask me he told me now I wanted to be a biologist I didn't want to be a preacher I had no intention of being a pastor I don't like crowds I don't want to be a teacher because I don't like schools and I certainly didn't want to be a public speaker because I was terrified of public speaking so this idea of God telling me what to do who was ridiculous I did what the prophet Jonah did I ran Jonah chapter 1 verse 1 says the word of the Lord came to Jonah said go for me to Nineveh and verse 3 says so you ran away Jonah ran to a boat I ran to a biology classroom I had no intention of doing what God wanted so the question I want to pose is this how did Jonah and I end up doing what God wanted well that's what I want to talk about how we actually get to live the will of God the reality is Jonah was eaten alive by a fish I was eaten alive by teenagers in those settings both of us prayed that's prayer pressure Jonah chapter 2 verse 1 from inside the fish Jonah prayed from inside the classroom I prayed and we discover that Jonah and I eventually ended up doing God's will through prayer pressure Jonah chapter 3 and verse 1 the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time and he did what he was told so what exactly is prayer pressure I know I've talked about this in Hobart among other places but let me just quickly explain braved pressure is that time in one's life when you're going through such a tough time that you are pushed by the pressure toward dependence on God prayer pressure is the opposite of peer pressure peer pressure is a counterfeit peer pressure is when others push us to do what we don't want to do and shouldn't do prayer pressure pushes us to do what we should do peer pressure pushes us toward independence from God whereas prayer pressure pushes us toward dependence on God so here's an example of prayer pressure in operation in Paul's life 2 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 8 we don't want you to be uninformed brothers and sisters about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia so here he is in the will of God going through a horrible time I just want to establish that because we think if we're going through a horrible time it can't be the will of God bad things happen to good people here's a good person bad stuffs happening so we don't want you to be uninformed other troubles were experienced we were under great pressure far beyond our ability to endure so we despaired of life itself so here he is under immense pressure indeed we felt we had received a sentence of death would you agree this is a bad day but this happened that this happened I want you to get this this prayer pressure happened this bad situation happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God who raises the dead in other words this is prayer pressure pushing us toward dependence he has delivered us from deadly peril he'll deliver us again on him we've set our hope that he will continue to deliver us as you help us by your prayers notice this he's being forced to ask for prayer then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted in answer to the prayers of many can you see this Paul is right in the middle of God's will and he's going through a horrible time and the prayer pressure forces him to depend on God now this also happened of course to Jesus Jesus in the middle of the will of God in the Garden of Gethsemane my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death notice going through a really tough time in the will of God the place Gethsemane means a place of pressure it's an Olive Press stay here and keep watch with me he fell with his face to the ground and prayed my father if it is possible may this Cup be taken from me in other words get me out of here if possible but not as I will but as you will see you and I want the will of God don't we we pray for the will of God we we think the will of God is always wonderful but you've got to start the prayer for the will of God with not my will which is the first step in the prayer and the title of this message he's still thinking this is going to be an encouraging message this morning all right so we live in an an era where we constantly say God is good we sing songs about it we preach on it and of course he is good but the problem is we have elevated goodness above God so instead of saying God is good what we're really saying is good is God which is idolatry the statement needs to put God first and the emphasis is on God not on His goodness are you with me the reason that I say that is because when bad things happen we assume that they can't be God because God is good and he's way too nice and too gracious to allow bad things to happen to us but these stories prove Jonah because he was an idiot Paul in the will of God Jesus in the will of God me because I was an idiot all proof that sometimes the will of God is not what we want his will and our will are often in tension are you with me and if we're going to learn the will of God and live the will of God and become the people God wants us to be we've got to learn to submit to God's will and that starts with not my will let's go through the character is again Jonah chapter four and verse three he's in Nineveh now he's done what God's said and it's all gone horribly wrong again so now Lord take away my life for it is better for me to die than to live do you know what God's aren't - that is know here is thank God deliver me from this mess no oh well what about what about prayer being answered well here's another here's another scripture 2 Corinthians 12 8 for the context Paul has been told by God that is going to receive a messenger of Satan that's cool and and he said please take it away and God said no three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from it no my grace is sufficient for you well that's great nobody preaches on these texts I'm not going to tell you what this the messenger of Satan is for pleasure to search nasty are you with me here he is Paul right in the center of God's world saying get me outta here no Jonah right in the center of God's will get me out of here no and here's Jesus Matthew 26 saying the same thing if it is possible may this can't be taken from me no no I'm not gonna do that yes Jesus under prayer pressure saying get me out of here if possible but not my will that's the key isn't it so when I said to God I want to be a biologist no well that's great isn't it hi I was under the impression coming to church that God loves me and he's good and he's nice and he's going to release me into my gifts and let me do what I want no he is good he is loving and he will release me into my gifts but not until I prayed those three words that are the most difficult things to pray in your life not my will I had to learn along with all of us to pray the Lord's Prayer Matthew chapter 6 verse 9 this fan is how you should pray our Father in heaven over your name ah this is cool your kingdom come I can do that your will be done now let's leave that then let's move on to give me this day my daily bread that is the bit I like no you will be done so I'm going to teach you how to submit to the will of God is that okay are we gonna start with three principles and then we're going to look at four steps three principles four steps these three principles are all drawn from Matthew 26 that prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane so I'm rather than read the whole pray you can read it when you get home but the first thing that we need to establish is that God's will cannot be thwarted God is sovereign prayers start as they did in acts 4 o Sovereign Lord you can do your own thing if you want but it's never going to do you any favors Isaiah 53 verse 6 says each one of us like sheep has gone astray each to his own way independence is at the root of all sin and the first thing we discover when we become a Christian is dependent is the only way and we can't stand in the way and the will of God it will not be thwarted one of my favorite text numbers 23 verse 19 says God is not a man that he should lie nor a son of man that he should change his mind when he promises he acts when he says something he does it but it starts with this simple statement God is not a man that's where we've got to start Jesus is Lord that's where Christianity starts Jesus is Lord he's grown a man he's not going to do stuff that I want the sooner I get to that but the better John 15 verse 5 jesus said it like this I'm no vine you are the branches look at this last phrase apart from me you can do nothing you can't build a family you can't live a life you can't build a business you can't be a good person you can't love your children you can't do anything without Jesus so why don't you just learn to submit so that's the first thing God's will can't be thwarted I learned very early on when it came to my calling it didn't really matter whether I wanted to be a biology teacher or not whether I was good at it or not what mattered was what did God want God had another idea for me beyond my expectation beyond my desires beyond my imagination and I didn't and I couldn't challenge it second thing that we've got to establish that Jesus reveals in his prayer God's ways are always of the best God's ways are always the best the fact is God is determined to bless you but the ways gonna do it is not the way you think he's gonna do it he wants you to start with not my will and then he can fulfill his see we all know Jeremiah 29 in verse 11 which says I have plans for you plans to prosper you to give you a hope in a future brilliant what about the verse before this is what the Lord says when seventy years are completed for Babylon I will come to you and fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place then verse 11 for I know the plans I have for you did Israel want to go to Babylon no they they made it very clear in the Book of Jeremiah they said don't send us to Babylon deliver us now what did God say no I'm gonna do what I want because I've got a bigger plan than you so shut up and do what you're told and they rebelled just like Jonah just like Paul just like me are you with me so he says I'm still going to bring my plans to fruition I'm still going to bless you the whole trouble is you're gonna have to submit to me speaking of God's Way see God's God's will can't be thwarted God's ways are always good proverbs chapter 3 and verse 17 says her ways talking about wisdom wisdoms ways are pleasant waves and all her paths a piece here you gotta submit to that same chapter different verse verse 6 of Proverbs 3 says therefore in all your ways submit to him in all your ways and he'll make your paths straight see while I ran while Jonah ran he ended up in the belly of a whale I ended up in the belly of a classroom we both prayed get us outta here and God said no until you learn to do what you're told oh great so to two principles what about the third one God's Word is about the Saviour of the world God's Word you see in this prayer Jesus said I'm only here to fulfill Scripture have you ever thought of that you think you've you think the Bible is all about you you've even got favorite verses haven't you I know because I did favorite verses that you like to apply to your life and when they don't work you get really ticked but I've got I've got good news and bad news for you the Bible is not a manual for living it really is not written for your benefit it's written to reveal Jesus who is going to benefit the entire world it's written about Jesus and how God is going to save the world see when it comes to salvation we think it's all about me but it isn't about me it's about us it's about the world I love this verse in John chapter 4 when the Samaritans got saved through the woman at the well they said to the woman we no longer believe just because of what you said now we've heard for ourselves we know that this man really is the savior of the world I love it because if I were them I wouldn't have said that Otis said thank you now I know you are he's my Savior he's gonna bless me they said something way bigger way grander are you with me we've got to see big picture Jesus is playing the long game you gettin the idea here is in Luke chapter 24 when Jesus is talking to the true people on the Amero Dee said how foolish you are and how slow to believe all of the prophets look at what he's doing he's talking about his death and a bad time he's just been through all the prophets has spoken did not the Messiah have to suffer look at that have to don't get to preach that much he had to as Don Francisco and one of his songs says Jesus didn't die for us because it was fun he hung there for love because it had to be done he didn't going back to the previous verse he had to suffer these things and then entries gloried verse 27 and beginning with Moses and all the prophets explained to them what was said in all the scriptures concerning himself can you see he went back thousands of years to show that his part was just a tiny part in this whole plan of salvation of course he was critical for it because he was the savior of the world but can you see that he said let's go back thousands of years and see how my life has come to fruition and you think it's all about you and get all frustrated when one little verse your favorite verse doesn't work for you bad things happened maybe having a bad day a bad week a bad year a bad life you give up on your faith and give up hey just hold on a minute start with a simple statement not my will not my will but yours be done because sometimes doesn't always work in our favor does it look at this one Hebrews 11 39 no one speaks on these texts after a whole list of great people like Abraham and Moses and Gideon and all the other people of faith they were all commended for their faith yet none of them received what had been promised let's go back to that verse because I want you to hang on it from it not one of them received what had been promised why verse 30 40 God had planned something better for us so that only together with us they would be made perfect why because God had this grand plan and we're part of that plan are you with me in other words when I said I want to be a biologist God said who cares I've got a better plan I've got someone in mind people in Australia need to hear you so shut up and do what you're told you're gonna be a preacher are you getting the idea he had you in mind just like with Abraham he had us in mind just like with Jesus he had the world in mind he's not thinking about arson our little worlds I don't know if you know this but Amanda did not want to come to Australia I mean I know it's shocking because you live in Australia and we all live there and we all love it we think it's fantastic but truth is the work of all the places in the world she did not ever ever ever want to go it was Australia she didn't like anything associated with it now if you imagine living in England Australia is sold in neighbors and Crocodile Dundee so between the two of them she thought no no so when I said God has called us to go to Australia and that obviously involves you she was really ticked why because she didn't want to go but who cares really a year after we arrived she said you know what my greatest fear is that I'll have to go back to England because she had come to realize that God's will cannot be thwarted and God's ways are always the best and God has a bigger plan than her little likes and her little wants are you with me now she's loving it but she had to learn to love it while we spend our life saying I'm not gonna do I'm gonna do this we missed the point so those three principles are foundational now would you know like to know how to do it all right so four steps four steps let's understand that this is a process Hebrews chapter five suggests this is a process look at this in the days of his flesh Jesus offered our prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears the word loud cries is translated in other parts of the Bible as a riot when there's a riot in Ephesus that's the same word Jesus prayed riotous prayers I love that so he's really screaming to God and look at this and to him who is able he was praying to him who was able to save him from death and he was heard because of his reverence or his reverent submission look at this although he was a son he learned obedience through what he suffered now I'm not gonna tell you how I think he learned obedience because it's a very difficult thing to understand because he would never disobeyed but I want you to see that through prayer pressure he had to learn to submit not my will but you'll be done the very fact that he praised that statement three times in the same prayer suggests this is a bit of a process we have to constantly lay our lives down so number one alignment of spirit an alignment of spirit we're gonna have to align our spirit to God Matthew 26 he said to the Peter James and John the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak so the first step if you want to live the will of God is to kill your flesh and resurrect your spirit now when you say well what does that look like well think of your physical drives your physical drives sex hunger first sleep so think about what that looks like in your life are you eating too much are you drinking too much are you sleeping too much are you watching stuff on the internet that you shouldn't watch how you going but that stuff you you want to submit to the will of God that's where you start so when I was a new Christian I was drinking too much I was eating too much I was sleeping too much and I was watching pornography so I had to decide I'm not going to do that but you don't just put stuff off you put stuff on so 1 Corinthians 14 verse 5 says build yourself up in your spirit by speaking in tongues so I decided right I'm going to align my spirit to God so I'm gonna kill the flesh and I'm gonna resurrect my spirit and every time I'm tempted to sleep too long get drunk or eat too much or watch stuff on the internet that I shouldn't be watching I'm gonna start speaking in tongues I'm gonna start speaking in tongues I'm gonna start speaking in tongues I'm gonna build up my spirit you've got a start here can I suggest a lot of us start somewhere else you've got to start with your spirit Sam's gonna come up in a minute he's going to talk about your spiritual relationship with Jesus it's got to start with the spirit second thing you've got to have an alignment of port an alignment of thought as many of you know I'm a I'm by definition negative by training negative by genes negative I had to learn to be positive it just took me when I first came to Australia hearing Brian just really annoyed me really because he was so positive just went on and on and on the best is yet to come yeah but what do we do when we're like that Matthew 16 Jesus said to Peter get behind me Satan you're a stumbling block to me you don't have in mind the concerns of God but merely human concerns we think of it as a rebuke to Peter but it's also a pathway to change put behind put Satan's thought behind you and put God falls in front of you Philippians 4:8 whatever is good lovely of good report think on these things I had to align my thinking and I'm still aligning my thinking to God I want the will of God for my life not my will not my flesh leaders as it I don't want to do what I want to do I want to do what God wants me to do so I line my spirit and I align my thought number three i line my speech yeah I know how profane have you been I used to have filthy language but you see you can be a biologist and have filthy language you can't be a man of God and have filthy language so I decided I'm gonna have to align my speech John chapter 12 verse 49 I didn't speak on my own this is Jesus speaking he didn't have an opinion he didn't have a blog he didn't speak on his own but the father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken I know his command leads to eternal life so whatever I say is just what the father has told me to say so what I can't do that why not can I can I just say you can't do this without Jesus you can't do this without Jesus but you can do it with them in fact you're told to do it 1 Peter 4:11 speak as though when if anyone speaks if anyone speaks even if you're a biologist you should do it as though speaking the very words of God if you can't say anything positive shut up that's my rule do I follow it all the time now I say some really dumb things but the basic rule is if you can't say the word of God don't say it shut up align your spirit to God align your thoughts to God align your speech to God in the final one an alignment of sight an alignment of sight what do I mean listen to this John chapter 5 Jesus gave them this answer I tell you the truth their son can do nothing by himself in other words that he understood that he couldn't live on his own he couldn't be independent are you with me he can only do what he sees his father doing because all our activity is based not just on a choice it's based on a sight he sees because whatever the father does the son also does he sees it can I suggest to you that God wants you to see what he sees he's trying to align your sight to his sight so in Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 11 he says for the Prophet what do you see I see an almond tree excellent that's what I see as well and I'm gonna fulfill my word when I became a Christian I said god this is great I'm forgiven cool now I can be a forgiving biologist he said no you're gonna be a preacher no I didn't want to be a preacher I'm not gonna do that then do you know what he did he gave me a vision he gave me a vision of me speaking in front of 70,000 people now that terrified the life out of me I couldn't get it out of my mind we often talk about the brilliant visions of God this is like a nightmare but after I started aligning my spirit and aligning my thoughts and aligning my speech and aligning my sight 30 years after I'd seen the vision I walked onto a platform and I saw the exact people that I'd seen 30 years before took me 30 years to align myself to the will of God are you with me Jonah learned to obey and submit to God Paul learned to obey and submit to God Jesus learned to obey and submit to God I and standing here teaching about Jesus not biology because I started with three horrible words not my will amen maybe you I could have the team up and Sam's gonna come up in a minute but we're gonna pray first and we're gonna sing a song got plenty of time so could you all stand with me and in Melbourne and Hobart and even if you're watching online or on the air why don't you stand with us so who who wants to live the will of God who wants to start with those difficult little phrases not my will who's who's up for it why don't you put your hands in the air as a sign of surrender because ultimately you can't stop the will of God anyways so you might as well submit to it and it will turn out to be the best and you realize it's precious little to do with you isn't that good news father God thank you for these wonderful people thank you thank you that everyone is precious everyone special and today people are going to discover who you are and how wonderful you are but I pray for all of us here first and foremost that we were just learn to submit to your will for our lives I pray that all of us would learn that simple phrase your will be done on earth as it is in heaven help us to pray that pray with sincerity help us to go through the process so that your name may be glorified keep your hands in the air why don't you that mat just lead us as a sign of surrender to God in worship then Sam's going to come [Music] we'll give my thoughts give my give my life to follow you take my head take my breath take my dreams and I will lift my lips my faith lift my voice and worship you take my heart take my soul take my mind I will give my [Music] take my breath take my dreams [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] take my heart take my soul take my mind [Music] [Music] my [Music] my boys take my heart my soul my my my [Music] [Music] everyone here hills and in Hobart those that are watching online Church of the air I want to give people an opportunity to begin by surrendering their lives to Jesus and there are people gathered here in Hobart and that are watching and what I'm about to ask when it comes to surrendering your life to Jesus making him the lord of your life not as a Christian but someone who's yet to make their peace with God I believe there are people that have been wrestling with God now for for some time and this morning it's like you've come to your senses people have been praying for you people have been believing God for a long time for you to be saved and I just sensed that today's the day of salvation fear if you're here and you're never given your life to Jesus Christ in any of any of our locations wherever you're watching this is why firstly God loves you he's for you right at the beginning it says that God made us in His image and likeness but not to be up there somewhere but to be in us with us but the problem is we've all sinned Bible says all have sinned all have fallen short of the glory of God the wages of sin is death death is eternal separation from God who's meant to be in us with us is now separated from us and the Bible makes it clear that there's nothing you can do to change that in your own human ability you will never be good enough you never go to church enough can never read your Bible enough some people think that if they do something radical maybe give their you know sacrifice their life that somehow that would please God but nothing humanly is possible to get right with God religion teaches us if you sacrifice hopefully God will accept you the Christianity and the Bible teaches that God sacrificed his son so that we could be made right with him and I want to ask you this morning Jesus is the only Savior he's the only one that can take away the sin he's the only one that can make your life right with God but this is what will happen and no one ever told me this when you make that decision this morning to surrender to Christ God stops being up there because when sin is forgiven God comes again and takes his rightful place in our hearts and our lives that's the missing piece it's him I'll ask you everyone to close their eyes and bow their heads whether you're watching online or voting Hobart church of the air everyone and this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna pray a prayer and I'm gonna ask all of us to pray this prayer together everywhere we're meeting and it's a prayer that says to God I'm sorry I've sinned and I ask that you'll come into my life and you'll be my Lord and Savior and when you pray that prayer with all your heart and believe that Jesus was God and God raised him from the dead the Bible says that you will be saved your sins will be forgiven you will become a child of God and when we pray this prayer if you want to pray this prayer for the first time or maybe you you've been back Selene your heart and you know you need to recommit your life to God or maybe you've been resisting resisting resisting but this morning you're going to come to that place of surrender I'm going to ask you to pray this with all your heart with all of us together so come on let's pray dear Jesus I thank you that you love me that you died on the cross for my sin and I believe you rose again I ask that you will forgive me I ask that you'll come into my life to be my Savior and also my Lord and I thank you that I'm now forgiven and I'm now a child of God in Jesus name Amen amen amen come on come on everywhere when we put our heads together this is why we're clapping you know the Bible says that in that moment in that moment when you begin to pray all of heaven Stood Still and every angel began to look and watch how now you've now returned home and the Bible says that every angel in heaven began to celebrate because you prayed that prayer and now are right with God this is what we want to do every exit of all our locations and there'll be information online there's going to be people waving these Bibles around at all the exits and they're doing that because they're trying to get your attention and what we want you to do is go to them and say hey I prayed this prayer and we'd love to give you one of these Bibles and on the back there's a card and look we'd love to help you just take that next step and just a couple of a couple of bits of information and we'll be able to do that and we really want to do that I reckon one more time Church we should put our hands together if everyone made decisions and Robert I don't know whether to thank you problem is I can't I don't get the option and I've come to church so I have to sit under all those messages but you know what we are better for it we're better for what you said today but better for the decisions that have been made today thank you thank you thank you well I want to pray for you want to believe God for the week that's ahead below tonight you know we've always said as a church we're a church that want to build around the Word of God putting Sunday first Sunday morning Sunday night being part of a small group and I want to encourage you if you're not taking that step yet to come twice come tonight don't miss it Phil will be here he'll be preaching in the five and in the six and anything you want to know about church life and getting connected is that all that all our next step desk in the foyers in Hobart and if you're new or visiting we have the Welcome lounge just around the corner so please make sure you come and visit us we'd love to meet you but I want to pray for you I want to believe that this week you got you are gonna know the goodness of God and and they all of us you know what we start Monday morning father today not my will and Lord that's our prayer and father we thank you that like Robert said you are for us and your will is the best will for our lives and and father we thank you and I pray as we go this week we go in the knowledge of knowing we're walking in your will knowing your purpose your plan I thank you that your grace and your favor has already gone before your people in Jesus name and everyone to Claire see you tonight [Music] this is no performance for our previous worship and the words I can't not Jason now [Music] [Music] I see [Music] Thank You Green Church have a great day we see tonight
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 31,171
Rating: 4.8841701 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, Robert Fergusson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 56sec (4796 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2017
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