Hillsong Church - Leanne Matthesius

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come on can we be upstanding where the phrase out God this morning if you're the fire come on in come on [Music] [Applause] because it's in there can you [Music] come on [Music] so [Music] it's your crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] jeez [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see this Shawn [Music] he's alive see the love returned from the dead did we ever beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] do you style it don't you there's a world sotto [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where the crease [Music] [Music] for reasons you call me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] reasons [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and four key [Music] how we do in church I'll be good this morning we're gonna sing a new song and it's it's called uncomplicated so it's not very complicated or if it was we'd call it complicated but we've caught this something complicated because it's it's a song about and song about the presence of God and our invitation into his presence today this morning and um I feel like when when I wrote this song I was thinking so much about I guess in life all the hoops and things we need to jump through in order to find love and other people and friendships and relationships but God is not like that this morning he says come his arms are wide open and so if there's an ease to it and so this song I'm gonna teach you the chorus it's very simple and um yeah I just pray that this morning you'd lean into his presence he's got so much for our say amen amen all right [Music] your lives are complicated you love me just the way are you so I sit before you I'm totally sir do with the pinhead Jesus have your as our country [Music] Jesus Lizza simplicity humility see the way he loved me and honesty a purity God you make it easy special words of formulas could ever win you over for your love is an visa [Music] when I caste clear [Music] meters so I stand Oh with [Music] jeez [Music] belonging in the secrets you see [Music] my hero was God you see right through me [Music] Oh [Music] somehow [Music] [Music] so I so [Music] [Music] [Music] and I sing over it never blows over [Music] [Music] yeah Oh you see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and uh [Music] in the presume [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] father we thank you that we can gather under that name Jesus Lord we thank you for the name of Jesus that is above any and every other name Lord it's above every disease Lord it's above every sickness it's above every virus and God we believe right now that in it through the power of Jesus there is healing there is breakthrough and God we wash it today knowing that we exalt him you see Don hi [Music] but we thank you for what you're doing an outline and what you're doing an individual's lies father we thank you for the name of Jesus come on I think we need to sing that one more time cut you Church come on from the front to the back let's sing it out no other name [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] hey man will church in my hands here every week we bring prayer requests people who have written in on these read kind of envelopes here and so many people believing for different needs from guidance to provision to visas to exams to healing to jobs someone here believe to finish their law degree many of those needs behind me but just put some faith into your spirit this morning I mean I'm looking over here and here we have [Applause] the beautiful Chelsea and many months ago she had a brain aneurysm here at church and you know the report wasn't good and this is her first Sunday back worship bleeding here on this platform and we as a church prayed so it's the power of prayer and it's good to see you up here again so cool so cool so we're going to pray to that in church and we believe in a God who can take the worst of situations and turn around them for good and even just mindful of the events happening right I mean what a time to be alive right now and we're gonna believe for this coronavirus to come to a complete stop and that it will not touch your household no plague will come near your family so come on church with faith this morning stretch out your hands come on let's believe for answered prayer father we thank you God Lord you are able to do the impossible and Lord we bring every situation to you Lord from Exams true relationships got to save it to visas blot to healing in people's bodies father we thank you that you can turn around the worst of the situations and so we believe in and through the name of Jesus right now God block this coronavirus but it would come to a complete stop blood it would not spread any further we believe for protection we believe for families and households look no plague will come near our household Father Lord we believe for the nation's blood we believe for governments give them wisdom what I even believe for businessmen and businesses out there God but give them wisdom in this time Father we thank you for it in Jesus name and a faith filled on fire crazy for Jesus type of church set together sit together oh come on let's give Jesus a shout of praise if you got any breath in your love Wow how cool to be in church and you are in the right place at the right time gathered amongst many believers here is so good as we gather under the name of Jesus and we worship together a big one welcome to Hillsong Church particularly if you are new or visiting or maybe you are kind of just hanging out after color conference and what an amazing few days that has been any ladies being color conference got a chance to be there look there's a glow on the ladies faces as well I can see it and husbands are you glad to have your wives home this is where you're meant to be loud and go crazy summer I'm glad to have my wife home my kids can only live on weet-bix for so long and so it's so good it's so good but hey nobody we're going to say hello but there are some great ways to say hello I mean there's the there's the the elbow I mean you can do that you can do the toe tap you can just touch that and I do that whatever is appropriate whatever it makes you feel comfortable or you can just grab your seat give someone a nod say hello it's awesome to be in church did anyone get a toe tap anyone get an elbow [Music] so good [Music] so amazing in a later on in the service our senior pastor Brian Houston is going to be speaking into what the next season will look like for us as a church as you know the government has put down some precautionary precautionary guidelines for gathering so we'll hear from Pastor Brian in a moment but hey there is always some great things happening in church life and I'm looking right here our bernie and margaret Ticknor mister missus Ticknor it's their 60th anniversary as well I think we've got a little small gift for them as well and so here you go so a big congratulations so cool [Applause] [Music] now joy you're gonna have to help me out I gave you the praise reports back I would love to let the church know some great things happening in church live yes I'm looking at this one lady here thanking God for miraculous healing for nan who was taken off life support after three months and so Wow God doing amazing things thank you God for family unity and strength someone here thank you God for their son's successful insurance claim art they thank you God for that as well absolutely and so someone here thanking God for color conference I think on behalf of Pastor Bobby and our entire exec team we need to thank all those who attended color but also volunteered and serve the ladies at color so so cool the last few days God did some amazing things and if you've never been to a color conference use not one of those things you can say I've been there I've been to that conference done that no it's it's an unfolding story and journey and every year it just keeps unfolding and so beautiful so letting you know that color a conference actually 20 21 registrations are open okay so you can do that ladies you're better than the men in terms of planning you guys can plan three years ahead men are just like let me know the day before will be sweet and so hey but so many great things God's always doing something amazing but we're gonna continue in our giving right now and we're gonna continue in our worship as we come around out giving and the great Donna Crouch is going to encourage us so what you're welcome Donna thank you togs well good morning and it's a privilege to share a few verses this morning as we prepare our giving and as always behind me are the different ways you can give so whether online or maybe your self quarantine this morning or here in the auditorium if you'd like to take this moment to get your giving ready I'd love to share three verses from Isaiah 60 verse one two three and this is what the word says to the people of God arise shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord Rises upon you see darkness covers the earth and thick darkness over the people's but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you nations will come to your light and Kings to the brightness of your dawn and what great verses for the people of God which says that these are days for God's people to shine only brighter you know at a time where people are bunkering down and you know the world around us is just thinking of me and mine you know the God's Word says now it's the time to rise and shine it's the time to declare the goodness of God it's a time for the light of God to shine bright when the earth gets dark and do you know the foundations of our Christian faith is was actually founded in times like this you know that the our forbearers in the 2nd and 3rd century you know the people that birthed the early church they birthed it in plagues you know Christians gave to the work of Jesus Christ in plagues they actually cared for the sick and the dying because there was no welfare you know in the Roman Empire at terrible times of devastation we know nothing of that in the times that we're living in comparatively and yet the Church of Jesus rose and Shawn and they loved and here in the 21st century in 2020 it's a time without giving for God's rule and his kingdom is very much needed on the earth his love and his peace and His goodness is needed loud and more than ever so without giving this morning yes we're gonna wash our hands but we're going to continue to take on the posture to kneel and wash the feet of mankind with the goodness of Jesus Christ amen so let's take our giving this morning and pray over it amen father we love you and we're putting our first and our best out before you because Lord our earth needs your kingdom come right now here father and we know that your rule and your Dominion is good and father we thank you that we declare your goodness over our homes in Jesus name and the people of God said amen thank you church for your giving our hosts are going to serve us and can I just mention as well this is a very valuable commodity and now I'm not giving it away City care have asked us as a church if you can and if you're able with with toilet paper with baby stuff with Pastor and long life stuff people who are most disadvantaged in our community haven't been able to get to the shops you know whether they're disabled or haven't got transport so if you can bring anything in tonight and share your bread or share your loo paper or share your flour or your pasta or your baby wipes it it make a huge difference let's bunker in together hey amen thank you Church I think we're going to Church loose thanks so much thanks to technology it's now easier than ever to contribute when it comes to giving here's how download the hills on giving app on your smart phone after opening the app select your campus tithe amount and what card you want to use you even have the option to activate the recurring giving function but sliding the button on the left this will allow you to give a regular preset amount automatically you can choose weekly fortnightly or monthly giving and even choose which day of the week you're giving is process thank you for investing into the lives of others [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who is beautiful gorgeous his daddy's favorite [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes well a big hello to all campuses joining in right around Australia into Indonesia my name is Peter togs one of the pastor's here it's so good to see everyone in church alive and well I gotta say we've already kind of celebrated here the women this week in terms of color conference and I just want to say thank you to all the ladies that came out praying that it blesses your family and I think we also need to thank pastor Bobby and the entire team everywhere for hosting color conference [Applause] but as you may know the Australian Government has put out some precautionary parameters particular when it comes around gatherings and what that looks like for us as a church and this next season and it's only a season because guess what this too may well shall pass I was about to go into Lord of the Rings do not pass but this too shall pass but hey Pastor Brian our Senior Pastor Brian Houston is going to speak into it check out the screens as he says hello well what a week what a year this will be the last weekend over together and pull and because we want what's best for you and we also want to apply it to a lot of the health and government authorities next week we're going to be meeting on the line so it's bill gathering just a week gathering online maybe you would think about a connect group small group gathering together maybe you would prefer just be at home and on train everyone will be a church next week I'm looking for to being there and preaching the word and I'm believing it online people be saved over the Holy Spirit and the God will do great things these are obviously challenging days for us personally all of us but also for our turns unbelieving for everybody to stay as committed to giving and connecting online face it would be if you were in church physically because we're gonna big-big you wait maybe few months ahead of us but God is on the throne God is good he has a ball in hand and I still believe we need to tighten the promises to the word that no virus no plague to come near my 12 you be blessed we love you looking forward to next week it's gonna be a fun time [Applause] [Music] so next week church is on why because church isn't just a building it's you the people and the people are still going together and churches on and we are going to be gathering on line and it's exciting it's so it's gonna be really fun I think I mean I already was eavesdropping on some of the conversations Casa Langston's already getting a group together next Sunday coming over a house and getting around and having Church in homes which is believe it or not how the early church did it and so next week connect groups you can do it in your connect groups you can do it in your home with your family with your kids get them up out of bed say we're going to church and they're like I don't searches in the kitchen on a laptop and so or on a TV it's gonna be an incredible experience together so listen if you're not in a connect group this is a great opportunity to come and see us out at the next stand it's out there in the foyers our team are waiting to have conversations with you to let you know of the different connect groups happening right around Australia and ask questions how I can get involved maybe this is a great time to host the connect group but if you're not in the connect group or or for whatever reason it will be available now there's a link we're gonna get really practical okay so old generation this is where you shine right now there is a link that you can go to it's gonna it's behind me on the screen see Hillsong calm forward-slash online okay so that link take a picture of that you can save it there's a QR code if you scan that you can go straight to it stay in tune with us through our social medias and and Facebook Pastor Brian and Bobby's instagrams and their their Facebook's and if we if you didn't get pastor Brian's email this week chances are we don't have your details so you can actually go to this live site right now that's something about and you can put in your details so you're staying in touch and communication with us so community is still happening and I also want to say this is on your seats our church really relies on the generosity of our church when it comes to putting God first and enables us to function as a church still sending our pastors into hospitals to visit people to still min two young people in their high schools in this time and so we really rely on the generosity of our church so this is a giving app which you may have seen on church news but it just teaches you practically how to do that and especially set up recurring giving as well so is that okay are you up for it it's going to be a great time but remember it's only precautionary and it's just a season and so it's going to be absolutely amazing so next week online with Pastor Brian Houston as a church gathering everywhere church is still happening amen well without further ado we are blessed because this morning we have the incredible LeeAnn Mateus who has blessed us over color conference and this will be about her 546 time speaking but every time she speaks it's absolutely powerful I got to say tonight her husband Jurgen Mateus he is one I'm telling you he's an incredible communicator he's funny and he's actually going to bring a powerful word tonight tonight it's going to be absolutely amazing in all our locations so hey come along it's gonna be awesome but right now let's stand all locations everywhere that's really welcome LeeAnn Mateus as she comes to bring the hey good morning everyone hello so good to see your beautiful faces seems like just a moment ago I was here Oh actually it's the truth go ahead and I'll grab your seats on the way down give someone a fist bump because that's totally politically correct right now in our current climate this bumps are appropriate well get a everyone yes I am an Australian I was born and raised in the Gong yeah and I am a dairy farmers daughter and I married a man from Dokdo the original duck doh dog he's going to be preaching here tonight Jurgen Matthias I think we have a photo of my family so I've been living in the United States for the last 15 years my husband and I planted a church over there here's my family I actually don't have any family photos of us all together I'm shocking at photos so we had to get a collage to show you who everybody is this is my the middle the middle photo there is my husband with my three sons and then a little collage of all my boys my footballer my married boy my eldest son Jordan and then my little girl Zoe who came as the most beautiful surprise after we thought we were having done done having babies so she's a beautiful girl so that's my family just wanted to introduce you to them but it's a delight to be here with you this morning we've had the most magnificent time and I counted a great honor to be able to bring the word of the Lord to you today and now when I preach I I don't necessarily bring that message number one that I know is just gonna make everybody fall in love with me I do want you to love me I'm not gonna lie however I I want to bring the word of the Lord to you today and as I was praying and preparing this morning I just felt the Lord drop a word into my spirit for you and the word is stand your ground I am kind of in some ways a one-note preacher I am all about preparing people for the fight and the battle and the Lord has gifted me with an ability to be able to be there for people sometimes in the midst of their worst crises you asked me to come to your wedding I may come you asked me to come to your bedside when you're dying old baby I'll be there I will be there with the anointing oil with the communion cup and we're going to believe God for a breakthrough but I want to share with you from a story found in the book of second chronicles chapter number 32 today about one of my favorite kings his name was King Hezekiah and the Bible says that King Hezekiah came into power in a time where where Israel had really lost the plot the church had lost its influence it had literally become a literal garbage dump and when King Hezekiah came into power the first thing he did was clean up the church and restore it as a place of worship again and he just did some incredible acts but then in second chronicles chapter 32 we see this happen and this is where we're going to pick up the story it says after these deeds of faithfulness Sennacherib who is the villain in this story somebody say Sennacherib yeah king of Assyria came and entered Judah and he had camped against the fortified cities thinking to win them over to himself so this to me already smacks of a bit of drama because you think after Hezekiah has been incredibly faithful that the devil would leave him alone like like how dare the devil touched someone who was living in such obedience and consecration to God and this is where I fell the prophetic part of this message is going to kick him because I felt the Lord say today to tell people in this room some of you are facing a ferocious attack but fear not don't be action anxious an attack is not a rebuke from the Lord some of you facing an attack and you're thinking oh god like what did I do I I don't understand I want you to understand today that the Bible says many are the afflictions of the righteous and I wish it wasn't in there I wish that wasn't true I wish that on this side of eternity when you became a believer you never had another bad day but I'd be lying to you and I'm a pastor and I can't lie but then that scripture goes on to say but the Lord will deliver you out of them all so I don't know what you're facing today but your heavenly Father does and he has sent me with a message of deliverance we are not a powerless Church we don't have to take what the devil dishes out and just lay over and go hit me baby one more time we can stand up in our strength and actually proclaim the Word of God yeah what did Jesus say in the Book of Luke I have given you all authority I'm gonna get a bit extra because I've lived in America for 15 years and it's in my waters now I have given you all authority over the power of the enemy I want you to know today you are an empowered believer and we've never been in a more imperative time for believers to believe and believe in the strength of the God that they serve so Hezekiah is facing this formidable very sophisticated enemy who had taken out many nations before him he's got this fortified city he's done everything right and the enemy comes against him and the Bible says the enemy's purpose was to make war against them and to win the city for himself sometimes the greatest battle of our lives my friends is not to take ground but to stand our ground and I don't know what your 20-19 look like but I know that God has a victory for you in your 20/20 and sometimes the battle isn't so much that you're kicking goals in your hashtag beastmode and you take all the prayer requests on your vision card and bam boom bam pow look at me it's often it's just like you get through the end of a year and you stand up and you shake yourself off from the ashes of the hora that was the year before and just say well thank God I'm not dead I'm still living sometimes the battle is to stand your ground and I came as a messenger of the Lord today to put faith on the inside of you when the world is afraid God is raising up a fearless Church amen so I want to bring four keys of what Hezekiah did because he didn't just let go oh well the enemy is sophisticated and he's beaten a whole lot of people before me I guess I might as well just open the gates and let him in no he he he waited on God for a strategy in order to have victory and stand his ground and hold firm in the place that God had given him so in second chronicles 32 verse 3 it says this when Sennacherib had come and his purpose was to make war King Hezekiah consulted with his leaders and commanders to stop the water from the springs which were outside the city and they helped him thus many people gathered together who stopped all the springs and the brook that ran through the land saying why should the kings of Assyria come and find much water and it's a really great question right here under the help of the Great Council that King Hezekiah had around him they came up with a winning strategy why are we resourcing and feeding the enemy that is trying to take us out there was a cistern or a river flowing out of Judah that was now resourcing the enemy that was trying to take them over so my question to you today is are you feeding what you should be starving so so when the enemy comes against you are you making his job so much easier because you're fueling him instead of starving him because a weak enemy is a very easily defeated enemy and there will come times in our lives when the enemy comes in like a flood when we have to in what way could i potentially be sustaining or feeding or resourcing the enemy that is coming against me I had to ask myself that question as a young pastor and a young mum and I used to love coming home from a hard day at work putting my feet up grabbing the the gossip magazines and flicking on the Real Housewives nothing nothing filled my soul in a more perverted way than watching those things then reading about the dysfunction and the drama and the trauma of others but then one day God kind of entered my messy situation my self-indulgent situation and he said Leanne I want you to stop feeding yourself on that stuff and initially I I was like no like hang out god this is all I have I don't smack his smoke I do smack but I don't smoke I've only ever had sex with one man in my whole life I don't just wear that much this is this is my this is my one thing you want to take my one thing away from me and I felt the Lord say to me Leon I've I've actually raised you up to be a deliverer for women from these idols that have them in bondage and keep them in dysfunction and you cannot feed the enemy that I'm asking you to starve and bring down so I wonder today in that kind of very shallow story however had a big impact on my life what areas of your life are you feeding the enemy that you should be starving when God came to get in in the book of Judges before he could take on the four different enemies that had kept Israel in oppression for four years he said first get in you're gonna have to pull down the idols in your father's house you cannot entertain or worship the enemy or feed the enemy that I am calling you to bring down I believe that's the word of the Lord for somebody today what enemy are you feeding that you need to be starving I say under the the Lord cut off the enemy's fuel supply do not sustain him or refresh him anymore because a weak enemy isn't easily defeated enemy benben power point number to repair the broken walls second chronicles 32 5 says this and then Hezekiah strengthened himself and I want to stop there just for a minute because I know Hillsong Church has been priming the pump with the Spirit Holy Spirit month week season for a long time and let me tell you we felt it we felt it in color conference we came in and there was already a roar that the pump had already been primed for God to do something magnificent in the lives of his daughters I want to say to you today the greatest way you can strengthen yourself when the enemy comes in and you're standing your ground is to pray in the spirit to allow the Spirit of the Lord to pray through you the Bible says there are some times we just do not know how to pray as we ought but when you pray in the spirit when you pray in tongues you pray the perfect prayer every time it's not a prayer that's led by fear it's a prayer that is spirit breathed and you speak faith and you speak a prayer that will literally literally shatter the army of the enemy that stands before you the Lord spoke to me at the beginning of the year in said LeeAnn if you will discipline yourself to pray in the spirit for 15 minutes a day I will change your life in ways that you will not be able to quantify and since that point I felt myself strengthened in so many different areas so right here Hezekiah strengthened himself but the point I want to make is that he repaired the broken walls and I think this is something that many times in church we can fail to truly speak into and the truth is we all come to Jesus with areas of brokenness but we come to him because he's a healer and he fixes what is broken and I believe that God is wanting a resurgence of people who like King David say Oh God search me know me test my every fearful thought and see that there be no wicked way within me God has something magnificent for each of us to do in our lifetime something unique but something magnificent and if in order for us to see it realized we have to allow the Holy Spirit to help us repair the places of brokenness in our lives King Hezekiah knew that he if he didn't repair the broken walls what would happen was the enemy would be able to have access and I found that the enemy the devil always follows the path of least resistance and for me as a young pastor's wife I was living in New Zealand I got married at 17 I was a fetal bride and then had my first baby at 19 went straight into ministry to the nation of New Zealand and you know it was it was quite a heavy burden to be in marriage as a 17 year old and ministry at the same time and through a certain series of events I got very affected by some of the nastier side of sides of church and ministry life I didn't yet have the maturity to be able to properly process a lot of things that were happening and so as a result I became very jaded and very affected and very embittered and I made vows in my heart this will be my husband's thing but it won't be mine I'll be the dutiful wife I'll do what needs to be done but I will never really let them have my heart I had a crack in my wall anyway about the same time my husband was called up to be ordained officially into the Assemblies of God movement so we drove to a small town in New Zealand to go through the ordination process and we're in the ceremony and I was standing there with my husband and we walked on stage and we shook hands with the dignitaries and had photos taken and we were there with probably about another 20 couples who were being ordained along with all their family members then we went and sat down and my husband was officially in a og pasture and as we were sitting down we were waiting for the service to end they got up an American preacher who all of a sudden just started to flow in this Barrett and said you know what there are people here today and you've got a broken part of your heart that God wants to heal he wants to restore the broken places of your heart and he wants you to be vulnerable with him today and he wants you to return to him he wants you to to come back to a place of full salvation and trust in him and nobody's moving everybody's looking at this guy like he's lost his mind because oh my gosh this is a roomful of pastors they've got all their stuff together surely they're as pure as the wind driven snow this guy's completely missed it and as he's speaking everybody else is kind of looking around awkwardly going oh my gosh he's missed it is missed it that's why we should have got a key way to preach and not an extra American but as he was speaking I felt the lamp of the Lord come upon me just like the Bible says the spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord searching the innermost places of his heart and I couldn't I couldn't deny this message was for me but I have to set the scene because I want you to know nobody else is moving everybody is thinking this American has missed it but then I stand up I am in a blindingly bright white suit you could not miss me if you try and then I go to walk forward because I'm like oh my gosh it's me it's me it's me God's calling me up like he's got my number and my husband who is never afraid of what anybody thinks in fact I pray for the day that he will care what other people think looks at me as I start to make a move and he's like Lian Li Lian Lian oh no no I was I was just on that stage we were getting ordained as past us on the stage everybody was looking at us he's like please please leave uh I'll pray for your home up but I'll even I'll even baptize you in the bathtub please I just knew in my blindingly bright white suit as I walk forward you could have seen me from the moon but I remember just collapsing and look this American preacher was like loving it because he's like yes I did hear from God and he's like oh come to Jesus little lost lamb coming to the flock and I I just collapsed at his feet part way from just embarrassment but also God let this be done father I surrender to you father heal the crack in my wall I don't want the devil to make me bitter anymore and you know what I look back at that moment as a significant time in my life that made me the woman I am today I'm not here because of my education I'm not here because I'm the greatest orator in the world but I have been a woman who has set her heart to worship to say Oh God whatever crack is in me I'm gonna let you fix it I'm gonna be vulnerable I'm gonna be transparent I'm gonna open up my life to you and sometimes in church we can think it's all about image and how we look on the outside it's not God God doesn't want you to look right he wants you to be whole he desires truth on the inner man the Bible says and I attest to that moment that very embarrassing moment at that ceremony many many years ago as to the reason I am NOT a bitter pastor's wife sitting on the back row swelling a coffee cup like a witch's brew scowling at the parishioners you ruined my life but they can't because my life doesn't belong to them it belongs to him and I'll father when I come to you're broken you fill me up again my joy is not for sale and neither is my peace I'm a woman of God who was called I'm not gonna let the devil infiltrate my life by the crack in the wall come on Australia repair the broken walls our King Hezekiah was so smart the Bible so amazing we're number three we got to be aware of the devil's schemes and again we can have a bit of a cold shell where we don't like talking about the devil and I get it I understand we don't want to have more conversations about him then unnecessary but at the same time we have to understand that Jesus spoke about him and he called him out and made a distinction between who the devil was and who he was he said in John 10:10 it's the thief the devil who has come to kill steal and destroy but I I've come to give you life and life in abundance so we need to be careful of his schemes we see here in second chronicles 32 14 that it says that has Sennacherib servants the devil's servants spoke against the Lord God interesting it's a spirit of the Mokka which is alive and well in all the nations of the earth the fool says in his heart there is no God and against his servants please listen to that today the enemy doesn't just speak against God he speaks against his servants he also wrote letters to revile the lord of Israel and speak to him saying as the gods of the nations of other lands have not delivered their people from my hand so the god of hezekiah will not deliver his people from my hand and then they called out with a loud and fear and intimidation speak loudly and they spoke in a loud voice in Hebrew now I'm assuming because they were Assyrian that they actually spoke Syrian however this is proof positive that the devil knows how to speak your language he knows exactly what to say to put fear and terror in you be aware that's why Jesus said my sheep know the sound of my voice and a strangers voice they will not follow and I believe a lot of the problems in the world today as it relates to fear and even what we're experiencing today is because we're more acquainted with the voice of the stranger than we are with the voice of our Good Shepherd and that's got a shift that's got a shift every single one of us can get the word of the Lord in us and we must when fear speaks loudly faith must rise with a louder voice and roar from the inside of us as we allow God to come and bring faith into the places of our heart that have been gripped by fear when I moved to America fifteen years ago I told this story at the conference so it's I'm telling it again but it's it's worth retelling I remember my first encounter with an American woman and it's seared in my memory forever it was like one of those David Attenborough like documentaries because I was at the pool with my kids we just arrived or at a hotel and nobody had told me that when you go to swim at a pool in America you don't actually go to swim you don't get your hair wet and you're there to lay out or to attract a mate so I'm jumping in and out of the pool with my boys I got my one-piece swimsuit on my hair is wet I don't have a manicure or a pedicure and then all of a sudden I see I have my first encounter with an American woman spray tan string bikini abs of steel high-heeled thongs by the pool so many jewels that she looked like mr. t and then she came up American people are very friendly and she said oh I noticed you have an accent um why are you here and I said well my my husband and I have have moved to America to start a church and she said well well don't we already have churches in America I said um yes I I think you do and what I've realized is that American women out there kind of born with this innate confidence and lo a lot of us Ozzy and Kiwi girls are born apologizing we're like sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry so this is what I was encountering and she she had said to me well you you're you're here to start a church with your husband you said you're a pastor I didn't know that women could be pastors what college did you go to and immediately I was triggered I could hear and this woman was just asking questions but I could hear the voice of intimidation and fear behind that I had to recognize it I didn't in the moment but later idea and immediately I was triggered because I I left school in the tenth grade I don't have a college education I all about stole a Bible college degree from Hillsong when I would sit in the lectures when my husband was America was was in the college classes as a 16 year old girl but I just remember feeling so like oh my gosh I don't have a degree I hope I have nothing and I can hear fear and I'm about to plan a church and and and I said well listen I am I don't have a degree C in my church if you just hang around long enough and don't do too many things wrong then eventually they're going to make your posture so that's my story and she just looked at me and was like tilt tilt tilt I don't understand I have never wanted to push another person in the pool so much in my whole life and it wasn't because of her it was because of the insecurities in me because I wasn't recognizing the voice of fear and intimidation and God was asking me to stand my ground and I remember going back to my room and just feeling so despondent and actually so mad at God God why did you send me here why did you send me here I'm nothing like these women they've all got degrees they're all super intelligent and I'm me I still don't know which one is the greater than or the less than crocodile-like why why and I felt God so strongly rebuked me and say at Leanne how long are you gonna listen to that spirit of fear and intimidation and bow your knee to the call of God that is on your life I did not send you here to bring America more of what America has already got I sent you here to be you now stop it we have to understand that the enemy works through intimidation and he knows your language what's your true getaway today be aware of the enemy's schemes I'm gonna ask the band to come up and join me as we close this message down the final thing we need to do is we need to pray and release the situation to God when the enemy comes in like a flood and you're in a fight to stand your ground yes cut off the enemy's fuel supply yes allow the Holy Ghost to come in and repair those price.that places of brokenness yes identify when the enemy is speaking and do not be intimidated by his voice but when you've done everything you can do it's time to just rest and let God do everything that he can do let me end by telling you a story that I believe is going to put faith in your heart today my husband and I have been in ministry for 28 years as long as we've been married the first fourteen years of our ministry life were youth pastors we were in South Auckland serving in a church over there as youth pastors and God had spoken to my husband that he was going to give us a house now you don't go into youth ministry or really ministry at all because it pays so well we were not poor we were beyond poor we were like here's poor and Jurgen and I were down here groveling somewhere in rags eating things off the dollar menu so that's how poor we were we earned I think a combined total of $18,000 a year but because my husband was a man of faith he attended power ministry college so he had like a residue of faith on the inside of him he said Leanne God's going to give us a house through a series of very bizarre circumstances we're presented with an opportunity to buy a house in Manurewa South Auckland for a hundred and twenty thousand dollars which was a miracle because the house was actually worth two hundred thousand dollars and so it was it was just like this incredible opportunity but the only thing was was we didn't have 120 thousand dollars we didn't have a deposit we didn't even have two cents to rub together but we just knew that this was the word of the Lord that this was our ground and to fight for it and so we did our due diligence and we tried everything we could in our own strength and then we left it in the hands of the Lord the the owners of the home so fell in love with us they said look we're gonna let you move into the house and we're gonna work out the payment we're gonna work it out we're confident so we moved in and I'd already ripped up the carpet and pulled down the wallpaper then we heard from the local mortgage insurance saying we cannot give you a mortgage you can't be insured you're too much of a risk you're gonna have to move out of the home I mean they didn't know I'd already like tore the place apart it was already a chip and Joanna Gaines situation so we were devastated like what are we going to do and we tried everything we could in our own strength but then God reminded us Jurgen and Leanne you have tithers rights you've got seed in the ground and now is the time to look to me for a harvest the Bible says in Malachi 3:10 when you bring your tithes into the storehouse the God will open the floodgates of heaven and pour down upon you so much blessing that there will not be room enough to contain it and he will rebuke the Devourer in your behalf so we started praying and believing and standing in the gap and still nothing happened the final day came when we had to give our answer to the owners of the house Jurgen went to meet with them with his cup in his hand literally having to say to them I've done everything I can in my own strength I do believe this was provision from the Lord but I just don't know what to tell you I'm so sorry my wife has destroyed the house and we're going to have to give it that to you we can't get a mortgage and we were sitting in my husband was sitting in the living room telling this story and the couple who were elderly not Christian just looked at each other kind of nodded and then the man walked out to his bedroom and came back with a big plastic sock full of wads of cash and he handed it over to my husband he said you know son many many years ago when my wife and I am moved from Scotland to New Zealand the realtor who sold us our first home gave us back his commission so we could buy a furniture for our new house for 50 years I've been looking for an opportunity to pay it forward here's twenty thousand dollars go by my house I want to tell you today when you've done everything you can we have not exhausted the resources of heaven I want to put faith on the inside of you today when the enemy comes in like a flood stand your ground the Lord is with you the Bible says that God sent one angel when King Hezekiah and Isaiah the son of Amoz prayed heaven heard and heaven responded and God sent one angel who struck down every mighty man in the camp of Assyria and then Sennacherib the devil retreated to his own land and was struck down by some of his own offspring there I'm here to bring a report of victory you're gonna get through God is on your side it was when man came against us they would have swallowed us alive but God is with you I come with a message of victory and faith Australia I feel God stirring the waters of this great nation can God do it yes he can and he wants to and my life is Testament I'm not telling you anything I haven't experienced myself and the Bible says that God is no respecter of persons but he is a respecter of his principles well you'll lean into him today don't roll over and let the devil ride roughshod over you your family your children your health your finances stand your ground stand your ground stand your ground stand your ground stander grant I believe in this room some miracles and some great victory stories are going to come don't put your sword down just when God is about to send in the battalion and bring about a great deliverance things are going to work out everything's going to be ok be at peace be at peace be at peace if you're here today and you're in the midst of a battle to stand your ground this is not a ground taking battle this is a ground standing battle I want you to stand to your feet I want to pray for you real quickly yeah courage and strength is yours today courage and strength the Lord is with you you mighty men and women on fella the Bible says through our God we shall do valiantly for it is he who will tread down our enemies do you know that Hezekiah didn't even need to pull out his sword in battle not one single Israeli life was lost God did the fighting for them he pushed back the darkness and what he did for Hezekiah he's going to do for you lift your hands to the Lord father I thank you right now your presence is here I thank you for strength and honor yes this couple I see the hand of the Lord is upon you daughter fret not I hear the Lord saying God's moving in your situation he delights in you he loves you he loves you I just hear the Lord saying don't be afraid and also wanting to just say how proud he is of you for being a strong leader in your home the Lord's proud of you so he's proud of you you're a man of great strength God's gonna lead you and he's gonna guide you and he's gonna bring you through not and nothing will be lost I hear the Lord saying nothing will be lost here's a restorer of everything the enemy steals thank you Lord and for every hand lifted right now right now in Jesus name I thank you for a powerful touch of your anointing and strength to come upon your sons and your daughters today in Jesus mighty name somebody give God a shout give him a shout of praise God's moving almost done cars and Richard would you stand to your feet I had a word for you this morning I just saw a picture god is so pleased with your faithfulness and I just see another anointing coming up on your life and it's not to replace one it's an addition and the additional anointing is an anointing of deliverance upon your lives because God's heard the cry of his people who are suffering with great oppression and it's gonna and I hear the Lord saying don't be afraid it's not gonna look how you think it's gonna look because within the two of you you are stewards of excellence and nuance it's almost going to be the deliverance you have when you don't know you're having deliverance because the Bible says that Jesus went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil and we're in a season where the enemy is oppressing a lot of people but the church has backed up a little bit globally from this because sometimes it's just a little bit awkward but it's not going to be your quit it's gonna be so natural it's gonna be so right lift your hands to the Lord father I thank you Richard and casts deliverance deliverers delivers I just see the enemy running when you walk in the room the devil's gonna walk out when you enter demons are gonna flee you will not even really have to raise your voice there is an authority and a mantle and an increase coming on your lives you are delivers deliverance deliver as you're gonna set the captives free thank you lord thank you Lord God bless them god bless them in Jesus name is Pete still here Pete I'm gonna hand back to you but I want to say this one thing Peter you're a man of God you're a man of God who is married to a woman of God and that picture of Gideon is a picture of you and God raised up Gideon because of the beauty of his heart and I just see there is strength and honor on the inside of you and we're in a culture that has been a little bit affected by fame with with some ministers who who love crowds but they don't love people within you is the heart of a shepherd and right now is the raising of the season of the return of the Shepherd because there is nothing more than that God loves then and within you he's found the heart of a shepherd and I see pain that you're gonna carry two things very strongly truth and love truth and love we come from a generation that has tried to liberate people without truth it's impossible but you're going to carry truth but you're going to carry love truth borne or delivered from the womb of love that's who you are Peter get ready we love you you're amazing love you Hillsong Church thank you for being the awesome might on a hill that you are bless you have an amazing Sunday [Music] Wow we absolutely love you Leanne absolutely amazing what a word for us this season and I know I'm taking that on board you know just while you're standing or sitting wherever you're located right now in all our locations it's only right that we ask people this question before you move anywhere before anyone does anything and it's this do you know this person we're talking about Jesus have you accepted him into your heart if you haven't man I would love to lead you in a powerful prayer simple prayer but very powerful prayer of starting a journey of following Jesus He loves you so much he has a plan and a purpose for your life even while we were still sinning and making mistakes and falling short and missing the mark Christ died for you for me why because he loves you he loves us and today I would love to lead people here in a beautiful prayer of asking him into your life asking for forgiveness and saying you know what I'm not leaving this place without putting my trust in him it's a new beginning friend I would love to lead you in this prayer can I have every head bowed every eye closed in all locations maybe been brought by a friend or a family member whoever you are like I said you're in the right place at the right time God loves you maybe you are streaming in joining in right now it's beautiful but do you know him have you accepted him into your heart if you haven't this is your moment in a moment about to lead people in a prayer maybe at one time you did ask Jesus into your heart but you know you walked away from that he never walked away from you that's that's how good he is our bad is no match for his good well maybe you've never ever prayed this prayer man what an honor it would be to lead you in this prayer for the first time this is what you're gonna do you're gonna say this prayer after me and don't worry as a big church family we're gonna say this together but if you know that's you I want you to say this from the bottom of your heart in all locations all right say this with me dear Jesus today it's a new day I realize that I need you and so I surrender all I give you my life come live in me forgive me for all my wrongdoing I choose you in Jesus name Amen amen amen amen beautiful we're applauding because if you prayed that prayer and you really said that for the first time or maybe you're coming back to the Lord big congratulations and listen there's a next step you can take from here and it's this is if you prayed that prayer I want you to after that all we conclude now we still got a few things to do but before we conclude the service when you walk out there's gonna be someone waving this around they're waving it because they're hoping that you would come up to them and start a conversation and say I prayed that prayer at the end can I have one of those Bibles and they would love to gift you it's a beautiful Bible to gift you a mistake decided to follow Jesus amen so one more time Church let's support all those who made that decision you guys can grab your seats and so good I think we need to thank Leanne one more time that was phenomenal and so but this is what we're gonna do and we don't do this every week and we don't do this for our own our own team but when people have given up time giving up time away from family and you know they've pretty much been away from home their own church in San Diego for over two weeks now and I think what we are going to do is going to receive a love offering we call it a love offering because it's simply for those who would love to do so if you were blessed over the course of color conference by the ministry of Leanne and or those who just appreciate the work that they're doing and we are thanking God that you said yes to that calling and you stepped into that because now we're all blessed so you can go ahead and begin to prepare that's on there and we'll make sure every bit of it goes to the Ministry of Leanne and Jurgen and speaking of you again while you're preparing tonight in locations where we are having Sunday night and know I'm speaking to locations but I know heels and many other locations Jurgen is going to be bringing the word tonight if you've never been in a Sunday night atmosphere I've got to tell you it's something that is unmissable this place is jam-packed as a revival spirit in the place and we allow God to move and he's going to move tonight and we're gonna still be moving forward when it comes to all things to do with the Holy Spirit moving in our life so you don't want to miss tonight okay in locations where we have Sunday night but host you can come forward and we can begin to suit you can begin to serve us but what do we thank the hosts what great people look at them so good once we receive the giving I'm gonna let release locations and this campus pastors and team there it's good to see you guys thanks for joining in but here at the Hills campus once the container has possible you can stand to your feet and remember next week online church okay so if you miss that link come and see us out in the foyer if you're wondering how that's going to work with connect curbs come and talk to us we're waiting for you to come and have a conversation but so the great mother does yeah well connect groups we're doing it through connect groups we're doing it through gatherings all individually households getting a link which we can pull up on the screen it actually is really yes so how do you think so I was strolling across church I think these guys down here are like man I may have not slept last night and I may have actually slipped through my alarm so I missed the front end of the service but I'm here amen you know we're gonna pray as are we done everything we have done everything yeah okay but how exciting I mean it's crazy days obviously people have given expression to that Brian hares and I decided that I dispersity want to say again thank you to a remarkable church and team for like what were two weeks of phenomenal color and the goodness of God that we even had color two weeks early in the landscape this year for some strange reason but because of that if it had them we would have been stunning color this week and not able to do it so God has gone before us in this room you know this room in particular downtown also last week heaving with women leaning in saying their cause shoulder to shoulder in more ways than one but we were there and I think it's a great testimony and I think Lily Ann and you again you have been such a dream I knew you would be amazing I knew you would bring the Word of God your prophetic words are fantastic so we thank you for everything that you guys are doing today for us and for your church at home [Music] all right we're gonna have a great night you need to come out tonight honestly it's gonna be spectacular we're gonna bring little elements of color and so we love you church wherever you are all about beautiful locations amen amen in one house many rooms and lots of people all right it's not gonna be one house many rooms and no people okay this is just a lost season that's gonna pass we're gonna lean in by the grace of God it's gonna be awesome father God we thank you for your kindness and your grace to us as a people but they go we thank you for all the things that you have done throughout these past few weeks what you are doing father God for your word today may go deep into our house penetrate our soul and bring forth fruit so Lord we commit every one to you and we say Lord have your way and cheese's name Amen go have lunch enjoy yourself people as see your eyes love your church will [Music] church before we go out why don't we sing one more song together come on heads up all right [Music] he took my [Music] now Jesus me Oh [Music] no I won't pose but in the [Music] that's a muscle disease come on the cream [Music] No so we're Oh where is your speed no longer [Applause] Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] we love you see you tonight be blessed [Music]
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 41,525
Rating: 4.941606 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, Leanne Matthesius
Id: zkdWgGbtQUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 45sec (5445 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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