Hilarious brother of the #bride #wedding #speech

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sounds like it I'm about 14 bourbon balls deep yeah they're over here I first off just want to start off with saying thank you for everybody that came out tonight especially everybody from New England that's huge I haven't seen them in forever my dad's best friend mock over here yeah um and um to my mom for all of the works he put in I mean if you look around [Applause] and Dad thank you for writing the checks I'm uh I'm not sure if you guys know this but Ali and I we we go way back actually growing up we we had a lot in common um same mom same dad uh same poodle same cat duchess I know actually you know what let's do a quick Toast of dutches right foreign now [Laughter] um you know growing up uh for the longest time I reluctant to admit this but I wanted to be a pro wrestler so ideally uh having a little brother would have been you know beneficial just like try wrestling moves on but that's the reality came in right poor Ali would uh get off that shorter than average bus I'd just be waiting at the door he would come in book bag still on and just some place um but honestly you know I take a lot of credit for how strong she is today and where's Derek Derek I know Derek remembers of the wrestling guys 48 hours I was like 12 years old but Ali and I were uh we were close right away you know we were all each other had and I was happy to be a big brother my mom told me that in the delivery room that I was literally going up to anybody who wanted to approach Ally and he was like put a mask on put on put on clubs I was like a five-year-old Dr bouncy it's my idea first I remember that [Laughter] you guys but the point is I was um I was protected from day one you know and that never really changed especially when I got older you know I had I'd have like buddies or I feel man like do you think like I could talk to your sister maybe go on a date and I realized like in that moment the very first time one of them asked me that like I was capable of a murder I was like I might kill someone but I've never had to worry about ali you know if you look at her she's she's tough right just one Gander full sleeve tattoos which if anybody can relate if you're if your sibling gets a full sleeve of tattoos it's ideal for you like I look like a angel in front of my life Halo every night I just walk around the house my mom used to be like who left this mess in this room and I'd be like I don't know Mom one of us looks like a criminal [Laughter] oh my gosh but you know Ali Ali leaned into that stereotype for that submission video to Bad Girls Club didn't think I was gonna put you know this is her idea to give me a mic doesn't die but I knew how he was doing with that video we're we're homies and uh it couldn't have been any more evident than when I picked her up from the airport after coming home from Bad Girls Club I can't remember if it was from filming the show or the reunion but she got in my car and I was like so how'd it go and she was like she just looks forward she's like Drive [Music] because the took this Ali's Italian show a lot of those girls are they're monsters you know Ali truly does and I truly mean this has the biggest heart I know Ali is the sister that you know calls me and will tell me hey Mom and Dad's birthday is next week all right you know she calls Mom and Dad almost damn near every morning checking on them right um she's also a vegetarian so like what monster is a vegetarian was Jeffrey Dahmer a vegetarian absolutely not Ally's always had you know always always had stability in her life where you know we don't have that in common I'm more like Michael J fox but that's a sketchy but I'm sorry he read this he sent out the signs [Applause] the bourbon balls um but yeah I mean Ally Ally didn't there was nothing in that show that reflected Ali other than the tattoos Ali's had one job for like her entire life right from 16 right to all the way to what you had Rider how many years how many years uh 12 years with PF Chang's in fact this is another signal of alley strength kobit she had to give birth to Ryder but nobody there right so you know she sends me a text and she's like hey this is Roger you're you're an uncle right and she's like he only looks like a little Asian because his eyes haven't fully opened yet and I was like how much do you have sex [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] I mean that was the most adorable kid I've ever seen in my life honestly I really didn't think I was gonna be like holy I'm an uncle I had a moment and I was like God damn this is a real thing I'm an uncle and honestly you know hearing hearing writers saying he didn't say Uncle Brad he said Uncle Rick it's like it's like he knows I'm not paying a mortgage or something you got breathing right but um you know we've been blessed um with Ryder and Sarah we've also been blessed with Austin true now have you ever met Ali's other boyfriends we got really lucky I just bring home a few guys and she's like yeah it's my boyfriend he's like I'm wearing Ellie's pants what is going on here you know it's right Anne-Marie can back me up on this day yeah Amber he knows um but Austin's the real deal he's a hard-working guy provider who busted his ass in the Navy to go to school and secure a job at Lockheed Martin thank you that's how I Envision in my head I'm like I don't have to say anything it's a badass right here but um truly our our friendship Austin and I had just been effortless you know um I never really saw that but you know anybody Ally you've been with before it's been it's been truly a blessing um you know it is also beneficial to me that he's not very good at golf you know so neither am I so we're very you know relatable in that sense then he has the same love that I do which is just we we're really good at we eat a lot of desserts you know so we're getting together on Sundays and we just we just chew the hell out of some of my cakes and some cookies and that's what we do we do it we do it well foreign but Ali and Austin I'm truly blessed his family with two adorable kids that has brought us Jesus a lot closer I've always about to yell at me she's like come on to your mouth Allie and Oscar have left uh blessed us with two normal kids and they truly have brought us a lot closer you know um as a kid I was blessed uh to be at me mom peapods every Sunday you know um and I love that we do that now you know now I'm older with with Ryder and sailor and we get together on Sundays and it's it's it's special you know not to mention we have maybe the most entertaining family group chat of all time it really is my dad said sometimes it's slightly offensive but you know we're not going to get back um I also enjoy the hell out of being an uncle and I love the Sundays I love you guys I'm so happy for you this is a life-changing relationship and I hope you guys never forget that everything you've done for each other you know you working your ass off while Austin was going to school and now him busting his ass about you while you stay home with the kids you're a dope Team all right all right
Channel: Brett Ramsdell
Views: 9,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W5s5-MSdnMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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