Wedding Speech - Son of the Bride

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good evening everybody and warm welcome it is my honor of course so welcome you all to the evening period of this special day it has been a wonderful day so far and I like to thank you all for coming and far and wide for helping to make this a really memorable occasion traditionally this verse each repeat from the father of the bride Sally Severson labor non-positive he would have been very proud so it is with tremendous pride that I perform this role and I was very touched by the run past me to get her away it's been a long time since I've seen my mum looking so radiant I think she's the Madrid enjoy all the rising today arranging the room this morning with my wife ever and I'm sure too that she's been spending lots of bills it was only a few weeks ago when Chris American were dropping the kids off chris doumitt it's pretty part of being stolen reported as a people spending this poison speech it is customary to bring an embarrassing them from the Vice part for to highlight a strange character trait so that you can have a laugh at her expense on the basis of Spain we spent a number of days will Beach and I was reminded of the time when London II have a good body boarding for the first time I was thoroughly enjoying myself while none was fairly from peach pattern the baseplate of the day so far I phoned the towards Shore and I noticed that mother made her way into the shallows pleased that she was showing more of an interest in my efforts I thought forgive her phagon swordsman as a great place applause she did not weigh the very ones frantically so without thinking subsequently I lost my grip and fell into the white pony sir but in a boat along but unless it - foot water water until I got wedged in between I raised my head out of the water i sting there he asked why she felt and paid to compel blaming me as I was riding the wave of my life I wasn't waving at you I was waving at you to keep the way to unify why so fun I had she seen the hidden rock Jenny this perhaps or even worse detective mother's next agenda in my dear I came into the sea Oh screaming daddy ladies and gentlemen we hope that among his latest love the white sauce is of this type was just have seen him fail jinusean and kept us strong I finally stood up apparently I stand here before you many times 17 that man on internet I actually I did have some reservations as an IT manager I know the dangers of the incidence identities etc then this Chris did look like his online picture yeah this wasn't a bad start considering moment use one of theirs university education I'm apparently a university education but also a minor profile husband wanted the United States you have my to seven emails all same same safety you can have there are always one response that goes awry and there began the duration the relationship that we are celebrating today my wife and I knew right from the outset the Bristol marrying the well-suited they look out for each other what right well compromise when necessary necessary and don't ever seem to complain that's a sign of a winning team this might seem an unusual concept I hope risk that your voice got lower and honking half Sylvia and Harrison another usually something father the rights were quite a bit emotional crisis the needed married couple as the sum of the ride I really didn't see not got off of these two you'd spare to be with any kind of advice last what I should give it a try anyway as you're both football fans in your house is very much a football house I thought that has dip your lives in line with some of the roots of the beautiful game itself these are pretty simple and easy to follow at all so this be nothing too taxing what enables to remember appear rule number one believe your mid-course off every week number two before playing make sure your wrong number six and there anyone's my mother and the no service baby attacking this is a happy day for me seeing my mother if this party locks are worried that when I left home she were going to be unhappy was no need to bother the denying of geometrist I realize the way they came together and that was that he's the man who can keep her happy and he's the man that she deserves so now ladies and gentlemen would you please be upstanding join me in a toast to the happy couple on their special day
Channel: John Tasker
Views: 17,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wedding Speech, Son of the Bride
Id: 1jjZEt9psYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2011
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