Highgate Cemetery and Pub Walk - London Walking Tour

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don't cancel my grave my heart my Tallyho and Bernhard's your uncle jewels guides here and welcome to our Highgate walk stroke pub crawl thing with my friends Tom and Laura hello yes and so this is Swain slain it's called Swain slain because in the 1300s the swine herders used to drive their pigs down to the meat market down in Smithfield it was spooky walk this is quite a lot of Legends and ghouls and ghosts stories on it and apparently in this street there was a lot of talk of a tall man in a hat who used to jump out in front of people and then disappear into a wall just up here on the left up Swain's lane is a house number 59 where the Beatles had a photograph taken it was just off to something called the man day out I don't know what that was was that film or something was just a day out that I just heard an out they tried to get him to Highgate Cemetery couldn't do the photo shoot by Karl Marx is great out of shape it's quite a steep hill but this is Highgate Cemetery and then the 1800s all the church yards apparently couldn't handle all the dead bodies they were having to bury so Parliament passed an act requiring seven cemeteries specifically just to be cemeteries to be built and this is one of them there's 53,000 graves here apparently and some famous people buried inside oh that's rather nice the modern famous people are in the eastern side which is to our right and then the older Victorian side where the catacombs are to our left so it's Malcolm McLaren and the manager of the Sex Pistols Douglas Adams he wrote each hikers going to the galaxy that's Bruce Reynolds one of the great train robbers when they built the eastern cemetery they had to find a way of moving the body between the two graveyards without physically taking it out of the graveyard itself which was seen as a bad omen so they constructed a tunnel underneath the road so that they could take the body under the road and then bring it back up still within the cemetery grounds a little scream is usual this is all solo part and you don't actually have to pay to go into the cemetery if you don't want to you can just peep over the gates what I do yes if you want to see Karl Marx's tomb you can actually just go through this undergrowth just through there yeah there he is excellent got a leaf in front of his face yeah he was the father of communism and he wrote this capital that's all I really know about Karl I'm so ignorant do you know more about him I feel terrible he came to England because he thought he could start the workers revolution here and leading off the or delightful stroll in Waterloo Park you can either turn right and go down towards archway which is where you'll find the Dick Whittington stone about which I have a wonderful film or you can go up the hill too high a village which is where we going to go now for a points of beer so this is highgate village and up there is highgate school where I was a student should I tell people that yeah okay yes I went to Highgate school that's my school up there we'll walk past in a minute spitter this was a really high points on the sheepherders trail they'd used to take their sheep down Swain's Lane to the meat market but they would stop and had a little rest which is why so many pubs sprung up around here so up there you've got the gatehouse and you got the Prince of Wales and this is the angel in which is supposed to have the hardest Pub Quiz in London that's pretty Wales Prince away okay so this is just the angel in which is quite my favorite sports and I was the last person to leave it last night this is pond square called pond square because they used to be a pond minute what are the odds it's a another story about spooky ghosts the ghost haunts this square is that of a white plucked chicken and it all started with an argument between Sir Francis Bacon and his friend dr. winter born in 1626 at the bottom of Highgate Hill the cause of the disagreement was dr. Winterbourne skepticism over Bacon's hypothesis that fresh meat could be preserved if frozen so the frozen chicken was actually invented in Highgate Sir Francis Bacon considers himself to be a bit of a scientist as well as a philosopher we had this idea of how to refrigerate things so he bought a chicken off no lady and then he plucked it and stuffed it full of snow and he brought it here to pond square where he buried it in the snow unfortunately was so cold he caught a chill and they ended up having to take him to Lord Arryn dolls house which is just over there they took it back to his house where he had a damp bed I don't know why his bed was damp by the way maybe from incontinence his bed was damp and he put him back in his bed and he caught a chill and he died but ever since then there has been reports of a ghost of a chicken running around the square so motorists for example have reported driving along and then suddenly this chicken jumping out in front I'm not sure if he was a six foot six chicken in a hat this is where Oh Aaron do live which is where Sir Francis Bacon was taken to die it's now occupied by by Terry Gilliam the guy from Monty Python this Francis Bacon he's deceased he's no more than X Francis Bacon so this is the flask where you used to be able to buy a flask to fill up because down in Hampstead which is just a short walk that way they used to have lots of wells and Springs over quite a few Springs around here as well so people would buy their flask from here and and fill them up and this is called the committee room and it was in this room I believe that one of the first autopsies was ever performed in the UK they used to go down to Highgate Cemetery and get bodies and bring them in here and just through there is where the Spanish barmaid hanged herself and her ghost now haunts this pub I think the landlord rejected her advances or something she couldn't handle anymore he's old places keeps Byron and Shelley used to drink here Cheers own reduced the drink in this pub and they actually used to live just over there he wasn't the only famous person so he lived over here in the Grove so all this paraphernalia around here which actually has made the place look rather messy won't do for an area like bits is actually because George Michael used to live just over here in the Grove wanting all this positives for George Michaels now look sting used to live here and I think Kate Moss lives in the house that used to be Cody's house [Music] another pub which you may choose to have a tipple in is the gatehouse over here named as the gatehouse because it's where they used to be a toll gate there used to be a big part over here used to be owned by the Bishop of London and anyone wanting to go from Highgate down towards Hampstead would have to pass through this toll gate and actually the word Highgate comes from this toll gate because it's the highest toll gate in London I imagine and just opposite is Highgate School and the music which you may be able to hear now but it's written by my sister for my amazing film take me to pick there and I've been obsessed with Pitcairn Island my whole life what I didn't know the whole time I was at Highgate school is one of the mutineers from the Nucci on the bouncy is buried in that little churchyard these names Peter Hayward and he's been buried in that in that church I've ever since he was the one that got caught he actually got condemned to be hanged but then they let him off because he had a rich family and he was very posh or something now that really was the scene of much boredom here's a child that Chapel oh my goodness yeah this school was founded in the time of Queen Elizabeth the first it's absolutely engine it felt pretty ancient but now who's in there as well it's just so Victorian and old-fashioned because it was a boys school here when I first came here and um I went back there recently and it was this big security guard on the door and I was coming up to see one of my old teachers for something and I said um don't you mind if I just go inside and have a quick look around you know just for nostalgia purposes been a long time and he was our why I don't know if I should really let you in there and I'll go on you know I just want to go and see why I used to put my bag before having lunch and then he cinema woori and he was actually coming over to my way I think he was he was gonna let me in and then I saw a girl walk past in Highgate school uniform I don't like you've got girls here any well sorry but no sorry yeah copy because I was amazed they had girls because it was a boys school when I was there was there was nothing untoward I assure you just over here is John betterments house and he and she went to high school he was taught by TS Eliot's that John Betjeman lived in buyer and house got sixteen pubs in its postcode 1616 so to do the Highgate Pub Crawl cool no shorter when these were built this phone box actually is probably the only phone box in London that doesn't smell of urine quite remarkable and over there we got high points which is quite often featured in TV series like Poirot when I was young was always film there because of the Art Deco style and in the 60s TV series The Avengers she lived in there Emma Peel who was played by Diana Rigg but my dad used to be in the Avengers he's in a few of the episodes that he used to choreograph the Fenton scenes and I see myself as a bit of a John Steed character actually so it features in quite a lot TV shows that and now in this feature did Jules guide the honor and a perfect place to finish your Highgate pub crawl is the wrestler's which is the oldest pub still in business in high gates apparently according to a Victorian newspaper article it is where drunk people come to gets even more drunk and a lot of people come to settle their differences and have fights that was in the old days hence the name let's go time so this pumps been here since 1547 the barman assures me and apparently there was a fire though in 1921 of the only part that survives of this beautiful fireplace so they thought this is a very ancient custom in here called swearing on the horns I believe that even a little Byron did it I what does it mean something about rolling in a bed with a pig and then you get to kiss the prettiest barmaid at least that's all I remember cuz I don't cook Matilda so there we go I can kiss the horns because I'm tall enough to do so take notice what I now say to you so that is the first word of your oath let's knock it's the barmaid well you can kiss the mistress and now my good son if you are travelling through this village Highgate go call for a bottle of wine at any house you may think proper and book it to your father score basically you would be made a free man of high gates which presumably means you could get free wine you then finish by kissing the horns or a pretty girl alright so there we go so I'm suing I don't know what that says about her she said she's sworn in yes or not I think you're just gonna swear now if you've enjoyed my video please hit the subscribe button or don't forget to have a look at all the other videos that I've got because I've got loads of videos on my channel and they're about all sorts of very interesting places in London so don't neglect them as they're feeling neglected on my channel and also feel free to come up and say hello if you see me out and about filming I'm perfectly happy to do a hashtag shameless selfie hashtag Jules going whatever it is people these days and feel free to become my patreon whatever that is or throw me a donation on PayPal pip-pip you lose [Music]
Channel: Joolz Guides - London History Walks - Travel Films
Views: 157,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: London, travel guides, julian mcdonnell, joolz guides, historical london, hidden London, highgate cemetery, highgate, marx, cemetery, walking tour, george michael, pub walk, pub crawl, highgate village, ghost walks, haunted london, where do famous people live, homes of famous people, tour, london walks, history, highgate school, The Flask, the Wrestlers, The Gatehouse, pond square, visit london, highgate pub walk, highgate walk, highgate walking tour, karl mark grave, grave
Id: ur3yuPOHZ_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2017
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