Kenwood and Hampstead Heath - London Guided Walk

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just another on the water with a being in a bong and a buzz-buzz bars the jewels guides here and today we're going to be taking a little stroll through Kenward in Hampstead Heath that's delightful starting here at Kenwood is one of the most beautiful views in London I believe it may be one of the protected views of st. Paul's is it see what they did which is really irritating is that they said well there are all these protected views of st. Paul's from all over London so you're not allowed to build some a new building in front of st. Paul's Cathedral however if you build something behind it doesn't seem to be a problem which is really annoying so well I ain't done is they've built the shard right behind st. Paul's Cathedral which kind of ruins that the view somewhat but they were there I believe for specific points I get for or there's a certain amount of specific points in London everyone ought to all be yeah yeah well you're not allowed to build in front of st. Paul's Cathedral I think this is one of them but anyway yeah it's still a pretty impressive view it's always be useful to know the best spots to go to the toilet my mother used to know all the lady lavatory attendants in London it's a nice one in Kenwood house over here Laura tells me that it's quite convenient that you don't have to buy a cup of tea in order to go to the toilet because it's separate from the restaurant that you can sneak in and they do have a jolly pretty garden where you can have tea and scones do they still do the kenwood concerts here that stopped doing it I think because the neighbors complained about the noise why not I was young I used to have these beautiful concerts here so you could sit on the bank here and then just they'd set up a stage over the pond over there and then you have lovely concerts and people would enjoy the summit Oh typical neighbors complained the same reason why we don't have fireworks displayed in my house so this is where in the film Notting Hill with Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts they're shooting a film here judor opposite in film within the film and Hugh Grant overhears her sort of he takes umbrage she's just just that just over there beautiful building preserved so be an example of a 18th century home nice beautiful though Rembrandt inside oh really and gauges over Mira Nair until the morning car [Music] bridge it looks like a bridge but it's actually just landscaping kind of two-dimensional color board cuts out and through here there's a piece of artwork how do I know because Tom told me all right then who is it Tom it's Barbara Hepworth Julian if the monolith in Korean looks a bit like me and as if that wasn't enough art for you there's a appenders Henry Moore just through these trees let's precisely what I was going to say actually yes I'm a big fan of Henry Moore my cell phone the majestic setting of Kenwood House so it's some an absolutely gorgeous place to come for a picnic or an afternoon you should be doing what am i doing at all I'm gonna give you I should have bought an extra bowler hat for you yes I'm building up that on Hill it's called Witten her stand by rooms is the second biggest in London after Buckingham Palace it's that way they did the Fame Academy but it was completely empty for years and years when we were kids mmm and this is a piece of art by one of our greatest scope Oh is he okay Henry more [Music] it's obviously where they did you milk and the cheese and the fish for the house for camera down people dress up in the old costume of the day and make cheese the old way I want to do that short they get short they get got Randy ball down there all Jules guys have to have at least one reference to wit nan and I or Blackadder Fanta dick Spaniards in over this way please on the way to Spain is incidentally just off Hampstead Lane is what's known as Millionaire's Row otherwise known as the bishops Avenue where as a punishment at my school you'd have to run or what ambitious Avenue it's called a BA run but this is got some it's got some of the most expensive properties and largest houses in in London sort of mock tudor slightly tacky a bit tasteless if you ask me well even avenue is not millionaires road there that's just kind of millionaires row yes okay so where it's a good happy son had a house down there i think was one of the assets that was seized when they captured him one of the most in conveniently positioned pubs in London and therefore one of the most likely places for my friend Ralph to arrange to meet you is the Spaniards in half way up Hampstead Lane not near any tube stations you've got to get the 210 bus in order to get here or you can walk on the left hand side is a listed building as is the part of Spaniards in which was built in about fifteen eighty five so I think it's called the Spaniards in because it was named after some old owners of the pub Francesco on hon Pereira who ended up fighting a duel one I think is the guy who died they ended up being buried somewhere near here which might be why they've got some swords on their emblem up there this toll booth over here this used to be a toll house and they tried to knock it down in the 1980s or something but of course there no one will allowed them to be is a listed building and it's extremely awkwardly situated as will be proven by this huge bus which is come and get it through that gap it's another one of these haunted kind of pubs supposedly one who died in the jewel apparently he haunts the upstairs room or is it Victor pin Dick Turpin was a famous outlaw highway robber used to do robberies up and down and Hampstead Road which is down here and there are many records of our highway robbery in the Old Bailey records if you if you look up if you can be bothered I can't [Music] well the pub claimed that John Keats wrote ode to a nightingale out here in the garden but I've heard that it's in the back garden of his house which is further down which will go past and she used to be owned by Victor Kimmy's dad you snap his pistols on the wall inside of they've got them anymore they're another ghost he hits another goes to the third goes they've got him in 1897 when Bram Stoker wrote Dracula he was inspired by this lady in white who used to be seen walking through beer garden here to come up with the idea of Lucia Dracula who so they called the bloofer lady and van Helsing and Seward his accomplice or something take a taxi from outside Spaniards in after having had dinner at jackstraws Castle which we're not going to see because like everywhere else is turned into modern luxury flats yours for a reasonable price of about eight thousand pounds many a highway robbery took place down this street here and it was also along here that's the blue for woman in Dracula used to abduct the children what I really like about perhaps a teeth is just you really feel like you're out in the countryside you know because oh London really was a series of villages really and you still get that feeling when you're going between highgate village and Hampstead village I think [Music] up here first up here is the venue where I was in a film called scenes of a sexual nature with Ewan McGregor yes that's right I am supposed to be an actor god knows what happened to my agent bastard must have died actually have to play the part of a gay sunbather it was right right in there I just had a mini portable TV and I was watching the Test match but for the cricket and know that he was quite into quicker we kept coming over it was the Ashley's against Australian he kept coming over and asking me the score I liked Ewan McGregor nice chat nice chat but but yeah the director head Bloom said the biggest mistake he made was calling it seems of a sexual nature otherwise it would have done very well no one wanted to go and see it because it was a portal you know what I like about this bridge here is I don't know if it's for real but if you look on the bridge people have carved their names in but the years that they've got they're amazing I saw one I'm sure it was like 1800 something before incidentally this hat that I'm wearing is called a bowler hat or a cook named after the fellow that it was made for I think in Locke's Hatters down in st. James's now the reason they were made was precisely for this sort of caper because the gamekeepers used to find that their top hats kept getting knocked off by the branches so they had a better hat like this which was more like a helmet when things fell on their heads it would be a bit of protection so I am more appropriately dressed for this sort of walk than YouTube by the way fancy going for a swim Laura this is the mixed bathing pond over here and there are also men's bathing ponds available and ladies bathing ponds where you can play Babbington naked in change definitely seen the guys doing that doesn't go on at this one though it's this beautiful surroundings I mean really when you're swimming in there you just feel like you're in some sort of enchanted garden or something heats hair keeps close oh and this once keeps Grove keeps everything and that is because just top Keats Grove ease Keats house where actually you only live for about 70 months then he moved off to Rome and died of consumption like everyone in those days I mean human only 26 we don't twenty-five when he died he wasn't regarded as a great poet in his lifetime has any after he died he became quite famous they actually called him the Cockney poet you know doesn't sound very company to me his poems we're but to think is to be full of sorrow and leaden eyes despairs where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes or new love pine at them beyond tomorrow all these lamps really nice I make it feel like you're in Narnia or something when I direct my BBC period drama I think I'm going to set it up here nice ugly sign they really could have done better than that couldn't they I rather like it you know it's not always bad when they knock down buildings because it reveals that old advertising things like that up there for example I love that look Ln er Kings Cross for Scotland that's an advert for the railway London North Eastern Railway that must be a not a really old advert on the side of that building getting a bit tired now because this is the second video we shot home time for the palm but just before we finish I really want to just point out this pump here which it looks like it might be closed at the moment they're renovating it's called the manga the let's haven't anybody who has seen the film dance with a stranger with Rupert Everett in that belt this air pump what I am standing outside of it's called the Magdala tavern and it's very famous because in 1955 Ruth Ellis who is the last woman ever to be hanged in Britain shots her boyfriend his name was David Blakeney not to be confused with sir Percival Blakeney Sinclair you know the Scarlet Pimpernel Baroness aux-in anyway David Blakeney with her boyfriend he was like a racing car drive and she used to work in a nightclub and one day I think that she had this very fractured relationship with David this used to be a newsagent so should have stepped outside the newsagent shop here and he was coming outside the pub with his mate anyway I mean she shot him outside here and then turned herself in afterward she said yep yeah I don't know what came over me I just couldn't handle it and it was me I did it guilty your honor and I think over here unique now unless I'm mistaken you can still see the bullet holes in the walls I think I think these actually the bullet holes apparently she was very civil once she was in the inner prison cells after they arrested her she was perfectly nice to everybody just said yeah I did it you know but I'm glad I killed the bastard I do hope they don't turn this into luxury flats like all the other bloody places in London it looks like that it looks like it's gonna be renovated as a part though thanks for watching if you enjoy my films then please hit the subscribe button and if you care about anything I have to say or do ever then watch some of my other films because there are about a hundred of them on my channel and tell your friends and get someone to write about me and make me famous and everything see you next time folks Tallyho [Music]
Channel: Joolz Guides - London History Walks - Travel Films
Views: 118,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: London, tourism, travel guides, julian mcdonnell, joolz guides, historical london, hidden London, kenwood, hampstead heath, pub walk, pub crawl, spaniards inn, magdala tavern, kenwood house, dick turpin, bishops avenue, what to do in london, things to do in london, history, scenes of a sexual nature, ruth ellis, keats house, john keats, london walks, visit london, visit britain, untouristy places, hampstead walk, highgate walk, st pauls view, views of london, skyline
Id: BnC4ocxEgUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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