London Music Tour of Soho

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[Music] tell me ho Jules guides here in which I wander around London and tell you fascinating facts which you may or may not have heard and in which I probably make a few mistakes as well I'm sure you're going to point them out to me today we're doing Jules guys rock and roll tour of so host music scene which is why we've started in Denmark Street it's a pity that all the stuffs covered up by scaffolding they're trying to knock all these houses down however some of the melissa t buildings so they're failing there's been an uproar from all the people here because there's such a rich history of music here and it was starting actually back in 1911 when a fella called lawrence wright's he started the first music publishing company down here he was the guy who started up melody maker as well I think some years after that NME the New Musical Express that started up down here at number five I think it was in enemy that my sister's band in which I sang we actually achieved notoriety or was it in sounds we were voted the fifth worst band name in the it was a spandex nappy rash we also toured with the idea of being called my Tampax smells of pilchard and Zimbabwe cheesecake those names are now available if you want to use those for your own back but and you could maybe for each a higher in the list of bad names still man [Music] towards the 1960s it came more fashionable to write and record your own song so a lot of recording studio started up like this one regents studios and those from really famous this is where Black Sabbath did recorded their first two albums Rolling Stones recorded their first album there and David Bowie did some early demos there with below a third which he recruited down there at the gioconda before Tom Jones was famous they wrote a song which was originally intended for sandy shore and they got hold of this unknown singer called Tom Jones they thought he's got my good boys let's get him to do the demo and they came down here to record this song called it's not unusual which happens to be my favorite karaoke song well after Joe Daltrey shot up your face anyway they came down here and they said well we don't have a keyboard player so they went down to ledger condo again and they said Canaan won't play keyboards and his bloke called registered yeah I can play and he came down here and he laid down the keyboard track you know on YouTube you listen to the original demo version in its ridged white playing otherwise known as Elton John of course who by the way used to work as a sort making the tea as a kind of office clock at number 20 which I think hard to tell with all these scaffolding everywhere but I think it was one Joe guitars that is where Bernie Taupin apparently he was waiting for him one morning sitting on the roof in 1965 and he just wrote a song on the roof and kicked up the mass might have been Elton John's first ever hit I think the kinks recorded a demo for you really got me some people say that was the first ever heavy metal song ray Davis's brother his girlfriend said the first version each she listened to didn't make her want to take her knickers off the speaker cone they gave it that really raw heavy metal sound Danny I know that was done one of these Studios down here with chef [Music] he kissed me we could spend an hour in this street alone just talking about all the different stuff that happened here so I think this is the one where the Sex Pistols lived isn't it there's another building out the back Paul Kirk and Steve Jones the guitarist I think they lived in there and Johnny Rotten did Rafi tea and stuff in there like caricatures are so vicious and you can still see them they're still in there but I don't think we're allowed even down here the world-famous gioconda is where you came to hire musicians as what are the only remnants left this little bit of mosaic on the wall changed quite a bit now it's still nice to be in the same place where David Bowie hung out with Marc Bolan they think this building here is where Brian Epstein the manager of the Beatles was supposed to meet a publisher here and he got stood up the kite in show up he knocked on dick James is thought and he said what about this band The Beatles many when yes I've done and made our absolute fortune and then sold the rights to Michael Jackson I think did me think so and one day Lennon and McCartney and they were walking down the street here and the Rolling Stones were going past in a taxi so they go into the Clack see they sit to the biosis new young got any songs we can do since I mean around 1962 or something and a Beatles go yeah we got one that we were writing for Ringo Starr thought I want to be your man they jumped in the cab went down to the recording studio and the Beatles just finished it off and it became one of the Rolling Stones first hits [Music] now look if I make any mistakes if you disagree feel free to make to let me know but also don't forget to subscribe to the channel so behind me is foils but London's best bookshop in my opinion it used to be the st. Martin's School of Art she came from Greece she had a thirst for knowledge she studied our that's in math since college that's where I write I wish I could get your face common people it's called Goffe anyway so they used to do gigs in here and then I said the first ever Sex Pistols gay was inside this building I think this bit up here used to be the stage and that night they supported a band called bazooka Joe's and that was Adam Ant band [Music] this is the old Compton Street gay capital of London I suppose and this used to be like the the Italian ghetto yeah yeah from the 1860s Italians started moving into here and then after the First World War there were even more frit streets around the corner and you must know Bar Italia got this original gamja coffee machine in there you know that I think they open in 1949 it's been there ever since oh I just wanted to point this out but actually just look over the road right since we talked about music this is Ronnie Scott that's the last place Jimi Hendrix performed then he went back and he died that night but I find that guy music is upstairs in 1926 he's a lady you know John Logie Baird the Scotsman who he invented the cathode ray tube TV or something I'm sure someone will pointed out he had been testing out on my own and I'll balloon or something in his house so he came down and there was this little kid going past seems like a 15 year old boy called William paintin or tainted or something and he said I'm eight can I cut you want to come upstairs and I'll I'll give you ten quid and I can put you on to answer my TV so the kid went upstairs and then it has a dubious honour of having been the first person ever to have been broadcast on television it's probably inadvisable just side notes if you're in Soho these days don't give someone ten pounds especially a fifteen year old boy to come into your house and film them it's it's not a good idea I'm not talking from experience but this is where I come to buy my outfits and crotchless panties you know whatever your is your bag baby this find it interesting the kind of people who come out of there you know you wouldn't think it would you know this is what I buy my coffee by the way very highly recommended [Music] show apparently that Compton's that part that's where cliff richard got his name Cliff Richard because he was called Harry Wham and the place next door which is now fish and chip shop used to be a really famous bar called the two eyes and in the 1950s it was quite a famous place to go and be discovered Cliff Richard was discovered here there was a famous singer called Tommy Steele I don't know anything about it anyway he famous needs to play there quite a bit bright lights so home ward or streets you hope you make friends with the guys that you mean somebody shows you this used to be the intrepid Fox kind of biker goth place to hang out it's now byron burgers like everything else ah mayor of the streets yeah not as in mouth and french this used to be the Batcave the famous goth nightclub where Robert Smith from the Cure used to hang out Suzie Suh Nick Cave as in and the Bad Seeds when goth culture became big I think it was already quite big up north but then it first started up in London down in one of these places might have been this door here or it could be this one here and he like so many places around it's a swanky nightclub our thing now which door do you know which one used to be the Batcave okay he doesn't know you see so it's dying out it's all dying out oh by the way opposite just up there on the wall there's another one of the Rick Buckley's famous noses of Soho if you've seen my film about the one on Admiralty Arch these news is all over so home I think it's modeled on his own notes he was annoyed about the fact there were so many CCTV cameras in London so he thought everyone was a nosey Parker so he go as an art installation he's put up a whole bunch of these noses and if you find them all it means you're gonna get great prosperity apparently 1732 you see this is a lovely old Street those round things I suppose of the tie rods that hold the building together you've got a metal bar going through the house like that to add structure to hold out and then you've got this these metal circles on either side on the outside to stop the the walls buckling outlets that's what it is anyway [Music] it just looks like an ordinary boring building these days but that was one of the most famous live music venues in England that was the Marquee Club from about 1964 to about 1988 anyone who was anybody played there everybody except for the Beatles although they did go there I think they were act the famous gig where Jimi Hendrix set his guitar on fire the first day of a life Rolling Stones gig was here in 1962 David Bowie in the mannish boys played there in 1964 Queen even played there in the early days the damned Joy Division dire straits the police Jimmy behind ski Johnny bloody even Johnny two times they called him Johnny two times because he said everything twice I'm gonna go get a drink get a drink if you wanted to know who was playing at any given night there at the marquee you'd go to the ship pub over here yeah I saw the queue there as a three-piece years ago Adam in the ants fantastic Generation X there was fantastic sweat was different down the walls you know this is pretty it was atmosphere [Music] so I miss [Music] this is Soho Square there's a couple of houses in along the square on that side over there which are actually from 17th century from the original time when this was built for the Earl of Monmouth in fact Soho doesn't mean south of Houston like it does in New York and she used to be the hunting cry of the Earl of Monmouth I think it was he was that all this illegitimate son of king charles ii king charles ii had many illegitimate sons but apparently when he went hunting it goes so and that's where we get the word from and the only buildings along here which still survive from his time a couple over there but MPL over here this is the company which is in charge of the business holdings of paul mccartney and sometimes if the blinds are open you can see his gold discs and stuff on the wall [Music] [Applause] the very important streets down here yeah videos fans don't get killed come over [Music] this place here Trident Records studios and that is where David Bowie recorded hunky dory and the rise or fall of Ziggy Stardust and the spiders from Mars how can you not be impressed and you listen to that they Bowie album and he sees going it's Andy Warhol and it's on sale one and there's all the clapping and stuff in the background it's just nice to be able to locate where he was when he was doing that and there's a phone ringing and stuff it's amazing fans say Queen recorded some of Bohemian Rhapsody here as well Hey Jude by the Beatles Carolina in my mind James Taylor John rocket man how do I know all this because I'm reading it sign here see this record shop here I think this area here is it's actually the greatest concentration of record shops in London do you do still get some record shops in London I buy records records are great you get them at the Recker stove anyway this particular record saw called sounds of the universe used to be called the bricklayers Arms 1962 Brian Jones put an advert that was looking for a guitarist and singer and what-have-you and Keith Richards showed up here with Mick Jagger and also I think Bill Wyman came to the audition and when they walk down here with the Rolling Stones this is where the Rolling Stones was born around the corner is barrack Street which is actually the first place where tomatoes were ever sold in Great Britain they were imported from South Africa parts of the leaf 1880 or something used to be a big fruit and veg market down here now they've changed it all and you can get all your Chinese takeaway pizza curry goodness knows what Street food it's the latest cool thing apparently if you put street food after something then apparently it becomes really cool no can't just say Vietnamese food you have to say Vietnamese Street food then everyone will fall combined and that's the place to go and get it this is where they took the photo for the front cover of what's the story morning glory by ASUS so incidentally it's also where my friend comes to have her bikini waxing you know who you are you know that one down there [Music] they finally reposition the Jon Snow cholera pump I made a video about is before Jon Snow is there the guy who discovered that cholera was waterborne my favorite story is that there was this cholera epidemic and he couldn't understand why these builders in the area weren't getting unwell everyone else was getting cholera but these guys never got unwell and it turned out that all they ever did was drink beer in this pub and they never drank any water from the cholera pubs and removed the handle and Bob's your uncle realized that it wasn't spread by breath after all it was actually waterborne that's why it's got no handle on it oh this is Carnaby Street you know the kinks song dedicated follower fashion everywhere the Carnaby Shan army marches on each one a dedicated follower of fashion you know that song dedicated follower fashion so he talked about the Carnaby Shan army which I assume means people who hang out in Carnaby Street because Carnaby Street in the 60s was really the center of fashion I think it was because Mary Quant invented the miniskirt down here I think someone in America also claims to have invented that these days it's just pretty mainstream if you want longer related souvenir these guys on Carnaby Street have lots of it London artists or designers and stuff like that except they don't have anything by me and there but who knows one day they will stop jewels guides memorabilia I think this is Noel or Liam Gallagher's shop [Music] [Applause] [Music] based on your soju are you watching Harry Potter video thank you I am Fame at last do us thanks so much see you see you in the next video I'm not sure what their children will make of some of the more sex related remarks in it than anyway now if you've seen my videos before you will have seen me come down talk about David Bowie but this is where the front cover from the album Ziggy Stardust the spiders from Mars was photographed all these buildings around here used to be photographers studios and it was January 1972 and it was freezing cold they've done all their indoor shots and then the photographer said oh let's just do one more outside and but most of the bad just said oh no we're not doing it but David Bowie went then alright I'll come outside so he just froze his nuts off in a in a jump suits which was made out of fabric the brought from Regent Street and the corner it stood here you know what since I've already done this I'm sucking alessandra now I'm going to quickly cut to my earlier version of this video playing I feel like such an idiot but it's one of the most legendary albums ever made it's a bit of a pity that you can't take the exact shot now because all this stuff around there I know it was like facing that way it doesn't quite look the same now and just around the corner here is where the back of the album cover is shot the famous telephone box let's hope it doesn't smell of piss and not even any graffiti the original photo was taken in black and whites if you look at it you can see that he's coloured it afterwards that's why it has that strange look to it I think it was voted one of these stupid polls as the 20th best album of all time what are your top 5 favourite albums come on transformer by Lou Reed and Ziggy Silas and smiles from Mars that has got to be in the top five the soundtrack to Mary Poppins and surely the little or SLU album which you've been listening to in this video available online now Pachi I'd probably put a Steve Harlan cockney rebel I'll remember as well I know they're obscure I'm sorry [Music] you can see my Mayfair video you will know the last place on my amazing rock and roll tour of Soho is here in Savile Row because that building over there used to be appalled records or something that was the famous place where the Beatles did their final live performance it's just on the roof up there it was in 1969 and all the locals complained then they performed there for like 42 minutes before the police came and closed them down I like Savile Row because you do know that Savile Row is where they get their Japanese word for a suit yeah because Japanese ambassador was here in the 1800s and he went to hat came down here to have his suit managed and he went back to Japan and all his friends what's an amazing thing you're wearing where did you get out from and he said he said ah I got it from Serbia roar and if you say sample row in a Japanese accent it sounds like Serbia dot and that's why the word for suit in Japanese is a Sibbett or you can check I'm not making it up or am I [Music] Cheers well thanks for watching apparently full of all this people are used to perform at the Marquee used to drink in this pub Hendrix Bowie barman was just telling me and and the head guy I was just talking to adhered upon he was in one of the videos for Billy Idol yeah or is it Generation X I forgot now he's going to kill me never mind so I hope you've enjoyed the video if you did enjoy the video don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you're interested in finding out more about me you can head over to jewels guides calm and where you can even get into contact with me if you want a private guided walk around London somewhere you can even be a patreon whatever the hell that is or donate to the cause on PayPal I must also say this film is for my brother Terrence who was a real RocknRolla and a bit of a Hellraiser here's to you Terrence show that Johnny's grave is swept clean [Music]
Channel: Joolz Guides - London History Walks - Travel Films
Views: 281,694
Rating: 4.9487653 out of 5
Keywords: London, tourism, travel guides, julian mcdonnell, joolz guides, hidden London, soho london, london soho, london walking tour, soho london guide, Denmark Street, Rolling stones, wardour street marquee club, trident studios london, ziggy stardust album cover, heddon street david bowie, Paul mcCartney, the bat cave soho, bar italia, berwick street london, the ship wardour street, music tour london, music tour soho, punk, london rock music tour
Id: BNF9WWlgSdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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