Marvellous Nostalgic London Walks - Barnsbury

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splendid good well met what home jewels guides here and it's devilishly good to be with you again isn't it Simon it is indeed and also in attendances at lost loo the time is 10 I sound like in a police interview but listen the reason for that is that today Jules guides is in Barnes Bree this is Caledonian Road and behind me is Pentonville prison which actually opened up in the 1840s it's like a module prison whose examples to be followed throughout the British Empire although funnily enough recently Michael Gove referred to it as a perfect example of spectacular failure of prisons famous inmates have included Oscar Wilde dr. Crippen George Michael Boy George God rest his soul of our brother Terrence also what was he in there for they built it to accommodate the prisoners awaiting transportation to Australia maybe around the time they were closing down Milbank penitentiary because that was also used to that quite grim in there they weren't allowed to talk to each other the prisoners and I had to walk in silent rows with damp cloths over their faces don't think it's parents this time they did that we avoid Georgia but back in the 19th century they they did that not surprised being either but then opposite the prison is the break if you break out of prison you can go to the breakout cafe which was started as a kind of initiative to help with the prisoners trying to become rehabilitated some inmates exhibition was younger this used to be a famous street for coming down and buying campervan CI VW campervan you still get loads and they don't get it anymore loads of Aussies used to come over from Ceylon and buy one here they like right drive around Europe and then then come back and sell it again but now up through the trees there you can see this kind of clock tower this field here is where William Blake saw the golden pillars of Jerusalem in his drama of the psyche the fields from Islington Tamara bone to Primrose Hill and st. John's Wood were builded over with pillars of gold and their Jerusalem's pillars stood Caledonian Park where it used to be a cattle market here I'll look at another way the vein which I missed out in my weathervanes video but that's wonderful that one isn't it but of course after the market closed down it became of a peddlers market and I like peddlers because I have peddler certificate but then that's also attracted lots of prostitutes then after that all closed down all these prostitutes then started to move up the Caledonian Road and ant Awards Kings Cross which is why Kings Cross now has a kind of reputation for prostitution although not so much these days [Music] just the Benetton estate and my sister used to live actually you might recognize it from attacking the block kind of like low ish budget alien film Jodie Whittaker and John boyega which is quite apt really because Jodie Whittaker then went on to become the first female doctor who and John to be another alien film Star Wars film this is they I thought I recognized it quite nice these old Victorian looking however they're from I don't know how else is this not very many of them left around here but they knocked down all the slums around here a nice example of how like the old houses used to be and then they built that monstrosity over there and treat you right in the song what's he called is this love Bob Marley he's coming down this street here with a load of kids it's some sort of children's birthday party there's a church here isn't there which they've now knocked down is that where it was huh burnt down was it any we'll see you it was an insurance job wasn't it will will will Center your face out of it - Naomi Campbell when she was really young she was one of the kids of the party in the Bob Marley video amazing and it was also there that our iconic photo was taken from the front cover of The Legend album but everyone has she keep stuff like that it is such a pity [Music] just here now Crescent Street in the shadow of the st. Andrew's Church is the smallest wood in London it's a hope my friend Harry's watching cuz he's doing a book at the moment about interesting green spaces in London so Harry must visit this place watch it's only open between 2:00 and 4:00 o'clock on a Tuesday in the rain with a blacksmith strike and it's the routine 3 most a beautiful used to be a part of the garden of the vicarage of st. andrew's church and then the council bought it then they realize that actually had very bad access so they decided to leave it as a nature reserve and it's very beautiful they even hope little plays and things like that in there sometimes and it feels kind of enchanted how lovely it is around here it kind of feels like you were saying earlier it feels a bit like Oliver Twist like sort of Oliver it's wonderful however they did film poorer around there they feel poor it whenever they waste a lot of movies and stuff around these streets here because they're so beautiful and preserved I think we're in Thornhill Crescent now pretty sure that's the place where they film poor oh ok I'll step out of shock there and you can just see how lovely it could be you could be from 920's know [Music] that's all Conchita when you're standing over in Caledonian Road it's completely this is it's like you state you're stepping through some sort of portal into like the 1920s or something because all these houses are blocking the sound of the busy busy streets or the traffic and everything along here hemming from Road and Richmond Avenue do you might see these lovely sphinxes outside people's houses and if you film them an angry woman will come out of the house and yell at you and say what are you doing filming my house but anyway no well they actually represent this they're from the Napoleonic Wars from when Nelson defeated a Napoleon the Battle of the Nile in 1799 that's why I says Nile on that one some of them are different colors there are other mice below all the houses half of them nice just to the left here Richmond Crescent if you're wondering where Tony Blair used to live before he became prime minister then if he still owns the house I assume he must have still hung on to it it was down down this street here Richmond Crescent which not there's no need to walk up it because then a which house it was Simon's Simon's house there now this stretch of the canal of the Regents canal which I believe you can go all the way up to like Liverpool or Manchester by canal aren't you from London well you the biggest you can't walk all the way you can take a boat all the way but you can't all the way because this little bit here there's this little stretch of the canal here where you can't walk it has no towpath it's very interesting now in the old days I guess they'd have had this toe pasture pulled barges along and stuff like that they'd have horses and what-have-you but when you get to this little bit here in order to because of the hill Islington they rather than build a whole succession of locks chief engineer James Morgan he came along and he just designed this tunnel here which took them three years to build and around 1815 and they used wheelbarrows dynamite blood and guts and I blew their way through and it's it's about a kilometre long and and some of them some of them in those days I mean now you got motors but sometimes that people would lie on their backs and they'd have to walk walk through the tunnel sort of with their legs to push themselves along it's interesting now there's all these rules and regulations about how and when you can go through this tunnel unempowered vessels and not allowed through which is weird because I'm sure that in the old days you'd have to actually walk your way through you don't want to be like throwing a little rowboat through there nights I was that big these geezers reminds me because Only Fools and Horses is it when they become millionaires and they said they decide to move out of Peckham or something and he only goes odd also I'm gonna miss this place Rodney and then Rodney guys I know won't go ahead gonna miss Peckham Dale the only people who miss Peckham supplamine the father [Music] this famous story imagined a scene it's a 19th century and it's poor fellow alcoholic down is lucky he goes to the psychiatrist and he says I'll doctor I'm just terribly depressed I've tried everything I don't know what to do I just I just don't really want to live anymore and the psychiatrist says well you know what you should do you know because when I was really depressed I went to see this clown called Grimaldi and he was absolutely superb the greatest performer of the 19th century and and the photo sister me at the doctor I haven't brought my whole dad really the king of clowns actually now when you see the famous clown make up the white face like the Joker in Batman that was actually invented by Joseph Grimaldi he was the first person ever to wear that yeah he had a character called Joey and he was famous for performing at Sadler's Wells and Drury Lane Theatre and here he is look and he's a real hero you get a lot of clowns coming down here to pay their respects if you've got a moment he had a terribly sad life his mother was 14 years old when he was born because his dad was in show biz as well and he's dad used to swing him around or change onstage like toddler and throw him into the audience it's incredible he became really really successful and I'm Lord Byron was his friend as well indeed Easter right mocking poems about him and stuff like that his son turned to alcoholism and died at the age of 30 but his son used to bringing prostitutes and stuff back to his house and it caused a great deal of problems but anyway so we'd so grimaldi outlived his son II also I don't lived his wife and Grimaldi was full of aches and pains from jumping around and all this very strenuous activity I mean he was so in pain with his joints and swollen legs and stuff that they used to carry him to the pub every evening but in his later years it just get carried into the pub and people would buy him drinks everyone loved him so he and his wife made this suicide pact and they tried to take some poison but then they failed to kill themselves I just ended up with terrible stomach ache for a few days and then in the end his wife did die and Grimaldi died some yes later I think they have got a memorial people who encouraged to come and dance on it so you've got a big some sort of musical genius to make this play music did you know that when you when you become a clown you have to have unique clown makeup so all clowns have their own design Grimaldi's and that was the first one the most famous saying and in order to record you'll copyright your clown makeup you paint it onto an egg and there's the clown's church which used to be up in Shoreditch somewhere had a massive catalogue of these clown clown makeup eggs and they've still got them but I think the trouble is they're they're trying to find a home at the moment so the matter I couldn't go and visit it because they were there close down some problem with the lease or something originally was a cemetery here you can always tell when they put stacked up the gravestones around the edge it just means that these used to be in the middle there and now they put them here but it's like it's the only one that they've left there is Grimaldi's grave I wonder who all these people are or were [Music] so readable Oh No that means a laugh clown of your tweeze and love laugh the sorrow that invades your heart or something like that marvelous sparrow hon Paul de Leeuw do a cheek heart or mother this is actually Claremont square this mound here is the upper pond of the new river now we're gonna talk about the new river maybe in my other video about isn't Linton's over there anyway this is a reservoir this is a reservoir here but the reason I wanted to stop in Clermont Square because is it actually around the corner here this is where 12 Grimmauld places in Harry Potter in the film this is where the headquarters of the order of the Phoenix is they come down these stairs and they come and they go into this hat what the house is actually open up pan grid comes down here I think with Harry Potter and they come down and then this magical house appears between these two other houses these are original 19th century railings a lot of people you know credit JK Rowling with being quite clever with the little names and stuff that she and she's very clever with names and so grim old as in grim old place it's a bit of a grim old day funnily enough but I think maybe she called it Grimmauld place because it's just down the road from Grimaldi Park Grimaldi criminal place my thinking it could there could be something in it could be something in it anyway I don't do Harry Potter walks but if I did I would use that please feel free to use it yourselves [Music] I have nothing to say about cloud silly road except that my friend Guido who will be watching this video used to live in one of these houses along here and so I just wanted to say hi Guido we miss you [Music] 1968 Anna Scher famously opened up this sir theater for child actors and Phil Daniels has been here who was in Quadrophenia Pauline Quirke Dexter Fletcher went here as well and of course Kathy Burke I'm smoking a [ __ ] yeah and another way the thing that I failed to cover in my [ __ ] she was actually I think was the first person toy for the young people's theater school and then she got a sex act from her own theater school [Music] Thomas Albion Oldfield he was the original owner of this used to be a dairy AG which is why they called it the Albion and it really is a beautiful pub but fear not - dear viewer I'm not finishing the video just yet we're not going to go in here and we would do because it's a beautiful part very nice food as well and they've got little bits and pieces inside where they used to used to keep horses and stuff did they cattle and stuff and they used to play cricket matches around here whilst cows grazed in the fields surrounding and look at it now and over there there was this house called White's conduit house and bananas Park was the home of this gentleman's cricket club called the WCC the why conduit fun then when speculated started leasing off the land and one of the bowlers called Thomas Lord took the WCC now in Samara Limone you called it Melbourne Cricket Club which is why the MC sees home is at Lord's Cricket Ground after Thomas Lord sometimes when I talk about pop people think that I'm about to finish the video and as a result of all these visits to pubs people seem to be over the opinion that I'm some sort of alcoholic which isn't true all these squares around a have gates I stop the dogs from escaping whilst they're taking them for walks a lot of people get kind of angry with it's a lot of local residents who don't like all the dog walkers and they deliberately leave the gates open which is a bit mean okay I'm gonna leave it open because you're coming in this used to be a farm a molted farm it's called barns burry after the burners family who who like lords of the manor back in there after Norman conquests they owned all this land around here and the furnace fire brewery after burners buri means a fortified place so barns burry came from burners brewery fortified area owned by the lords of the manor burners family it's quite funny to imagine a moat around it isn't it amazing really lovely place to walk your dog we have life music everybody thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe I'm gonna wait 2 seconds to see if you've subscribed yet there's a button just down there it's a red one it says subscribe on it anyway if you enjoy the films don't forget to check out some of these other videos as well because I've got lots of different videos about London and come to the hemmingford Arms it's beautiful in there don't forget to head over to my website John - guys calm where you can be foundations you know all sorts [Music]
Channel: Joolz Guides - London History Walks - Travel Films
Views: 195,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: London, tourism, travel guides, julian mcdonnell, joolz guides, historical london, hidden London, london history, barnsbury, barnsbury islington, joseph grimaldi clown, joseph grimaldi grave, regents canal, regents canal london, regents canal tunnel, bemerton estate, pentonville, pentonville prison, caledonian road london, the albion pub islington, islington london, London walking tour, barnsbury walking tour
Id: 9Qqv5gI2hnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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