I've Screwed Up EVERYTHING! - Satisfactory Update 6

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hello everyone i'm kimbits and welcome back to satisfactory we're last time we kept working on our aluminum build here and got 2 730 alclad aluminum cases produced per minute and now today we want to move on to our main goal of all this stuff to make over a thousand batteries per minute and cover the sky with drones and that would have been the plan today if not for the entire world collapsing right now first because we're gonna have a major shift in production and second thing is we have another minor problem at the nuclear power plant so first of all we of course have to fix the nuclear power plant because i have no idea what's going wrong which is the worst kind of problem we are running the entire plant under capacity so if anything that nuclear power plant should be more stable than ever however i've noticed we are slowly losing production power like this should be around like 225 but now we're at 200 000. so we got to go there first before the entire world collapses which two was it this one yes oh yes and of course if you enjoy remember to subscribe and leave a like okay but hopefully the problem is a quick fix and nothing too crazy by the way i'm underclocking this power plant by turning off a bunch of the reactors or at least a lot of them just so we have nuclear field rods build up which isn't happening so that's kind of weird in fact yes is extremely weird we're not backed up on nuclear waste either but we don't have any nuclear fuel rods interesting this is the new one so the problem with production then we've never had a problem with production yet this is so weird though we have plutonium being made we're not backed up on nuclear waste everything looks fine except for this why has our nuclear fuel rod production stopped this is the line for nuclear fuel rods that makes no sense usually it's a problem with the blenders here but this is these are all working just fine yeah see they're all spinning moving grooving is the problem with trains like a belt was deleted or replaced or something like that no train tracks look fine sulfur input it's at the rate it should be nuclear true it's going heatsink input stations redundant it's been redundant for a while so i could take that out nuclear fuel rod components in well that looks fine that looks great yeah okay this is all to be expected because we have all the nuclear power plants turned off so this is like chock full of stuff so what could possibly be the problem then i guess we have to check the manufacturers and clearly we found the problem why are these not running in case uranium sells they don't have encased uranium cells but we literally just saw that all that stuff was running is that the same problem with everything no cells that makes okay i guess we have to follow the belt because i am certain that those are running uh what's the deal here they're all the cells wait where are they going oh this this goes to awesome things okay why am i dumping the most mission critical part of our nuclear power plant into an awesome sink that doesn't seem like a past kim's thing to do looks like because this isn't set right that's overflow and then this is any undefined now the vast majority of them go back towards the factory as they should how i you know what i think that's a problem with update 6 experimental i think the smart splitter was reset because that wouldn't randomly change fact you know what we've got to check this other one too this is for the nuclear fuel rods left is overflow oh so these reset so yeah left is any which goes to the power plants and center goes to the awesome sinks okay so that was the whole problem very peculiar very experimental kind of problem if that is the case then we should probably just turn these off for the foreseeable future is just so like the nuclear power plant wouldn't get as irradiated if things built up but considering we are dealing with the problem we are dealing with well things are going to get a whole lot more spicy and hot in here but at least the problem is solved oh our lizard doggo escaped maybe he changed everything hmm suspect i will have to send out a warrant for his arrest anyway that problem seems and probably is solved i'm just gonna assume it is check back on it later and for now we have to deal with the real big problem for today that was only step one brother is that pales in comparison to the problems we have over at the aluminum plant here so our big goal has been to make batteries that's what all this stuff is for so far except i made a critical air a pretty big whoopsies you see i wanted to use a blender recipe for the batteries the blender recipe looks pretty good uses sulfuric acid alumina solution and casings to make batteries in some water cool makes 20 batteries per minute for machine and then i was using this other alternate recipe though which uses sulfur alkaline sheets plastic and wire to make 30 batteries and i thought nah wait this sucks right this recipe is way better specifically because sulfuric acid probably is more efficient and then if you go and look at the recipes in here it does look more efficient like six sulfur versus 2.5 sulfuric acid where sulfuric acid is one to one with sulfur that's amazing plus seven alclad aluminum sheets versus a little bit of alumina in a casing yeah i don't think though this this sucks right wrong i was live streaming and people in the chat were like hey kids but the production rate of this is 20 per minute and the production rate of this alternate recipe is 30 per minute and oh my gosh if i actually ran the full numbers through my spreadsheets of this alternate battery recipe and it is by far more efficient so uh yeah we're not going with this recipe anymore that means we have some changes for all of this well not exactly all this all those casings we're still getting used for a project however we need to get everything together now for this and although this is a bit of an inconvenience to change the plants around it's not the end of the world we have extra box site and we have extra space so we're just going to get rocked and rolling so we're using the sloppy alumina recipe bauxite water alumina then we throw it into another refinery to make a bunch of scrap then that all goes downstairs into smelters to make pure aluminum ingots so in this space we're going to make a mini version of what we've been doing in the last couple videos so we won't dabble on this for too long because we have a lot to do the only real thing is spacing i think according to my spreadsheets we're gonna need another four of these refineries so hopefully they will fit there might be just enough space come on okay there's a belt that has to be moved but yeah that'll work and then we can fit one in front i just can't move this main walkway that's like our main walking path through this entire area so i'm not compromising there oh but we got plenty of space with room to spare okay so that's all fine refineries over there then over here we're gonna need 20 smelters and we're going to need a bit of room for belt work so we're going to leave this little pathway open then we'll start building the smelters down this way can we fit 10 per row so that's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten it's perfect you'll love to see it just in case though i'm gonna add in a little extra room going out this way we'll have like a wall about here now this going up we're gonna be making a lot more aluminum ingots here and the belt works gonna get crazy again so in preparation for that i'm gonna make a bit of space have the build go out this way into the refinery section and we're gonna be able to place a bunch of belts here it's just another belt tower long story short so do we have to have this no but will future kids appreciate it you better believe it plus having like weird divots and like changes to patterns gives the building character so as that design kind of works its way up they'll have belts and pipes and all that jazz on it and look more interesting i hope so we'll see anyway we went ahead and did a little bit more work getting the machines in and trying to organize there we go and i managed to fit all of them in along with all the belt work it's nothing too crazy again we've been doing this for a little while now so that's all the scrap or at least it would have been except i've made another mission critical mistake all the amount of machines in my entire base here are wrong almost so when you overclock a machine right you don't have to build as many so in my spreadsheets i'm always like okay cool we have to make like 3600 aluminum scrap for example right well how many machines is that well you divide that by the output of these bad boys which vanilla is 360. so 3600 divided by 360. you need to build 10 refineries but since i overclock what you should do is do like the 10 refineries divided by 2.5 because you get to overclock right well in my spreadsheets i accidentally made that number a 3 instead of 2.5 whoops so does that mean i have to redo literally everything down here well no thankfully i kind of was figuring out something was wrong and i built extra capacity because like numbers weren't lining up but i couldn't tell what the mistake was so everything down here is fine but what we just built is not we're gonna need another two refineries for the sloppy alumina and the scrap plus another four smelters now i can't believe this was oh luck i swear it is not planned we have exactly enough space first four smelters in this extra little space we made so smelter wise we can just throw them in like here and gg eazy done that is not the same story though with the giant refineries these belts they can't move this is it this is all the room we had for them so um let's take a journey guys let's go over this way now this is going to be a giant logistics floor and this is the giant main feature tower in front of the base and it has no purpose right now except it's going to just hide an extra two refineries over here okay we'll never see them again don't worry never see them again we'll just put them right down here it'll make a little bit of scrap for us then we'll run that scrap all the way back down into those shmelters and we'll run the aluminum right back up and everything will be happy happy okay okay glad we had this chat now i gotta focus up and figure out how the heck i'm doing the rest of this belt work and pipe work but i have a bit of a plan for the pipes so we need a bit of water into these systems to get them booted up so we're gonna bring some water from the other side of the factory because there's like a little lake over there we're gonna have to wink from bring the pipes over here and then into this wall from this wall pipes will go on the outside of the factory go down here and somehow make it look good and go into there all right it just adds a little bit of character to the wall of course we're gonna have to move some stuff around and decorate but having an extra little something something here will help plus one of the other things i'm trying to do with this factory is make it look cool an easy way to do that is just to make it really really busy in here so if we have the pipe there it's gonna be like up floating in on the ceiling for us so we'll fly into the factory we'll see a bunch of pipes up there hopefully we'll have a bunch of belts running around yeah it'll look really interesting oh yeah that added a little bit of detail in here a little bit of color a little bit of life plus we got to add in these vertical pipes here too because with the aluminum set up a byproduct is water which we have to feed back into the system to get rid of so we have like this pipe balance thing going on but on the ceiling and it's like what it's crazy love it plus i was able to get a couple belts in too these belts are for the box site and i'm just bringing those over from the train station over there they scoot over scoot in obviously all fine all dandy then the scrap again goes over to the smelters and then all of the aluminum ingots go to these two belts that run right past our main walkway so there's gonna be tons of movement going up to this floor a logistics area then i've prepped the floor above that for all the processing we have to do because remember for the batteries we're trying to make we got a lot on the agenda so sulfur we already have that here the aluminum for these outclad aluminum sheets we have it except now we have everything else we still need to get so we're gonna need a bunch of copper we're gonna need plastic and we're gonna need an abundant amount of wire like an unholy amount 3 000 wire per minute something like that for the wire we're gonna be using constructors of course and we're gonna use the iron wire recipe because there's a ton of iron around this area that i'm not going to be using and the alkali sheets of course are done in an assembler and there is no alternate for them i believe nope it's just this so we're going to need a bunch of copper and then plastic well you know i have absolutely no idea what we're gonna do about plastic but that's a future cube's problem right now though we gotta get some copper and iron refined we have a giant refinery area over here so i guess let's just get going on them at least we have unlimited power shards so this isn't the end of the world just go to the pure iron ingot recipe overclock this out the hwazoo 35 ore per machine times 2.5 is 87.5 i know for a fact we just built eight machines so 87.5 times eight it's about 700 production capacity that's how much iron we need to feed this which is great because that's a fully overclocked iron node and we have a bunch of those sitting right over there yeah we have three free in fact which is insane and of course because i'm insane too i'm just like hey why don't we just bring back extra and build like you know an extra 50 refineries why not let's just do it let's go for it have fun now we have all the iron we're gonna need for this project i'm sure maybe even more so yeah we have like a thousand free here and it's all hooked up ready to go and belted to where it needs to be and some of them are even powered water brought over from the same sippy drink lake over that way and it should be fine except that was only round one we still need copper and unfortunately we don't really have a lot of copper copper is a bit of a spooky one uh all the copper nodes down in this crater lake area are being used for other things the closest copper nodes next to us or down over here which is over the face of a giant cliff or over here which is through the titan forest which is like insano and if we're going anywhere we're gonna go into the titan forest because look we already have some infrastructure over there so hopefully we can just hook up an extra copper belt underneath here and call it a day just had to do a little bit of belt or wrangling to get things into position properly but it's fine plus went back and got all the refineries built and holy we have so much copper now it's gonna be great that's a pure node right so that's 16 refineries so like 1500 copper ingots for us to mess around with and i think we only needed like 600 at least for the battery project so fantastical next i was bringing up everything over to our project area so we have more chaotic belts just going everywhere and we are ready to get processing everything is going to start over this way up here and we have to build a ton of machines all fully overclocked by the way so it's going to use up an insane amount of power but again we do have an insane amount of power so not the end of the world where do we begin i guess we can start with the l-clad sheets i'll clad sheets we're gonna build over here we need 24 of them so we could just build a couple sets of four here i'll be fine material goes in this way exit through this tile that'll be good and there should be just enough space to about here and then that will be all of the assemblers then the constructors we need 60 of them i'm thinking we make three rows of 20. so yeah this would have been like 240 if not for the power shards thank goodness this belt work and even the power for this is gonna be ridiculous future kids problem for now the best part of the game in my opinion extreme building clicking but then that's immediately followed by the most tedious part actually belting everything together oh boy no it should be fine just throw on my spotify music link in the description by the way and it's kind of nice and relaxing plus i don't think we have to do any crazy belt shenanigans each one of these constructors takes how much iron ingots per minute 12.5 times 2.5 31.25 so a full belt of iron ingots divided by 31.25 about 25 machines so i have all the iron brought up right to here and it can just overflow all the way down here but instead probably gonna bring some of that iron about halfway up just so things process a little bit faster or these things get started a little faster so half will go to the first 10 other half to the last 10. i do the same thing for every single row and for the alkali sheets it's actually going to be even easier than that because for the copper we need 600 across all of the machines and we have three kind of pairs of assemblers so there's these two these two and then these two at the end and copper wise then all we have to do is plop down a splitter and i can send the copper to each of the subsystems sir and then we have our aluminum which i actually made a little extra of just in case and also to make my life easier because now they're each a 720 line there's three lines three setups see what i mean super super simple stuff and in only an hour everything is belted up and ready to go 3 000 wire per minute and 1 700 l cloud aluminum sheets automated and everything is gonna be heading over this way so the outlet sheets go up got like six belts of wire coming this way and now we make the batteries somehow because uh this is kind of the end of the line here we don't have the rest of the factory designed and also this is gonna be the end of the video too this is a very grindy episode lots of machines to build the last thing is the power looking good yeah power is looking fine so hopefully next time then we can get those batteries automated and for now i hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 153,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory update 6, satisfactory experimental, satisfactory nuke nobelisk, satsifactory new update, satisfactory nuke, satisfactory new, imkibitz, kibitz, new update satisfactory, satisfactory update 6 gameplay, satisfactory tips, satisfactory let's play, kibz, satisfactory trains, satisfactory aluminum, satisfactory aluminium, satisfactory bauxite, satisfactory game, satisfactory uranium waste, satisfactory nuclear waste
Id: 13Eps4SvWpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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