The Ultimate DLC Guide for Cities Skylines | DLCs Ranked in 2022!

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[Music] about a year ago i put out a video discussing the order i'd purchase each of the city skyline's dlc's in if i were buying the game right now since then another dlc has been released and i have played through each dlc one by one which has caused my perspective to change a bit in this video we are going to rank each dlc to see which is the most important to buy to do this we are going to score the dlcs in a number of categories i'll give each dlc up to 20 points for replayability 15 points for fun and functionality 10 points for the assets that they include and 5 points for the maps included in the dlc so the maximum score for any dlc will be 50 points it's important to keep in mind that each of the dlcs was introduced alongside new functionality in the base game and because this functionality is free for everyone i will not be judging the dlcs based on the free functionality added alongside of them so without any further ado let's dive in in the order that the dlcs were released after dark was the first dlc release for city skylines the focus of this dlc is nightlife and tourism which are accentuated by the day night cycle brought to the main game when the expansion was released the dlc adds two commercial specializations leisure and tourism which include 20 new growable assets six service buildings five unique buildings eight parks and five new road types it also introduces bicycling as a game mechanic interestingly it is the only dlc that does not come with any new maps the functionality that came with this dlc is absolutely amazing you'll use biking in every single build that you put together and can even create a city around this mechanic the same goes for both tourism and leisure bus stations and cargo hubs are a great addition to the game that i include in most cities that i built the bus station for instance allows you to create a city with an expansive hub and spoke bus network that focuses on transfers and key locations the cargo hub allows you to supplement industry in your city with imports and focus on exports will bring a ton of life to your waterways and oceans though the airports dlc helps you create larger more customizable airports the international airport that comes with after dark is a great asset in its own right and for some it'll be an option that's good enough these features make the dlc incredibly replayable one of the most replayable of all the dlcs on the list that's not to say that everything is perfect with this dlc the assets that come with the dlc are fine but it's easy to critique many of them the global buildings for leisure are small and most of the tourism buildings are towering or beachside cafes with nothing in between the water-based parks often look strange because of the huge piers that are created when you place them and the unique buildings are kind of random and their scale isn't great the zoo is very small the driving range is fine but a golf course would have been better and the taxi stands and depots have always felt underpowered at best and completely bugged if we're being honest the dlc like i mentioned comes with no maps which is a shame because all the rest of the dlc's do overall this is a great dlc and one of my absolute favorites we're giving a score of 37 out of 50. next up is snowfall which was the second dlc release for the game the main selling feature of this dlc is the new winter weather system which is available on winter maps only the expansion includes 6 service buildings 11 unique buildings 11 parks and 5 new roads all related to trams which were also introduced in this dlc the assets included in this dlc are absolutely beautiful and there are a lot of them but there are also winter textures placed over the existing assets which is really stunning and the dlc comes with trams which a lot of people really love for their aesthetics myself included the dlc also comes with five maps most of which are very good and one of which frozenshire is absolutely stunning honestly it might be one of the best in-game maps and a big part of me would love to take these maps and convert them over to non-winter maps and explore them in their full glory wow that is a short list which brings me to the bad the functionality included in this dlc is limited due to only being able to take advantage of it on a winter map this is a huge limitation made worse by not being able to convert an existing map to a winter map without extensive use of mods and a lot of tinkering the only buildings that carry over to a non-winter map are trams and the tram depot along with saunas and the road maintenance depot unless you're looking to build a city in the north pole with permanent winter the cities you create in snowfall will likely be short-lived the shtick of the dlc is that you get to take advantage of the new winter weather mechanic functionally this means you'll have to deal with rolling blackouts as everyone turns on their electric space heaters to deal with the horrible winter weather that they're going to be subjected to every single day of their lives it's also a shame that there aren't non-winter skins for the at sets included with this dlc why can't the ice fishing pond just be a pond in non-winter maps why can't the ice hockey arena which is completely enclosed mind you be accessed in a temperate or tropical build this is a pretty big disappointment this also means that much of the fun is contained to a fraction of the maps available in the game overall this dlc is fairly skippable we're giving it a score of 18 out of 50. next up is natural disasters which was the third dlc release for the game the expansion included seven different disasters which can completely destroy your city and can be set to occur randomly or be triggered manually when you want to show your sims who's really in charge it also includes a new fire spreading mechanic which we've seen in verde beach in addition to the disasters the dlc adds 16 new service buildings six unique buildings a new monument five new scenarios and three new maps that cover the range of climates the functionality of this dlc is to say the least polarizing some people look at their cities as their bonsai trees that they carefully meticulously tend and do not want to see their handiwork destroyed by a randomly occurring disaster one of the best things about this dlc is that you have control over disasters whether they occur randomly or not and whether fire spreading is on or not if you toggle everything off you can manually trigger disasters but you'll have to control the strength and the general location of the disaster but even if you're not into disasters it doesn't mean you won't find replayability in the dlc helicopter depots pumping stations the disaster response unit the radio masts are all mainstays of nearly every map that i play on all the buildings add a ton of life to your skies and are mainstays of both urban and densely forested rural areas and some of the unique buildings such as the disaster memorial are flexible enough to allow creation of somber remembrance parks of a variety of stripes that are found in big cities and small cities i also absolutely adore the freshwater outlet since it's the only way to create a water feature in a vanilla build i've touched on this a bit but even though there are not many assets in this dlc the ones that are included are excellent the earthquake sensor looks just like a utility transformer and can be used to jump power radio masks look like tv and radio station towers or could be used like cell phone towers the helicopter depots help in almost any build ask in the disaster response units even if you aren't using the tsunami buoy the weather tower or deep space radar for their in-game functionality they can bring a lot of life to the areas that they're placed in all of that said while i appreciate the flexibility it seems like a big miss not to allow players to toggle the types of random disasters that can occur on their map for example in my clearwater county build a tsunami would never occur and an earthquake is highly unlikely i'd love to be able to crank up the number of tornadoes and reduce the aforementioned disasters the submission means that many players are likely to turn off their primary functionality of this dlc which is silly it's also incredibly frustrating that the tools for finding and fixing destroyed buildings are clunky if you have a major disaster you're going to spend a long time hunting and pecking for buildings that need to be demolished or repaired and don't get me started on the roads which can be incredibly difficult to find which is another critique of mine why do i have to manually repair every single service building every single unique building and every single monument after a disaster response unit has searched for survivors this isn't fun and goes against the core objective of a game being fun lastly we need to discuss the maps they're fine and that's it they're fine they cover the full spectrum of biomes but aren't particularly inspired or attractive i was really hard on this dlc in my initial review video stating that the dlc is for masochists and while that might still be true after playing without it for all of my last videos in the ultimate beginner's guide series i began to really miss it because of that it's getting a score of 29 out of 50. next up is mass transit which was the fourth dlc release for city skylines the expansion adds four new transportation options ferries monorails cable cars and blimps as well as transit hubs that completely change the way your sims move through your city the dlc also comes with 13 service buildings three unique buildings 11 new roads three scenarios and three new maps mass transit comes with excellent new road options that's right my favorite thing about the mass transit dlc are the road options that it comes with it provides asymmetric roads two and four lane highways two-way two-lane highways local and collector roads with monorail tracks and large avenues large avenues in particular allowed for road diets and right-of-way preservation two things that were sorely missing before this dlc and the highway options allow for better lane mathematics with vanilla assets the rest of the assets included are all very nice looking even if the ferry stops suffer from unusual water mechanics issues the transit options included are interesting to say the least monorail is incredibly cool and i find myself using multi-platform train stations in almost every one of my builds the maps provided in this pack are mostly however the seven legs map is one of my favorite developer creative maps it feels so much like home just looking at it makes me want to start a new build shout out to lee hawkins who put together an excellent series of videos using this map link right here now for the bad this dlc is called mass transit but comes with fairly niche transit options cable cars neat but unusual ferries less niche but they have low capacity and the utilization is kind of weak monorails are super cool but in reality have limited use cases and they're far too practical in the game don't get me started on blimps what a strange inclusion in this dlc i wouldn't call them mass transit and they draw way too many sims making them nearly unusable and it's really a shame that some of the forms of transit introduced in other dlc's were not included in this pack it's also incredibly disappointing that the dlc did not introduce variations for vehicle capacity something that would have made this dlc a must buy mass transit is important but not because it gives you a great deal of functionality or great transit options you'll use assets from this dlc all the time when you think of mass transit and city skylines it won't be because of this dlc because of that i'm giving it a score of 26 out of 50. next up is green cities the fifth major expansion for city skylines this dlc introduces eco-friendly builds and includes 350 new zonable assets 14 new city service buildings six new unique buildings one new monument three new scenarios and three new maps so it has a lot in my initial dlc video i was hard on green cities because of the lack of grass on pretty much all of the assets while i still wish that the assets from the dlc would have taken climate into account adding 350 new zonable assets into your city does a ton to improve the visual diversity of your community adding in a few areas of self-sufficient residential homes can make a neighborhood feel very affluent organic and local produce commercial buildings can help create farmer's markets or an upscale shopping district and the i.t cluster buildings have a mass that can completely transform your downtown while resolving your not enough goods complaints since the clean upscale buildings produce commercial goods all of the assets that come with this pack are beautiful and less cartoony than their vanilla counterparts i love most of the new utility options the biofuel buses and the private schools the community schools sports hall yoga garden they're all great assets that i use all the time too i've already mentioned that the assets do not include grass and i think that bears repeating it is absolutely silly to see a grassless lawn in a tropical environment i completely understand that in a desert oasis it might make sense but for most maps it doesn't i'm also a bit dubious on two of the utility options the eco water outlet and the eco water treatment plant why do these options exist they still pollute and they aren't as good as some of the inland eco water treatments plants that come with the sunset harbor dlc come to think of it why aren't those assets in this pack as much praise as i've lavished on the assets i think it's worth mentioning that the growable assets are a bit disappointing in some of the same ways that the after dark buildings are there are no high density options for organic and local produce buildings nor are there low density versions of the it cluster buildings in fact the it cluster buildings offer no progression they grow in whatever they're going to be instantaneously this makes whack-a-mole more effective but it's also a bit of a letdown if you want to create an it office park i also wish there was an option for electric buses biofuel buses are not the future electric buses are the maps that come with this dlc are also a bit underwhelming but they're passable if you get the green cities dlc you won't regret it but i doubt that you'll miss it if you don't have it the assets are nice especially the recycling centers but they aren't must-haves like some of the assets from the other dlc's most of them are cozy and you'll use them if you have them without attributing them directly to this dlc because of this i'm giving green cities a 34 out of 50. next up is parklife the sixth dlc release for city skylines and the first to offer modular builds it introduces four modular park options city parks nature reserves zoos and amusement parks six unique buildings one new monument and three city service buildings in addition it comes with five new maps in every city big or small you will have a unique special park that makes the city a great place to live and this dlc allows you to create those parks the modularity of this dlc is what makes it special allowing you to create big parks small parks remixed parks and everything in between though the feature list of this dlc is small the time you'll spend on parks is anything but i find myself enjoying creating fabulous city parks sprawling amusement parks and huge nature reserves more than almost anything else in the game the parks have a leveling mechanic that provides incentive to continue decorating your parks and attracting visitors that either generate revenue or unlock new assets i love that this dlc gives the opportunity to utilize oddly shaped parcels for uses that improve city value something that often happens with real parks these parks can bring areas to life bringing tons of pedestrian activity to an area and the hot air balloon tours that come with this dlc activate your skyline and we're a nice inclusion i'm also incredibly happy that the devs recognized that this is a leisure asset not a form of transit i'm looking at you blimps it's also worth noting that the props and decals that came with this dlc enable you to create stunning plazas or decorate small oddly shaped parcels in ways that make them special places but the detailing opportunities with this pack go even further with the inclusion of pads and fences specific to each park type i also appreciate that the devs dropped five maps of this dlc pack since scenarios really don't fit the vibe of this dlc very well now for the bad i'm gonna get nitpicky here because this dlc is so good i often find that the sightseeing tours that come with this dlc are underwhelming i don't find them fun to place and the benefits difficult to quantify i also think it would be nice to include main gates that are not quite so grand many parks do not have substantial transitions between the sidewalk and the parks themselves it's also a bit disappointing that the assets in this dlc are locked inside of the park areas sure you can get a mod such as parkify to remove this limitation or slice and dice park areas to move assets wherever you please but it would be nice to place a ferris wheel on a key wall without getting hacky i would have also loved a way to activate beaches if you're in an area with any sort of waterfront you know that beaches are often some of the most important parks in the community i also think that most of the unique buildings and new monuments included with this dlc pack are a bit gaudy all of that said you will use this dlc non-stop run don't take a leisurely sightseeing route to get this dlc i'm giving it a score of 48 out of 50. this is a must buy next up is industries the seventh dlc released for city skylines and the second to offer modular builds the dlc introduces four new modular industries including ore oil forestry and farming in addition it introduces four new city service buildings 16 unique factories four warehouses and three new industry road types it also comes with five maps including pearl bay which i used in the verde beach series similar to the park life dlc industries introduces a modular building mechanic for four key industrial sectors along with supply chain mechanics that add a great deal of complexity and depth to the game this dlc could be a game unto itself balancing raw material extraction processing and refining them into unique factory goods all while managing traffic and logistics issues that crop up extractors processors and factories have different production rates making the job even more difficult and gratifying the industry areas that you will create in this dlc are massive which is a really good thing most real life industrial areas are absolutely massive and this dlc showcases the scale of these areas each industry area has a leveling mechanic similar to the park life dlc which provides incentive to keep improving the industrial areas the factories in particular are huge and the sizes are varied creating opportunities for unique roadway layouts that mimic reality much more closer than the vanilla industries the factories require processed goods from a mixture of buildings ensuring that you'll be busy creating at a minimum processing for each industrial type if you intend to build all factory options it also introduces the ability to create an industrial focused city that generates massive revenues on the back of the new industries the industry's dlc also introduces warehouses and a postal delivery service a new layer of depth and a good addition for the dlc pack the pack also can assist with detailing including a number of new fences assets and new industrial roads the cargo airports pair excellently with both the metropolitan and international airports included with the sunset harbor and after dark dlcs respectively the industry's dlc is not without shortcomings the vanilla mechanic to deplete resources while realistic simply isn't fun spending hours meticulously setting up your perfect industrial area only to find out that you've run out of raw materials can be demoralizing to say the least thankfully you can avoid this mechanic with the unlimited ore and oil mod that is included with this dlc the dlc can also lead to significant swings and budgets due to the way imports and exports are handled though it's very accurate it can make understanding your budget significantly more challenging and seeing wild swings in revenue and dramatic losses if raw materials are imported is frustrating one of my biggest complaints with this dlc is that farms generate too many jobs and have way too much traffic in practice this leads me to create one really nice farm and nothing else the other industries however seem to be much more balanced than realistic the problem is that the farms are the most ubiquitous industry in most cities finally while i lauded the mail processing mechanic it's pretty surface level and seems to exist only to generate traffic you don't have to include mail processing buildings in your city which seems like a missed opportunity it would have been nice to see some sort of penalty for not including them in your city and some more obvious reward in your builds outside of improved happiness and land values nitpicks aside this is a really really fun dlc and one that i wouldn't want to play city skylines without it just adds so much complexity to the game and the buildings have such a great scale that it's hard to use vanilla industries once you have the industry's dlc if you have this dlc you're going to use it in every single build and because of that i've given it a score of 47 out of 50. [Music] next up is the campus dlc the eighth expansion for city skylines campus allows you to create three unique modular college campuses following the same blueprint as park life and industries these campuses include a trade school liberal arts college and a university campus which each include their own unique assets and faculty buildings that provide general city boosts the dlc also includes five varsity sports buildings which can be used to either support your college campuses or as stand-alone pro-sports stadiums in a similar vein the dlc includes three museums which can be placed inside or outside of your campus area similar to parks and industries college campuses can vary in size but are generally quite large this dlc provides the ability to create fully customizable modular campuses each college campus has 19 buildings that can be configured however you'd like and most of the buildings with a few exceptions can be reused multiple times the assets are absolutely beautiful and provide a real sense of scale for a college campus best of all the buildings do not need to be placed on roads meaning that you can create the pedestrian-oriented campus of your dreams without the need for roads to make it impossible for your students to get from their class to their dorms and similar to park life and industries campus has a leveling mechanic that keeps you playing by encouraging you to level up your campus to unlock new buildings i really appreciate the flexibility that this dlc offers with a bit of creativity you're able to create linked districts to have satellite campuses that spread your educational footprint around a bit want a campus that is completely altruistic offering free healthcare and education you can do that want a campus that focuses on generating maximum profits you can do that the dlc also comes with five very interesting maps that are well made and attractive including a european map something most other dlcs do not include the ability to create college sports and pro sports teams is incredibly fun too and a great source of revenue and traffic for your city but not everything is great in this dlc this dlc is a little bit like the ronco showtime rotisserie grill set it and forget it initially you're going to spend a ton of time building a beautiful campus but will have little incentive to revisit the build once you put it together and i say creating a university campus because you'll have little incentive or even ability to create all three types of campuses because one level five campus can meet the educational needs of most cities on that note it can be very difficult to reach a level five campus and can border on being frustrating this can especially be the case if you already have vanilla universities in your community campuses do not provide any additional perks over vanilla universities unless you utilize the unique faculty buildings these buildings are great however you'll need a level 5 university for each type of campus to take full advantage of them unless your city is massive this is going to be next to impossible to achieve one of my biggest sources of frustration with this dlc is that similar to parklife you cannot place most of the assets outside of the university district there isn't a compelling reason that you shouldn't be able to place a laboratory or statue outside of a campus area the athletic facilities allow this by converting them into city serving uses demonstrating that this is technically possible but it wasn't in the game design docs all of that said campus dlc is fun and the campuses you create will be sprawling and large however it isn't as essential as the other modular dlcs in my opinion not every city will have a campus but if your city is built around one you'll likely appreciate the size and beauty of the campuses that you can create with this dlc as a result i'm giving campus a score of 33 out of 50. [Music] next up is sunset harbor the ninth dlc release for city skylines sunset harbor introduces the fishing industry and new transit options including helicopters and trolley buses and a number of important utility buildings it comes with 10 fishing industry buildings 17 city service buildings including seven intermodal facilities one unique building and three trolley bus roads it also comes with five very unique diverse maps sunset harbor dlc has a smattering of buildings that appear to be mostly unrelated to one another and could have easily been included in other dlc packs fishing that could have been in industries inner city terminals trolley buses helicopters the aviation club and the metropolitan airport those could have been included in mass transit the inland eco and advanced inland eco water treatment plants those could have been in green cities but i'd look at the diversity of this pack as its strength you're not going to attribute many of these assets to the sunset harbor dlc but you will miss them if you don't have them in fact i'd venture to say that if you picked up one of the other dlc packs and didn't see some of the assets that i mentioned you might wonder what's wrong with your game i'd also venture to say that the utility buildings included in sunset harbor are some of the best vanilla assets in the game and i personally can't build a city without the waste processing complex advanced inland water treatment plant or the large water towers the terminals and hubs that come with this dlc are absolutely essential in most cities as well they're also stunningly beautiful and incredibly detailed further the five maps that come with this pack are some of the most unique that come with any dlc they include biomes not present in other dlc packs including a desert oasis and a swamp and my oh my to the fishing boats do a great job of activating a waterfront similar to the good comments about this dlc sunset harbor appears to mostly be an unrelated smattering of buildings and assets that could have easily been included in other dlc packs however because they were not included in those packs they failed to make use of the mechanics introduced in those packs for example the fishing industry lacks depth and there is no way to store fish this is very different than the mechanics of the industries dlc which require you to store raw materials raw fish either go to the market or they are exported or they go to a vague fish factory which i assume creates fish sticks the leveling mechanic is also very surface level allowing you to unlock new types of industry buildings only after you've caught a certain number of fish this means if you intend to have a tuna based fishing industry you're going to be catching a lot of general fish before you're able to fish for tuna though i gave the fishing industry props for being able to activate a waterfront the industry generates way too many boats and incentivizes short silly routes to be maximally effective the dlc also includes two new forms of transit both of which are among my least favorites in the game helicopters draw way too many passengers since they are a form of general transit and trolley buses don't get me started all of the inflexibility of trams without the beauty in reality there is a purpose for trolley buses they're able to run on hilly terrain and they can often run short distances without being attached to their electrical wires due to having battery backups in the game they do not have this benefit meaning that they are just reskinned trams the trolley buses and tram depots even look uncannily similar to one another finally with the name sunset harbor and the smattering of assets that could easily fit into other dlc's it seems as though consideration should have been given to including other water activating assets into the dlc a beach park that could easily be dropped onto a sandy beach area would have been a nice addition a fully modular beach park would have made this a must buy it seems as though the focus of this dlc was doing just enough to make it a must buy and for the most part mission accomplished the sum of the parts is enough to make this a must buy even if it does seem like the parts are just rammed together i'm giving sunset harbor a score of 31 out of 50. and last but not least airports airports is the 10th and most recent dlc release for city skylines as of 2022 it includes the ability to create sprawling airports that are fully modular similar to park life industries and campus it includes three passenger airport styles three public transit stations 16 airport decorations four aircraft stands a modular cargo airport terminal with airport cargo station two unique buildings runways and taxiways that you can build to a length of your choosing and two new cargo airport roads the airports you can create with the airport's dlc are huge and it provides a much more realistic sense of scale in reality airports operate like their own little cities and this dlc provides a sense of that when you begin your airport the district tool levels the ground and you have the opportunity to pick an airport that matches the vibe of your community and with the number of terminals available after you unlock them to the progression mechanic of course none of your airports will ever look alike the ability to create your own runways and taxiways provides a great deal of flexibility as well transportation is at the heart of this update which is obvious with the inclusion of metro stations within the larger terminals and concourse hubs as well as with the inclusion of add-on bus metro and train stations that feed passengers directly into your concourses this mechanic allows you to create an airport free of the snarl of cars often seen at airports here in the us i also appreciate that taxi stands and bus stops are built directly into the terminals but the fun doesn't stop at passenger airports it also extends to cargo airports imagine the cargo airport included in the industries dlc but completely modular and on steroids add in as many aircraft stands runways and train stations as you like and the cargo roads work well and are incredibly attractive i also love that you can share a runway between the passenger airport in a cargo airport if you'd like to the decorations included in this dlc are very flexible and incredibly attractive it also comes with two unique buildings an aviation museum and an airline headquarters building both are attractive but the airline headquarters building allows you to monetize your airport and design your own custom airline the dlc also comes with new buses and trains that are higher capacity than the normal vanilla assets this is something that i have wanted forever in the base game it also comes with three maps which are fine and it's a nice addition i feel like airports lives in this strange place not detailed enough for airports enthusiasts and too detailed for casual players i will admit to being a bit overwhelmed the first time i played this dlc there's a lot that goes into designing a well-functioning airport and i've never really given it much thought this feeling was compounded by how finicky some of the tools can be the self-leveling districts work well most of the time but sometimes do not perfectly level the ground the runway creation guides are imperfect and can lead to redrawing runways to get them perfect and the taxiways they can be frustrating real world taxiways are bi-directional and the ones included in this dlc are one ways this means that you'll have to create a well-functioning one-way network within your airport it's also incredibly frustrating that taxiways cannot cross runways and that runways can only have one exit and entry point i assume this was for simplicity but it's an unnecessary limitation in my opinion though the airplane pathfinding engine was overhauled for the dlc and included in the free update planes still clip into one another and come and go far too frequently it would have been nice to see this resolved but i assume it wasn't possible while still demonstrating that your airport is actually working i also find it a bit disappointing that a concrete painter wasn't included with this dlc this can lead to pavements ending abruptly or using hacky solutions to fill in pavements similar to the other dlc's you cannot locate most of the decorations or the unique buildings outside of the airport district this wouldn't be a problem that the airport districts didn't self-level but because they do you can't use the district jumping hack as effectively as you can in industries parks or campuses my biggest frustration though is the lack of parking how is it possible that we get the ability to create massive sprawling airports taking up as much as one of the nine tiles available to you in the vanilla game without the ability to create a parking lot or garage to support that airport it feels like the devs are fighting the power on this one it doesn't matter what airport you go to in any country in any community of any size you're going to see a parking lot to focus on transit so much seems a bit idealistic and while i appreciate this as someone that loves transit the pragmatist in me would love to see parking for a dlc that adds so much to realism this seems like a strange mess airport's dlc exists in a similar place as campus dlc for me this is not necessarily a dlc that you use in every city that you build but it is of dlc that is fun and i'm giving it a score of 31 out of 50. [Music] so let's take a look at my previous list and compare it to this new one i know there are some changes but in general i think it's mostly consistent my general conclusion is this the modular build dlcs are some of the best and most important to pick up if you have no dlcs right now along with after dark followed closely by green cities snowfall has fallen to the bottom of my list along with mass transit but that doesn't mean that they're bad they're just for very specific players what do you think of my list would you rank things differently let me know down in the comments i'm interested in hearing your thoughts thank you so much for joining me if you like this video please hit the like button subscribe if you haven't and i will see you in the next one take care bye [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 435,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines, cities skylines best dlc to buy, cities skylines best dlc, cities skylines dlc guide, cities skylines which dlc, cities skylines which dlc to get, cities skylines industries, cities skylines parklife, cities skylines after dark, cities skylines snowfall, cities skylines natural disasters, cities skylines mass transit, cities skylines green cities, cities skylines concerts, cities skylines dlc ranked
Id: Sf_5PrXlWWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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