Building a GOLEM ONLY Colony in Timberborn Update 2!

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machines are going to take all of our jobs it's gonna happen at some point they're already doing flips and stuff and soon they're gonna flip right into your workplace and leave you on the street at least that's probably how it will play out in real life we're about to find out how it plays out in Timber born because we already have the automated golems that can do old things Beaver scan and as we start to build colonies without the Organics I guess we'll start to see how this situation plays out so hello everyone I'm kibbets and welcome back to Timber born the apocalyptic Beaver management Sim where we have pretty much guaranteed our survival so now today we're gonna start sending out robotic colonies to harvest the world and if you're excited for that remember to leave a like so we have one major problem and that problem is all the robots take metal to build and there is metal around the map in just these ruins but it's gonna run out eventually and we could go and gather it from all over the place but again end of the day it'll all run out and then we can't build robots except there is a way to get infinite metal in these pits technically underground ruins so if we can set up a mine on top of there and then have robots mine from it the robots should be able to load the metal into factories and build more robots so that's gonna be the play we're gonna set up a colony there and then get robots sent over to do everything so right now we're gonna need more robots being built except our robot building Factory is having a bit of a medical issue it would seem that the robots in the normal beavers working together might be causing a slight issue a couple little injuries here and there it would seem so we're gonna need some medicine but we don't don't have any workers so let's make that high priority get some medicine made here do we have any weeds growing yet oh they're still needed so I guess we'll send them some medicine and then we will get to our projects oh we already have it being set up perfect well then all of them can continue to cry until they're better and we'll just set the robots to do everything we'll switch all the other robot tasks back to normal beavers robots are in here good and we'll start them building so we're gonna have to go over to here which means we're gonna have to bridge over and if we're building a bridge we're gonna scoot down this way and then over this way I guess that's how good a place as any go to there and I'll get things moving it has more and more robots get built the work will be done faster and faster throughout the days throughout the nights the robots cannot be stopped they do not sleep they hardly rest and best of all they don't get injured they just die or like their durability runs out this guy sells at 85 percent he's fine although we do have one other robot in our main Colony this is a guy we're messing around with last time and he is just chopping trees whenever he can we built a control tower so he'd work faster but you know we really need that construction project done so buddy you got a new gig you're going back home and assisting your fellow Cog heads okay well the robots are really really good when there's electricity at getting things done but once there's a drought well we're kind of out of luck you know all the robots are kind of just stuck doing nothing unfortunately but they did get the bridge built and we have made landfall at our new colony so the game plan like every other colony to set up a drop-off point a little water well for the Beavers that I can have to do a little bit of the setup and some storage but to really get things going we're gonna have to bring power over not just for all of the machines and Equipment but also for the Cog heads to actually have a recharging station which will be super important this is a pretty easy project for the normal beavers to work on as well until we get to about here and build a power line through this Gap we can do that shouldn't be too big of a problem except for building it will be a little slow we'll go up this way and then this can scoot over and then head back down that'll look good and back over this way you can just bring this on over here get rid of this path and redo it and then connect our main power line back up to the system and build the path back over top just like that now we could have the power lines underneath the path but there might be some future purpose to this later we'll see for now the Beavers gotta get to it that is a lot to build that's only the beginning because at the end of the day we want this to be a self-sufficient Cog had machined colony which means they're gonna have to have their own power source and power towers and stuff like that so they can work through all the droughts so what we're going to do is we're actually going to copy our exact design for the battery here over on the other Island and I suppose those that'll actually lead to us making an entirely separate power grid over here somehow I'll leave that to Future kids and I gotta fiddle with list stuff right now oh and just an FYI you can bring power through buildings so these vertical buildings that the iron teeth beavers have are perfect for building the power towers does it just do that put one of these on top and then when you add on the extra batteries everything's all connected and good up to the point your beavers can't reach anything because it's way way way way way way too far from this District Center so what you have to do instead is you have to make a new District Center and let the Beavers from here now work up the tower so we do have a lot of the starter stuff built we have some water we have some food and beavers can survive here along with a cog head every so often and they're continuing to work diligently and get this Tower finished up lots to do though in fact there's tons to do still in the island all the trees gotta be wiped out we gotta blow up stuff and and of course we gotta get that mine built but the big thing is this is officially become its own colony and since it's gonna be run by Cog heads we're gonna call it cogs tail I don't know sounds wholesome enough and what might be ironic is we're gonna get rid of all the tree life here with the robots do we have one around here no not right now but we do have a lot of robots still being manufactured over this way how many do we have now where's the head here we have hand robots on most of them are working as distribution post guys so just bring materials to the other District well oh some of them are also doing construction that's change things up a little bit let's fire three of you let me set so there's more construction guys here and we'll send over a robot to cogsdale we'll be our new tree cutting friend oh my gosh I just noticed that the age of this robot is 16 and its durability has gone down to 78 does that mean that each of these robots is gonna last more than a hundred years as yo that would be awesome also that whole not sleeping thing yeah it works pretty well fact we got like all this Force done pretty much all of this is filled now and we're ready to move on so some of our goals are to make this a self-sustaining Island and of course we're gonna start with some blasting I want to destroy most of this area because I want all of this to be trees later on in like a more organized fashion I gotta blast all of this too because this is gonna be either trees or we're gonna start building engines engines are awesome they each make 400 horsepower by burning a couple trees very efficient very cool very convenient too because uh there's well again droughts and B I don't really want to rely on our main power grid over here kind of just want to do our own thing over here for the robots so as time goes on build that there we'll build well I guess I don't really know how many engines we need to build to be honest probably a lot more than like three here we'll kind of see how it goes I also think of later on we're gonna need a lot of charging stations for all of the robots we're gonna build so we'll definitely have these kind of in the back corner by the power station and I yeah no that should be good so let's commit to it blast it all gone in this section all gone perfect but we have a good kind of bad problem the engines aren't built yet nor do I really want them built anytime soon to be honest in fact all this stuff can be paused but yeah main thing going on here is we have our battery almost done it has all the planks it needs it just needs a couple more gears but I still need to get rid of all the trees so I'm kind of dumping all of the logs just into a massive Levee project and we're scooting our way over to this island scraptopia we're just going to harvest all this crap and turn into blocks over here plus we'll have the mine running as well so this will be awesome tons and tons of metal blocks oh there's another mine right over there that we can set up later perfect the most important thing is we're gonna be able to make tons and tons and tons and tons of more robots and also you know I think we're gonna go over this way too we have other projects that we're gonna eventually want to get to plus we have an excess of logs right now so let's just build a new bridge over to here in a super super late game idea is I want to go around the entirety of the map and block off all the water exits to the world except for one maybe of my choosing if you control where all the water goes out and in the entire world we can sculpt it to our needs actually you know what I didn't recognize this but right over this way there's actually a third mine right over here kind of low-key wish I got that because we could have turned this into a giant battery but we can also get that later it's probably more important for us to move over to this side of the map get all this crap get the two minds running first and then we'll worry about those crazy projects okay back to this though this is all gonna take a long time so I'll just start prepping the tree area I'll be allowing for some water to just flow into the middle here so the trees grow during droughts hopefully it'll pretty much just be copying our system over here where we have the water go from a main channel into like these little reservoirs so the plants around it don't die is it all we need are trees in this district with the robots sorry bud with the robots all we need are these engines to keep running in the battery charging stations and that's it and this amount of space should be able to cover us at least for the time being water channels are in even started getting the trees from this area plus this whole dam is done not that it has too much of a purpose that's all good also the engines are built and the batteries are built all the projects that we just had on the go are done and we have our new battery Tower too wonderful so technically speaking the robots could live on this island forever just burning logs it's a self-sufficient Colony but of course we need more actually wait a second no no no this place isn't even self-sufficient we have to actually be able to make the Golems here yeah so we have to get the metal in fact that means we need to get a lot of stuff we gotta get smelters online we have to get iron gears online we have to unlock stuff like oh bud we made so much progress but so much more to do so I guess we should look into the mine this area is going to be like a production area for sure but the mine I guess is the most important efficient mine so a cog wheel and a shiny plank to get some scrap or you can add some TNT into that and you can get more scrap I like more scrap let's get that please okay and to build this we need all the same stuff logs gears and treated planks treated planks that's the shiny planks we have literally zero in our world that's not good we should get building those so the treated planks are made in the woodwork shop and require a plank and tree resin that's gonna be pretty Mission critical uh tree resin or whatever comes from the pine trees so we could just get a ton from over here yeah that'd be pretty easy at least to get us started so stop dropping my friend and we'll build a little gathering post so we can start scooping all that stuff up and we should be good brings it over here excellent power wise well we got a little line ready to go so I'll figure out all the rest of that stuff in a second but this will come down here and I really want this green space so let's just kind of like scoot down this way and call it a day then for this space I don't have it marked for cutting right no uh we'll gather some pine tree resin from those trees just to get started but long term we'll want to make an area just to gather it constantly because in order for the mind to function function we're going to need it yes okay bud then you're moving plant the Pines down here and organization wise we'll have a building here for the pine resin and the planks another building for probably well actually no I was gonna say TNT but should really have a bunch of buildings down here yeah we'll have one down here for TNT then we'll have another next to it for the gears and another next to that or the scrap and it looks like treated planks or no we'll have gears and created planks TNT and then scrap just like so that way all the mining equipment is all in the pit that means up here uh we're gonna want to organize these guys in here somehow but pldr will get some paper plants built then we'll get some explosive factories to make the TNT for the mine oh and I guess we'll have a gear Workshop somewhere I have no idea heck it could even be over there first things first we gotta get blasting oh no no no no wrong actually before we get blasted we gotta get this on online in order to get the treated planks because if we don't have treated planks we can't do anything wait this isn't even hooked up to the power hmm okay temporary solution so we can get things moving here let's put a little power thing through here and we'll bring the power Just from our mean grid then we'll get to the rest of this stuff besides I might reorganize this a lot okay I've reorganized things a lot and it's looking a lot better same kind of general idea though we got this guy over here we got all this being built and I hid all of those warehouses down underneath here next to where the mine will be which is not going to be done anytime soon we need 300 treated planks and I just got started and yep no that's gonna take forever the rest area is gonna take a long time too lots of stuff to build lots of equipment we need to bring over and lots of droughts to endure but the robots are doing an impeccable job building everything very very quickly because I built-in a control tower it just takes a little bit of Science and then it gets these guys really moving and grooving like 90 working speed plus 60 movement speed pretty good it's pretty good so they're going as fast as they can it's just a matter of resources though so we're going back over this way we're gonna optimize our main area first up how many uh Bots do we even have uh 20 no 13 and two that have no idea what to do I know where two can go to Central actually because what we're gonna do over in central here our main Corridor is we're going to set up our Trading Post to use Bots and the Bots are gonna quickly send everything they can over to not just the Golem Factory but I guess over to this District too like they'll pass stuff to here and then the Bots will also pass stuff to here just so everything is moving as fast as possible next thing we need are those logs very important logs of the shiny variety which are planks which are treated look I mean at this for a while No Bully uh we're gonna replace one of our TNT workshops with a wood Workshop here we also need to store all of the stuff then so if we're gonna have a warehouse anywhere we're gonna have it like right here so let's get ready to build that let's make it a hyper priority not like most of these beavers even know what to do around this District like I have 29 beavers extra just doing nothing I guess I could build an extra Trading Post but it takes up too much space so leave it for now but back to the treated stuff we'll just store all the stuff we need in here I.E resin planks and heck even the treated stuff too I'll have a buddy over this way which will gather all the trees out from these trees and these trees and just wherever he can pretty much in fact focus on the Pines we do have another Shack but that's focused on the Maple and that's dealing with food so that should handle all that okay this is good high priority excellent and then trading you know what if we're using robots sure just a direct route with the treated planks why not so the Bots are good to go and hey look at that we got an extra 10 treated planks and all that setup time so this will only take a minute yeah that took way more than a minute but it's finally done oh my gosh it's finally done and so is most of the rest of the district my goodness so had no treated planks I should have thought about that way earlier hindsight's 2020 though we got it now District set up and we are good to go even built another control tower over here to deal with all of the trees and stuff so that's great and I think you know what I do believe we can make everything now run by machines so let's unlock this workplace for the golems and in fact let's do that with everything now your Workshop The surmounters Paper Place TNT Factory because what could possibly go wrong there uh the Trapper's Shack whatever it's called uh what about these can automatically be Golem things perfect tree planting tree harvesting yes good all shall be the Bots except for building I guess for now oh but wait we need to make the Golems here too make it 100 self-sufficient truly honestly so head torso arms and then just assembling the Golems themselves there we go now everything is ready how many Golems do we need though 15 to run all that I am certain we have enough over here right we have eight never just be wrong wait but look at all these guys what are you talking about how do we only have eight there's eight registered in the charging port okay dude yeah we have 24 send over 15 vet them charge come on get going boys don't look so sad please you're going to your own Promised Land oh see These Guys these guys got the right idea they're moving they're grooving they're never sleeping again cogsdale is the true place of peace or we can have to charge a lot now big question too is how much power is all this gonna use so I'd prefer that this is all just its own closed system running off of engines so if we got rid of this uh oh man let's find out it's gone how much power does everything need here 900 that's it 960 horsepower for this entire District he done each of these can provide 400 horsepower there we go just get them going there bud cool all right uh we're gonna have to send over three more Bots but that's fine we have over a thousand logs so that's great I'm sure we had extra Bots that are just doing nothing yeah one two three and these buildings are being done oh wait and we have to unlock them too 5 000 science for the machines to be able to make the machines the Steep price but it gots to be done at the end of the day oh got 10 000 signs for the assembler dude you're killing me game you're killing me I only have 13 000 slides left what the heck man okay it's fine so that's all done uh the mine also can have a head great and that also means we need what four more machines okay that's like all the machines we've built in the entire game pretty much now right almost all right off they go machine Society is complete beavers it's time for you guys to leave you're going to the old Golem Factory get out I don't need you anymore half of you guys are injured anyway scooch this is cogsdale the place ran by machines a colony of cyborg beavers and the dawn of a new age for our world and big things now too we don't need water over here anymore because they don't need it nor do we need to bring food here if this place is truly self-sufficient we shouldn't need logs either or water or TNT really we just yeah we don't need anything yeah this entire trading and distribution post here can just be turned off it's done and we can just send all those robots over why not cogsdale is a cyborg Utopia are things actually working though yep we're just barely making not enough power fortunate plus they're probably gonna have to get more charging days built pretty quick here it's okay we can expand wherever we want we can clear out this massive island of all the scrap and turn that into a power hub too heck there's there's so much we can do yeah not having to worry about food and water in this game this is that sets us up to do anything except continue this video because I think that it's gonna be all for today so if you guys enjoy it again remember to leave a like and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 50,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn update 2, timberborn golems, timberborn golem, timberborn new update, timberborn latest update, update 2, update 2 timberborn, timberborn battery, timberborn robots, timberborn tips, kibitz, kibz, imkibitz, timberborn gameplay, timberborn game, timberborn let's play, timberborn gameplay 2022, timberborn review, timberborn robot, timberborn dam, timberborn flood, timberborn flooding, timberborn drought
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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