The REal Lab - Sharran Srivatsaa

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[Music] sup everybody it's kevin Markarian and i'm here with my good friend sure on streets serial entrepreneur amazing person super success successful guy has an amazing story so i'm just really excited to be with you guys today be with Sharon like I'm a big admirer of his he's got the 5 a.m. Club he's got all these companies he's bought sold he's got an amazing story so just really excited to be on with you man thanks for thanks for being on hey Kevin I do die I love what you guys are doing I appreciate being on and it's our chance to kind of give back and share and everyone really needs to go watch go to you or go to the marker page go to your page and just really watch that origin video that you did because it tells such a great story of your immigrant edge and everything that you built and it's so like I watched it and I had like goosebumps and it's so you so thank you for having me on I respect you so much and that excited excited kind of share oh man thank you thank you very much and it's an honor to have you on and speaking of immigrant success stories an immigrant edge you mentioned to me we had a conversation at LCA live and and we were talking and you're you shared your story with me and you have such an amazing story speaking of amazing stories I mean the immigrant background and sort of where you came from and what you went through and your parents and coming out here all by yourself just I would love for you to share that and then we can start kind of kind of getting into all the other things that you're doing so please tell us your story yeah yeah totally well thank you you know I think a lot of times the where you come from really shapes who you are right and it gives you that foundation for all that life's gonna throw at you and you know I'll tell you this right Kevin I think that I had I was you know a lot of people say they came to the US or they had this immigrant story they had a backpack in $7.00 I was like that's not my story I actually had a decent I had you know I had a decent upbringing my parents realized early on that when I was born in India that I wasn't gonna cut it like my dad had the foresight to say hey this is like my son's gonna struggle here we need to find him a better environment so the first thing that they did was my dad said to me hey we need to find you like skilled a a sport like an advantage out of this country because how does how India is structured is not good for you and for a ten-year-old getting that story for his parents it's kind of weird like what like what are you saying right for a ten-year-old just weird um you don't know anything you don't know any different right I mean I know and I was like well so I'm going through well do my parents not like me do they think you they want to send me away are they gonna come with me like what's gonna happen are they gonna send me to boarding school I had no idea right my dad told me hey he goes we need to pick something and he called it the singularity of focus we need to pick something that you're really good at that makes you really good and he goes it can't be academics cuz you're you're decent you're like a B student it can't be art cuz you're not artistically talented you're color blind you can't sing cuz you're tone deaf and I'm like okay this list is getting shorter and shorter and then we were sitting on a park bench in front of two tennis courts and my dad's like hey you have good hand-eye coordination do you think you can play tennis cuz it's an individual sport that was like I don't know let's try so I take my first channel lessons I had you know I was decent and he's like we're gonna go hard we're gonna over index on this this is gonna be your ticket out of the country so everything became secondary starting when I was 13 years old and all it was was trying to learn a skill to get out of it yet that's all we did for like five six years Wow so you so you played tennis and you somehow ended up in the United States and what a courageous act by your parents right it was amazing because I left home when I was 13 to go play on the pro tennis tour and I haven't been back home since my parents actually still lived most of their time in India and I think the story that you will really appreciate is this right I always like telling the story because it means a lot to me so I played pro tennis I didn't cut it I was high nine hundreds in the world I thought it was pretty good but I got beat by 14 year old Chilean kids and I was like this is crazy like I I didn't think I was good enough and then you know a fork in the road happened the fork was okay can I either ID thing to go to college or rest up and work on injuries and so I got and once you play pro tennis you can't play college towns in the US because you came from Florida amateur status so I got into this very you know all school in Iowa called Luther colleges like the middle of the cornfields they have a great tennis program so here's what my parents did my parents were not very well-off my parents sold almost everything that they had Kevin they sold almost everything that they had and they handed they handed me a check is that here's a check it's going to pay for all of your freshman year your your room board laundry books everything tuition their flight their buddies but their dad was like this is all I got this is your first year worth of everything years two three four or whatever else you want to do are on you and I was like okay I got a year's head start right like I got to hear his head start so I I come to campus and I think this is a story you've heard or we shared I come to campus I come come early I go to financial services I give them my check right I give them my check and I'm like hey here's my check for my first year the ladies like that's cool awesome hey by the way it's an international check so it's gonna take two weeks to clear and I said great and she hands me my room keys because I have a dorm room but I have no money so for two weeks I have no cash I have no food I have nothing for two weeks so what did you do so so I'm getting anxiety right now like I walked her on campus there's nobody there was early so this guy said to me hey he was loading enough you know he was loading the docs right he's like listen dude I can't pay you right away about I can pay you at the end of the week if you want to just load and unload it'll be kind of our side deal so dude for like two or three days I would just like try to crash a pizza party or go like wherever there was free cookies or whatever right I would I ate dude I used to go to I used to go to the college book shop and I used to eat as many fene of Eminem's as I could like it was just I just needed food and the evening one day I saw a couple of kids throw two big pizza boxes inside a dumpster and I was like okay I've not eaten for three days and I mean this is not a bad like I'm gonna get money in two weeks like this is not like I only have three dollars I'm gonna get money two weeks I just need to survive for like two more weeks so these two kids throw these pizza boxes in this dumpster it's six o'clock in the evening I just wait I'm like I'm too embarrassed I've never dumped in a dumpster before I was really hungry so I wait till it's darker I jump in the dumpster I grab the pizza boxes I like run to my room and then I eat like this you know six slices of cold pizza and I'm like oh my gosh this is so great I I got food this is amazing so I do that for two or three days and I'm feeling so much better and then dude one day this is what happens like a weekend I see two guys throw two full bags of Subway sandwiches inside the dumpster so I wait to the night tilt until it's nice and dark I jump in I grab the bags of you know it's dark I grab the bags of Subway sandwiches I see a big box of pop-tarts I grabbed the box of pop-tarts just then Kevin I see two glowing eyes and I see something just slaps me and my face my face starts bleeding there was a raccoon in the dumpster like fighting me for the pops are competing with like I'm like this is fight or flight right so I punched the raccoon in its face I don't know what else to do I mean like I could find environment I grabbed a box of pop-tarts I grabbed the two bags of which and which is a jump out and I run to health services I get a tetanus shot but I had no idea what I got rabies around and you know the interesting part is I don't say that there any other reason except like that was that was a really like I didn't share that story with my mom until this year so I didn't share that story with my mom for close to 20 years because I didn't want my mom to feel like she had let me down I'll tell you my mom did talk to me for a while because she felt let down right a parent who has sold everything and now their son is diving in a dumpster like it was just hard for my mom for that to happen but I think that was the foundation of everything for me that was a foundation that you know worst case scenario with the years left of something I can make it work worst case scenario or like I can I can I can I can make it right and it was almost a lot of people just go to the if I don't have this I'll die I just I got to the place where hey even if I don't have the money like I can make it work somehow and that's I think that made me feel like I can win I can fight I can I can I can work harder and I always knew there was a base and I'm just really grateful for that experience I don't to say look at me I'm awesome eyes I just am grateful for that base of an experienced man that that's like I'm getting the chills right now I mean for you to be in that position I mean it's like you're you're it's it's so I mean it's just so powerful to come from that and to be in that position and when we're like as real-estate professionals we're worried about like prospecting you know and you're like in a confined space competing against a raccoon for a Subway sandwich I mean it's like that's that's real right and that's the reality of life and if you think about what the problems that we face as professionals and you know it's like first world problems situation right I mean like my phone's not working and I freak out or I'm like I'm worried about I'm worried about going door-knocking like come on right and so what an amazing story that you have and and the way and where you've come from that to building Telus into a three billion dollar company and one of the most competitive most high-end markets in the world Beverly Hills one thing I know I mean this is an amazing statistic that I found out about that I had to like extract from you this is not something that you like volunteered I mean there's something I had to pull out because I I've heard so many great things about you you went on a hundred listeners for a second guys like this is ridiculous a hundred and sixty-one listing appointments and you got 152 out of 161 that's a ninety four point five percent conversion rate on listing presentations Wow like I'm like this hey how did you do it I mean there's so many so many things like so anyway yeah I'll tell you the story right so here's the interesting part thank you the interesting part is the 150 200 and sixty one appointments right we went on they were all cold like I had zero relationship with every single one of them so they were all cold like I had no relationship cuz I went alongside my agents on all these appointment it would be nice Kevin if you and I want an appointment I was we were competing against you know another firm and you knew the clients like I had no idea I never met these people before in every appointment the hardest for it was cold and I had no rapport and that was the hard part because so I'll tell you what happened right what happened was after going on like the first set of appointments I'm starting to realize that our agents who are like top agents in the marketplace no one has ever been inside the living room watching them present it's amazing like we have coaches and consultants and I'm not like I am I'm Walt I've paid a lot of money for coaches and mentors but I am I'm a big fan of someone who's actually been there on something that is really technical right so if I'm if I need to learn how to shoot a basketball like I'm sorry like if you're an author on how to shoot basketballs that's not good enough surely some of them who have not been in a living room they may have good sales skills but being in a living room is completely different like you know it's difficult and I had no idea like I was a investment banker and going Sachs I'd fixed in the living rooms and boardrooms but the living room of a client trying to sell their home is a completely emotional experience and it's amazing the only way people learn on how to pitch in the living room is they learn from other people who have never learned how to pitch in a living room passed down all the like all the objection handlers so that you know someone will say oh you know Kevin what's your fee you see my feet you know you said my commission is 6% and they say well Johnny said he'd do it for four and then he and then there's a script that somebody wrote that says oh well I can appreciate that oh no you don't appreciate that don't see things that you're dissing Jenny was about right did you stupid scripts that no one's ever been in the living room and this is stupid things which is what Kim's our profession a super bad name right like that's the problem a lot so I'll give you the process Kevin what we did was I told the agent I was like hey listen before you go on the appointment let's sit down like let's let's actually prep and the funny part is if you actually cracked for like 10 minutes right you guys really gonna do better so we would prep before the appointment and I we would actually here's what we would prep we would prep flow hey if you and I go on an appointment I'll say hey Kevin way better if I introduce you and you introduce me when we walk in you know we're not going to immediately the tour of the home because when we take the tour the home to give control away over to the client we're gonna sit down seventh stage and then when the conversation hits a low then we're going to take the tour because it's really great the process like small technical things because the reason is the average agent the average agent steps into a home and puts their bags down they don't know can I keep my fuzz you know put block on my shoes on what do i with my back can I use your kitchen table do you want to give you a tour of the house instantly they have just relinquished control so what do you do so when you walk in you'll open the door what what what do you do yeah so the easiest way is you know you ask you ask for permission and you're like hey where can we sit down and strategize that's it okay okay now now you're an advisor it's the key word like where can we sit down and strategize now they invite you to wherever they want to sit down and then you sit down and strata cuz you've already said I'm not doing the tour hey then you say hey thank you for thank you for inviting me here's what I had suggest usual I suggest for the flow of today and you walk them through the agenda any agenda is a good agenda but as long as there's an agenda right but as soon as you can simply do a tour of the house you have no chance to build rapport you have no idea who they're talking to you have no sense of where you stand you don't know if you only have an hour like it's really messy um so if you just the easiest thing is stop the tour sit down strategize control your environment and then I can you know that's when you actually set the stage right so so all we would do is in the pre appointment with like me and the agent would prep and say here's the flow we do this Chiron introduces Kevin Kevin introduce Chiron we set the agenda you know here when it comes to transition to pricing Chiron you take over when it comes to comps Kevin you take over like we position the flow and then we kind of go with whatever's natural that's all it is an int we say hey Kevin what questions do you think we're gonna get asked and then you may say we're gonna get asked on price all right so then we roll playing before we go in right that way you can actually deliver in the appointment but the best part Kevin was after all these appointments we went on we would get in the car and we would write down every single question every single client ever asked us I have a hundred and sixty-one appointments worth of questions that clients have asked us and assume that there's a pattern there's totally a pattern right no what if you take your questions yes this is good so all we realize there were only ten topics that clients wanted to know so we threw out all our listing presentation materials and we built a ten page book that just walks them through the same ten questions and that that became kind of the foundation for everything that we did because otherwise it just got too granular for agents and they got they kind of got messed up so I would actually walk in and say mister missus client I've been on 161 appointments in the last 18 months every single client has asked us these top ten questions would you mind if I walk you through this and then we can dive into whatever else you'd like well I love that right so now the clients like wait one I just embedded social proof that I went on 161 appointments I've been in the situation before I know what I'm doing right number two they're curious about what these questions are and whether they should be asking the same questions right and then whatever else derivative happens after that it doesn't matter because I've already won I've already won and winning in advance is how you win in listing appointments because they make snap judgment decisions right like 100 I'm gonna offer your marketing customer service no they've already made a decision before you started presenting if you're gonna win on that now now you've pre framed everything right so yeah what do you think that decision is that they've made before you started presenting awesome the decision is is Kevin worthy enough of our time and easy credible enough that's it because we will listen to anybody so if you're interviewing three attorneys right you already know that they have the skills and the chops but in our world they don't believe that we all have the skills in the chops they're interviewed they're warning they want the credibility then they want to see if they connect with us right so it's a transaction for an attorney you think of them differently but for a transaction you're like hey I already know Kevin's credible because even in 161 appointments he's gonna give me the tenth question that all clients ask him so he must already be great right now I know the credibility factor is done now whatever you say is the truth right no you didn't start with 161 listing presentations right I mean you started like everyone else zero so what are you saying to people who say I don't have that much experience I haven't been on that many listing presentations what do they do maybe they've been on 20 maybe they're on five right great question so whenever you can lead so you always in on the biggest number possible right you lean on either the experience of the appointment or if you don't have that you lean on your process or your yeah so you just say hey mister missus client in the last in the last seven homes that we've sold in this neighborhood or in the last seven homes that our firm has sold in this neighborhood the last that marker is sold as a neighborhood we've implemented a seven step process to get you the highest price possible in the lowest amount of time would you like me to walk you through it right now it becomes it becomes a process so Kevin my biggest realization right all coaches consultants everybody that's teaching the listing appointment are always pushing agents to spend most of their appointment talking about how they're gonna market and expose their home like I'll tell you that that's the number one fallacy clients today are not hiring us to market and expose their home clients today are hiring us because they can't do the process themselves so we are technicians in the process right so we need to say hey mister missus client I have this process that can deliver you this result because when you go home in the evening you're like you're talking to your wife stay here interviewed three people but Chiron has the process to look as good results that's the only thing that's sticking in your mind right it's not the glossy brochure that you saw I know yeah yeah the funny times a funny quote I forget who talked it was Robert Kiyosaki who said I read it in one of his books he said the glossy or the paper the shiny or in the glossary of the paper the brochure the worse the deal you know interesting part right if you like Kevin you and I are partners you were going into an appointment I know let's just say I know there's a there's an agent coming in and she's gonna bring in her glossy material and she's full of like pomp and circumstance I'll actually call it out yes and mr. mrs. client you may be interviewing other agents which i think is a good thing however everyone will talk about marketing it is not about marketing it is actually who you're going to market to and surround it and and then they're like wait what do you mean who you're gonna market to that's when you switch from the marketing into bio profiling and then you can run process around that right so anytime you always want to go into whoever else will come in and pitch something you just want to get caused out right so if you know someone's gonna pitch marketing their pitching marketing because you're just saying hey I can do everybody can do marketing that's not the answer it is my process that you want I always did it all the time is mr. mrs. Kline good process drives good results good process that's good results yeah well two things so it sounds like it's very important to know who your competition is records elegance that number two is can we get a little bit into the process I know where we have a lot to go over here but I think it's important I think people will be interested in hearing what that process is that's that's got you to the success rate of ninety four point five percent on listing totally so so on the first thing everything is framed by what I call the fundamental motivation and you actually we all need a line on the fundamental mode of motivation if you ask a room of agents what is the most important thing in the listing appointment like what is the most important that you want to talk about they'll say I want to get the listing sign I want to talk about marketing the most important thing in the listing appointment is understanding the fundamental motivation fundamental motivation is this a seller is looking for a buyer and a buyer is looking for a home that's it right like let's be super clear a seller is looking for a buyer and a buyer's looking for home and you actually tell them hey mr. mrs. client you as at you as a homeowner you're looking for a buyer and the buyers that we represent I'm seating it right the buyers that we represent are looking for a home our job is to facilitate that process number one now they're like okay Ron and Kevin are aligned with me right number two this is a second phrasing everybody should steal doesn't use it in every appointment and say mr. mrs. client it is my job to bring you an offer that you want at a price that you want at the terms that you want Mantha because because every time so every time I check close on on my seven step process I say but mr. mrs. client our job is to bring you an offer that you want at a price that you want the terms h1 and then someone will say an objection right well why don't you get me in Homes & land magazine well mr. mrs. client showings Drive offers it is our job to get you an offer that you wanted a price that you wanted turns at you want if the lands and add comes in three months we're not getting showings so I can't bring you an offer that you wanted a price that you wanted a terms so you always fall back on the statement Craig that is your governing statement every time because then you can build on everything around it right so let me write so number one right it's the offer that you want at the price that you want the terms that you want right number two now you say mrs. client the way we do that you may think is based on marketing which is what everyone says but it's not about marketing it's about who you're going to market to let's actually talk about the right buyer profile the right buyer persona because then we can be hyper target and figuring out who is actually going to buy your home right the second one is buyer persona love that fire the easiest question here Kevin for a buyer profile is to say so Miss misses client take me back down memory lane and this is when you've done research and this is when you can say you can pick a book here this is when this is an amazing time I'll tell you an amazing time where you talk to title and you get the property profile or some public record of their home like people don't do that that's crazy to me you say listen mrs. client and then you pull out the property profile you're like I our team was preparing for getting your listing ready for market I'm doing being aspirational right look um and we saw you know your you know your public record do you mind if we just spend ten seconds just confirming this because I found a lot of clients don't have the right data on this now if it's wrong you get to go fix it and now you're a hero right smart but now many all you say is oh it looks like you bought this home in 2011 you are you are the natural a buyer profile for this home just humor me for a few minutes and do you mind if I just take notes why did you fall in love with this home you know I'm building goodbye profile it's so good that's dude that's it right the line that you just stated is I think is really powerful as you are the buyer for the zone you're the demographic that chose to buy this home in 2011 so let's go back to that time and tell me what it was that attracted you to this home that's hideous dude now they will tell you everything they will tell you everything we had a child we had to move we had this they'll tell you everything the only thing I'm trying to do here is two things one get them to talk build a bike profile in my mind and number two is to extract motivation right sometimes you have no idea whether they're just dancing around I'm just extracting motivation and I can say well looks like your motivation has changed what has changed right now to give you the new bigger better future love it you're like oh Kevin got a new job he's moving down to San Clemente and we're gonna build his dream home ba ba ba now I know this is real right I'm like well my gosh Kevin congratulations tell me about your new role and now I can start to you know now you can build rapport in between the appointment as opposed to you know like saying I ski in Mammoth too right so it sounds like it's it's really just a conversation that you're having totally but like flipping through the brochure like yeah so you're like you're it's it's an engaging conversation going back and forth and you're extracting information while planting those seeds that are so important that you're going through this process so number three would be this is great so go into number three so the keys always the the transitions right when you say our job is to bring you an offer that you want a price that you want the term that you want if you have a book or whatever while you're flipping the page you have to state the transition because if you flip the page and pause it's a very it's a very obstructive pause so I would be like this and I'd be like mr. mrs. Klein is an offer that you want to price that you are the terms that you are you may be thinking about marketing but it's not about marketing it's about who you're going to market to right so I'm I'm doing whatever in transition because the trend everything is wanting in the transition so if you're if you're practicing your listing appointment it is not about what you're saying pricing it is about how you get to pricing in the transition because that's the frame because the frame gives you the answer that you want on the topic right so when you do the buyer profile now we say okay we've figured out the buyer profile it is going to be a you know either a CEO or a family that wants to live next to Universal Studios that gives us a really good way to think about it because the schools are great here now we know how to build a marketing strategy right now I instantly go to let's actually sketch out the the elements of a marketing plan that we've been working on for you then I say marketing but I see this great line right mark miss missus client a lot of times an agent will walk into to the average agent will walk in and say that they have a 72 point marketing plan I would encourage you to beware of those because marketing as you know is not a checklist hmm instantly you win because now they're like you know of course now everybody walking with 72 point marketing plans I have one good Jimmy comes in and says 72 point marketing plan and you said Chiron said that's stupid right so I just frame it right but then I say the way you do it is you actually do you integrate three things traditional digital and social so let me talk about it so I now I actually say traditional digital social and how do you integrate the three of them is where marketing works and then I say let me give you an example right so you say listen mrs. Kline you know it would be really powerful for us to do an open house are you comfortable doing open houses now I can go into the convenience right and then if they talk about whatever I can say oh you only want to do one you talk about you know you talk about you can talk about mechanics around them but then you can bring it back to the marketing right you don't want to go just into the convenience stop it because then they'll start having a discussion with you but if you do it in hey I need to have an open house because we do like it's good for leads for us when you say I need at least one so if I was doing an open house and I was you know I would go out and spread out some flyers I would invite the neighbors because whatever reason but on the open house I would act on the flyer I would actually have a no individual property website like 1 2 3 main street calm mr. mrs. client you own this home but we want to market it digitally because we want everybody to go there so the traditional leads to the digital and then how we get that out is we actually do social media ads around the neighborhood circle calling aura and drag people back in do you see how we connect traditional digital and social right so now it's got nothing to do with the list of here's everything that I do how I connect everything right right that's what it really now whoever comes to the 72 point marketing plan you've already won all right you look like an Indian I look like a winner every time Labe we're just um once you talk marketing right once you here's what I love to do when they talk marketing I will bring out a cap a calendar because what you want to do right then is you want to show them something that you can jointly fill out together because that provides a commitment right and so you miss mrs. fine here's a calendar all I'm gonna ask you for right now is this in your ideal world when would you like to move to look at the beach and then I put the date down okay great we are average it takes 22 days to get a home under on track but we know we can do it better because you work with my process now I'm doing that right and about 30 days under contracts about 52 days that means that we may have to list some time and this week is that a problem for you no I marked the start date I marked the end date I put it down I'm done for now I've already gotten commitment right now I go to the next process and I'm like okay now we've got marketing now let's talk about timing right we talk about timing and I say um there are a few pieces that need to happen to get the home ready for market we what do you have you been in other other open houses recently because you don't want to instantly go to paint declutter stage because they start to take it personally right so you say have you think for other homes you're framing it you're preparing for that because that's what needs to happen but you're just preparing them to get to that realization yeah and be she tell you that right yeah I just went to the neighborhood I mean they had it done so nice I was like yeah they actually didn't live like that you know that right and then I was like but that would be crazy and they're like oh yeah but we should do that we should give people a chance to save oh my gosh that looks so good when can I bring a stager through to give us a you know her thought process now I bring this back I put a date on the column like I am putting dates on the calendar as we go through because at the end I have a plan and I just handed the plan and I Hanna Melissa agreement right because they've already committed to the plan um so that's what happens in timing timing you're just kind of going through that process now you tell the client what I haven't told you mr. mrs. client is my actual process of launching is listing because when you log to listing well you can cheat the market okay it's like what do you mean cheat the market I was like well let me explain this to you if you if we bring the home the current there this is this is my favorite part of the appointment Kevin because it allows us to actually show deep expertise so I say mister missus client and I use this every appointment everybody should just memorize this right mister missus client there are a hundred and thirty-one million homes in the United States there are thirteen point one million homes in California Orange County has nine hundred and seventy two thousand homes here in shady Canyon we have four hundred and seventy two homes of which seven are active nine are pending and three are sold we have noticed that on average it takes about twenty two days for a home to go under contract wouldn't it be amazing that if we could cheat the market for those twenty two days because we may not know how the markets dynamically changing so it'd be nice for us to get updated pricing so the pre-launch process is super important some states can do freelance some states can and I get that but the pre-launch process is really important let me show you how I'm going to cheat the market and test the market because when we go live I want our set twenty two day window to be really tight because I want to make sure that we get a record for the sale of your home right dude but the interesting part is it's the same thing there 131 million homes in the United States are thirteen point one million homes in California there are you know seventy-two thousand homes in San Francisco County in this in this height they're just like the clients like oh my gosh like Kevin knows his stuff so deep it's amazing but I just memorize it once yes and what it allows me to do is it allows me to frame that my pre-launch process is going to be amazing right so then I talk about pre-launch and I just say this is my favorite thing so if if you guys don't do this and I'm not pitching anything here there is a there's a we use a countdown timer website right Kevin yeah it allows the client to know that hey it's nine days left and it's you know counting down I tell the client saying we don't have photos we don't have copy but we're going to be great to build a countdown timer website to drive traffic to because people want to know what's coming I'm smart that's really smart they create some buzz and create some urgency and some anticipation while making look at the marketing genius exactly if folks are watching here don't know how to create a contact on my website right just go to Kingston Lang calm we provide unlimited countdown timer websites so just use it easily we still read we need to talk about that so let me fire to the last two things right so I talked about you know then here's the interesting part there's a mindset shift your Kevin the mindset shift is so here's where you win and I don't you don't have to talk about anything else the client hires you and we bring in stager painter blah blah blah whatever the client is spending money but we haven't even gone live so the client right now is like I'm always like Oh doh and nothing has happened they certainly get irritated but they also know intellectually that it's going to take some time for the listing a lot that's why we launch the countdown timer site because you can launch it instantly and start driving ads to it right away and now you start getting leads in four days you go back to your client saying hey we haven't even finished staging I have seven interested buyers when can I do a private showing right now now the client thinks oh my gosh Kevin's amazing now let's pause here right they're listing hasn't even gone live well this is all they remember now it doesn't matter whether you have great customer service what do you have Glade client service whether you sell the home nothing matters all their memories are based on the listing appointment and the first few days of signing the listing now when their dinner they were like oh my gosh like Kevin was just amazing when he talked about this he showed us all these tools right because I showed them the countdown timer live on the site on the India point and then he got his poor you know enquiries he brought buyers through yeah they didn't pan out but he was working instantly before the listing one lied hey you know my neighbor you should hire Kevin too because he works his ass off for you love that dude that is where girls got referrals don't come when they write a review referrals come in like the first four days like you have to we do everything in the first four days and that is their 90% of their fresh and people want to see that you're making an effort right you want to see action so if from day one you're already providing results how powerful is that totally exactly right um after this dude then it's all mechanical right after this it becomes D so if you notice we haven't even gotten to the pricing conversation or the CMA conversation we don't even got into it but you've already won you've already won right look another big problem Kevin is when you start taking people around when you do the tour right away of the home as you're walking the tour agents and clients can't help but saying because there's some dead time as you walk the home they can't help but saying oh did you see the other listing come on the market for 1.7 million oh that's 1.7 million mine should be 2.1 and they instantly go down the pricing rabbit oh okay I'm nice suggestion is like totally control that that dialogue right like we should control it like oh you want pricing to come up after you have shown all the value because now pricing is just part of process how do you control that conversation and you control that part you know that's what you're going to the tour you actually control the strategy first right but if they come during the conversation so this is great so awesome um a lot of times I've actually noticed agents say and when the pricing comes up in the conversation agents will say Oh we'll sit down when we sit down we'll talk about it when we get to it or something like that that is so irritating to a client I will tell you right now like it's so irritating like you can't do that like that's not fair right the client asks you a question about pricing you can't dodge it like you just cannot dodge it so we say straight up hey I think you're right on you know I you go right into math in the work that we did in the price per square foot we're about four hundred fifty-two dollars price per square foot but as I walked through a woman we calibrate that number in my head can we sit down and do the analysis together love it so now you're telling them I prepped so I know am i right before the numbers or whatever you are walking around you get new stimuli and then you're gonna build a pricing with them together right that's way easier as opposed to just saying oh we'll talk about later the worst thing is that we'll talk about later right and then and clients just hate that because then they have an itch they're telling you to scratch it and you're like saying put it back down I'll scratch it later like it's just not but at least at least like rumack right I don't want to get you off truck but but once we do this right once we do this the pricing and the CMA should be really really really easy but I'll give you one more tip and then we go to other topics but the one thing that that caught that agents never talked about in the living room ends up being this topic which i think is super super important which is what happens between contractor clothes for some reason and we already harps on the marketing like the contract the clothes are so important because for example you know in most states we have inspection continues these loan contingencies and all that stuff like there is a physical inspection contingency where we actually negotiate I mean we can win our clients 1 to 2 percent of the home's value back sometimes just is in the negotiation we never tell them that's even going to happen right but if you plant the seed that hey mr. mrs. client one of the reasons why my experience is important here is that it's very common for a buyer to ask for updates and improvements at the home which happens in the physical contingency period do you understand what that it no let me actually walk you through they bring in an inspector they do this they do that and then generally they'll come in with a part of the offer that says hey I know I offered you one point seven but you need to you actually pay me at 80 you know eighty two thousand dollars to fix the roof or whatever that's why I've said no idea right there now you see ya know but my job right now mr. mrs. Klein given the market conditions is to negotiate that down to the lowest possible number because I could probably save you XYZ amount in the last three homes look I saved this I saved why I save Z now when you go to the theanine discussion now you've planted the seed you can actually say that's how I negotiate otherwise you have no way otherwise Johnny's gonna do it before right yeah so your so here's the here's the phrasing the phrasing is when you talk about contractor clothes you say mister mrs. Klein the invisible power of what I do happens from contract to clothes let me walk you through it right clients like wait what and then you walk them to the contingency period how you negotiate etc and the way to do that Kevin is very easy is to have three case studies in the bag and if you can take this let me show you this here's one two three Main Street we just sold this home we listed it for this we got it for this the commission the contingency period was this they asked for $80,000 with the repairs we negotiated it down to 15,000 and then we were able to get our clients in their home oh by the way you must be thinking what about a newer home here's one two three division like you just used proof to show what you did yeah it's amazing to me like nobody talks about the contractor closing and they're like oh I'm really good at it oh you want to hire me because I'm a great negotiator how do I know you're a great negotiator no idea what yeah I mean and like don't get me wrong right like rule City they have no idea that we are trained or we have negotiated they just know that we know the process but if we can show that we can actually get a bill for them and reduce it very exciting very well then you're proven you're showing your true value looking for the bottom dollar what you're gonna be able to get for them on their property don't believe dude and you know here's a dirty part right like we went through this so fast you know it was good yeah but wait but but if somebody just picked up just flow and differences like I haven't even talked about pricing yet you know I haven't talked about the fee and I haven't talked about you know the CMA yet like those that that stuff is what you want to get to because the marketing was just bird and I just like frame the rest of it right and so now the clients like I am hiring Kevin because he's a great advisor I'm not hiring Kevin just because he's a realtor right loving we have no problem paying advisors their fee when we use Commission clients always think hey here's my big slice of pizza and Kevin's gonna take a slice away so I actually don't I try not to use the word Commission at all in language because it instantly go to your taking of something from me but I just say hey my fee is 6% like straight up hey my our fee is 6% and for that we bring you this process look uh and that that's gonna that that's gonna denial does that hopeful at all give me give me some thoughts this is amazing I mean this learned so much myself I've been taking notes and been that my phone taking notes this is so good Wow I mean there's so many a lot of questions but we're almost out of time first off let's talk about well first how did you come up with this process um it's a great question so while this is a very similar process that we used when we were buying and selling companies when I was in investment at Goldman and so we would walk into a CEO of a company and I would say okay well it's my job to bring you an offer that you want at the price that you want of the terms it's one great who's going to buy your company let's talk a bit about a profile how are we gonna market it we're gonna run a process we're not just gonna randomly throw stuff up okay great what is your timing oh you want to sell now or you want to sell when your profits hit in December okay great awesome how do we actually launch it softly Oh Austin when we actually get an offer who do we use to negotiate like this is a business selling process right and so I just took what I did I just reenact and it's selling a home it's just an asset so this can work really with anything this is structure and then what you put in it kind of fills in the blanks if you will and yeah and also if someone like jumps down here to pre-launch or timing you can tell them hey you can tell we have a we have a seven step free launch process I want to walk you through would you like me to show you a couple things that I do before the pre-launch to set the stage for the free line every time you want to tell somebody to wait you just have to tell them that hey I need to give you a couple more pieces before that will give you knowledge of what I'm gonna tell you about as opposed to saying we'll get to that a few minutes you know one of the questions I was gonna ask you is why should we look at you as an authority that was one of my first questions but you just you just spent the last 30 minutes going over that and one of the things that we haven't talked about is how you built tell us how you don't tell us and actually sold it to Douglas Elliman right so we haven't even talked about that and you like did you use the same kind of process that you just went over to say yeah totally man it's not like I'll raise this range it's not hard and the only reason I'm writing is because like I'm super visual and can't like I can't think unless I write so everybody just you should go check out Kevin's page by the way so so tell us was really easy I'll give you the super Diggy the soup-to-nuts kind of front-facing story the story was we had 45 agents in one office in Beverly Hills I was a passive investor in tell us when I came on I was just a consultant realize at that point that the original principles were you know we're not happy with where they were taking the company so my we invested and we said hey does it model is great the market is interesting it's right in you know what the crisis was happening for this to make sense for everybody we need to go from 45 agents to close to 600 agents and selling at least 10 million a year or on track to doing that and if we need to do that in five years because because the real estate cycle roughly the last seven years and we need like a couple of years to actually you know do the transition etc so our goal was to grow 10x in five years so the math was not really hard it was like okay how do we get from 45 to 450 to 600 so when we sold to Douglas Elliman the fall last year we had close to 575 agents doing you know on average 3.3 billion in sales but it was a very specific connects growth like we said every single day oh and we grew without acquisition so we grew organically right so we didn't buy any companies and so we all our sales managers are recruiting managers we log say listen and we come in on the call every single day for 15 minutes and we would and and Kevin this was our daily huddle we'll get on the call and we say hey our goal is to recruit 47 inches this month to make sure we can 10x ok that means what did you do yesterday what did you do what are you committed to today so I say hey my goal is to get seven agents this month I had three appointments yesterday and I have and I'm committed to doing one appointment today then the next person goes then the next person goes we do the daily huddle every day and kind of get that daily movement just like any other agent would you know track conversations or track appointments but doing it every day give us a real sense of reality around got it that's that's really powerful what what do you say would be the most most difficult thing about implementing the process of system the hardest thing is the people not everybody is used to that level of aggressive accountability and sometimes I mean you know some managers would say or some sales we are recruiters will say well I can grow but like I've had a tough month and I've time tapped out on my personal contacts I don't want to be cold calls so now we have to find a way to work with each person individually just give them their view of the world of growth because coming you are a really charming guy like you can work the phone well you can work your sphere well but some people may not be that way right so we like I always tell agents for example hey don't door knock if you're not good at door knock I just don't yeah but that doesn't mean you don't do anything yeah the hardest part Kevin was finding like the true like I called kind of the authentic self everyone has an authentic self what is their authentic self is it networking is going on broker opens is it you know is it truck is it cold calling is it cold emailing the texting is a video like just find their authentic self and then then you're good to go right so I think the hardest part was like working with leaders and finding their authentic self and then the leaders like listening to me and saying dude like you were an investment banker you're coming into our industry you're telling me what to do I've been here 30 years who the heck are you I don't like I'm the guy that's gonna force us to get the 10x because if not we have no company otherwise right welcome so yeah that was the hardest part was the people how do you well this I'm kind of shifting a little bit then I want to really want to talk about Kingston lane because we haven't even touched on that got about 10 minutes so are you are you spiritual at all like how do you how do you get to I mean like I think part of getting finding our path includes like some sort of spirituality and and I know you have the 5 a.m. Club if you guys haven't looked at that or haven't checked it out it's a it's a Facebook group and interrupt me if I'm going the wrong way with this but it's a Facebook group that you just run by Chiron where you get on for 5 or 10 minutes every morning at 5 a.m. and and you just kind of go over a particular topic and from my understanding is a lot of that has to do with spirituality yeah yeah so it's fine and so the 10 second story around it Kevin I got really sick and my doctors realized that my blood work was dope was better in the morning than in the evenings so my doctor just flippantly said hey Sean you should stay awake earlier in the day and you'll live longer and I was like that's really weird I'm not waking up early and I said what time he's like wake up at 4:00 or 5:00 and I'm like I'm not waking our clock he goes well do you want to live longer and I was like okay so I started out I called three friends and I'm like hey guys I wanted to do this for my health can you be my accountability partners where I'm gonna call you at 5:00 in the morning just for a week and you don't have to do anything it's just my accountability like strong with a heck are you gonna say and I said well I'll come up with a message maybe something inspirational something spiritual something something that will you know benefit you in your life and they'll be no longer than five minutes so we set up a conference called number we had three people on we did it for a few days that three people invited ten more ten invited twenty twenty invited three hundred today we have 2,000 people on the call that Diamond Edition Miley just needs seven days a week it's just sharing a message it's just sharing a message say hey if you do this your life would be better if you did this gratitude would be better it's a very personal call less than 20% of these people in the call are will are in the real estate industry comes to over eighty percent or not and I don't know how they got there we have two billionaires on the call which is very cool and but to ask answer your spirituality question right I believe that there is a that there's a superior power right like I'll just say that and it's it's our goal to just always be it is my personal goal to always be in search of personal growth I just want to be better tomorrow than I am today and it's hokey but I know but that's how I think about the world and you know we pray like I don't like smite my children my son wakes up every morning does affirmations even when he goes to bed at nights he says it gratitude prayer but I think you need something to anchor you down because when you're down when it's broken it's no it's not it's very easy for us to say if the world's going you know the world's the world's beating me down right and it's the world's fault all things are going really well I'm awesome like we can't do that right so I just keep coming back to the same kind of hey there's there's a there's a higher power where I'm very grateful for all the great things we have going on and I don't know how to explain good karma except that it comes from you know something that I don't control and I'm just grateful for it and I try to tune into it every morning very nice man very nice for someone as successful as successful as you aren't to add that type of humility says a lot thanks for sharing that so now let's just let's talk about Kingston link you know I mean you've provided us with so much value and I personally looked at Kingston Lane and I think it's great I'd love to if you could just just tell us about it just give us some information why we should be using it what what are some of the features wouldn't what are some things that we can benefit from as with Kingston Lane awesome thank you right and so this is a the entire idea of Kingston Lane is so that Kevin the number one thing after polling agents for the last seven years the number one emotion that plagues agents is over well the number one thing right because everything is changing and the number one thing that plays agents over one either I need to do more I need to do more marketing how do I figure out Facebook Ads every agent goes into the house like how do I do it how do I do it how do I do it and Kingston Lane was just built as an execution platform for agents to say I want to do something can I click three buttons and get it done so it is the it is straight-up implementation only like we don't do idx we don't do CRM or straight up implementation so for example a lot of agents want to do you know Geographic farming with Facebook right they're like they want to do a dream I'll be farming Facebook ads but they don't they're like oh I need to go get a home valuation page I need to pay somebody monthly to do these ads I don't know if these ads convert for us it is picking them amount of money you want to invest pick a zip code hit enter you're done like we run all the ads for you so our goal is to make everything three to five clicks and so anything that we want to do maybe you know marketing maybe social media marketing maybe like you know coming soon anything that an agent needs to execute on in their business we have made it three to five clicks and the best part is like you know agents can check it out for free so you should just go to King something calm and get a platform for please take it for spin and given my number one thing was agents hate getting got gouged on I think on like continuity right hey it's $1,500 a month you have to sign up for you know 12 months etc like we have no continuity everything is every everything is no commitments no credit cards like you just say you want something you're going execute you don't want it you don't need it so we want to make it super easy and like we've gotten I'll give you my vision for this Kevin I want to be an agent just started business needs to go get a license needs to go get some time at DocuSign it cosign come my signature platform and then they need to go get Kingston Lane because that's their digital marketing platform everything else goes on top of it because I think what happens is agents get stuck in the how and we are your outsourced how like press three buttons get things done that's all he hire entire idea for it it makes sense and I want to ask you for some examples and how we can utilize it but like you know as an agent we have so many different roles right I mean it's like we're the accounting we're the marketing we're the sales were there yes we're the is a we're the prospector so it's nice to have something that I can rely on that will take away take me take the control the tediousness that comes with what we have to do right yeah so you you guys have provided that with Kingston Lane what are some examples how it can be utilized like with the particularly doing a particular thing yeah so I'll give you I'll give you a very tactical one and everybody should be thinking about this so let me give an example where a lot of times agents say you know they want to run a home valuation campaign in their Geographic farm well that's okay that makes sense but how you run it is super important so Kevin you let's say you you're in a neighborhood on you district a new listing the time to run a home valuation campaign is actually when you get a new listing so your listing sign goes in the yard the consumer drives home they see the Kevin Markarian sign they go home they open their Facebook app and they see a Kevin Markarian home valuation that's when the home elevation makes sense just running it all the time is okay because now people just get irritated so how we think about is we want to give agents the tools to run things on demand so for example one thing would be we call it push-button so where everything is push-button push button Digital farming so we say hey Kevin you've got a new listing great and the address is 1 2 3 Main Street awesome you can use with 3 clicks you can run a geographic farming ad like a circle around a circle right around your listing now when you go to invite people to your open house etc your brand is there and it can actually be done on a very targeted basis as opposed to just running it all the time and saying I don't get it automates Raymond so you're saying we can like what about mailers and all that I mean is that include are you talking about mailers are you talking so you're saying push button what what what is included in the push button so the in the push button is so oh all the agent would do is they would say I want to spend $100 I want to spend it in 902 100 or around an address and I would say enter what happens is our team goes out builds the Facebook ads or we give the agents a free home valuation landing page so you don't have to pay for that so we build the ads maybe test the ads and during that period we drive traffic to the landing page that aydin's get the leads so agents don't have to do anything apart from the 30 seconds or push push enter and we do all the building of the ads testing of the ads fulfillment of the ads and drive what news then he did have unite you know kind of geeky right like we like that manager we go and we play with it but even I do that changes so quickly every time it's insane but it's like we shouldn't be if we're out there we need to be facing face time with our clients we shouldn't necessarily be focusing on like the back end of Facebook and figuring all those things on Oxman I mean it's very important but like our best you know our most dollar producing act our time should be spent with our clients out there doing the things that were you know gonna be more business so that you have that in place in the way you have it it's just so simple and so what are some other examples real quick let me give you two more right two more that I know it's really working right now this is gonna be really basic but Kevin we found the most basic stuff is what agent struggle doing most agents will say oh I'm gonna do email marketing to my past clients in my spirit they'll do it one month then they get busy four months go by they don't do it again then they're like oh my gosh I haven't touched my spear in a while I can't email them now it's kind of weird and then they keep going through the process like so we called it push button email marketing push button email marketing and so here's here's how it works you set it up once you set it up once we we provide email marketing software we provide the content you just have to say here my here's my list you can update the list whenever you want we keep up to 5,000 contacts and Steven me personally build email marketing pieces two times a month we test it to our own sphere we see what converts and we automatically put people on the two times a month drift doing some trim then they get automatically consistently now the sound so you're saying I don't have to come up with the drip the wording I have to come up with the images I don't have to come up with the clicks and all that stuff you you do everything you do you're doing nothing you don't even have to go sign up for email marketing account we even do that we do everything Wow and it's just it's to talk to month we manage the drips we manage the articles we manage the content we manage to convert we send it on your behalf with your branding you just said it and you forget it and your sphere your past clients your Dead leads they're all automatically nurtured okay wait wait how does that how much that cost $99 a month Wow so for people that have boomed on Commission's Inc and all that you should just export all the dead leads put them in a list I know and you just let it go you don't even touch it you'll just start getting nurtured leads super easy I mean I don't know how you guys are even affording to do that yeah which is why and use the best part Kevin month-to-month you don't like it to stop we have no contracts and anything that we do and how long is a trial if I wanted to try it out so so there's so on on on the free account there is it's free for life you could jump in and there's a out of these 16 features like 7:00 or free and those are free for life you can just you can just use them if that's what you want but for services that we actually go in and build stuff that's just a month does this monster month okay so there's just one there's one number I wanted to do very quickly I'll take 10 seconds doing this this is the most popular feature that we have we've realized Kevin that everybody wants marketing right but everybody is very nuanced about their marketing so we thought wouldn't be amazing is if you happen to go out spend 2,000 3,000 4,000 dollars hiring a marketing person for your team alone could we give that to you for extremely cheap so agents want to do one of three things they wanted to do it yourself hey it's Friday night I want to make a flier I want to do it fast I want just give me a template I want a drag-and-drop they want that or they want to say I want a team to build my marketing for me or they say another one custom marketing so what we've done Kevin is this is could you not unlimited so we have canva pro with that we build all new templates on that people can drag and drop we have a full design team unlimited pieces that you can order and an access to a per project based custom team $99 a month for your marketing concierge that's it oh my gosh dude I mean unlimited pieces unlimited that's just that's such a great value I mean really it's uh for what you're talking about for that price like the MailChimp account alone exactly exactly right so so kill do that what a lot of people are doing right now like team leaders their marketing people are coming to you so Kevin let's say I'm your marketing person I come to you and I say hey Kevin how would you like a $99 a month pay increase for me and I can double my productivity okay so now you don't have to get rid of your people you can just you can scale so much better stuff your team's etc it's just 99 bucks a month per person it's super easy we're having a lot of brokerages that basically are saying I don't want to scale and open a new office and do all that hey I've got four new people in Carlsbad I'm gonna give them four of them $19 a month I'm done sure I can just yell at you if I need you wow this is this is really good so if somebody wants to find more information where should they go what things you'd like to talk about me where this has been such a great conflict we can go on for like five hours but important out of time so if we could just end it final thoughts and kind of direct people where they need to go if they want more info awesome so super easy we want to make it even easier for you so go to Kingston Lane comso Kingston Lane comm you can just sign up for a free account and given what we did is we'll give you five free bonuses right there and got like a buyer plan my whole listing presentation plan we give for you for free we just give it to you yeah you should just sign up for free just to get that wait wait so you're saying you they get the ten step process that you only went through six right ten so you're saying you'd get that for free just by signing up they get they get the listing process they also get my buyer process for free we just hand it to them and every single day we do what we call a daily action plan so you get an email every day for free that says hey Kevin take this script and paste it in your Facebook and get leads so every day we just send you something that you can act on in two minutes so just for that you should sign up for a free account nice it's almost like I'm having a 5 a.m. club but Kingston Lane style yeah exactly right so dude we just want to leave with value like we want to give more because we believe that like our mission is to improve the lives of the financial bloodlines of agents around the world whether are they or not whether or not they're cancelling agents right so I boot like I've seen agents struggle every single day and we just want to make it so easy so cheap so that agents can have a great life that's great Kingston Lang comm check it out guys sure run you've been an amazing guest man thank you so much for all the wonderful wisdom that you shared with us all the you know just great information you're you you're awesome man thank you very much thanks Kevin hey for those who don't know Kevin Markarian like CEO of marker just an awesome dude you need to go watch his video his origin video is insane so go watch it on the marker on the marker Facebook page thanks buddy thanks guys everyone have a great day thank you thanks [Music]
Channel: Lab Coat Agents
Views: 3,845
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Keywords: real estate
Id: JYghmKBc9xU
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Length: 65min 14sec (3914 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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