Sharran Srivatsaa - An Inside Look | Empire Podcast Show

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I found gold in that dumpster I mean I used to find full sandwiches I used to find burgers I used to find burritos and so for like a good four days and I would eat and I would be so grateful and I'd wake up when I do it all over again [Music] hey friends bedros julian here welcome to another episode of the Empire podcast and as you can see that is not Craig which means we are doing another inside look and today I've got a very special guest a dear friend of mine and one of the most high-performance entrepreneurs that I can think of Sharan Srivatsa Sean how are you buddy hey just thank you very thanks for coming out here and for those who don't know you got on board with a company called Telus properties yeah what did tell us properties do once you give us a little backstory yeah so uh my partners and I invested in we have a fund that invests in technology companies real estate companies etc so we had invested in this company called Telus properties they were selling high-end real estate across the California coast and in the early stages for some reason it was going in the wrong direction yeah so they brought us in just for an outside look and that was about six and a half seven years ago and that's when we kind of me and my partner took over to turn the company around and grow it okay so about six and a half seven years ago you take over you become president right at that point if you don't mind me sharing some numbers the company's doing over 300 million a year right so they're doing about 300 million a year one one and a half offices about forty five agents overall so you know people watching and listening to this or going wow the company's doing three hundred million a year obviously it's massively profitable was it it was it could have done a lot better right yeah okay so in the beginning stages even though was doing 300 million dollars a year it was not that profitable and what you were able to do in a short period of time in fact in five years is to 10x the top-line on that didn't you yes so we took the company from 300 million a year last dan towards the end of last year we finished the year 3.4 billion dollars so we did a 10x in a five-year period we were on the Inc 500 four consecutive years growing 10x in five years which is a big kind of with you right and the interesting part was we set out with that goal like we when we took over when I took over I was like we need to do 10x for many reasons because otherwise the just didn't get exciting enough it didn't it was not exciting enough to leave everything that I was doing on Wall Street to come and do this but I said well if we can do it 10x in five years this gets very exciting because it gives us options because all these entrepreneurs think about how do I get the exit the exit is not the answer right the options are the answer options yeah you want to give yourself the options to exit or to stay and enjoy in scale right exactly right and so to finish up the story at the end of last year a publicly traded company out of New York bought us which was probably one of the largest transactions in two independent companies buying each other's history and I just served my term into integration and delivered a great company to a company yeah what a great story and so of course everyone watching and listening to the Empire podcast show our audience is typically folks who want to start their own business and don't just want to be stole open ores but want to become an entrepreneur at a level where they're making a massive impact they're making a lot of money they understand money be as the vehicle to change and impact and freedom you've had that but you weren't born from money were you know we I was born I was born in India too very humble parents and with very humble roots I think I'm I remember my mom telling me we only had one child because we couldn't afford another and that there's a lot of pressure that stays that still stayed with me I don't think she would ever say that again she probably forgot she already told me that and I remembered that but I took that as a gift I took that as an opportunity I took that as more responsibility because they had apart from birthing a child they almost had invested in me right they said hey they have singularity of focus on investment they said this is our son we're not gonna dilute this pot we're gonna give him everything we got and there's a immense sense of gratitude that comes with that early on it was like it was lonely girl growing up right I got I got comfortable living alone and not having siblings but there was a defense of responsibility when my parents shared that at the time the lives that they had at that point they could have only done well for once one child and I'm super grateful for that yeah and so the fact that you're an only child and your parents have gone all-in on you did that put any kind of pressure on you as you were growing up through elementary school junior high high schooling on I don't think it did per se but I think the hard part was I think it did for that I think what they got out of it was hey we made this we've had one child we want to give him everything possible and they recognized that me being born in that infrastructure in that system which is India was not conducive to who I was and it was amazing my parent my my dad I remember we're sitting on a park bench and he told me it's probably I was probably an eighth or ninth grade eighth grade maybe and he said to me I said tough conversation to have with an it with an eighth grader he said this may not be the right country for you and we need to pick one thing that is your passport to leaving here I was like what eighth grade so that's what 13 years old 14 14 or 13 years old and I said and he said it can't be a team sport you're tone-deaf you can't sing academically you're like a b-plus a - student and there's way too many people much smarter scholastically and so you got to pick an individual sport and I said okay so I kid you not the only right in front of us outside this park bench was a set of tennis courts and he's like can you cut it out and so it's a lot of pressure right and so he said we don't need you to go pro we don't need you to win trophies we don't need you to make money this is a way for you to get out of the country and we will do whatever it takes for you to get using this to get out the country Holy Smoke so I mean here you are again it's very rare that I get to interview someone who's an immigrant like I am and became an entrepreneur and I moved to the United States when I was six years old I didn't have a culture and friends that I had already gone to school with and then had to leave them so now you're in India you're going to school there you have friends you've adopted to the culture and you're 13 14 years old and your dad's like hey look we need to get you a passport to the United States that's where your future is school isn't it you know your grades are okay but not okay good enough team sports not so much singing your tone-deaf there's a tennis court yeah can you get good at it so you got obviously good enough you know to qualify you for a passport yeah what does that process look like all I did was I think academics was secondary after that I woke up and play tennis I went to school and I trained now again I had to stop you mom and dad were not professional tennis players oh no Dave nothing yeah up until that point we were sitting on the bench looking at the tennis courts you had never been on a tennis court yeah just recreationally maybe but yeah I'd never taken a lesson or anything like that yeah go on yeah and then so it was but but that also goes to show the you know looking back kind of the singularity of focus saying I'm doing this for a very specific reason this is a chance for me to show some skills so some capability so that somebody somewhere will recognize how decent I am at this and I'll get a shot at something sure and so I tried my hand playing at the professional tennis tour just to get out of the country that was the passport out right and then that's when you get colleges and universities started looking at you they're like okay he's not just a you know kind of a player tennis player in some country he actually has exposure and experience and so that happened but then I actually did decently well where I played on the pro tennis tour and I qualified and I got like what they call one ATP point so I was a true professional and so once you play pro tennis you can't play college tennis so that disqualified me from going to college in the United States which was now even worse than our our plan worked too well right and so my so we found a loophole which is in the United States Division three tennis you don't get academic scholarships so I applied to all these Division three x schools and I went to a Division three school and that was my passport to come into the States gotcha so there's a very interesting story so what are the two big takeaways that I got for our audience that I want everyone to listen to and since we're actually we're doing an Instagram live too for all of you guys right now is one your reason why was big enough right that you went all-in in hell or high water I'm gonna become a amazing tennis player where I can get a passport and come to the United States right and it wasn't so much that you were born with some organic natural skill sets of tennis hand-eye coordination mom and dad certainly didn't have correct there's genetic gift your reason why was big enough that you were able to invest the time and go singer we focused on that one thing and so that's a really big lesson here for everyone because when you're coming up with the business idea when you're coming up with the venture starting a partnership you really want to start thinking about what is my reason why because the goings gonna get tough and when the going gets tough if you don't have a compelling enough reason it's easy enough to quit which is why we see so many people give up on their dreams and aspirations yeah I think and maybe you could talk to this I think the Y has to transcend you a little bit sometimes so if a lot of lot of people have a very strong why they get it they understand it they know they're impacted the world but if my why was Thai like my my my dad my why was socialized with my family and I think that became a family why sure I think that got more compelling so it was not a so when I woke up in the morning no one allowed me to sleep in right like it was not a Charan thing it was an the whole family thing and I think when when we have the ability to socialize our wise socialize our goals and community drives achievement right like when you can get a community to drive achievement that's when all things kind of break loose and just thinking about your why and writing it down it's cool I get it you should at least do that when you start socializing when you can be a part of a mastermind group when you can have a coach a mentor to support you to that process the why accountability I think really ups the ability obviously and well the entire tribe gets behind you in this case the tribe started with your family and of course the community got bigger right that's amazing all right so so then you come to United States who you find your way into a college because you found the loophole and let's fast forward a bit here I remember when he told me the story and I think it was over a steak dinner this was so entertaining you were learning to sell like stocks and bonds and all that stuff and you guys had the things stuck in your ear even though those are the key that the phone yeah the headset yeah but it wasn't plugged into anything and now you weren't great at sales nothing right and you know just like tennis you know nothing about it yeah so now here's something new you're in New York at that point yeah tell us this how this happens so fast for many years I went to business school of Vanderbilt University down Nashville Tennessee got recruited go work at goldman sachs i had 39 one-on-one interviews to get a job at Goldman sure so this is not well hold on let me just share that with everybody 39 one-on-one interviews just to get the job at Goldman Sachs yep not including coffees dinners phone karke nothing this was 39 individual one-on-one right now how many things have our listeners and viewers tried a few times and then quit in your case it was 39 people that you had to impress right yet to almost get you know consensus sure and so we were so I walk into training and the entire job was calling on presidents and CEOs of fast-growing companies and introduced them to a goldman sachs relationship so the interesting part here is that you have no idea what question you're gonna get asked if you're selling a stock or a bond you know that you need domain expertise in that stock or a bond and that's all you're gonna get asked sure but if I was calling her and I was introducing into a worldwide from that could do anything you could ask me anything right and and so and I had to have really good you know composure and exposure to what you're asking and deliver a good result so the first day we walk into training I thought training would be like three weeks training was six months every single day and you're talking 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. every single day and so we walk in they hand me a No Limit AMEX card corporate card they hand me a blackberry which is blackberry day shirt and a headset and I said well why do I need this headset I'm not making any calls and the managing partner tells me put it on and don't plug it into anything because you got to get used to having that as a part of your body mm-hmm first I thought he was crazy but now even today I go I walk into my office every day I put my jacket up I sit down in my chair I opened my laptop I put my headset on it doesn't matter what I am doing I'm conditioner and I think there's a symbolism of seriousness that comes with sure what you have and how it's a part of your body and I'm so so much better with it yeah you'll really appreciate this my wife I was doing a client call like in my and my of my home I had my headset on i'm doing my call my home office and it was like late friday evening i finished the call and you can kind of hear me and so I come out I'm like hey honey how's it going the kids how's it going she says oh sure I'm like what do you wanna do for dinner where do you want to go and then I say well you know how about maybe maybe Thai maybe she's like you are terrible for an hour there was no not one not one arm you were extremely articulate or extremely decisive you were so focused you were so influential and you can once you take your headset off right can't choose dinner and that's when it started to actually make sense where small trigger small rituals is when we can condition ourselves to really up our game you know it's funny that you say that in my book that's coming out September whenever eighteen if I talk about your starting ritual like what is your morning starting ritual if I don't go through my morning starting ritual of water protein shake coffee play with my dog cookie and then get on my couch with my laptop with my phone turned upside down and pushed away from me things don't work out well but when I go through those five or six steps every single time it's a predictable outcome in my favor yeah right it's that starting rich one when the headset goes on you boom you are clear you are concise or deliberate in the way you communicate well you you taught me this the difference between a crop duster and a fighter jet right the fighter jets which fighter jet pilot walks in and just says sure we're ready to go like there is a checklist right and and I always I always look to you I always think about hey I might being a crop duster right now that's a lot of pressure to put on yourself good alright so tennis you come to United States and I know you were goldman sachs and you ultimately become a great salesperson but somewhere between there and there there was this time where you are the immigrant in a new country and I'm guessing your family wasn't wealthy you guys didn't come here with a lot of money right no I didn't so my my parents were so when I came to college I came a couple of weeks earlier for orientation and things like that and so my my parents were great they sold almost everything that they had and they wrote me this check this international cashier's check to go pay for the first year of school and everyone says well you got this gift yes my parents did that for me sure so I go to financial services I deposit this check and they're like hey this is an international check and whatever is gonna take two weeks to clear I was like okay no problem but I'd had no money for two weeks I had room but I had no money for anything else and so what I did was I I was walking around I would go to every pizza party there was I would steal every jar of peanut butter there was and finally I found this guy who gave me kind of this side job loading and unloading from a dock so he would just pay me pay me cash but he would pay me at the end of the week so I kept working and I was hungry and I saw this stir and I saw these people putting just packages of food inside this dumpster and I said well maybe there's something in there just because I was hungry I've been hungry for days maybe there's something in there maybe there's something sanitary and there so when it got dark I waited I didn't want I was really conscious I didn't want my friends to see and he thinks I waited that's tirana and looking back I was so embarrassed then right and and but looking back it warms my heart that I did whatever I needed to do to survive it's called resourceful do I jump in the dumpster and man I found I found gold in that dumpster I mean I used to find full sandwiches I used to find burgers I used to find burritos and so for like a good four days I found like packed meals I mean not even just trash half-eaten I found pack meals in there and and I would grab it I would jump out I would make sure no one was looking I would run to my dorm room I would heat it up in the free microwave and I would eat and I would be so grateful and I'd wake up when I do it all over again and one night I kid you not I saw this group of kids like throw a bunch of subway bags Subway sandwiches in there from a party yeah I was like this is amazing I have food for four days in here so I wait it gets dark I jump in the dumpster and I reach and I see a I see I see a box of pop-tarts and this big subway back so I grabbed the subway bag and I grabbed this pop-tart and as I grabbed this pop-tart something whacks me in the face and I look and I see two like glowing eyes there was a raccoon in the dumpster whacks me in the face and is fighting over this pop-tart and and at that point I was not giving up so I whacked the raccoon back i I don't you know I had a mess I was bleeding I grabbed the pop-tarts I grabbed at Subway I jump out and I run to health services got a tetanus shot but I it was the scariest thing because I had no idea what that what that was but I knew instinctively just had like figured it out and then when it's a fight or flight exactly and and the the confines of a trash of a dumpster are not big enough for a flight like I was there for food and there was someone in my something in my way and I was fighting that something ironically the raccoon felt the same way I was in here first and then this human gets it the raccoon got some blood to it yeah I did its yeah that's definitely a defining moment you know I feel like we're kindred spirits often you know as we went upstairs Dai said how much I talked and talked about you she's heard everything about you and it's because of stories like this like this is truly the immigrant edge like I came to this country as well and my dad I was 6 7 years old when my dad would put me into the into the dumpsters and we'd have to fish out food that was expired but hadn't necessarily gone bad right but your dumpster diving for food and it does help you understand gratitude in a way that unless you've starved for days at a time it's hard to understand that level of gratitude I'm not suggesting people go out there and starve yourself but maybe I ought to consider that just something to consider you're not gonna die you're gonna learn so much about yourself so sheer on great you you you you you go to Vanderbilt and of course you Goldman Sachs and then all of a sudden and you are now the president of Telus properties what gives you the balls to go we're gonna 10x this in five years like who said you can do that nobody okay nobody said I could do that but there was a time when I walk in and I look at the opportunity and you're faced with the decision you're faced with the decision where you say hey at this point we're gonna wrap this up and sell this business because we're gonna need to move on to something else or we need to pour our heart and soul into this because there is an opportunity here to grow it to make it something meaningful to impact a bunch of lives but that's gonna take a lot of hard work it's gonna take a lot of growth and I just think it's gonna take a lot of belief and the the math was really easy the math was where we are now is not going to work where we need to be is this number that is 10x from now for us to have options generally the market goes in seven-year cycles we need to do it in five so that we have two year grace period so we can do something else with if something goes wrong so we have to 10x in five years this was not like anything brilliant this was a very simple I need to get to the number it was always like math like here's how the economy works right here's where we need to be to have options right and here's how much time we have to do it in correct and and everything we did organized around that 10x at any given time do you and your to point you have two partners at the time at any given time to you and your two partners go well that's impossible often often that happened often because they were I mean every business has setbacks right we had setbacks all the time we'd partnership issues we had cashflow issues I was lending the company money so are the other partners we lost market share I mean things like that happened sure and but we were like hey there is we called it the singularity focused singularity focus is this every year we have to do this to get to our 10x and there is no other way so as long as we keep plowing through our singularity focus so we called it the big three we said there's the how we run our company is governed by three things singularity focus the 10x needs to happen that means we need to do this much every year yeah number two we call it the cadence of accountability and that's where coaches and mentors come in but the kings of accountability is super important right unless you say you're gonna do these six things every day like for example if we didn't do five million dollars a day like we would never hit the billion dollar like three billion dollar number so for us it was just I need you five million dollars every single day and one and I'd see the charts every day and I were like three point five I'm like oh my gosh like I need to do seven and a half two more next next next day yeah and the kings of accountability actually gave us purpose on everything that we did and the last thing is good process drives good results and so any time someone would try to hack it or our business I'd be like whoa whoa whoa let's all agree and declare that we're hacking this right now but when we get to thousands of transactions and billions of dollars in sales all the stuff is gonna fall apart and then we're gonna have to rebuild all over again so can we commit that we're hacking it for 30 days but we need to build the infrastructure because the process and good process alone drives good resolve three very important lessons three very important lessons there and so the thing I want to share with our audience here real quick before we move on to the next phase here is yeah you created options for yourself and yeah you and your partners came in and said you know what we're gonna attend Exodus and we only have five years to do it in so we're gonna take a 300 million dollar company that's not doing so good and the 10x it's a three billion dollar companies have the options and right you do have partnership problems you do have cashflow problems you do have market share problems and even with all that you knew that your big goal of three billion dollars was going to happen only if you break it down to the most achievable numbers which is five million dollars a day right right and so whatever your big goal is guys and gals listening and watching the show right now if you like for example we want twenty five hundred fit body boot camp locations by the year 2023 yeah I can't just sit there and focus on that number and manifest it I have to close 48 locations a month yeah in order to get there and I know then what my daily number is for us to get there right and when you reduce something down to the ridiculous and that's what's really that's called because three billion dollars that's a scary number right but if you reduce it down to a more palatable number like just five million dollars a day in sales and I say just because it's property right its high-end you know yeah luxury properties so that could just being five dollars a day depending on what someone's business model is it's a lot more achievable and you held yourself accountable on a daily basis instead of a monthly quarterly or annual basis because imagine this today you said you did three million oh my gosh tomorrow I got to do seven and a half like you see a difference day-to-day whereas if every quarter we go and see how well we did I might have been off track a month into the quarter didn't even know it right right so that's a great lesson there to share with us so now that you were presented the option so let's say you know are our viewers and audience go all right I want to get to a point where I could liquidate I can have a liquidation event and sell my company what two or three things half's have to happen or does the CEO president have to do to position their company to sell theirs there's two components component number one is to get the highest possible offer sure you have to signal to the potential acquirer that you don't need to sell because otherwise good otherwise you're like I can walk away from this deal at any point sure and the second is deals that way they're structured today are are very formulaic you get some up frond you get some stock get some equity you get cash okay there's a lot of components of the puzzle so there is the signaling component and there's the terms compiled and the signalling component is is romance is a dance it's positioning it's like a year of stuff and that's not just I think a lot of people saying I'll cut him bragging is not branding right it's if I can say you're gonna buy my company I got a not tell you about how great I am I gotta tell you what do I have that can make you great mm I had to step away from being the principal of my company and to almost being like servant leadership for the acquire order I had to stop and say who are they what did they stand for and why does it benefit them come hell or high water to buy us what is their advantage it's getting in the head of the buyer to say even if I tighten the deal terms even if I say I'm gonna walk away even if I you know play hard to get you still want me why and and you do it with integrity but I the interesting part is after the deal was done and this is when you know you did it well after the deal was done I knew our buyers value proposition almost better than they did mmm right so I could walk in and pitch I had to pitch to my 700 agents why they had to do this day why it was good for them and I could pitch it better than the buyers and I think that took a while and getting in that mindset so I would I would just sit there and draw on the whiteboard like why why why is this better why is this better so the number one is the signaling in the romance the terms get very interesting and there's a really cool concept called look forward reason back so we always say okay great I'm gonna take these out of terms this is a cash this set of options they sort of earn out this set up this is my title this is what my team's gonna get to do now let's take that freeze it and blow it out a year does it still work does it still work because a lot of times we make decisions in the moment a snapshot but when you could stop and remove time then you can see oh matrix wouldn't be happy Sean wouldn't be happy does that actually find my lifestyle what if I had to walk and you can actually do that but blowing out time with terms is when is when that got really exciting so we all we did a lot of term study yeah and we said oh if we had to walk away on day one would that be good did we do right by our people our people in the right place talk about in a year are they in a better place okay good so that that the managing terms the deal is a deal but the terms and the combinations are very very important you know I I learned so much just just right there in that moment because I never even realized about that other piece to romance piece you know I just always figure it in my head you're gonna sell the stake you're gonna sell the stake but there's so much to selling the sizzle and as you were telling me this sounds like okay there's a sizzle this how is it prepared what's the ambience we can have a good steak in a shitty restaurant and we wouldn't be able to appreciate it right we can have a good steak in an ambience that's just immaculate amazing well lit you know piano music going and just beautiful people at the bar and all of a sudden that steak tastes better and there's studies that prove course right and which also leads us to our Instagram friends salt Bay you know I'm sure you know who salt bay is right how the guy puts on a show his restaurant by the steak houses when he's salting his steaks it's for that reason that you know he's growing his restaurants faster than any other you know high-end restaurant out there it's selling the sizzle and the steak and not just so much mistakes that's a great lesson there if you were sitting across from a an entrepreneur who's maybe doing a hundred thousand two hundred thousand dollars a year and they go you know what after hearing you I wanted 10x I want a 10x what would they have to change mentally not what did that do in their business because you don't know their business what do they have to change up here to be able to 10x from where they are to where they want to be yeah the first thing is transformation doesn't happen in isolation right that is the that was the number one lesson if I move back seven years I thought I could do it all myself sure and man do you hit all kinds of all kinds of blocks for whatever reason made me capabilities maybe mind said whatever it may be having a coach mentor guide operating Board of Advisors cannot be more important when you're starting bursts through that much growth so I would say number one transformation doesn't happen in isolation so if if you're extremely serious about a 10x growth if you're extremely serious about kind of having that much transformation in your business you've got to have an insane support system to help you get there someone that's been there before someone that can be with you along the ride and people that you start with may not be people that will you end with and that's okay sure but you cannot you cannot do that much on your own so that's number one number two I learned this the hard way and you're not have talked a lot about this which is you can't just 10x one part of your life I honestly thought hey I'm good I'm just gonna go 10x my business right it is insane you need your family needs to 10x with you your relationships need to 10x with you your health your health your health needs to 10x with you one thing that broke down was was my help because I would just I would sacrifice everything else for work and I appreciate you being this transparent about it yeah your health did break down when you and I first met yeah you were just on the cusp of recog recovering yeah yeah and my when my health broke down I realized I couldn't do everything I was not Superman and we that's when we went and we did a search for a true CEO Oh cuz I was doing everything in the business and I believe I was like how am I ever gonna hand over operations of our business to someone else how am I ever gonna do that and then I found a CEO and he is amazing amazing I'll tell you this the dream CEO right calls me and he's like hey Chiron how many emails do you have your inbox I say seven he goes I'm failing my job on seven counts hit forward that's when you know you have a partner that's when you know that there's true like distinction in roles and I was like this is amazing I told him I was a you and I are gonna business forever because he's kind of the the other side of the coin yeah so the second thing you cannot just there's no there's no 10x and just one part of your business which is interesting as well if you can 10x your business 10x something else and everything else will level up right everything will up right you can hack your way to 10x the lowest hanging fruit right yep and now we sell into this funny a client texted me today and she said I'm in a really bad place I'm thinking to pulling the plug on this new business that I started I should just stick with the other two businesses that are generating multi millions I said it's okay to feel like pulling the plug it is not okay to actually pull the plug today is one day of many what I want you to do is go get some more wins under your belt wasn't about to get any wins in this new industry today she's just not in that right headspace and so she's in the fitness space so I said go to the gym and Gators just crush a workout yeah she texted me an hour and a half later she goes I feel so great I'm back in the grind just 10x one area that you're good at right and it bleeds into everything else what are such a great message you're sending I got two more routines Drive results and I think if we can become a slave to great routines they just will drive great results and so they when I talk to you know clients that I work with coaching clients mentoring clients it's always just figuring out can I tweak one thing can I take two things that they can do over and over but they'll just start to see the compound effect of those results to them it was something small to them it was just flossing at night but they don't realize that now their psyche believes that they can do anything every single day so and when I start saying hey routines Drive results they're like well I'm not getting results well let's make your routines so now it's there's no depression around the result right there's only action around the routines focus on the routines and my favorite one is my last one and I think you and I connect a lot on this is greatness is in the granularity everybody believes that they can be the CEO the president they can just say go out and have and have the fifty thousand Instagram following can do the speeches can you know can talk about can write a book to do whatever but you don't know what's going on in your business I knew every single thing that happened in every single off I knew every single process I didn't do it but I knew it you can't be ask me but the greatness isn't that granularity right and when they can when they can find it you cannot you cannot just be up here Jeff Bezos knows exactly what happens on his website right he doesn't have to do it but he understands the consumer experience you understand what happens he understands the outcome and a lot of times I'll ask kind of folks that get disconnected the CEOs that get disconnected I said so what metrics are you tracking he's like oh I'm tracking these two things I'm like great whoa what are your what are the folks in the field selling are you tracking those you're disconnected you're disconnected from the glory and hilarity of your business you're disconnected from the value chain nothing happens until the sale is made and you're disconnected from the value chain so if we can stay connected to the value chain we can do so much more so when you see an idea like when I come on our walk into your beautiful offices your headquarters and I see an idea like wow I know where this can fit in my value chain because I know my value chain so wow it's so well yeah and most people don't know that and so when you pick up an idea go to a conference and you you don't know where to put it and I think that's where knowing that granularity gets really important and you can you can't implement fast enough if you if you don't have the knowledge of the granularity so those four things kind of really come together that's huge you know and and it's it's really knowing your business better than anybody else because at the end of the day even if you get the dream CEO the the unicorn or CEO oh yeah yeah you still have to have your finger on the pulse and know your value chain because when you walk into somewhere you go to a conference you meet someone and you see value what does it go into my business right you can't just say hey see where you can plug this in they made it plug it into the right place that's right right and another big thing that was a big takeaway from me here is that you you come from this place of optimism appreciation and gratitude and I want to end this episode on that we've broken bread many times we've traveled together and I constantly see this happy optimistic appreciative grateful man how does one stay this way dude you have a process of routine to do how do you stay this happy mahjongg - two things one is investing a lot in your personal infrastructure and I called my family is very important to me and people always talk about family being important to them but I'm very vulnerable with my family and that's my core and I feel secure and that I work really hard to manage that and that's really important but to maintain that I put all my fears down on paper and I do this practice called the morning pages and so I wake up in the morning and I dump out everything that's in my head everything I am i write something I'm excited to be with Bader's today but my elbow hurts whatever I get everything out to the point where there's nothing in my head anymore and once you're an empty vessel you can you can you can start to reprogram yourself you can start to put good stuff and I think a lot of times we're already stuck with the I didn't sleep very well or mine kurz or whatever and then now you look at email and then you've got more bullets coming at you but if you can if you have a good base with a family a friend whoever the personal infrastructure and some people like their meditation some people like to work out whatever it may be you need some you need some kind of personal core strength grounding but you also I heard the amazing chord fear has no place on paper and I really like that fear has no place on paper so when I get when I'm in my head when I get stuck when I get unhappy when I get depressed and we are let's let's all agree we all we all have these series of emotions right I think it's important to have a tactic a tool a vehicle tip to work through it and my working through it is like you you may you may want to you may read my journal II would make no sense but I just pour everything out and man I feel so much better after so it I learned that a little later in life but it's a it's one of my favorite favorite things and sometimes when I'm stuck I'll actually pull over at a Starbucks and just write and get it all out and I feel a lot better so much value to journaling whether it's first thing in the morning or at the end of the day doing the brain dump yeah I'm a big fan as well so Sharon how can our audience find you connect with you and learn from your wisdom oh thank you it's the easiest way to reach me is on my website sharon calm its sha ra n calm but I'm on all the social media channels and the goal is to a lot of people like you have been so great to me mentors and coaches to me and the goal for me how much ever I try I will forever be in people's debt who have got me here so paying it forward is the only thing I care about right now you are amazing at paying it forward Sean I thank you so much for being on our show and folks if you like this episode if you got great value from this episode please do me a favor and like it share it leave a comment and of course give us your highest review we are here to serve you we're here to help you build your biggest most profitable and of course meaningful Empire that we can thank you so much for watching and listening to the show take care
Channel: Bedros Keuilian
Views: 7,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: empire, business, success, wealth, mindset, money, habits, advice, social media, followers, adversity, experience, millionaire, entrepreneurs, leadership, motivate, delegate, sell, #47963
Id: o367cYNUrfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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