Historian Reacts - History of the Entire World, I Guess

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how's it going everybody well you've been asking for it and here it is we're going to take a look at the history of the world i guess by bill wurtz uh i was actually first introduced to this video a couple of years ago by my eldest my daughter who's gonna be 16 this year uh and then there's actually an app that has all the different sounds and stuff from it that you can hit buttons and get the little like clips from it and stuff so that's kind of cool i guess it's a fun thing to do we're closing down on 10 000 subscribers and i promise you guys that when we got to 10 000 we'd be doing some giveaways those will be coming uh so if you haven't already please hit that subscribe button turn on your notifications that'll get us there that much quicker and if you have suggestions about what you'd like to see me do for giveaways here on the channel that would be historically related somehow i use the comment section below and let me know what those things are now i've made a decision that some of you probably aren't going to like since i'm primarily concerned with the history part of things uh we're gonna kind of pick up the video where history starts uh the first three or four minutes is mostly science uh and while i love science and i think science is fantastic and it's such an important thing to have and and my son my 13 year old son is probably going to go into a science field um for me personally i'm more concerned with the history part of things and also there's so much here and there's no historian no matter what people tell you there's no historian that knows everything about everything and especially when it comes to asia eastern asia especially i don't know nearly as much as a lot of people do so i'm not gonna try and offer feedback on things i don't know well so i'm gonna let some things go and then just pause and some key points and and make some observations about some things uh and please feel free to throw yours in as well use the comment section let's have a conversation but let's go ahead and dive into this and now everything's huge including bugs want to see a map of the land sure oh [ __ ] now everything's dead just kidding you're the survivor oh yeah don't forget language on this too so to become the dinosaur that's a problem for you yeah it broke apart don't worry about it does that all time here comes a meteor it's mammal time here come the mammals look at those breasts now they're going to dominate the world and one of them just learned how to grab stuff and walk no like walk like that and grab stuff at the same time and bang rocks together to make pointed rocks ouch and set things on fire and make crazy sounds with their voice which can mean different things so let's talk about language for a second because i've always been really fascinated by the origin of languages um and most people who study languages will tell you there's certain connections to different languages for example english is a germanic language and so english and german kind of are in the same tree so to speak there's there's kind of a family tree of languages um primarily for those of us in the west we speak indo-european languages which have kind of their own tree and that includes things like uh persian i guess farsi um things like that so most of europe um eastern and western europe parts of uh the middle east and then of course everything in the americas all primarily come from the indo european languages there are these couple of weirdos and that's primarily finnish and hungarian who don't come from the rest from the tree that everybody else comes from in europe uh so it's kind of uh strange how that all works but i'd encourage you to check that out and kind of look at the indo-european tree because you can see where all the different languages kind of formed out of each other and now they're everywhere almost ice age what you can walk over here cool not anymore so this is something we learned about here in america since this primarily deals with north american history talk a lot about the uh the connection between um asia and north america through the bering strait which then disappeared and they say something like 20 to 25 000 years ago that that's when the native americans who or who became the native americans eventually came across and settled uh in north america we're stuck here now let's review there's people on the planet and they're chasing their food [ __ ] it time to plant some grass look at this i control the food now now everyone will want to be my friend and live near me let's all build houses except mine is bigger because i own the food this is great i wonder if anyone else is doing this tired of using rocks for everything use metal it's underground better farming was just invented in a sweet dank valley right in between these two rivers so yeah between rivers mesopotamia the tigris and the euphrates kind of the cradle of civilization i call it the fertile crescent sometimes and yeah the oldest known civilizations when you start getting into archaeology it all kind of came here this is modern iraq now this is where the babylonians the persians uh the medians the assyrians all of these different groups basically all the parts of the bible that you read about in the old testament take place in this area and the animals are helping guess what happens next more food and more people who came to buy the food now you need people to help make the cities keep track of the sales and now you need houses for people to live in and people to make the houses and now there's more people and they invent things which makes things better and more people come and there's more farming and more people to make more things for more people and now there's business money writing laws power so it's really cool to see how all of that stuff developed over time and and history develops about the same time so most of recorded history goes back to that time that three to four thousand bc or bce as they call it now um so you see all of these things kind of being developed as time goes along and it's just really so fascinating you had hammurabi's law his code of laws you have the ten commandments from the bible uh of course you have egypt developing around this time as well and developing their own laws and their own and religion starts to form around all these things coming soon to a dank river valley near you meanwhile out in the middle of nowhere so and you know that's something that goes on well into you know at least the 19th century that everything's built around rivers obviously for the obvious reasons of water as a source but then uh later you know into the middle ages and beyond it becomes about commerce uh and even here where i live in northeast ohio all of the cities sprung up around rivers the mahoning river the cuyahoga river uh the ohio river the allegheny river these are all places where you had access to water which gave you the ability to do industry and to ship things and and so civilization was always going to develop around bodies of water where you could have ports and rivers nowhere the horse is probably being tamed why is all my metal so lame and lumpy tired of using lame sad metal introducing bronze made with special ingredient tins in the farmlands i don't know my dealer won't tell me where he gets it also guess what egypt meanwhile out in the middle of nowhere they figured out how to put wheels on a horse now we're getting somewhere also china did i mention and again this is one of those things that at least here in the west we don't talk a lot about uh you know we talk a lot about egypt and the mesopotamia uh regions just because those are the things that eventually develop into europe which is what develops into north america but the indus river valley china and all the the different dynasties and the different kingdoms that existed there we don't really talk about that much it's almost like that's a part of history that doesn't matter a whole lot and i don't know i'm curious to know is that true for folks in china india those areas do they equally not talk that much about what happened in the west the middle east is getting more complicated maybe because it's in the middle of the east knock knock or clop clop it's the people with the horses and they made an empire and then everyone else copied their horses oh look it must be the greeks or a beta version of the greeks let's check in with the indus river valley civilization they're gone guess who's not gone new arrivals in india maybe it's those horse people i was talking about or their cousins or something and they wrote some hymns and you could make a religion out of this there's the bronze age collapse now the phoenicians can get down to business and this is where you develop lang uh written language i think the phoenicians were one of the first to develop an alphabet uh uh you have cuneiform and things like that so this is where you're starting to get actual recorded history and it's really cool because all the time even to this day they're still finding things especially right in here um they're finding new things that kind of open our eyes to how things were um just because we don't know about things doesn't mean that it wasn't written down it just means maybe we haven't found it yet and so you know 100 years from now our understanding of this time in history is going to be completely different than it is today also can we switch to a metal that's a little easier to find thanks look who came back to israel it's the 12 tribes of israel and they believe in god so uh yahweh uh there there's no vowels in hebrew so it's yahuwah so to speak this is eventually what we translate in latin as jehovah but it's the name of god and it would be yahweh i guess would be the way to say it with vowels and you know as a christian personally i believe uh you know in the god yahweh um but as as do um jews and muslims for that matter they're all what we call abrahamic religions which means they all trace back to the same first five books of the old testament but this was also a time when egypt was flirting with monotheism you had akhnatan who was one of the pharaohs of egypt and aten was the sun god and he was the one who kind of instituted the idea of a one god religion rather than mono or polytheism which is what most religions were at this time and then of course you know most of us think of monotheism we think of judaism as being the first one to do that but the egyptians had it too just one though he's got like a 10-step program here's some huge heads must be the olmecs the phoenicians make some colonies the greeks copy their idea and make some colonies the phoenicians made a colony so big it makes colonies here comes so this is where you have um culture being spread to other areas and the greek culture even after greece really kind of ceased to be a major power in the mediterranean their culture was still prevalent and one of the ways you spread culture was through colonization and through trade the assyrian empire never mind it's the babylonian media yeah so this was like back to back to back and this is again something that the bible covers a lot in some of the later books of the old testament uh where you have the assyrians and the persians and the babylonians and just kind of one comes right after the other and then eventually the persians run into the greeks and alexander the great kind of conquers all of them but then that doesn't last wow that's big ah the buddha was just enlightened who's the buddha this guy who sat under a tree for so long that he figured out how to ignore the fact that we're all dying you can make a religion out of this oops china just broke but while it was breaking confucius was figuring out how to have good morals ah the greeks just had the idea of thinking about stuff and right over here alexander just had the idea of conquering the entire persian empire so alexander's the son of philip of macedon i believe so he was macedonian remember greek greece was not just a country you know it wasn't just greece you had the uh the spartans and the athenians and the macedonians and all of these different people groups who had kind of all shared a similar culture but were still independent kingdoms and even ward with each other at times it's a great idea he was great and now he's dead hopefully the rest of the gang will be able to share the empire evenly between them nope alexander the great dies in his mid his early 30s and this often happened with really really big empires like alexander the great even down to people like charlemagne um and uh genghis khan's another example uh as soon as the next generation comes along they can't hold it together it was really built around one person in his conquests uh so alexander the great was just one of many who conquered a lot of territory but it never lasted until the romans came along knock it chandragupta he says get the hell out of here will you get the hell out of here if i give you 500 elephants okay thanks bye but what about this part that's the tamil kings no one conquers the tamil kings so the tamil kings uh it's it's like a triumvirate it's like these three kings who kind of ruled together but also fought with each other at times and didn't get along think of like the triumvirates in rome where you had three guys who shared power but they rarely shared power for very long that's kind of what was happening here and they've got spices who would like to buy the spices me said the arabians swiftly buying it and selling it to the rest of the world hey china put itself back together again with foreign philosophy actually they have three main philosophies out here the horse nomads run wild and free and they would like to ransack your city let's check the greekification levels of the greekified kingdoms greekification overload bye said the parthians bye said the jews hi said the parthians taking over the entire place hey said the romans so obviously the romans started out mainly just in uh the italian peninsula there and then they spread uh through time and it was julius caesar who conquers most of gaul which would today be france um but you know it wasn't just kind of a thing where all of a sudden boom there's the roman empire it took them many many generations to conquer all of this territory and just as many generations to lose it all again the entire mediterranean for breakfast thanks for invading our homeland said the jews who are starting to get tired of people invading their homeland hi everything's great said some guy who seems to be getting very popular and is then arrested and killed for being too popular which only makes him more popular you can make a religion out of this want silk now you can buy it from china they just made it [Music] and again this is you know trade is what drives the spread of culture and these connections in this case it's the silk road everything's about trade everything's about acquiring things and this is when you start to really see the world connecting to each other or you can get the wrong water sick new trade routes said india accidentally spreading their religion to the entire southeast that's a good place for an epic trading kingdom there goes buddhism traveling up the silk road i wonder if it'll reach china before it collapses again remember the persian empire yep said the persians making a new one axim is getting so powerful they would like to build a long stick has anyone populated madagascar yet let's do it together there you go and you know when people talk about you know the great devastating wars in human history we think of world war ii world war one but you know if you look at some of the wars especially the civil wars that happened in china over the last 2000 years by far some of the bloodiest conflicts in human history happened because you have so many people there and yet at least here in the west so few people know about that still can't cross the sahara desert try camels hell yeah now we got business set the ghana empire selling lots of gold enslaved hi i live in the roman empire and i was wondering is loving jesus legally nope no actually okay sure said constantine moving the capital way over here to be close so constantine becomes a christian uh i don't know how sincere it was or if it was more for kind of political purposes he wins a battle and uh sees a vision of a cross in the sky or something like that during the battle and attributes it to the god of the christians and so becomes a christian himself um and you see that a lot in some of the areas where christianity spreads like in britain um in germany in gaul france things like that a lot of these rulers became christians out of political expediency rather than necessarily kind of a really heartfelt conversion to a religion so christianity and politics are completely intertwined for most of christian history for a good 15 1600 years at least uh even up to the last couple of hundred years closer to his main rival don't worry about rome it won't fall there's the gupta empire not chandragupta just gupta first name chandra the first guess who's in rome barbarians what's a barbarian non-romans said the romans being invaded by non-romans r.i.p roman empire actually so yeah barbarians gives the idea that these were completely uncivilized people and they weren't you know the huns the visigoths the goths uh you know you had people even back to julius caesar's time where he fought people like verse and generics and these were civilized people who were educated and who had culture and technology they're just called barbarians because they weren't romans they were outside the roman empire and so they can't we have this idea of them that i don't think is real accurate they're just half of it the other half is just fine but it's not in rome anymore so let's give it a new name oh and here's a huge city population everyone the gopros have taken over the entire eurasian step great job coke turks how's india broken how's china back together pronounce those trading kingdoms bigger and there's more of them korea has three kingdoms japan has a kingdom it's the sunrise kingdom deep in the arabian desert on the top of a mountain the real god islam muhammad's here so he goes down to the cube where everyone worships gods and he tells them their gods are all fake and everyone got so mad at him when he had to leave town and go to a different town you can make a religion out of this and maybe conquer the world as well the roman empire's law you know that happened really fast i mean within a generation or two after muhammad they had conquered large parts of what even today we consider to be islamic centered nations but again almost immediately you have a split you have the split to sunni and shia muslim and i don't know a lot about that and i don't want to offend anybody by getting it wrong but i'm pretty sure that happened fairly quickly and it had to do with a debate over who they felt should be the next uh head of islam so to speak gone but somehow the pope is still the pope plus there's new kingdoms all over europe i wonder if there's room for moors here's all the wisdom so the moors uh you know most of spain for a large part of the middle ages is muslim and it's the moors and uh you actually if you if you can trace your ancestry back to spanish royalty there's a good chance you descend from muhammad and people uh of prominence in islam it's the baghdad house of wisdom just in time for age let's these stuff to the coast and sell it and become the swahili on the swahili coast said the swahili on the swahili coast remember this tiny space you have to go through to get from here to there someone owns that now want to get enlightened in the middle of nowhere the franks have the biggest kingdom in europe and the pope is so proud that he invites the king over for christmas surprise you're the new roman emperor said the pope pretending to still be part of the roman empire so yeah this was really yeah the pope's not even part of the eastern roman empire and the western roman empire's gone by this point uh so uh the holy roman empire is basically at least at this time around a thousand a d or so when charlemagne takes over um charlemagne just is latin for uh charles the great that's all it means uh was basically uh east franchia and west frankie east frankie is basically germany west frankie as france uh and this was kind of all what became the holy roman empire then the franks broke their kingdom into what will lead yeah and this was again after charlemagne immediately things get broken up between his children one of his children became king of italy one becomes west frankio one's east franchia there be called france and not france the northerners or just norse if you don't have much time are exploring they go north from the north to the northern north and they find some land two types of land and they name them accordingly they also include some other places and get called many names such as vikings there's the ruse the kievan rus are they vikings i don't think so said the kevin ruse okay fair enough the pope is ready to make some more emperors of the roman empire the holy roman empire it's actually germany but don't worry about it new kingdoms which brand would you like mine's better mine's better mine's better yeah so now you have uh greek orthodox you have catholic and then eventually from the catholics you're going to have a bunch more things that happen time to conquer england to conquer england said william it's a bird it's a plane it's the seljuk jerks said the byzantine empire who's getting so small and almost doesn't exist anymore we need help they need help so they call the pope hey pope can you help us get rid of the seljuks maybe take back the holy land on the way come on i know you want to take back the holy land yes i do actually want to do that let's do a crusade they did many crusades some of which almost didn't fail but at least and uh the crusades actually again not so much about religion i mean to some folks it was but it was an opportunity for land it was an opportunity for adventure it was an opportunity to gain favor with the pope who had a lot of authority at this time there were a lot of reasons why people went to the crusades that had nothing at all to do with christianity italians got some sweet trade deals goodbye mayans goodbye toltecs hello mississippi look at those mounds there's the pueblo i always wondered how to build a town and a cliff guess who's here come here where here and pagan is there vietnam unconquered itself korea just became itself and japan is so addicted to art that the military might have to take over the government china just invented bombs and typing and the mongols just invaded most of the universe nice go and again big empire that doesn't last because it gets split up afterwards and gunpowder you know it starts in the east it makes its way west eventually becomes a huge deal in the west oh and genghis i bet that will last a long time some of the islamic turks were unaffected by the mongol invasions because they were busy invading india is it tonga time i think it's tonga time i just found out where the swahili gets all their gold look at this chad means lake there's an empire there right in the middle of the king of mali is so rich he's going on tour to let everyone know wow that guy's rich everyone said the christians are doing a great job reconquering iberia which will soon be called spain and not spain please remain and spain is a relatively modern country it was aragon castile uh it was if you grew up learning about ferdinand and isabella who are the ones who uh sponsored christopher columbus to explore uh going west uh ferdinand and isabella were the ones who actually united aragon and castile into one nation that became spain and it was their descendants then that became the kings and queens of spain christian we will check in later to see if you're still christian when you least expect whoops half of europe just no one expects the spanish inquisition china's back yeah so he really kind of glossed over the the black death there but uh the black death the plague uh kills somewhere between a third and a half of europe's population it came from the east aboard one of those trading vessels with came on fleas that were on rats and because of that trade with the east it brought the plague over it probably came in i think in italy first and then spread from there uh and i'm most familiar with how it affected england edward iii was the king during the worst of the plague and he was a great king but the country was just devastated by that and it took hundreds of years for england to recover from the effects of the plague just think about what happened you know you think it's bad right now with how everything's shut down imagine a third to one half of all the farmers of all the tradesmen of all the shepherds of all of the uh the legal uh people just gone imagine what that does to your economy imagine how things just stop functioning effectively you can think about how that would be if it just a third of our people today disappeared so it was devastating and it set the economy back hundreds of years hey hey come here time to share new kingdoms here and there oh look who controls all the islands it's the mahajapit there you go oh italy is really rich time for them to care a lot about art in the ancient classics it's kind of like a rebirth renaissance let's make books so you think you can conquer the byzantine empire yep said the ottoman turks nice job ottoman turks oops you missed a spot don't forget to ban europe from the indian spice trade what that's [ __ ] said portugal spiceless well i guess we'll have to find another way see so again trade drives exploration and that's what drove uh finding that alternate route to india that's what drove christopher columbus west trying to find a route to the indies same exact thing wait said christopher columbus probably smoking crack if the world is round let's go this way to india no don't worry we already got this said portugal so chris and don't let people tell you that christopher columbus is the guy who like discovered that the world was round we had known the world was around for a long time before christopher columbus came along it wasn't like the majority of educated people in the world thought the world was flat we had known this all the way back to the greeks uh that the world was around it was pretty easy to figure that out goes to spain hey spain want to hire me to find india by going around back of the world no please no please no please okay so he sails into the ocean and discovers more ocean and then discovers the indies and japan let's draw a line to decide which half of the world the aztec and inca empires are so the line of demarcation was drawn by the pope uh to determine who would get what uh and basically brazil was the only thing that was on that side of the line which is why brazil speaks portuguese to this day because that was the side that portugal got great start i wonder if they know that europe just discovered their continent the habsburgs are marrying into so many royal families they might have to start marrying each other move over lithuania here comes moscow ivan wants to make russia great again move over teammates maybe go invade india or something persia just made persia persian again let's make it the other kind of islam the one where we thought the first guy should have been the other guy that's what i was talking about earlier now you can buy your way out of hell that's [ __ ] this whole thing is [ __ ] that's a scam [ __ ] the church here's 95 reasons why said martin luther in his new book so martin luther does his 95 theses and may not have actually nailed it to the wall the way everybody says but it could have happened that way he nails it to the to the door of the church in wittenberg and uh just immediately blows up and and this was a time where to do something like that could cost you your life and martin luther very easily could have been could have been burned at the stake for this and the pope tried to go after him but this was a time when there was a lot of power among the german princes and he got i think it was frederick to back him and that gave him political protection which he desperately needed but of course eventually this breaks into a war i think the 30 years war uh and then you have wars breaking out between protestants and christians all over western europe book which might have accidentally started the protestant reformation you know what would be magnificent said suleiman wearing an onion hat what if the ottoman empire was really big which it is now what if russia was big said ivan trying not to be terrible and ivan the terrible who's i think ivan iv becomes the first czar of russia portugal had a dream that they controlled the entire indian ocean including the spice trade and then that dream was real and spain realized that this is not india but they pillaged it anyway damn said england and france we gotta start pillaging some stuff then the dutch revolt and all the hipsters moved to amsterdam damn said amsterdam we gotta start pillaging some stuff question one can you get to india through north america no but at least there's beaver question two steal the spice trade that's not a question but the dutch did it anyway guess where all the sugars made in brazil stolen in the caribbean and it's so goddamn profitable you might forget to not do slavery the next thing on russia so they have um yeah slavery uh sub-saharan africa south of the sahara um there's a lot of slavery already happening in africa uh and then europe gets in on it and starts acquiring slaves from the slavers in africa and bringing them to the new world and uh you know they talk about the there was a triangle of trade where you're trading rum and slaves and sugar and all this stuff and uh pretty much anybody who lived in the caribbean at that time uh that was involved with sugar plantations was involved with slavery somehow to-do list is to get bigger britain and france are having a friendly discussion about who should control the entire world more specifically ohio then it escalates more specifically ohio and you know who started this war yeah it was george washington and he kind of uh ticked off the french and kind of inadvertently started a what could be argued was the first world war the seven years war and in north america we call it the french and indian war because it was uh england and their allies uh indian allies versus france and most of the indians russia a chance to show austria who's boss but what about britain and france did they figure out who's boss yes they did it's britain guess who's broke also britain so they start taxing the hell out of america [ __ ] you says america declaring their independence and fighting for it and france helps them win now france is broke and britain will have to send their prisoners to a different continent wait if france is broke why do the king and queen still wear such fancy dresses let's overthrow the palace and cut all their heads off said robespierre cutting everybody's head off until then he got mad and cut his head off you could make a religion though don't hate us actually they did try to make a religion out of it they had what was called um uh i forget what it was called but eventually they became temples of reason is what they called it so they they kind of uh initially had like kind of a deism kind of a a very non-specific religion and then from there they went to an atheistic uh culture in france and then of course napoleon comes out of the aftermath of all of that but yeah it was interesting that you have uh louis xvi basically helping america win her independence from england and and then turning right around and having the same thing happen but much bloodier uh to them starting to like the idea of a revolution especially the slaves who free themselves by killing their masters why didn't we think of this before wait who's in charge of france now said napoleon trying to take over europe luckily they banished him to an island but he came back luckily they banished him to another island further away in america becoming independent yeah so but in the early part of the 1800s you start having all of this uh independence movement happening happening in latin america mexico all the south american colonies eventually become independent and then james monroe comes along as president of the united states and institutes the monroe doctrine which basically tells europe stay out of the western hemisphere stay out of the americas the american wars of independence britain just figured out how to turn steam into power so now they can make many different types of machines so james watt is the guy who kind of really pioneers this and the very first steam engine he built was actually in tipton england which is where my family's from the only reason i know that to pump water out of a coal mine in tipton [Music] factories then they invent some trains and conquer india and maybe put some trains there hey china said britain buy stuff from us nah dude we already got everything says china so britain tried to get them addicted to opium which worked actually but then china made it illegal and dumped it all into the sea so britain threw a hissy fit and made them open up five cities and give them you notice britain has a problem with people throwing things into the sea island britain and russia are playing a game where they try to stop each other from conquering afghanistan also the sultan of oman lives in zanzibar now that's just where he lives india just had a revolution and they would like to govern themselves now nope said britain governing them even harder than before technology is about to go crazy so the first uh cro transatlantic cable was actually late i think in the 1860s during the american civil war or even a few years before but it kind of corroded real quickly and didn't work but then they did another one that did it's hard to believe but even before things like the telephone were invented we had a transatlantic cable go into where they could send messages and think about that going from where it used to take months to cross the ocean to then when steam power comes along it only takes a matter of a couple of weeks across the ocean and now you can get messages across in a matter of hours with this transatlantic cable so it's incredible technology that's starting to boom at this time the united states finally figured out whether slavery is good or bad it's bad they decided and then they continued manifesting their destiny which is to kill the rest of the natives and take their land and maybe kick out them so manifest destiny was this idea that goes all the way back to the colonial times that eventually america was meant to control everything from the atlantic to the pacific ocean and it drove policy it affected uh policy over slavery uh because new territories were added and there were fights over whether or not they would have slaves it affected the fact that we went to war with mexico uh over texas so we could gather what was most of the southwest really most of the 19th century american policy was around this idea of manifest destiny the mexicans too i know let's rape africa said europe scrambling to see who could rape it the fastest thing yeah and if you look at the map of africa very quickly belgium and germany and france and italy and the united kingdom they're all gobbling up africa it's kind of the new spot for colonization since they can't do it in the west anymore britain and france are still hungry the united states ran out of destiny to manifest so they're looking for more cuba wait spain controls cuba well blame something on them and go to war what should we blame on spain let's blame the maine on spain so they blame the maine on spain so yeah the uss maine was not blown up by the spanish it was probably an internal explosion that caused the main but it was just like many other times in history it was an excuse to blame something on somebody so you could go to war the germans did it in 1939 uh to blame poland so they could go to war with them uh it happened with the maine it happened in vietnam uh so yeah we we uh fight we take the philippines we uh take in hawaii in 1890s as well now we're in business to celebrate they kick panama out of panama and make a canal connecting the two oceans britain just found oil in the middle east it makes cars go china is so tired of being bossed around that they delete their old government and make a new stronger government which is accidentally weaker and controlled by a guy from the previous government europe hasn't had a war since the last war so they start world war one look at those guns it's gonna be a great war so great we won't need a second one after it's over they blame germany russia yeah um so world war one was kind of you know we we often talk about all the assassination of archduke franz ferdinand started the war um world war one was kind of inevitable i know it sounds weird to say that but this was a time of kind of an arms race uh people were building up their armies in their navies as quickly as they could there was ever since uh germany had been uh united as one empire and kind of became the most powerful nation in western europe uh there was this inevitability that that war was going to happen because there was a constant fight over the balance of power so if it hadn't been the assassination in 1914 it would have been something else show went on strike and the workers overthrew the government now everyone's paycheck is the same communism in the soviet union the arabs revolt and britain helps now the ottoman empire's gone so we can give the jewish people a place to live so the ottoman empire had been declining for centuries and by the uh early 1900s it was well on its way out and world war one just kind of became the excuse to eliminate it as a de facto empire but it really been uh just progressively worse in terms of the people that led it they had lost some wars in the balkans against some much smaller nations and um it was on its way out hopefully the arabs won't mind let's cut the cake said sykes and pico carving up the remains of the not so ottoman anymore empire except turkey turkey makes a brand new turkey and then the saudis conquer arabia it just seemed like the right thing to do hello yes it's the 1920s calling let's get in the car and drive to a party and listen to jazz on the radio and go to the movies the economy's great and it'll probably be great forever just kidding germany's back featuring hitler the angry mustache model and he's mad at the jews for existing japan is finally conquering the east and they're so excited they raped nan king way too hard they should probably just deny it hitler's out of control so the international community tackles him and tries to explain why killing all the jews is a bad idea but he kills himself before they could explain it to him that's world war ii yeah and um you know a lot of things came out of world war one and world war ii obviously world war ii happened because of the aftermath of world war one uh with the treaty of versailles which was a disaster uh in the making and just set germany up for world war ii to happen um and then the aftermath of world war ii we have the united nations we put all kinds of things in place but the aftermath of world war ii then leads to the next several generations of warfare um with the cold war because of the soviet union kind of having influence over eastern europe and the western powers have in western europe and then they start fighting proxy wars in places like vietnam korea afghanistan bonus round pacific showdown united states versus japan fight extinction ball let's unite all the nations and have some world peace seems legit hi i'm gandhi and if britain doesn't get the hell out of india i'm going to starve myself in public wow that worked bonus now there's pakistan actually two pakistans one of them could be bangladesh later the jews and the arabs finally figured out which one of them should live in the holy land me they both said at the same time let's divide up the land so everyone's happy no one's happy look out china there's a new china and immediately the day that israel declares its independence as a nation there's a war and they get invaded by the surrounding arab powers and they win and uh you know people forget that that even happened because it was kind of over so quickly and then there was another war a few years later but that's been fought over for millennia it's not something new just to the last couple of generations what's on the menu communism no thanks said the other china escaping to an island i wonder which one is the real china there's the korean war korea versus korea nobody wins then it's on pause forever let's meet the sponsors oh it's the two global superpowers they're having a friendly debate over which economic system is good and which one is an evil virus of satan they both have atom bombs fight wait no that would be the end of the world let's just keep it cool and spy on each other instead so yeah um there's mutually assured destruction as kind of the doctrine at this time it's the idea that uh we're both building up these massive stockpiles of nuclear weapons that could destroy the whole world but if either one of us fires any of them the other side's gonna do the same thing and nobody's gonna win but we came really really close a couple of times especially in the cuban missile crisis in 1962 i don't think any of us realize just how close we came uh to world war three and nuclear war during that time and make sure we have enough atom bombs i'll race you to space now let's make some more countries fight themselves europe is tired of pillaging other continents and the continents they were pillaging are tired of being pillaged so here's a new map with new countries now you can't tell who they're being pillaged by the united states finally decided whether racism is good or bad they decided it's bad and the world agrees south africa might need another minute to think about it let's check the world population whoa okay technology's better too that might keep happening the soviet union decides to relax a little and accidentally falls apart europe makes a union so now they can all use the same money except britain because they don't feel like it let's check the mail surprise it's on the computer whoops someone just attacked america i bet they'll remember that phone call surprise it's in your pocket want to learn everything surprise it's on the computer now your phone's a computer which is in your pocket whoops the economy just crashed don't worry the big banks won't fail because they're not supposed to surprise flying robots with bombs want to print a brain some people have no friends some people have no food the globe is warming [Music] let's save the planet said everybody not knowing how let's invent a thing inventor said the thing inventor inventor after being invented by a thing inventor that's pretty cool by the way where the hell are we so i didn't really go over much of the recent history there because you guys know that stuff we've lived through it um so there's a lot of other things i could have said and you know like i said i just kind of glossed over some stuff in favor of just kind of selecting what i wanted to talk about but i would love to hear your thoughts about all of that everything we just talked about there's so much there use the comment section below please hit that like button subscribe if you haven't already we'll see you again soon with another video thanks for watching
Channel: Vlogging Through History
Views: 270,533
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Keywords: history of the entire world i guess, history of the entire world i guess reaction, bill wurtz, history of the entire world, history of the world reaction, bill wurtz reaction, world history, i guess, youtubers react to history of the entire world i guess, historian reacts, bill wurtz history of the world, history of the world, history of the world bill wurtz, history of the entire world reaction, world history in 5 minutes, history of the entire world i guess historian reaction
Id: docLm47PRKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 44sec (2444 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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