Legends Star Wars VS The Disney Sequel Trilogy - A Contrast!

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most hardcore and even casual Star Wars fans are disappointed with Disney sequel trilogy as a whole its disjointed in high-octane bumpy road trip that seems unsure of where it wants to go I'm not going to get into production issues politics and who's to blame for this Frankenstein of a story but I can definitely say that if you take all the books games and comics material as a whole it's actually a lot more consistent and all of that creative content was declared non-canon as soon as LucasArts was sold to disney only i don't think it really needed to be yes there are some parts of the legends material that I don't really care for such as the Yuuzhan Vong war but still as a whole it was remarkably consistent and well assembled the reason for this is that Lucas Lars actually had a hand on the wheel and even George Lucas himself for example during the Yuuzhan Vong war the writers wanted to kill off a major character so that it felt like there was more at stake in the storytelling but George Lucas himself restricted who they could kill they couldn't kill Luke Skywalker or Leia for example so they asked about Chewie and George said okay well Chuy's okay so they killed Chewie Chewie died while trying to save the youngest of Laius children of course there was some fan backlash and yet unlike the sequel trilogy they even had people whose only job was to help the rider stay as consistent to Cannon as possible and therefore keep the contradictions to a minimum it isn't really that hard after all you don't have to read every novel every comic book and play every game there's Google these days and Wikipedia is an excellent source ok this sort of rant over let's start at the beginning the force awakens and I guess we'll start with the tech scroll okay Luke Skywalker's vanished in his absences sinister first orders risen from the ashes of the Empire and will not rest until Skywalker the last Jedi has been destroyed okay let's stop right here apparently in Disney Star Wars Luke Skywalker is the only surviving Jedi it's as if the title of the preceding film Return of the Jedi has been forgotten in legends Canon there are a mini mini Jedi by this time the most well known are all of the Skywalker offspring the twins Jacen and Jaina solo Skywalker's own son Ben Skywalker Skywalker's wife Mara Jade who is a total badass and let's not forget Kyle Katarn and many many others most of these Jedi were trained by Luke himself a fewer lost Jedi who were rediscovered and brought to the light but let's continue with the support of the Republic general Leia Organa leads a brave resistance she is desperate to find her brother Luke and gain his help and restoring peace and justice in the galaxy I find it odd that Luke given his responsibilities as Grand Master the New Jedi Order would sort of disappear but in all previous Canon Leia is not a military officer she's a diplomat a senator and a very good one she is in fact the one that accepted the peace treaty with the Imperial remnant Leia has sent her most daring pilot on a secret mission to jakku where an old ally has discovered a clue to Luke's whereabouts okay in Star Wars legends the New Republic which later reforms into the Galactic Alliance is the power of the galaxy it is similar to the old Republic but since they fought with the Imperial remnant and various warlords for decades after the Battle of Endor and then later the nightmarish Yuuzhan Vong invasion they never demilitarized instead of a meager resistance led by general Leia the new republic would be sending fleets of Mon Calamari cruisers even their own versions of Star Destroyers to deal with any kind of fascist upstarts such as the first order not to mention the Jedi themselves in the Disney Star Wars universe there's only one offspring of the Skywalker bloodline layin hon son Ben who becomes kylo Ren okay this is partially right in the legend Star Wars the solos actually have three children the twins Jacen and Jaina Sola and then later Anakin solo Luke Skywalker also has a son whose name is Ben and he is actually my favorite of the Skywalker offspring kylo Ren is a pretty similar analog to Jason Solo in fact they even look similar Jason was quite a bit more interesting though he spent a lot of time traveling the galaxy to learn rare and interesting force powers as well as how to use the Yuuzhan Vong as weird organic technology he dozen fortunately turn to the dark side and becomes Darth Cadis having been influenced by a nasty sith lady named the Maya now Snoke seems to have been created with no real plan it's as if JJ made one of those famous mystery boxes he makes without actually putting anything in the box now this is something that he has done before Snoke could very well have been Darth Plagueis if we stick to the legends Canon since although Palpatine didn't kill Plagueis so he thought Plagueis was capable of creating some very interesting and experiments now Starkiller base okay this is a Frankenstein of a super weapon the likes of which in legends Canon have not been seen since the time of the Rick Aten empires star Forge the star Forge used the power of a star to create an armada of ships not destroy things in legends Canon it takes decades and decades to build even the Death Star destroying a planet is a pretty big deal destabilizing stars is a thing in Star Wars legends as well using center point station and the Sun crusher an idea I really never cared for but to do so over distance this is not within the ability of the galaxy's technology unless you find some ancient technology like the star Forge or a Centrepointe station the first order somehow has created the super weapon all of its own accord and put all other super weapons like the Death Star to shame okay we better move forward to the last Jedi in the opening crawl it says the first order rains having decimated the peaceful Republic Supreme Leader Snoke now deploys the merciless legions to seize military control of the galaxy okay so they've already decimated the New Republic in Star Wars legends this would not happen not in the short amount of time the Galactic Alliance actually consists of the New Republic the Imperial remnant the Karelian sectors all of which have united for protection against just the sort of thing they have Star Destroyers they have calamari cruisers they have super Star Destroyers Thai defenders Thai phantoms K winged stealth X wings and all kinds of things anyone who would mess with the New Republic in legends at this juncture would be in four years of war all right I'm gonna skip the rest of this the tech scroll and just say that the geopolitics of the Legends universe are completely different from the Disney Star Wars universe we come to Ock to where Luke is a hermit and a comedian in Star Wars legends he is far from anything like this in Star Wars legends he is out front fighting with his Jedi extremely engaged with family friends students and the goings-on of the galaxy the Luke Skywalker of Legends although cautious is utterly fearless now I would like to touch on the nature of the resistance fleet in the first order fleet the flagships above the resistance is this pretty big calamari cruiser in legends this would most likely be a Viscount star cruiser which is a Mon Calamari ship that equals a super star destroyer in size and outclasses that in combat but Snoke as his own flagship the supremacy which is much larger than this that's fine I guess unless ins the Imperials have the eclipse Star Destroyer which is a wicked star dreadnought armed with a super laser its quite capable of destroying a planet but it can crack the crust of a planet leaving in a molten sea of fire also in the last Jedi opening battle we see some a wings X wings and the silly bombers in legend Star Wars the Y wing successor is the tough and powerful K wing which probably would have been used instead of those bombers now I have to be honest I've only seen the last Jedi like twice it seems to get a little worse every time I see it I don't really have too much to say about the rest of that movie but the real comparisons come into play with the rise of Skywalker and the opening crawl it says the dead speak the Galaxy has heard of mysterious broadcasts the threat of revenge in the sinister voice at the late Emperor Palpatine and then blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah okay when I saw this I immediately thought of the dark empire comic which also resurrected Emperor Palpatine on the rise of Skywalker the Emperor simply says that he has died many times and that the dark side is the key to many abilities well thank you for that brilliant explanation I'm personally opposed to bringing back Palpatine at all but if you're gonna do it the best way is to do it kind of like the dark Empire's comics did you know when Vader throws the Empire down that deep shaft and this blue light comes out and return to the Jedi well in the dark in Bar Comics the same blue light reappears throughout the galaxy in fact Coruscant is still being fought over some ten years after the Battle of Endor and Luke himself is there where he encounters something like a four storm with this blue light Luke ends up on this the Emperor secret throne world in the deep core the blue tones and colors of this are just like what we see on exa gol on the rise of Skywalker but wait in the dark Empire comics there is actually an explanation for all this of course Luke is flabbergasted when the Emperor reveals himself Luke did see him die after all but using the dark side takes a terrible toll on Palpatine's body which is why poppy ages so quickly and looks the way he does in Return of the Jedi this is all written long before the Revenge of the Sith and explains things up until that point so what Palpatine has to do is keep a number of fresh clones of himself when one body dies he's able to transfer to a new clone nice simple clean explanation ok the bulk of rise of Skywalker is a ruckus ride giving us no time for deep analysis but we can talk about force healing yes in legends horse healing is a thing Luke Skywalker is able to put others into a Jedi healing trance which pretty much forces them into a kind of sleep for several hours and they wake up feeling like a million bucks later it's not an instant heal though there are other Jedi that specialize in healing such as the Mon Calamari female silg all one of Luke's students who later becomes a Jedi Master she can heal others in ways that Luke can't and sometimes better than medical technology of the time but still this is not an instant healing ability it also doesn't require you to give up your own life force another force power we saw in the rise of Skywalker was used by Palpatine the gamers would call force drain yes this is another power where you can just suck the life out of people so no problem there so we come to the final defeat of the Emperor in legends the Emperor is in a dying body all of his clones have been destroyed so he tries to jump into the body of Leia's unborn child everyone has to sort of confront the spirit of Palpatine itself to beat him there is no lightning storm in space okay if I get too much into this this video is going to turn into Iran about the flaws and plot holes in the sequel trilogy but there's already plenty of that on YouTube but I'll admit we don't get a lot of interesting Darkseid villains and Star Wars legends unless you want to fast-forward 100 years later and talk about Darth krayt and all of his interesting set followers or you could go thousands of years back to Darth Bane Revan and the Emperor of Al Corian it's really not a lot much more I can say about comparing these two universes other than the legend Star Wars universe is it very well fleshed out it's alive with content there are all manner of Jedi sea Darksiders and gray Jedi I'm going to officially declare the sequel trilogy not Canon at least in my own mind in my own Star Wars universe it didn't happen why because it's inconsistent badly written and worst of all forgettable luckily hopefully everything that has to do with the Skywalker saga is over and done with and we can look forward to other parts of star wars such as the eras before the Skywalker saga the criminal underground in the Mandalorian and occurrences and awesome gains such as Jedi fallen order this is a slightly unusual video for me as I don't usually voice strong opinions about the nature of Star Wars and Star Trek franchises but my opinions have been bottled up for some time well thank you for watching be sure to subscribe hit that Bell down there and consider becoming a patron on patreon comm slash resurrected until next time space friends
Channel: Resurrected Starships
Views: 407,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars legends, jacen solo, jaina solo, ben skywalker, dark empire, resurrected emperor
Id: Y48Y-X5zCpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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