High limit coin pusher season 3 episode 13

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to the coin pusher today we're using about a thousand tokens we've had from previous games normally they're ten dollars a piece but we've won these tokens a long time ago it's no buy-ins today it's like they got two great big towers and chips and uh great big old tower of corn is there they got uh ten of those green jewels in there each one of them is ten percent of earnings so if we get one and while i get ten percent of whatever we win if we get all ten of them we'll get a hundred percent of what whatever falls out uh max pays 50 000 you can't get any more than 50 000 bucks i don't think there's 50 000 in there anyhow but it is the max pay looks like everything's good nice it fell the exact same time gonna say it looks like everything's doing pretty good a couple of jewels on the left might be hard to get through now we'll do our best to old butterfingers let's get all 10 of them hopefully make a bunch of money freshman amazing oh butterfingers fingers again we're making a ton of money right now we've got almost all the green jewels there's three left those 500s are falling off like doing crazy nice a big old tower of coins still hasn't fallen over yet we'll give her a whirl [Applause] [Applause] one more green jewel we gotta get almost got it we've almost dumped in all thousands of them we probably got about 250 left come on baby talk about making it rain that's the last of them right there so we'll just let it go back and forth a few minutes [Applause] see what see what all falls off still need to get that pesky jewel right there though being stubborn that's for sure i think we're probably got about two more pushes let's be our final push i think all right well let's check it out see what we got be right back all right all right we got 26 600 bucks pretty nice right there not bad for about four minutes of work i dropped one of them more than that there it is we got nine of the jewels still gotta get that tenth one right there to get 100 of our profit right now we're setting a 90 profit i think we'll get it we've got well over a thousand tokens now it's about to boil over this basket i probably should have grabbed a second basket hopefully we can knock knock over that big boy it might take a little bit to get that to go though oh butterfingers that jewel's slowly working its way to the left and then it will fall off [Applause] 100 on the right about to go like there's about 1100 on the left pretty close come on baby oh yeah we made some money there i get that jewel though let's load her up old butterfingers [Applause] come on go get that jewel here real soon there it is we got the jewel so we got all 10 of the jewels we got everything off of there for that great big old tower i think it's still standing it's being real stubborn i'm sure it's pretty heavy [Applause] we could win a lot of tokens but we get that to fall over sure it's not going to be easy though [Applause] stuck it right in the center probably the hardest spot to push stuff [Applause] all right starting to lean i think still got about 600 tokens left see if we can knock it down with 600 tokens come on [Applause] oh yeah it must be real heavy got everything kind of jammed up in there i'm gonna let it kind of work itself loose then we'll get back at it shouldn't take long maybe i'll drop drop a few on it see if i can get it to break loose yeah it's starting to break loose [Applause] so we'll just play the left side for a few let that right side break up well i don't know if y'all noticed but somehow i had a 500 chip in my hand and i dropped it dropped it in the machine for those that don't know how this works let me show you i know i showed it lots of times but we got new new visitors so they got this hole up here i can drop it in let's see if you can see the whole thing right here a little butter finish that's a big hole it's really easy to drop drop something in there it's not supposed to go in there so i'm gonna have to call them back here have them open it up and take that out i don't know how they're going to get it out of there but cause they got all that stuff in the way but we'll see be right back all right we're back i ended up having to take uh i don't know if you can see it in the screen let me tilt you up just here then bring a screwdriver out and take that screw right there off that black one and that black one right there take it all apart and get it out took them probably about half hour get everything get screwdrivers and stuff i didn't know what they were doing i never had to have them but uh i ended up giving a 500 chip it was a tip let's get to it that was a lot of work they put into that we've got about 100 tokens left i don't know if we're going to get that tower or not [Applause] our 600 quarter challenger is down or i guess they're tokens my quarters 600 token challenge is struggling hard ante it's fighting back well that should be the last push right there i'm gonna go clean her on out be right back all right we got 1800 bucks we got that 10th jewel so we've got all 10 of the jewels everything's all profit from here on out well i guess there's nothing on there but everything we made was 100 probably i've got a lot of to get this tower though there's a bunch of a bunch of tokens we haven't lost any we still got a thousand tokens so i just feel like it's worth our our old butterfingers worth a couple minutes see if we can't get make some more tokens [Applause] oh butterfingers come on you gotta move eventually ah that's starting to go i think [Applause] i don't know if it'll do any good but let's try the left side maybe it'll do something mysterious for us [Applause] just work on that left side for a few [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] come on [Applause] [Applause] i think i forgot to ask you all how you're doing today oh butterfingers how y'all doing today personally i'm doing pretty good [Music] anytime i get to play the corn pressure i'm having a good time [Applause] so [Applause] demo [Applause] focusing on that left side trying to chisel out that bottom right there i don't know if it's working but kind of trying anything at this point [Applause] [Applause] so i feel like it's so close i'm gonna try playing everywhere now not just the left come on baby [Applause] see a good little coin pusher to me i started moving you see that [Music] got about 120 tokens left come on you can do it all right that's the last of them right there just gonna let it go back and forth and clean itself out there's quite a few quite a few back there still all right i forget to push this should be the last push right there [Music] all right let's go check it out see what we got well we already know that i don't think there's any money we made so we just gotta go collect some coins so we can keep on playing all right i'm back still got about a thousand tokens you got the uh they got those things blocked off he said i don't like to play a high-risk cornbread i don't have those blocked off because you just lose a bunch of tokens so for the most part we don't run out of tokens unless they get all bunched up on the corners or something i like to have a lot of tokens otherwise you can the game can kind of end pretty quick we're using a thousand tokens so we started out with [Applause] i got i got more than that i didn't see the point in bringing them all out [Applause] thousands should be plenty i think we got about 2700 something like that it's how many we've won so far [Applause] so come on big old tower hits it's chiseling away you see that that's so dark over there i can't really do any better with the lighting it's really dark i think my camera is casting a shadow on it [Applause] [Applause] oh nice it moved quite a bit there hopefully it's about to go oh just moved some more nice it's definitely gonna go [Applause] i think it's going to take more quarter more tokens though oh butterfingers [Applause] come on darn it can't hold the token save my life today [Applause] come on give us a good push oh it shook around a bunch there definitely moving around let's be getting close [Applause] well there ain't no money down there so i'm just going to grab some tokens while we're still going we grabbed about 800 or so just so we keep going [Applause] oh butterfingers it's fighting hard i'll tell you i think once we had a tower stand for over an hour but it wasn't tokens it was just an actual tower of chips i think it was about this area right here just did just stood there proudly for like an hour we did everything good we finally got it boy it took a long time some of them are just i just don't want to go let go [Applause] i got that pretty well jammed up back there again i'm kind of letting it settle down work its way out a little there might be a little bit on that left side so oh butterfingers [Applause] [Music] come on i feel like it's everything's getting stuck i better i better cool down and let that work its way out a little bit [Music] we're going just taking it a minute there's too many in there they just we're going now drop them in there again i can't believe it's still standing [Applause] made like 20 grand in four minutes here we are half hour later still trying to knock over these tokens with this there's probably ten thousand dollars where the temple's there we can't sell the tokens back to them but we can use them on another game we're running out of tokens again let me grab some it's going to get loud i've got about another 800 or so it might be 650. yeah i'm just determined to get that that blasted tower it's moving around that's for sure it is standing proud [Applause] so heavy [Music] [Applause] [Applause] well that was the last of them i'm gonna grab something might get loud again grabbed about 500 or so to keep us going this thing's jammed up again so i'm gonna have to let it work its way loose it just takes a few seconds so that's probably good [Applause] so there we go there's about another 200 i'm gonna go grab some more they get jammed up and slowly working this way out isn't it damn down here collecting some cool tokens [Music] there's a bunch of them we got oh we got about a thousand of them now i guess i shouldn't have dropped so many so quick i think i actually got it jammed up that'll be i think the second time we've got it jammed up it'd eventually work its way out it takes it a minute i should have known better that was a little too much [Music] so seeing if i could break it free it doesn't look like it it's just stuck real bad all right well i'm calling back here again can't play if it's all stuck up minor like that we'll be right back all right we're back i got it unstuck you can see it's double stacked triple stacked up there now where they took our thing off again so that might actually work out for our advantage we get some real big pushes now hopefully [Applause] come on baby oh i moved it a little is it going to be enough let's find out butterfingers definitely can't hurt oh wow that it moved quite a bit [Applause] so i think it's super heavy another one that's for sure [Applause] oh it moved a little bit more oh nice it's got to be going anytime now old butterfingers oh look the side's pulling out i'm sure they can't hold on much longer now oh my gosh oh look at that there's a whole bunch of chips in there too see if we can't get that sweet of course i had to fall backwards didn't [Applause] at least we got to fall over that's a huge accomplishment right there oh wow this 500 is about to fall off a whole bunch of them nice we're making money and a bunch of tokens i got about about 50 45 so tokens let's get them in there let's check it out see what we got we got about probably two more pushes this should be our last push right here all right let's check it out see where we go we made some money that time all right all right we got 3 200 bucks nice and uh tokens we got a thousand there oh probably about 500 there so we got about 1500 tokens there's probably another 500 or more on here so tell you what we'll use the we'll use the one that's got about 500 and see if we can't get the rest of it we can't then i'll just switch over to the to the other thousand but i'll let you know when i do it if i do he's doing good 500 quarter challenge right here no they're not quarters you know what i mean some of them are i can't see it but there's there's one quarter in there where they didn't get it sorted out right yeah or somebody snuck a quarter in i'm not sure but there's a quarter in there [Applause] now there's two quarters in there there's one there's two of them right beside each other [Applause] [Applause] got about 100 left out of that 500. [Applause] all right that's the last of them right there well we didn't clear it off for 500 but we made a pretty good dent i'm just going to swap over to the thousand the other thousand we got let me just keep on going i got a feeling this probably be enough [Applause] it's doing real good big butterfingers we got that hunter chip in the center right there that'll probably be the hardest one to go [Applause] right there in the center we're gonna have to stay right for a minute see if we can't work it work it to one side [Applause] so it's moving there's quarters there they must already fall off i don't see them anywhere [Applause] let's see if that's far enough over i like i like it to be further than that but [Applause] i don't wanna i don't wanna work that one too far to the left i want to keep it going towards the right side i better slow her down i was getting a little carried away almost dropped too many in again [Applause] if i keep clogging it up they're gonna end up closing this hatch up on the top and i put them in one core one token at a time [Applause] that wouldn't be any fun [Applause] my old hands just can't handle that [Applause] it's all starting to go [Applause] got about 200 tokens left so looks like i was probably wrong they don't get it all 1500 tokens looks like it's gonna take a little more than that i could be wrong got a feeling we're gonna need a few more [Applause] it's gonna be a close though there's the last of what we got about 50 45 or so all right there they are i'm gonna go grab some while we're i just grabbed about another thousand or so just keep us going there's a bunch more down there though there's a bunch of money down there too it's very so close to the end now there's well 700 bucks on there [Applause] we'll just finish the game out and then we'll get we'll add everything up real close [Applause] running on the left about to go got it 100 on the right it's real close oh butterfingers take too much more let's see if that's enough now looks like it's going to take a few more oh butterfingers that's a close call though shouldn't take a whole lot more a couple good pushes [Applause] oh wow both of them on the corners we got the one on the right let's see if we can get the one on the left all right let's try that surely that'll be enough oh yeah there it is i think we're pretty much got all the tokens off maybe there's still there might be a little bit right here sorry right there it's double stacked i'll put in another another 50 infinity of them or so oops let's see if it'll knock those out i don't want to waste too many there's nothing else going on yeah we got a pretty good push right there probably earned a few tokens there so i'm gonna tally everything up for you then we'll be right back all right all right went up with 37 800 bucks it's pretty sweet we got look at about 2 000 tokens here there's a thousand here we got a thousand there so we got 2 000 tokens made a whole bunch of money we got all 10 of the jewels so we get to keep all 100 of that pretty good deal i'm happy i think it was worth it took me about an hour to do this i don't know how long it'll be after editing everything out but we've been playing it for over an hour anyhow y'all like what you're saying do me a favor hit that like button subscribe if you haven't subscribed leave me a comment hey if you don't mind share the video with somebody all right well yeah y'all take care we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 32,066
Rating: 4.9070597 out of 5
Keywords: Coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, casino, Entertainment
Id: nMPpw7BYJiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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