Hide and Seek in the BIGGEST BATHROOM You've Ever Seen!

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[Music] welcome back to multiplayer monday and today we are doing a crazy bathroom themed hide and seek modeled after this bathroom right here except it is about 100 times larger than this and we're going to be tiny little people traveling through the bath bathroom trying to find hiding spaces and this is made by xeridox all right so uh who wants to do seeking first who wants to be the first speaker i'll see first of all oh really volunteering i seek for yeah you know i haven't seen first all right you know i feel like okay all right here we go yep turn your head off all right um where do i wanna hide if i was in a bathroom you where was that where would you want to hide yeah you stuck the longest all right let's see i got another toilet or like freaking out that's weird um oh yeah look at that oh simple maybe i don't know i think i'm gonna stick in here i don't know if you guys know about this spot to be honest [Music] lately you know hey we're busy we're busy trying to find the best hiding spot ever we're pretty focused right now i appreciate it not distract no distractions please did you find a spot mumbo are you already in one i think i'm in a spot i think it's acceptable yeah okay this is interesting you just have to trust me i think all right i i don't know exactly where you are but i can see your i can see you can see my air my name you can see that this yeah your name your name isn't interesting the rain is gone i think i know where you are i just never know that i never knew you could get there i'm trying not to give any hints we'll have spot guns this time too so we should get hints with pod guns yeah we will every two minutes we'll do every two minutes so four minutes six minutes five seconds here boys all right i certainly do i'm looking forward to it drop it in good luck all right yeah it just auto opens for you you don't have to okay or anything really yeah okay uh i'm gonna start looking you're starting down there now are you looking in the back what were you trying to do i was trying to make it on top of that door handle it didn't work out um i know there was a way into this container but i don't remember how to do it oh maybe it's on top of the container maybe i did yeah i like this spot i can actually see a decent chunk of the map from this spot without revealing that so good okay nobody's in that container interesting very interesting here the only thing i don't like about hot off is it's hard to hit these buttons yeah yeah i know you don't know where the center of your screen is so if it wasn't obvious we did explore a little bit beforehand so we could get a feel for yeah that's a big map the map creator advised we explore because there's a lot of yeah it's a big one it's so big like traveling across it takes so much time that you kind of want to know where you where you want to go that's the khan is on to something i'm just trying to you know one room at a time make sure i clear it out before i move on process of elimination right yeah exactly make sure nobody's no one's being sneaky sneaky yeah yeah you wouldn't want someone being sneaky no no sneakiness no sneakiness i feel like you guys are like moving in behind you think so you might be like follow me i got really confused watching your name there for a second i thought you were going to be somewhere that you ended up not being interesting oh i think it's been a couple minutes oh yeah we've totally forgot all right well it's been three minutes so ready for the hints yeah yeah shoot me all right here we go that's all i'm given i'll give some too there they are the hints oh boy con is on a b line right now he must have heard a lot right i think uh i just might have made a mistake but i'm not gonna tell you what it is oh i know exactly what what oh no oh no the particles why are there particles in this game particles why are there particles wait no i don't even know what are you doing not the mirror i don't know who made the mistake i think i might have i don't i don't actually know i think it might have been me really whoever's inside this device but i don't know how to get in this what the hair brush is are you referring to the hair no oh you must be referring to the hairbrush you can get in the radio i don't know how i don't know how you get in there just kept shooting out of that video and i was like oh that's shenanigans right there but it counts yeah come on in there that's my mistake scrat man learn from my mistake the far wall not the close ball that's the i think i saw scrap man's particles too but i don't know i think we're at another two minutes technically here technically oh that was like another minute since we get okay i'll do two minutes from our hint okay well it's five and seven okay five and seven there you go so you got 30 seconds till the next hint i haven't moved i will let you know i'm in the same spot i've always been right no i figured that much but okay he's not find you here khan all right 10 seconds oh yeah another hint is coming up here soon oh there you are okay i found you all right are you ready yeah i'm ready all right here we go i'm gonna watch where i'm shooting this time dude he's like right here yeah right that was pretty close oh there he is wait i don't know what you're talking about you can't hit me you can't hit me you can't hit me there's flooring there you can't hit me how do i get i can't believe you saw me that's funny that's hilarious where am i how do i how do you get in here oh i know how to get here how do you get in here no it's here uh-huh oh okay is that you're there okay and then you guys this is the room he was in did you i don't know what you're talking about i saw him but where did he go i don't know where i went he was right oh my god multiple oh there he is eight minutes pretty much oh that was funny wow since i was found first i guess i will seek this time all right all right get in your hole here we go drop you guys in hugs off all right where am i going where am i going this time hmm what a nice timer where do i want to go my favorite spot hold on i'm going to study the bathroom in here i'll start off you got your heart off oh yeah yeah oh yeah okay i feel like i'm in a good spot here i see where you are all right you know what i see where you are scrubbing but i'm going to hide there i'm going i'm going yeah keep giving me i am still going don't stop yet all right oh boy this is going to be a terrible spot for me to try to spectate from but i feel safe i feel very safe yeah i have i have a really bad i have a really bad spectator good luck on this one moombo i'm gonna you're gonna need some hints good you're gonna need something no my my spectator cam is gonna be literally me staring at a great wall there's not much here we go it's open i'm in comes here we go here we go drop it drops here we go all right good luck good luck to you too we are in this together you can bury together what okay very together we are so together right now right you're so together right now it's like a two-for-one deal for me right now yeah it's pretty much yeah yeah yeah right yeah definitely definitely a two-for-one deal um okay uh i'll try and use that to my advantage okay you guys aren't around the toilet paper it would seem i could not tell you something with the toilet paper to him scrapbook at all i know i can't i can't tell either the names are so hard to judge distance okay i'm ready all right here we go [Music] okay i heard that all right mumbo here's my shots oh my god okay i'm not close to you guys at all not very close right now but i heard the direction oh yes i heard the direction that's good that's good it's like it's not enough though you know but i mean maybe it is enough maybe i can't remember how to get to where you guys are tell us what you're thinking where was the direction in relation to you um sinks and doors you know stuff like that sinks and door what is that many doors what direction is sinks and doors well there's only one sink and there's only one door isn't there oh wait a second okay hold on okay oh yeah all right here we go here's mine first okay i heard that all right here's mine [Music] what did you hear it uh yeah you're like below me now i haven't moved also i haven't you both haven't been moving i'm not saying no at nine minutes i'm going to give you a location-based hint yeah good one i can do that too okay i need to like sit somewhere and wait for the hints that's like my strategy at this point it's all i got 10 seconds oh man i'm gonna i have to want to go first i think what happened i can go first okay yeah yeah i can go for a moombo you are within 50 blocks of where i am right now 50. you measured it did you yeah i think so you probably did a few a few stretches of the old the old thing all right and i will say i am probably as far as i can possibly be from you no so you're at the no but the sound wouldn't make sense otherwise you're like that close to me hey wait i see you i see you i don't know how to get in there what's the secret oh no that's so frustrating yeah there you go oh there we go wow no way what okay good to know good to know where did you get them i got con yeah yeah there was nothing like no you couldn't escape yeah okay so you're like the farthest you could possibly be yeah if you're at the top i'm really far away okay well then that means apparently i'm just gonna jump and aim for the sink here there we go so you're at the bottom hmm that's fine it seems like a reasonable conclusion okay watch out there yeah yeah hit the flush there flush me down the toilet for a moment there khan if you will there we go oh yeah we can the toilet oh that's yeah so we can open this up here oh and there's oh dude here we go now we're out the back from the toilet from the toilet you go into that basement below the top oh that's super neat okay i thought i was already here but i guess i'm gonna do this again oh wait i need to be there all right oh um okay yeah sure uh the air quality it doesn't feel that great down uh here somewhere wherever i am yeah wherever i am because air quality is not that great i might be running out of air actually really i might be running out of time there you go you found me i didn't know if you knew about that button you did you see that button before i did yes i didn't know yeah that was my first time seeing it so i thought i was i thought i was being clever all right that was like 11 20 or something that was a rough one not bad but that was a tough one all right well it's still my turn i could do way worse than that right and reset all right you ready let's do this i'm ready let's do this gun there you go have fun i don't know honestly i think i don't know i'm gonna go with this spot here oh that was quick that was quick actually maybe that that's probably a bad spot because the but as soon as we have to shoot spun guns he's gonna be like oh he's in that spot you know like it's gonna be really yeah i know how that feels so yeah too much too much spotting you know i'm gonna look at the model of a bathroom and imagine you guys running around it yeah that's what i did this is what's up that's what up right there see you later you guys find something new that's a good one oh no i'm so done that's a good spot i'm gonna go wow i'm just gonna go to this spot right here it's yeah more obvious than yours but i think it'll work out you know all right three seconds that's good all right here we go this is crazy i'm coming down all right what spot would you guys choose once again not really good spectator cams yeah i hear that this map generally just doesn't have good spectator cam spots though yeah maybe that's for the best though maybe it's an equalizer where where could this amazing spot that moonbow found be uh i don't tell them just jumped into the toilet did you see that i didn't see it but that's disgusting i am in the toilet drain if you didn't even clean it first you just jump right in yeah you got to plunge him out yeah he's got it he's got to get that plunger and you can go a few times first yeah courtesy flushed yourself there scrap man interesting what is this hole for there's a way to get under the toilet if you flush it from the back and then go down the flush part you can get into the basement i think that's the hole that that does that some nice names floating around i got i see that much i see scrap man's name floating around i don't see my name near scrap man so wow maybe i do i don't know i'm not gonna say anything i feel like you're not gonna be down in the basement almost wait no it's five minutes is the first time yeah five minutes interesting so we got about a minute left i don't think i'm trying to get good spectator cams here but it's really tough to do you know like sometimes when you try and clip your camera through the wall it does that weird freak out thing you know where it's like yeah i can't decide yeah all right what yeah i can't see anything unfortunately i still i i hit that first power switch the red one there's like there's apparently there's three switches on this map that do things yeah i haven't screened a single other one yeah we've only found the one really you've only found the one have you found another one limbo i may or may not what you found another one of them oh there's gotta be kidding me oh that's cool neither of us know where that is neither of us have any idea where that is oh no i watched moonbow hide so i kind of know he has an idea of where it is oh man okay three seconds here until uh five minute mark oh no i'll shoot first okay uh okay you got that i heard it yeah i'm turning that okay here comes oh yeah turn it up a bit here comes mine right about now there you go five shots for five minutes i just do five shots every time but that sounded good that sounded close to me did it maybe we are close i can't tell how do you get in there we're close maybe we're far how do you get in the radio there's a button on the back of the radio there it is on the back oh that's clever that's subtle that's a subtle pretty hidden isn't it but i'll tell you that i know yeah i knew you got somebody already let me just tell you exactly where i am and how to get yeah yeah by the way if you hit the button all right man um about 11 20. i got eight minutes i can't figure out two minutes left man yes time is short in a minute yeah and then we did big hints at nine minutes right we did big locationary ones or at least somewhat location oh this stuff is destructible um is there like a switch or something here man i don't know i don't know it doesn't feel good it does that's hard it's a really hard map it is a lot of hiding spots really but it's so big that yeah exactly well you you have to dedicate so much time like you have to commit so much time to like let me try under like here investigating yeah maybe there's another way i will say i haven't moved yet scrap man from my original spot neither of us have yeah there's a bunch of stuff here i don't know where scrap man is do you that's so weird like he's kind of describing it a little bit but yeah i'm not sure i'm i'm in like i'm going up the elevator probably seven minutes seven minutes are you ready oh it is seven now yeah uh okay here if you're ready i'll go i'm gonna go first are you going first con there's dawn's uh barely but yeah okay okay here comes mine oh my goodness you're you're really close to me you're really close to me really close you say i don't know i'm like i'm afraid to jump around too much i'm gonna fall falling is not good how i think i know where you are but i have no idea how to get there i feel like you're behind the clock or like something to do with the clock it looks like it works time is ticking six seconds until they're basically like five seconds till eight minutes yeah that's right oh my god right here thank you oh no thank you i got three minutes for uh my time i guess i feel like i'm not i'm gonna lose this i have no idea where you guys are 50 seconds yeah you probably have some bigger hints all right scrap man that's my big hint nine minutes it's a bar of clean stuff what okay i know what that means i don't know how to oh yeah what's your hit mumbo yeah you want um i'm i'm really high up really you are yeah i'm high up okay i'm gonna try moving first because i'm already upper really high up okay so maybe the clock was not i i heard that area but maybe it just wasn't thinking high enough okay so maybe i mean there's the vents like is there something above the vent well i'm not saying i'm at the highest point i'm just saying i'm pretty high up i i would let you know that i am not higher than you right now okay you're in the clock i just don't know how to get there all right i'm gonna try dealing with constant now i see you i saw you peeking through you see khan what what are you talking about okay how do i i don't know how to get there okay shooting at scrap man do you have a doppelganger i just did the biggest sleep of faith i jumped from the top of the shower did you see my hammer poke through the wall oh yeah i saw it yeah like that your gun to your hammer poked through the wall the hammer accidentally and i was like oh no it's gonna stick through the wall yeah i mean i i was thinking the bar is soap as soon as you gave the hint i just uh was taking my time getting there all right now how do i get there i know you're behind the clock like i just even if you tell me it's not going to like change how fast i find you yeah i think time's ticking i'm going to give you a hint scrap man he's not behind the clock that's a pretty good hint is it really so that's not the right area not he's not behind the clock you've got 20 seconds my time was what 11 20 or something like that yeah so at 11 you got to give me a pretty big hint okay well it's 11 right now so uh my i mean okay yeah my best hint right now that i can give you is that uh i am higher up than the clock what the lights it's a very illuminating part of this how do i get on the lights it's 11 25 wait is that yeah the timer oh that's con okay yeah that's con i'm not i haven't moved this whole time right i gotta figure out how to get onto the lights now all right i'm joined i'm working on it i'm working on it i'm coming up the elevator yeah i am i am i'm working my way up there i think okay i understand how to potentially get there you are i was like on the lights though were you i made maybe i was i don't know if i can can i jump there from here oh my goodness oh multiplayer was so bad there uh oh i fell khan didn't make it player is really bad wait oh there's a switch here is this it did i find it i found it that's such a good spot twelve scratching i mean look through this hole look through that hole there wait what there's another bathroom well no that's the kitchen man that look that's oh that's kitchen right there yeah i think uh anyway there's one get up here because i actually i found another room by accidentally falling out of the map when we were testing and it was like a um it was like a bedroom almost oh like an unfinished oh there's multiple areas it had uh it just had a dresser drawer in that and that was pretty much it did you guys find the uh other switches he found he found the blue one we don't know where the we should try to find the green one yeah there's one more power switch somewhere right that's yeah so we got to figure out maybe i feel like the window we haven't done a lot with is it inside up there is it in that no no that's just the controller that's so cool that it moves though it is right yeah like a disco light going on yeah oh that's so cool that's crazy you know what i haven't been on top of that yeah the top shelf here i had never been here yet have a crazy long range they do yeah there's one i can see the red light and the blue light are lit there's just the green light left we have to find this we're so close oh yeah it's our mission oh i found a okay what did you where are you under the plunger under the plunger is there anything oh there is it's just a seat that's so cool though you can literally sit under the plunger come here and look in the third person at this wall here you can see there's oh you can get into that wall somehow i don't know if that's going to help us with the switch or not but it's something very peculiar that is interesting you found that i don't know where i don't know i've looked everywhere down here for the uh access point what does this button do i found another button i don't even know what it's doing all right the floor of the boat definitely opens up but i don't know how hmm wait what what did i just do it i think i just did it i just did it well you had to turn the hand turn the boat manually with the hammer you have to turn the steering wheel with the hammer okay that's good to know that that's how a function of how the map works you guys uh find anything in there there we go no it's just a hiding spot all right this one's a tough one this is a tough one i'm very like it could be oh it's armored glass behind normal glass i see oh whoa whoa whoa i just found a button oh i found a new area [Music] yeah look right behind the blue pipe the left side of it there's a button there's a button hit that button yeah okay pressing press the button oh my god that's so hard to see yeah press it no we didn't press it yeah and then it goes slides the whole thing down get back here get back here there you go and then there it is down the end over here oh good thing no one was hiding here i know right no kidding right all right we found this boys see that knew this dark pale door was something yeah all right how do we get back out to the back to the center yeah all right let's do the orders of throwing the purple switch all right i'll do it there we go okay all right i think oh opening oh go down down okay all right we're going down oh and we're dead [Laughter] and then we can exit look at this oh and we can actually get through the exit we finished took us half an hour we did it wow all right good game guys so bad about that good game we solved the riddle now that'll be a lesson to you that'll be a i don't know what lesson right i don't know what the moral of the story is difficult yeah don't waste your time all right well i hope you guys enjoyed this if you guys did uh go ahead and check out everyone's channels and um let us know what you want to see in the next multiplayer video see you next time bye you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 350,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, mechanic simulator, scrap mechanic challenge, physics sandbox games, creative games, sandbox building games, scrap mechanic multiplayer monday, scrap mechanic hide and seek, hide and seek, hide and seek challenge, extreme hide and seek, hide and seek bathroom, giant bathroom, giant toilet
Id: zr-0XR7PZPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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