Can My Friends Solve My Maze While BLIND?

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welcome to multiplayer Monday and today we have built mazes for each other again and I have an interesting concept of a maze where they won't be able to see the maze as they are navigating it uh instead they have to navigate it from within these vehicles and I'm going to show you what their perspective is going to look like so you can understand just how disorienting it can be so the door opens in front of you when the timer starts uh you have to be in your vehicle in first person and the way these logic gates work is um there are four black Gates that indicate the front and sides of your vehicle and then you got some red ones so if I press uh the button to go forward right now uh you also have a little bit of a viewing hole and this is just so you can see the orientation of your vehicle in relation to the grid uh and you know that you're driving straight if you can see a straight line like that otherwise when you turn you know that you are not aligned with the grid otherwise I felt it way harder to tell where you were going so right now this means that there is a wall on my right and left um however now that I've gone forward a little bit now I have no walls anywhere if I zoom out you can see that both behind me or not both but um behind me both of my sides and in front of me are all open so I could go ahead and uh look at my ground to see when I do an actual 90° turn all right there we go and I can go this way so now I got a wall on my left and right and now I have one on my front now you're probably wondering what the red lodic gates are for those are to indicate when you are within two blocks on that side so this is front left left and right I decided not to put that when it comes to um the rear because you shouldn't really be driving in reverse that much anyway but that way if I go too far to the right you see at an angle here they'll at least know that they're hugging one side of their wall so they're not very centered so yeah basically uh this is the whole idea of the challenge is you have to try to get to the end of the maze just with this vehicle and uh using the limited visual information that you have so it's essentially like a blind it it's almost like these things are like echolocation they're just signaling a direction that you can sense a wall but there's a special twist uh so once they get to the end of the maze the way that they know that they've reached the end of the maze is they'll pass this group of sensors here and this will explode them freeing them from their vehicle and then they actually have to race back on foot which is going to be uh way quicker and way easier because it is just just a lot easier to see where you're going and where you've been and you can just move a lot faster as well so it shouldn't take them I hope too long to find their way back on foot and there you go I've done it just like that so let's hop over and trap them in the vehicles and see who can finish the maze first all right guys welcome to my Maze and in my maze you are going to be blind you're not going to be able to see uh anything oh this sock's worse than that this is worse than that idea uh so you got to get in your veh radar truck I made that one time remember that so if you if you get in your and you have to go into first person so Zoom all the way into first person this sucks so much the worst perspective ever you'll know when you finish the maze once you've exploded and then great you have to get back to the beginning on foot you guys ready yep um Cosmo what uh you don't look ready anymore can you even go forward anymore yeah it doesn't look like you can go forward anymore I do that he just back up and guys why are you like this he a great car scra why are you like this that was like the only thing you could possibly do to make it so I have to restart literally the only thing like it's anywhere else in the Maze it's not going to flip over or anything like that all right all right all right Che his face we got to drive the Maze and then get back on the maze I'm going to I'm going to use a pen and paper and write down all the turns I make while good luck yeah I was wondering like how are you guys if you're going to keep track or how you going to keep track of like where you're where you've been but uh yeah do whatever you need to do all right in 3 2 1 go this challenge sucks so how do I finish the maze you you'll explode oh nice so you said black means you sense something right if the black ones activate that means that within a grid distance within a block distance there is one if the red ones activate you're essentially up against it okay okay this sucks all right you both chose different starting Pathways and I I'll let you know right now there's multiple Pathways to finish I thought about only making one pathway but I thought it might be too hard and take too long so you're welcome thank you I appreciate it appreciate it that is great I'm having a great time y you know that you know I'm not an expert on things but I will say you know blind people aren't allowed to drive right no you're this is like a echolocation except with uh visual echolocation uhhuh so ocular location Cosmo is backing up for some reason back I'm like driving very long I don't know how you said that I'm going to keep going forward sorry I don't like how you said that I'm going to keep going forward well I just like I never really imagined like going backwards that much and using the vehicle rather than turning around you know I don't know how much space we got to turn around bro I don't want to be doing the freaking like you can turn around as long as none of the actually you can just turn around no matter what pretty much you'll just grind why are there only three red lights three red LED I didn't want to put one for re for the rear basically your your rear your rear sensors won't tell you when you're close to a wall it's just they'll tell you if there's a wall there I wasn't listening what were the red ones for oh they'll tell you when you're really close so the the right and left ones that means you're like within two blocks of the wall so you'll know if you're like not centered very well [Music] gotcha no man I'm using that blocks you know the blocks where I'm going man this interesting I am I at the end yet yeah you're right there okay I feel like I just went back I'm going back the same way I just came like yeah that's what I love about it is like you can't really recognize if you've been somewhere before and it's a little disorienting I'm 99% sure I just went back the same way I came this is not this is not working yeah I I was scared with this cuz there's a chance that you could finish this maze in 2 minutes or it could take 15 minutes it really just depends on how lucky you get with your choices so I don't know how long this video is going to be Cosmo are you okay Cosmos is thinking a lot I know you were chilling you were very chill fa for a minute I'm thinking you know I'm processing I'm analyzing data data I'm going to turn off I'm going to turn off my Shadows real quick so it's less dark in here interesting interesting strategy well it's just it's really dark inside this thing and it doesn't you know it's hard to see like the floor well the light are oh I guess the other floor could it's just a dark patch so it's easier if I just turn Shadows off yeah you probably do you do you still have a 90 Dee field of view that's probably excessive in in the thing you're excessive also I'm in a dead end by the way you are in a dead yep yeah if you see three lights I understand how this works all right the learning process you okay Cosmo yeah I'm I'm just uh adjusting my uh camera so I don't have to keep like adjusting my view every [Music] time making choices making people are making choices interesting choices choices and things and stuff stuff [Music] things I can like see when Cosmo like you pass an intersection and there's a moment of thought like well I'm like do I keep going to scope out the rest of the pathway or like what do I do here you know okay so interesting there's some interesting developments happening oh I'm sure there are I'm sure I'm sure it's super interesting I've I've been really enjoying how's the inside of your box looks Co it looks very boxy and I kind of like it yeah this it's very good that I'm I'm the only one uploading a perspective on this cuz you guys got nothing interesting I mean you could like upload like like real life footage of me doing this and it'll be kind of entertaining so I'm literally sitting here with my right hand on the keyboard my left hand on like a piece of paper with a pen right hand on the keyboard what how is oh then okay wait are you actually mapping interesting that's what the thinking is that's why you're pausing okay I'm not mapping scrapman you you're the one who said you were going to I know I gave him the idea turntables it's going to it's going to it's going to psych him out you know mhm this is the worst maze idea you could have gone with by the way I didn't I'm out of ideas man this was like all right what if you do a maze where you can't see no that's not that's not out of ideas this is just that's just that's not even oh God I don't know how many unique maze ideas I got left I got a lot man I got lot so comment please leave some down in the comments I have so many Maze ideas they're all about they're all mainly about logic and torture so you know it's good times but Cosmo seems like it's interesting like Cosmo seems to be doing things methodically Kan just seems to be going and hoping I have a strategy and I thought it was going to work but it's not did you think it was going to work oh is it am I back at the start yes you're back at the start perfect I I love how just when you say you had a strategy you find yourself back at the beginning okay that's no that's what I wanted that's what I wanted yeah that's what you want you wanted that's you was going for yeah okay okay so now I'm now I'm not back at the start that's correct you are not back at the start okay that's good good this is what I wanted scram man this is what I wanted man Cosmo's got choices to make right now I got too many choices to make unfortunately I'm I'm like down a whole hierarchy of choices that I've been making oh jeez oh this is actually really fun this is a lot more fun to watch than I was expecting I was a little bit worried yeah I'm actually like curious to see what it would look like from your perspective yeah cuz I tried this like just you know on my own even having a rough understanding of where the maze went and I was like this is hard and I'm don't even know if I backtracked 10 times to the same spot I am curious what your map looks like you got to like send me a picture or something I'll send it to you sure yeah I want to put that I'm kind of running out of paper though I need to like I hope it doesn't go in this direction more cuz I didn't really start at a at a good spot in the paper here so the question is does Khan believe he's in a place he's been before or not shut up scra nobody wants your opinion I don't know how to tell well I was asking for yours nobody nobody nobody wants to know what thoughts are in my brain right now okay figured coso's in a fun spot figured as much I a strategy and now that I I got all the way back to the start I feel like this strategy is going to work now is it going to work faster than Cosmo or not we'll find out it would be really impressive I'm not going to give any hints as to why yet cuz it might give some stuff away but you finish my Strat is not going to work no if it would be really impressive if it do you know what I'm doing scram man have you figured it out no it's not based off of what I think you're doing it's just based off of where you and Cosmo were at certain times oh okay ooh ooh this is interesting to watch wait what oh boy this is interesting to watch well that's did I turn myself what the hell happened how that oh Cosmos reached a conf he's he's confused himself how is that not I'm so confused you're like you're you're really diagonal right now Khan so that's probably messing with your uh your ability to sense accurately I can't whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wao am I okay I just got a huge lag Spike oh yeah you're fine that's probably yeah that's probably why while you were having diagonal I I just got a massive lag Spike then I felt my vehicle warp and like hit a wall and I was like uh all right so another one here what oh my God Cosmo watching that was the most intense thing I win you got to make it back to the start now how run oh I got to run yeah oh gee oh okay okay okay okay SW swap hands swap hands yeah literally Cosmo has has finished the blind portion of the maze now he gets to see his way back heard I heard that whoa this is not what my map was what is this I didn't mean to jump out of the seat I hit the wrong button I this is not what my map looks like at the moment but that's okay so this is where I went here okay perfect wow I do not understand this what am I in a dead end what all four oh my God just lagged again I think I'm in a dead end am I I'm like hitting something what am I stuck on you're oh yeah you're good now no didn't I'm just checking something here to orient myself uh well uh KH has just finished his blind portion so it's a mad race back to the start now well it starts this way I know that much oh my good I cannot believe how close this is uhoh I cannot believe how close this is right now I know you go this way to get to the start I cannot believe how close this is I I was not paying any attention to what I was doing oh my goodness no way is it this way no way no way oh it's here it's here let's go I cannot believe Khan won this wow that is it like Cosmo was ahead so much of the time and then right at the end well good game everybody uh was fun yep I'll leave links down in the description to the other maze stuff and we will see you guys in the next video bye F by [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 86,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, mechanic simulator, scrap mechanic challenge, physics sandbox games, creative games, sandbox building games, scrap mechanic multiplayer monday, scrap mechanic maze, scrap mechanic blind maze, blind maze
Id: 7-86AKcqmDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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