I Made LOUD Music While Hiding to Trick my Friends!

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what's up guys my name is khan and we're back today with more scrap mechanic multiplayer and today we're back in the mall hide and seek map we did this map once a while ago and we really wanted to do it again simply because there's a lot of rooms to this map that we haven't explored and on top of that there's actually a secret we can unlock just like the clue map there's a secret so we're gonna do some hide and seek and then we're gonna try and find that secret at the end of the video and see if we can you know unlock what i don't even know what it is we're gonna unlock something it's gonna be exciting all right who wants to be the fir i'll be the first seeker i'm calling it oh just like that i'm taking off cut off just do it now oh yeah hot off yeah all the rooms are good i just did it i jumped in moonbow are you jumping in okay like i could just go down if i wanted to it's not stopping me all the other ones stopped me yes yeah just wait till the green lights come on i think there's green lights back there yeah well yeah there's a timer going all the way around and stuff so oh yeah the green lights do yeah i don't remember any spots yet i'm trying to find a new spot that's not like the old spots but yeah but i mean like that's uh i know right that's not easy oh this might be something not easy oh this might be oh wait all right hold on i might be honest what are we doing what's the timer anyway here we're looking at uh two minutes two minute one oh this is a spot all right timer's almost up it looks like yeah waiting for the light now oh there we go here i come whoo all right boy where are you any of you not hiding in a store um that's a very interesting question that's a good question all right what are we getting so we're gonna get we're gonna go let's be more aggressive on the hints let's give hints every like two minutes so like four minutes two minutes eight minutes ten minutes two minutes yeah you know we'll have starting at four starting at four wait a minute okay this map changed what do you mean it changed did they update it updated this update i just went to a hiding spot that i went last time and it's totally different they probably watched our video where like this spot was bad we're gonna make it better you need a better spot yeah there's some like more destructible pieces than there was last time this is interesting yeah that totally used to be made of wood last time andrew i swear i was just in a spot that like i can't believe scrap man didn't i i can't were you sweating a bit there i what kind of kind of great was it wait really no maybe i don't know describe it i don't know you'll never know maybe he's messing with you maybe i'm messing with really really well maybe he's not messing with you wait what if there's something oh i can turn on a jet in the f1 car interesting oh can you what if there was something i missed over here you imagine you start driving the car through the mall that's what you're able to be crazy all right now there's nothing over here you make me waste my time oh you got a beautiful i know i got i know that there are like switches and stuff uh in the main well yeah these these booths look different than i remember the small is very large switches there's a little bit very large there's gotta be oh here we go here we go there we go no no no one's in there okay oh that's all right all right i just gotta go man you can see it all right this is my it's four minutes it's four minutes here's my head i've seen you twice like in person i haven't gone many places i don't mind twice a person now there's usually some hammer hits oh boom boy's using a hammer i literally am not carrying any hammers i didn't hear anything i hit it three times you didn't hear any no your volume is up right the radio is on yeah it should be up oh it's so subtle it is so subtle i can't really hear where it is though right there he could see me in person all right well maybe he was okay so if i was over there in the f1 area i was running for you you need some eyes on the back of your head that's what you have that's crazy everyone watching my video is gonna be so excited about seeing scrap man they're like oh boy there's scram man there he goes yeah i've got a bit of a strategy too this time i'm trying something i don't know i'm not feeling good about this all right i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go around and scrap man i've seen you twice more already twice more already than that okay i mean i'm sure you have i'm not even joking either i'm actually dead serious i've i've not i've got to cover some more ground you've got to cover ground and look for hiding spots you know yeah yeah there's nothing this is a perfect you're not out of breath then you're not playing hide and seek right exactly yeah so if you could see me i could see you when you're standing in front of that store yep in front of that store so we'll draw some lines scrap man you gotta like go there yeah yeah you know will scrap man see you i mean he could have but if he'd look he could see you yeah if he was looking to the right you were like exposed expo like oh yeah yeah like like your perfect line of sight no no question what yeah wow i'm not gonna i'm not in a seat i'm not doing anything weird yeah you're not even moving i'm so confident with this this fighting spot that's the amount of hints of i can see your feet right now that's my feet not anymore but back when you're back when you're over there i could yeah what how is that even possible you're gonna love this spot man this is this is so much time looking at stupid things because of all these weird hints all right i can see you right now like just your whole body 100 from first person con oh yeah in first person yeah this spot's pretty good right is it new okay it must be maybe oh i see i see i know where you i don't know how to get up there he knows where i'm gonna go i'm gonna start back in my hands he knows mumbo ah i know kind of where you are i forgot i had to have my spud gun out to get you oh that's right that's part of the game am i gonna get there from here i can't get there from here oh yes i can you're probably moving though you're probably on the move i don't know what you're talking about you're probably on the move where are you where did you go all right you know what you probably went into the arcade okay the names are i'm wearing right now that's for sure oh there you are sitting on a chair he's just sitting at a table in here don't make any sudden movements all right that was another two minutes yeah that was a great i can give you some more hammers here it's been a while there you go no i heard it once but i didn't have any direction i'll give you even maybe a couple more and well actually in 20 seconds i'll give you some more so okay maybe try and find a new position based off of what you might have where could you be wait maybe you got up on top and like there's series there's no way there's no way there's no way i'm maybe i got fancy feet maybe you did you see how fancy that was mumbo that was it was at its best what happened i don't know it's just something happened is this very subtle things happen are you moving are you not really i'll tell you what i'm moving about two feet at a time yeah i don't know i don't know how how i have like one spot that i'm basically staying in yeah i don't know how you didn't see that there's like some magic right yeah that was something for sure but i missed you missed something that was that was insane i know right right yeah man okay now i'm just i'm not gonna move at all right now i'm just gonna stay completely still now i'm just gonna oh god a statue i saw your name freaking out there yeah i was not even moving i'm not even gonna move anymore are you like up above or something i'm holding my position here holding my ground oh my god can you even can you get up here i can't believe that spot mumbo can you get up there yeah oh my goodness oh my goodness you can this is good you know what's kind of funny i was trying to get up there and i didn't know how so i didn't go up there i didn't i didn't know i'm going up oh no wow oh no your spot is amazing it's pretty good isn't it they changed these raptors they never used to be this open actually really yeah i'm surprised that um the man in question has not i know right not has not spotted i don't know what i'm missing now i'm trying to maybe uh i don't know a slightly another hammer can i get another hammer i feel like it's been 92 minutes here we go wait i see you're wait wait wait wait wait wait the whole time not quite no no wait what was 13 30 bucks there yeah a super secret little hole yeah that was 13 30. look at this little cubby here yeah okay you can go up there i'm stuck right now just go up in there and have a look yeah yeah and there's a chest oh okay so you're just here on the shelf i was just up there in the shelf yeah yeah oh i have no i can't wait to see this footage back to see if i can see you up there oh my gosh when you came down the stairs you were staring straight like when you came out from the rafters you were staring at me yeah you climbed up here and you were like looking right at me at one point i was like there's no way he doesn't notice like yeah because you were like looking in this direction i was down in that hole here yeah i'm up here i can't see over there really over here when you were on here oh you were over on this part here and i was like right in that hole looking up at you oh i got to keep my spot gun oh do you oh no i got to give it to you oh wow okay i have this i'm in uh i'm in uh what's it uh hud mode is off there we go yeah all right all right are you ready let's get them ready jump in there boys and uh all right where where do i wanna hide i'm gonna go to a spot that i found when i was with you i mean maybe this will this will be a good spot i don't know oh yeah that's right this timer goes around the entire room this is the spot boys this is the spot all right it's good i'm in all right here comes dropping into the mall okay let's see what we got here let's see here there's so many stores i know there's so many stores have they added stores is that what we're talking about here yeah there's definitely some changes to this map since then that have made some spots a little bit a little bit better i think so too i think the spot i'm in didn't exist before but i'm not sure that's the lights what the i just don't remember this spot okay is there like i feel like there's fewer switches are you heart than horns who's honking horns no buddy i don't even hear that i don't even know what you're talking about i don't even hear that you have horns at your spot what is that i hear that [Music] what is that the heck it's like echoing in the mall i might have horns in my spot for some reason what spot even is that i don't even i don't know what's the spot what's that what's the spot with the horns the spot with the horns don't you know that spawn don't you know about the spot with the hordes i don't know what you're nothing here what's going on in here anything up here i hear that okay i don't know what this means did that help scrabbing at all did that did that do something oh look at the play place in here wait i don't have there always been a play place in the wait a play place yeah there's like a like a playground thing in the mcdonald's thing i don't remember that okay what's going on i don't remember that either actually right i think that's a new thing for sure that's kind of cool you're gonna have to show me that after this yeah it looks really cool yeah you definitely have to show me the play place after this too okay i'm not too sure now okay oh hidden switch hidden switch nothing it's just storage i hear a radio radio well the radio is like always going isn't it wait are you moving the horn with you i feel like you're moving the whole thing mechanics audio i'm definitely not moving the horde i'm convinced [Music] i have to know what this horn business is it doesn't make any sense all right i'll give you a hint i haven't given you a hint in the past four minutes so okay camera hits you hear them are you hammer hitting i i am i think i'm hearing them all right there was like 10 hammer hits i honestly could not hear them i'm not too sure here i don't know let's have a look here okay it's always trusty to check the uh the bathrooms right i hear the horn i can hear the horn from the bathrooms i can hear it from you know what it reminds me of when you're in the mall and they have those little toy the little like puppy toys that like move around and bark at the kiosks oh like they're like things no like those little like toys that like they move around and they do a backflip it's like a little dog oh yeah the robo dogs or whatever yeah the robot dogs yeah that's what it sounds like are you on the first floor at all i think i'm on the first floor right now yeah i'm definitely on the first floor here i hear that so loud it is so loud but it's not helping but it's so echoey at least from where i am we're almost at six minutes here uh i'm on the second floor that's that's are you i'm not i'll give you a hint i'm on the first floor okay there's some more hammers i know our hints aren't exactly consistent with no difficulty or whatever but you might have spoke too much what do you mean the horn keeps pulling me away i keep going to the horn we're just like we're like trick and move though every time he goes to you i'll i'll make some noise and every time he comes towards me you make some noise and it just keeps going back and forth if i know horns i know i always bring my horn to the gym that is uh what you bring a horn to the gym it's clown college 101. fair true true yeah no true i agree you work out with your horn um okay this doesn't look good oh wait this is the drop down through the floor what is this new oh that's where i was hiding on scrap man was in that drop down through the floor and there's like a vent out of the arcade or the gym i mean yeah you can like there's a vent hole you can peek out and look into the lobby of the whole oh yeah that's where i was hiding from him are those horns even like on your location or are they like separate from you no they're they're like i'm pressing the buttons themselves in first person how you're in here somewhere you are in here somewhere you've got to be in here somewhere these horns are emanating from why oh wait are orders is what you're doing i feel like that's just scrap mechanic sound though maybe you know maybe the sound no you're lying you're a liar am i though are you in the freezers no not in the freezers i'm not gonna say anything you just i just let my horns do the talking you know what i mean okay then sing for me oh i can't i can't sing on demand it just comes okay occasionally stage fright yeah oh my god where are you you gotta be in here i feel what up here no oh wait you've got to be in the play place this is the best this is the best thing in the world i'm so stuck in here oh there you i see you i'm stuck you see him oh my god you never got to shoot him you can't i did i did i did yeah that's the horns here yeah okay wait let me listen okay i'm on the move oh my god this is a bad idea donald's play place by the way mobile came in the bottom of it and never went up to the top let's see here um this is a grocery cart okay you're not in the grocery cart oh there's a spot there wow that's like so if i crouch do you see me oh yeah you're pretty hidden there oh that's a good scene you are definitely hidden okay there's gotta be a hidden switch here or something this batman did how did you how did you get in there scrap man how did you do that um i don't want to give away too much yet yeah you got you got a good spot you need to wait at least here's another hint what are you you're still on the first floor you say yeah i will i will tell you uh now that it's about 12 minutes i am in the supermarket you are yep it was that good of a hiding spot for me that year it was that good right i was vegan uh no wait what are you doing how did you find that what don't say i didn't get by that how did you do that i think this has been updated because there was a box in front of it and if you if you uh get rid of that box you can go in and another box comes up behind oh they have more of those no way so it actually replaced the box wow that was like 12 12 20 or something like that or something yeah let's go with 12 10. um all right show me the play place i can just see this play place yeah let's go give me something you got to go up to the mcdaniels and then you know go into the play you're a kid at heart right so yeah absolutely it's a terrible it's always terrible to get into but it's yeah and it's a dead end isn't it yeah it's a dead end there's no way out so you gotta just you go into the play place and you gotta just like crouch and then strafe through it yeah it's cool isn't it and then you jump on i did not notice this last time yeah anyone wants to get up here you've got the horns up here and i was just chilling here up here with the horns i'm just smashing it apart there was at one point where i was like oh man i'm at the uh that's great i just got lazy boy yeah all right well i'm next i gotta beat like yeah i don't know 11 something i'm just in it for the adventure guys that's all well yeah oh no are you making bad decisions there's only like four bars left three bars left making bad dreams i'm going it's going it started i am in the mall this is it does anybody know if they're elevated i got you distracted by stuff you've been through this like i don't think it works still you can try maybe even try and fix it spend a bit of time repairing that elevator just puts red lights out no i'm not gonna get a wrench okay there's gotta be spots in the arcade there's so many machines that light up and i feel like one of them just moves out of the way but i haven't been able to figure out any of them i'm i'm convinced that there's like a secret code that you have to put on the arcade machines or something now i think you're just saying that so i waste my time figuring out a secret code all right first hint in 10 seconds what kind of hint do you want to give i might give you the floor maybe i don't know that kind of helps a bit but not too much well i figured the arcade machine over all right you ready for him [Music] i just gave you a couple hammer hits i think i heard that i did not i'm on the first floor you're on the first floor that's my hint for you con on the first floor this seat is occupied what what there is a seat there could be a mop i just saw the bottom like the bottom handle of like one of those passers see there you are i saw the phone when i was walking into the store i just saw the bottom hand like you could barely see it and i was like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wow a letter to this map maker and complain yeah when i went to crouch to press it it just kept saying the seat is occupied oh that's so lame i can't believe it that's good i thought i had a good spot but i did not have a good spot dude i you i wouldn't have seen like honestly when you walk in you have just the right angle to see that there's like a metal bar as soon as i saw you crouch i knew i was like oh this guy's crouching right now he sees my feet or something no your your body was busy they completely got it was just yeah this is the chair giveaway all right now we gotta i could have maybe like moved boxes or something to block it maybe but okay but i just oh you just set the alarm off look at that [Music] oh that is the alarm okay all right yeah it is all right it's been six minutes you want another hint yeah go for it um here you ready yeah i don't hear anything do you it's quiet whoops i can hear it a little bit but i accidentally destroyed part of my height it's so quiet like [Music] he said he destroyed part of his hiding spot so i'm thinking like you know it might be one of these like oh there he is wow wow i can't believe it i didn't even hear your hammers i was just like you said i remember from before this room had one of those destroyable like hiding places where the blocks came back up there's tons of rooms with destroyable stuff this was the one with all the cardboard i don't know anyway all right well yeah you guys want to know something cool i uh actually figured out the secret and i opened up the jewelry store okay reset the map reset the map you got to show us this section yeah okay all right get the walk through right here we're all gonna go down ready yeah wait i'm not i'm still loading i'm loading oh okay okay yeah we're in now all right so i just got to remember where the there was a fourth one there's four of these boxes right okay so there's this one here i saved that one for last though um but there's one upstairs and that was the one that i kept missing and i found it and i got to remember where it is oh there it is okay so the pub okay the pub all right you ready yeah we're watching all right here we go so i hit that one and you got to be quick to get the other ones there's one over here from the pub down to here okay yep and then there's one in the water closet okay okay interesting and then the last one is by the jewelry store and then by the jewelry store you just have to hit it with the hammer once yeah it just bounces you got to get all four of them before the timer i think runs out opens up wow and so now we're supposed to rob this place is there is there but the glass is glass is breakable there's a couple of hiding spots like in the back like this but yeah like i didn't feel comfortable doing that this is like if you saw if you saw the jewelry store was open you would have immediately come in and then found those hiding places wait what about the vents above us here look at these ventilation areas above us there's like a vent ventilation look on the signs here i think it's on these signs yeah yeah you start on the steins and look to this look to the other side yeah look at the arrow behind you there yeah yeah i think there's an arrow here no no it's hard to do a multiplayer oh my god it's yeah it's hard for multiplayer but i think that's probably how you get up there okay so over here just jump earlier than you would expect okay oh wow that is kind of crazy getting up here but wait i totally can't jump up into the vent though are there events too there yeah but i can't hear you maybe i'll be boosting i'll try and boost you up what are we so what are we supposed to do with this jewelry store that's i feel like there's got to be something to it how did we get up in here though what's above us wait what was that did you just drink an alarm no something just counted down oh so something just made a noise what is up in this vent yeah how do we get into this event there's more to this wait well hold on couldn't we go above the jewelry store what's above the jewelry store well yeah what's above it let's take a look and see what's inside or no random store whatever this is store it's the store it's called store store store it's the store store where you buy your stores okay wasn't there a secret way to get access to the event in the atm area right oh yeah that's right there is this bed here so you broke this open what is yellow oh now this is open yeah there's that i'm pretty sure this goes into the store yep oh wait does this what about it goes here it goes here look into the jewelry store oh my god you could hide in the jewelry store will restore the whole time when it was closed when it was closed no wait wait wait wait wait oh yes yeah that would have been the ultimate hiding spot hide in the jewelry store oh wow so how do we get we go into the atm area right yeah we blow up the atm first i mean it's still obvious because you've blown up the atm people will notice that you've blown up the atm yeah all right so you blow up atm yeah yeah and then you sneak in here right and you can open it up yeah open the vent i wonder if it's got a closed flap though oh this is closed it is wow that's so cool so many more once the jewelry store is actually open yeah that's okay that's wow all right yeah there's a lot more to this map than we realized there's even like more places too to hide that we just like haven't found and this map got updated which is just even crazier but uh good stuff apparently i just i dominated this week i don't even know how that happened you did yeah you did like half the time yeah i don't know how guys it just worked so i didn't find a good spot because i was trying to i was trying to find that okay the power panels yeah it worked out solved the mystery that was good yeah hopefully we'll find some more fun hide and seek maps in the future and i will see you guys in the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 139,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, mechanic simulator, scrap mechanic challenge, creative games, sandbox building games, scrap mechanic multiplayer monday, scrap mechanic hide and seek, hide and seek challenge, hide and seek
Id: KpSVhX7r9PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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