We Discovered Abandoned House With Missing Boy | Police Came

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[Music] so this one doesn't sit well with me for some reason and it's a bit of a mystery this story is about a young boy named Nikolai who lived in this house with his family but is it his real family I say that because some of the photos I found inside were of him in different families hear me out it just doesn't make any sense and I couldn't link the entire store together it's all just speculation then you have Grandma but that's a different story I'll touch on that part in just a bit I did however discover that the house wouldn't abandoned in 2013 I also talked to the neighbors and asked what's up with this house here do you know the family that lived inside he replied I've been living here forever and I never saw anyone coming or going outside of the house much he also said they kept to themselves but my question is who are they is it his parents I asked he again said I have no idea we never spoke but it was different faces every day except for that young boy and that was the end of the conversation it's just really perplexing to me why the boy just disappeared with everything Left Behind the only trace of evidence I can find in this house that made sense was the boy Nikolai I found his school ID driver's license love notes from his girlfriends and a letter from Grandma that said this I was happy to get your letter and hear that you're loving life in St Louis thank you for sending us your grades I knew you were doing very well but I'm very sad that I have not seen you since Mindy and I came for your brah and haven't talked in all this time I think we all need to ask ourselves why is that don't you somehow we need to put a little bit more effort into seeing people who are important to us and you are one of those people Ben myself and Mindy really miss you a lot you are a huge part of our life and then it just ended it's very sad but hopefully we can look past that I'm just letting you know you missed I'm happy to hear that you are doing well and I can't believe you're a junior in college I do hope working in a nursing home is only a stepping stone because I believe in you and you know you can do much better than that don't get me wrong I love you being there and helping others out and seeing what you can do for people who have no one to care for them but corporations only make it about money it is sad and it will make your job very hard I will return on 25 2013 and I'm loving life no stress no pressure what a great life Ben has had some health issues lately but we are getting those worked out Nikolai we love you we always have and always will you were special to us the first time we met you and that will never go away sorry it took so long to answer hopefully we can start from here and go forward on getting reconnected love [Music] Grandma the name is Ranger Rick my mission in this series is to go back to the past dig it up search for Clues and stay curious in each episode I tell stories of abandoned places and their history so come with me let's explore together and see what we can find what's up Rangers so before we begin today's episode I want to tell you that I would like you to join my patreon page go to www.patreon.com / Ranger rck TV and by your pledge of $2 a month you'll receive a simple Thank You by me in the tier one package for $5 a month in the tier 2 package I'll feature your name in the ending credits in each video plus a simple thank you as well if you do not wish to pledge that's okay thanks anyway now enjoy the show all right so we just found a way inside and if you know me you know the routine and you know the drill I want to make it seem like as if you were the owner how would it feel if you were the owner coming in through this door right here and this is what it would feel like and see like coming in through that front door so I'm going to give you a full tour and here we go starting now this is truly a masterpiece the only bad thing is there are lights they're just not enough lights we do have power to this place and as you walk in you can tell this place is Frozen in Time one of the first things you see is crossbows laying on this chair right here look at that the power is running it looked like somebody just left yesterday like literally left yesterday and this is kind of what we're left with look at this let me cut my light on for a bit so you can see what's going on I do not understand this place we have power running to the TV as well look at this let me turn off my light so you can see what's going on there's power running to the TV what happens if I turn this light on this might be the porch light yeah I'm going to turn those lights off for now let me see we have Halo in here the video game we also have Need for Speed Hot Pursuit whole bunch of movies oh yeah this place is loaded y'all please forgive me I'm so excited right now because I love sharing these houses with you guys I love my audience on YouTube and I don't mind showing you what you want to see what is I see some Pledge furniture whoa hold on I thought those were batteries at first that is not batteries y'all that is straight up ammunition look at that cut the light on again this is ammunition these are 22 bullets cuz they're a little bit smaller you just found the those are 22 and this is shotgun shells yeah dude I just I just found ammunition you just found it yeah that is incredible isn't it yeah I've never found that before look at this so much of it anyway we got 22 bullets and shotgun shells that's what they are yeah wow and look at this yeah and these are full what dude look at that these are mini shotgun shells wow they probably have about three or four pellets in here stacked up Jesus I went through all the drawers there's nothing really in them no okay I believe you but this place is incredible there's a lot of stuff to find I see that look at this it's set up like they L just left yesterday look at this it looks like a time capsule y'all wow and look at these pictures on the wall with this crackst oh okay yo this place has been rotting away through the extent of time look at this wow and this is what they sat on sofa right here looks kind of comfortable I guess this is like I would say leather but I don't think that leather I think that's like pleather or something it's definitely not real leather doesn't smell like it either we have a piano here don't get too excited I don't think it's going to work but let's try it anyway no way it works whoa it really does work wow do these work the the guitars wow they really do [Music] let me see if I actually know how to play the guitar here we go and I [Music] don't but it does play all right y'all walking into this room right here it looks like to me that they created this room just for a workout room and that's exactly what this was let me see does this even turn on this doesn't really go into anything I don't think but look at this look at that look yeah oh they got a dollhouse right here y'all can you open it wait hold on it's like from the other side I think hold on I don't want to knock anything over oh look at this I'm going turn this Beast around you can kind of see what's in it look at all these rooms move this yes that's a that's as far as I'm going to move it y'all but just to give you a general idea what this looks like on film this is miraculous what the hell is this looks like a light bulb or something oh and there's a safe underneath oh wait that's not a safe that's just a chair all right let's keep it moving let's keep it moving this is their workout room this is where they worked out at and it's very small in here and what is up with this we have rice yeah rice all over the floor for some strange reason let's keep it moving now as you can see we actually have power how cool is that how do you turn this thing on and off oh it's over there the switch whoa this is who lived here put the light on him oh yeah I think he definitely lived here in this house because I've seen other photos of him what is this a cup let me see can this come down anymore scissors yeah it's nothing in there all right let me put that back y'all leave it in the comments but what do you think they use this furnace for and it's inside the house I don't think something like this should be inside the house it could burn the house down oh I get it yeah this is a very very old house that's the furnace right there something tells me there was a long tube connected to the this little stack right here and that was the chimney and it shot out through the roof pretty sure that's how that worked oh you got some beautiful Driftwood now this isn't original Driftwood I mean it is but you can tell it's been plastered over and painted who is this guy I don't think that's anybody famous but definitely fill us in in the comments y'all if you know who that is I'm thinking it's probably an old family member well an old family member left in time nasty air conditioner and this is another heater more of a modern heater what is all hold on I'm moving too quick hold on hold on hold on hold on what is this what is this got a fan family photo album here filled with family photos oh yeah this is cool this is what I this is why I like herbeck because I like looking at people's photos and stuff I'm a people Watcher this is what I do got a little babies here she's cute she's cute she's a baby that's a big baby look at that oh yeah nothing but baby here she's cute she's cute and I'm guessing that might be a mama I don't know it's kind of hard to put the pieces together in this one I'm trying the best I can y'all but let's see what is this that's the sun that's who we keep seeing in those pictures got some power tools laying on the ground right there they look very abandoned and they don't look like they work anymore black and& Decker look like somebody graduated from high school this is their gown a graduation uh gown staple gun and you get dig gist all right let's keep it moving let's move on here we go before we move on I just want to I just want to say something about this house I really love this house we're still in the room with the workout equipment the well kind of that's the workout room this is the room right next to it got the little boy picture right there this house is so cinematic it is almost unreal this house to me it almost belongs in like a movie like a horror movie like a zombie movie or something like that it definitely gives off those creepy Vibes but you can tell the family like they loved and they cared for each other but they just kind of let it go so something tells me probably somebody died and we just talked to the neighbor across the street and he says he only seen this family like twice since he's been living here so it they might have been a reu family you know what I mean they only talked amongst their themselves and you and you want to know something that's okay with me I don't care if you're a more private family as long as you're a good person and you mean well you don't have to talk to others you know you mind your own business and you do well with others and that's it is simply amazing look at this turn down the exposure a little bit look at those designs in that that is so cool all right all right y'all here we are starting off on the second floor let's go up got to need the light on for this one cuz it's kind of dark up here let me see if I can actually turn the light off once I get upstairs oh wow that is a beautiful looking room oh I'm going to come back to that room hold on this caught my attention look oh boy wow geez who made up this room God y'all seriously who the heck made up this room I love this room with the red and the black look at that and you got this beautiful chandelier it's so short to the ground the ceiling is probably like 7t tall maybe like 8T I say but like I could touch this why did they put the chandelier so low my question is why do they have a chandelier in the first place and somebody felt the need to put a nice looking French style sofa in here with the beveled legs doesn't have uh doesn't have claw legs but it does have really cool looking legs with the wing back sofa look nice let's see if this is real wood yeah that's real wood this actually feels like plastic kind of but I could be wrong yeah you could tell yeah you can see the meat of the furniture right there look at that give me a thumbs up here we go and look at that Christmas lights I wonder if they still turn on how do you turn them on I don't know I'm not going to worry about it wow I'm you know speaking of turning stuff on let's see if we have power upstairs just like we do downstairs can we do that oh yes we have power what in the world we actually have power I can't believe it look how how beautiful that is wow I was not expecting this whatsoever I am simply astonished and amazed of what I'm seeing here that looks like a Santa Claus there is that what that is yep that's a Santa Claus Christmas decorations because no place is complete without say it with me Christmas decor what is this oh here we go some family photos right there let me zoom in a little bit yeah looks like two daughters and who ever room this was I'm guessing it was a GU room because you have all these Baseball Stars right here the St Louis Cardinals although this house is not in St Louis look it's a punching bag can I punch it that's nice no air in it though but we can still punch it who whoa I did not even see this when I came in here look at this a crossbow what the world oh my goodness what I can I pick it up and wait hold on can I shoot this thing wait let me pull back on it oh no it's kind of broken let me see that is cool though can I pull it no the trigger's broken is there a safety no the it's broken it won't work but it's still really awesome though whoops my bad and whoever lived here love to drink beer and love to smoke as you can see quite a sight oh so I saw bullets downstairs we got bullets up up upstairs too look at this that's a 9 mm that's heavy that's a 9mm bullet let's see what's in here nothing can't leave anything untouch though what what is all this stuff back here turn on the light it's just beer glasses and whatnot what are these these look like overgrown chest pieces that looks like black white and red marijuana leaves on that painting maybe they like to smoke too I don't know what is this up here this is how you can tell Mother Nature has been taking over look at this mother nature's definitely taking over this place all the vines rolling through if I had to take a guess I want to say this place I want to say this place has been abandoned since 2020 maybe but I'm not sure I used to have one of these chairs growing up I remember it was in my room and I accidentally broke it I fell right through the seat look they're not that durable it's the seat was made out of straw but still really cool oh what do we have here we got Memphis music barbecue Kings Blues Club yeah this is in Tennessee Memphis makes sense look at this got a picture of Elvis right here well that's cool look at that huh cut the light on a little bit Yeah Elvis PR Presley's Memphis Barbecue Kings yep makes sense now and it looks like they were a fan of the Kansas City Chiefs give a shout out to the Chiefs today and this is just this is just too much to take in this is beautiful I love it here a time capsule and a half at this amazing chest board I just found oh yeah that's real that's made out of marble wow that is impressive and this is Driftwood right here I believe somebody painted the drift wood right here all right say goodbye to this room y'all bye room we're going to go into the next one follow me let's go and see what is up I believe that is the master but I'm not sure yet what is okay yeah this is a kids room we're going to need the light for this one let me turn my light panel on real quick see what's going on whoa o look at this little baby Buddha statues oh these are all made out of like porcelain this is all wood oh these are cool okay this is porcelain all these little Buddha statues what is this thing that is weird looking we got dinosaurs Tigers Triceratops monsters what is this this is a stone oh an Army soldier pandas and I love this these little bouncy balls look at that I love these oh I want to take one so bad but I know I can't look at this I like the green ones you can kind of dig your fingernail in these things and kind of tear them apart but I'm not going to do that look at this what is down here nothing nothing nothing let's go over there and see what we can find look at this what is this all about y'all what is all of this is this the family no that's just a stock photo here's a VCR tape Grumpy Old Men wow that is a old that's like the early 90s I want to say that came out we actually have an Amazon box right here Amazon container oh what is this this looks like a little note nothing interesting what is all in here looks like nothing this a bunch of nothing got another VCR tape up there that's a safe what is in this safe though let me pull it up oh that safe is heavy there's nothing in there oh ouch ah here's something I think this is a picture of the young boy who used to live here with his dad right there in the corner what's he doing I think he's just posing for the picture I guess got some Everlast boxing gloves right there I did find this hold on Right Aid let's see when this place went abandoned I don't I never saw any calendars in here yet let's see what's the date of this newspaper sales date November 30th through December 3rd but it doesn't say how old this paper is this paper does look old but not that old can we find anything right here uh doesn't really say anything about the date oh help me out y'all leave it in the comments come on it's killing me yeah I can't find anything on this oh wait it turns on oh this is a heater it feels just like a heater all right I'm going to turn it off yeah cuz I don't want to burn a place down oh a spider a spider all right let's go let's go into the next room this I believe was the master yeah this had to be the master whoa what is this what wait a minute that's pingpong but wait a minute this is a Game Boy Color what the hell hold let me let me find some batteries to see if this thing works so I happen to find some batteries let's see if this thing will work cross your fingers that goes that way this one goes that way Game Boy Color from the 19 I think the late 1990s let me see oh nuh oh the red light's working the red light's working here we go no way this thing actually still works this is Pokemon whoa Game Boy Color is on point they made these things the last back then what the heck no way it's loading it's loading the screen let's see if it will fully run oh boy that is a great cinematic with the Pokemon what in the heck how is this still even running what does that say Pokemon I told you look at this do we have sound how you turn the sound on guys leave it in the comments is this the sound or not I haven't had one of these ever Pokemon game that is Pokemon I never had a Game Boy Color before so I don't know but let's see it works are you a boy or a girl that's what it says right here guys I'm getting carried away with this it just asked me on my boy or girl well duh all right you get the gist I don't want to waste the whole video on this Game Boy Color but this is like one of the coolest finds I ever found an abandoned building turn it off all right it works wow huh give a thumbs up to the Game Boy Color so I got a little bit carried away I admit now let's check out this bedroom and one of the first things you see when you come inside this bedroom is family photo pictures this is some of my favorite stuff to see here wow this must have been the family that used to live here look at this I see baby pictures family pictures here's a dog that they used to have what is under here oh here's a witch more family photos I think this boy was downstairs in that picture that I took earlier yeah yeah I took a picture of him right there that is him what here's a baby doll what is this here's a let me see what oh this is gold what is oh this is a love note Nia words cannot even describe how amazing these few weeks with you have been where we met you were so sweet and so much fun to be around after just a few hours of texting let see with you I knew I had to get to know you and eventually make you mine oh yeah this is definitely a love note I'm not going to read this whole thing to you but if you want to go ahead and pause the video you can kind of see what it says guys I'm still build in a bedroom look at this I found another one another one another love note here we go and what does this one say come on get it out get it out get it out have you truly seek God's counsil on what you should do this is the problem with me giving you advice all I can do is paint you to Christ and what he has to say my advice comes from you and what I know about God okay well this looks like a Daily Journal to God all right let's give a shout out to God I'm going to take a picture of this cuz I really want to read what this whole thing says pause the video guys if you want to know what this is all about here's another note I found I'm not going to read all of these but this is so surreal to see all this oh my god look that's the boy downstairs too I I just found two driver's license well that's a driver's license this is something else oh this is tell you what they went to school and everything why did they leave all this stuff behind for people to see like this oh what the heck this is a drawing that's actually a very good drawing for a younger kid oh this is one of those 3D hologram things that you plug in and it lights up I wonder if we can get this thing running it's like a little mini fireplace where's a plug at I want to plug this thing in so bad all right let's keep let's keep looking around hold on what else can we find here before we start plugging stuff in nothing so far that's a big battery pack for some odd reason usually find cool stuff under the bed but let's see here's some bolt cutters don't know what they need Bol Cutters for probably for all the wrong reasons whatever all right here we go y'all let's see still in the uh master bedroom I'm very fascinated by this room what is all that stuff up there is that pictures we got some more stuff down here we got landline phones we got a heater back in there little floor heater let's take a look see what this stuff is all about oh that's heavy oh yeah I don't know about that I don't know what that is oh that's some kind of decoration whoa they got a balcony leading outside oh this is cool I've always wanted a balcony that led to outside on the second floor of my house but yeah this is really neat I'm obsessed with this place let's go outside for a bit let's see what's going on nothing at all wow you know what perplexes me look at this there's a lock right here I bet I bet you we can go into the attic with this lock but it's yeah it's locked right now so we can't get in so unfortunately all right let's start digging around see what else we can find in here whoa [Music] nothing nothing nothing nope nope nope all here's something we have a camera a few condoms a few thousand condoms calm down son calm down here we go one can't get that back in one last drawer nothing now something makes me think this was actually the kids room cuz they got Pokemon games in here this is a cool looking knife family pretty cool oh I love this stuff I'm not going to eat it but uh yeah this is like astronut astronaut ice cream Napoleon ice cream but it's freeze dried ice cream oh just found another bullet now that that does not look like a 9mm bullet that looks like maybe like a 380 or something like that all right here we go this is what I'm talking about paper let's see what the last date was January 2017 can y'all see that me zoom in a little bit January 2017 right there here we go walking into the bath huh sheriff is here no y I am not happy y'all I am not happy yes you heard that right the sheriff did in fact show up so we go outside we talk to this Sheriff luckily he was cool dude he was understanding he basically just said look y'all I know what you're doing it's fine with me but you can't be here right now because you're not the owner so he was fine with us taking pictures of the house and everything like that but unfortunately yeah we're not the owner so we couldn't be there he had to do his job so we respect that and we left he left we left but I'm so pissed because I wanted to show you guys what the rest of the house actually actually look like I could have stayed in there probably about another two hours but that's one of the consequences you pay with Urban exploring you know somebody can see you go inside one of these places and rat you out so luckily we didn't get in too much trouble he just told us we had to leave and that was it now roll the [Music] credits [Music] all
Channel: RangerRickTV
Views: 395,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, rangerricktv, exploring, abandonedhouse
Id: Sb-yf4XBdi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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