Hidden Mysteries of the Cross Part 3

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laughs and did my Savior bleed and did my sovereign die would he devote his sacred head for such a worm as I had the cross and the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away it was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day greetings brothers and sisters in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I am glad to have the opportunity to share some tdj classics with you that will really bless your life for such a time as this today we're going to share with you unless it's called hidden mysteries Jesus didn't come coming like Barnes he didn't come from three old men to bring him back the gifts whatever they bought to him here already own whatever you give God he's already got he is full and lacking nothing he owns everything you can add nothing to God he was born to die he understood that to go from life to abundant life he had to go through a death to do it he came here with an agenda he wasn't just wandering around to see what happens when they tried to stop him from dying Peter trusted he say hey Peter get behind me you devil those try to stop me from getting in trouble I came to get in trouble that don't sound like most Christians today can we top if you really believe God's blessed God you will go through nothing just stand on the word bless Scott and you won't have to go through they believe God's Word God don't want you to go through nothing brother if you just stand on the word get this here you don't have to go through no persecution I'm just I'm just I am blessed God rebuke the devil you won't go through anything you're not following Jesus Jesus went to a cross you said you've fallen G If any man be my disciple pick up his cross not his cattle I pick up his cross oh I missed you read on fly megive I made I don't want to make it bother glorify thy name then came there a voice from heaven saying I have both glorified it and will glorify it again the people therefore that stood by and heard it said that it thundered others said an angel Specter I'm not even supposed to be talking about this but this is an awesome moment because the father spoke so aloud that the people around them heard any time the voice of the vine becomes so strong the people around you can hear it that is strong some thought they heard a voice sometimes they heard thunder but jesus knew it was the father's reaching that's powerful there are some things that God is failing your life so strong the people around you know that God said something to you they don't know what he said but they know he said something to you they can't deny that God has spoken something in your life when he gets strong enough to even the people on your job now I heard something something about her I don't know what it is I heard something I thought it was thunder they're happy to look are you hear what I'm saying come on let me get to it go ahead this voice came not because of me but for your sakes now is the judgment of this world now should the Prince of this world be cast out he said now I'm getting ready to whip up on the devil this is the judgment of the world I'm getting ready to put my foot on his head that's kind of going back to Genesis I'm getting ready to tear his Heinen up we're getting ready to throw down the cross was a fight it was conflict between good and evil it was a powerful war it was so powerful that the ground tremble and the Sun couldn't look at it he triumphed over the powers of the enemy on the cross you turned about spiritual warfare at his best spiritual warfare at his best his sacrifice from the flesh and Christ did it with excellence he died he said I am getting ready to put the devil in his place come on and I if I be lifted up from the earth and I if I be lifted up from the earth all my if I if I be lifted up oh that kind of ties in with that other scripture we read it just even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so shall the Son of Man be lifted up and now Christ says if I if I be lifted up from the earth what will he do well he says I will get more done when I'm lifted up on the cross and I did walking on water healing the sick raising the dead and preaching the 5,000 and making fish sandwiches are you hearing what I'm saying he said I'm gonna get more done when I am lifted up as a serpent was lifted up he said that my worst hour is gonna be my finest hour I'm gonna look like I'm completely defeated they're gonna mock me spit in my face pull my beard out make fun of me calling me the King of the Jews and cast lots for my garment it's gonna look like I'm completely spoiled felled demented and depleted he said but I am going to get more done at that moment then I did and all of my victory and all of you laying down palms before me and everybody's singing Hosanna let'em is going to do as much for me my worst hour is going to be my best hour and if I if I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all being under me we've been all the way back to Genesis we understand clearly what the serpent is that the serpent is the symbol of evil but we've got to underline this one incident where Moses lifted up the serpent verse 4 and they journeyed from mount hor by the way of the Red Sea to compass the land of and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way the people spec against God okay they were discouraged they're trying to get to the promised land they're out in the middle of the wilderness they became discouraged because of the way God took them has God ever taken you away that was discouraging I'm not discouraged with God I'm discouraged with the way he's taking me you know I love the Lord I just don't like this way he take me surely there's a better way for you to get me here then to take me through this you know why do I have to go through all of this seems like to me that there would be a way that you can bless me without me having to deal with all of these hardships we'll go through all of this stuff it don't make no sense I mean I thought oh I'm living better than I ever lived before I go to church I sing in the choir work on this boy they don't seem like I should have to go through this stuff I'm going through and they call that prayer that's not prayer that's a complaint box that's not prayer that's not prayer I hate to talk to people that don't do nothing but why I don't mind if you've got a problem you need to talk about a problem but if every time I see you you got a problem when I see you I go to other welfare oh I was got out of voice some of you because you're always mad about something upset about some complaining about some of the old life that I would avoid you you get on your knees out tip - just pray I'll check it out later send me an email you know read off people's back against God and against Moses work for have you brought us out of Egypt to die in the wilderness okay they've disk they were discouraged because of the way then they start talking having conversations they speak against God and against Moses there is there is some camaraderie against rebellion against God and rebellion against who he said those two things go together it's hard to be out of fellowship with God and be in fellowship with who God fent they speak against God they speak against Moses come on but there's no bread neither is there any water where him where for have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness for there is no bread neither the is there any water come on and our so low that this life bread and I'm sick of what you provided for me I'm sick of being single my soul low that this light bread I'm sick of the job you gave me I'm sick of the body you gave me I don't like the body you gave me I hate my hair how come I'm not better-looking I'm sick of the wife you gave me I'm sick of these kids you gave me my soul oh that's what you have provided I don't like what you gave me Oh y'all going to be shelling by now I better hear them hit something good it's just gonna be a dead night tonight some of you look like you've just been caught robbing a 7-eleven I'm sicker have you ever bought people something they never did appreciate nothing I'm sick of these kids they won't pick up their socks never mind that they're healthy never mind that they're in their right mind never mind that you blessed me to have a fake pregnancy never mind that you blessed me to feed them and clothe me I'm upset about socks they will pick up their socks they won't put their dirty color under clothes in the hamper I'm sick of these kids my so low that this light bread I'm sick of driving this car never mind that you didn't even used to have no car I'm sick of going to school you prayed and prayed and prayed that God would open up the door for you to go to school and I'm sick all I do all the time is sit up in this class my so low that this light bread and got the nerve to call yourself going to a Thanksgiving service one of the most wicked things you can be is to be unthankful read on they mad at me go ahead and the Lord sent fiery serpents and the Lord now you think that you think you mad at me when God heard them talking to him like that he said what my research he said fiery serpents he said poisonous snakes to bite them he said I'm sick of you die he did to be like Jesus to be like Jesus who how I go to be like him he sent fiery serpents I bet that'll shut you up you get down by the bay and start praying and I nod yes I got it I'm sick you're going to holler some stuffs go crawled out for money to be I've bet your babies you start praying in tongues oh come on mouth shut I better take care talk if I matter whether you got the holy ghost about you traffic bigoted tells whether you got about you face trouble still to come on the Protestant and if I if I have been lifted up from the earth I'll draw all men under me even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so shall the Son of Man be lifted up and the seed of the woman shall bruise his head and he shall bruise his heel here it is Christ lifted up on the cross for you it's coming we are going to turn Dallas friendly festival is back together again at megafest 2013 inspiration thousands would be transferred three a bit packed days for the whole family music the nation's top billboard artists will be in Dallas all in one weekend empowerment seminars and sessions for all ages into teen McDonald's inspiration celebration gospel to just church and commercial women a purpose concert the ball up championship game and more it's gonna be awesome I'm so excited about it get ready get ready get ready get ready if you have registered meet us in Dallas Texas August 29th to 31st register at mega - best calm or call 1-800 Bishop - today we do it big in Texas fiery serpents on these people because they would not shut up they one thankful they murmured and complain read all the people and much people of Israel died and they bitumen what and much of the people of Israel died and much of the people of Israel died cover their mouth read on therefore the people came to Moses and said we have sinned the one fret with left they stepped over top of grandma in aunt Helen and uncle Richard was laying on the floor they said Moses we sinned I bet they did confess everybody on your pew died I bet you climb about that do you miss them no don't go to the altar you see if you just think about stuff when you read the Bible it comes to life you won't fall asleep reading your Bible you didn't think about it almost all them dead and the few jokes are left Cookie Monster you know just if I said anything they hurt your feelings I just want you to know you'd be surprised how people repent what everybody died so you're eating from potato salad everybody who ate it dies you say I don't want no book we've got Rito but we have spoken against the Lord and against me if I said anything about you my turn I said from a very important that you know where to BFF our people comes together they talk about you like a junkyard dog if I said anything that I said there would you forgive me they've talked about your mom and all your kid people everything people ain't change no matter what color you are no matter what culture you are no matter what age you are people have not changed hey there's a crazy today there was a man I couldn't even say he talking about it read on sis praying to the Lord then he take away the Serpent's from us now they spoke against the one who had to pray deliverance from them over and over through our Moses his life Moses had to pray for people who had dogged him I mean over and over every one for Moses Maremma been dead she spoke he is Mary Hitt Moses when I married this black woman his sister almost died she almost had a fit about him marrying this Ethiopian woman got to running off my Mountain she got leprosy and then the one she'd been talking about had to pray it off be careful who you talk about because they may be the one who had to pray it off you and when people are talking about you be careful how you will allow them to upset you because God may need to use you to pray for them and if you get a spirit of bitterness you can't pray for people you mad at come on read from the truth and Moses prayed for the people and the Lord said unto Moses make me a fiery Serpent and and Moses prayed for the people he prayed for the people that but they're still sick they're still sick and and and dead and down and out as God says make under the a fiery serpent come on and set it up on a pole mm-hmm and it shall come to pass there's a serpent and a stick a serpent and a stick read on and it shall come to pass that every one that is bitten when he liveth upon it shall live lift that serpent up on that stick and it shall come to pass that everyone that looketh upon that raised up serpent shall live and if I if I be lifted up from the earth I'll draw all men unto me even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so shall the Son of Man be lifted up and the seed of the woman shall bruise his head and he shall bruise his heel here it is Christ lifted up on the cross for you lassen did my Savior bleed and did my sovereign die would he devote his sacred head for such a war as I had the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away it was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day under the rubble shop now look at this look Oh God digging down to a good part map because now they had been bitten by the same thing that healed them are you with me they have been bitten by fiery serpents and God used the same thing that bit them so what happened is when it came to redemption Christ
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 28,531
Rating: 4.8018017 out of 5
Id: rob-dp8-1Ek
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Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2013
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