Hidden Mysteries of the Cross Part 2

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what was released on the cross and why across why such a Helius horrible long gut-wrenching bloodthirsty death why would a God who is love use an emblem of murder and suggested suicide to produce life suicide where did you get that from remember when he said no man takes in my life it's gonna look like I was murdered but no man takes my life no man was strong enough to murder me no man takes my life Colleen and if I leave it down I will pick it back up again and you have to know that no man took his life because if you don't understand that no man took his life then you're tempted to think that some man raised his life this is the barter my brothers and sisters I'm delighted and excited to have this opportunity to share the word of the Lord with you we're showing a series of classics and this one in particular I believe will impact your life it is called hidden mysteries of the cross go on go into the Gulf of st. John chapter 3 what I want you to walk away from Genesis knowing is that the serpent now epitomizes evil wickedness debauchery corruption is curse to lay upon the ground and eat dust the serpent above all animals is described in scriptures to be the most hideous creature in the world clearly evil clearly corruptive I grew up in West Virginia and I used to preach up in the hills and there was a church back up in the country they used to handle snakes and I used to handle snakes they invited me to come up there to preach and I was young and wild and I mean buck wild just you know I went up in there my wife she didn't want to go you know she was sitting up her holding both babies and my boys were babies then she's holding both of them in our arms and with her coat on and every time something felt like it brushed across her ankle she thought sure wasn't snake and I told him I wasn't a snake handler I was a preacher they said we just want you to preach and I would preach anywhere some people thought I was crazy to go preach but as long as they going all the way up reach the gospel every living creature they was in the world they would living creatures I went up in there I got to preaching and jumping and shouting my wife telling she said all right she said when you get real anointed they gonna think you ready for one of them snakes and I'm throw on the brother I said if you throw one of them snakes on me I'm gonna tell you something I said you'd be shocked to have a quick I would backslide I've been here never fear that jokah backslide that quickly is all in your life and I would spend my last 7 seconds while I was crawling on the ground biting through your ankles I did I told him that I thought I would die with my teeth in your foot so they never did do that we got along real well I had great meeting look at John 6 for a minute and this is right at the end I mean I'm John 3 I'm sorry you than the right place I'm wrong and this is right at the end of the conversation Jesus has with Nicodemus about verse 8 start really the wind bloweth where it listeth and thou hearest the sound thereof but canst not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth this is Jesus talking about the spirit and he uses an analogy to talk about the similarities between the spirit of the wind and it basically talks about weakens we can feel it but we can't tell where it came from or where it is going and he's talking about the same impact of the Holy Spirit that it affects us without us really understanding its destiny or its origin read on so is every one that is born of the Spirit Nicodemus answered and said unto Him how can these things be jesus answered and said unto him I am a stir of Israel and no it's not these things verily verily I say unto thee we speak that we do know and testify that we have seen and ye receive not our witness ever have told you earthly things and you believe not how shall ye believe if I tell you about heavenly things and no man hath ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven okay Jesus says I'm trying to teach you heavenly things but he's using earthly things to explain them what we would call Petter parables or more more a current word would be metaphors or similes he's using comparisons to call him to understand spiritual things he's using analogies to make him understand spiritual things he's using things that Nicodemus should be able to relate to like the wind to teach him about things that he can't relate to he talks to him about being born again about being born in the water and being born of the Spirit he's using things that he can relate to to teach spiritual things and Nicodemus is totally confused the one thing that you will notice when Nicodemus starts talking to him he called him rabbi a good master he acknowledges him as being a teacher Jesus is trying to teach him and he's using things that he can't understand to explain things that he couldn't understand and Nicodemus is struggling with that and Jesus saying Nicodemus you supposed to be smart he said you're supposed to have it on the ball you're supposed to be an intellectual to be educating you don't understand what I'm saying to you so here we are struggling with the conversation a conversation against the conversation breaking down barriers' the word against word where it got me in trouble where it gets me out the word of the enemy cost the fall of law humanity and the Word of God brings a light to the Fallen spirit are you hearing what I'm saying that's why it's very important that you get this word down inside of you so that you can counteract the statements of the enemy that is spoken against you to destroy your integrity and bring down who you are even if you don't understand it all you have to struggle to understand the Word of God you might have just got saved you might only get 10% of what I'm teaching tonight we get then get that Tim this get that ten and walk in that ten percent thank God for that ten and tell everybody the ten percent you understood just whip it out on them just whip it out I mean if they don't understand and you leave them all confusing their heads all wrinkled up this shout is it going out we miss some more I'm gonna get to this even the Son of Man which is in heaven and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up wait a minute wait a minute I got to talk to me I got confuse read that verse before about us sending indecent in all that stuff and no man hath ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven even the Son of Man which is in heaven and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up wait a minute my mind Jesus using the wind as a family as a metaphor the comparison to teach a spiritual concept but now when he gets ready to teach Nicodemus who he is and what he's going to do Jesus has now compared himself tool to the snake but there's a law in the book of Genesis I should tell you about this at first it's called the law first mentioned whenever something is mentioned first time it generally maintains that continuity throughout the whole Bible's law first mentioned when the snake is first mentioned he's mentioned as something evil when he's mentioned here and now something good is being compared to something evil Jesus is saying even as the word ass means in the same way that Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so shall the Son of Man be lifted up well when he's talking about the Son of Man being lifted up he's talking about the cross he was he was lifted up where most the time when we talk about Christ being lifted up we talk about him as the Lamb of God but when Jesus teaches about it he compares himself to the surplice why would something as holy as Christ you a comparison as something as evil as a snake I mean we worship we got crud have you got crosses on your neck tonight and if your if your cross is especially a crucifix which most of us don't wear but if if you were to wear a Christmas if it were to be done right you'll just soon have a snake wrapped around your neck I'm not trying to get rid of your cross I'm trying to get you to understand your cross I'm trying to get you to understand that the cross becomes not a symbol of righteousness you have to hang in there with me tonight then the Christ becomes a symbol of me that the cross not the Christ the cross becomes a symbol of evil even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness ooh so so the Son of Man be lifted up so the moment I'm not talking about when he was on earth but at the moment he was lifted up he was lifted up not as a lamb he was lifted up as a snake I didn't say this read it again cuz they think I said it read it again let him read of you and no man hath ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven even the Son of Man which is in heaven and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up readings of the mission whoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life well you know that's gotta be Jesus but it's talking about the snake but it says whosoever believeth on him what should not perish should not perish but what have eternal life but have eternal life read one more verse for God so loved the world are you remember that one dog yes sir then he gave His only begotten Son hey everybody got that one didn't even Slick Willy he say yeah I remember that he gave Rick for God so loved the world come on daddy gave His only begotten Son uh-huh uh-huh should not perish but have everlasting life God so loved the world that He gave His only because this is the cross that's where God gave his son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life that's the cross that is the far side Scripture of the Christian Church John 3:16 if you don't know anything you got to know John 3:16 so if this is your very first day and you never learned anything else start with John 3:16 I mean it's almost an insult I'm not sure you get in heaven if you can't quote John 3:2 think you that maybe the password that gets you into the Holy Ghost Club say John 3:16 for God so loved the world he gave me the only God's know who said believe in should I pay they have everything that come on you come on here if you can't say that you can't get in ok still to come on the patters touch your dependency on people has got to die your need for wretched listen has got to that your need for acceptance has got to die and the more you die so more God's going to be glorified in your life and the closer you get to the hour of being glorified the more you will be crucified you can't be glorified if you're not crucified oh I'm preaching this thing the right it's the biggest event of its kind and we are going to shape gather again at meta fest 2013 the nation's top billboard artists will be in Dallas all in one weekend Tamela Mann joy Hill Beverly dropper full of entertainment and empowerment Wes Morgan Micah Stampley Fred Hammond and the United tennis Ernest Pugh taking it to another level megabeth experience concert be right kierra Sheard tie trick mari music mcdonald's inspiration celebration gospel stores on peaky McCrea Vickey Winans and smokey Norfolk meet us in Dallas Texas register atmega - best comp or call 1-800 Bishop - today we do it big in Texas wonder that me win Christ exegete sir issue he starts by discussing not lambs not peace-offering my drink offerings not dust he's talking about a snake and he says even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so shall the Son of Man be lifted up that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life for God so loved the world and they go run into this big discourse about the cross but he starts out talking about the snake now we're in the Gulf of st. John chapter 12 and I want to go down to 28 12:28 father glorify thy name then came there a voice from heaven see I have both glorified it and will glorify it again the people therefore that stood by and heard it said that it thundered wait I've changed my mind go back to verse 23 cuz I want them to get the moon and jesus answered them saying the hour has come that the Son of man should be glorified verily verily I say unto you say I'm getting ready to go into my thing now I'm getting ready to get the glory out of the story the glory out of the story I'm about to be glorified now verily verily are truly truly or surely surely or certainly certainly or check it out I say unto you come on he said now I'm getting ready unlock the mystery and the purpose of me coming here I didn't really come to walk on water I did that but that's not what I came to do but if I didn't I didn't come to heal the sick and raise the dead I did that but that's not what I came to do I didn't come to make somebody's wedding turn out wonderful I did that but it's not what I came to do and I didn't come to heal the woman with the issue of blood I didn't come so blind bartimaeus could see a few years and died and I didn't come to raise Lazarus from because he's gonna die in a few years anyway he said I was born to die except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die it abides alone you can go to the grocery store and get you a bag of seeds right now and as long as you keep it on the Shelf it won't do you any good but when you bury it in the ground you begin to fulfill the purpose of the seed Christ said I didn't come to be left on the shelf I came to die and be buried in the ground and when I'm buried in the ground then you're gonna get the glory out of my story are you hearing what I'm saying so he says except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth on it would just be one green but if it die it will multiply after his own kind of producing my true greed that for me but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit oh he that loveth his life shall lose it good and he that hated his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal oh he said you can't be a Christian and be afraid to die he said you got to understand that most life-giving experiences as a Christian will come through death experiences most life-giving experiences as a Christian come through death experiences and the more you go through death experiences the more you experience life experiences if nothing and you ever dies nothing and you will ever live when you start praying for abundant life you're praying for abundant death and the more you die in one area the more you live in another and that's why you feel so strange in your life because it's the best of times and the worst of time all at the same time all the time God is trying to make something live God is trying to make something die and the more something dies the more something that's going to live and you've been asking God to give you abundant life and look feel like everything in you is dying what God is answering your prayer oh you don't hear what I'm saying to you it's got to die it's got to not just mine tell them it's got to die your will your pride your attitude your disposition everything that's hindering you from the glory has got to dine the more it dies the more you release another realm of glory that you never had before your dependency on people has got to die your need for recognition has got to die your need for acceptance has got to die and the more it dies some more God's going to be glorified in your life and the closer you get to the hour of being glorified the more you're gonna be crucified you can't be glorified if you're not crucified oh I'm preaching this thing tonight and it doesn't feel good when you're going through it but understand that you're going through it and not to it understand that you're going through it and not to it that you're not gonna stay on the cross firstly my grandmother taught me she was a faithful Christian and a Methodist woman first thing she taught me was not to walk around with no cross on my neck with Jesus on the cross she said no no she said we don't do that because he is not there He is risen it's important that you understand that you don't stay on the cross you won't leave the cross you won't arrive again undaunted you may be on it but should I go stay on it you're going to go through it and not to it if that's sinking in about his head read on If any man serve me let him follow me and where I am there shall also my servant be if any man serve me him will my father honour now is my soul troubled and what shall I say father save me from this hour but for this cause came I unto this hour for this cause quema this is a real reason I came these didn't come to thee like barns he didn't come so some three old men could bring him back some gifts whatever they bought to him he already own whatever you give God he's already got he is full and lacking nothing he owes everything you can add nothing to God he was born to die he understood that to go from life to abundant life he had to go through a death to do it he came here with an agenda he wasn't just wandering around to see what happens when they tried to stop him from dying Peter trust he say hey Peter get behind me you devil don't try to stop me from getting in trouble I came to get in trouble and they don't sound like most Christians today can we time if you really believe God's blessed God you will go through nothing just stand on the word bless carton you won't have to go through they believe God's Word God know what you go through nothing brother if you just stand on the word you just hear you don't have to go through no persecution than just dying just I am blessed God rebuke the devil you won't go through anything you're not following Jesus Jesus went to a cross you said you've fallen gee If any man be my disciple pick up his cross not his Cadillac pick up his cross oh I missed you up read on fly my give I'm a it I don't want to make a bother
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 35,791
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Id: F6maRgExqJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2013
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