David Wilkerson - The Victory of the Cross of Christ | Full Sermon

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I want to talk to you this morning about the victory of the cross of Christ the victory of the cross of Christ I'm going to read from Colossians the second chapter beginning verse 13 through 15 Colossians 2 13 through 15 and you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together with him having forgiven you all trespasses he's blotted out the handwriting of ordinance that was against you which says contrary to us and he took it out of the way he nailed it to his cross having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it Jesus we want to talk about the victory of the Cross not not in any human way but through the supernatural understanding of the holy spirit Lord we humble ourselves before you because we truly need a word we thank you Lord that your spirit comes to open the truth we humble ourselves before you Lord and open our eyes open our ears to hear what the Spirit has to say Jesus by your spirit come upon me speak the word and the truth that will change us today and for the days ahead and we will look ahead not to suffering and pain but we will look ahead to the victor the cross and we will endure for the joy that set before us even as Christ our Savior did we give you the honor we give you the glory in Jesus name Amen this was just hours before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and he gathers his disciples together in the in a private room he brings a basin with him in a towel and Gerdes himself and he begins to wash the feet of the disciples you know if a stranger walked in they would say these must be wealthy people they have a servant look at them that that who could who can afford a servant like this it washes all their feet they would not have recognized them of the Son of God but he was saying something that he had blessed servants of his wonderful thing that Jesus was doing but he's trying to prepare them for the bloody day ahead and they're not ready they think they are and Jesus said the wicked are going to crucify me in so many words and he said you're going to be hated you're going cast out of the synagogue some even going to be killed jesus said this is the hour I've been talking about this is the hour of the crucifixion and I'm going to be placed in the hands of evil men and I'm going to be crucified prepare your hearts in other words establish your faith and get ready for what is coming and his final words where I have come from the father and I came into the world but again I'm going to leave the world now I'm going to go to my father it's clear that they didn't understand that this was going to be the cross they said Jesus said I'm going to leave you now and I'm going to the father and they're thinking of a parade of angels and host of angels coming and triumphant he's going to bring the Roman Empire down and they're going to rule and reign with Christ and they were not thinking of the cross it's clear by other scriptures they did not understand they couldn't Britain and he said and they said now master you're speaking plainly and you're not speaking in Proverbs by this we believe you two came forth from God we believe now we we think we've got this faith thing figured out that this element of faith this thing called faith now we believe because you said now you're going to glory now is the hour and and so Jesus turns to them and says do you now believe is here you you've got the faith are you ready to drink the cup that I'm going to drink from what are you going to do when you see me hanging helpless what are you going to do when it looks like I can't even save myself pastor William preach the message I didn't hear all of it about will our faith endure a powerful message understand it may have gone over some of this but Jesus said Behold the hours coming yes and now has come that you should all be scattered every man to his own and you're going to leave me alone but I'm not alone because the father is with me he said do you truly believe now what what do you think you would do if you were there at the crucifixion every man has gone to his own the scripture says they all forsook him and fled but what would you have what would have gone through your mind what would what would shake your faith or would it shake your faith and I'm saying you would act just as the disciples did I would act the same way father why have you forsaken me what would you have said if the man you believed in to be the Messiah and answered prayer and the great miracle worker in about heaven and the glory of paradise and mansions prepared what would you do if that same man who who testified to be God in the flesh and he's crying out himself God why have you forsaken me and would surely this is what went through the disciples if this is God if is God and this is the servant of God how can he allow this how can he allow the son of the Living God to say why have you forsaken me the Bible says they offer sukham and fled and in this hour of apparent hopelessness we to get a glimpse of the victory of the cross of Jesus how Satan must have gloated he thinks he sees a pattern now he's thinking himself in him series announced in hell you see what happens when the pain comes and and when they get to the place where the life is in danger you see they're going to fold he's got it he's thinking now this this is really something Peter is denying him they've all fled and this is the way the churches Jesus Christ is going to end up when the pain comes and when their own personal cross comes they're going to flee and they're going to run and they'll fold but there's one thing about our Christ the devil has never understood God never gives up on anybody God doesn't give up on people who fold I talked to Minister young Minister recently going through the greatest afflictions a man can imagine and he said through it all through it all I feel when I can't pray and when I feel that I don't understand the pain and the suffering he said I feel like there's a I'm Billy chord and I'm being fed and being fed even in my time of testing and trial there's something feeding me from heaven the Holy Ghost is coming into my life and folks that's what's happening today in these last days there's a loving chord from heaven and once you stand for Christ once you give him your heart and your life he will not forsake you he's going to stay true to you your house may be shaken you may fail him your faith may come to the place where you think it is absolutely gone there's no faith left and then the lies of Hell saying you see you thought you had it you testified about it and folks I'm telling you if we don't call on the Holy Ghost every day if we don't get into this word and find our own word thank God for this pulpit I thank God I can minister to you I thank God for the Holy Spirit speaking through me right now but you have to have the Holy Ghost touch in your own life and you have to believe in this time of shaking faith your housemates shake the storms are going to come it's going to blow and the waters are going to to them to mount up but you're built on a rock my beloved you're built on a rock and that rock is you're not going to fail you're not going down and you've got to tell yourself in the devil I am NOT going down this didn't look like a victory here's what I see in the victory of the cross is the forgiveness of all past sins and I'm telling you this may sound Elementary this may sound like a a Bible class introduction to the cross but I'm telling you this is the foundational truth to keep us in these last days you have to know and be convinced you're right with God you have to be convinced that when you come to the blood all your sins are wiped away first John 7 179 but we walk in if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us if we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness beloved lay hold of that truth you see sometimes after we've been quite confident of our faith and we figured it out and we have forretress ourselves even with scriptures but then there comes an overwhelming tremendous crisis that comes a time when the furnace has heated seven times hotter there comes the test of all tests to your life an overwhelming crisis strikes your home or your family I was reading what a very godly Puritan pastor said by 300 years ago he said when we are experienced a great suffering affliction a crisis the first thing many of us ask what have I done god what did I do this came from one of the godliest preachers who walked this earth he said the first thing comes is if I done something if I grieve God is there something of my past I got a letter from a dear sister in the Lord who was going through terrible crisis and she said Pastor Dave it seems the trials never cease not even for a season of rest I don't know if it's the chastening of the Lord I've wondered if my family's trouble is due to my life before I was saved I always wonder that now vast the Father over and over that this is the case because I don't I just don't know sometimes I feel like it is that my punishment is more than I can bear at times I would rather have the punishment myself rather than my family members suffer from my previous sins please Pastor Dave if you have any comments on this and can settle my mind I would so appreciate it I love the Lord and I'm learning and I'm turning I love the Lord and turning away from him is not an option he's my life but recently I felt it'd be better if I had never been born then my children suffer from my sins I've also felt at times I just want to go home via the Lord but that's selfish because they need me I say to that sister and to all who are sitting within the sound of my voice you're being tested maybe in your children you've got to understand your children have to go their own path you can't be God to them you can pray you can fast and you can believe but they're going to be tested just like you and then it the question will come am i paying for my past sins now there are consequences to sin there's judgment against those who don't judge their sins in the fear of God the truth is there's little fear of God left in the world today and there are consequences if we don't humble ourselves before God if we don't have a broken spirit and a contrite heart but folks let me tell you I don't I can't tell you from this pulpit they're not being chastened but I'm telling it the Bible says and I'm going to read it to you in just a minute he's God says I chasing all my sons and daughters he said if you're without chastening you're not a son you're not a daughter and he said at times it's Grievous he said Ben I'm working something out in you he's working something out in us under chastening and we have to stand by sometimes when when we see the the mers are the judgments of God but you see his judgments are melted mended with great mercies folks I even believe America can be saved if the Church of Jesus Christ would quit its squabbling and get away from this racial tension racial prejudices and be one in Christ and began to seek Him there's always mercy there's God's mercies are never ending never ending but listen to me if the enemy is coming to you now tell him whom he loves he chastens and you're never more loved than when you're under chastening whom the Lord loves he chastens you can stand still say no I will not take these lies and you begin to stand on these words we are justified freely we're redeemed by grace through faith in his blood we declared his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through his forbearance meaning for his patience all guilt all come them nation are lifted when you come to the blood of Jesus Christ and you believe what he promised there's now therefore in no condemnation to them that be in Christ Jesus and are called according to his purpose say amen to that you could say - I believe it God made provision for us to be reconciled you say I've sinned since I've been saved I sinned against light so did Peter so did the disciples in their unbelief for which they were in Brahm abraded later by Christ himself even though they had repented for God commended his love toward us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us much more than being justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son much more being now reconciled we shall be saved by his life Romans 1 there is therefore no condemnation to be in Christ Jesus secondly the victory of the Cross is the end of all regrets all regrets another godly Puritan said that to his knowledge the greatest regret under the godly Puritan preachers of the day when it came to dying time knew they were saved but if they were asked if they had regrets regrets and they said number one was wasted time wasted time misuse of time that in the dying days after spending all their lifetime and they're still saying it what many of you are thinking now I've wasted so much time I could have been more than I am I could have done more and some of you looking back over your life even sitting here now listening to me the goes through your mind I'm going to stand before Christ soon and we allow the enemy to bring up our past and bring up regrets of the past I endure the same thing we all endure the same kind of a battle she is not only how you started it's how you finish how you finished the race folks I have not arrived there's so much work yet I know Jesus wants to do in me before he takes me to his heart but you know he doesn't want us to live in the past that's what the cross is all about he nailed all of those issues at the cross so that you can sit in his presence now he said that's in the past some of you thinking about the drug addiction of the past you're thinking about the alcoholism you thinking about lust you think about all those things where there's been failure in the life and even many of you after you got saved but you've come to the blood of Jesus and you confessed your sins and you've asked the power of the Holy Ghost to give you victory over that I want you to know that the blood has cleansed you I want you to know that you have victory I want to know there's no wrath of God upon you and I thank God and I say this humbly before a holy God I thank God but I'm not what I was I thank God he's changing me I thank God that all the stupid foolish things I've done or under the blood of Jesus Christ every time I stepped out of the will of God it's under the blood I said it's under the blood at the cross mercy and peace took on a face I said mercy and peace took on a face a human face the man Christ Jesus who came to bring peace to his people he made a covenant that his blood would bring everlasting peace and he said that did you could see my glory folks he wasn't talking to just about being in heaven he said you I want you to see my glories talking about the present time also you can have some glory to go to glory in and that is the peace of God that comes from knowing my pass my regrets all that I've done because I've come to him and I believed in the power of his blood and I believed in the power of his word and whatever comes I know there's no wrath of God on me there may be wrath on wickedness and sin but there's no wrath on the Church of Jesus Christ now may the god of Hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Ghost when Jesus went to the cross he showed us what it means to lay down your life for another jesus said and this is really getting to the depths of the cross therefore doth my father love me because I lay down my life that I may take it again no man taketh it from me but I lay it down of myself I've got power I have power to lay it down not power to take it again this commandment have I received in my father he said look I have a choice I don't have to go this path of laying down my life I have a choice I can take it or I could lay it down and we have that same choice and that's what the cross is speaking to us he laid down his life he chose to do it did he wince when they laid him down he could have called at any time he could have chosen in the Garden of Gethsemane after he slit shed bloody tears he could have said no I don't have to do this he could have chosen another route another route he could have called down when they pierced him with the first nail he could have called down the hosts of heaven and stopped it and said there has to be another way he didn't say I can't take it he never said this is too much for me he's unselfish and half selfish I know my heart has been sometime when I have lot and even spoken those words Jesus never did but I've said it this is enough I can't handle it anymore have you been there some of you there right now said I can't how can God be in this how can this be I know people and I'm surrounded by people that laid down their lives for others and there are people in this church that will lay down their lives for people in need and I don't know how they do it there's there are some people I watch and I see that there's something supernatural about how they keep giving without murmuring without complaining without selfishness and without thinking this I'm the only one going through this and my trials the greatest trial of all don't worry I've been there but by God's grace I'm not going there anymore I said I'm not going there anymore neither are you hallelujah for this reason because I lay down my life by choice for this reason my father loves me because I lay down my lis my life for the Sheep there's never been an easier hour in all of history when we need those who will lay down their life will not consider their own difficulties first but will have their I in their heart and attention set on finding the needs of others and and there's a special love of God that goes to these people he said do you want to know why the Father loves me for this reason because I lay my life down for others I chose like my life down I want to make that choice - to lay my life down for the Sheep for the brother and here's what the scripture says in 1st John 3:16 here is how we know love that he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the Brethren he said here's how the world is going to know not by your shouts not by just your preaching because you have such a love for one another you're laying down your lives and the world can't comprehend that but it if they're anything breaks through gross darkness is the love and the body of Christ and you need the love and I need the love we need to be surrounded by people who love Christ and who care about you and then you allow them to care for them and I'm going to close with this the great victory of the Cross - is that he bore all our griefs and all our sorrows isaiah 53:3 and for his despy he's the despised rejected of men he's a man of sorrows he's acquainted with grief we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not surely he has borne our griefs and he's carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted and that word Greek in Hebrew is pain weakness weariness sickness sorrows let me tell you I don't want to seem maudlin and I said Lord don't let me break down and cry I need to get this word through here it is nothing can pierce the pain until we begin to cry out to the Holy Ghost until the Holy Ghost comes thank God for caring people thank God that I'm secure in Christ thank God that he's taken care of my regrets and brought peace and that his mercy took on a face that was touched with the feelings of my infirmities and he knows my grief and he knows my sorrows and he knows my pain he's been there he's been through it and he says I I can't stop it yet because if you're coming to me you're going to fulfill your eternal purpose I have to take you through the five to take you through the flood and if I don't your best has been aborted I have to do this because I want you to glorify me all three tourney and I can't explain it to you and I know the Lord would side love to pull back the curtain I'd like to tell you why but I can't and he never will but that's how important faith is now this is how important it is that we stand strong no matter what happens to lay down our lives even at the cross to be willing to die willing to be a martyr whatever it takes so God I'm going to trust you in the fire though you slay me yet will I trust you but without the Holy Spirit coming down upon us without an outpouring of the Holy Spirit without a daily infusion of the Holy Spirit this is impossible we can't set our own hearts we can't build our own faith there has to be a cry comes the body of Christ Jesus there has to be a cry that comes from of the body o Holy Ghost you were sent to comfort me you were sent to heal me you were sent to take me through my grief in my sorrows and Holy Ghost come down I talked to the choir before the service and I said please pray with me now the Holy Spirit will come and touch us now and O God in the entire square Church he's taking us through a twenty-two years now he's not failed one day he's never failed me one time he's never failed you glory to God we can't make this happen can't tell you well let's shout and let's sing it down and know why I said the Holy Ghost is given to those who ask I'm going to ask you to stand have you heard from God I said did you hear from God I'm not talking about my message do you hear from God there's so many here that need mercy so many here in this house right now need a fresh baptism of the Holy Ghost and when I'm talking about babs I'm not talking about shaking and shouting not talking about getting into the aisles and running the aisles that can be flesh but I'm talking about a people so in one and if you're visiting the first time and you felt maybe the first time in a long time not that you're being judged he said I didn't come to judge you came to save you judgment is going but this is time of mercy and if you've been running from God if you've been backslidden in harp or if you have never really surrendered your heart to the lordship of Jesus you've never asked for the cleansing of his blood you've never really practiced their given faith to believe what God has promised this is your time and in this church we believe it's a wonderful thing you don't have to do it this way but to this step of your seat and come forward in other words make a declaration a confession before all men you said you confess me before men I confess it before the father and all the angels of heaven but I invite you if you have grown cold and weary and you're carrying it burn yourself the front of this church is open we call it an altar but it's just another place in the auditorium and God loved you don't don't run anymore come home to the loving arms of Jesus I'm going to wait you know could you just sing when while the Holy Spirit is moving the Holy Spirit in his house we will wait for just move you want to come and stand here and confess to him Lord I've been running and not running anymore I'm coming to you let him move on your heart she's strong too she's strong to Jesus by the way if you don't have to step you may be embarrassed to do so but right in your seat into the annex you can pray you can talk to the Lord right where you stand and don't leave the way you came in this is the word of the Holy Spirit to you you can be forgiven that's all it's a new beginning when you walk out the door all the past of the past then you leave all the consequences in his hands Lord Jesus may everyone in this house that is drifted may be overcome and may brothers faith is gone but O Lord Peter the disciples were never forsaken they became mighty men the founder of your church make it so today we pray in Christ's name now I'm going to ask it starts body and in the antics it's not quite quarter to twelve I would like you to put aside any time element not trying to make something happen but you don't even have to stand if you're worried you can be seated what we do this but I'd like you to stay 10-15 minutes or whatever time it is and drink in you that are wounded you that are weary were you drinking of the spirit he's living water he's our guide it's the Holy Spirit I need you and I want if you will if you know the Lord you walk with Him raise your hands and begin to worship the Savior begin to worship Jesus and call on the Holy Ghost he said if you call I'll answer now we've got to call on the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit we're going to call on you now I want you to raise your voice to the Lord I'm not looking for a sound I'm not looking for noise but I want you to pray right now lift your hand and say Holy Ghost come upon me right now refresh me touch me and while you're at it pray for mercy upon America pray for the mercy of God on New York City but this is a time lord time folks to just call upon the Holy Spirit to ndu us with fresh anointing and fresh power we Tod thank you Jesus Holy Spirit will you come anew and afresh as you do every Sunday in this church but now Holy Spirit closer and closer to the coming of Christ draw us by your spirit draw us to your word draw us to faith thank you for the victory of the Cross it's just worship Him
Channel: Ahava Jerusalem
Views: 59,351
Rating: 4.8574424 out of 5
Keywords: David Wilkerson, sermon, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, God, love, peace, heart, hope, grace, mercy, future, heaven, youtube, google, facebook, internet, soul, best, now, new york, time sqare, bible, truth, freedom, prophet, word, life, right, search, overcome, pure, holiness, joy, music, will, conscience, time, believe, faith, church, sin, amen, glory, humble, victory, overcoming, purity, light, law of the spirit, life-giving, dominion, power, wisdom, might, fear of the Lord, watch, justice, sword, the cross, blood of the Lamb
Id: 7fMxPCmwtes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 42sec (2382 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 27 2014
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