Food Matrix: Magnetic vs. Alkaline & Healing the Body w/ 19keys & Yah’ki

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it's gonna all have to start with that self-love but you know again we letting people create our environment and putting us in these tanks uh i used to have a snake you know and i remember when i had this snake i was like 10 years old but something caught up to me it stayed in my consciousness my mama said if you don't change the cage and make the cage bigger the snake won't grow it will only grow to fit in the cage and i'm like damn so now you know i'm 33 thinking about it if you put somebody in the environment and you limit that environment that you put them in they only gonna be able to grow to function in that environment anything outside that environment they're gonna be unaware of or they're gonna lack the knowledge of and that's why we're ignorant you know what i'm saying because we are not being privy to the environment so i mean privy to the knowledge that they are keeping away from us and that's why i respect you man like so much because you are out feeding the masses of people and you get into the high level conversations and now we waking people up they probably and they know books like this right now let me look up absolutely what i'm saying yeah and that's what it's about to learn so what we doing essentially is we breaking that cage that my mama was talking about with that snake out here we breaking it now that snake is able to grow and be introduced to another environment that it didn't even know existed i'm 19 keys and this is high level tap in with the guy [Music] peace family 19 keys tapping in with another high level conversation this time man this was a special episode for me because it takes me back to the crib you understand me a place where i was born in saint louis missouri um where i grew up you understand me and you know rough terrain environments where i learned a lot of lessons you know um in a place where most of the people that i know from there are dead in jail on drugs you understand me it's a heavy uh criminal environment a lot of homicide happens out there a lot of unsolved murders you understand me it's a food desert um it's rated as one of the lowest you know um standards of living in america but it's also a place where my family is heavily frowned you understand me and so i don't often go back because of the dark cloud that exists over there and just a simple fact it no longer feels like home because those people that would have made it a home from my childhood no longer exist but you know talking with my brother steve who's having a conversation about you know what is the positivity that does exist out there you understand me who are some of the leaders shining the light doing something positive that exist even in some of the darkest places you know and one thing about reality is that there's always balance you understand me and so for every situation that has negativity there's somebody that comes in and bring a positive light and the brother that i am about to have this high level conversation with the brother yakia awakened you understand me as a brother whom i've had a short period of time to get to know but in my research and listening to the passion in his spirit and the movement that he's created as a young messiah out here delivering the message to the people of healing of consciousness you understand me of ancient wisdom and knowledge i think is one that's key because i always talk about it's not enough keys in people's lives to be able to unlock that aspect of them that's rusty to where they don't know how to heal themselves to solve their problems to get out their conditions so it's my pleasure to get to know the brother in front of you all you understand me and explore some of the intellect and knowledge that he brings to not only the city of saint louis but the world man welcome brother all praises man peace god good to be here yes sir yes sir definitely man so you know uh i want to know a little bit about your story if you could sum up like you know what's the elevator picture y'all kia and all that you've went through uh well for those that don't know me uh my name is uh yokai everybody call me oh man yeah yeah you gotta let me know but everybody call me yaki for sure okay okay so it's a hebrew name and just means uh yahoo gives life or yahweh gives life and my middle name is rafael rafai means hillary last name l elohim means power yes i'm saying so uh i mean my name really explained who i am but everybody called me yaki for sure you know what i'm saying but what got me into health and healing was uh truly essentially healing myself you know being in the streets of saint louis raised out there running the streets uh gang banging getting shot stabbed i got metal from here to here wounds all over my body you tend to start getting into you know activities that's not healthy or conducive for your health man so you know i was smoking a lot of weed drinking a lot of alcohol and i got into snoring cocaine with the gang that i was with and uh i ended up developing a heart disease my kidneys start to fail i had diabetes high blood pressure man i remember taking all the medicines and everything but i i wouldn't stop smoking cigarettes stop smoking weed stop drinking alcohol and i wouldn't stop snorting so well one day i end up snoring the line man and i had a mini heart attack and i ended up going to the hospital and they was telling me why i was in a hospital i was actively having a heart attack and just listening to the doctors you know my mom used to always tell me to stop sisters brothers everybody should always tell me to slow down but it was just something about that last particular incident man and being in that hospital and that doctor looking me in my eyes just telling me if you do this again you might not you might not survive this one and man it scared me straight i ended up going home that day i threw away all my dope uh threw away the dope that i was selling through flush my weed down a toilet you know what i'm saying and i sit down on the couch and i'm like man i when i was sitting down i'm sitting next to a little table and i had all my medicine up there and i just got disgusted with myself man so i'm like man what what can i do not to take this medicine no more because it was having physical effects on my body where i couldn't even be a young man if you know what i mean that's what the side effects of medicine do you can't you can't procreate and stuff off of that stuff because blood don't flow properly right so uh man i end up getting on youtube and googling natural healing remedies you know i'm saying to some of the stuff that i was suffering from and uh a caucasian man the anglo-saxon popped up and i couldn't feel him but at the end of the video youtube give you uh you know suggested people that you can listen to when dr sabi popped up man i seen his black tall skinny ball head man talking about he didn't heal hiv sickle cell anemia leukemia you know talking about the usher village research institute yeah and it just blew my mind because you know coming from my aspect superheroes don't look like us you know what i'm saying you look at the tv you see the man with the cape on there's a white face behind it you see wonder woman it's a white face behind it so to see a black man speaking with such authority like that with confidence and he was for sure it just it took me man and i became addicted to the research so i started studying him i studied him so much within the next three days i knew wallace's wives was i knew everybody's name that's how much i was just watching him and man that that's what he like motivated a spark for my purpose and everything changed right there man i end up studying herbology i got into a bunch of biochemistry classes i am a biochemist started studying a lot of stuff and then that's when i started messing with particular herbs ended up making me a concoction took my own herbs and healed myself within 120 days i didn't i went back to the doctor i didn't have no more scar tissue on my heart i didn't have uh diabetes no more i didn't have high blood pressure no more i was able to get an erection i mean everything about my whole entire life had changed just from changing my diet and changing what i was drinking man and that's once i healed myself man my mama was like i seen you do it i watched you do it what about me i got high blood pressure so end up giving her the herb she healed from there i went to my sister and once i healed my sister it went it went worldwide man started in the small communities of st louis and now we global with it that's powerful it's a lot in there that's powerful matter of fact and it's a lot really to unpack because you know we we got a uh epidemic within our culture because we got a death culture yeah you understand me we did we very neck you understand me like we celebrate the things that bring us closer to death yeah rather than that celebrate the expansion of our lives and raise our vibration so when it comes to the reality of like you know young men overdosing on lane or doing lean and things of that nature you know or just ones that's out there popping pills do drugs because you didn't just say you got rid of cocaine you say you got ready to weed too everything you understand me but why do we why everything why not just you know from what you know caused the heart attack you understand me we'll get you the mindset to say you know what i'm just completely detox from it all uh i mean for one you know if you look at what weed is and you look at marijuana and you study the chemical composition of it you know the thc is acidic and when it binds to certain chemistry in your brains it actually kills your brain cells when you put a flame to it anytime you put fire to anything you change the chemical molecular structure of it so you know i'm not against marijuana for healing purposes if you use it as in teas and stuff like that for healing but when you're using it for for psychotic you know uh ailments and you using it just to free yourself from where you wet in order you know in order to stop the shadow work that you need to go through to actually free yourself then it becomes a drug and you getting addicted to it and not only that it kills your brain cells uh the way they make the weed now where they they take a female plant and mix it with a female plant and get all these hybrids not only that they put magnesium blockers or magnesium inhibitors inside of the weed that stop the seeds from growing so now you got all this hybrid weed with no seeds that was created by yahweh for you to get so then you smoking this stuff and you look at the research on weed and the height of the hybrid weed man it changes your psychological preference in life it even changes your sexuality in certain type of ways and people don't look at it like that but it does so we see a lot of effeminate men we see a lot of homosexuality exchanges going on within the black community and nobody ever look at the marijuana and dig into the biochemical history of the marijuana to see that the marijuana is changing our outlook and perception on life you know dr wesley uh you know one of the person i look up to when it comes to information because his scholarship is very rigorous he does a lot of detail and he brings the science and effects and he talks about you know the chemical assault on a black man in black male hood and specifically in connection to weed you feel me because of you know like you said when you smoke it it changes the chemical composition you understand me because most people are doing it for the psychoactive effects not the cabin noise not so that they can get some sort of healing or anti-inflammation or whatever it may be you know they want to get high fat right and so the reality of it is is that it has inhibitors that block testosterone you understand me specifically in men but also increased testosterone in women facts right and so you know those balances and imbalances of mood imbalances of hormones have an effect on us facts and most people don't want to take a look and have that conversation but we know that that's the reality yeah you know like we live at the point where if you can distract us from that mind of god where we focus there's nothing we can do yeah you understand me like if we can get focused we can build and produce any idea that's within the mind this episode is brought to you by goldwater to me it's like for everybody that listens and takes in this message it's not for us to debate you it's for you to study you understand me that there's science if you believe in science you believe in mathematics you understand me then the science is going to add up to say well this has this side effect and it does this and when you start to look at your environment if you eating foods your entire life right if a person can put in front of them all the food that they ate in the warehouse and they was able to break down the composition of what was in it man you're going to see that it was concoction of death yeah you understand me and destruction and and things that have uh disruption of your hormones you understand me and your sexual drive and things of that nature and so is is because i know i'm gonna have a diverse audience but in a day truth is true everything starts from their primitive good tool it's three things that's created simultaneously i will say at the same time that's the nervous system the primitive gut tube and something called the lipid sac the lipid sac is the actual lymphatic system where it can clean up all the byproducts that the baby is getting from eating all the food that mother eat then you also have that blood but blood and lymph is called the interstitium fluid of the body this is all talking about the same chemical composition from there you got the primitive gut tool where everything grow from you know they call it the ectoderm the mesoderm and the endoderm and when you start looking at and this is how holistic health is your skin is made from the same cells as your brain you know what i'm saying so if you have a skin problem something is wrong with your brain yeah yo i'm saying you start looking at your internal organs they made for the same thing as your eyes so like what i just think we need to be re-educated and talk of what true love is and and that love for self is gonna make us research health it's gonna make us research food it's gonna make us research religion it's gonna it's gonna all have to start with that self-love but you know again we letting people create our environment and putting us in these tanks uh i used to have a snake you know and i remember when i had this snake i was like 10 years old but something caught up to me it stayed in my consciousness my mama said if you don't change the cage and make the cage bigger the snake won't grow it will only grow to fit in the cage and i'm like damn so now you know i'm 33 thinking about it if you put somebody in the environment and you limit that environment that you put them in they only gonna be able to grow to function in that environment anything outside that environment they're gonna be unaware of or they're gonna lack the knowledge of and that's why we're ignorant you know i'm saying because we are not being privy to the environment so i mean privy to the knowledge that they are keeping away from us and that's why i respect you man like so much because you are out feeding the masses of people and you get into the high level conversations and now we waking people up they probably and they know books like this right now let me look up absolutely what i'm saying yeah and that's what it's about to learn so what we doing essentially is we breaking that cage that my mama was talking about with that snake out here we breaking it now that snake is able to grow and be introduced to another environment that it didn't it didn't even know existed man you know most of us we so attracted to to death we got to distract him from it like unfortunately he's like you know how like a person watching netflix all day like that's their distraction but really it's not that's the primary focus this is a distraction you understand me because that was this ain't that this ain't a uh dominant majority in their life fact like consciousness is now people's distraction yeah and then they go right back to the reality you understand me that's destroying them which is their focus yeah which is what they possibly like i like that so it's like knowing that being a one percent in somebody's life trying to increase the repetition of people getting into the pattern and a better frequency of self like always say what you do frequently becomes your frequency facts right like you can look at a person in reality and see the sum of their habits their thoughts their ideas and their patterns that's the frequency you want facts and it's going to control you but i want to have a conversation about this because you talked about something and uh and it's about more so the connection between food and sex right now i know that specifically in america you know when you go on a date most of the dates are going to be to food right you're going to eat food the blood will go down it's going to excite those erogenous areas it's going to make you horny you want to have sex that's the full sex cycle you have sex you burn the calories you understand me and then you get hungry and then it's a full sex cycle within that pattern of relationships can i throw something in there real quick i want you to throw it all in there man look man look we gotta keep this we gotta keep this too the food that they eating got sexual hormones in them especially if you eating chicken you know because they want them to reproduce faster so they sticking them with all type of sexual steroids so they come on to you then most of the food is died of through stress you know what i'm saying so you're getting all them stress you know uh melanin neurotransmitters that come from the food so and you have to look at promotion wise when it comes to uh food psychology you know we see that a snicker snicker is made to replicate a black man's penis got the veins in and everything you bite into the snicker you got cornmeal caramel dripping from the snickers even in our foods hot dogs what is the concept of a hot dog and why do a hot dog go between buns what about pizza and how pizza is used for pedophiles it's called pizzagate but you see pizza represents the upside down triangle which represents the wound of a woman so so food is sexual but we have to start looking at sex sex ain't all about the sexual reproductive organs you know just like a woman have lips on her mouth she have lips down there you know just how you have certain things that's in the back of your throat this is something called a clitoris so we see that as above so below so you can have sex through food just like you have sex through your lower reproductive disorder that's why people i mean you know a lot of people substitute sex for food sometimes it's gonna give you that same more dolphin raise you understand me you feel like you're in love hey in america it's well they say 45 percent of america is obese but it's really probably 78 you know they'd be lying on themselves yeah yeah but i was going to ask you because you talked about karen because number one it's a lot of black men out there with erectile dysfunction at young ages and because you don't naturally number one who's to say it's natural in the first place you understand you should be able to go your whole life and be able to procreate fast enemy and reproduce but of course with all of the things that we eat you understand me and all of the mucus that build up and all the things that's in between not only are we not creating enough little swimmers you understand me like growing up in st louis wheels drinking vest sodas and all kind of crazy crap red hot ripped yeah man the emos it was good but it was destroying my manhood yeah they understand me the whole time decreasing my testosterone not giving me none of the substance and nutrition that i need and so there's a lot of males that destroy today from a biological level yeah fast you understand me just on the way that they eat like you can't produce that that energy number one you don't have any control over it then two you can't properly that's an emasculation right there six facts you can't even think clearly so now you're not that type of person that can even come up with ideas and produce them in reality so you ain't got no power in the first place so it's like how did you get over you know from when you was doing drugs and you started to clear up to where you can properly function as a man again uh first i had to realize a word that i call estrogen annihilation yeah that's what's making us very effeminate that's what's happening with the thc and the weed that's what's happening and what they putting into all the food and then if you look at all the soy boys soy boys right yeah soy boys estrogen annihilation and if you look at estrogen uh synthetic estrogen it is what we was just talking about earlier which is a magnesium inhibitor in a magnet in a manganese inhibitor you can't produce zinc and zinc is what works with testosterone to create your actual seminal fluid or what we're going to call semen so you know if you're eating all these foods that's high in estrogen high in all these different acidic acids that's being left behind as byproducts of synthetic chemicals that they put in the food for adjectives and preservatives these preservatives are literally not only behavior modifiers but they're sexual modifiers too yeah y'all saying that's what's really messing with us man and cutting off our circulation keeping us from getting erections and keeping us from reproducing the actual seminal fluid so how i got rid of mine was i started studying a lot and once i realized that you know dang estrogen is naturally supposed to be in my body but i'm not using the natural estrogen in my body i'm using a synthetic estrogen dang that's that's that's robbing me you know cause estrogen is now synthetic estrogen is an iron phosphate inhibitor too well the black man's mineral is iron phosphate period we need that for oxygen we need that to be to convert all types of other different uh steroids over so i'm starting to see that the food was robbing me of all the minerals and all the melanin neurotransmitters that i need to keep a balance of homeostasis so once i started shine away from the food because you know that that moment in the hospital for me i started loving myself i don't know what it was i don't i don't even know if it was the doctor if that was my time yahweh was just like look get it now or don't get it but it woke me up perhaps it was just the idea that you know you was living to get close to death and then you got it and realized you wanted to be closer to life right i didn't want it back you understand me you know it was uh somebody was saying that you know um if i offered if i if i said yo i'll give you 10 million dollars right now you know um everybody will be like cool i take 10 million dollars you know but if i say all right i'mma give you 10 million dollars but you understand me it means you only got you won't wake up tomorrow morning so you got till now till tomorrow but you get your 10 million dollars i don't need no 10 million and so what that was to say is that that means that waking up tomorrow is more valuable than 10 million dollars so we should be living like it yeah because anybody in this room would take 10 million dollars just for another day yeah so that lets you know how valuable life and breathing another moment is but we don't have that reality fact you understand me because we born to we born in systems that tell us all right number one everything is planned out for us right you got your nursery you got your middle school you got high school you get that degree or you get that diploma then you go into college then you go take out a debt loan you understand you take that debt loan then you go through college go to a university then go work for somebody else you work with somebody else you set up your retirement account ira all of that [ __ ] and then you retire you understand me and then you just wait to die like that don't sound like a life that no human being should ever sign up for it's not like prison it is a prison because it's a structure that was given where you can't control your mind and your will facts so i always talk about there's no degrees to slavery if you were slave by any degree you're still a slave still a slave but we often compared to child of slavery which was the worst form yeah so i'm not a slave no you're a slave you're just not in chat or something yeah they took they took off the chains and put you in psychological change absolutely yeah so but i want to talk about you know just some of the uh the foods that you do eat you understand me um just as a a bra from the streets and somebody that can see themselves in you they like all right i hear the nice science i hear the words i hear everything but what do i actually eat if i want to go about a diet of restoring myself restoring my gut my heart my mind healing myself uh so i will say this transitional wise transition because they don't need a transition well we to the 12 years of doing this through the thousands of uh healing testimonies of so-called incurable diseases you know with the paperwork to prove it anybody just google your key healing testimonies they'll pop up uh i notice they'll always lead with the transitional diet first so i say a good transitional diet uh will be the late great dr sabi died that's a good transitional diet you know going the alkaline way and then cooking the food you know so-called cooked alkaline food is very it's a very good transition but after that you have to graduate from that too and go into the raw side and stop putting fire to your food which is changing the chemical composition of the food uh anyway you just you just lost 90 of the audience yeah i know i know so so and that's why i always throw out the transition but if you truly want to yield high vitality in a high high living and keep your thoughts clear and be in vibration with your creator uh you know you have to do things all on how the creator planned it to be if we was meant to cook our food uh we would have something in our anatomy that creates fire you know like a dragon can breathe fire from his breath you know if we was meant to eat meat we would have claws we have canines we have short colons you know we sleep 16 to 20 hours a day we'll be uh a horizontal where we can get up to 70 miles an hour to track down our prey we don't have none of these things if we was meant to cook the creator yahweh would have created pots and pans in in the in the wilderness where we it was pots and pans there so if you look at the animal kingdom i've never seen them get a potting pan and cook their food i've never seen them use oil to cook their food i've never seen them fry anything they rely on nature's natural resources and we see that animals live longer than us animals live longer than us why is that that's because they are adapted to a natural and habitat you know we are not we have been put in a in a artificial environment and giving food and given us these these concepts of cooking and these concepts of what true food is so are you a vegan uh i'm not a vegan i i'm totally not a vegan uh that vegan word is a whole yeah it's a healthy movement i know that there was a uh an older white gentleman that was in love with cows you understand me and you know uh he stopped eating meat because of that and any animal based products you understand me he took the derivative of a vegetarian and said that i'm a vegan so he started that but it had nothing to do with health nothing nothing at all understand me and i think that number one people ask me if i'm a vegan all the time and i always say no because but i tell them i'm healthy though which is a complete difference yeah but not every vegan can say that they healthy yeah because they don't focus on health not facts you understand me they focus on restrictions based on animals yeah right or the planet but not based on their health and human beings and how we actually supposed to eat yeah right it's like i've seen a uh do you eat honey yes and that's why i want to get into it and that's the only reason why i for one i don't like the word vegan anyway period but i don't for and on the record i don't eat i don't eat no animals i don't eat any uh dairy products i don't eat none of that you know i'm saying my diet literally is like a 80 fruit 20 you know vegetable type diet i eat grains here and there uh sprouted beans and stuff like that but uh my diet is very very very clinical yeah i'm saying oh what about oh well first of all i want to uh uh put out my propaganda against the honey haters you feel me because i went to a uh what i went to restaurant planta in miami and they said they don't serve honey because they're vegans man i was mad you realize planta is man his favorite restaurant in miami we fly miami just to go to plantations man plants are good as hell but they don't serve honey and i'm getting into it with the people like bro come on man this is vegan yeah they come from place it comes from plants they say it comes from the they say it come from the beach because the bees is working but man that's what that's why i was like man this stuff is ridiculous it is like who made it it's too intellectual yeah because number one you got big vegans yes yeah i'm saying which are completely unhealthy because either let's say you don't eat plant-based food but or you don't eat uh meat based food but you eat too much yeah you understand me of everything else yeah and then you got junk based vegans where you just eat food that's not animal based but it's junk food you understand me it's not good for you yeah um and then you got people who eat plant-based yeah you understand me which is not a vegan they're plant-based yeah plant-based and that's what i'm playing i'm plant-based i respect plant-based way more because plant-based is really based on health but i wanted to throw in you know i was talking with my brother blue pill uh and mama pill and red pill and kt the arts degree one time i was in new york and came up in a conversation about the doctor sebi diet and you know mama pill she was married to dr sebby when he was going through his cases and found in his uh first facility to wear is now where the current barclay center is in new york and so she helped them through that entire period through the trial and everything else but man blue was talking about that diet where that diet was more specifically that electrical food diet there where you see the small list with people who sick so it was a healing diet now don't get me wrong most people are sick you understand me but their strictness was specifically with those restrictions to heal when you talk about hearing all of the people that got cancers a's or herpes or all of those different things it was to electrify that body create all those restrictions so that no other chemicals and this is the way i'm interpreting now after he said that but i know a lot of people start off with that and they can't adhere to it you understand me because it was always meant to be like you know if you will a medical guy you understand me imagine a doctor saying look you got cancer you can only eat this that in the third but at the same time i don't think there's nothing wrong with it just because most people in america are sick not fat just undiagnosed yeah and there's a lot of genetic weaknesses going on too uh me me personally i will use uh and all much respect to dr savey late great he the one who ignited the flame and me that got me doing what i'm doing now that muhammad was my first for how do you to live man that book is amazing yeah till this day yeah till this day i mean well you know a lot of people don't give it credit but donald j mohammed sparked the whole entire healthful revolution in america i can i can agree with you i can agree with that that's what doctor says said amongst amongst many other things oh yeah yeah yeah amongst many other things facts these are facts uh but you know me i don't i'm not going to say i 100 uh uh agree with the diet i do agree for for that for a transitional period but me you know as as the fruitarian you know studies clinical trials because you know everything the hiv that we heal the herpes that we heal which you can pull this stuff up the herpes cases the cancer cases we didn't got people out of wheelchairs that was wheelchair bound for eight years we killed somebody in detroit uh that couldn't walk for 10 years you know i'm saying in a wheelchair these was on high energetic fruit diets and then studying our physiology you know it's proven i know that we our bodies done adapted to certain foods but it's proven that we we yield the most energy and we live the best and how i have clearer thoughts on all fruit diets so what is a culture that is mostly just a high fruit diet what do you mean like uh is there a culture that you can look to like in africa with some original people that to this day eat mostly just high fruit uh so you got islanders islanders eat mostly fruit they do have vegetables here and there but they eat mostly fruits yeah islanders most definitely i got plenty of books too that talk about the fruitarian diet you got uh back to eden that talks about people that used to eat fruits and nothing but fruits uh you also got dr morris he talks about the same thing you got dr leila africa in his early books he was talking about how we all came from that fruit diet you know what i'm saying and again once you study the physical makeup and you put in the clinical trials you know me we got 12 years in of putting people on all fruits and seeing what it does to the body not saying that these other diets uh will live it should i say because i hate the word diet can't heal you but i see fast healing especially neurologically it's going to be on high energetic foods you know but you do have to put in you know genetic weaknesses man we genetically weak and every time uh the the child get older and have a baby that's another genetic weakness so we see fruits people get on fruits and they get completely skinny you start seeing a sunken face and you know they look mild nutrition but that's the genetics for us eating all these acidic forming foods that have been breaking down our tissues and breaking down ourselves and our mitochondria so now you get on these high foods and and we got to put in the fact too that the ground is malnutrition they didn't completely messed up the soil you know i'm saying the fruits that you eating now are lacking a lot of they they've phytonutrients and nutrition the even even the saby diet a lot of that stuff is lacking the stuff that that wood had in there hundreds of years ago because what they doing to the earth man so but if you look at it from a physical standpoint just physiology you look at it from a small intestinal tract even when you get into the ph balance of something called trypsin amylose the way our mouth and our salivary glands produce these alkalining breaking down agents man we are frugal boys you know what i'm saying just i mean that's it's you can scientist you've got to keep can't wait to to to to to hear a lot of you know uh your peers that's in the the world of you know nutrition and health you understand me um give a review yeah you understand me if you will about the ideas of more specifically purely eating fruit you understand me and i think it's definitely worth a try i think now i think this is where a lot of people have misconceptions about fruit when it comes to sugar you understand me because people don't believe that you can break down the sugar that's in fruit because they think of it in the same way they think about white sugar or other types super pros pintos you get people to break down on sugar and why you can eat fruit without worrying about the sugar aspect oh of course so uh when you got sugar you got three main bases of sugars you got galactose which is produced by the black woman's uh breast you have fructose which is actually naturally occurring in your fruits and then you have glucose which is naturally occurring in your vegetables all right so i already told you earlier in the interview uh that your fructose yields 12 000 angstroms of energy your glucose or your vegetables only yield nine thousand inches of energy fruits is good the only way i can heal diabetes one or two is by way of fructose when you get somebody with diabetes and they're insulin dependent uh you have something called the island cylinder high so they'll say that sugar raises the glucose you a glucose load on fruits which is a total lot every diabetic patient that i've had that had one or two hyperglycemia that had or diabetes mellitus we healed on an all-fruit diet with herbs now this is the reason why fructose when you eat fructose fructose bypass the pancreas the pancreas has something called the islands of langerhans you have the alpha cells which produce glycogen you have the beta cells that produce insulin then you have the delta cells that produce something called samiatostatin simultostatin is a mixture of a growth pituitary hormone and it's mixed with glycogen again well in order to actually break down glucose and put glucose in the blood to penetrate a cell that's what insulin does insulin is used as a key so insulin is the key that take glucose unlock the cellular membrane and then the cell swallows the glucose and eat it then it gets actually broken down and metabolized by something called the mitochondria and then you yield something called atp adp and at amp adenosine triphosphate adenosine monophosphate and adenosine diphosphate this is the energy so we're talking about carbon carbon is on your periodic table all carbon is is sugar sugar breaks down into carbon carbon what happens is you eat some sugar right you will eat the sugar once the sugar gets converted in the body it is c-h-o what the conversion is is taken out of that hydrogen because hydrogen is acidic so once you take the hydrogen out of the cho is just carbon and oxygen this is alkaline so sugar is alkaline what's not alkaline is when they take the sugar out of something like a corn because corn have natural fructose and then they burn it and change the chemical composition because they put fire to it the moment you put fire to it it changed the chemical composition now they're in heightening it so they call this high fructose corn syrup now it's no longer a fructose it become a dextrose or be terms of pentose which is a five sugar phosphate or they call it sucrose these things are called polysaccharides see that we're not talking about monosaccharides monosaccharides is what's in your fruits what's in your vegetables polysaccharides is what they're creating in these white man's laboratories that's what's bad for us but back to the fructose let me show you how amazing fruits is if you are diabetic and your pancreas is down because whether they got a fluke worm in it fasciological skin worm in it a hook worm a thread worm usually you find parasites inside of the pancreas when somebody is suffering from diabetes and you find that mucus is down or the adrenals are down because the adrenals is in control of something called the autonomic nervous system the prefix to autonomic is auto these are things that runs on autopilot digestion is supposed to be on autopilot uh the flickering of your eyes is on autopilot your breathing and your lung capacity is on autopilot the heartbeat is on autopilot all these are controlled by the parasympathetic sympathetic autonomic nervous system well your pancreas yielding insulin it that's a nervous system issue because the adrenals are down and the reason why the adrenals are down because you're eating the wrong foods and these foods are creating toxins and byproducts that you're not getting out of your body because you haven't opened up the lymphatic system and the kidneys to filtrate all of that toxemia out or your skin is not working now check this out that's the pancreas being down so what food can i eat that don't break down the glucose the only other food that i got is fructose now would you glucose load for a couple days yes you will because you entering your you introducing your body to a new sugar but it's a natural occurring sugar by yahweh look so you have two types of digestion right you have pancreas digestive enzymes that break down the actual glucose not only that the pancreas yield the alexander the islands of lager housing yields insulin to bring to turn that key to bring glucose to the cell when you can have energy fructose completely bypass the pancreas it go a lipid route this liver route is through the liver and then it's called cellular infusion where the actual sugar will infuse itself in the cell and don't even use the pancreas and there's plenty articles the government articles written up on this and we have the clinical trials with at least 100 diabetics that prove this stuff that we heal don't want to all fruit diet with minimum herbs so let me ask you because that was a beautiful breakdown first of all you understand me i can definitely tell you well study in your science you talked about atp which fruits have the greatest production for atp uh we would say high yielded fruits the fruits that grows the highest to the sky so now we're talking about carbohydrates and all that is is carbon hydrogen and oxygen mixed together so once that once that oxygen get out these are called high yielding carbon constituent checks like bananas so banana bananas will give you a high yield in atp but bananas are on the starchy side so i never recommend anybody eating bananas that's trying to cleanse because now you're gonna start building up a whole lot of glycogen on the liver you see what i'm saying so we would say things like mangoes coconut water very electrical cucumbers very electrical now we're starting to get into something that you would call h3o2 change not h2o which is that which is water like this see this water dehydrates you that's why the more this water you drink the more dehydrating you are see but if you drink your see the beautiful thing about fruits is not only can you eat the fruit to get the micro the macro substance but the micro substance which is the structured jelly water called h3o2 in it is your hydrative factor so you're supposed to eat your fruits for your water and for your macro can stick to it you see what i'm saying yeah so you're getting the water in the air at the same time so i like that because for for for the destiny triphosphate you know uh when you utilize quarter ceps yeah that's one of the things that it increases right that's atp production so when you're working out it's consistently giving you oxygen you understand me and what happens you know when people work out and while you get those aches you understand me is because you know you're not getting enough oxygen to that muscle facts so if you're consistently getting oxygen while you're working out then you can work out more and more and more and more and more that's why i asked that because if a person takes that particular dietary recommendation or limit recommendation when it comes to i think you said coconut mango cucumbers watermelon watermelons berries and melons fruits is your high i mean berries is your highest because berries have the oxygenators there are your antioxidants you know i'm saying number where all of your bio photons and bioflavonoids so now i want to get to the biophotons and the berries and the cells i want to talk about your mushrooms though cause you you talking about the cordyceps they're more high yielding but if you look at the chemical makeup or cordyceps and they're really a fungi rather than the mushrooms yeah and and we're talking we're talking about the actual mycelium network yeah this is an invisible network that everything is without mushrooms we wouldn't even be here everything exists off this mycelium network but guess what is the main chemical constituents of mushrooms carbon well guess what carbon is sugar glucose glucose uh galactose and uh enough fructose so even when you get into the mushroom kingdom you're still talking about a high sugar diet now there's another thing that you said in there you talked about the lymphatic system but i heard you speak on the idea that you don't truly believe in the immune system no and i know the lymphatic system is key for the immune system okay so give me your breakdown of your philosophy of why you don't particularly believe in the immune system when you're talking about the function of all these things working okay so you're talking about immune system when you're talking about immunity and then they say that what makes up the immune system is the t cells the t cells is actually the thymus cells they talk about the b cells that's the bone marrow cells they talk about the macrophages that's inside of something called lymph noise you know they're talking about the phagocytes that's produced by the white blood cells that goes to the army school that we call the thymus gland to get the actual military position you see that so they talk about uh neutrophils basal fields monofils so when you look up what they call the immune system it's nothing but the lymphatic system because last time i checked everything that they say make up the lymphatics i mean uh the the immune system is a lymphatic associated organ so where's the immune system there and what do that really mean well well my interpretation was that it's just talking about the system these things working together and that when one of these two things are off then that's when the system itself is broken down rather than one central thing being the key to keeping you safe or not getting sick so i agree with that right so now we got to get into wordplay then because they will take the immune system and then feed you their greek philosophy to keep you away from how to truly heal the system of the body which is the lymphatic system so when i say i don't believe in the immune system uh in the way you just put it i believe in that in that degree oh you don't believe in the interpretation they interpretation of it is totally off so i'd rather not even use the word because it keeps you distracted from the big system that cleans the body anyway which is the great lymphatic system because they got you thinking that you you got immunity from something no it's cause and effect what you put inside of your body for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction they got you thinking that you can take a certain pill and it'll combat your body against this and that no this is a lifestyle change see immunity comes between lifestyle change so you have people studying up on immunity and doing things to build their immune system but they're not changing their life and that's the way that they do the propaganda to keep you coming back to them they even got something called immune therapy immune suppressive therapy which is chemotherapy and all these things are supposed to be good for the immune system in the body that actually breaks down the lymphatic system so in a way in the terminology you put it i believe in it but for our people that's learning new words and really showing them the bigger picture i'd rather just scratch immune system all the way out of the out all the way out of the picture because when you start studying immune system from the allopathic community it gives you all the wrong definitions and you will never understand how to truly heal the body and bring the body back into a balance of homeostasis now that's key now when you talk about allopathic so that gives me a good segue into a couple of things i want to talk about specifically you talk about western versus eastern medicine yeah right and eastern medicine is more so healing from within facts you understand me and western medicine is you know basically taking pills suppressive therapy yes oppressive therapy having nothing to do with healing or caring facts you understand me um just aiding you in your disease to manage it so that the longer you are managing it the more they're getting paid to help you manage facts you understand me and that's the unfortunate reality so it's like then when you're not looking at it from a western perspective you look at it from an eastern perspective because a lot of people don't realize that the way they go about healing and medicine around the world is completely different than the science of america bro they got something called medicineless hospitals in the east yeah where you go to the hospital and it ain't not one damn pill there yeah and people coming out home also think about the hospitals and what did they look man the hospitals look like you about to die you go in there horses they they they just white walls they uh the colors nothing is vibrancy nothing speaks to life like there should be plants in there there should be crystals there should be environments of vibrancy it should be clean good foods everything in that hospital should you should walk in there and feel like oh i'm raising my vibration i'm about to live so check this out the hospital feel like a mortuary if you look down on the hospital right i just want you to i want you when you get to your time with you look this up look down on a hospital just google a hospital and get the blueprint of them it looked just like a rat maze i mean identical as a rat maze yeah so it's all about these mazes in these environments they putting us in and that's why infrastructures is important i mean hospital schools and prisons all have similarities yes and it's all a pipeline yeah all the pipelines school to prison pipeline if you don't go to prison school the hospital right all due to how you're interacting with your camera yeah and then hospital hospitals yeah so it's built up like horse stalls but also the fact that you're a very knowledgeable brother that comes and has the knowledge of mineralization and vitamins and food you know i also think about the idea that i talked about it before that you know the deaf the criminals you know the disease first happens at the dinner table but it's not just especially nowadays yeah uh it's not just on a woman to be able to have this particular knowledge you understand me because if your wife is cooking but you don't have the knowledge of what's right to be put on that plate then you won't even know how to manage you understand me what's right or wrong you can't be like nah baby that ain't good for this that in the third so i want to impart upon the rest of the black man that's looking and arresting a man period that's going to view this that you have to have this sort of knowledge to know how your household is being guided oh yeah you don't know if your if your wife is killing the family or feeding y'all heart disease or diabetes or you know colon cancer because you don't understand the food and the makeup and the byproduct are the chemicals and the ingredients on the inside of it in the first place so to be a good steward of the family to be a leader of the family you got to have this kind of knowledge yeah you got to know the legs yeah you can't because i said it before and a lot of women was like well it ain't just one responsibility and you completely correct that the man has to have the knowledge because otherwise you can't filter what the woman is doing and she may be doing her best but not knowing yeah you understand me and especially where we as a degraded society specifically when it comes to the deconstruction of the roads that society throws upon us in the destruction of the family order in the first place man doesn't even know how to play rogue facts you understand being a man in a household is supposed to be a teacher yeah right if you don't have nothing to bring as far as how you feed the knowledge to the table you understand me like she made me let's say she cooked but my pops taught me you know no disrespect my mom she's the best cook ever i love my mom first of all shout out to mom's i gotta give a shout out every episode uh but he said that you know she didn't know how to cook when he first met her so he taught her how to cook and pops you know he grew up in super poverty-stricken environment where you know they ain't have nothing to eat at all so you learn how to just put anything together incorrect like he can go in there and find salt and pepper and cook a cuisine there yeah yeah i'm saying like that's that old school cookie but uh but just to that point though it's like i want us to remember our responsibility as teachers and that what we have and we possessed in our minds we have to feed the family from the medical the mental intellectual construct and then she can take that knowledge that she's fed and then she can pour that love and that knowledge into how she prepares the food for the rest of the year she nurtured the idea men cultivate the idea the woman nurtures the idea just like he he put his seed into her and then the the baby formalized within the wounds you're the best man man of by land and he will build the house and she will make it a home he will build the table provide the food she would make it a meal a man from from the spiritual background that i come from uh we were taught that man not only supposed to be teacher but he's supposed to be king he's supposed to be priests and prophet over his household he's supposed to bring the word of god into his household uh that's the priest he's supposed to be king meaning he rules his household not with iron fists but rule with humility and honor you know i'm saying and so and profit so he's bringing the word he's he's ruling over his household he's the teacher and he's the king i feel like if a man really facilitate all of that his household will be completely in order and that's that that's that natural filtering mechanism hold on woman what's what's the potatoes for yeah is them the right alkaline potatoes hold on woman what's that did you you hear about the news and i think that's the reason why us as man we need to start formulating information communities when we running information past each other that way we are already filtering the information that's coming within our household that's real manhood and that's why that's why you know these schools man we got to get our children out of these schools because we trying to father our households but they're being raised by these public schools and you know what i'm saying that's that's that interest right there no that's the you know talking with uh queen alford she had a we've talked about homeschooling you understand me and i talked about this young brother named king randall um out of albany georgia who started his school he got uh he ended up utilizing the public funds to raise you know um i think past like almost a million dollars he was on uh news right yeah so i just interviewed him right before you i got a checkpoint you understand me and uh he was talking about how he got three buildings seventy thousand dollars each you understand me then he found another building costing about four hundred thousand and he got a hundred acres for about uh no 40 acres for a hundred thousand dollars you understand me but he had formulated a school to where it is a school to where they have a boarding school so it completely takes you out the environment you put the young boys in an environment to where they're not learning information and then losing it because they're going back to an environment that's detrimental or counter in fact right and i i love the way the flow of the high level conversations just coming together because i didn't know the type of knowledge that we was going to possess on this one and i was going to go back and cipher but everything everything is complementing each other yeah each piece is bringing another piece of school it's important that's so important because this is media you understand me but this and it is a school at the same time but the school of being able to control the environment of your home facts that's what it's about queen alford talked about how the woman is at home yeah i understand how you a home but specifically that you know if you let's say you got a woman you know and and that's your bae that's the one that you love that's my temper to me that's your tip that's my home you understand me but but let's say that she doesn't know how to properly you know uh uh make herself that sacred woman yeah you understand me then she's not at home you have a woman inside of her she's a she's a she's a broken home yeah and then that means that you know you would bathe y'all inside your apartment or your house but you homeless yeah you miss a home yes and so you have to one of the things that we just looked at is like you got to look at your partner and see if you're homeless or not fast that's a high level conversation right here will you shoot that huh man we shot clean out forward well i don't even know when it is well y'all putting that out i need to walk me out by the time this episode drops i need to watch that yeah it's going to be out by time it was fire it was fire something that everybody would pay attention to for real for real but not a fact this episode is brought to you by goldwater but that's that's like the easy way like you meet a woman and she's not at home nah yeah i can't be with you i can't beat that yeah like but it now it gives you like a guide to be like damn i'll meet her but she ain't no home though yeah understand me she's not comprised of those things that will allow me to be in relaxation and be covered and be nurtured and then those things within her spirit are not taken care of she don't have that sacredness she don't have that womb intelligence you understand me she don't know how to feed herself she don't know how to feed anybody else she don't know how to control our emotions like there's so many different things that can be off balance from a beautiful woman and not to say she could be a good woman she could be beautiful she could be trying but she could be so much in the world that she never becomes a home that's why education man is key man yeah and that's my brother this this this risen black messiah alliance movement we've been pushing man and been nah i got to rock in with the network i'm really trying to build with you though bro yeah like i need to lock in with you bro we here like i said i dived in on your con like you know what i'm saying you most definitely what's you needed back in the career bro you to come back home yeah i know man you know uh saint louis and oakland i got to do a lot for both i specifically left away build up the value so when i come back everything is received you know you know a prophet ain't respecting in his own home anyway nah you gotta you understand me it's like even when they think they they know you from there they feel like it's proximity yeah and it's like nah you have to consistently appreciate it as if it's formed yeah you understand me like distance makes people appreciate life more yeah you feel me when you're too close to the light you get blinded by it you feel me like you feel like it owes you something yeah you feel me so that's necessary that for everybody in your circle period you feel me like you got to keep that distance and keep that circle closed especially what you want you want a mission yeah and you're on a mission that's going to open a lot of people especially as you know you grow that platform a lot of people don't want to attack you a lot of people don't want to support you are they doing it right now yeah the government tried to kill me what three times and they cut my break lines pulled me over locked me up feds following us all around i just it started ripping up one once we started healing them age and making them millions you know what i'm saying they tried they tried to get me on taxes i'm like come on man i paid they was trying to do everything to shut me down bro but i mean i'm still here yeah and everything legit we ain't running non-illegal we got righteous intent we walk upright like righteous man y'all saying i do believe in a god but you know we out here healing the healing is really like not none of that fake herbalist healing real healing you know what i'm saying that's a very disruptive market i mean the pharmaceutical company management hey don't i don't know mobsters bro just cancer i think colon cancer diabetes something else like 1.5 trillion dollars in treatment on the paperwork it's called the aids and cancer industry yeah x-ray maida they they don't industrialize these billion dollar industries they don't industrially you got to think of the amount of money that people are spending to protect it yeah like a trillion dollar industry nah but i mean that's the that's the reality of it though like that's a just treating an aspect of diseases is 1.5 trillion dollars and that's you know the total spending power of the black community facts you understand me but we also at the top numbers of that so a lot of that is being made off our bodies yeah in fact you understand you got to think about the trillions of dollars that's made of a disease yeah and then and then when you look into medicine and you study the chemical compositions we love laboratories man we i sent it off to the laboratory especially laboratory illinois i love them got a real good relation so we always looking at the chemical facts of things man most of these melanin most of these uh medicines are straight melanin inhibitors man it's made to kill our blackness man and it's petroleum oil in it they're saying how can it and then before john d rockefeller everything was botanical based he came in he like no you know i'm saying and what he did was he created colleges and infrastructures and he started paying them millions to actually denture franchise anybody that was dealing with the botanical kingdom it got so it got so bad in the 1960s that if you was talking about natural healing that straight come lock you up yeah when john when he was really on his man this is some documentaries out on that cat man this dude yeah i mean to allow that to spread and to happen even if it's on a small level they coming after you quickly because they got people that they pay just for that particular thing yeah you understand me like you know that now even the process of you know teaching people about vitamins and or listing vitamins to sell like they gonna come after you quick yeah we just had to change our labels man i had to change my so i used to have something called amino acid therapy i had to change it to geo genetic therapy because a doctor right here in l.a tried to sue me y'all saying we i don't want to use him i don't want you because he trademarked the name i don't want you using my name on botanicals if you if you don't have a allopathic md and if you're not pushing medicine i'm like well i am pushing medicine no you're pushing alternative medicine damn when did plants become alternative they was here before all eyes right you know what i'm saying so it's just the psychological games man and you can see that we are truly in an artificial environment all of this stuff is fake man but we're going to a world where people are only going to be trusting alternative medicines yeah that's the reality like during the times of the pandemic man it really pushed people to more holistic therapeutic practices because look at all of the mis distrust that are now you know seated against government and big pharma yeah they better find millions of people so like in that future people are going to really look towards plants and herbs it's going to be you talking about a cooked like wave of people i mean we're already going to you know uh uh what's it called the mushroom therapies i forget what the name of it is you know but that's what they testing right now yeah because mushrooms are now utilized in psychotherapy you see what florida just did with the mushrooms what they do they they pass in bills to actually get psychedelic mushrooms into psychotherapy to they said because they were talking about how the mycelium network uh it reconnect dendrites and neural pathways in the brain and they say they start they they want to use it for psychotics to give it to people that's depressed and you know the changas and all the different cordyceps and the lion man people really need to sew for like people out there that got like a loved one that's got a mental illness understanding like you know your brain go through a pruning process you know when you're young so you got all of these different wires in the brain but then what you don't use you lose your brain like i don't need all these networks right now thinking that much yeah so you start to lose it but that process that actually starts to get rid of those uh that pruning process also is the same thing that happens when you're going through inflammation or different stress amyloid protein so if sending too much over there it starts to destroy the good facts you understand me and that's what starts to destroy you know those uh brain cells during that process and now you can't think straight yeah so that's what i was talking about earlier because it's like i said that that that aspect of utilizing the mycelium network to regrow those dendrites or reconnecting a person to their personality in a normal way of thinking you can show a person that lost their mind and picture themselves the video of themselves it's nothing they can do to reconnect yeah and even the average person you know after the age of 25 your brain changes the way that it learns so your neuroplasticity is not the same you know um so now you have to do different things in order to uh stimulate it yeah right and so the average person don't know that you have to change the way you eat facts you got exercise you have to have different social rhythms but you trying to learn the same way you did when you was younger utilizing your old network yeah utilizing your old mind so this is something that just as a human beings we don't understand the manual of self yeah and you know and i think we should really talk about uh consumption and elimination too you know anything that uh eats or anything that lives have to eat to to yield energy and by yielding that energy and processing that energy there's a byproduct that comes from it a lot of people call it feces poop defecation so the same thing to have the body is made of 150 trillion cells each cell in your body is a miniature you meaning the cells have something called an organelle and these organelles have like for instance the mitochondria act as the metabolic process of a cell you have uh uh something called the cellular membrane which acts as the brain of the cell you have something called the nucleus or what we call the new sun that actually act as the gold nas of the cell you have something called the ribosome they act as the wound or the vagina of the cell so if if i feed my body my body breaks down its food due to the hydrocaloric acid into all these different phytonutrients once it goes into this little small intestinal tract it's called the duodenum and you have something called villis in there where's thousands of biblical bacteria lactose bilis bacteria that act and candida bacteria that takes all of this phytonutrients and bring it into the bloodstream once they get into the bloodstream it feeds 150 trillion cells so the cells eat this food well if the cells eat that mean that they have to eliminate what's happening is a lot of us always want to go after the gut and you know saying that we're we're constipated but we never talk about cellular constipation and this cellular constipation it actually coagulates and aggramulates the lymphatic system or vessels and lymph noise in the gut and it backs up and that's why you see a lot of people's nose always running ears always plugged up got boogers all in their nose or they got all types of sleep in their eyes because they maxillary uh uh cavities you know the sinus the sinus cavities have been blocked up and filled with mucus due to inflammation but what happens is when you fill up the lymphatic system and the lymphatic system can no longer cleanse the body you back it up glymphatically now the glymphatic system which is the sewer system of the brain don't work anymore so all the byproducts produces something called amuloid protein this amyloid protein is due to the pruning of the brain too and man the weight if you can study it under a microscope this amyloid protein is very acidic because it's nitrogen based man it eats away at the brain and it literally cuts off the dendrites so i think we need to start getting into not only cleansing our gut like we always talking about but cleansing these systems like the glymphatic system which is the sewage system of the brain just as well as we always talking about cleansing the lymphatic system which is the sewage system to the cells of the body no that's the key and it leads me to transition about the brain period right because we talk about dendrites we're talking about the remyelination process yeah right um all right yeah sorry yes sir you know you know i keep them keys man but that remyelination is key cause a lot of people can't think and they don't know why they get stuck facts right and that's literally your brain those two that damn dendrites trying to connect and send electrical signals to each other short-circuiting right short-term but when it's not myelinated you have to think of it like a a cord that don't have a copper on there to send the signal from one end to the other but you can regrow the myelination facts right and that's what i want to talk about because what we like a lot of times is focus yeah you understand me and when we give people high level conversation and knowledge they're like well man listen y'all didn't y'all may be operating at you know a thousand miles per hour but you know i got to go back and watch this a thousand times because i'm not gonna be able to move that fast your brain not gonna be able to process your processing speeds are slow you slowed down it's like we're living in a 5g world but there's a lot of people operating on one g and two g straight 2g you understand man and so that's what i want to catch people up to because you know and this is where like um you know the lion's mane come into play lions man helps with that myelination of the brain you know that mycelium network is super key but also i want to talk about the different berries and different things that you can utilize in order to enhance the brain so we got that super computer function yes goji berries blueberries blackberries strawberries uh uh saw plamento uh pimento berries uh you have me in the berry kingdom chase berries or what they call vitex berries these berries are very very high in antioxidants and they're oxygenators and that's what the brain needs to breathe and to get the melanin neurotransmitters and the dendrites connecting the left hemisphere with the right hemisphere you know i'm saying you need oxygen to the brain and that's why we got all these foods that's tainting our blood because the only way to bring oxygen to the brain is by way of iron phosphate going through the blood cellular respiration oxygen the the berries help bring that oxygen to it but you talking about that lions man what product you got with the lions man in it we have the smart moths so so so that smart moss you know and really bringing that lion's mane in will literally open up that brain man like people knock fungus man and fungus is the [ __ ] you know it really is you know what i'm saying and that's how you really cause we have to realize that the body is electric i like to use the analogy of a car you know i'm saying uh you have the battery in the car the battery is literally the whole entire nervous system of the car but notice the battery don't work when it's corroded with acids around the alkaline better then you have the tubes or what we're going to call the electrical system of the car then you have to feed the car fuel of what we call food so if you feed uh let's say we just got a diesel truck put some unleaded gas in there and see if it start up because you gave it the wrong fuel or the wrong food put the right fuel in it then it start up and it runs properly let's talk about the blood which is the oil of the car don't get that oil changed see if it start up or see how the blood or the oil start mixing in on the spark plugs and you don't get no connection because it's clumped so what we have to look at if we look because we are projecting through these bodies we not in these bodies this is a holographic stimulation this is a whole type of universe it's a simulation so if we project them through these vehicles and this is the only way that we can experience reality here in this holographic simulation then it means our vehicle need to be tuned up and up to par so if you look at our vehicles or what we call avatars is the same way we look at as a car you have to get your car tuned up you have to keep the oil clean you have to make sure you got the proper food in it and you got to keep checking that battery post to make sure you're not building up corrosion which is what all these cytotoxins do when they get into your body and your lymphatic system is not purging them out it corrodes the blood it corrodes the lymphatic system acids is only two sides of chemistry in existence we talk about base chemistry or what we call alkaline and we talk about acids that corrose inside that that kills dendrites that's the acidic side of nature the pruning factor of the brain that's the acidic side of nature you know you not being able to circulate blood to get your penis erected that's the acidic side of nature so the further we stay away from the acidic side of nature we can allow our bodies to start draining all of that mucosa out because it's nothing but stimulated mucosa from all these foreign things that we put in our body and we won't be backed up interstitially like that the best way to cleanse the brain and to bring oxygen to the brain it's the berry kingdom and the fungal family man but we have to realize that every cell have to take a poop because every cell in your body have to eat the excrete ways so where is the waste going to and the sewage system of the body is the lymphatic system the actual lymph noise that's connected to the lymphatic system is called the uh it's called the septic tank that's why if you look in a septic tank notice there's nothing in there but the poop is constantly being decreased what is eating the poop it's full of bacteria that's the reason why bacteria is good to the body that's the that's the that's the the microbes we always think that bacteria is bad because we have this germ theory we have the viral theories all these damn theories that have never been proven you know viruses your body creates viruses to heal itself your body culturalized bacteria because bacteria was created to eat acids so if you see like women with vaginal problems and vaginal infections and fungus and mold and yeast coming from the vagina area the worst thing that you can do as a woman is go get antibiotics anti means against bio means life so that they giving them antibiotics to kill the bacteria when the bacteria is only there to eat the acids so the bacteria is is not the problem the viruses that the body's producing is not the problem and the viruses are produced by the cells lysosomes and exosomes look this stuff up there's no such thing as a virus outside the body all viruses start with inside the body by the ohm's body micro anything that's called a virus that was created outside the body is called a biological weapon there's a total difference but anyways what i'm saying is we have to start trusting the friends that make up our body the body is made of 150 trillion cells only 50 trillion of themselves belong to us as humans the 100 trillion cells belong to something called procrea procreative cells or prokyrios so we have a whole body made up of all this intelligence that's not even us you see what i'm saying so they got to eat they need to poop they need to pee but where is their bathroom they bathroom is the lymphatic system so we learn the lymphatic system which is the sewer system of the body and the glymphatic system which is the sewage system of the brain and we can start draining all of that excessive mucus buildup getting rid of all of that erosion and all that crystallization and coagulation man i'm telling we'll be able to flow properly and we can get our brains working again no that's a thousand percent your brain definitely working um when back in the day i used to have mental fog i wake up in the morning yeah you understand me i have brain fog i drink coffee you understand me caffeinated caffeinated whoa the worst thing about the gun you understand killing the kidneys that's what led me more so towards you know wanting to find things like colloidals and minerals you know and different things that i can utilize for my brand you like them collodions i use uh colloidal silver sometimes when i'm traveling right spreading open offices you understand me just to kill germs as i'm on my movement okay so you just do some traveling internationally now i say it's good for it i usually use that in my clinical trials we use it like for uh for stuff like that we don't recommend you do it every day because they got a sulfur it got a lot of sulfur on the back bones we do something called immunology where we read eyes and what i noticed with people that do uh their turpentine and their collordio silver a lot we noticed that they got a lot of sofa around the irises but we do recommend you use it for travels and stuff like that just not yeah just based on this pure scientific effect yes damn and then just the utilization of the gold in the aspect of the electricity now that's what i was going to talk about that claudio gold yeah i'll be on that that's what i'll be on yeah so that's what first got me through the brain fog though because i think a lot i thought it was cap i'm like but i'm reading the text of the egyptian text on how they talking about how they utilized it and they utilized it of course in the ormus form you understand me from the white powder that's in there and we're proposing through that process of electrolysis and you know they thought it was spooky because they felt like as they was breaking it down it would disappear out of the dimension and he didn't come back yeah you understand me in the form of this powder so you know gold being a superconductor of electricity in the body already producing gold at 0.02 you know we need gold for anti-inflammation and then scientists say just based on you know electrical signaling and being able to have electricity go throughout the body but one of the things that people give us as a testimonial was more so like lucid dreaming right so you know a lot of people they don't dream in color or they don't dream at all or they never had a lucid dream and they think that it's a myth right so it definitely enhances that but what i realized throughout my studies is that when you go to sleep you know your brain secretes a fluid uh when you get into that deep sleep you wash over the ridges of your brain through those toxins that you build up those neurotoxins throughout the day which is why a lot of people have that brain fog you understand me that you've been awake so much right your brain starts to inflame you got all these neurotoxins that you can't get there you understand me so you have to be able to get that deep sleep in order to wake up refresh yeah if your brain never goes through the processing to destroy everything or process all the ideas the thoughts plus the food that you may be eating right before you go to sleep then you never go wake up clear-headed hey hold on it's a big moment right now y'all realize what keys just broke down he just broke down the purpose of sleeping it's not only to astro travel but physically is to detoxified and that's what the circadian rhythm is about brother you guys i see you bro you'll be studying wow yeah most definitely yes lucid dreaming a lot of those people or a lot of people around the world just don't lose a dream period or don't dream in color right the increase in your dream activity is important when it comes to your actual life see if you don't dream when you go to sleep then you don't manifest from your imagination during your waking hours right it's important that we have dreams it's important that we get that deep rest it's important that our brains increase the fluid over the ridges you understand me to allow us to clear out neurotoxins so when we wake up we more clear we're not seeking coffee we utilize two different types of gold monatomic gold and colloidal gold now both of these are just talking about the particle size of the gold so when you ingest it it goes into the bioavailability within yourself it gets into your cellular structure electrifies your whole being and you tapped into that god level make sure you tap in get on the gold so we can all be tapped into that next level just like our ancestors peace family go to peace and and that's and and that's the reason why we you know but we are addicted to radiation you know uh so addicted to radiation because we got melanin melanin is radioactive yeah so any spacesuit so you know straight up but also we solid efficient yeah so we don't get enough radiation at the same time so bringing me to this point people can't go to sleep without cutting the tv off because they need radiation to soothe them people can't go to sleep without cutting these ultraviolet lights off these all these synthetic lights because they need radiation to soothe them people can't go to sleep without listening to a fan because we so addicted to radiation because the melanin content of our body is already radioactive so instead of getting that addiction from the sun we get it from all this synthetic artificial environment and that's the reason why we can't sleep you said some super key there when you talk about the ultraviolet radiation and stuff that we get from the blue light uh you know our bodies have a direct effect of course everything emits violet everything is ready everything right but it has an effect on your body and your bloodstream yeah you understand me because you know the water in your body is connected to the radiation you understand me being able to move i talked about this with uh billy carson about the four phase of water in fact you understand me and how structured what yeah the structure of water h3o but a lot of people don't even know that but i had to think about that because i'm like everything in your environment affects you facts everything like if we were able you know that the spectrum in which we can't see is the spectrum that affects us the most facts right so there's an entire invisible world which is why knowledge you know brings visible to the invisible yeah you understand me it brings consciousness to the unseen so now we're talking about beyonce so now when we're moving in an environment and we detect things that you know we feel because that feeling we think of it only from like this abstract emotional sense yeah you know but we don't think of it that these are real detectors that let us know what's happening in our environment a lot of it is through your skin it's called skin receptors uh one of them is called the merkel's disc so inside your skin remember i was saying about embryology you have the endo dome the ectoderm and mesoderm uh well your skin is made from the same uh cells as your brain and your nervous system and it's where hair is for hair is extension of your nervous system hair is also eliminating organ too it's an eliminator organ it's a limited but it's most definitely a census these antennas talked about this with mike rasheed on other warriors grow their hair because those antennas of intuition samsung and his locks in the bible and this actually is so how you so basically the the body scans the environment by way of the hair you got hair on the outside of your body and you have hair on the inside of your body and through these mic you got merkel discs you have a weathery uh sensory uh sensory disses that shows the temperature how to regulate your temperature to your thyroid that's how you get goosebumps or the hair stand up on you like even though our eyes and our ears is not hearing you still have your skin which is the true six and seven sense that that is that is very familiar with everything that's going around uh that's going around you so if you look at it from a scientific point they say that we are looking at the universe through a a a peephole like a people that you put a your eye through a come through so you looking you only gonna see what that people allow you to see but there's different frequencies and vibrations or what we're gonna call co2 constituents which is nothing but light and vibration and that's where all things truly exist at so you know for instance you have something called a dog whistle you can blow that dog whistle all day can we hear it no but do it wake up the neighborhood and dogs start barking barking showing that there's frequencies that such are on a high sensitive level yeah that we're not in tune too at 19 hertz you understand me human hearing disappears like we can't hear below that so it said that so there's a uh you know that frequency of the beast right it's a fear frequency 19 hertz 1900 right so a lion has it within a roar in fact right but they also put it within movies and things of that nature like you might be a grown man watching a scary movie wondering why you shivering it's not that you your heart fears it is that it's literally sending a frequency yeah that's it they call it the ghost frequency as well yeah cause you can't hear it but you feel it right and that's what creates the differentiation between your senses like there's something there i can't see it but i feel it so your body is jumping trying to figure out what's happening yeah so they entrain that within the frequency of you know the movie so the whole time you're on a low vibration you're being fearful fossil feminine events appearing real and then um there's a frequency of the birds i forget what the actual hurts is but it's way higher yeah right and tuning it in heal tinnitus i understand me ringing in the ear so i thought about that because you know we in the belly of the beast that's built off fear this country is built off here there's marketing built off here everything is built over here if i can keep you on that fear frequency i can control you yeah but if you ever you know ascend more so to that height you understand me beyond that beast frequency to the birds you understand me into the higher self then that's when you can heal and that's when you live above it so what about the language of the birds yeah the language of the birds and i talk about this a lot you know saying get into the language of the birds and you know one of the good ways to do that is starting at the table eating high frequency foods food that grows highest closest towards the sun you know i'm saying where that sun is really beating and permeating on that food and giving it all its energy and all of this is colds and data like for instance papayas that's 12 000 years old that's 12 000 years worth of information that we can eat and we can download and open up our akashic records and start really getting into our our cosmic libraries and learning old lane because every language we already exist inside of us every event that will ever happen or already happen already exist inside of us so we can start unlocking that junk dna if we start with the food you know and that's why i got into health the way i really did because i realized that this is a good way to open up pandora's box when it comes to healing holistically spirited mind and body of the black men in black women yeah you know the best one of the best plates i've had when i was in africa the jamaican couple made me some food making a king couple oh my god man food was so good was the first time i felt like i tasted real fresh food you understand me it was a simple meal with lentils some plantains i let them plant some rice that she had something else but it was super simple so i'm like okay this is gonna be cool but when i tasted it it felt like the first time my taste buds had fresh yeah really food yeah yeah i'm like no and at the time i just went vegetarian yeah but the chicken she had over there was calling my name to this day i regret not eating it yeah it was just to get the taste of it hell yeah like you know when you go you go vegetarian or something or vegan or plant-based you feel like if you break that like you're going against some sacred ritual yeah yourself but i'm like man i could have ate that chicken but then i went to jamaica and jamaica you know uh we stayed uh blue mountain you know all at the top of the mountain high up there and uh it was this couple that built out this particular uh like an airbnb basically you know uh but they built it up there as soon as you come outside like you in the mountains and there's fruits everywhere of course the avocados is this big yeah yeah super big avocados fruits everywhere like man super good and a brother grew his own chocolate he was showing me how he grows chocolate how you dry it out break it down he grows on coffee of course from the plants and everything you know they love making their own coffee in jamaica yeah the blue mountains shout out to the marley brothers oh man but that's where i realized like you know you got the aki you got the bread fruit we have the other fruit right you can take the american breakfast and you can replace that completely with fruit get the same texture in almost the exact same length that i can make a good egg bruh the bread fruit and the aki that's that's that's that's toasted bread right there you understand me but we're so used to the customized meals that we get in america you understand me and we don't even want to substitute that but also mostly because we don't even know that it exists facts lack of knowledge yeah but i'm glad you just said you can take fruits and you can create a heart you can take good you can take fruits and create any meals well that was the first time i sold cmos we got we got it from the bushmen that was getting from the ocean for us because i wanted to get that fresh only thing i didn't realize that you know they uh they post offices yeah ancient yeah so it was in there for hours but that's a side story that's the problem we're going through right now what i see mostly yeah it's stealing customers you literally so people don't know in jamaica number one the unfortunate aspect about jamaica is they import and exploit because they got enough fruit probably to feed the whole diaspora you're talking about just miles and miles of jungles of fruit just being untouched yeah and you talking about high rates of diabetes out there because everybody is going to eat canned foods or exported foods that they get from different places and countries yeah so the bushmen are able to make a living by just literally grabbing fruits off the land and then selling it to tourists that come in and out and the tourists eating more fruits than the natives that's how you industrialize a place or black people yeah it's a story uh uh dr john henry clark shouts out to the ancestors moment of silence for him he was talking about uh the potatoes how potatoes made it to america like real healthy alkaline potatoes uh white men colonizer went over into haiti took a potato stole the seed and everything i had to grow and then went back to america grew right started selling america notice how rich he got off of it took an army back over into haiti and destroyed all the seeds and how to grow them and guess what now until this day in order for haiti to actually buy back the very potato that they land used to grow they gotta buy from america when it originally created explain the system man i think that's crazy man you just explain this system that's how they do everywhere whether it's knowledge whether it's seeds it's literally the exact same system steal it you understand me take claim for it then sell it back to the people so that they can have access or rights to it understand me that's a very unfortunate aspect of reality so you know for somebody that uh you know want to start but at the same time i know a lot of people would be hard because of what's already within them you understand me and a lot of people need to go through that cleanse right you got the fast but the cleanse is like that elimination process and then you know your body stopped craving those things you understand me because you eliminated so is that something that your product deals with directly yes yes so uh basically for so we we are into you know healing people that's i hate to say this but that's on a deathbed you know you got a lot of herbalists that's into you know cleansing the digestive system doing little blood cleansings and stuff like that but we are literally getting people off of you know reversing cancer sickle cell anemia leukemia herpes a whole lot of herpes especially dealing with st louis stds and stuff like that so we call that geogenetic therapy these are big systematic packages that i got where you literally on a protocol schedule where you taking herbs sun up to sun down with a very very strict diet we understand and understand and overstand that our people is not able to transition into a diet like that that's not sick and dying that's forced to do the cleanse like i'm talking about so what we created was something called the three bitters and these three bitters are for people that that don't want to dive deep into that healing like that because it can throw you into a healing crisis where you can't go nowhere you know you pooping on yourself you're urinating on yourself and you're having these healing crisis where you don't you ain't got a lot of energy so you got to stay home for cleanses like that this is for people that go to work you know this is for people that still want to get out in the world and do their thing from day to day but still getting their cleansing on now i will warn you these are purging herbs so the first two days make sure you with the house then once you regulate it leave but you know these three bitters right here cleanse the lymphatic system and the skin which is what we've been talking about this one cleanses the blood and all of the internal or eternal organs and then this one right here cleanses the nervous system and the colon you know it got a whole lot of dr sabi favorite herbs in them you know this is actually where i got the concept from i just took it ran with it and you know you know elevate it into my own little thing and these are three bidders man they selling out like crazy we have a whole lot of celebrities that's on these right now and uh we actually doing a three bitter challenge right now so if you do buy the three bitters uh make sure that you use the code which is bitter yeah on the website and once you buy them you know record yourself taking them and then send them to me or upload them on youtube and i'll put them on my platform and uh at the end of after this video drop at the end of the month we'd do a giveaway or something to to the person that had the most funniest video with the three bitter challenge all right man the better the better man let's start getting it together man this conversation can go on forever man there's so many different points and there's so much that the people can learn from but i want to dial it back down to just the streets for a second you know to the average young brother that's in the streets right now we know that food is connected to criminality facts you understand me the mood disorders and even just the fact that when you're starving to make you want to eat and you'll take it off somebody else's plate together you're always in survival mode and then also the increase of there was a study that was done in a prison where they gave them a high estrogen diet you understand notice study man and you know the men started number one they became super emotional they started growing very aggressive growing breasts right they started to have all of these issues and problems with themselves and it was literally considered a form of torture yeah you understand me a high soy diet extremely high soy diet was considered a form of torture and what they did was when they took them off the soy and they gave them you know the good foods the minerals the fruits and vegetables then they seen a decrease in the crime rate within the jails people were less angry you know some of the sexual crimes started to decrease right the men weren't going into the psychologist with the same mental issues so a lot of us don't realize that every single day the things that we love the most the the chemicals we put in our body are destroying us and creating the actions that we go out and do in the streets yeah facts you understand me so can you give a message to my brothers you know just throughout the hoods of america you know to start that process of detoxing in the same capacity that you went through uh you know what i'm saying especially my st louis family stl y'all know me i used to be in them streets they've been locked up and been shot and been stabbed gangbang for many years was really out here uh the moment that i detoxed and i started loving myself and i changed my diet into a living you know i used to i used to have blood on my tongue like i used to thirst for blood you know i started becoming sensitive to animals man i remember like seven years ago i was probably like five years until my diet man i hit a i hit a a squirrel man and damn there cried over hitting the squirrel showing i started growing that love back just crazy that happened to me at st louis once before you understand i remember that time i hit this it like went over oh yeah and it hit my heart yeah yeah but man before then you know i was a hunter i'm not i didn't think you would care yeah i'm out here killing dares and everything like i used to i was like that you was killing deers yeah like hunting being in them yeah hunting killing kids not just out killing i killed a little squirrel you know what i'm saying going hunting and stuff like that you know fishing and just like when i started loving myself i noticed i started living the life around me man i used to have a pure hatred for my brother you know i'm saying i used to think you know i was loving my [ __ ] and all of that but you seeing how we were setting up our environment in the exchanges we was having i truly hated them you know i'm saying i'm i'm telling them to go you know have sex with multiple women i'm telling them to drink all day i'm offering them cocaine weed and i associated that with love so i noticed once i changed my diet and my environment started changing you know even though a lot of my homeboys ended up falling off but the ones that stayed i watched them grow with me and i seen them start loving themselves but it started with our food we have to realize that food is information you know rep and information is not only prone to good information you have bad information too so when you eat low vibrational food that is low vibrational frequencies that you put in your body and that has an actual change on your brain and your perception of reality so we need to start eating more high vibrant vibrational electrical foods and that is the the fruit kingdom and you got some watery vegetables that will do the same thing now for those that can't switch over like that go make sure you go on a transitional diet you know i'm saying look into that stuff but you know food is information and good information will change your life and change mind like look at me i'm a sydney example i was broke gang banging robbing people got locked up sentence for robbing people then i mean i haven't been through it i got metal from here to here my whole right side of my face is lower it's fake i'd have been through all of that now i'm a person that love my brothers and sisters we got programs agriculture programs together i'm a millionaire all off of changing my diet my diet straight was was the the step in store to my success with every angle of my life even my spirituality all came from my diet because it changed the way that i interacted with my environment you know i just remembered i got one last question for you um and i've seen a video you did on alopecia yeah you understand me i didn't get the opportunity to go through the full video so i was wondering if you can give me a rundown on what are some of the solutions that people are facing and what are some of the causes of why so many people are having alopecia today high acid diets man you know acids so alopecia when you look at an alopecia patient all you have to do is go to a leukemia award and look at them two-year-olds don't they look just alike they what they got in common is bald heads so you have to ask yourself how did this two-year-old with long-growing hair become bald head and look like that she have alopecia and it's from the chemotherapy that they're giving the uh the leukemia patients so the commonality is acids high acid diets is what causes alopecia if you really want to heal alopecia you have to drain and cleanse what we call the glymphatic system you have to cleanse out the sinus cavities these cavities are full of mucus and the reason why it's full of mucus because mucus acts as a calcium a calcium buffering system to acids that's what they do mucus neutralize acids that's why acid foods bring on a mucosa response so if you stop eating acids you would get rid of the mucus when mucus and acid mix together especially when we talk about uric acid from meats we're talking about lactic acid from uh from dairy products so we're talking about phytic acid from unsprouted beans once calcium is where you get the word calcification from mixed with acid and mucus it starts to crystallize this crystallization actually blocks up your hair buds and it keeps you from regrowing your hair now what's happening is you're going to have what you call a lymphatic response or what the allopathic community will call an immune response where the actual immune response don't these cells don't go and they don't go and fight off the actual sprouts that make your hair grow so now we don't have that immune response or the lymphatic response no more to go fight off the acids to keep your hair sprouting it's nothing but damaged tissue cells due to a corrosive side of chemistry that we call acidosis you get rid of the acids you you get rid of all the negative things in your life it's only two sides of chemistry y'all just like you got a up or down an inside out black white hot cold you have alkaline and you got acids alkaline bring on life bring on longevity bring on balance bring on my odd brings on love joy peace long suffering you know i'm saying faith goodness gentleness and meekness and temperance that acidic side brings on death brings on anger murderous thoughts hatred i mean all types homosexual everything so we we need to start looking towards the alkaline side of life period appreciate that you know um it's something to be said um i wanted to talk about that aspect of people making that transition definitely not gonna be easy no right but specif specifically talking to my men out there man the young males young guys that's in the streets or you know anywhere period you have a hard time going through that transition but the reality of it is is this that we're not looking for easy part of being a man is to be able to go through difficult things facts you understand me and make them look easy right you understand me yeah writes a passage and i think that we get to a point where in society everybody want everything to be easy and soft like oh i don't feel like this that in the third you know you got to have a vision for your new life and your new self in order to be able to consistently go there otherwise you gonna fall off at any point in time you know when um there's something called uh i believe it's called zygoverse and it talks about it was a connection to that thought process and when like let's say a woman goes through a loss of a spouse or anybody goes through a loss of a spouse you know and let's say you're rolling over in the bed you're expecting that person gonna be there because there's a certain rhythm and balance within your life and when that's empty and it's not there then you have to figure out a way to replace that right oftentimes social interactions food people figure out how to replace anything that's empty or missing so in absence of you having the ability to completely just say i'm gonna go cold turkey you understand me you have to find replacements that can subsidize what you're already doing because when you get rid of one thing replace it with another thing so i like the idea of starting with you know number one if you can the best thing for anybody to do a fast i'm doing it fast right now yeah right you know starving out any of those toxins or any of those things and not giving them any life throughout the day but it also spiritually helps me with any other aspect of my life and my shadow self that i need to work on yeah you understand me because as i'm controlling you know my restrictions on what i eat then it gives me focus on other things right if there's no gluttony there's no greed going here or what other aspects of life should i be focused on and that spiritual aspect be so key because there's a lot of men suffering spiritually facts you understand me you don't think about it like people we talk about demon time but that's literally demons that's hunting and controlling them young boys you understand me and they can't get away from it they can't sleep you understand me they gotta do the drugs because you know you kill somebody at the end that flash of life it takes a part of your life as well and you've stuck with that image of that person forever so there's an aspect of you that's destroyed and you know there's no sympathy for the young killer in the streets and no sympathy for young black men and the instructions we got to go through on a daily basis to survive in the traumas we go through i got empathy for it because i'd have been through many different realities i got you you understand me and so as we it is one thing where it's like yo telling somebody to make a change another thing of course like you know we go through the experience but also the practicality is start with fasting that's one of my keys yeah if you can fast you realize what you don't need and then you replace it with things that you actually need and then of course the water you understand me a lot you know most times people overeat cause they dehydrated so hydration is key because anytime you're doing something good for yourself you're reminding yourself of the reason you're doing it and it makes you want to do it in other areas of your life so it then becomes this pattern that can now become your character right and then we can go towards like you say the fruits just simply going to the store and passion up you know the red hot ripples man they be hitting i know you understood people in saint louis they know what i'm talking about everybody else but instead go get a fruit we live in food deserts on purpose it's systematically designed to keep you hungry keep your diet dehydrated to not be tapped into source so you go with those fruits then you go with those vegetables you know the unbelievable muhammad he talked about that small white navy being you understand me it has the power to absorb certain radiation and toxicity you understand me within the body so if i'm gonna give anybody a start man fasting water fruit you understand me and if there's a specific food that i'm going to tell you to eat it's going to be that navy bay that navy bean yeah um but brother i appreciate you tapping in and you being here this has been more than a high level conversation this has been a high vibrational conversation you understand me there's a lot of knowledge that you're going to have to do in order to keep up with the conversation that was had but the generality of what we were talking about was taking care of yourself which also means taking care of yourselves you understand me and understanding as below as above so what happens inside you is happening on the outside you understand me and everything that you eat is going to have a reaction that's going to have a consequence and so we end up living out the either a constructive consequence of our actions or a destructive consequence of our actions but it all starts here you understand me what we feed ourselves because that's what we become consistently over and over whether it's the diet of what we take from television entertainment music environment you understand me our plates what we see what we feel all of that you know especially you know our melanated people we brag about melanin but that means that we have higher absorption rate facts so we absorbing more of the environment in reality than anybody that's a reason you understand me you taking in that information at a high rate and you don't have the ability to filter in or process it you understand me so we are overly filled with junk and toxins and waste and we have no sense of science of how to eliminate it properly within our culture because we have a death culture rather than a health culture you understand me so brother i appreciate you dropping his gang this science and his wisdom on them because it's been a great high level conversation on 19 keys and this is high level conversation tap in with the guys and that was a divine bill man the brotherhood me and the god had you know i'm saying he most definitely on god level status and it was beautiful you know it was like it was like coming in contact with your twin brother you didn't know exists you know i'm saying it was a great bill great intellectual exchange and him being from home man him being from stl was just mind blowing to me you know i'm saying it's all just a divine intellect because the people put this together you know we didn't even know each other the people straight put us together this shows you how you know the universe and how to create a work so man it was you know i'm excited about it uh what i want people to take from my whole in intellectual interchange we had uh was you know to love yourself uh man make sure that you love yourself know thyself and just make sure you change your eating habits and be there for your family and train up your children and your women you know uh like we was talking about man supposed to be king priest and profit over his household another one is just being self-sufficient you know making sure we growing our own food uh making sure that we getting our own water resources and buying lands and coming coming together collectively uh as a as the so-called african mine you know the only way to make it up out of this is us coming together and putting our resources together so that's what i want y'all to really you know take in from that whole intellectual conversation acknowledge yourself and love yourself and know thyself you know it's not even just about him being from saint louis but all of the young brothers that's in the streets you understand me they got a light that's enlightening the people and they're showing the way and showing the example there's a lot of brilliance and genius and powerful intellect that's throughout the communities in the hoods throughout america that don't get no light that don't get no sean i understand me there's like there's celebrities that may know a platform people that may know but never put them on you understand me and i remember you know just for the last seven to ten years curating on my platform you got to do a lot of stuff yourself and even when people know of you you understand me there's uh envy there's jealousy and there's just a fear you understand me of what's considered to be called the rise of the black messiahs you understand me and i think that we need to get rid of that and we need to fully unleash the intellect and the might the understanding of the young soldiers and young guys worldwide so you know what i want to do is find all of those who have voices you understand me who have platforms who have something good going on whether you agree or disagree i think that we all deserve space and opportunity and time to have our voice you know heard in front of the masses oh man my brand you know self-preservation you know uh i want i want i want young black boys and uh young black girls to be able to look at me and see the clothes i'm wearing see you know i don't you know i look more like a rapper than a healer showing you that we need to we got to be careful with what we identify with or how we identify people i want people from the hood to be able to look at me and be able to say dang i can still look and dress the way i want comfortably and still have some type of intellect about me still have some type of self knowledge about me and the path of enlightenment and know where i'm going you know what i'm saying so uh i think that's why i was very important that i came over here and i wore my shirt i was gonna put on my african gorman i could have got gourmet up luckily keys were his suit you know what i'm saying to bring in at my eye that balance you know i'm saying but i was like you know what i'ma dress like where i'm from and i'ma spit this real knowledge and hopefully this will inspire you know the little young black boys and girls from my hoods and all hers across the world to you know be comfortable in their own skin and be able to spit this divine intellect and also apply the knowledge that they have learned to change their whole entire lives for the better of course number one is episode is for everyone but specifically i think for the young man and woman that's on a journey that's trying to heal themselves you understand when we're talking about food you know food is not you know a journey for just physical healing but it's spiritual healing you feel me and people of all different environments there were different crowns and caps in different places they all trying to figure out where to start and if they can start with what they putting inside themselves then they can start having a different external reality you understand me so it's really for everybody that want to figure out what to do next you feel me and if and if it reaches somebody's spirit to be like damn i see myself in bro damn i want to be like that yes i want to get on that same type of journey there's how many people that heard of dr sebby or heard of some spirits spiritual teaching the leader they take the information but do nothing with it so i figured that the only way you can be a pupil or you can be a student of somebody is if you stand go as far as them or go further you understand me and it's not enough to follow a teaching you have to become it through example and experience to produce a new reality you feel me so if anything a lot of these things are showing you examples of different minds and you ain't gonna see this number one you ain't gonna see this in movie and film and entertainment they act like our archetype don't exist so you're not gonna get it from our perspective our mindset nothing it's just completely shut out and overshadowed so i think that it's important that more of these voices you know get spread and more of the knowledge gets spread and i want people to come in with a non-judgmental non-biased way of thinking when they observe because when you observe and you're not judging then you get to absorb everything you understand me when you're judging you're going to close off a lot because of your feelings and your consciousness becomes like a block instead of spherical that allows you to flow with the knowledge and the intellect so i think that more of us need to allow ourselves to listen to different perspectives ideologies because it allows us to liberate ourselves from the main ones that's oppressing us and keeping us in failure situations peace peace peace little lighter healing peace to the gods peace to the earth my name is jacques awaken real name is yokai rafi elohim you are now tuned in to high-level conversations with the god 19 keys peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm 19 keys and this is high level conversation with the guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 3,489,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment
Id: zVX4GjOFUls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 3sec (6303 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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