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[Music] dr. Sammy was born Alfred Obama in a village in Spanish Honduras he never had any formal schooling he was self educated after coming to the United States he was diagnosed with asthma diabetes impotency and obesity after unsuccessful treatments with conventional doctors and traditional Western medicine sabia was led to an herbalist in Mexico sure he told me that I could not eat meat any longer no lamb I could not drink it and mate I'm sorry abstain from all these things and Here I am now at 82 after being healed from his conditions he began studying and cataloging herbs around the world as a result he created natural vegetation cellphone compounds that he claimed would cure people from diseases like herpes and AIDS the first patient was the brother in Boston a Michael White I said well I was saying the compound I removed from the man diet lactose uric acid and carbonic acid milk starches and me by removing this thing from his diet and then cleansed in his cells we begin to see the carbon 24 hours when I told my mama that I had cured my 13 AIDS patient she said they gonna let you in the 1980s after save you bring a variety of ads stating that his Institute here at AIDS sickle-cell lupus blindness herpes cancer and other incurable diseases that caught the eye of the Food and Drug Administration and they sue dr. savvy for false advertisement and practicing without a license you defended yourself of course I did I knew that I had sufficient evidence to play during the trial the judge requested dr. safety provide one witness for each disease that he claimed to cure each witness had to bring documentation that showed they had a disease from one doctor and documentation that they no longer had the disease from a separate doctor dr. savory was able to provide over 70 witnesses he was not taken to court to prove he cured AIDS but many say he still did so within this trial because his witnesses presented verified medical documents proving they had been healed after they said they sought Sadie's help after hours of questioning and testing doctors say these compounds he was found not guilty because his products were essentially food and he was not diagnosing patients dr. SEBI took on the Attorney General and one and I didn't come from me they came from their school American credit accredited medical accredited school when you look at the court documents it says dr. Savi Alfredo Bowman which is my father Maya Bowman and fig tree products that's what was proven in court you know I mean that's what one court they sent that to Lancaster Laboratories and it was proven as electric self food that's why if you look at the fig tree we call it electric self food that's what's been proven in court man known as doctor savvy claims to have found a cure for several life-threatening diseases including aids too good to be true well you be the judge the lump and Myrtle bricks left breast is gone I haven't had any symptoms of problems anything Sabrina Peterson son no longer disabled by sickle-cell anemia he has a lot of energy I have to make him rest disease is cured by this man his name is dr. savvy but he won't find a medical degree hanging from his wall instead a certificate of healing how did dr. Sadie say he was healing people of these incurable diseases the basis behind his approach is cleaning the body of excess mucus which is believed to be the root of all disease SEBI stated our research reveals that all manifestation of disease finds its Genesis when mucous membrane has been comp for example if there's excess mucus in the bronchial tubes the disease is bronchitis in the joints arthritis basically he believed disease will arise in the body when there's an over accumulation of this stagnant toxin he said as it creates toxic mucus and congested system leading to inflammation say beep reached an alkaline diet will do the opposite and support vitality is an intra cellular cleansing you have people eating hard potatoes rice and beans but if we take me substance to a biochemist he's not gonna find any food in any of these substance if something is of usefulness in my structure in my biological structure it must necessarily be electrical and the only substance that is electrical are those something to come from the forest we call the jungle because the molecular structure is complete it's not broken how I found out that black people should be vegetarians because when I began to remove you from that meat and that stop that grease you begin to say in one week of the pain that you had four years begin to disappear his family claims for 30 years he reversed a range of incurable ailments using his compounds and his nutritional approach he also claimed to cure blindness he shared this story during one of his speeches that you've been experimenting with herbs suggest well I'm blind I'm glad to take 11 years could you help me I shall try you can make me see I give you a million dollars I gave the man the substance when am I gonna see I say by Friday now why did I select Friday until this day I don't know could have a so shot of myself but I've got a boy that didn't go to school be so sure of himself the man went home with the medicine I'm the Wednesday good morning young man I raised my right hand you see you raise your right hand I wink my left eye you said you wink your left right I said the man is seeing at that point of my journey I couldn't explain that I know it's a bunch of herbs that cleansed the man body but it were all alkali plants he also said he was able to heal people of mental illness something he himself struggled with I became very sick I was angry I wanna grow my brains out I wanna kill my wife and she was the sweetest woman in the world why I want to kill her because I was sick you could be offering a deploying thing that are hurtful to others and you totally unaware I was in what you call a psychiatric ward schizophrenic and paranoia later to walk out of it to heal that every disease begins right Ana I mean right here I don't care if you're blind or if you insane this right here the acid state influences the brain on the central nervous system it changes the image in your eyes do not see with your eyes your eyes is only the lens that the brain looks through and what the brain sees is what you gonna see I had a lady from Mexico and that lady who said no don't let them take me no there was nobody there I made an extract from the cascara Sagrada she said that when she went to the bathroom upon taking the Catskills a rough extract she looked in the commode and she saw some berries that she ate 12 years prior they were lost and they became molded and sent out that negative message again the mucous membrane in the intestine were compromised she no longer crazy his wife ma r gave him the name Sadie and locals began calling him doctor after they saw him heal fatal illnesses there was a little boy that was dying it was his spleen but nobody knew it was a spleen and he laid there he was like five years old this is Dominica again and so he was laying there he could hardly walk and the doctors had said he was going to die and so he gave me the herbs and he was up and around when people are healed everybody is doctor say be doctor say be because of the act that he's performing there you're helping someone to achieve wellness and so in that act one identifies it with a doctor so they began to call him [Music] doctor say be not only wanted to heal people of their ailments he also wanted everyone to truly love themselves he brought more than just okay take these herbs and you healed you felt what would you feel when you listen to save you feel good about yourself and you feel strong and it's it was the healing of the nation it is the healing of the nation because that's the other part of the healing for us to have that self-worth that's self confidence is the love that you offer yourself these and the thing that we need to cultivate not the dependency of another why should you be depended on me for love when your self that love that you have for you that love would never die doctors say be created lúcia healing village where hundreds of people have traveled to receive healing of their ailments this village is located in Honduras Central America and is named after one of his oldest daughters the village was open right after the court case you know my father at his court case is 1988 and then right after that you know we went out there my mother my father you know the whole family and he found he found it the urge to village and that was we didn't take out loans for that that wasn't I was funded directly out of his pocket out of the pitchers pocket no we're not involved in the ocean village at all that's something that's definitely important to clarify to people because that's being ran by my father's X business partners which reside out in Los Angeles which operate entity dr. Sammy's work was well respected in entertainment circles with clients including the late Lisa left eye Lopes John Travolta Eddie Murphy Michael Jackson and nipsey hussle I take his products for sure I'm working on doing a documentary on the trial in 1985 [Music] how did Lisa left eye Lopes discovered dr. Lisa travel to the OSHA village in Honduras and later share her story with MTV in the tiny village Lisa sought guidance for body and soul from an herbal guru named dr. savvy dr. savvy you know according to him can cure anything everything from trying to lose weight to you know looking for a cure for AIDS people go there with hopes and dreams that dr. SEBI can somehow save them she had been through so many intense problems in a career and in her life and in a personal life that she didn't know where to turn and this doctor she said had shown her how to really open up and cleanse all of the negativity out of it she told me she was suffering with alcoholism and she was smoking excessively cigarettes drinking and smoking she asked me what do I need to do to stay on the side of peace I said fast do what Jesus did she said what did Jesus do he fasted for 40 days and 40 nights at the end of the fasting she came to me I heard the door opening at two o'clock in the morning she said I completed my fast this morning I say what did you see I saw God she said I'm gonna make you famous I say how cuz I'm gonna talk about you does everyone know you cure AIDS and cancer there's just a lot of people in the world who are suffering they're sick they're not happy you're looking for answers they don't know where to turn well I know a man who's been hearing aids since 1987 this guy's taught me a lot and I need to share my knowledge you know with the world [Music] [Music] sabia also claimed to heal Michael Jackson what I did for him was this I did Michael an intra cellular chelation he was full of a whole of drugs you know they are for Matunuck on drugs finish Lee his nerve was shattered so I began treating him and at the ending of the period he was doing good and I left I was with him from Carol berry on 2 September at the ending of September I told him I'm leaving he said don't leave me I said why'd she I want you by my side but I have a business to build he also say he helped steven seagal you know what what is right when Steven Seagal tells me the country is hard because he had a headache for five years but I knew why the headache was in his head he was removing less than ten minutes he had the Bartman said this bond is powerful many people have criticized say be calling him a fraud quack and scam artists I don't think I'm the only person that wouldn't take advice from someone who was in a mental hospital from schizophrenia and paranoia if we actually hear what he has to say things become a bit wacky glucose is the underlying enemy whenever you indulge in glucose it would be difficult to lose fat is that why nearly every cell in the body uses glucose for energy the man is a hundred and twenty pounds at six foot two has clearly been depriving himself of both calories and nutrition and he's literally knocking on death's door right here there's not a doctor he was simply a fraudulent individual with no education who took advantage of scientifically illiterate and impressionable people that the first ridiculous claim I'm the dress is that germs don't exist the Supreme Court United States the judge seemed happy to say I said there is no such thing as a German a virus or a bacterium then what is it I said man it is a microphone it's generated in the body when erosion begins and laid them on the stable or not move them for a month when I raise them what are they gonna have on it back that's so I mean side advance to would be submit alarms isn't it sure but whether the worms come from a wedding where were their birth in the man himself but why that's all you didn't move that person that part of him was lacking of oxygen no big or internal when those tests each to receive oxygen they read down if the ear or turns in an Oscar that is what sinusitis if in the bronco - is it bronchitis to clean their bacteria and viruses don't exist such an egregious example of scientific ignorance is even more egregious than saying the world is flat say B has ignored all criticism he stated everyone has been taught to accept Western medicine and reject anything outside of that realm despite the criticism his career continued to thrive but he struggled to maintain his romantic relationships you know my father was a rolling stone everybody got a nose that he had four marriages legal and bigamist he married a woman named Melba Jean in the late 1950s then my eye in the 1970s and began his healing journey he married Annette Thomas in the 1980s in Patsy Williams around the late 90s early 2000s the official dr. Sidney wife is Melba Jean Bowman she's been married legally to dr. save me for 56 years that's the legal wife that's the standing wife of dr. Sadie Sadie claimed all of these marriages [Music] I've been married four times I love women every woman that big but I don't know Annette med doctor say be in st. Croix he opened his first store on the island with Maya Annette attended one of his speaking engagements just a burst of fresh air you know because he wasn't working by himself sent his partner or Lou was there caring his wife Maya they were all working together when I met her was a team it was a team I'd be a part of this all of them have moved from California to st. Croix and it was not interested in coming back to the United States he went to Caribbean to be their permanent home right yeah I talked him into coming coming back dr. Sadie soon opened a big tree store in New York Annette became his third wife many years later Patsy traveled to the ocean village and began assisting SEBI in my uh my uh explains why she and doctors say be separated there was many many many women I couldn't take anymore as I said to say be you cured all these women you helped all these women and they love you and that's unfair to them because you're taking advantage of them because they will do anything for you they love you my I'll continue the healing work through the big tree with our daughters and son doctor say be moved to LA and open an office there he married Patsy and she continued to work for him he then had to start a new company after Patsy allegedly stole from him his many romantic relationships allegedly produced more than twenty children my dad had quite a few children god I mean as many of us in different factions [Music] [Music] [Music] knows he Danny he grew up with me critics try to use his personal life as a way to tarnish his name but my IRA rejects these views hurts a great great healer and all his personal life has nothing to do with it he has openly spoken about his shortcomings I was in a state of disarray and I didn't know it at the time I was involved with three different wives my tune Annette and Maya my life was not a stable because I had other women pregnant you know a young girl 19 years old were pregnant I was like emotionally out of it so Lisa said to me that I needed help and she was right there's an African proverb this is when an old man dies a library burns to the ground there's much controversy surrounding the death of dr. Sabin he was arrested along with his associate Pablo Medina for being in the possession of $37,000 in cash in an airport on a Caribbean island off the coast of Honduras authorities stated he was suspected of laundering money his friends family and patient's family deny the charges it's a very sad video to see it's a very sad thing to see because you can see that he was broken you can see that he was hurt to give of yourself your whole heart I don't care about this money thing forget this money paying a product and selling it in the internet world he gave of himself him his family attempted to get him released from custody to no avail [Music] he was held for over a month with no court date and bill was never said after a month of being held in prison he reportedly became sick with pneumonia as condition quickly deteriorated he passed away shortly after before doctors say the enter prison he was an optimal health reps from doctor say B's Institute stated limited information was given on the type of treatment he received his autopsy was never released many people believed dr. savory was murdered while others strongly disagree and my grandfather wasn't killed or no government of foul play that is clear data they didn't wait all these years to where doctor Sammy turned 83 years old and say hey let's come after him now there's two that my grandfather died in the prison of starvation no governmental file play he didn't want to eat the food he wasn't gonna drink the water so he went out his way there was a reporter that was there the day before is his transition which was on Saturday August 6 of 2016 and on that Friday that was reported down there and you know they reported that he was you know I'd spoke to him and they reported that he was totally fine and good health that Friday you know so transitioning from Friday into Saturday no you know it shouldn't have been anything that was different I spoke to him about three days before he had passed okay you know and I wouldn't be able to say from that conversation that he passed from pneumonia not based on the information that I've obtained where he said he had been on a two-week fast at the time and so he was feeling low and he needed something and you can tell you know um but I wouldn't be able to attest that he died of pneumonia besides we had a confession and so no I don't believe that it you had a confession absolutely absolutely a confession as to like how he actually died or so well someone participated in his death but we don't want to speak names times things of that nature because it's an ongoing investigation right now and I'm very happy that that person came to us to let us know what their part was in it and why and we appreciate that but it's a it's an ongoing investigation as to what happened and known it wasn't pneumonia it may have been the symptom of from what was done no doubt but there was intrusive factors what were his last words to you on that phone call when he was locked up I know someone's trying to kill me so I refuse to eat the food in here I'm not touching this food that's why I'm fasting some say he was assassinated because he could eventually disrupt the billion-dollar pharmacy industry why did I kill a holistic doctors nothing ablute medical and it's McClain short stop and they grow I do get killed for hustling in front of it good spot you sure stopping the grind indeed they check his billions you got that you flip for a couple hundred thousand he felt that he was a threat to their agenda and what I was told is that the incoming president my name is Joaquin Eugenia Charles the United States had decided that they want they was going to sell the island of Dominica which has 365 rivers afresh some of the French both living foot on the bird it was selling them on my lord by Florida saying he was there and you know everybody knows baby's gonna be a whistleblower he's gonna expose of the poison after dr. Sadie's death the charges were dropped and Pablo Medina was released from prison a young man he had purchased something from someone and he put it on his head that poultice and it caused his whole face to blow up and oh my god it was just like wow I have no this is allegedly many of you have asked why we have not tried to help mr. Jamel Brown with his current health I want to let everyone know that we have reached out to Jermel on several occasions as soon as we learned that he had posted some videos on social media we contacted him to offer help however mr. Jamel Brown retained legal counsel and directed us to his attorneys it's amazing that they've taken something so pure and so beautiful that saved my mother's life and they take it and turn it into something that actually harms someone to doctors say be self ooh don't follow the fake Instagram don't follow that website those are not doctors say these formulas not a dumb doctor save yourself in products as garbage bro you not a healer Pablo you never have and never will Pablo these other people that have been attaching themselves to my father's name because of mining so forth and so on they don't know how to do the healing they haven't done it you know what I mean it was my mother and it was my father and all these other entities attached themselves and they've trademarked my father's name dr. savvy but they don't know how to do the work they haven't accomplished that and it's unfortunate [Music] half the LA office been infiltrated actually no it has not been infiltrated and I see the main Ginny come about the LA office who is Ginny actually jenny is the president of the office she's the person who managed the office as well and that's a person that my dad hired she was the one who one of the people that like that hired in 2014 by Mercedes business both the village in Honduras and that LA office is left solely under Selma Bowman so this is dr. Sammy's legacy that you're looking at this is dr. Sammy's legacy right here along with his and his sixteen-year-old son Victor in his five-year-old daughter table the only authentic and original products are dr. safety stealth food what do you say to the people that say his daughter says the product is fine I don't know anything of her saying that these products is okay she's not here in LA she don't know anything about the formulas that's being you know put out on the street what we're using is my father's formulas from when he first started and not only that but we have also improved some of the formulas we as legitimate legacy we are the Bauman's [Music] the original products can still be gotten from myself and my daughter also his previous wife Maya she also have original compounds in fact her children and my child they they all are connected they all speak with each other I don't know what is the reason why this grandson is saying these things because I remember one time I hired him to work with us as well and there were reasons why he was not working with us Annette Thomas currently sells products through Greenleaf herbal solutions many consumers say they trust a big tree because dr. SEBI created their original formulas with this company and these were the products used to heal the 70 set of witnesses that appeared during his court case I like to always see myself as practicing our ancient practices of our ancestors and going to collect that earth and putting it in the pot boiling it and making it with love we're very careful with how we produce our products we're very careful with when we order the products what time of year because we want to make sure that it's not hydrolyzed or genetically modified when we prepare it what energy state we're in what mind state are we in which state is our body in because all of that goes into your creation it's art we had 78 cases of AIDS last year and 52 cases of herpes last year so whether or not he could cure we are still using his very exact formula till today did people all of a sudden stop getting cured no people didn't I want to call out everybody there's someone over here on this end on that and we have the authentic product if if you're not purchasing products from us then it's not authentic it's not the original I am NOT saying that that is what people are saying we're going to continue to actually cure people and that's what we've been doing that's what we'll continue to do before dr. SEBI died he said he had been betrayed by former wife Mattoon who is now doing press runs to speak about how she helped start the OSHA village and created the treatment my husband won a case in the Supreme Court of New York since 1986 moving to cure AIDS and the diabetes the Cassell herpes lupus etc since that time well I'm the one in the kitchen we have developed something called an intra cellular chelation my us as Patsy isn't being truthful you worked with us so you don't know anything you came and say be brought you into the house she was the mistress so what we went through with the court what we went through it was a whole lot what we were there for anyway we would create it when that man called the scientist called and said he needs to get the Nobel Peace Prize or life in prison were you there there are court documented papers that state New York versus MA Bowman and dr. say B she's been doing this with my father since she was 20-something years old she lives and dies that my sister again we why she's been working in the company since she was 10 years old she didn't go to middle school she didn't go to high school she gave that up they were on the train in New York sleeping at people's houses my mother was breastfeeding me pushing the cart pouring the herbs answering the phone so when you have people to get on you know different radio shows and say I was there they weren't there Mattoon is part of Daddy's 3rd chapter and I'm sure they shared beautiful moments together and a lot of information together I have some reservations there were informations that were Hurley help withheld from me about certain parts of this journey and I have questions tell your story as it is tell your story in truth Patsy aka Mattoon says doctor say B's company was stolen from her by Pablo Medina and doctor say B's manager our clients are complaining past and present because the Earth's that they are getting from the office that my husband and I have created and the products that we've created it's no longer products there how do I remember when you came and I hired you and I remember the day we fired you the imposters they have fraudulently signed my husband name and send it to the trademark office and they said now they own my business all that sin are you created and said that I stole money you can check my accounts you can check where I live I don't have no money Patsy Williams back in 2014 her and her daughter za they stole for my father along with some others and what happened my father called me and he has never called and just hung up in an instant so I rushed over to the office met eyes ill over there as soon as we walked in my father was standing in the middle of the floor just looking and so I knew what had happened I looked around I said are they got you you said yeah yeah they took everything so I walked upstairs they didn't leave a paper clip in that place I have court documents stating that Pastor Williams was being sued upon my father's passing though my son but I have much respect for him much respect much love and for his mother - I'm his sisters because they didn't do to me what has been happening to me in the last years I saw videos of where dr. SEBI was literally going off before he died about his wife and children betraying him that was her women to the bed I am rotten with the road me now my wife my ex-wife my manager my daughter's they all conspired against me the official run was to the barrel we take them up and throw them away say be faced many trials towards the end of his life but the controversy didn't overshadow the voices of those proclaiming he healed them I was diagnosed first with colon cancer then it had metastasized and become leukemia and three months after that I had been diagnosed with an astrocytoma brain tumor that was inoperable at that point the doctors in the u.s. gave me six months to live 120 days after getting here I no longer had leukemia the headaches stopped within 30 to 60 days I lost a total of a hundred and two pounds I was having my brain fog and feed a lot of fatigue like my memory wasn't really good and acting like breaking out on my face and like eczema and stuff like that and then I took the cell cleansers and two days later I woke up and my mind was so clear and I could even tell the difference in my skin the way my skin looked it was amazing my sister was diagnosed with lupus my sister wasn't going to make it to the end of the year we was then we was in September it was in September sent a package of one of his my interbody calamities and three months later my sister's driving her kisses from one package he sent our package once a month chronic severe respiratory diseases I was living on 13 breathing treatments a date I started cleansing I had mucus coming out from everywhere that first week I was spitting up mucus like a lot immediately I got off medication like as soon as I started I got off medication I removed the diseases successfully completely I haven't taken not even I haven't taken no type of medication whatsoever SEBI was viewed as a Hillary song and a fraud to others his family says his sole purpose was to bring self-love and wellness to the world he was about light and love this journey is about light and love and above all above all and healing a healing for the nation SEBI was a self-proclaimed pathologist herbalist and naturalist his supporters say his mission was to heal through holistic health body mind and spirit [Music] the one thing you want to do is to love and that love should begin with you once you love you you know the whole world this easy is delicious to love everybody and everything [Music] [Music]
Channel: Chime (HairCrush)
Views: 4,695,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dr. sebi. documentary, dr. sebi, mrs. dr. sebi, maa bowman, mama pill, fig tree bio
Id: 9ycV9aAWjzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 38sec (2438 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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