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and brief in numerology the name the theory is predicated on your date of birth so the month today and the year you born denotes why you're here you know normally only when the you know what hit the fan we want to know that but we're all here for a purpose a reason and that's determined from taking the month the day and the year you're born your date of birth though is more immediate that is what gives you your focus your direction that point you lost on the compass your name though denote your natural talent to give skills and abilities which you do who you attract to you uh your philosophy your career orientation so when you combine both the name and of the birthday and the number of the name of the person then you got a more composite picture of really the person's uh goal and purpose of being on this planet all of us have a reason and a season it's just what is yours foreign [Music] thank you this is the highest level the highest level is ownership the highest level is power the highest level is sovereignty the highest level is higher consciousness to higher leveling but we own our own country is at a very high level appreciate it I high like that it's time for a high level conversation for another high level another side level conversation high level conversation tapped in with the guy foreign [Music] keys and you back for another high level conversation today we're going to have a very beautiful high level mathematical conversation today I'm joined with a very legendary brother you don't actually get to speak to too many individuals such as this man because there's only so many number ones on the planet Earth that can occupy a space at a particular point in time this is a brother who's been doing this for decades in a game so it's not somebody who just started this is somebody who's been entrenched right into this knowledge wisdom and understanding of the numbers of our universe I wholeheartedly understand and know that we live in a mathematical Universe the numbers of vibratory frequencies and those frequencies can be matched with multiple different traits and understanding when you have the wisdom and the intuition and the power to be able to process that information once you align with the numbers within the universe certain things become known to you a lot of us have intuitive power but not everybody has the mental processing power to be able to understand their intuition within the time frame to be able to gain the synchronicity the meaningful knowledge within that coincidence right but this brother Lloyd strayhorn I believe that he offers us an opportunity to understand our intuition understand the intuitive processes of the universe now this is a person who is a astronomerologist he utilizes the numbers to Enlighten us on a Divine reality in the fabric of the universe now this brother has been on multiple shows even from the Oprah show everybody knows Lloyd and if you don't know today you will be familiar with the master numerologist himself as he has joined me for a high level conversation hopefully today you'll hear your number and you can be able to utilize this knowledge to be able to coordinate within your Life Path and your destiny path and understand and why you may see certain repeated numbers so you may not have to repeat the same mistakes over and over today I am joined by none other than Lloyd strayhorn appreciate you brother brother I'm very honored to be here with you too how you doing man I feel masterful how about yourself brother good good yes sir you know the whole world is predicated upon numbers you can't do anything without numbers uh one time I did a challenge uh doing the covert shutdown and you know everybody is like how long can you hold your breath challenge all that stuff and that's I had a Chris hundred dollar bill and I said this hundred dollar bill is yours it's free all you got to do is tell me how you're going to begin and end your day without losing numbers I've been trying to give that 100 Bill away for quite some time you can't do it when you get up the tendency is to want to know what time it is you can't make a call you can't receive a call you can't watch a TV program or listen to a radio station because they all have frequencies you can't do anything with numbers without numbers and as I tell like and I like to say to God I suppose you met the most beautiful woman on the planet you wanted to get to know I better say yo bro what's your number she said just call any number yeah oh you be calling until the cows come home yeah but if you got the right numbers the right 10 numbers in the right order you get the person you're looking for that's a very masterful thought just just that idea itself you realize that each person is matched with a number right and that number is a frequency and it usually you literally is there to call that person so even when you think about the idea of having a calling but you have to have be in tune with the right frequency in order to be attached to that calling which most people may call it a purpose that's exactly correct so even if you look at a radio uh on TV station it sends out a frequency that has it like here in New York there's only 107.5 then it's Power 105.1 but those frequency allow you to protect select your station or on select my station and that's mathematics working in real time and not just on paper that's mathematics working within the university space-time frequency yeah right and that's ontological mathematics understanding the the application of mathematics see I was taught that Islam was mathematics right and me I'm a very Master logical thinker right everything has to add up yeah that makes sense then I can't accept it yeah right yeah and so that's where even within like you know faith and religion and things of that nature it's harder for some people to take religion because they're so logical and then there's other people who aren't logical they may be more faith-based right they they may judge by their senses or they may judge by their feelings so a person that is a filler right is easier for them to take Faith than a person that has to be judged by their senses yeah because they have to observe and it has to be an observable truth in order for them to be able to command their thoughts to be able to process that and say yes I take this as wholehearted truth well that's true because one that's one of the things about this this ancient African Sciences of astrology and numerology all of this was by people over time began to observe that if you were born in a certain part of the year you exhibited a certain characteristic if you were born under a certain number you exhibit a certain characteristic so all of these things are defined by the masses of those who have the power of observation and you know I believe a high-level observation you take in information data and you utilize that then to make decisions yeah right in science you can do one thing once and this could be considered a miracle but but if you can't repeat it right yeah then they don't take that as truth right they don't Define that as what is called the scientific method right and so it's the same thing in reality I think that you know the the the idea of accuracy and the idea of Truth and sometimes accuracy is lost when people are searching for truth right it was a famous um I think it was an astrophysicist I believe uh but he was given an example of if you ask somebody their height they're going to say maybe six feet two inches but it's not exactly accurate no right because you you know now if you were judging by six feet two inches and a few centimeters right and then no centimeters stack up to 30 atoms right now you know but when you're talking about truth a person may tell you a truth but the accuracy is not always there so then you ask a person okay is that accurate and now a person has to come up with a completely different number and accuracy can always be judged by the property of numbers you understand me and so everything in our life has a property to it even if you are illiterate you can still do arithmetic you can still do math so you can speak the language of mathematics without actually speaking the language of man because the language of mathematics is a language of the universe yeah and in fact uh when I had the occasion of meeting Minister Farrakhan on the several occasions he explained to what I did was called Supreme mathematics in the five percent Nation they also call it Supreme mathematics and it's and in fact the universal language on this planet is mathematics yeah I mean that's that's the breakdown of the five the ten and the 85ers you understand me the 85 is the is the Lost found yeah right then you have those who utilize that knowledge against the Lost found then you have those who have the knowledge yourself and everybody you know I look at the world in percentages right by the numbers because everybody is breaking down in different categories yeah earlier I was talking to you about Meyer Briggs type which are different personality types some personality types are rarer than others right so that if I meet some people let's say that only two percent of the world think feel and judge the world in the way that you do so now if you go on a large platform and you give your opinion expressed opinion about something the way you see things most people are going to be like I never thought about that before I've never heard of that it's going to be harder for them to accept that first because it's not the common truth of the land right now what I want to get to number one let's look I want to start with the what is the most common number right or most common life path or destiny path that people have the most common number that people have as a life path would be threes and fives universally though the most common number seems to be revered and understood and respected as the number seven um because seven is nature yeah from seven days in a week seven notes in the musical scale seven colors in the rainbow the seven continents and in fact the majority of the founders of religions are sevens Buddha is born on the seventh uh crisis birthday celebrated on the 25th two plus five is seven Elijah Muhammad found the Nation of Islam was born October the 7th Billy Graham was born on the seventh uh Bishop Desmond Tutu was born on the seventh Charles and Russell they found that Jehovah's Witnesses was born on the 16th one plus six and seven Mary Baker Edie they founded Christian Science was not only born in the seventh month but on the 16th day one plus six is seven right even in the Bible they talk about they Circle the walls of Jericho seven times they sounded to trumpet seven times in the walls came tumbling down and did you know when a Muslim goes to Medina to make his Hajj in Mecca he must Circle the Cobblestone seven times and the writer's complete right in any of your book you give a breakdown in the seven wonders of the world yeah yeah 52 weeks five plus yeah seven seven and then the seven days of the week so yeah seven of those in the body I mean there's just it's just incredible how sevens are just it's it's God's number now that's that's very powerful even seven colors right yeah so but within that and I think about that right um that number seven and really there's there's a few numbers that I want to get to first and then we can get a breakdown of some of the other ones but you know seven is is an odd number yes it is you understand me and but at the same time it's a very powerful one because time is governed by sevens you understand me when we're talking about the seven days of the week we live in that cycle every single day right like we have Cycles within our day right yeah we are on a seven day cycle and we don't think about that but see in our day they call them or tradian cycles and our we have these 90-day Cycles where we can go through probably about three four times where we have Peak Performance right where our brain is at its height and then we go through a you know mental recession and then we have to go through an ultra radian healing process where it takes about 20 minutes yeah so we have 90 minutes apart like Peak Performance in these Cycles it goes down for about 20 minutes it comes back up for another 90. and so that's one cycle within our day then we have circadian Cycles within a 24-hour cycle right which is would be a six right but then we go through a seven day cycle right now most people in society are living on this seven day cycle and they don't think about but that's what governs their reality yeah and we have seven days in a week right seven days in a week and in fact if you look when a when a child reaches age seven it is the Age of Reason when they reach 14 which is twice seven it is the number of puberty when they reach three times seven which is 21 then you become legal seven times seven is 49 which is called a very important year so sevens are always very very important in fact if a person on the dog or a cat for every one year you make it's seven years for your cat or your dog if you look at world history world history is 70 years 70 years in world history equals one day so if you look at the United States because it's only 200 and something odd years old well by history and World standards it's considered a baby Nation yeah it's only two or three days old right and some months well is he not as interested in the concept that they said that the world was created in seven days yes well we know lowest days today is not what days have always been though because the days that we know now are constructed based on calendars yes right so a cycle of a day is considered to be you know based on a 24-hour cycle Rhythm of the sun right but at the same time when as you just gave that broke down a person can think about a day being a larger cycle rather than smaller Cycles to where we go about it right in our coming day today yeah so so it's just a matter of understanding how these Cycles work and it's not just with seven uh Nikolai Tesla said those who understand the 3 6 and 9 also understand the universe right so if you look at an astrologer you know each planet is either 30 degrees 45 degrees 90 degrees 180 degrees 360 degrees but they'll all add up to the digit of a three six or nine that makes sense I mean even the the threes within a month because most months are 30 days 30 days of the road right and that's the cycle within itself and then but at the same time you know the number 13 covers time with the moon but Mass calendar is 12. what's the difference between the number 13 and 12 as far as power Cycles well in the Tarot deck the 12th card is called the hangman it's a picture symbol of a man hung upside down by his ankle it denotes mental suffering and anxiety of mind that if a person is not careful they become the victim of the sacrifice for the plans and intrigues of others so 13 though is called the death card and the picture of the the the 13 It's a skeleton with a long curving blade cutting off the heads of men and women but so people in there not knowing or lack of knowledge looked at it as a literal death when it's really a symbolic death it's a death to always so it says those who understand the 13 is given power and Dominion so if you took the United States for example although it is the fourth day of the month July 4th this whole structure was predicated upon the 13 13 stars 13 stripes 13 neighbors uh naval ships guarded the colonies uh equivalibus Unum 13 letters the White House 13 letters don't tread on me 13 letters and so even the word assassination is 13 letters you know so four has always and 13 has always been very important to the United States if you look into dollar bill you got the the eagle that holds 13 arrows 13 claws it's got 13 stripes it's got 13 questions above the head if you would take the protractor to the triangle on the back of the dollar bill is 67 degrees well 6 plus 7 is 13. yeah so those who understand it so if you then go to the root of 13 1 plus three is four a president is elected every four years uh then Washington D spoken in the four quadrants Northeast northwest southeast Southwest the area code to Washington is area code 202 uh yes and the zip code is 20002 which is a four so everything about it is is predicated upon the four or it's higher after the 13. that's powerful see that that just gets me deeper into the idea of understanding the cycles of man time in the universe yeah like because you know a woman's menstrual cycle is considered to be opridian cycle so it's outside of just 24 hours but a woman goes through that cycle 13 times throughout the year that's exactly right man so that you know you have the old real calendars that's represented based on the moon right the lunar but the new man calendar is based on the solar so when man started to control time his was based on himself yeah right but when it was revolved around a woman it was based on the universe you understand me and the correct cycles that keep us in balance and we live out of balance when we live within man's time right so when a person starts to grade their life by a seven cycle that's not correct because that's not the way nature is composed right well nature is a whole different energy against mad man-made or contrived time right so for example the Moon is always associated with a woman so on the day the woman has her first the first day of her Menses that's considered a new moon 14 days from her Menses is her ovulation which they call the full moon so back in the 70s or 80s it was a popular thing then called The Rhythm method the women knew that on the day of their period all they had to do is Count 14 days from the day it started and they knew that's when the ovulation cycle would be very hot they wanted to conceive or not to conceive and stuff like that so all these things now now fast forward all the women got to do is download the fertility yeah well see that that that see that's dope though right so like and this is why I was studying these Cycles because it's like all right I find myself sometimes where I can have Peak Performance right where my highest level of thinking right is in existence right I'm at that gamma frequency where you know creativity Focus I have emotional resilience it's at a very high peak yeah intuition so that's when I should be working on things when I'm waking up you know going through that circadian cycle that's more so for thinking right so if I'm doing a interview in the morning when my thinking mind is performing at my best that's what my brain is firing so unders for me understanding my Cycles allow me to live in existence and according to my nature right and how the universe provides from me and now each individual is a different though so that's why I feel like there's the practicality in understanding the numbers because if you're the total women are account from 14 now she understands the significance of this number 14. right but before that you'll be like what's these numbers about yeah but everything is operated numbers guide you in everything you do yeah I mean you you imagine the world without numbers imagine trying to watch a game a sports game without numbers right who's winning for an athlete to have his or her number retired from the franchise is an honor never to be worn again as long as the franchise exists and see that that goes to that old saying um millionaires don't believe in astrology billionaires do yes that quote came from JP Morgan born on April the 17th yeah uh in fact Evangeline Adams an astrologer back in her day she was born on February the 8th she actually taught J.P Morgan astrology which is why JP Morgan didn't get on the Titanic when it sailed in April of 1912 because it sunk yeah but Mercury was retrograde at that time when it left Ireland to go to New York because originally JP Morgan was he owned the White Star Line okay which on the Titanic so he had a huge Promenade on there and it was supposed to have landed in New York on his birthday of April the 17th of 1912 but it didn't go but less than a year later on March 31st 17 days before his birthday that's when he died wow and see most people you said the White Star Line that got me thinking of Marcus Garvey because he created the Black Star Line and he also was because he was going on that 17 too people focus a lot on nutrition body wise you know I'm gonna feed this particular system of the body of my feet that system very rarely do people speak about the Mind very rarely to speak of people speak about the brain the brain needs the most energy right the brain is uh needed to process the brain is needed to you know compartmentalize the brain is needed for so many things you know but we don't know what brain food looks like you know we know that the body is electrical and what I understand about gold is not only is it superconductive but it's non-corrosive and it's a noble element so they said if I am what I eat I want to be Noble you know what I'm saying I want to be of the highest degree and I also want to focus on mental health I'm going to focus on gut health I want to focus on energy I want to focus on youth I want to focus on you know accessing pineal activity hormonal balance everything the goal represents is what I want to see more of so what better thing to do but align myself with this particular product and get it out to as many people as I can by singing the praise of gold which is something that our people have been doing for over 10 000 years so what about the number five in the month of Taurus right five is always indicative of change the five senses the five fingers uh things of that nature it rep five represents freedom flexibility it tells me people who are normally born in the fifth month have the ability to walk before they were one years old because they're very smart very engaging it as far as room by the planet of Mercury which is the planet of communications multifaceted multi-talented multi-dimensional and and since five is ruled by air I tell anybody dealing with an air person the best way to keep them is to let them go I like that I like that so I bring that up right because in the month of May right you you have some Extraordinary People you understand me you got Malcolm X you got the honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan you know um you have mother Tonetta where she used to study the 19 code um then you have Shakespeare you have the rock you have Dame Dash right yeah you know number one all of the men in that categories you know excluding Shakespeare very masculine right black man you understand me now what is it about that month of May that produces number one some of the greatest truth speakers on the planet Earth well don't forget five moon is ruled by Mercury and Mercury is the planet of communications a person who has the ability to speak and articulate the thoughts and feelings of the culture the community Humanity whatever the case is and probably one of the greatest eloquent speakers in May was Jim my opinion Malcolm X you know what I'm saying he was the 19th 19th yeah so he had a lot going on right people born on the 19th are normally if they either have it in their name or born in their birthday they normally Excel and like John H Johnson that founded uh Johnson publication ebony Jet and all those other magazines underneath it was born on the 19th um uh if you looked at Smokey Robinson he cranked out songs for days and even now and those were during the 60s even now still popular born on the 19th so people that are born on the 19th or possess the 19 in their name are very very fortunate because in fact Dr Martin Luther King's father was born himself on the 19th of December so 19 is very important and it's and in fact and they called the 19 the prince of Heaven it denotes honor success and esteem it is the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and enable fire numbers yeah which means they're very proactive five represents people who not just who don't sit around they take action I hear what you're saying brother but what you gonna do right there's a big difference yeah yeah that's a fact yeah we we like execution you know I I took on the number 19. first you know and I didn't know that the journey would become so deep after taking on this number but it first came from Master for Autumn Muhammad and he had a quote he said there's 17 million original people and there's too many Indians and he said that represents the 19 million Rusty locks right and those 19 million Rusty locks can be unlocked by 19 million well oil keys right and that was a representation of the bondus or you know um a representation of knowledge or Enlightenment or truth right that can Enlighten the people right and awaken them to where they can never be oppressed again into their mind of God right so my journey is actively enlightening people but that makes sense to me because if I took your month your day and your year of birth it factors out to a number one so your destiny number is a one so if people are not familiar with numerology terms I put it in a way where it kind of makes common sense it tells me symbolically you were in the first grade in the school of life and people who have a one destiny are those are your pioneers your innovators they go with no person has gone before and in fact the year you were born in adds up to 19. were you aware of that the year I was born give me episode 5 4 90. if you add 1990 one plus nine plus nine equals 19. oh yeah you can always go to ten than one but yeah it is a 19. yeah when I add all four numbers across 1991 plus nine plus nine plus zero equals nineteen and even my personality type I think it's what was it entj or intj and you know once you add it up I'll put it in uh what's the what's the system not cabalism but um you know where you you Gematria yes yes it comes down to a 19 as well so that 19 is just it's in there yes it means the beginning and the end you know what I'm saying is the Alpha New Omega so and as I tell people if they don't want to hear the truth they shouldn't talk to a number one or a number nine and the person that really personified that was Malcolm X yeah I don't care what they cost me my life that's a fact that's a fact he lived his stuff that number 19 represents truth represents all truth yes it does so that one you know I always get that breakdown that one is a representation of you know of course the beginning and then the nine is representation of the end because of all energy of the numbers exists between one through nine there's no stronger pair that you can put between a one to multiply it then a nine right right and so I look at the numbers as all one so the two is just two ones the three is just three ones the four is four ones so one thing I always tell people is you know it's not about who's number one because we're all ones right right you think about it like just the different frequencies right but when you're talking about all truth right we're talking about everything that exists between that one through nine is all there yeah even your knowledge your belief your system all exists between that one through nine system and nothing exists outside of it because once you add it up it recycles itself back down to a one and all that knowledge exists there so for me that number 19 represents Cosmic order it represents life and death it represents male and female writer represents as a Above So Below right with within and so without it all of that is a representation of the number 19. because it represents completion because if a person says well what about 10 well one plus zero is back to one what about eleven one plus one is back to two so the numbers basically go no higher than one to nine so anything above that they call it the fatic system fad I see so if a person that's a born on the 12th they would be a three because one plus two is three but so you always got to go back to the group number right and The Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the Theology of time was given a breakdown he had a brother that drove he said draw a hyphen on the board and put a zero at the end of it and you know he say that zero he says see you can't tell the value where it starts and where it ends there's there's nothing to grade from there and he said that represents nothing right but he said that represents us yes he said now take that same one and it say zero and I want you to put a one in front of it you put that one that one represents God giving us value taking something and you're making something from nothing he making something by putting himself next to us and the more zeros you put behind that one the more valuable it becomes right and the more people that are Awakening yeah right to that God so it was it was a dope representation in the way that he was given the breakdown because he was utilizing number numbers to understand it because he said the zero is a representation of that never ending knowledge wisdom and truth right but once you put that one next to it it multiplies the value of it yeah right now it got me thinking about though if that number one that one God has always been probably one of the biggest things that people fought polytheism and monotheism right but all things start from you know ones and zeros yeah well the whole computer Predators is predicated upon just ones and zeros those are the formula feed all the information goes in computers people that have a life path as a number one which you do what does that represent it means people who are your Pioneers people who are your innovators people who deal with the first principle you'll be the first person to do this and although it was never your intention so for example you may have been the youngest of your brothers and sisters but the first to leave whom the first to go to school the first to finish school but there's always going to be something about your life that's going to make you a number one because your destiny number of the month today in the year you're born is a one and ones are your Pioneers they're your creative people they're your Visionaries so now use the first one I I started to understand that the day that you were born right is considered your what the day you're born is considered the the compass that Points North uh it's it's symbolizes North on your compass see your date of birth represents what you must learn over a long period of time by taking the month the day and a year but it is your date of birth that's more immediate so in your case born on the fourth that is your more primary birthday that is what affects you more than anything and four represents people who like to be different in fact uh I describe four is the number of secret enemies because people are either jealous of you envious or insecure and the only reason wise force a very visionary they say and do things way ahead of time you know what I'm saying and that's what creates it so if you look at Stevie Wonder who did Innovations of my mind with no sight that album I mean just the way he did it but he's a four fours are different so he got his vision from the four yeah four four right there boy so it's like read it it's like taking a test can you read the word yes but do you understand the words that's a whole other thing right and see that to me goes towards processing power right because you you you talk a lot about intuition right and the psychic powers of the mind because once you tapped in I believe to the numbers you become very intuitive because the numbers are the fabric yeah thing yeah but having a mathematical processing power type of brain allows you to understand right the synchronicities that you feel or that you see because most people feel like man I feel I should do this but you can't understand it because you don't have that mathematical processing yeah yeah so you have to operate either on the Blind Faith or the feeling or other people they get to operate by actually understanding it I know what this means yeah right and now they can act off that knowledge but you see and the Beautiful part about when you go to the birthday it sets up for me the stage of the foundation so for example born on May the 4th you would be an earth sign with an air number which means very pragmatic which is the nature of an earth sign and then very logical in your reasoning which is the power of deduction four rules of mechanical mathematical Sciences computers technology engineering the media radio television technology in all forms four represents people who are very sensitive very very unique and four people I jokingly say they may forgive you but they never gonna forget when you did them in Injustice oh no that's a fun thing now you forgive her but like yo I'm still gonna remember what you did how did I become so funny though how did I become so funny well probably because of other makeup in there because horses are always a very entertaining sign too see and that could that could make a difference but see but once I know a person's numbers then it tells me in your case your numbers are the four one and five so what does that mean is he coming out of Harlem I would tell people that's their attitude what's it mean and it means your best days are always on Sunday Monday and Wednesday these are always your power days to do things of consequence then it tells me what dates would be imported to you such as the first the fourth the fifth the 10th the 13th 14th then the 19th to 22nd 23rd 28th and 31st of the month and then it tells me your power amounts are normally in and around February June July August and September you know so if you look at the birthdays of your mom or dad they could have been born on a date that it's a one or four or five and it could have been born in a month around late late January in the February late May into June July August and September and you know it's interesting speaking of the United States history too in May you know in the 200 and something odd years of history no president has ever died in the month of May uh that's a protective month right there yeah so if the president said listen straight listen I need to know when can I walk him on the populace okay yeah your bonus things in May 7th no president yet has died on the 7th the 16th or the 25th and no president's ever died in the month of May so so there's always something about Oddities with numbers and and I was looking up so the most popular birthdays September 9th and September 19th now my my parents birthdays on September 17th they have the same birthday uh-huh they both won on the same day September 17th yes okay that's interesting I got a lot of Virgos I got a brother that's not his his birthday on September 19th almost September 9th and uh his daughter's on the 9th as well and then I got the other two twin brothers there's September 4th wow yeah okay okay here's this interesting to me my mother was a Virgo out of six of my children three of them are Virgos oh yeah and my youngest is born September 17th that's that pops because everybody get busy in December you understand they start popping up that's cold brother yeah you gotta you gotta kind of cozy up there and get warm up here start creative numerical frictions let's see what's going on no it's mathematical oh man I wanted to talk to you about a few different things I got written down because one of the things you give a breakdown in your book is about the four planes of thought and the four levels of living physical mental emotional and intuitive can you take us through that yeah there are certain numbers that are found on the plane the four and the five are found on the physical plane the physical plane is those who like to examine things okay they are the ones who will take something from or whatever the case and work with that in the physical world the number two the number one and eights are found on the mental plane those are the business numbers you know they they're about logic and reasoning and you know does it make sense and stuff this is why one people and eight people uh appear to be cold or distant because and it's not that they're lacking feelings it's just they have logic and that's why they're on the mental plane then the emotional planes are your twos your threes and your sixes those are the ones that Express things through feelings intuitions hunches these are your artists musicians your actors that get into character that expresses themselves and then you've got finally the intuitive planet and those the only two numbers of the seven and the nine yeah see I I know I I exist in like multiple planes yeah yeah so we all have various levels and that's determined by taking uh the numbers in your name and and seeing how many ones you got how many twos you got how many threes you got that I explained in my book two called the magic box so the magic box so with names now because the names you know each have a numerical value yes so that's the sense of being able to add up the numbers of your names and I understand that odd numbers have a numerical frequency numbers are symbols so from a visual standpoint once you look at a number it has a frequency attached to them frequencies based on it being a symbol right so like that's going to go deep into your subconscious always say you can't tell a symbol no right it goes directly into your subconscious and it creates a feeling which creates a vibratory frequency right so it's going to create a magnetic charge right or a repelling charge right within the body right even within the brain so every time we look at a symbol we're creating a frequency you understand me correct and and within numbers um saying that number right that frequency is like we know it as letters right but letters come from numbers yes right and they have numerical value attached to it that's why now we're living in the age of AI which is 1 9 right and I always get that breakdown in the AI as the artificial intelligence artificial dissemination artificial ingredients because that's man trying to play God yeah because that number 19 is a representation of God that all not yeah so that masculine and that feminine that give birth right number zero being mind which also I Representatives Darkness right and number one being thought which I represented is light which also is motion and number nine right is growth or color right so it's giving birth right so when I when I think about that and I think about the reality that we're living in right now people in in the science of where we are today the young men their minds are mixed so I call them nine months nine minds are more of the feminine mind the intuitive thinking or intuitive feeling emotional mind the one is the logic the rationality the reasoning right and that's on the mental plane on the mental plane that's interesting so that if you are in Balance right then that one always comes before that nine because it filters first so it has to go through that seat of that mental plane then it goes to the emotional one right and that would be too which is the emotional side that's the next stage of it but nowadays you have people have their nine mind in front of that one so they're emotional first yeah right and so they a lot of people are emotional and they're feeling their subconscious nothing but emotions instead of logic and reasoning so when I meet these young men day they are imbalanced right that makes sense based upon the way the family is structured nowadays too whereby at one point in time it was a given there would always be a mother and a father in a household fast forward to this present State we're in a majority of the time it's just a woman in the household that's a fact so a lot of the men are missing and and if you can tell so a lot about men now are taking on ways of the mother I don't think they mean to but they don't have a model of a man in the house right see I grew up with two parents so my father was an Aries very strong willed so I grew up a certain way you know that how men should behave themselves but nowadays uh you've got uh situations that are totally different in terms of how family members are raised no that's a fact because you know that that that represents you know um that plane in the household is that son that father will represent their son and then has nine planets which represents different emotional states yep right but instead you have the planets ruling the sun right so with the mother in that representation of that feminine she is programming the Sun so he doesn't get to understand that that's not the way it works it's supposed to be that feminine operating in the orbit of the sun yes exactly he doesn't know how to lead himself essentially because the father's supposed to be in that household creating that mathematical equation that one in that nine is giving them leadership so now you know when I was looking into the number 19 I was looking at like we are in you know the 911 era right now that number 9 11 first thought I think it was 6-1-1 can't believe I can't remember what it was but I know that it was I think Linda B Johnson that issued it and it was 19 members right that came into and switched it over to 9-1-1 and then I I look at the synchronous city of the fact that on 9 11 they are supposed to be 19 hijackers right and a representation of a 911 Paradigm which means that they're an emergency because when that nine is in front of those ones right it's the motion in front of the conscience in the subconscious right but just here's here's the thing if you add 9-1-1 it's in the original version although the 11 is considered a master number it denotes also esoterically trials and tribulations great difficulties to contend with so when a person is dialing 9-1-1 it's not about inviting you to a party or social Gathering yeah you know what I'm saying they need some help right yeah I mean and and being able to recognize when you need help I think is key how does a person matter of fact on that frequency how does a person you know see and observe the signs through numbers of recognizing when they need help or they're in an emergency to me I think one of the things is like in all things if you go to an accountant no matter what form of the addictions you have the first thing is to own it yes I drink yes I get high yes I do that that seems to always be the first stage towards recovery is to admit it and own up to it but why should I admit it when I can blame you right see what I'm saying and that's why the world is the way it is okay so I wanted people to get so it's only nine numbers we went over the ones one over fours one over the fives the twos two is always the number of unity 2 is the number that has the balance day and night up and down open and close male and female it's always that that balance and things this is why twos make excellent negotiators this is why twos bring parties together two is also a very psychic and intuitive number it is ruled by the moon in and of itself and it also rules anything relating to the mechanical mathematical Sciences computers technology of the higher mind things like that two is known to go into the smallest of details so people will say well twos get caught up in the minutia but the way I explain it is like if you take the nuts and bolts off at the table you're sitting at or the chair I'm sitting on all of this will fall apart so these little nuts and bolts and screws that we don't see appearing obvious are the ones that hold up the bigger picture what about the threes threes is that represents the trilogy the mother the Father the child the president the past the present the future the Father the Son the Holy Spirit you know what I'm saying three represents creativity imagination it is ruled by the planet Jupiter that denote expansion and then those lady look if you go to an astrology the first they go in and see is where is Jupiter aspected in your chart in what house because that particular house will reflect the area of abundance that is likely to come into the house three is about expansion three is about imagination three rules foreigners foreign countries foreign languages uh and threes one of the things I love well see I love all the aspects about the numbers but threes I like when you tell a three person you can't do something they don't just accept it as Blind Faith you know how you have an authority authoritative person says well you will never succeed what would a three-person when you tell them they were going to fail they generalize to the occasion that's one of the strong points I like about threes no we know number fours you understand yeah false represents Foundation yeah Force represents the square it represents boundaries but it represents also the genius in man is also represents sensitivity the world is built on Force yeah everything everything you do practically you know the chair I'm sitting at the table you're sitting at whatever the case is yes three represents the tripod of something for which that uh uh word comes from the first word try Tri but without four that is a foundation so we do look at news which is Northeast west and south means it's coming from all four directions yeah four corner contracts every paperwork that we've done yeah four corners fours represents the foundation anytime you build a structure you always got to look at the Cornerstone of anything this building that we're in has some Cornerstone from which the whole rest of this building was built upon so that that makes me think that you know four represents the logic of man because but because nothing in nature has Corners like how man builds things because he builds things in Contraptions for control yeah right so when we are peering through Windows it traps the energy you understand me instead of creating circles instead of creating any other shape he builds it with these foundations of like bricks and fours and dimensions yeah because that's a dimension that he can control you understand me and so the architect of you know the black mind doesn't build everything in dimensions of four right we build everything with other different planes of existence as well but this whole entire world is built on Force yeah but you and you know what's interesting because it made me think if you look at all the planets in the heavens at least in our solar system whether it's Pluto Neptune Mars Saturn Venus whatever all the planets around you don't see no square planets nowhere floating into shooting because that's that's and one that that gets me to think because you know when you look at the plants right none of them are perfect circles right right they're more like zeros right closer to it you understand me and and that to me is that representation of right like what is that planet before life but when you put man on that now God exists there he multiplies the value of that planet right and I believe that that's like us before we have God within our lives right we are nothing but once we have God within their lives it brings value right to us and it multiplies who we are right and so when we look throughout the Universe we're looking for God we're looking for life right otherwise we don't denote much value to that planet so we can obviously see the nine planets but we're searching for God on that planet yeah I don't care what part of the world man has come from whether it's the aborigine or whatever the case is we're always looking for something higher than ourselves right oh and you can just sense it right but and as you said though there's only a per certain percentage of us that's looking for it higher and we really influence the rest so you got certain numbers that may exist on that mental plane yeah and be looking out to the heavens trying to figure this thing out and then they start to spread their thinking amongst everybody else yeah and everybody else say hmm I never thought about that because there was millions of people who looked up at the stars and never wondered how did they come about but then there was one person that was just what's going on up there you understand reading people started charging I was going to say the dogon people understood that yeah they understood I believe like imagine if there's a tribe of people who are the most of the tribe is all one particular type of number Consciousness so they're more intuitive in a higher plane of reasoning and so you happen to get a cluster the same way you get a cluster of stars their little Galaxy over there that mentally and intuitively they was able to have a certain understanding as they started to build with each other right because I met the wholehearted belief that you know everybody of course is different right we always talk about equal we love to utilize that word because we feel like that word equal creates Justice when it doesn't I think difference creates more Justice because it creates more understanding yeah right I agree equality leaves people confused yeah because you got somebody short you got somebody tall and you say you're equal no that's right it confuses people because we have to use our senses we have to judge things and now I'm looking at it but you're telling me they're equal but obviously they're not so I think that we have to qualify that on different planes right even people's souls are weighed differently you understand me when a person does something good morally we consider that person to be more yeah so in no fabric of reality do we actually consciously judge people to be equal right it's only in this moral Consciousness that's an idea in society that says that we got to say everybody's equal but we're not but that's not and this is why you can have a person walk into a room and their Aura when they step in attracts everybody and then you have another person step into a room with no Aura at all and people wouldn't even know they came that's all I'm saying brother I see energy that's the energy but and and you have to know that that type of person can compliment another energy and I think the problem with the reality of telling people they're equal is that it creates these egos to not represent themselves in their correct fashion yeah yeah right because this person was supposed to be the Thinker this person supposed to be the Visionary this person supposed to be the most beautiful person they're supposed to suck out the air in the room because of who they are the way that they're composed their properties each person if you were to give them if we could figure out like an algorithm to break down the properties of different human beings and add it up you're going to see different dominant vibratory frequencies that exist there's no question that's why some numbers do better During certain times of days like eights and sevens and nines tend to do better during the day during the night see there's certain numbers that do well during the day certain numbers as well during the night number three is one of those numbers is whether both day or night they got it you know this is why everybody don't go to bed at the same same time get up at the same time dress the same way eat the same time you know what I'm saying because there's so many factors so for example when I went to China That's 12 hours ahead of us when I went to Hawaii that's six hours behind us and in fact it's so interesting because like the United States likes the number four here when I went to China their lucky numbers of the six and the eights those are the Money numbers okay they don't like the word four four is not one of their lucky numbers if I say four in Chinese that sounds like the word death you see what I'm saying so every country Nation will have their numbers that they play upon but it's it's regardless of the numbers that sets off for frequency right and what my goal is when I deal with my clients is everybody says man that person was in the wrong place at the wrong time well my focus is how can you be in the right place at the right time right now see that's the key now I want to go back over selfishly I want to go back over my months that you said it was my best yes yes your best months are always in February June July August and September when you look at when I started what you did when you looked at when you moved to this place or that place or whatever the case is you'll find that late January into February then late May into June July August and September um that's another thing about Cycles right because during the winter cycle right you know for a lot of people it's supposed to be not the cycle of you're trying to create things number one it's a cycle of death right because it's the winter times when things are dying and getting prepared for New Growth yeah right so just as your body goes through Cycles within you know 90 minute Cycles throughout the day right which decrease over time so after each cycle of your Peak that Peak gets lower and lower until you start to fall asleep yeah right same thing throughout the year right you got your Spring right yeah or or you have your fall right you have your spring you have your summer then you have your winter right so things are peaking within that summer range yeah right yeah and now that's when these are where you protect the things you build you understand me and then you're coming up with new ideas you're giving birth to new things like even in that range of September from you know the number nine which is a powerful number and understanding of specifically in birth you have the first where you have a thought about something then you go to giving terms to that right so like within people look at January and I think January is the worst month to try to start any New Year's resolution which is why 90 of people fail because you're doing it in the worst months it was in the period of Saturn which is when you tear down rather than build up right so now like even with where we at in today's society we're in a cycle of a recession right so this cycle is when things are receding right in business you have certain Peaks it reaches the top then it has to recede yeah then it reaches an average yeah right so we can see what the real performance is yeah so it never you never grade a business by its peak cycle because it has to come down and listen nothing stays at the top forever right so like when you understand that in in our economic Cycles is up being in a recession and trying to see if this recession goes deeper into a depression it's understanding that okay during these times times is when you get rid of the things that you don't need right so businesses are getting rid of employees yeah right they're getting rid of products that's not selling they're getting rid of parts of their budget it's the same cycle you should go through within your life you're getting rid of people who don't serve your value yeah you're getting rid of things that you may have just held on to because you never have to think about it because you never have to adjust your budget right you never had to adjust your life to say okay well listen I got this friend that's always calling me I can't afford the energy right now I need Focus yeah there are times when you gotta cut your losses right you you you you know certain TV shows I can't watch right now certain people I can't be around even your health cycle certain things you can't eat right now right and understanding that in the day in the in the winter hours we get less sun right so for black people this is a specific time to be cautious yeah because we need more sun than anybody else we are children of the sun exactly right the son loves us and we can absorb more than anybody but it requires us to be in the sun longer than anybody yeah right right but during these times we go through you know uh vitamin D deficiencies so understanding those Cycles within reality helps us make sure that we can maintain our success so we're not operating out of order in in in an imbalance let's see that's the point that I've mastered when I took a person's birthday I knew that high Cycles their low Cycles the Cycles when they're at their best and you know the way I used to explain to my kids the sun don't come out every day right although I might want the sun to come out every day some days it's going to be a little stormy a little overcast rainy but primarily you want the sun to come out as much as you want to right but it doesn't come out every day but once you understand that there are always Peaks and valleys and the point is to understand when you're at your Peak and they'll take advantage of it so therefore if you look at some of the things you've accomplished uh with your career the things you're doing now will probably take place in Winter of February then late spring into May June excuse me June July August and September that's when you're kind of on your road peace family is power structure order Community intelligence Liberation Freedom these are words that describe what we're doing and what we're building see there's a world of individualism out there you're fighting to try to satisfy your ego instead of being a part of an Eco and once you become a part of the ecosystem now you have wisdom around you now you have intelligence now you have a mastermind of those who know more than you and once you have access to Information Technology community and education now you have all the things that you need in order to build your own Foundation your own Nation you understand me this is my family and I want you to join it as well make sure you tap into the block world order so we can get you together foreign about Kanye West and Kyrie Irving yes right now Kyrie Irving his birthday is March 23rd 1992. yes and Kanye West is June 1877. so what do you see in those numbers that's aligned with the controversy that they're going through right now well eight is always the number that is misunderstood okay that's the one thing about it that's why I tell a person if they have the main hangar model over their door it would be to know me is to love me Muhammad Ali was also a number eight remember he says ain't no Vietnamese call me [ __ ] yeah okay what I'm saying and they took his title they took his money but notice what happened that the Vindication came around he stuck by his truth so whether people like what Kanye say or not I mean there are certain realities that are factual sequence people are entitled to their opinions but not their facts it's a whole different thing right now Kyrie Irving in fact is is a cardinal sign a cardinal sign represents a change of the season and he is an Aries and so Aries are going to always almost all the people that make the most impression on God's Earth they are the cardinal signs which will be Aries which would be cancer which would be Libra which would be Capricorn so for example if you look at Capricorns all of the black historians are Capricorns Dr John hope Franklin Dr Dia Dr John Henry Clark Dr Ida van serma that I left you with in Houston and Texas uh Dr uh Leonard Jeffries or Capricorns yeah you know what about what about the honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan his is May 11th of course yes he is under a fixed sign okay fixed signs are very important Malcolm X was a tickson that means when people are focused and you'll fix that so that means we're real focused even though we might get thrown off track we always try to find a way to get back on and keep the mission yeah that's in basically what we do the other signs are mutable mutable means they're very flexible they're very fluid like Pisces and cancer things like that they're more fluid but fixed signs and cardinal signs are the ones that tend to make the most impact on Life Stage though right so that's why people always tell me like man you just seem to know your purpose you just you just that's focuses it's just innate it's not even something that I could change that's my operation that's something I want to change yeah right like that's that's just understanding my mission on this planet Earth right and I've been looking at my numbers for a long time and just understanding like damn you know from the birthday from my birthplace right to the hospital I was born in I remember early on looking at those numbers and be like yo all of this added up like if my parents understand numerology numbers do and they would have known they had a special child when they had me well see here's how I'd look at it the fact if you look at the biological process of what it takes to get to impregnate one egg in a woman millions and millions of sperms go after this one egg that's a whole lot of competition but only one of those Millions will match up with the eggs so to me that's why I look at everybody especially until you act out of character I try to treat everybody the same way knowing that all of us are special know what the biological process is and when you understand that you can deal with a lot of people you know what I'm saying but then it's how we are in this cycle so people say well Lord how do you know when a number is good or bad just by the actions brother if you're blocking people's blessings and you interfere with their lives obviously you're not living on the best side of your number but what happens is we are so much caught up into being influenced by influencers that we're so busy looking at somebody else's backyard we need to look at our own backyard because you can't change who you are so what you do is you make the most of it so for example I if I wanted to be real tall and I says uh well Lloyd this is it so what you gonna do so it's so you make the best of what the creator has given to each and every one of us every one of us a divinely special it's just our attitudes towards each other it makes a difference right I believe that a hundred percent you know I believe that you know if human beings have the ability to appreciate who they are right yeah and not trying to be someone else that's why comparison is the thief of Joy because you can never be who you comparison yeah you can't take their life path right you can't replace them from the path that they were set on yeah and so unfortunately Society creates this reality to where it's compare and contrast so you'll never appreciative of the numbers you were blessed with you'll never appreciative with the properties of who you are and sometimes that person you admire and you don't know what changes they're going through where you need to say you know what I think I'm glad right because for the most part you could I I wholehearted believe that you know that's why I say be careful what you wish for because you couldn't even go through what they went through mostly probably emotionally to get to where they are and if you did you would suffer which is why you are not which is why you don't have what they have because God knew that yo okay this person can actually handle what they have now if you want it I can take you through what they went through but they're built for that yeah so if I take you through that same thing it might kill you yeah that's you understand me yeah you may have such great stress and depression that you wouldn't enjoy nothing of what you have everybody is equipped differently right but they've got us now in this Society at least the present day of trying to emulate what this person is doing or what that person is doing rather than trying to figure out what what am I supposed to do right everybody has their role to play Within A revolution yeah somebody may just be you may just create the soundtrack to it right another person may actually draw up the plans for it but if everybody plays their little parts and can fit it like a nice puzzle it turns out to be a nice Mosaic and that's where I think that there is a value or understanding that you know there's we may be different but the role that we play can give us significance that can bring us to a level of equality right but if you don't play your role and match the significance of your role then we can never be be equal because I'm playing my role right to its highest level of significance right so if your role is to to paint the mural right but you do a a halfly good job you're not even playing Into Your Role yeah yeah right but now you mad at me because I'm speaking for it but I'm playing a mind to the T I'm studying I'm making sure that I can communicate at the highest level so now I'm playing at the highest level of my role that's putting in the work right so that's what I want people to really take from this number one the cycles and number two understanding your properties yeah right like each atom has a certain numerical property to it so involved within us we are made of billions and billions of atoms right in each one of these properties have a numerical value and so that we are associated with the numerical frequency and understanding the value of that frequency and the purpose of it allows you to be guided throughout life you understand me and I believe that if you want want to multiply that frequency all you have to do is add God to it you understand me and God will bring you like-minded individuals right because that's that one you understand me you're already a zero just add just add a little God to it and you're good to go simple ain't it right it's simple it's simple when you understand yourself but but I also realize I have the processing power to understand it so I'm empathetic with people who don't let me see that's what four is for is about logic it was about foundations yeah so when I deal with people in society a lot leaders figures play athletes a lot of different people you know and like you said everybody don't want the truth but that's what I come to give yeah so and and that could be and you got to be yourself as they want to be true to themselves they can't have it both ways yeah so that's because when we're friends with people we often don't want them to tell us the highest truth we want people to sugarcoat things and I just I don't like that everyday it's not to the advantage it's not because I've learned from my older brother when he was telling me just raw truth that's when I grew the most even though I didn't like it when I heard it you understand me and I questioned them and I fought them on it first yeah then I had to go back and my all right he presented this and now I have to talk myself out of it right so now I have to present a higher truth than the reasoning that he gave and if I can't then I have to add that on to who I am as a real truth but it grew me because I've seen parts to myself that he was able to observe that I wasn't observing and I said okay let me just question and see if he was right I can you can hate a person for telling you the truth or you can love him that's your your object that's why Youth and wisdom don't go together yeah old man for Council young man before yeah yeah because the older man now would say well why and why do I have to go into the army and shoot up somebody a younger guy you know the way it is yeah we just gung-ho will sign up and whatever the case is pick up a gun but then when you talk to men who are mature past 30s 35 40s why why do you want me to do this right so we begin to question things questioning and my whole thing too when I have my shows My Philosophy is I teach people you either think for yourself or somebody would do your thinking for you and and believe me and part of the problem now I think is we're so busy trying to follow this person and that person that we're not follow him in our own spirit because God has given us a spirit in the brain just like everybody else right now you've been on the Oprah show yes three times three three times what was it that Oprah was looking for or seen when she heard of you as a master well what happened is I had appeared on an ABC show in New York a guy named Regis Philbin and Kathy Lee oh yeah we got her Affiliates saw me in New York and flew me out to Chicago when she was there at that time so how was it with like what what's Oprah's number she's January 29th she's a two now the nature of twos is their touchy feeling so she would be sitting next to a person and she would have them stand up and she would put their hands on it but she people asked was that just fake no twos are very touchy and tactile that's their thing so I always tell the truth they should have a hug twice a day uh twice a day yeah definitely and if not a physical hug or a word indirectly about saying you know if it wasn't for you the day you saved the day they wouldn't mind putting an extra hour extra time things of that nature you know the only two there's different is the two that's made of two ones like an eleven there's the second there's the 20th and then there's the 29th like Oprah Winfrey but when a person's born on the 11th that that's made of two fire numbers so that's why their energies are different which is why they refer to them as Masters that's a money number what is it six and eights of your money numbers okay that's why China loves the sixes and the eights okay now what about February 26 1877 that's Madison otter Muhammad's birthday um he would be an eight now eight is a philosophical number eight is always associated with God religion Faith uh and in fact if you talk to a Jewish person they will tell you 26 is the number of Jehovah oh God and numerology see what I'm saying uh 26 is also the number of the Secret Service too and in fact they're they're down here in New York is at 26 Federal Plaza and and but H are always very philosophical it is God's number they seem to be children of fate or destiny if you talk to a person the person they married would may not have been the person that had planned to marry but as fate or destiny would happen they do so they refer to even to Christ in the Bible is 888. you see what I'm saying versus the beach which is 666 in Revelation So speaking of relation ships and numbers right now like is there certain numbers that you should look for that you're compatible with ideally yes so like let's say you know um uh I'm not gonna use myself let's say uh a non-person a nine person would do well with other five numbers one is to find number three is a fire number okay you know because each number is ruled by an element in nature so the number one is ruled by the element of five which means passionate proactive the number two is ruled by the element of water which means sensitive and intuitive the number three is also ruled by the element of five which means they're very proactive and passionate about doing things the number four and five are ruled by the air numbers and those are your two of your numbers are air and see I like your combination because you're the four one five four and five of your air numbers one is your fire number so therefore there's a balance in your birthday because you got a blend of air and fire and they will tell you if there's a fire in the room the one thing you don't do is open the windows or open the doors okay because it makes for combustion okay six is Earth very pragmatic very grounded seven is water which is spiritual intuitive eight is also Earth and nine is also fire so the fire numbers are the ones three nines the air numbers of the four and the five the water numbers are the two and the sevens and the Earth numbers are the four excuse me the six and the eights now does that affect the type of relationships you have so there's a large conversation and about like polygamy and monogamy right are there certain numbers that are um automatically aligned with monogamy and there are certain numbers that align more with polygamous relationship types I hadn't thought of it that way I I was thinking of number ones because number one is a very individualistic the number one is normally set the stage or the pattern so you the fact that you carry 19 as your name as your identification means that you and when I say that it's not just in multiple wise but just Teamworks and partners captains and whatnot that you would have involved and see what I'm saying like that right collapses yeah sixes is more like twos and sixes are more like for family you know they like home family stability and the six we didn't talk about but six is also very important like 24 hours in a day UH 60 seconds in a minute 60 minutes in an hour so each number always plays its part it appears so so give me about the sixes because I think we didn't go over six is 107s well yeah is moved by Venus uh it is an Earth Energy it is pragmatic six is strive for Perfection and I think in the way they look at the construction of the Bible in day one God said let there be light and he was creating the world but on the sixth day he saw the world was to his Perfection and rested on the seventh so I noticed that people born on the 6th to 15th or the 24th they are very hard on themselves you know what I'm saying especially the women oh you should have did this you should have did that but we're all human and being human you're going to make mistakes you're gonna have your moments uh when I do my live shows I made some boom booms but you know like I don't do it deliberately but it has happens right so I want to talk about the uh Chao Dan approach a bit you understand me specifically when it comes to the child Dean number values well here's the thing the the system that goes from one to nine is the Pythagorean system that philosophy of school of thought says you should take the name a person is given at Birth so if you just presented a brand new baby to me and Lloyd this is the full name of the baby I'd use that I liked it and and the account the Pythagorean system is called modern numerology the Chaldean system though is referred to as Mystic numerology that's far far older it only goes from one to eight which is why I rejected it when I first started it for many years but yet it is it is more accurate listen they both get you to the same destination and just what car you take you get to the same rhyme but I like the Chaldean because the Chaldean says you take the name you're most known by you're known by 19 kids now whatever your original name is at Birth or you use that's one thing so like when I was uh working at a radio station in New York my program director he had used his middle name as his first name and swore never ever ever to reveal it so if I had to go by the Pythagorean system you know how am I gonna get it like you know Mark listen and I'm supposed to name he says no I'm going to tell nobody so you take the name the person used the most so I always use the Chaldean system right but when I teach numerology as I've done in my classes and colleges and stuff like that I teach the one to nine method because it's it's more simple to associate the letters to the numbers now is Friday the 13th a because I just look at my mom my name my real name is uh or my given name rather is a nine okay right so I thought I was looking at through the Chaldean system it still comes up to a nine you know I mean well then that's nice because that means in both systems that and see in the Chaldean system nine was held with such respect such honor they didn't they didn't even include the nine but if your name added to a nine then then that even represents a lot of power because nine is one of those numbers where you add a number to it or subtract the number to it the root number is still going to be the same so if I say 9 plus 5 that's 14 but if I add 14 it's back to the root number five again yeah you see what I'm saying so it has one of those interesting Dynamics to the nature of the number nine um so that's that's how I'm saying that but no matter how you do it these numbers will guide you um and then we talk about the number nine because that is ruled by the planet Mars I don't think we went deeper yeah nine represents nine you can't go any higher than nine nine is a humanitarian number nine is universal Global International inspirational motivational bring out the best of people nines like to be the mass of their fate though and the captain of their ship yeah Nine's gonna take order as well nines I explained when I see a nine person they think they're the greatest thing since ice cream now my name adds up to a nine of My Three Sons all their first names are nines yeah because I want them to be men not males men there's a big difference I like that I like that um first of all I want to thank you for being here man I think you provided a lot thank you very much too uh what these with these systems and a lot of this information man and I want to read something before I go because I want to make sure that I um capture this quote correctly in the geology of time right and then I want to kind of get your understanding of it but what I want people to get from high level conversations is you know what they stole from us right that you can go to high level conversations and you can get access to that library and Timbuktu that library in Alexandria you can get access to the masterful knowledge that taught Pythagoras in the first place when he went to ancient chemical to our people to learn that he can become a so-called Master right and so I think it's important to where we have a place where we can come and we can learn from Brothers such as yourself right and I think that the Practical reality of understanding you know uh mathematics right from a sense of not just added multiplication and geometry and things of that nature where most people lose because they don't know how to apply that but just in the numbers themselves right and the same way you read words is you can read numbers yeah and numbers are symbolic of everything and then when people question me when I say numerology is an ancient African science the best for me the best illustration is the the Pyramid of Giza is built in the exact sin of the earth you don't do that willy-nilly buddy right you just don't right sorry trying to figure out how all those blocks were way tons were put in its place in such a strategic order that is also in alignment with the constellations and the eclipses and the solar and the lunar eclipses so magic man but that's that's us right that's us they ain't gonna figure it out but we already know yeah so it's like the dogon people how did they know about the serious star in in in in the heavens they knew the distance they knew the circumference and they knew the density they even knew about the serious star B and yet when you look at the pictures of those brothers that they photograph those brothers look like they perform the corner of 125th Street the corner of Oakland yeah everywhere you know what I'm saying and so we've known these things we've known these things but I guess it's just how we just know and see that that makes me think about just the different tribes that we have you know um on this planet Earth like we we aren't a monolithic people no we all have different special properties about ourselves that allow us to figure out different things within the universe and that we are called to yeah so it is very important is to understand you know the tribe that you come from that ethnic group that you come from what's in your bloodline so you can actually know the type of people that you derive from and what was your purposes on this planet Earth what is your what has your bloodline been doing this whole entire time well I think it's no accident that in this Society we live in when it comes to people of color and while contribution has been very suppressed but we are the original man yeah about that and we have created everything so so for example when I went to Greece I visited Egypt Cairo then I went to Egypt and if you saw the museums there versus the Cavalry Museum you would see why they all went into Egypt to study yeah they came back before them this and the father of that all right how could pythagor is going to be the father of numerology of studying in Egypt for 20 something odd years how can that be you know and so that's why once I learned where he went to study and it was on the African continent because of us a logical question well where's Egypt because don't forget Europe wanted to move Egypt over into Europe until Dr dib squashed that you know what I'm saying so all these things are so yes do you spend a lot of time alone I like to yeah you introverted mm-hmm yeah yeah see that's that's very private that's that's part of that personality type of being a mathematical thinker right to be an observer you have to spend time alone I do right and it helps uh manifest and nurture right that intuitive and mathematical mind that you have right because you know around people there's a lot of frivolous conversation that adds up to nothing right and people love to call people love to bother about a bunch of nothingness right and so there's certain people I can be amberverted I can be intro and I can be extroverted but I love to spend time alone because that's why I hear God the most well that line when I do appearances and stuff like that I'm very sociable but when I come home and lockdown brother that's it no you can't knock on my door because not unless you Amazon or FedEx yeah Hangouts man I think that that also normalizes it when you call a person just leave a message you ain't gotta just need a message yeah just leave a full time I'll do that too and I'll pick up the package yeah yeah that's that's all that is yeah but I wanted to read just real quick because I wanted to make sure that I quoted this correctly and I spoke on it before we get out of here and this is from the Theology of time it's a direct transcription from the under boy Elijah Muhammad speeches in the 70s and this was during the tail end of before the messenger had left because he started with the message to the black man which is where most people leave off they don't go to our Savior has arrive or you know fall of America right making it to Theology of time but I believe that that's where we are at now we have to become masters of Time right classes of mathematics masters of numbers because this whole world is comprised by four corner contracts on paperwork that they've learned how to conquer the rest of the world because they understand these secrets right and so they built the foundation of their reality based on understanding Sciences well we kind of operate little willy-nilly to where we just hope that things go right right and that's not the way I think that's part of the programming because we were not originally built that way never we was always we was we had buildings of everything Builders we've been generals we've been strategists we've been mathematicians and scientists this entire time but when you forget where you come from you think you was a slave waiting for instruction yeah right and so we have to get out that slave mind of waiting for somebody because that's what the slave would do slave would be waiting for a savior a slave will be waiting for orders a slave wouldn't be sitting there reading learning constructing building thinking and doing so now we're in the time of Masters and executors where your words mean about this much but your action mean everything yeah that's why the elders say you can show me better than tell me right and I'm from the show me state do you understand me no straight up straight up stay up and down right like James Brown yeah I'm talking about it's a man's work anyway let me see it says it says as I teach I will ask brother Minister James Shabazz to do a certain drawing and figure on the board as I instruct I want you to draw me a long hyphen cut it off about six inches of it on each side put a zero on this end this zero represents nothing but on the another zero on the other end now you will have nothing to go from nothing to start with right because the beginning of zero is nothing at the end the end is nothing listen good if we have one of the zeros erased and have zero here and we go from zero out here at the end finding one then from nothing is created what we call arithmetic number one in arithmetic number one we go from that to study to others how many ones do we have to study is nine isn't it from the zero we go out to the end of that long hyphen and we find one what produce one it was nothing wasn't it if he puts the one to the right of the zero he makes a fraction out of the one right but if he puts it to the left for the zero he makes it a whole number we are multiplying that one by just putting that zero in front of it making it tenfold this represents you and me we are nothing until the coming of Allah God we would like that zero there nothing now he came and put himself with us when he put himself with us he increased us tenfold God has increased us tenfold by adding number one cell he's the great number one God putting himself besides nothing he made nothing come forth he made something out of nothing by coming and standing beside nothing which was more than a zero it made the zero something we could count them from this is you and me you're getting up in a world capable of being looked upon and respected because the one God is besides us who are considered nothing I only want you to bring into the knowledge of yourself why are you nothing are you in any way tallied with the universe yes Elijah why did you make the zero around because that's the way the universe was before the creation of man out of of it we came by one who was self-created he didn't come from the creation of another he's the Creator himself the first remember that he made himself in a circle so that wisdom of self-creation could keep going to give knowledge wisdom and understanding to you and me I want us to remember that out of Darkness came one and then he took the unknown and put it in front of himself from what to produce the known or for what to produce the known that's why the zero goes in front to make more zeros he put more up there besides zero and he keeps producing or making this one tenfold more powerful than it is just by adding zeros what are you trying to drive with Mr Mohammed I'm saying that the more of you who knew nothing and was like that zero and add it to the one God you become something I am only now making figures of us and from those figures we teach you and can understand he's applying the human map that's what he's doing and you know what's interesting when we're all born we all start out as zero we don't come out as one you gotta wait 365 days or whatever before you reach age one in the meantime you're zero even in that stomach when you look at that placenta and that baby folded up like a zero yeah he doesn't learn to stand up like a perpendicular man to become one no he has to learn he has to be given knowledge and end in life a man can go back down to nothing right when he doesn't have nothing and he doesn't know nothing he uses excuses to make nothing right but when you have knowledge of self it makes you stomach in chest out head up so you walk around like God because you're a field of God which is the knowledge wisdom understanding logic and reasoning of the mathematical concepts of the universe that you can utilize to apply on a consistent and daily basis and that's what makes you dangerous well you know essentially and just reflecting when there was a piece where yea said I am God now people that thought he's crazy but he has an understanding that I don't think a lot of people know because we have not been taught to look at ourselves as God Who We Are told to look at less than or the people of God yes because that's the big argument yeah today who are the people of God so once you understand where you come from then you exalt yourself as the people of God well my attitude is we are the original man now if anybody got some problems with that that's on that well that's that's untrustible that's an immutable truth that's like trying to make one plus one equal four it's just certain things you can't get away that's the myth right the issue is you don't believe in yourself you don't believe you can learn make some money understand a new skill set jump into a course a community and all of a sudden your problems start to go away no you think because of your education and your environment certain things weren't made for you or you think you two gangster don't learn this you understand me or you think you're too old to learn it or you think maybe you don't know enough about technology you're not interested in it whatsoever or maybe you think just certain things are just not for you yet you got all these goals aspirations things that you think that you privileged to in the world but that's not the way the world works the world works for those who work for the world and those who work for themselves see once you start to develop the power of the mind then you understand that it's about mentalism how to be able to take those thoughts that are inside your head and bring them outward But first you have to be able to bridge the gap the gap between where you want to be the distance is determined by what you know and what you don't know and the speed in which you get there is determined by your own willpower and your ability to execute in your work ethic see I don't want to do anything for you I want to give you the tools to be able to do for self but I also understand that the world handicapped us they gave us a school system they gave us learning disabilities it took us away from our creative learning how to be able to learn on the goal and to become critical thinkers at certain point in time everybody just stopped thinking you just stop thinking the other day I was listening to some advice on social media and I heard one opinion right then scrolling down I started somebody else talk about the same subject give an opposing opinion and I actually had to stop myself and think about it wait a minute both of these people are not right the problem was I didn't want a critical think for myself so I took the first influence that I got because I didn't feel like thinking about it on the subject so when you hear about subjects of financial literacy you hear about blockchain Technologies and cryptocurrencies and wealth Building Systems sometimes when a person tells you something negative it becomes your excuse and your reason why not to execute but see I got a large family and I don't let nobody make excuses around me I employ my family I employ designers and developers and I pay them tens of thousands of dollars why because they can do things that I can't do now without skill sets that's not much value that you have because now your value is determined by the market but when you have skill sets that nobody can take away you always have value no matter where you are in the world and what time it is of the day see developer skill nobody can take away and you have a value that nobody can strip away when we talk about wealth I don't want it to be some pie in the sky idea I don't want it to be some 10-year future I want it to be now because the future is now because they've built everything that we need so you just have to learn how to use it and we're going to teach you how to use it in a bwo we're going to teach you how to use it in these Block World Order you understand me so now you can get off your ass and use your mind and get you some money use your mind to change the infrastructure of your life but guess what nothing works if you don't work so yes we built the foundation but it's up to you to stand on it yourself come and join the Block World Order see what we have to offer now you can take those goals you have in your head and make them obtainable by the skills you possess in your mind what's happening [Music] this is a wonderful conversation I definitely learned a lot thank you and I hope that people can understand that you know operating within the fabric of the universe observing those numbers allows you to be in constant rhythm of who you are and where you're supposed to be because you can't do anything without numbers so if you know your numbers you know how to be in lockstep with the universe that's a fact so make sure y'all tap in and get my brother so you can understand this book numbers and You by my good brother Lloyd strayhorn the legendary Astro numerologist brother I appreciate you man thank you thank you thank you too this has been your high level conversations make sure you tap into another one peace foreign [Music] [Music] well first of all if you're new uh 19 kids birthday like I did which is number four four is a very Visionary so they always do things in a kind of a visual Visionary way so people will hear something but they don't get it until later on so the point is he was able to bring out some things that I wasn't able to actually his questions were quite original based upon those questions I get but again he's a poor so I expect them to kind of think outside the box and uh respond like that so to me it was very good to me it was enjoyable I felt right at home you know I first seen Mr Shea horn on black magic [Music] um on YouTube and automatically I was already looking for someone to speak about numbers and numerology because that's deep on my journey right I go by a number 19 keys right so you know when people ask me like am I into numerology I would think it was would be obvious that I would title myself after a number so yes I am deep into synchronicity right and intuitive understanding and I'm deep into understanding introverted processes of thinking which I think are you know being able to read the universe and reading the universe is observing numbers and so I found different codes throughout my life that I've been able to utilize to achieve success and so giving people an understanding of you know finding the the understanding meaningful coincidence right which I think it was one scientist that said that coincidences was left over after a bad Theory right and so for me I don't particularly believe in coincidence I believe in understanding and finding the meaning and either a person hasn't found it yet but that doesn't make it a coincidence right there's a pattern in the sequence and a cycle to everything in the universe and understanding the cycle that we in right now either as a people as an individual is a very important thing and I believe that numbers can help us arrive to that point so the more mathematical that we think the more control we have over our universes right and so we have multiverses there's my universe there's your universe that makes it a Multiverse right so it's it's the things that I go through it's the things that you go through which makes the things that we go through so understanding those cycles that you in the cycle that I'm in and understanding when it's time for us to unite when it's time for us to build when it's time for us to collaborate when it's time for us to be thinking when it's time for us to destroy and build and protect and maintain and manage and provide and teach we have to understand the cycles of how these things line up even in stock trading people utilize solar cycles and you lunar cycles people look at Paradigm Cycles right you know uh um whether it's Black Monday and October 19th or they start looking at different recession cycles of certain things that have happened because you understand that especially when you understand the correlation between time and numbers right that all time existed at the same time right but there's different frequencies of time and those are known by numbers so for me I'll look at numbers as you know um mathematical properties right and that all have a connection to different frequencies and each thought that we have have a vibratory frequency that can be measured so when you think of the number one they can connect you to a ECG machine and they can see what that mathematical frequency is same thing with number two same thing with number three so you're operating all around the world seeing three three four four four five five five six six seven seven and you're not understanding the meaning what is that frequency that is emanating right from you that you are observing a pattern that you're showing yourself because we live in the universe of ourselves right so the more that we know the more we can understand of ourselves because knowledge only allows us to understand ourselves because we create the world so the world road is on a reflection of our understanding so you know numbers is one of those pieces of you know the pie that allows us as a people to become mathematical thinkers which allows us to not just talk right but to build and brief in numerology the name the theory is predicated on your date of birth so the month today and the year you born denotes why you're here you know normally only when the you know what hit the fan we want to know that but we're all here for a purpose a reason and that's determined from taking the month the day and the year you're born your date of birth though is more immediate that is what gives you your focus your direction to point you North upon the compass your name though denote your natural talents give skills and abilities which you do who you attract to you uh your philosophy your career orientation so when you combine both the name and of the birthday and the number of the name of the person then you got a more composite picture of really the person's uh goal and purpose of being on this planet all of us have a reason and a season it's just what is yours you know I I talk to my students about this in the bwo about creating profiles of themselves right from your personality type from your design type from you know your different traumas you didn't went through now you adding the numbers understanding days that you should operate on different cycles that you should operate with then it's key so now I don't want to make certain business decisions on the wrong day I would rather it be in line when the universe is more in flow rather than being in friction right so now I understand during winter time I have to work 10 times harder because these are not my months right I understand my months are more closer to Spring that's when things flow from me just easily I could I could do nothing and make money you know that's my spring energy but in the winter I understand by understanding that cycle it's not that things that won't continue to work for me is that I have to put in more effort and more energy right and so my understanding though comes a lot from intuition and observation but understanding is completely different so knowledge gives me the ability to understand my intuition and my observations which also allow me to apply I believe there are so many people that operate at a high level subconsciously but can't tell you how or why so God is always in the why so once you understand why now you have a scientific method to reproduce it and to teach that method because what we have in our culture is Brilliance subconscious Brilliance where we operate from an intuitive creative place but we can't always turn it into a system right to where that is duplicable Brilliance well now we can just continue to turn out more and more and more see I read in there when you got that one and you got those zeros so you you take the logic of your you put that one now you got a system one you can just turn zeros out and that represents the people making them from nothing teaching them something and then turning them into God so that's the god Factory about giving them the mathematics giving them the truth the knowledge wisdom and understanding and now you got an operation Excellence we all know that we have two minds a conscious mind and a subconscious mind so what happens is in the process if I asked the question by a client and I'm not sure I will tap into his conscious mind subconscious mind how do I do that well I'll ask a person to give me a number basically three numbers those numbers will tell me whatever it adds up to will indicate subconsciously so let's say a client asked me a question of a yes or no nature and I'm not sure I'll say well give me any three numbers that come to your mind right quick if it's an odd number if those three numbers add up to an odd number like 12 1 plus 2 is 3 give me yes is the answer to the question if it adds up to an even number it means no is likely to be it'll also tell me that what the person is probably thinking about subconsciously by way of either the zodiac sign of the person or the date of birth to the person that's one of my favorite topics numerology and thought reading because the subconscious knows everything the subconscious remembers everything and doesn't forget anything you know I think what it is nowadays because we are so inundated with media internets and whatnot numbers are here Social Security numbers this that numbers that I think because we're so kind of super saturated with it now that we've become numb to it but you let these numbers disappear and you see how important they are and I told people if they don't believe in numbers can you please send me your paycheck I have been waiting a long time for somebody to send me their paycheck because it's not going to happen so these numbers mean something but if they understood the more esoteric side of numbers then they will know how to be in the right place at the right time in harmony with the universe which is what my objective is because if you can be in the wrong place at the wrong time you cannot tell me you can't be in the right place at the right time and that's what I do make sure y'all get numbers in you my brother gives a very great breakdown there's so much in this book that we didn't even get to go over right but there's a breakdown from your birthdays to the thought reading process says to you know the different Pythagorean theorems that you can utilize in numerology to mastering self to your days to the different Cycles to you know whether he was born in the first 52 days in a year and what that means the type of people you should be around the energy there's so much in it that you can utilize to customize right within your life so make sure that you click the link below and get my brother's book and understand the numbers and understand you you know what I'm talking about listen I appreciate y'all being here but listen it is not just important to hear but to understand so now this is the part where we test you to see if you actually understood or listen to the things that we said now this can be an Easter egg hunt even though I'm celebrate Easter but y'all understand what I mean right so you go back through the episode and if you don't understand something now you get to take a test right so you scan the barcode take those 19 questions and we may have something special for you right or you just may be conducted into the High Level Society Hall of Fame that's up to you you understand me make sure that you continue to watch high level conversations if you want to become a sponsor make sure you go to high level mediallc and you can see your products in high level conversations I'm 19 Keys stay high low [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 1,176,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment, 19 keys, Lloyd straghorn
Id: wJzj0bqC58Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 7sec (6607 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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