Soft Life, Masculine Women, Superior Men, Power of the Tongue with 19 Keys & Ronne Brown

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you know nowadays you know the fellas they'd be wearing the hoochie daddy shorts they'd be taking all the off the right ain't gonna lie they got the nails yeah the nail polish they now they're doing the the bb i'm not interested they're taking everything from y'all and i love i'm not into it like i'm not into the nail polish and all that type of stuff for me i'm not really trying to fight over the mirror you know with you like i want i just want you to be confident in who you are i don't need you changing your nail polish every week that's just not my thing you know and yeah i have seen that the men are now getting dbls and injections in different places and stuff it's you know ain't nobody talking to us no we got to stop saying it you can't be a part of listen man we got to have some standards you can't be a part of the coach you can't be a part of the crowd you understand me locking in like that i feel like one of the most dangerous things is when when we say to each his own or a lot of time we say love is love what we're saying is we don't need to have any standards and everybody is accepted but in reality everybody isn't we judge people we have our bias we want there to be a standard right we want there to be standards in relationships whether it's our business relationships our family our friends our intimate relationships so i think that it's okay for the culture to be like that's not it [Music] [Music] peace family welcome back to high level conversations today i have a very special guest um it's not other than a brand specialist you understand me a very intelligent a very confident a very soft life living woman but also a woman who is into entrepreneurship who helps build up other women to understand their story their confidence they brand their business so that they can utilize their feminine powers to develop some sense of entrepreneurship and wealth for themselves i've seen women give testimony of how the power that she have to give to others allowed them to recognize and reveal the power within themselves today i want to have a very powerful and most necessary conversation with the culture and i had to bring somebody who i feel represented the balance in between being a mother an entrepreneur but also staying within her feminine grace today i have none other than miss ronnie brown how you feeling today i'm feeling good to be here likewise likewise so let's get into it you understand me you know i like to start in the middle when i have conversations rather than the beginning and today you know the topic that assembles us together uh is more about the soft life of women particularly black and brown women i had a conversation with a young lady i believe she uh founded the freedom march for women and she showed me where they had did a um a photo shoot and his photo shoot was her and her friends being in softness laughing playing being enjoyed just living life because usually when they take pictures of them you know new york times show them all hard and mean and they project that on to the women even though that that's not their actual real life sometimes i see tamika mallory she be chilling at the beach kicking it living their life living in softness but you know the poise is like no that's a hard independent woman like no we supposed to still protect her right she utilizes her voice and her passion and her energy but she should be able to have that soft light because the men come around and we protect because we're in our masculine energy right and so i believe that you know you represent that as well so i want to get your take on what you believe is and what represents the soft life for women so for me i believe that the most important thing when it comes to the soft life for a woman is a woman being able to authentically be herself right now i feel like we are in a space where the internet is creating um the personalities of women and women are no longer being who they authentically are right now we are kind of being cohorts right you're being shown what you are supposed to be how you're supposed to carry yourself the clothes that you're supposed to wear um and i think that it's really important that we are able to show up as ourselves authentically i'll start there um another thing that i would definitely say is just taking a moment to rest and to be able to be there to have the balance with success in business but also having the ability to turn it off for me you know i run companies but i'm a mom so my preference is actually not to be on a plane every weekend i do not desire that life and for me i talk to a lot of the women that i work with on being certain about their life design for myself my vision was to be home to be able to take care of my family life design take care of my house and i wanted to create a brand around content that still allow me to be present in my home so i can raise my children so i can take care of them so it is really about your authentic self being a person who has a mind of her own being able to have a man who can lead you that you trust you know and just really being able to know when to turn it off and disconnect even from the phone from the internet from everything and it's happened to yourself do you have plans oh all over my house and this this is something i'm trying to you know get a gang to the fellas to understand like for when a woman has plants like that's a nurturing thing you gotta nurture plants right you got like a nursery and that means that you have to have a feminine energy because nature is feminine right so it's like even if you meet a woman she can't take care of a plant she's definitely not gonna be able to nurture you it's so funny because they laugh at me because in my videos i'm like watering this place all the time but it's just something about being able to disconnect and just water my plants i know when i'm not it's just so funny that you say that because i know when i'm not like in my right space because my plants start to die right and when my plane starts to die that means i'm too busy and i'm not home and i'm disconnected but when my plants are blooming and they're beautiful and they're growing that's because i'm home and i'm relaxing and i'm doing the things that i'm supposed to be doing yeah and it's funny because i like the plant representation because you know plants are life right so like if you're too busy to nurture those plants usually you're too busy nurturing yourself and the people around you because you have to water it and what you water grows right so it's the same as if a woman has a man in her life she's busy with her business she's busy with her child the same way of those plants you're gonna be dehydrated you're gonna feel unnourished right and the plants don't for the most part depending on the type plant that you have you're gonna do it every single day right those two days come back talk soon later aloe vera plant something yeah no but so in in that that's necessary to understand right because if you look at that like everybody has a rhythm on how much they need to be watered this person may need twice a week this one may need just once a week right and that's to keep everything healthy and it's the same reality that you know if you speak life into a plant it's going to grow more if you put something positive on that plant like goodness and love and you actually write that vibration it's going to have an effect on that plan and women have a very powerful ability to build or destroy when they speak yes especially with our men absolutely like you know physical violence what men commit but domestic violence that's verbal is said to be equivalent especially emotionally on how people deal with trauma in relationships right so what is your take on a woman's ability to communicate properly in relationships they may have an effect on it being successful or being devastating well something i learned just being young and being a teen mom is how important communication is and i think that sometimes we learn that too late and what i've realized is that how we speak to men it can either build them up or it can tear them down and even in relationships i think that it's important that we really think about how we are communicating with each other because the days go on and time passes but what i really have learned over the years is people will never forget how you made them feel so you may think that it's over with and you know that was six months ago i hear people talk like that but people are still hurt by things that you said to them years and years and years ago so i think that we have to be mindful of how we use our voice to build our men up right are we encouraging them right are we telling them that it's possible for them are we speaking life into them um but most importantly i think that as a woman you also have to be able to tell them the truth i'm not when i say build them up i'm not talking false flattery because that's not what men need many people who could truly see in them what they cannot see in themselves right they need the encouragement they need support they need someone where sometimes they don't need you to say anything they just need you to listen right so i think it's really important that we choose our words wisely and i think that goes for women and men but i don't think that a lot of women realize the power that we have when we speak life into our men when we tell them that we believe in them when we tell them that we see things in them that they don't even see and we have the power to really put that battery in in their back and like make them go like hard for everything they believe in a little swimmer's not working not feeling like a man testosterone not pumping stamina in the gym ain't going hard enough not exerting maximum effort and energy and endurance when you're inside there recovery time taking too long not feeling like your immune system is strong energy is not overreacting brain doesn't feel stimulated throughout the day well if you have any of those problems it's okay you come over here you try the sports monsters especially formulated with all natural ingredients such as sea moss zinc elderberry vitamin d and cordyceps which is a very powerful mushroom fungus that allows you to be able to tap into self if you want to do your own research please do but i've done a ton of research and i can tell you it works there's magic in these pills right here but more than that there's nature in these pills and once you tap back into your nature you tap back into that manhood peace family get on the sports moss [Music] no that's that to me that's you know that's probably half of the battle just the way we speak to each other i mean look at the songs nowadays like you made song and you know every song first you have men that was like man [ __ ] these [ __ ] basically then women [ __ ] these [ __ ] right so on both sides is disrespect yeah you understand me and then you know men see themselves as [ __ ] ignorant selfish we're gonna put everything in front of a woman you understand me she's last and we adopted that from white patriarchal intellect because he always seen his woman as last and not having real true value in his society but that was never the case for us we always had a value of understanding what the value of our women were right specifically in our movements because 80 of the makeup of our movements were always women right if you go historically whether you're looking at the panthers you're looking at the nation you're looking at any black men that may have been out front in the movement it was the women that was behind it that actually made it back they made it work they handled the details they made the vision possible right but in today's time not knowing how to speak to each other like a woman may try to address a problem and she may be yelling at him right and and or we only know how to speak towards the problem and never the solution so we speak mostly in negative terms what you don't like what you hate what you dislike and never towards the things that you actually want to see more of like that became a common conversation about toxic masculinity but nobody ever explained what was healthy masculinity that they actually wanted to see so as everybody believed in manifestation in the power of the tongue nobody used it in a matter of where they was actually attracting the things that they wanted to bring out in or manifest so i think that a lot of women may not understand or i know for a fact a lot of women do not understand the power at a time you understand me and the power of being able to speak things into reality so like when i've seen this soft life i say okay this is something i can champion you understand me i'm getting behind this 100 i'll be at the rallies and the marches with y'all you know because i lock in and what it does is if women on their softness it means that men gotta be get back to they hardness you understand you have to toughen up and man been so in touch with a feminine right that they've been more in touch with their feminine not being in touch with a masculine anymore right because they're masculine go be that man that understands principles of character and self-respect and being willful and being able to take care of responsibility right and so the more a man is within that energy then a more woman can relax within her softness but the more she has to to to to lead then the less she can be soft right and i've seen many women start in the position of trying to deal with it in a soft manner but also the bigger issue as well is that the larger society doesn't appreciate the idea of the feminine energy right specifically in definition because when we think about feminine energy a lot of people equate it to weakness right instead of strength because the feminine energy is what you do to nurture things to allow them to grow which you utilize to give birth in life it's the most powerful energy right you can make more things uh work by using finesse rather than using force and you get more when they say you get more beats for honey that's a fact and see and with that you're gonna use less energy so it's always the most efficient route feminine energy is way more efficient right at producing life and creating life than masculine energy we don't create life right we have the ability to charge things with force and power but you all deliver it right and so it's like getting back to this you know nowadays you know the fellas they'd be wearing the hoochie daddy shorts they'd be taking all of y'all stuff i ain't gonna lie they got the nails yeah the nail polish they now they doing the the bb i'm not into it like i'm not into the nail polish and all that type of stuff for me i'm not really trying to fight over the mirror you know with you like i want i just want you to be confident in who you are i don't need you changing your nail polish every week that's just not my thing you know and yeah i have seen that the men are now getting dbls and injections in different places suction and stuff it's you know there ain't nobody talking to us no we got to stop seeing it you can't be a part of listen man we got to have some standards you can't be a part of the coach you can't be a part of the crowd you understand me locking in like that i feel like one of the most dangerous things is when when we say to each his own or a lot of time we say love is love what we're saying is we don't need to have any standards and everybody is accepted but in reality everybody isn't we judge people we have our bias we want there to be a standard right we want there to be standards in relationships whether it's our business relationships our family our friends our intimate relationships so i think that it's okay for the courtship to be like that's not it because whoever created those ideas they didn't even come from inside the culture anyway that's the infiltration of what we organically believe is right and wrong you understand me and what we believe is integrable or we believe in some soy boy sucker [ __ ] i mean just to be honest so me i grew up where men check each other like bruh that ain't cool you understand me and i think that whatever is being pushed out to us now i think that things are intentionally absolutely being pushed out to the men right and i don't think that the men realize that these are agendas you know to soften them up and to get them out of their masculinity because just when i was growing up that just wasn't a thing not at all i mean if i don't know what woman said that then we need to start seeing men in booty shorts yeah i would imagine i'm just saying you know this is me saying this not ronnie brown saying i would imagine right this would be something preferable to how gay men would love to see straight men dress i'm just saying not women women was okay with [ __ ] you wearing the suit you wearing tall teeth you was able to get women through all of these errors no matter what you wore so this new cute life it ain't for women it's either for your own vanity or for other men i mean that's all i can see yeah i really miss the times when men used to wear you know suits when i was coming out my daddy wore suits and stacy adams and double-breasted suits and i used to shine his shoes at night you know like that was a thing that's how i was my pops he always would have hella suit yeah yeah i'm saying and you know you know i can dress down i can get dappered up you know i can flip it around you feel me but never to the point where you know i'm dressing like a fashionista yeah you understand me i feel like the dapperness that's what men supposed to achieve not the cuteness you feel me try to be dapper and flying i think a lot of men probably just don't know how you know so you know i try to step out a little bit i try to give them a little example yeah man you know because i feel like we lost in so many ways like men don't even know how to walk anymore you understand me like our head be down not confident like i was talking stomach and chest out head up you understand me like even when you keep your head high you exude more confidence naturally but i think that that's something that's taught and right now you know the the father figures and things like that they aren't there the way that they used to be so a man teaches you how to walk and put your head up and how to fix your voice and how to communicate and how to care and you know how to talk about the things that are important to you and that's what the difference is so these are things that are taught inside of the home but if the home structure is not there then you're learning femininity from a woman that's a fact so let's talk about femininity for the women because even though the women are in the household because they have to masculinize themselves in a position they don't often teach those feminine behavior and principles to women that grow up and at the same time i just don't feel like it's enough women giving each other game you understand me in that regard and i think that's that's another thing when women just not talk so in relationships the idea is just i do whatever i want i'll be freely in anything that restricts me then i'm done with it you know instead of actually men learning women and women learning men and taking on that responsibility to figure out what actually works because if i decide to get into a relationship with a person then i should be able to understand the feminine energy and what's needed and that rhythm of flow that actually goes to make this relationship successful so a lot of the women nowadays don't have those same qualities of being soft of you know self-respectability of being good communicators being nurturers and the nurturing thing does go back and forth between men and women but women are such natural nurturers right that if she doesn't possess that then that's the biggest ingredient of ways that you're going to feel love in that relationship well let me jump in and just say this that starts from the home as well a lot of the things that we are seeing now are things that are missing from the home when i was growing up my daddy was in my home so i was a daddy's girl my father came home from work and i sat at my father's lap and i laid my head on his chest and he rocked me to sleep and i would get up in the morning and my father would teach me how to garden and build a clubhouse and he would take me to baltimore harbor and we would go ice skating so i had my dad there you know growing up from a young girl up until i was about 14 years old my mom and my dad separated but my father was present so i think having the father figure there and having a man my dad was a leader he was a provider he was very dominant i grew up a different kind of way as far as now being an adult i believe that when a woman is in the presence of a dominant man she's going to naturally go into her femininity but when you are raised in that environment where you are around a woman who is the sole provider the woman who is the decision maker the woman who is working and paying all of the bills then you are taught to become that independent strong woman who doesn't need a man right and i think that what we are saying is the generational things happen when you know now the women don't have those men so when we get around men who because this goes both ways keys right we get around these men who can't provide right we get around men who can't leave we get around men who are not decision makers we get around men who are feminine right we get around men who may not see the value in the black woman right it's very difficult for you to be in a feminine space when you're working 20 hours a day right it's very hard for you to be in a feminine space when you cannot trust the decisions that the man that you're with is making right um i want to be able to close my eyes and say he has it that's a level of safety and i talk to women about this all the time there are different levels of safety that you must feel to be able to get into your feminine space with a man right there's emotional safety there's financial safety right there's intimate safety okay there is safety where if something happens you feel as though he can protect you okay and then can he build you up from a confidence standpoint or do you see your man you know out here feeding over every half-naked woman on instagram because that creates um emotional insecurity with so many women seeing that right you are now looking at women compare themselves based on body types and you know how people are showing up online and you're feeling insecure and inadequate because of an app or a filter or something that's not even real and it's no longer based on substance so there are just so many different areas that i just tell women pay attention to these things pay attention to who you're around when you're dominant pay attention to the man that you're around when you're in your feminine space when you are around a dominant man who you trust you will naturally slide right into your femininity now because i love what you're saying and there's someone who believed that and and this goes coincide that your feminine energy is not particularly dependent on whether you're around masculine energy that is something that you do all the time regardless of who or what is around you understand me and it is more so so that it doesn't become reactionary but more so a way of life and that's also with understanding that yes i understand that the difficulty of trying to be feminine while having to be in a leadership role right is a contradiction because honorable minister louis farrakhan said if a woman has to lead a man he becomes one of her children right and you said something about when a woman can't trust a man decisions she doesn't trust in his masculine energy anymore you know she doesn't trust in his logic so she stopped coming to you for that then she seeks other masculine energy whether within herself or within other men for that guidance and or leadership outside leaders absolutely and that's really one of the most dangerous things and this is why our men have to continuously focus on learning and educating themselves because if you cannot educate your woman if you don't have things that you can teach her you can guide her and she's constantly going to be seeking leadership and guidance in other areas absolutely every woman want a man that she can learn from 100 that's why a man is supposed to be an educator in his household like if a man brings knowledge and he teaches the woman then a woman becomes a teacher that teaches the children it's a natural flow like men are not supposed to be dependent a man is supposed to depend on no one but god right and if his knowingness and his faith is strong in that belief and he understands that confidence within himself then she can then in turn have confidence and belief within him and then that's when she can be properly led because she wants to be led because let me if you got this and you're naturally a leader then i'm going to be a good follower and let me just stress this because so many people think that women don't want to be led yes let me just bust this myth women want to be led women want to be able to say my man knows his stuff i trust him he works hard he is just so intelligent he teaches me so many things women want to say that we want to brag on our men we want to be able to say this is my man he does this he's a leader i can talk to him about anything we want to say let me go ask my husband first we want to say that what we don't want to say is i can't go to him yeah i don't know if he'll have the answer to that i can't trust his judgment we don't want to say that that's embarrassing we want to be able to say i fully trust the decisions that my man makes and whatever he decides i'm rolling with it um it just even sounded good when you said it that's what we wanna say and and it's like so you've seen the clip my home girl jazzy where she was talking about how she nurtures her man and this is the way that she loves what does a submissive woman do for her man everything what does that mean you know like packing his bag unpacking his bag just making sure all the things that he wants and i i pretty much read his mind so it's like if i know you and i study you like i know how you are in the morning i know how you are about midday i know when you're in this mood what you need like before you can ever ask me for something i'm already on it i mean he's spoiled and you know when i talked to my girlfriend about it i was like oh how are you guys doing i'm just like girl he's rotten i'm like he's spoiled rotten like he's ryan but i love that like i want him to be there i think my biggest flex is how i treat my man and i've been known to love people back to health and sometimes it's very draining but my love is my superpower and i used to hate that about myself but now it's like i'm just embracing it like that's who i am like if i love you i can heal you it's your joy it is my joy you know i i love to see him eating the meal that i cooked i love seeing him sleep easy every night like clockwork i scratch this man's back to sleep and i know when he's asleep because i can tell when his breathing changes and some people might think that's psychotic but that's like i just know that's when i'm like oh i can stop now but i find joy in being your rest you know so know what that means and that works for us because he wants what i have to offer right and they they a lot of people had a lot of women more so took issue with the details right and a lot of men were just looking into it and say that damn this sounds like that feels good like that's something that's the energy i want because a lot of men weren't really thinking about the details whether she said she rubs bad water scratches back or packed that's not what was looking at it was just that nurturing energy that she said that she possess in a way that she gives love right and a lot of men well i think when they've seen it they realize like yo i'm missing that not the detail i don't need nobody to pack the bag or things of that nature but that energy of having a nurturing woman who understands that who's looking out for my best interests as i'm building and i'm leading like she helps make a better leader she helps you lead right and a lot of women were looking at the details oh well i'm not gonna do this i'm not gonna do that and they're missing the bigger picture right and so i think that's why we get back to the issues of our the chaos that we have between each other because we don't even understand each other right like we are thinkers but women are feelers right you can never win an argument with a woman you understand me she got way too many options in different ways you'll go about it and for men we try to come to a logical point and end in the conversation and it's more so about how you felt so you have to stop yourself and be like all right if we're going to it it's not about winning and losing you understand me it's about understanding because if one person loses and you're in a relationship how does anyone win you're both losing you both lose if we're tearing each other down and apart we're losing together it's about understanding and agreement yeah and it's also being dedicated to understanding your person's love language and i don't think that we take the time to figure out what's important to a person sometimes we may think that just being successful is enough right but that's that may not be important to your person i am one of the things that i'm realizing is that just being considerate consideration is such a powerful thing so when you hear women talking about that soul of life or catering to that man when you are with someone who is considerate and who will take the time to cater to you in the way that matters to you it just makes you want to just go crazy for them it's like we gonna have a contest on who can cater and just be more considerate and then it just becomes this beautiful thing because i'm thinking ahead like what will he need and you're thinking like what will she need and we're just trying to serve each other and that's where the beauty comes out at i love that because i think that when we get it wrong is like and i think both men and women are responsible for this is that he started looking at men as suckers the more they did for women they can have that they listen to me all of that hard i don't care about no female you know i was having a conversation with a friend of mine the other day and i was like this is just so crazy but i want men to just start to understand the value of having a strong black woman right and i'm like we know what to do to make money we know how to build successful companies we know how to you know put our money here and there to make it grow but do we know when we have something valuable in front of us there needs to be a class where it's like this is a valuable woman this is an asset a woman is an asset super facts super facts a man can't reach his full i don't he can't max out his potential without having a woman yeah and i'm not just talking about the looks i'm talking about a woman that if you were to go to the grave today can she carry on your legacy that's value yeah right can she thank you through drinks when you come home and you're having a long day can you talk to her about the things that you can't share with other people that's an asset that's what we really need to get to the mindset can can you all read books together every month right can you sit on the phone and have conversations for two to three hours and it's not about sex because and one day won't be about sex it'll be about sitting on the front porch and the rocking chairs and talking about life and reflecting and the conversations are going to have to be able to withhold you know time and time and time because we're gonna look up and we're not gonna be pretty right the face is gonna drop it's not gonna be about your booty faces yeah and these new bodies right that's not gonna be there forever but can a person fall in love with your personality your spirit your character can you build a person up can you reassure them can you let them know that it will be okay can you have their back this is where the value is and i think we're missing that that's why another one of the values of you know um a good woman is her intelligence yeah we we greatly diminish a woman's intelligence and the appreciating factor of a woman's mind because for me it's like i like to be intellectually stimulating so if i can hold a conversation with you like that right there man you you charge me up you understand me i'm done i'm ready to go not in that man i'm just saying like i'm trying to tell you no but real talk though but it's like in order for let's say if a man meets a very intelligent woman right instead of you you know uh being afraid of her intelligence you can learn something and then have a conversation on mutual interest you know i mean same thing with a woman she can learn something go go watch it's like we take entertainment right we even learn things but we don't do it for a purpose of how we can build each other up a lot of times we think of our lives as separate i have my goals here you have your goals here but where do they intertwine to where we have this interconnectedness where we're building each other up right it's like let's say if your girl has a business she sell books right you know nothing about it shoot i might go study something about the book game i might bring some connections so i may be able to have a conversation or bring her some connections that allow her to grow in that area because obviously if that's her interest in order for us to have an interesting conversation we have to have conversations around our interest otherwise a person don't want to talk you understand me to become small talk and become door it becomes you become strangers yeah you know you just do it because you're in a relationship not because it's actually stimulating yeah and i think that if we realize that a woman being able to add something to the to the plate if she can bring something to the play it's not that she's trying to be dominant it's not that she's trying to be the leader it's not that she's trying to be a man if you recognize the value that she brings what i think about is if i'm strong in the areas that he is weak in right if in an area of business i might be good at marketing you may have a business and you're a strong man you're a great decision maker you're a great leader but marketing just isn't your thing but if i'm good at marketing just imagine what we can do together for your brand every i don't i'm 100 sure there are no billionaires super multi millionaires they got that way without having good women around them but that's the secret you understand me like tell them again you know put some more women on the team you know like that's what i'm working on right now when i think expansion i need women because if you give women ideas they're gonna give birth to it they're going to expand right so that's the canal of creation and so once we understand that formula then we learn how to win right and so we lost without that and mostly everything that we do divides us right the culture that we create now is a culture that separates us how much can we disrespect each other how much can we take advantage of each other how much can we mistreat each other and can we put that in the music the entertainment can we put in the way we dress can we say listen i don't want to listen to a man like even the idea of like a lot of we took a lot of things that white women had and complaints of their man and we just automatically embedded it into our culture right like a man explaining something becomes mansplaining right and it's like just that within itself say damn we can't have a conversation like when can a man not communicate something to a woman without that being considered some form of oppression right and once you start to ingrain these ideas you self-sabotage yourself for any real love and success right and not realizing that yo i've took it on so much of this world that it disrupts me having a world with somebody else you understand me and so that's dangerous especially because i feel like women are more progressive and men tend to be more traditional right we want things to change less and women want things to change more and so if a man especially if you know what i consider to be high level you feel me somebody that has morals and consciousness social standing high level principles and intelligence is a provider does know how to nurture does know how to have that emotional connection spiritual connection you know that person is going to want that type of woman that either deserves to be with that type of man it's the same thing with a woman that thinks of herself in that capacity like if you know your value you don't want nobody else to come and devalue you and mistreat you because then you go start like why wouldn't i find somebody else that understands that this is gold and let me just stress this women want to be used in that way and and when you say like women are nurturers women want to be used in that way if i am in a relationship with a successful man as soon as i'm around him and i'm thinking and i'm listening to what he has going on i'm immediately brainstorming in my mind how i can add value to his life right how can i make his business better how can i help him how can i serve him because i want him to be great we are natural nurturers this is what we do we want to help you we want to see you win it's a natural thing but that household yeah i think it really goes back to the household because if the young girls believe the opposite of what makes it successful that no i should not be thinking about what i can do for a man should be thinking about what i can do for myself because her mother you know was in the household and their father's and the mother was divided so she then learned don't depend on no man this [ __ ] ain't nothing your father ain't no your father is never there your father is not this but also if you were a man right you should have been there and you grew up and you were there with your mom without your father you also have a problem taking that feedback from your woman because your mom may have treated you like you were a man she may have talked to you down she may have talked to you in a way where you didn't have that confidence right so you don't want a woman telling you anything to do because a woman has told you what to do your entire life so you have a difficult time receiving from a woman and i see that you know i used to be like that oh wow no in the sense of understanding like not believing like you have the ability to lead me in the capacity where it's like i need you to tell me something you understand me talk about that no i mean you know i i learn you feel me because i grew up in a very masculine household and my mother is intelligent and i respect her completely you know in terms of my father went there just my mother there right but it was more so it's like and and it wasn't just women but i mean even men do i believe that may have what i consider to be you know in fear of wisdom you understand me like i don't need you to tell me anything i can tell myself but now you're like wait a minute the reversal of that is the more i want to grow the more i get to listen to women if you listen to women you can find out number one women in your presence gonna reflect you you understand me and so they're gonna say things that can help guide you into betterment a good woman anyway right and so once you learn to take wisdom from women you taking wisdom from you know the creator because they're around to give you those details and guide you when we first got here as little sperms it was the feminine energy guiding that sperm we didn't find our way through the dark you understand me it was the egg guiding the sperm so us our ability to be able to take guidance is our power you understand me and so yes i want to listen to your suggestion i might not take everything from it because the difference is i have my masculine perspective you have your feminine right so you're supposed to have a different perspective of something you add i want to have a masculine perspective so i want to see things a little different than you right but when you respect each other perspective then you can take the good from it and then you can grow your perspective and so i've learned that just by being cognitive of it and being intentional that no if i grew up donald muhammad say that you know you have to learn the secret of god is with the woman the value of god is in understanding the woman that's where you go get you some wisdom right and you know young you don't understand that because you think it's a man's world so once you understand that it's not a man's world in the sense that we didn't get here unless there was a woman right we come from a woman's womb and then we start to to add things into this world and so respecting just the intelligence of the womb block world order is an organization that is focused on blockchain technology the future of skills and the future of things right now the world is going through a complete infrastructure change right and you will be a part of that change in the building phase not in the face where everything is built out the rules have already been made the money has already been made and you're just stuck as a consumer and you become the product again just like when we had 1.0 1.2 1.3 no this time you get to create the rules by becoming one of the educated by becoming one of the developers and becoming one of the early innovators and adopters of this new disruptive age of technological wealth that we are now going into so you're going to be learning all of the skill sets and all the knowledge you need to be up to date not just you but your family right everything from crypto to metaverse to blockchain technology to dowse to solidity coding program how to create games and more we want to make sure that you are involved in a full stack community where you can get everything all in one place and on top of that i will be teaching you the mental tools that i utilize to shift my consciousness and to take me to the highest version of myself some people often say well i do not know how to learn we will be giving you the tools so that you can mentally hack yourself and redesign yourself into the greatest version of who you are meant to be we can help you tap into the universal laws of intelligence so that you are always in the flow state if we're talking about going into a new shift in the world then we also have to go into a new shift in consciousness when we talk blockchain it also has to be married with the spiritual intelligence of understanding because the human design is the most intelligent design in the world yet we often know the least about it so that not only will we repair this technological knowledge but we'll also be pairing it with biological knowledge of understanding yourself black world order will be the greatest institution for understanding and knowing yourself in a blockchain produced i'm glad that you chose to be amongst our thriving and beautiful great community and i can't wait to see you on the other side as one of the builders of our new world tap in to block world order peace [Music] i think it's key i had a conversation with the sisters over at poor minds and they was talking about you know man come in with big d energy and i said what about the big warm energy you understand me like how do you deserve this if you don't have that and i think that in both regards if men and women think about you know equality in the sense of what do i add to the situation if i want somebody high level if i want somebody beautiful i want somebody intelligent and nurturing then i should bring that counterpart as well and what we're experiencing today is there are so many people men and women especially women who have i want a man who makes seven figures i want a man who can do this i want a man who can do that but what do you bring right match it when it's matched people you guys can go crazy about each other right for me i'm in a place where i'm only expecting what i can give and we can start there yeah i like that i always say you only deserve what you work for you understand me so if you ain't worked for it then you don't deserve it so it automatically makes me appreciate everything that i have and doesn't make me believe i'm entitled to anything that i don't have because obviously i put that work in right and then when it comes to relationships it's more so about understanding the value that you all can bring to each other have an agreement have a cooperation within that and thinking of the type of relationship you're in right because some relationships can be based on stimulation sex love the passion and feeling you all give each other but that was something last long some people are just in that capacity where certain masculine energy and certain feminine energy you have to know that that's the type of relationship you win because if you try to be in that relationship and then switch it to a partnership you're gonna realize there's a big void what happens when we evolve well then that's when you communicate consistently and understand where you are now like listen we started off here this is what attracted us right but this is where we're growing this is who you are now this is who i am now so i think that there's a reevaluation period of what is our relationship now you can't carry on the old feeling of when we met to use that as a spark to carry us on to the future you got to say that no let's reevaluate what's your goals now you know what i'm saying you might have changed in what you told me a year ago you said you wanted to do right i would imagine you've evolved because you're with me now so now you're going to see the world in different capacities if i'm doing my job right but you have to be open to that as well you have to be open to growth because a lot of people fight that i don't want to get in a relationship and change that's people's subconscious and that's where the problem starts because let me just say this in my 20s i was very attracted to people as far as the physical right and as i got older that that faded away right i started to be more attracted to the mental right how smart is he right how intelligent is he how great is he when it comes to making decisions does he do the right thing with his money is he in debt right those are the things that you start to think about can he raise my children can he teach my my sons how to lead and how to be men i think the dynamics they start to change as women evolve and become older um i think that's super cute that's super stupid because at first we just like oh he's fine but it's like now he's like he's fine and is is he smart right you know and i and somebody uh somebody sent me a comment on youtube saying and i don't want to take all the credit for this stuff but you know saying that we're raising the bar with the high level conversations because if a man can't have a high level conversation what does that say about the man that you're with you understand me like i think that our bar has been so low for so long that we don't even recognize true standards so anytime somebody tries to bring standards we feel now like they're imprisoning me they're oppressing me right but there has to be a level of discipline in all relationships you know once you are now with the person there's always going to be things you can and cannot do ways you interact with men will have to change right ways you interact with women will have to change and it doesn't mean that you're no longer free you understand me and i think once you start connecting these these relationships to ideas of bondage like oh no i can't do this it's really not much out there in the world you miss it otherwise you wouldn't have sought a relationship in the first place but i'm looking at it as we are protecting the legacy right it's like what we are building here and to genera and generations to come is just so much important than how i'm interacting with another guy like i don't need i don't have to interact with anyone else because we're focused right we're focused here i know how to handle myself in a room and i also want to stress this because we're in a space where women are also becoming business owners and entrepreneurs and building companies but we also have to know how to navigate in rooms and men that's key and men also have to know how to be able to allow us to navigate in the room give a breakdown yeah so a breakdown is sometimes we work better in rooms and meetings right we are we can go into a room and we can get things done because we're not coming with the push right we can come with the potential to to have people gravitate towards us in a way where they want to get things done so being able to leverage the feminine energy is what i'm saying taking your woman to the meetings with you and being secure and not being jealous or not thinking that she can't handle herself knowing that she have a woman who can handle herself and negotiate deals and do business and still do that in a way where she's not jeopardizing her character oh no i think that that's that's solid um especially when it's the intent of building something right uh if it's the intent of building something it's specifically because that's a partnership yeah right where you all are building each other and you're utilizing each other as resources and you all have an understanding of usefulness within that relationship and i was always taught usefulness determines your value right and that's when that the truth system of building together comes into play because now is the two people coming together to actually create something right when you're talking about legacy otherwise what is it really worth right and i think that so let me ask you though let's say two people come into a space with separate dreams right do you believe that these dreams start to grow and connect within each other or do people continue to have these separate dreams which may point them in opposite directions but then they support each other i believe that when two people come together they may have things that bring them together that may be a situation i personally want my person to do what they desire and i want to support them in whatever it is that they're doing i'm not one that tries to make a person do the things that i'm doing i want to know what makes you get up every day and go hard and whatever that is i want to help you do that when you're happy when you're flowing when you're chasing that passion when you're doing what you love i just want to see you do that because i know that if you're doing that you're in your happy place but if i'm trying to make you into something or someone that i want you to be i'm suffocating you i'm distracting you from the cold that's on your life i can't be happy if i'm doing that if i'm oppressing you if i'm making you feel like oh you need to be over here doing this with me if it naturally happens if i hook up with someone who is doing the same thing i'm doing i mean that's that's that's great but the first question that i'm going to ask is what is your purpose right what is your assignment here and how can i help you be better in that area that's the first question so when how do you go about assisting in that lane of help because i think people ask that question but there's no real follow-up action and steps see i'm different though i've been branding and marketing right so you got in business i'm ready to build it out that's my problem how does a woman go about assisting a man and his purpose and i mean specifically like you know does she start to study this man does she start to help like what capacity can she have some accountability in saying that yo i'm with somebody who is purpose driven and purpose-filled and these are the ways that i can actually go about helping especially if she's not as skilled as you are when it comes to like building businesses yes i think that if you pay attention to a person long enough then you will realize what their needs are you know when i'm dealing with a person the first thing i'm going to look at is what makes them stressed out right what brings their anxiety on what they need if they've had a long day right do they need a massage do they need me to rub their feet right do they just need someone to talk to and i think one of the biggest things is just understanding how everyone just unplugs some people need a moment to themselves i was talking to one of my homeboys and he was just saying how you know he was dating a woman and he just needed to go for a walk alone and she was like i want to go on the walk with you but the way that he decompresses is that he needs a moment to himself right and she had got frustrated because she wanted to be there like every minute and what i was just thinking is like it's so important for us to understand what the people need that we are with is it a walk alone is it a moment is it a day alone everyone is different so i think that taking the time to study the person that you are with it will give you that answer because everyone has a different need i like that that study and i think it's kate you understand me i think when you say studying and then consideration i think that those are two huge factors like me typically i don't i'm i'm a very very very independent person you understand why we need nobody to do nothing but i love when people are considerate they understand me because then it lets me know that you're thoughtful and you're thinking of me you understand me and i think to be thought of is one of the highest endearments you understand me of respect when they say the thought counts it actually does you understand me i mean you got to actually do something behind it because love is an action so you got to show me you love me in some capacity right and i think that you know once when we got to a society where it was like a woman can just be beautiful do nothing and then everything is done for her a lot of those men realize like damn they probably didn't know what their love language was they didn't know what they may have been missing you understand me they thought if i just got the beautiful baddest woman in the world and i can help take care of her that might be enough but then they might be an emotional detachment there yeah they're not feeling those nurturing energies and qualities that don't know how to communicate that or can you talk to her for hours yeah when it's when this comes time to have a conversation that's bigger than a new pocketbook or you know some red bottoms it's like can she sit there and talk to you about your childhood trauma about the things that you experience growing up right about what triggers you right erica do they ask erica badu you know what is special that you do to these men because i think drake was talking to her and like not talking to her but came over the house and you know come in and jay electronica whatever and she said i'll listen yeah right like i feel like that ability to simply be able to ask questions which only gonna come if you are an observer if you study it right if i'm studying my woman i know the type of questions to ask her that she's actually gonna be interested in that's gonna open her up right and i think that that quality is key to where it's like i'll need you to do nothing else but if you study and you see the stuff that's on my mind then you're going to know the right cadence of when to ask this which is going to allow me to then release otherwise i want to hold it in because i know i can't have that conversation with you but listen without judgment yes that's what i what that's what i've noticed the ability to allow people to talk and get things off their chest and talk about themselves and i think that every conversation that you have with the man uh in in that way it just allows them to put their wall down because there are walls up and the man isn't just gonna come around you and start just dancing about every single thing he's going to see how you can handle certain things the responses that you give him and he's really going to wonder if you're actually listening right so he'll answer some questions so what do you think about this and then when he can see that you were actually listening long enough to give him some feedback he's like okay let's go to that level too let's let's talk about my childhood or let's talk about the things that make me feel uncomfortable or let's talk about my dreams and my goals and then once a man is really comfortable with you you will start to start to realize that he's going to come to you about decisions before he even makes him that's the fact but i also think that it's dangerous for a man to overly vent to a woman you understand me to wear like you just dumping things on her and constantly complaining because then she ain't going but she's not gonna be able to really trust in your leadership and your ability to handle the world so then in turn she's not going to come to you with her issues because you'll be like you already got enough on your plate you understand me and so you have to learn the right balance you understand me like you share but you don't dump you understand me like and understanding that balance of yes i want to be able to have that conversation where enough i can decompress with my girl but the rest i handle for myself you understand me otherwise you're giving her all those things to handle and she becomes more of the masculine energy right and so understanding that balance is super key that was a powerful statement you gotta say that one more time it's recorded you gotta say that one more time but yeah no i and i think that like just the rhythm and balance of the masculine feminine feminine is what's wholly missing right because a lot of things that people project as a women should do this and men should do this even as rose and we talking about masculine energy and feminine energy right and a man goes for his purpose a woman goes for love right when a man is chasing love then he's automatically going to masculize his woman to where she then starts chasing more purpose so a man is supposed to always be moving in motion towards his purpose and then that's going to attract his woman to be on his side because now she has something to nurture and help with and assist but if a man becomes i just want to be lovey-dovey and hang out with you all day long then then she's like man i don't want this you understand me this is too much you now she start to think about what are the things that i do want outside of this you understand me and she starts seeking things other than this affection so you have to understand that balance in the way that it works in these relationships and i think that that will help sustain it like where are we right now energetically and she and her masculine and mind my feminine right and understanding that you start to take a look at and evaluating this like okay maybe we argue for this like damn maybe i was being too feminine you feel me i'm over here extra chasing love right now she's being my purpose you feel me i'm not even chasing my movement right now she got me behind her am i secure yeah because when you're not in your dominant space as a man and you see your woman thriving in abundance chasing her dreams then it's also going to create insecurity within you but if you are out here making moves and doing the things that you are supposed to do you're going to say yeah we're both doing this she's doing what she has to do because you recognize it because you're doing what you're supposed to do yeah and that's when you know both of you all are too productive to overly worry about each other oh you understand me let's say that one more time when you all are both being productive you are too productive to even worry about this small stupid things but when one person is sitting around observing the other person thriving in abundance then you're going to notice every little thing so you get busy yeah and that's why i think the communication becomes super key and that's what a consideration because communication is consideration you understand me babe i'm about to go do this fake what's going on where it's like i don't want to have to guess what's going on and things of that nature like we come to these are my principles these are my non-negotiables and when a person gives you that you then they're giving you a blueprint to understand them why is it that these are the non-negotiables you understand me not from a standpoint of like oh i can't do this i can't do this but then it allows you to understand who you're with when you ask them those type of things because now you want to understand the whole 360. how did this person develop into these principles and even understanding that will probably allow that person to be at ease because now this person really understands why i said this instead of just the what and believe that yo we're in a relationship so do what i say no i want you to understand me that's the more important than you following in order you understand me because i don't want you to follow an order i want you to understand it and be like okay i get this and i respect you for it and i'm agreeing to this because i believe that this is the type of man that i want to be with you understand me and so that becomes a deeper foundation of appreciation and then when a man feels that he's appreciated on a principal level you understand me than that when he can give you the whole world without worried about him needing a receipt and then also just him being able to express why this is important to him and he does that by being able to share how that makes him feel yeah because when a person is saying this bothers me it's normally um because it makes them feel a certain way and when we focus when we focus less on what the action is that is bothering you and more on what is triggering you at that moment and what makes you feel that way the communication is a little different no that's a fact knowing the difference between what you feel and what you're thinking period right for myself i'll be able to check myself all right is this bothering me like you said because i feel a certain way and it's making me feel a certain way then i got to ask myself why does it make me feel a certain way so i started investigating then the person i went posed to have that understanding like okay i'm doing something that makes him feel a certain way because obviously keys is like this is how he grew up this is how you move you feel me and then that understanding allows us to have acceptance right without understanding there is no acceptance right so we are going to automatically be defensive towards like i don't know why they doing this but how much time have you really sit down to consider right who this person is not what they're doing why they saying but like who are you right from a whole level and then also understand it from a filter of our traumas because we go through things that we bring into relationships well when you said this i had an issue with it because in the past and it's like well that wasn't me you understand me that was yeah that was your father that was a past relationship and you working through that and you projecting that on to this and it's bringing up the same feeling and now i'm dealing with a combination of all of that plus this conversation so it's like let's get to the root of these things and it's never anytime you're in a situation never by the details of the situation you're talking about it's about the root of why we're even getting into this in the first place so when a person wants to deflect it's easy to be like all right but in this situation you no no no no you know down where we talking about the principle of the matter and the principle of the matter make sure that we don't have this over and over and over and we can move past expand grow and thrive and then that's where love can live you understand me rather than trying to find a place where love survives you understand because i think that that's what most people try to do how can i love survive in this relationship rather than thriving this relationship well being dedicated to understanding the person and i cannot stress this enough why does my person feel like this and how can i assist them in this time because like you said a lot of it has to do with the childhood trauma the childhood trauma is the root of a lot of issues it's the root of it and until we can care enough you know i think i say this a lot of times to women it's like do you care about him enough to help him get through that season right do you care about him enough to help him heal right do you care about him enough to say you know what i think it's best that you go to therapy before we get into a relationship right or will you just say i want this man right now and you know that there are some things that he's struggling with right now i think that that's fire because nobody comes perfect so there's an automatic maybe a person is off for being perfect by 30 percent maybe it's 50 maybe at 60 but there's a percentage for everybody where and that percentage is either something you accept to help a person in as they are growing to become better and better and better right always so you can be mad at who i was but not who i am right like that may have been me yesterday but today i learned from that lesson you understand me now if you're that type of person that consistently grows right then you're better than you was but if you hold a person to the past behavior mistakes you never appreciate the person that they are now that was able to grow as well right so you have to come into a relationship knowing that both of you are going to have flaws you're going to make mistakes you have issues there's a lot of things that you are supposed to grow within that relationship i've seen a um i think it was reverend ike who said that he hates the vows that people take when they get married and he said he said that because words are very powerful yeah yeah and he said that you know you promised to you know suffer and what's the worst when a person goes and take that better better for worse he said why would you say for worse you understand me you already putting that in the relationship that there's going to be a worse so sickness and death it's like no we can change the words to for better and for expansion you understand me and for life and for betterment i want to be with you through these things as we grow but everybody takes a vow and there's automatic negativity that we promise ourselves within that relationship as we take these powerful vows to be with somebody right and i think that you know we take on a lot of things without thinking right and consequential we have end up manifesting those things because our mind is very powerful and so once we change the way we think and we're cognitive of what we say why we say it why we're thinking this thing what makes us feel this and also not hold on so hard into the person that we are but the person we can become because the moment that you say listen i am this person forever you understand me i'm not willing to listen to any perspective i'm not willing to grow and develop into consciousness then a person is stuck dealing with you right here but they may continue to grow so they may outgrow you when i was at your same level of understanding in life i appreciated i love you because we were equals but now i'm growing to a superior man and you stand in the same woman yeah and we have to also make sure that our coachability index is not limited okay yeah coachability index how coachable are you and people think that coaching is just when it comes to business it's just a business thing but you have to be coachable in relationships too you have to be able to take feedback right you have to be able to understand if someone is with you every day and they're observing some things about you then you may want to take into consideration uh some of the things that they're telling you about yourself because it's hard for us to see things in ourselves when we're in relationships with people and it's easy for people on the outside to observe things with us so is your coachability index high or low and is it that way in business is it that way in relationships you see a lot of people who are struggling in their businesses as well because they don't want to listen they don't want to take feedback from other people they don't want to invest in mentorship and then the same thing happens in their relationships and they get stuck you're constantly growing in business where you're constantly growing in a relationship as well when you grow together or when you grow a bar man that's fire because black women are growing in a rapper rate right now i mean listen i feel like like black women have sean black men like you got to step it up like y'all didn't show this everything like look we about to become vice president we about to become supreme court judges we about to run congress they understand we about to be the ceos of these top companies we about to create our own marches like you gave in us every index that you are you understand me all ready to grow and progress and if black men don't step up to that plate you understand me then there's gonna be issues between us forever and so now it's our ability i believe as men to step it up you understand me so the hoochie daddy you know booty short sword boys they gotta change their ways you understand me and step up to the plate and become men again because that's the only way that women are going to be able to be in that soft life if women you know become if men become hard again yeah and let me just say this black women are growing at such an extreme rate because we're taking the classes from these leaders out here these black men that are teaching these courses and and teaching this uh different these different things so the courses that these guys the our brothers these other black men are not even willing to sign up for and pay for when i get on these courses because i take the classes right i've signed up i spend two three four five thousand dollars taking these classes and when i log in i'm seeing hundreds of women that's a fact you know women are the greatest consumers though at the same time they spend more than men yeah but the men have to but that's plug into other men i think that's gonna hold an impact i just think that it's just so important that men also continue to educate themselves because you know i'm seeing so many women you were saying that you know black women are just leading in career and entrepreneurship right now and i was saying that it's because we're taking the courses of the successful black men that we see out here and what i was saying was when i'm investing in these classes i'm logging on right and i'm paying three thousand five thousand for these classes and when i'm all gone i'm seeing hundreds of people in there and they're mostly women yeah no that's that's a fact i mean that's a lot of women in my courses they understand me and everywhere i go it's always a woman you know and it's funny because my audience 60 men 40 women but it still be more women that signed up by percentage and yes women are seeking the things that's going to make them more valuable and have security you understand me for themselves in the future i'm 19 keys and this is the future block world order is an organization that's based on blockchain technology what is blockchain technology just simple question there's enough curiosity in the mind that you should be educated on understanding how the new world is being built out they're a new future of money future of currencies learn to earn pay to earn all of these new ideas that are emerging every single day that you've seen nobody can break it down simple enough for you and your family to understand the block world order was created to make these difficult things simple to take the knowledge wisdom and understanding of this technology and bring it in your household so that not only you waiting for things to be built out but you actually know how to build these things nothing is set in stone but when you have the knowledge you become the builder of the new world well blockchain technology is going to radically change the infrastructure of the world from banking to education to community to business and every field that you can think of blockchain technology will be disruptive the key that i want to focus on is how do we utilize blockchain to build wealth by understanding the technology understanding the verbiage understanding the way that we can implement it within our daily lives how we can build how we can create jobs how we create businesses how we can implement them within our businesses is going to be key to your success during this time there is a reason institutional money is pouring in by the billions working to be the first people to build it out developers they don't have enough of those people that are actually building out the technology but guess what once you understand the tech you don't have to always be the developer you can just be the creative once you understand how to create with it then you can also make money see i want to give you keys to not only understanding technology but understanding yourself one of the most valuable skill sets and assets that you can have is a powerful imagination because if you can think it then it will be some people are limited by facts but others are free by their mind just by having a vision in the block world order you're going to get instructors breaking down these difficult concepts in very simple matters so therefore you can start utilizing all that you see in the world so that you can have a benefit i'm 19 keys i've created multiple organizations within my time and i think that this is the most important one that i've been involved in because this is the one that gives us a real chance of controlling our future when we look at the number of jobs that don't exist today people are out of work recessions are constantly coming the market is constantly fluctuating you need a skill set that is valuable you need knowledge that makes it so valuable that you could never be poor because a mind full of knowledge is a fountain of wealth as we learn to tap into the technology we'll also learn to tap into ourselves we'll learn how to learn real life how our brain works how to redesign ourselves and how to shift our paradigm so therefore as we are learning we're also growing we are evolving if there's a new world that is coming in we also have to become our new self in order to take advantage of being the builders this is one of the rare times that you get in your life where you see a new technological shift and you have the opportunity for people to teach you and for you to understand it the only question you have to ask yourself is do you want to be in the future looking back on the opportunity that you had to be ahead of the rest [Music] or will you watch this video and go back like the rest of the 99 or oblivious to understanding because i promise you if you understand what we teach you and you enroll in the bwo you will be ahead of 99 of the world i want you to take that series the block world order is for you it is for your family it is the future of wealth the future of money the future of skill sex the future of your new self [Music] and that's why a lot of men can't be and they roll because a man has to bring the knowledge in the household right it's that's not the woman's job to bring the knowledge in a household now particularly you know i ain't never had that issue right so you know i can uh i have to relate from a distance right because i have no issue with learning anything that i need to learn i would love for that woman bring me something i need to learn that's that's easy that's like bringing me a plate of food i'm gonna eat that up you understand me like and then i can't wait to learn i like to be challenged at the same time and that's also a key in relationships being able to gently challenge the person that you would you understand me like if a man is okay you want to think of it like this how would i be without you right if without you my life is like this and without you nothing changes right then your presence doesn't really add value you understand me and then at some point in capacity i have to think about you actually may be taken away from you understand me if you're not adding too so when you're talking about that challenge sometimes the best thing a woman can do is challenge her man to become greater because then he feel like i would have never even got to this level without challenging me to get to this level do you think that it takes a certain level of maturity for a man to be able to accept that challenge yes and it also takes a level of feminine finesse for a woman to present that challenge that's why i say gentle because what you're doing is through that observation through that listening and that learning you're seeing what may be missing that can help catapult this to the next level it may be a book you understand me but you may have to read the book first you may at least have to read the summary of the glossary to be like what's that one thing that if i get this for bae it's gonna help him and it's not you saying it directly but you inadvertently bringing in tools and resources that will allow him to grow yeah yeah like even if let's say you got them of course right like and you know instead of you bought him some louie shoes right you bought him of course now he may not want to but at the same time long term if he's the right man you gotta respect it you understand me and so he gonna think about those type of things like number one when you do something for somebody that nobody else has ever done for them they appreciate you on a whole nother level right that's the same way like if a man can give a woman intangible value to immaterial substance such as knowledge she has given her something that she will have forever no matter who she goes on with no matter what she has that forever you understand me and so at some point she has to be internally grateful for that because you taught this person so much yeah but most men don't they'd be afraid to get a woman gang crazy because they're afraid that she may level up and go past them or that at a certain point in time he may give lazy and he don't want to give no more game he ain't got nothing left to give you understand me you have to be a man that's consistently growing were you not afraid to consistently nurture and give what you already got like for me i give my creativity to the world i give my ideas to the world because i know i'm tapped into the infinite source i can give you a million dollars a billion dollars worth the game man i got a lot more to come because it's infinite yeah and that's when you tapped into that infinite intelligence and you got to be on that that's why i'm talking about that high level manhood because that high level manhood represents high level mind hood right because a man is his mind right so when a woman looks at a man and she want to know what type of man he is you got to look at his mind what does he think what is he ingesting his mind right you want to know what is his character what are his principles what does he respect what is he love you're learning the blueprint and the design of that man and then once you see everything that's there then you can see what's missing and so you can add what's missing and it's the same thing with the woman but the woman for the most part she's going to follow the lead of the man as he batters himself right because he's going to bring all that betterment into the household she's going to reflect that she's going to nurture that within him and herself she's going to inadvertently find herself growing because he's challenging himself which is now challenging her to nurture somebody who's getting better so that to me is the beautiful rhythm of harmony you understand me of a powerful loving relationship and then just thinking about the legacy factors is so powerful because a man has to have a vision for sure and a woman wants that leadership naturally jill scott says something she said if you can tell me what to do you can tell me what to do but if you can't tell me what to do then you can't tell me what's you like that yeah shout out to jail that's real that's so real because you know it's the same thing when i look at in the streets you're trying to tell somebody stop selling drugs but you don't have another right thing alternative for them right if you want to lead a woman you have to be able to lead a woman right and i think it's the same thing but just set in a manner to where yeah if if she doesn't have confidence in your masculine intelligence and logic she won't come to you for it so you got to have a plan and a vision for things already right you can't just freestyle it with a woman right because otherwise a man without a vision has no need for a woman right because she's your help mate she's going to help you bring things it's like you having you're trying to it's basically trying to hire employees before you start the business you understand me it's like you ain't got no business your sales ain't rolled in are you trying to bring in all these employees and assistants you talking about getting another business partner up in the marketing and branding like come on start the business first the business is growing so tremendously that you need help right same thing with a man under a minister for i can't say business is the activity of life right so in your life what's your business right and then my business is growing it's so abundant i have a vision for my thing now i need somebody to come help right because i have so many things going on but without that vision you need to be by yourself until you get one wow i think i think that's even more powerful are you willing to take a moment to be by yourself until you are ready to leave and i think that ready to lead and i think most are not yeah i i keep saying isolation for elevation you know you have to separate to elevate like that to me is that's my decompression time that's where i grow the most by myself right i grow others by time i get around them because i've done so much by myself like i need to hear myself thinking i need to i got to clear out all of those things and then when i'm around you i got so much abundant energy i got so much to give right but without that i'm i'm always taking on the ways of the world there's a science that's a psychology that talks about the crowd mind say the crowd mind is feminine because the crowd mind is more emotional right that you can't tell who's the fool of the scholar in the crowd because everybody's following the passion of the crowd the emotional excitement of the crowd so they say the crowd sent them in so more like a woman and a child right more easily to be controlled through the emotional sentiments and so for a man to be in the world and not have his own mind makes him feminine right to not have any original thought patterns not have any original perspective on things like i see men they start to use these quotes that people use they start i seen a brother he was complaining in the comments i'm like oh she didn't pick me and to me that's weird that i didn't know men use those type of words like you got that from the world or it's giving it's yeah come on we ain't doing that so like being a you know being a follower of the crowd without your own original thinking is a masculine because a man is going to calculate he's going to think he's going to have critical thinking skills let me think about this for a second is that what i really believe you understand me or is that my lack of thinking that forces me into the belief of the crowd but also a man that will say i need to get ready for you i need to prepare myself for you okay that i think that is a powerful thing you saying that a man needs to sometimes take time to himself and i think that women need to respect when men are in that season as well and not just think about i want this man if a man tells you he's not ready yet and he's working on himself and he's preparing himself because he's not at a space where he can be in a relationship or lead or guide you i think that we got to respect that i think you can definitely spend too much time with your woman you understand me women love a busy man oh absolutely because if you're not busy ain't nothing going on yeah peace if you want to be an affiliate of gold water court tap into 323-577-6692 [Music] text affiliate to that number see you on the other side of greatness peace [Music] i think it's attractive yeah like if if you're not busy what's your value you understand you got to be producing something otherwise your time ain't that valuable you understand me and so spending too much time with the young woman just on some lovey-dovey stuff she's actually gonna respect you less she might feel a little good in the moment you understand me but then she's gonna respect the man that's actually more busy he's a little clangy yeah this ain't never got nothing going on dang like you gotta even if you got money you chilling find something yeah you know what i'm saying like a man's job is to find something to do idle time is destructive for men right like we need more wins winning is a masculine energy when men don't win we feel feminine nothing feminine that you know feminine represents being a loser or anything but just in the sense that our testosterone pumps when we win right and so it makes us feel good about ourselves more confident right so like when men go through job loss men goes through uneasy things then it makes you feel weaker you make you feel more insecure so we need to consistently win and it can be small wins big wins but it makes us feel more confident we pump more testosterone when we win right shout out to my brother dr wesley because he wrecked down that science and so a man has to be in motion going for wins in life right he's going to come home feeling better about himself more secure within herself and he's going to reflect that and then she's going to have something to nurture she's nurturing a winner yeah not a sore loser you understand me which is a completely different game and women love winners absolutely you understand me and so for the man he got no wins a number of losses how to wear them beat him up you understand me that's going to consistently grow within that relationship and then he's going to believe that you're part of the problem as well and you will you will feel like the problem yeah you will start to feel that energy being taken out on you and then so another thing that we talk is that it says that in the quran that a woman should have our own money even if she's married because if something goes wrong right you don't want her to uh uh uh be left out on the street so let's say if they get a divorce or they separate like so that's another thing that i think is very important is that you know your dependency doesn't go to the point where you can end up homeless you understand me it's based upon yeah you have money that you're setting aside right in case of an emergency right and that's important like if a woman having your children like and you're in that relationship with that woman like i'm more comfortable if my woman has money yeah you understand me like not to the point that she needs it but she should have it you know for things that she may just want to provide for herself that may just be some silly thing she just feels like right it ain't got to be silly just something that she may want so i think that that dynamic of you know um respecting a woman's money right in that capacity i think empowers her and empowers you and makes sure that there's a back-up plan for this relationship because anything can happen at any time you know and that was probably some of the deeper sentiments that we don't get to around relationships but i'm loving this conversation this whole idea of soft life women being able to get they rest women being able to show up in their joy when being able to laugh one being able to show up in their softness and their feminine and they're nurturing and that communicative spirit you know i think that this is going to be a great movement for women to move forward towards i even see the city girls trying to become more loving saying that they love it on amen all summer listen ladies y'all better stop listening to that stuff on the internet because they'll go from telling you to go get a rich you know what right and all this stuff and then you look up and they with a baby being loved on and then on vacations cuddling listen y'all can have a hot girl supper like i'm trying to relax and chill and go on those vacations and build a legacy with somebody because you know i just i think it's media you know you got to be careful listen to that mainstream media stuff because you'd be out here looking crazy and people being loved getting married getting engaged but they then told you to pimp a [ __ ] right yeah that's a fact and that's the worst advice you gonna ever get cause you're gonna end up just playing yourself you understand me and so we are i think we are in a good phase where women are naturally deciding that they want that shift women want love yeah women have always wanted love women want to be treated good loved on care for and that's the desire and i think that a lot of that go get 20 men talk is coming from a place of hurt and not being chosen by someone you know who didn't choose you but women actually want to be chosen who wants to deal with 20 different men i mean really no that's that's not even so come on man you ain't saying you want your sister mother auntie daughter to even that's not what we want that's that only comes from a place of insecurity trauma and women care what nobody say there's no cultural relevance to that none of that stuff you understand me and i think that that's where we just put our foot down in the culture like we ain't accepting that no you know and like i said as we talk about soft women we're talking about men becoming hard again you understand me pause but we're talking about in the sense that you establish your manhood once more like we have to stop allowing society to dress us stop allowing society even to tell us what we can say what we can say and break up our families yeah break up the family like take that leadership role right don't don't don't try to play the role of the homegirl to become the boyfriend and by me by that fellas be trying to act like they super feminist so they can get closer to women you understand me they be playing like a home girl you know and then they try to slide up in there and then later on try to become a boyfriend and so i see a lot of dudes try to play the homegirl route let me support you and then support you in that with no real thought process no real logical masculine thought process whatsoever in that and she don't even really respect you yeah because we're going to talk to you about the dominant man that we desire oh my mamas you understand me you're never going to be the topic of those kind of conversations so get yours together man you understand me because for me i don't believe in being politically correct you understand me i believe in being godly correct you understand me and it may not be what society deems to be all right or correct or mention take up space or you know we shouldn't do this that in the third i don't believe nobody has that power or say-so to tell you know specifically a black man what he can and cannot say specifically in this country right i don't allow myself to be dominated by these agendas these forces right just political correctness all that weakness the way that y'all dressing you know acting paint your nails nobody gonna want to say it you know but i'm gonna say it and if you tapped into high-level conversations i think you'll appreciate it and when men get our [ __ ] together it allows women to be able to line back into their divine femininity as long as we align in our divine masculinity so we lead the way then they will follow man i appreciate y'all tapping in it's been a high level conversation with ron brown make sure y'all tap into that soft life [Music] one of the biggest things that i wanted uh i would say men to take away from this video is that women want to be lit we want you to teach us we want you to guide us and we really want to have the ability to learn from you so like he says when you tap into your dominant space we instantly sign right into our committee [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 919,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment
Id: w17NOFD1ceI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 8sec (5708 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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