Yahki the Herbalist in the trap! With DC Young Fly, Karlous Miller and Clayton English!

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what goes in is supposed to be the fruits of the spirit right so he would he was never ordaining nothing clean to eat right he was just talking about how y'all judge me the Sadducees the Pharisees the the uh jiu jits all these different sexs was judging him they was stealing in the temples that was gambling in the temple of God they were using they were using the tradition for their own purp for their own purposes and he like look that's why he kept quoting Moshe notice he kept quote Moses honor your father and your mother but you judging me because I don't I'm not washing my hands it's not about me washing my defiled hands is about what comes out of the mouth of a man right and if you look at what's supposed to come out is the fruits of the spirit book of Galatians chapter five start at 19 go on down and it it'll show you what the files go there real quick it'll show you what the files J play me some um herbalistic Pimping herbalistic Pimping yeah I need something real herbalistic hey man sprinkles some have biscuits on this [ __ ] but as you can see how can somebody can can get confused yes so see I never said that all food were clean it was just that time he was making no point but no but he was making a point about the food he was just letting them know he he cuz he is the Living Word he can never go against himself that's why you always say the scriptures can't be broken so what he was just trying to do he was giving them analogy saying that me eating with my hands being filthy don't make me an unclean man you [ __ ] is unclean y'all [ __ ] is robbing the churches you robbing the creatures you taxing the people you [ __ ] are poor stewards with your money you know what I'm saying because you realize of God was a banking system the First Central Bank was the [ __ ] Temple bro that's why Christ hamashia went in there and start whooping all them [ __ ] with the cords flipping over the money tables and he was mad because they had made the God house into a bait right you know what I'm saying that's why he was like give on a Caesar what's on a Caesar right so he basically talking about mindset like for instance even when you get into the Leviticus 11 it talks about eating of this pig eating of the swine all this a mindset thing because you are what you eat if you eat pig you tend to act like a pig that's what Glutton is come in you eat snake you in act like a snake that's why you call a back snab a snake [ __ ] will get you and come up from you know what I'm saying so like that's why if you reading the book of uh Isaiah uh chapter 46: 16 it talks about how he going to come back a second time and he going to kill a man in the midst of the garden eating a swine's flesh so this is all talking about a mentality right so all talking about a mentality but your real food is Genesis 129 read it okay that's your real Galan 5 Galatians 5 talking about the fruits of the spirit too and this this showing what we supposed to be eating fruits anything dealing with deal with life deal with longevity dealing with health he going always insinuated with fruits or growing on the form anything to do with death he always going to insinuate it with animals sacrificing the blood and all the other [ __ ] that he never called us to do right so when you said speak out it's about what comes out of a man yeah he talking about your spirit though right you know what I'm saying you going to read it now start at uh 15 15 read on like they be like read read on if you bite and devour each other watch out or you will be destroyed by each other so I say walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh for the flesh desire what is contrary to the spirit and the spirit what is contrary to the flesh they are in conflict with each other that's a fact so that you are not to do whatever you want yeah that's a fact but if you are led by the spirit get good in a minute but if you led by the spirit you are not under the law led by the what the spirit the spirit so you got under the law the acts of theh talk about the law you talking about the law of sin because the law of sin is the law too they say it's Lawless but it's actually a law you know they got their own laws and everything so Christ came into the world and he sacrificed themselves and he shed his blood and he bought our debt back our debt was all the [ __ ] that our forefathers did that's why children is cursed on to the third and fourth generation so he talking about the battle between spirit and flesh Ephesians chapter 6 talk about 10 on down talk about the same thing so now he start showing you how to know if you operating out of the spirit or you operating out of the flesh now the same passage that you going to read is the same thing he was talking about when he was when he didn't wash his hands at the table cuz he was trying to prove something he trying to prove to them [ __ ] you [ __ ] is out of cup y'all y'all friend is too long you know what I'm saying y always wearing these damn zikis on your heads they were so extreme that they used to put the Ten Commandments in a capsule and put it on their head but inwardly they were Dead graveyard so outter appearance they look pure they walking around with the Tas and the tanak but behind closed doors they [ __ ] strippers and all bro this is in Jeremiah chap 3 show how they was in there hitting [ __ ] and everything we can't F no stripper no I'm like I'm like [ __ ] you talking about me I'm want [ __ ] stripper no but not not not if you not if you profess yourself to be a righteous priest see priest H by certain discipline now it'll be different if you wouldn't acting like you was holy or thou they acting like they holy or thou and they blaming and judging Christ looking down on the pure whenas doing all of [ __ ] behind closed doors because the priest was help to respect exactly bro [ __ ] they they didn't have to pay taxes they was giving all land and they was getting all ties they had to pay ties to the PR but see the ties weren money it was 10% of your food because they didn't have a job their only job was to facilitate giving you God so they they stayed in the temple for free bro not only did they stay in the temple for free they didn't have to pay taxes on [ __ ] right they have to pay taxes on nothing not only that bro they were your medicine man Not only was they your medicine mans but they was your facilitators of of priests bro like the priest was them [ __ ] so imagine having all that power to be able to kill somebody bro the priest killed Christ they the one who gave Christ over the Caesar that was a political assassination on Christ cuz Christ came and he wanted to do away with Cesar money bro the fall of Rome was coming and then he threatened the temple if you threaten the temple since the temple is a central bank he threatened the money bro they put a hit out on him and they killed that [ __ ] that's exactly what happened he got killed it was a political hit cuz he was showing them that it's not not about the outward appearance and it's not about the money it's about the in with you and that's why if you read in the book of Galatians and if you read in the Book of Ezekiel they got to get this translate the whole Bible this the only way [ __ ] will listen to man they had [ __ ] and everything in the temple look it up it's right here it's coming up and read the next part my [ __ ] I swear to God 19 it was all in the temple that's why they start [ __ ] with sticks hey hey them Bible stories do be sad man they they be hit bro if you if you like if you hear it outside the preacher context where they be born they be talking just think about how they was talking about man remember when Jesus went in there and flipped that table over went in there flip the table over he fli the table taking [ __ ] asses with exent this where the first extension card woman came from Christ [ __ ] you remember saying bro then look bro like they they used to have 2 they used to deck their camels out with gold [ __ ] it's a niggaer in the Bible called two chain bro he walked around with two golden rope chains on this the first two chains in the Bible bro cap what I'm saying bro the acts of the flesh are obvious sexual immortality imal these are things that come out of a man that corrupts a man he was talking about eating so these are the things that defiles a man it's not talking about eating defiled food these are the things right here and Peter chapter 3 tell you about that too okay sexual immorality impurity and Deery adultery and Witchcraft hatred Discord jealousy fits of Rage selfish ambition dissensions factions uh and envy drunkenness Envy definitely a good one orgies um or hey who what the Bible you one that's what the Bible say when they say orgy like like like threesome and stuff no yeah whatever not consider ory whatever you thinking no what you going to say org is consider more than four people or is like it got to spell like o r g i e s people spell it you're kind to count so what's ory is it more than two people yeah I don't I would think a orgy is having sex with multiple people at one time say origy is if you having sex with one woman and thinking about another the Lord the Lord will say that in Baptist Church the Lord will say that in a Baptist Church though I don't think they teach that in Pentecostal but so what is technically I don't want to be S man or a orgy is more having sex with more than one person at one time damn so a threesome is a ory yeah I mean technically abolutely damn [ __ ] they say we all ain't perfect huh read on okay I warn you as I did before that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God woo that hurt but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace forbearance kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control against such things there is no law because if you and you moving in this Spirit you not breaking a it's impossible to sin if you're not [ __ ] sin right so the things that defil a man is Deeds so that's what he talking about so they don't talk about washing your hands in the Ten Commandments don't say you got to wash your hands what they was trying to do is they was trying to hold Christ to oral tradition built off man and that wasn't backed by the father Yahweh right that was a difference so he like how y'all trying to pin pin a a crime on me that was created by man and that wasn't coming down from the father on high damn so he never he never backed Eden me even inated that [ __ ] cuz that make him a liar and if Christ is a liar then why the [ __ ] is we even in the truth talk your talk you know what I'm saying hey man y'all getting too heavy too fast you ain't this episode is sponsored by better help do you ever feel like your brain is getting in its own way like you know what you should do what's good for you but you just can't do it therapy helps you figure out what's holding you back so you can work for yourself instead of against 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don't want to say if you sick I just want to say if you need healing if you just want to take your life to the next level if you want to continue to live Healthy You Dig what I'm saying this is one of the guys that you should be following this is one of the guys that we should be protecting and supporting you know because a lot of these people who know this type of information be scared to share and one thing about information and how we going to grow is we got to share it so we got none other than our dog you did y yeah yeah yeah appreciate it brother appreciate it yeah peace and blessings King peace and and blessing peace to the gods you the goat man you the goat man appreciate it you the goat not only is you goat you the goat like the background check up too yeah that's what I was going to say man introduce yourself to the audience give a brief rundown on what you do and how you do it to the audience my name is yakai Rafael everybody call me Yaki I am a master herbalist I am a biochemist uh man I'm a raik key healer anything to do with healing modalities and just truly truly healing the body that's what I do we got many many healing testimonies all you got to do is look them up uh they ain't fabricated we ain't faking we ain't lying uh I got two clinics uh we run a herbal store uh man anything in healing we I'm a dietician we change people diets But ultimately what we do is we change the mindset what we try to do is we try to go to the people and get them to look at health and disease in a different perspective and by them looking at life different they able to take on new types of Journeys and that's what really heals the body so I would like to I don't even like the word Master herbalist but since I got the certification in there I use that but I I call myself a master healer so that's me master I mean I I herbalist Is A Healer because if you you know you're taking the right herbs you're going to be healed because medicine ain't nothing but herbs mixed in with some chemicals yeah facts mixed in with petroleum oil but so the reason why I don't like taking that position as a herbalist because it's it kind of like limit me like I just deal with plant medicine but I don't I get into psychology I get into past trauma past history let us know what a herbalist is and kind of what you was doing you was what what separates you from just being a herbalist so basically a herbalist is person you come to them you get diagnosed by MD you do got naturopaths too with these are doctors that actually have a Doctrine in ND they actually had a license to actually uh prescribe you herbs you know what I'm saying so you do have doctors that that do take a naturopathy uh journey and holistic methodology and healing but what herbalist is is you come to them with a a diagnosis and then based off your diagnosis they give you herbs as a remedy now it was like this though uh before the late 1800s every any Hospital you went to they gave you herbs but what happened was with John Rock John D Rockefeller and the whole uh petroleum oil movement what he did was he started introducing the pharmaceutical companies to actual oils so what he did he started buying off colleges uh he started buying into different schools and he started changing the way we view medicine because a lot of the oil wasn't selling because we wasn't heavy to the Industrial Revolution at that time so he he wanted to make billions off the oil it's hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil he like what I'm going to do with it so what he did was he bought into the colleges and stuff and they started infusing petroleum oil into your your your herbs and when you mix oil and herbs together it creates something called pharmaceutical medicines and drugs and that's how he became a multi- dooll trillionaire so most of the pharmaceutical drugs that we take today have petroleum oil in it and this is facts all y'all got to do is look it up so what a herbalist is he before that time a herbalist is a person and usually it was women it wasn't man it's cuz you know healing somebody is a very feminine nurturing nature to somebody so it usually was it usually was women African women uh indigenous American uh natives you know they was the ones taking plant medicines and based off of your your your your symptomologies they will give you this medicine and put you on a certain fast or restricted diet and between a week and 90 days later you was so-called healed of the so-called disease and the reason why I'm saying socalled is because the way I view diseases I don't think that we get diseases I think that the body gets symptoms and these symptoms is the body trying to heal itself and when you get these symptoms you have been program since you was little to think that these are diseases so you didn't go to the doctor the doctor didn't take your symptoms and diagn it as a disease and didn't give you a pharmaceutical drug so the the the approach I take is you get these symptoms these symptoms if you just slow down and you listen to what your body is doing you will see that your body or these symptoms that you experience is is the body trying to eliminate toxic waste toxemia dead cells cytotoxins you know cigarette smoke all these toxins that we taking in from the environment for instance if you cough just do a cough real quick you feel that in your chest yeah that's breaking up or coagulated mucus so when you cough that's your body natural way of healing itself a sneeze H chw you see them particles you see the fever a fever in increases circulation and it also it slows down swelling so everything that they label a disease is actually the body's natural way of healing itself so if we can just change the perspective of the black community and to get them to look at Health as no my body is not sick my body you know my body is not going through torone my body is actually working magnificent cuz it's trying to get rid of something then we will be able to actually take control of our healing but once you take that power from people and you in control of their healing once you take food from people you in control of their food once you take education from people you in control of their education you take water you in control of their water then you become a full-blown slave so my IDE my ideology is this if we can take our health our food and our water that will be a major part of our self- freedom and our sovereignty so if we start with health health is what's going to bring generation of wealth so a herbalist is somebody that brings you plant medicine based off of your symptoms and then themp go away within a period of a time yeah that's what's up and I think it's crazy that they done flipped it to where the Pharmaceuticals is what they call traditional medicine yeah yeah and they call what you do alternative alternative when these was the when the plants has been around since the beginning how they can be alternative when they was here before exactly to but you know why they say stuff too cuz it's the words alternative alter alter so it's going it's going to do something to you fact native that's foreign that ain't you know what I'm saying cuz that's how we look at Native stuff here you know what I'm saying so that's crazy but the world going around bro yeah it's some evil evil evil evil people out here bro and we trust Pharmaceuticals way too much you see it with the even the the drug use with folks taking pills old people love doctors no I don't watch old people brag over who got the most medicines like I got I got a clinic we know we have thousands of people monthly like this is real big we global so thousands of people order from us a month I seen old black people literally brag over medicines now this my diabetes medicine this is I'm like y'all are bragging about how much medicine y'all taking not knowing that you are literally sedated your whole entire life you're never sober enough to even know who you truly are but that's what these things are created for that's what the food the synthetic food the fake food the polluted water the polluted air just think about how the pollutant in the air all these things is to keep us sedated from keeping us from knowing who we are cuz the moment you find out that you a true chosen seed of God you them chosen people you know it gives you a different perspective of Life once you realize that you are a direct descendant of God or you're a direct descendant of these holy Bloodlines it's going to give you a responsibility and now you have to be in control of all your actions and what you do in reality see right now we can just say no we [ __ ] we ain't [ __ ] we [ __ ] we hoes when when you have bought into that ideology it's easy to just let [ __ ] roll over it's easy to not have responsibilities it's easy to ain't be [ __ ] but soon as you find out you God you going to hold on how do God act then damn I'm God how the [ __ ] do guys eat I'm God what do guys drink that [ __ ] changed the whole ideology and the projection of your life me finding out I was a descendant of God I was chosen it changed my whole path I done been shot I done been stabbed I used to snort cocaine I done been in prison real like he know my background I was dead for real you know what I'm saying I got bullet wounds I got metal from here to here I almost died of Eternal Bleeding I got stabbed by a 9 in ice pick by a [ __ ] getting jumped in the project so like I done been through that bro waking up and finding out who I was and finding how important I was to society bro and to my people it changed my whole life I went from hurting my brothers to crying seeing my brother get hurt you know what I'm saying so it's it's all about our perspectives and the way we view ourselves so I just think us as black kings and queens having the power that we have having the platforms that we have you know what I'm saying it's okay to have fun I love it and what y'all doing y'all are healers y'all know that right y'all make [ __ ] laugh do y'all know how healthy that is to the called immunological system laughing is healthy people that laugh every day live 133% longer than any than than mean and angry people so y'all are healing cancer and all type of stuff just by sitting there joking so don't even take what y'all doing as lightly like this is health of what y'all doing I wouldn't know that until you go out and you hear from fans or you hear from people at a show like hey you made it I ain't been feeling right the whole you know I ain't been moving I ain't been getting out the house but I came to see it like so change people messages saying listen man when I'm in the dark space I watch y'all I'm talking about last year I'm going through it I watch y'all and y'all made me forget so that's why I be appreciating our fans because they don't know that they do that for us too when we go to work I be like bro I don't be thinking about yeah man especially when people tell you the moments that you know that stick with them yeah y'all getting people hooked on dope that's where the word dope come from dope come from dopamine dopamine is a a melan neuro receptor it's a transmitter in your brain and whenever tap into dopamine and dopamine is released inside of the hemispheres of your brain it brings on a happy chemistry or what you would call a happy hormone so the more dopamine you get the more of the Euphoria feeling that you can get it's called a sense of belonging so like when y'all making people laugh y'all literally giving people a place in the world so man that [ __ ] that's real dopamine that's their real dope cu cu the other dopamine everything the little phones give you just enough so you want to keep [ __ ] it's called it's called hijacking the reward center dop dope ain't bad that dope so when did you start your journey like what made you like you say you kind rough background where we come from only the spirit can guide us soon as we came in we we we got right into the book yeah the book we got right into the book you know what I mean got on the earth got right into the book so the spirit we're led by the spirit lot by the flesh but also the scriptures you said led us to to read that when did you tap into the next stage when you game you know what I'm saying you Hing your B getting stabbed all in the streets and now you are a masterful Healer what was the day that changed your mind 21 years old fresh out of jail get jump back in the streets mind you I was locked up all that time I'm telling God creator Yahweh bash Yahweh if you get me out of this situation I ain't going to never do this again I'm going to throw all my guns away I ain't selling drugs no more I made made all these promises same day I got out went back to the guns the drugs everything so I ended up I was depressed though from when I was locked up cuz I lost everything when I was locked up everybody turned their back on me you know what I'm saying so when I end up getting out man I was depressed and you know I got a bag get out your your big homies put you back on so they put me on man and I started snorting my cocaine I'm keep it honey with you and man uh it got so bad when me snorting cocaine I'm drinking at this time uh this before I got into my tequila ring I'm on 1738 Remy Mor drinking a fifth of that a day a fifth of that a day snorting lines and I'm I'm smoking a pack of Newport shorts a day it's 2008 2009 something like that right so uh one day I sit down snort a line and man my heart I felt a numbness in my right side my tip of my finger started tingling and I felt this sharp pain and I fell to the ground and I already knew I said damn you having a heart attack so I called a ambulance and I'm like look I'm dying get here they get there they hook me up to everything and they was telling me like yeah you actively having a heart attack they gave me some like I think it was Liquid aspirin I don't know what they gave me but they took me to the hospital I'm in a hospital in a hospital bed bro and the doctor now mind you this going to make y'all laugh because the doctor came out and he immediately noticed me and he basically like y ke you in here again because I used to snort a line bro and I I I was a hypochondriac I snore a line my heart to start doing some crazy [ __ ] and I go to so the same so look but all these all these yeah bro this time is serious though I'm literally having a heart he laughing and [ __ ] so he like man you back in here again so he he he went back and he looked at my egk reading he came back in the room he like it's serious this time you were having a heart attack so man basically after all that got done over with you know say I'm thinking I got a daughter at this time and uh he was like basically man you got a lot of built up Scar Tissue on your heart mind you I got diabetes at this time I got diabetes then knew I was diabetic before that so I got diabetes my kidneys was been messing with me my skin bad I'm only 5'6 I'm pretty short bro I'm a I'm 260 lbs bro I'm fat I'm fat in the mug so my whole life you fat doing cocaine bro I'm man but I think you get money you was eating too I was eating real good I was eating real good reading real good in the Hebrew community so all I'm eating is lamb we EA goat we e goat Cherry anything to do Bing so y am eating good so anyways look I'm in there and he was telling me about my heart cuz they check my heart I got all this Scar Tissue on my heart and he was telling me like if you keep this up and if you snor another line or if you smoke another cigarette we don't you might not make it again this particular day mind y'all been shot stabbed metal from here to here Bri broke my Knuckles merged I done F so much these Knuckles are merged together bro so like he tell me that bro and it scared me straight all the gang bang and Alla been in the streets all that stuff did not scare me but I don't know what it was but this particular day it scared me so I went home and I end up kicking over all my medicine I'm crying and [ __ ] throwing my medicine away and I'm like man it got to be a natural way I can I can heal myself because with the medicine I was on high blood pressure medicine my dick couldn't get hard I'm 21 years old and I could even get a hard on bro you know what I'm saying so I used to have to get off the medicine snort me a line and that combination together plus a shot in a drink used to get me STI so so even to had sex I used to have to do drugs you see what I'm saying [ __ ] rough out so look check this out though it got crazy so so I kicked over the medicine threw everything away and I'm like man I got to get away from this it's crazy I can't really have sex right now my whole life is is is upside down I get on YouTube this when YouTube is really just starting to pop Soulja Boy movement now everybody really starting to get hit we talking about 2 2008 2009 so it's just starting to hit I get on there and I type in natural natural ways to uh heal diabetes and Scar tissues this white man popped up boring as hell I couldn't resonate with him and then you know how YouTube get done and a suggestion pop up guess who popped up y'all who Dr sa Dr yeah Dr sa on there talking about I have CLE cell anemia leukemia and I'm like man this [ __ ] is lying ain't no way he healing all this stuff but I kept listening and man I ended up getting addicted to the knowledge and the information I just kept watching and binge watching it was like two days later I knew his wife's name all his children name I knew where Usha Village was I stumbled up Le Lisa left out Lopez I knew everything like he was my father or something so that's when I jumped into herbal school started learning my own stuff getting certified then I I went on a 90day juice fast and uh and I took the herbs that I made I made my own concoction that I got for my eye which is his late wife man I did that man 90 days later bro I didn't have Scar Tissue on my heart I lost all of them pounds I was so skinny my mama thought something was wrong with me because I was super skinny cuz I dropped all that toxemia uh my kidneys was functioning 100% my liver wasn't fatty no more and my cholesterol went down I completely healed myself all by changing my diet and taking plant medicine in 90 days bro so after that and and you got that from Dr T huh you got that from Dr sa so yeah so so so so look for on and on cuz everybody think that I I I disagree with Dr sa the information when I don't that's why I always give Praises in a moment of silence to Dr say before I do anything that I do but you know when you learn and you grow and you got your own clinical trials and you have your own clinics and you have your own healing testimonies you know information is supposed to evolve information don't stop with save you and I don't know why everybody think that so you know people think that I talk against him I never said nothing bad against them if it wasn't for that man I wouldn't be where I'm at right now but yeah man my eye man talking to my eye blowing her phone up blowing everybody up I'm trying to talk call the Fig Tree fig Leaf in New York I'm like look just give me she shot me a few herbs out there with my herbal schools and all of that I end up putting everything together and man I created my first compound and it worked it worked man it straight work and then from there my mama she high blood pressure healed her my sister healed her my aunties healed them from there went into my neighborhood started healing the [ __ ] I grew up with you know what I'm saying now they getting healed they not [ __ ] no more they becoming Kings and then man next thing I know I look up bro we Global with it selling hundreds of thousands and then the next year pop we selling millions of herbs you know now each each each year we selling up to 5 million products every year come on you know what I'm saying got your healer man yeah no we was talking about that right when you said that we going to talk about it again just like you said them pharmaceutical be putting [ __ ] in the [ __ ] drug that [ __ ] [ __ ] don't work yeah yeah yeah so most you see the side effects on the commercial and that's what I'm saying we can talk about everything I'm going to say here it ain't going to go against no Community guidelines because you can look this [ __ ] up right so most of the side effects to pharmaceutical medicines is stop circulation the reason why penises can't get hard is because they having a circulation problem down there so that's that's a side effects and that's what the high blood pressure medicine was doing to me and I'm talking about it was a little pill man I took a little the pill was so little I took it every one pill every day and it didn't even keep my blood pressure low just [ __ ] with you all around boy messing me up and mind you I'm 21 I'm 21 man right they telling you but you suppos to be in your Prime you up here feeling 85 yeah straight up straight up I don't feel like I can't do nothing I just got out of high school hey but that was the most that was the strongest moment in my life though man kicking that medicine over man made me feel like Superman I was P the it's he [ __ ] go get some [ __ ] I said I can't I'm try school dance [ __ ] Dan don't give don't give me Twisted I had a remedy right if I knew I was going to you know going to hit me something I stopped taking the blood pressure man and I kick me a line smok me a cig was a lot though but hey man you was lowkey already making compound just with the wrong [ __ ] this [ __ ] bit okay little bit hey my right Qui myself oh I'm getting there that [ __ ] me straight to ciac arrest man straight up we glad you here though you dig what I'm saying like want some more puss fresh out of cocaine I mean you want to run to the coke spot yeah but no man cuz everybody a lot of people need that [ __ ] you feel me like the herbs is is the best [ __ ] in the world it takes some time yeah a lot of people don't think cuz you know it take time it tell you 30 days to 60 days you trust that [ __ ] Boy versus a [ __ ] say look 90 days you heard him he said 90 day [ __ ] like man that too long [ __ ] that's the Reon you going to take the other pill for the rest of your life [ __ ] you got to tell them look serious don't take all this today cuz [ __ ] two three on you got to make them think that [ __ ] dangerous they try to rush it all things take time I know you said n day but I went ahead and took all them last night yeah like yeah I ain't sto [ __ ] but the thing about hers though the thing of how herbs work though you got to you got to go through the full course cuz say if you just do 30 to 60 days and all these toxins is finally get getting pulled from the cells and the interum fluid of the body then you stop the cleanse that'll go into the bloodstream and all that toxemia hitting that bloodstream can change the ph and you can literally drop dead you see what I'm saying so so you know how you got all these different warnings and clauses for for the pharmaceutical drugs you still have warnings and clauset for natural medicine you know what I'm saying you can't start a cleanse and get deep and start pulling all these toxemias and all these cytotoxins from the cells and then just stop the cleanse you can kill yourself like that you know what I'm saying it's been on record people going on 60 nothing but grapes and then they break their grape fast with a with a potato this dude died look it up he only he went 60 days on nothing but seed grapes and then he he stopped he he broke his fast with a potato a baked potato and it killed him so you know what I'm saying like and that's why I think we got to come out of fast right you got to have it's like a process to I never that's why it's called Break fast or breakfast that's what breakfast is breaking your fast you know what I'm saying so yeah it's most definitely a strategic uh strategy to it but I think we just need to learn about what food is like we don't know what food is we don't know where our food come from we don't know the ingredients in our food we we get to know everything we know every song on the radio we don't know every bone in our body right you know what I'm saying we know all the TV shows we can't even name a lateral Sizer teeth like I said [ __ ] say lateral Sizer y'all look at me like I'm crazy so I think if we in our bodies all of our life nobody else is in our bodies is us you wake up every day in your body you wake up every day in your body these are some days I wake up in somebody else I did but you still you still in your body waking up in somebody else's body you right I know but look on for real though we in our bodies all of our Lives we not sharing this body with nobody why don't we know nothing about it right these are Vehicles like a car you know what your car is you got it's a Hellcat it's got a Hemi motor in it yeah I got you got the exhaust pipe fixed yeah that's peanut butter leather seats I just got the drop top done now that's candy paint you know everything about your car in it the [ __ ] I do to him that's your whip that's your whip man he got about three or like oh yeah you do no but he don't know [ __ ] about his body but he look you be to feel me more on this [ __ ] Jud pull that [ __ ] up what what he say about tell him over you going hand his ass right on over that's on the first page I'm glad it's assim assimilating with you know that mean you going to feel what I'm saying so you know everything about so since you got multiple of these that means you detailed about your cars then right you can name your cars can you name can you name three bones in your body though oh you got this I know he got this come on dog minut come on dog he got this the [ __ ] you come godamn got song he got this though [ __ ] I know he got this though got a song man this Ain about my [ __ ] Bon bone connected that ain't the real name [ __ ] that's just that ain't the real bone name that's just the bone the body part of the bone like the femur bone or the patella yeah the patella see you or the skull cranium yeah Cranium Cranium skull of work though C countries crani you know you got some [ __ ] on your Stern okay okay hold up hold up you [ __ ] yeah well technically 85 the [ __ ] what is it the front part is not the [ __ ] but hey y'all get my point though get my point it is but it got another you know it got other name you go somewhere right now the point is y'all can't name y' bones but we can name no cars so like we riding in these cars we know everything about our vehicles our we we riding we riding our bodies and we the drivers of these bodies and don't know nothing about our vehicles that we call the Avatar so when it breaks down we don't know how to fix it so if you don't know how to fix it then of course you going to take it to what the the the the repair shop right the only thing is about your car you put your recording repair and half the time they [ __ ] your car up too notice you you drop yours off the repair shop something else wrong with it so you got to drop it back off they doing the same thing even worse with these vehicles we dropping these things off come back with parts missing y'all y'all been seeing this statistics on that black man and black women are going to get surgery coming back with [ __ ] missing it Eternal organs I know a couple my auntie came back with some [ __ ] left in them see what I'm saying left clamps and people sponges all type of [ __ ] this is these are real stories though like two for surgery so all I'm saying is this if if if it's my body this is my car it's my vehicle the [ __ ] don't come with a manual you know what I'm saying the manual is in nature you just go into late nature and the nature will show you the manual eat eat what you see the ones that look like you eating eat the fruits eat the vegetables I just think that we need to know what's going on with our molecular structures and we are different than everybody else and when you go to the doctor they treat you like you a 40-year-old Caucasian male that's the statistics so of course they going to say you pre-diabetic they going to say you have high blood pressure they going to say you got all these things but we have to understand that as people especially as so-called African-Americans and as indigenous American people that we are pecuri special people we have melanin neuromelanin F melanin eurom melanin all these different Covenant particles inside of our bodies and our biological structure is different than any other species on planet Earth so how are you telling me what I need to take when you don't even know my body you haven't even studied my body you don't really even know who I am we are different people man we really are and I'm I'm speaking scientifically we are the most peculiar special specimen on planet Earth bro nobody bodies and cells move or react like us have y ever heard of the Healer cells Henrietta La sales these sales inside of this woman that was straight Immortal they couldn't die her sales right now the still alive all of your medicines come from them cells bro how they how they mes all the stem cell research come from her celles this is a black woman her celles never died she had some type of I think it was ovarian cancer or something and they they ended up taking her uh taking these CES out doing a biopsy on them and they noticed that her celles kept multiplying when it didn't have a host and they was wondering they like man these are God genes these are God particles and these are procrea cells that just kept living they still alive till this day and that's the reason why when women lay down and give birth they take the black woman's placenta and stuff like that because they trying to match themselves again man it's something in US bro that is Immortal is Immortal man I'm telling you live forever but it's only in us though so we a special peculiar people man and it's sign right melanin is like a polymer melanin is a polymer and it it it basically converts due to biosynthesis so plants go through something called photosynthesis and melanin go through something called biosynthesis where our our particles of our skin literally eats the Sun and we are the only people that can eat the sun too everybody else get skin cancer they they get dehydrated well they say we get skin cancer too sometimes if we out there too long where where's the statistics on that I'm pretty sure that that's well you is a little they they say the sun sometime [ __ ] with black folk man I I don't know about that man he got if if the Sun is messing with somebody that's of our complexion he have too many acids in his body and that's a that's basically a nuclear reactor that's going on within his I ain't never understood that anyway how black [ __ ] get love this cuz you know smoke be saying hey black people we Ain need sunscreen in Africa no we don't we don't need sunscreen here never did we don't need it here bio kist watching this right now how can we get them to wear it how do we get them to wear the sunscreen yeah we'll make it smell like Hennessy make it smell like cocoa butter they love cocoa butter but yeah man health is wealth y'all straight up definitely let's get into some of these herbs man cuz I asked you about one and I'm I'm definitely getting some from you but Cheeto good n no them [ __ ] terrible yeah and it got red red 40 on first of all let me show you something take that lighter let's let's just read it let's read that ligh let me see that lighter read the ingredients bet cheet lighting it don't go out huh light it what you mean light it and do light the top don't no don't do that just light it and I bet you it's going to burn like a torch what in a [ __ ] science experiment is this no light it no [ __ ] it's sizzling it's cheap [ __ ] po my mother you talking about light it let it go don't blow it out why they [ __ ] I mean that was anything that catch [ __ ] if you put fire on a potato potato going catch on fire we don't want that in our L if you put fire on anything a crispy High flaming now you don't did something my boy that's what STK and it's stin it's not my [ __ ] point man I think if you like anything know it's going to stay on fire my no no food don't catch on fire that's why it Cooks think about it it see boiling water stupid ass boy the F all food you C you boil all your food you like a white man so you I got I got a question Bo you your food even though I don't believe in cooking your food if you grilling your food what you do to it you eat it raw B do smell like some some fren toast what your do to it this is what I'm saying though you ain't never you eat it and the chicken on fire on once it burn up but it's been on the fire for a long time and that [ __ ] like is is [ __ ] up chicken don't burn I know I a make I know I ate meat in 15 years but I remember barbecuing man and the meat used to catch on fire it's still good if it's burnt up it's still who me catch if your meat catching on fire that might be where you don't eat it no more no I I don't eat it I don't eat it no more because it's it's full of heterocyclic amines it's full of poly let us know man let us know at least give me vegan like let us let me get at least give me vegan for a week cuz we know it's [ __ ] up how they get it but what is already know and what polish shitty situation anytime you eating some goddamn meat I know that even even if it's form ra you know people like this is grass-fed beef this is form raise no antibod have you seen the F but I'm just saying even if you got this meat in it's in it's pure State it's not made for our bodies to break it down so when when you eat something your first your first I would say your first digestive process is your teeth that's why you post and a lot of people having problems with they food is because they not chewing properly like us we are made to eat on the gold so a lot of negroes they eat their food and they swallow two chews and they swallow it so we not even chewing our food correctly your food is supposed to damn near be a liquid before you swallow it then when it goes down it goes down into your your esophagus and then it hits your stomach when it hits your stomach you have something called gobl cells these gobl cells produces mucus then you have something called hydrochloric acid when these things mix together they create something called pepsin or pepsinogen this is actually what breaks down your food your stomach and a hydrochloric acid in your stomach is not hot enough to break down proteins bro and think about it you got dead rotten flesh in your body and usually your average black person is constipated anyway so we are literally using our stomachs as graveyards bro now have you ever seen road kill on the road right y'all see all the maggots and flies and [ __ ] that's flying around it a lot of people be wondering from where that's coming from most of that stuff is coming from with inside of the meat it's called pleomorphic bacteria same thing happen when you start eating that meeting stuff in your in your human body that's why a lot of us got tape worms hook worms Basco lobus Boi worms have of us got parasites because all this dead flesh and these carcasses that we putting in our body man we was not made to eat meat we was made to eat fruits and vegetables bro and I know that sound boring to a lot of people it ain't boring that [ __ ] sound real cuz I ate some [ __ ] the other day that had I had gas sandwich now what make fish sandwich it didn't want me to have that what bad gas come from so so bad G bad gas come from eating the wrong foods and what happened is you have something called lactose bacillus inside of the stomach that is you have a 9 in little section of the stomach that's called the deum or the duum and there trillions of bacteria there well when bacteria try to firment and break down your food they create something called methane and this methane is a byproduct of bacteria and that's where you get gas from you just you poting out the methane out the Mee St methane is methane that [ __ ] is I mean just think about think about it though the an like a tailpipe of a car it's a tailpipe man like our body s where y'all think cars came from everything come from our bodies the camera lenses come from your eyes a boom Box come from your ears the the the actual exhaust pipe come from your intestines everything the oil represents the blood the fuel represents the food or the glucose and the fructose that you put in your body like the we are biological Vehicles bro we are well you did that so we just need to make sure we putting the right gas in it you would put no diesel in them hellcats would you [ __ ] went start up it went start up that [ __ ] a blow up you see what I'm saying but we putting all types of wrong fuel in our body every day right I am my bag High flame I ain't going to lie they my last bag of high flame no [ __ ] and he ate them all too he ate them all too and you still ain't read them ingredients on the back of that deal man man this [ __ ] so goddamn small that [ __ ] said enrich cornmeal enrich cornmeal n we just talk about that we just talk about n potassium salt I ain't even know potassium had salt yeah that's made they made it it said potassium salt uh mono sodium what what mono sodium mono sodium what mono sodium glutamate read you know you know your grandma and [ __ ] used to put that Accent on everything until we found out it was mod sodium glutamate we had to take it Chinese rice too that's in your Chinese R Grand put this on the food no more why if it got more than two ingredients you ain't supposed to be eating it man what about that do uh sodium def phosphate what but most so most of these sodiums they so sodium is addicted to us because our cells absorb it so usually if you want to if you want to make somebody addicted what you do is you put sugar in it you put sodium you put salt in it which is your sodium and then you use some type of fat you can mix these things together and it create literally something that make you addicted to it like a potato chip man have y'all ever seen the science of a potato chip bro it don't have no nutrients in it whatsoever no nutrients these [ __ ] is high [ __ ] good when you the so one looking at this [Laughter] man he stupid when you the so one looking at it as [ __ ] he did it you said tell him how bad this [ __ ] is and he said N I have no paper towel everybody know this how you finish Hot Flaming the best part man oh my goodness y'all is crazy man more than two ingredients yeah so it's not supposed to have more than two ingredients no you got to keep it what you what you what we try to do is this what I teach people we try to cut out the hands that touch your food from when it comes to the form and then it gets to your table so literally we try to push from soil to table all right I'd be remiss if I didn't ask you this so how how should I prepare the [ __ ] I'm about to eat all right so me hey y'all been seeing this floating around on the internet i' been seeing you all over my [ __ ] timeline have y'all been seeing how eating [ __ ] causes throat cancer theoat I saw it take the I just said y'all been seeing that though yeah think that's if you eat more than one though more if you eat less than three puss long you you eat less than three [ __ ] long as it clean don't it depend on what the [ __ ] been eating what has she been eating hey hold on he on something yeah she got she been eating she got be eating right cuz I I can't I can't even make I can't even have sex I don't even have sex with women that eat meat you eat meat I can't even lay down with you I'm cool stand up and [ __ ] that's a good observation that's it got always got L that we can have sex but I'm not putting my dick in your mouth the same mouth was going on when y'all had sex though you literally swapping off sales seminal fluid celing fluid y'all literally becoming one good and that's why like if you if you ejaculate in a woman bro your sperm go to her brain and stay there for the rest of her life godamn good that's what I like I like that I like that that's why in the B that's why in the Bible a woman was only supposed to be with one man her whole entire life because they knew that concept or she was supposed to remain a virgin until she got wed it so the nut is in her brain in her brain yeah L how many brains do I so so look for real look look you have inside of your sperm bro you have something to actually weak about me you made this [ __ ] a super villain the brains I feel the this go send out text hey DC I ain't never invite you on my stage boy they won't even be in there listening theying up like okay okay so how what happened with the brain y'all got to be weak no seriously though so uh in your when you ejaculating a woman you have something that literally suppresses her immune system and then she have something called spermicide that's naturally produced by her vagina to kill all the 100 trillions of sperms but one can make it and and the baby can be conceived so what this what this does when you ejaculating her and you weaken her immune system is something called the blood and brain barrier your sperm literally passes that and attaches to receptors on her brain that's why they be so addicted to males you know what I'm saying you know you heard the word [ __ ] whip like no literally women scientifically get dick Whi though scientifically because your sperm literally bonds with her brain forever and that's why multiple sex partners and women they start developing M multiple different personalities you ain't never seen your woman start talking like you sometimes I even start looking alike merging I always felt like marriage people when they start looking like you found your match no so that's the bu that many nuts in hey look hey the [ __ ] sound funny bro but look it sound funny but this is pure review science bro this pure review science bro imagine that you realize that sperm is DNA genetic material right sperm is DNA genetic material so if you constantly busting your genetic material into a woman basically y genetics and your genome start to form bro bro my sister look just like her husband I can't wait to call her but that [ __ ] n in your brain we making it sound different it got to take a it got to take a long route to get there but yeah but that's why that's why you see multiple women that have multiple sex partners they take on multiple personalities from their partner you know what I'm saying that's how you know you been [ __ ] M yeah [ __ ] I don't say that the [ __ ] you hear this song at [ __ ] facts facts facts who the [ __ ] you calling bro where you get this [ __ ] from that's you a [ __ ] n where this come from damn that's crazy so what so so look if you what if you mess with a girl who have a lot of nut in her brain and then you come along do you get attached with some of those personalities you can though now you got nut on your brain I got nut on my brain I on some real stuff though but that's the reason why you know if if you reading certain ancient principles and certain ancient literatures though that's why we not supposed to be having sex with whes because your body become one with who you go into and you get to start sharing multiple personalities and traits now remember we swapping genetic material y'all so we can't act like genetic material don't merge with your your DNA that's why if you with a woman and you constantly ejaculating her and she constantly coming on you y'all start merging y'all start looking alike y'all start talking alike y'all even start hem sinking your brains hying is a real word it's called the gateway experience where he can think something and she automatically know what he thinking or she can say something and then he will finish her sentence so and that's but that's a whole point the scriptures say a man supposed to leave his mother and father and cleave on to his wife and become one that Oneness is true it's not just in a spiritual sense I'm talking about genetically wise you become one like seriously that's so you know what I'm saying I just and I'm I know man going to be man but we should really watch who we put in our dick in though facts right straight up hell yeah I had to slow down I slow down but I'm still going fast you might be too far gone I'm still on the expressway I'm just not in the F Lane I'm still I'm still out there though I'm on a dirt road [ __ ] I'm in the first Lane so just in case if I want to get off I can get off Slow Down slow yeah I'm still on the Sprayway though you ain't going slow just cuz you was doing 130 and you drop down to one I'm in the F Lane still going like I'm in the F Lane I'm on the interstate and the police is out here oh he you slowing down it's speed limit see Bel both hands on steering wheel like it's C County 07 weed in the trunk sun going down one headl out 2 15s in the trunk I'm trying to get hold for this sun go down man ignant smoking in the car with two pounds in that I was hey I I would I would always pick what I'mma do illegally either I'm going smoke or we moving oh we moving but I ain't going to smoke and be moved like I hate [ __ ] that do that that's the dumbest [ __ ] in the world you got to make a decision damn man I ain't smoking no we in about 10 years man sh still good it's still good still good still have so you don't do nothing that is going to toxify your body now he do something he eat a bag of Skittles every now and then or something I don't eat no Skittles you do what you do something I eat I'm tell you I eat some cooked vegan food every now and then a hell no what else vegan that's the baddest [ __ ] got [ __ ] that n [ __ ] he vegan I sneak I sneak and eat a little boy S no [ __ ] what else you do you had a bow of Captain Crunch or something my brother don't put no milk on there Captain grunt give me give me two of them Captain grunt man I Ain I always been last okay I ate a piece of birthday cake at my nephew birthday part I did that I did be a [ __ ] vegan trying to hide his face oh this ain't me this Ain me hey he on the St here put bacon on that look hey I got [ __ ] vegan I didn't go you can ask my team I stayed back I ain't eat it or nothing man no I didn't do it they said they said they went up in there and uh soon as they walked in we got two [ __ ] coming in the building I heard that they call you [ __ ] and everything man man you supposed to go support black own business I can't that's nothing even if you ain't eating nothing you supposed to go so I got to stop smoking I got to stop doing all this [ __ ] stop can still support can send a donation or something that's what I'm saying support yeah you ain't got to eat it and so you telling me my restaurant you ain't going to come up you going to come in here and be like man I this [ __ ] bad no I ain't going to tell I ain't going to do you like that I'm going let you you know what I'm saying you just ain't going to eat you going look at me pull you to the side but you already know what I teach though right right but it's it's more stuff y'all can do with the weed other than smoking it weed tea Edibles what about the oil you said the oil is the reason why you do what you want to do with your don't tell me what to do with mine we came up here so you can speak theat you're not to start telling us whatam in the Endo canabo system huh the end canabo system yeah your Endo canabo system so some people need different canabo what's a canab I mean but like some people need T some people need CBD but you know your body produces a lot of these substances on own yeah it's in yeah between the hours of 3 and six they call it the witch an hour DMT get naturally High though sometimes that's what I'm saying so you already got this stuff all this thing all these doing are enhancing what's already in your body so how can I like wake up and make sure I get the th what what time in your body yeah it's in your body I just to catch three look between I have a deficiency that's why I smoke so much I'm deficient to what don't try to use science to do that man it sound hey it sound good though but [ __ ] don't know what they talking about you youate my canbo jeans is recessive so I had to put cannabis in my body manually but I'm saying though wi cuz I have been so between between so the which an hour between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 6: a.m. wake up go completely dark if you can get some blind folders them little sleep little sleep put them on your face and do some deep diaphragmatic breaths okay do that for like 30 minutes and literally if you can't put something over your ears the whole thing is to start paying attention to your breath and your heartbeat it's literally stopping time and bringing you to a present now the moment you become present where time don't exist bro I'm telling you you going to feel a high that you never it's way more powerful than this [ __ ] man way better hell yeah sometimes it'll scare you though you know what I'm saying to feel that nothingness because when you feel the nothingness you feel you realize that you connected to everything it's called quantum entanglement we got all of this already naturally producing in US bro I feel nothing before well was just like the H I felt nothing speed up the process cuz my mind and body rolls the blunt a little too slow for my liking you you need to be Spar up yeah do Edibles and te's and stuff like that I don't do none of that [ __ ] I don't do no oil I don't do none of that [ __ ] I'm scared FL I need FL edbl I have to have nothing to do and that's rare because I don't know when it's going to hit so I got a question you ain't never even thought about just changing up what y'all rolling the weed in even if y'all just if y'all going to stay smoking at least smoke cleaner even if that's if that's even a thing I got least that's cleaner you know saying yeah how about you Mike Tyson R aad I smoke various products various uh vegan ws and tea leaves and and and rice papers and n a tree what the marijuana of course it's one I actually have smoked weed that was rolled in weed yeah so hey I've been seeing them I seen some of them in Cuba in in Cuba they literally had a marijuana leaf and they rolled the marijuana up in the marijuana leaf it was pure marijuana but they still put a fire to it which Chang the molecular structure and a lot of estrogen and CYO estrogen was l once you put fire to weed it releases a chemistry of estrogen to the brain no it don't weed yeah C estrogen at that but estrogen is it's a THC but estrogen is what women need yeah now you get get we smoking estrogen we got it too yeah so we but they got it way more but we got testosterone I don't want to smoke on got it Mak me feel fun you you can have it you hit it you H it y crazy man you don't want to hit it this [ __ ] y'all look that up all this [ __ ] man but what's wrong with stop smoking you still get the same H out making EST n want [ __ ] estrogen so so boil it we eating it get you high later me but the H be more profound though and it's a body high I won't be high now and all the weed yeah what you do is you you you would take an ounce you put an oun in a 16 uh 16 uh a 16 oz past of spring water you going to let it sit for 10 minutes then you turn it on you let it boil for 2 minutes after you let it boil for 2 minutes you let it steep let that deal steep for 45 minutes steep what is steep steep is when you turn it to as low as setting but the fire is still on that pot just a little bit okay like so you saying like on the stove yeah yeah like like cut it to one yeah all right cut it to like right before the one so you can sit on the C for so so look while you on the side get you some lemon some lemon some Kims and some Manuka honey okay get you you preparing right so once you get done you strain you strain it out you put that in the glass and then you squeeze your lemon in your lime and you put you about a tablespoon of Manuka honey in there right boy I'm telling you take it you're feeling good feeling good and you can go all night off that you just made your own you just wasted an ounce of [ __ ] weed that's what you got out of all that man that's what you got out of all that look two cups of juice who put this weed in this goddamn you just saved your lungs you just saved your long right you ain't burn and turn into yeah yeah yeah for some reason when you add now you acting like you drink lean man help me get this [ __ ] up hey buo for some reason when you add THC to to honey though it acts as an afrodesiac see the honey yeah it the chemical reaction it just increases circulation need no afro DJ as soon as I see them them bumps on that nipple part it's up I'm hornier than that goddamn Brothers Aras man what I be horny than they get that wolf when his tongue falling that [ __ ] stupid part soon as the tit the bumps raise up they be like hell I'm in there I'm ready to pay some bills after that that that's St but hey soon as I see that vein go through that areal come agreement while we here man what agreement y'all going to start at least smoking a little cleaner just switch it up do some conbs some vegan cones up smoking I'm not F to lie to you I'm not F to lie to you doing [ __ ] I'm older than you I'm not F to listen to you Dam you think eating vegetables make you a better person it don't I never I you don't I'm not doing [ __ ] I'm going to follow you and I'm going like them post but that's I'm I'm not doing [ __ ] I like I came I'm ready for you to leave now I got some chicken over there right now I was just trying to wait till we WRA this [ __ ] up cuz I know you on a mission that's your plate over there bro [ __ ] right look how big it is Big french fries in that M I'm eating all that I just ain't want to eat that barbecue around your white [ __ ] bro it's the real Sal all that man and I'm hit the blunt when I get through with the good sugary lemonade hey but you know what I like about you though at least you stating that's what you going to do I'm about to do all that at least you ain't faking saying like a [ __ ] I'm hitting the blood right now who was said I was even got to watch you said you going to do the [ __ ] but the other two [ __ ] I ain't doing [ __ ] I appreciate that though bro I'm going to get now I will take some vitamins I love a [ __ ] vitamin send me vitamin send me all that [ __ ] I feel like the vitamin vitamin in the placebo right here no it ain't a placebo cuz the body do need essential send me the herbs then I need the herb get I got all the [ __ ] I got I take the mushrooms the re the for the brain I got the I got the natural tonic they send to my house every month with the niggaer holding the Earth on the bottom you know that [ __ ] disgusting it got to be good um ybe ashwagandha that's for theand EXO gland magnesium too your hbe yeah that [ __ ] I'm scar I got that kalala I call it your hbe though my K yeah you know old people that [ __ ] you take boy get on that the Kim Bas yeah your him y it's good for you mix that with some asag Gand with some damana yeah you in there let me get the light give you a little a little bit of heart pation the M my heart I feel like how you said it yeah that's how I am I hit them blunts my heart I hey boy it B that P three times but I need you to come on through No Cap I can't do it yeah cuz I'm already energetic I just don't need nothing to take me overboard I got you I got you little bro mine yeah they come from the sea bro mine Al them your sea vegetables you know sea moss Club Moss see a lot of people don't know that that c Dr 7 [ __ ] that [ __ ] the one got my skin you need try you need to try kelp though that kelp 10 times more powerful than camos ke do I need I want extra glow now that Keel good for you I'm already glowing I don't want to get out thyroid too a lot that's that [ __ ] that grow on the SpongeBob house yeah hey hey it really is though I don't want I don't want I don't want to be out here bleaching my skin they like I don't know what happened but I get light in light well look you got to come back and at least talk [ __ ] with us every quarter and the next time you come we'll roll up some paper joints with a filter that be going to be vegan I sprinkle a little strawberry radish on there whatever [ __ ] whatever some look what some hot th Berry we going to make sure you got the address we need a box of health and [ __ ] I got you send us instructions and then everything send us an ounce of weed to the boys so we can have some tea I'm going send you the instruction to the weed right right at least we need the books we'll put the [ __ ] up here whatever I got a book coming out in July it's called healing illusion we call a z we need that you hot Thor Bear yeah Thornberry very good for the heart good for circulation too okay cool I do want to make sure I'm getting right what's IG uh Yaki awakened how you spell it let everybody know h k i uh a w a k e n e d there a bunch of f out there tell everybody check me out Yak awaken y a k i yeah this it right yep that's it right there yeah yeah boom my [ __ ] he be on there going out and you [ __ ] still eating oranges with no seeds in them what the [ __ ] is a cutie there's no such thing as a cuti there there's a beautiful orange then there's a all right looking orange you put them together that ain't cute man I appreciate y'all we appreciate you I told y get in here oh yeah you got me got what's the website and you know where people you and www.y awaken.com y a h k i a w a k NE d.com www. Yak awaken.com we got all the herbs on there anything that you need for healing modalities you can come to the clinic you can check out the herbs you can come to the clinic you can get some lymphatic massages whatever you need man we got anything to do with healing I'm into so well look man you know we was going to talk some [ __ ] when you came here but you know you always welcome on our platform and we appreciate what you do for the community hey 85 South man we out of here wow
Channel: The 85 South Comedy Show
Views: 508,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nigerian, comedy, dcyoungfly, karlousmiller, mtv2, wildnout, podcast, chicobean, kevinhart, dc young fly podcast, 85 south show new, 85 south show time, karlous miller podcast, chico bean podcast, 85 south podcast, funny comedy show, black
Id: Xt_ckycEH5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 35sec (4115 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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