Heston's Scotch Quail Eggs | Waitrose & Partners

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so for me Scotch eggs mean picnics we still live in London and go out to Virginia water for Windsor Great Park attend picnic and there is always a scotch egg there it's something really understanding for me and kind of has a little summery feel to it so I was thinking well Scotch eggs are great eleven what if you could have a runny yolk in the middle it would never fantastic it took quite a quite a little trial and error to get there it's important to start this by keeping the crowds eggs in the fridge so they don't want the heat of the water to penetrate the egg too much so cut them for cold slide them into some simmering water and give them exactly two minutes and really to keep the yolk runny what you need to do is boil the eggs just to cook the white underneath the shell sufficiently to be able to remove the shell because remember you then got to put them in meat and then put them in the deep fat fryer and then put them in the up and then just pop the straight into a bowl of ice water this is stop the cooking grab on the rounded not the point of side of the air because there's a little air pocket so you can just pinch off the shell and then peel and get under the membrane if you do that you're wet little teaspoon get under there and then just slide the spoon around for me it's a classic pork or we get too clever with it a bit of smoked bacon which which really adds that mouthfeel the kick from the pest mouth it's really important to have that peppered Logan it's cutting and then for some extra bit of heat a bit of cayenne pepper again this is quite hot so be careful and then you just wrap the eggs in the meat with your hands and then cotan so we did a double coating something flour first you put the flour on dusting the flour so it being able to stick to it and then you dip that in bread crumbs using panko Japanese bread crumbs because they're lighter and then you go back into the egg again and bread crumbs it's just a double coating to help protect the meat the egg inside and then I'm gonna sit on a plate on some bread crumbs just ink so it won't stick so now I'm just going to pop these in the fridge for half an hour just to firm up a little bit make sure the crumbs was stuck to the meat and then get ready for the next stage so then you've just pop them the fry for a couple of minutes until they're nice golden brown and crispy on the outside the fries that's of 190-200 it's kind of gressive heat but you want to get the outside crisp do you then finish them off in a lower temperature oven so it's nicely all the way through and the egg yolk stays nice and runny these stages and the cooking times and temperatures is pretty important to follow them especially the quail's egg because it's small so you're a fairly small window the time until you overcook the egg yolk I mean you'll end up with a regular Scotch egg I suppose then the sauce is so simple just mayonnaise and the hot dog relish mustard is them it's the mustard in that squeegee the other bottom that tastes a bit like piccalilli and take those mayo 1/3 of that mix it up you know here are my Scotch quail's egg with beautiful losing running
Channel: Waitrose & Partners
Views: 87,558
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: quails egg, Heston Blumenthal (Chef), Heston, recipe, scotch egg, scotch egg recipe, cooking, easy, Egg (Food), protein
Id: 7U0-LjajjSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 37sec (217 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2015
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