She's Building a BOMB?! (Kindergarten 2 Part 6)

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hey we're back in my favorite bedroom I've ever owned can we just talk about the size of this thing our parents must be rich we've got a bookcase just for our trading cards that's something that I would love to have just back here yeah welcome back to kindergarten two I just want to start off by thanking you for all the nice comments in the previous episode uh you guys seem to be absolutely loving this series so I'm glad you are this is a a lot of fun for me to play way more casual and yeah kind of different to what I normally play also loads of you guys love penny for some reason I guess her writing is just really good her law got extremely deep last time so I get it I Vibe with it too uh right what do we need to do let's start off by not looking at the mission map let's start off by checking out the outfits oh we got plenty should we um antenna here that's great should we mix and match this one we unlocked quite a few I think we got principles I think we got the Santa one as well we got Penny I think we should be Penny but with kind of like a robotic outfit I'm feeling this maybe I mean the the blue matches the blue you know what I'm saying I think that looks good so we did Opposites Attract last time which got us the I think it's like a laser or something yeah Penny's laser beam because spoilers we found out the penny is a cyborg or at least half site she's a cyborg she's a robot um she was attacked by a bear and then um I don't know why I'm laughing that's awful she was attacked by a bear um I'm guessing almost died and then was replaced with robotic Parts which is also interesting because she's the principal's daughter which is kind of crazy um right things that go boom start the mission by giving Carla the laser module we could do that now or we still need Keynes not able I kind of want to do the boom one you know I really want to do that and then if this get this episode gets enough likes maybe I'll hit the double in the next one so we do Kane's not able on this Mission and then the finale will just be the last video so um let me know leave a like if you excited for the video I want to see a double mission in the next one I think we're going to do things that go boom I'm just so intrigued by a possible explosion and if the arrows are correct we need the laser the monster Mon and the a plus so let's go grab those laser beam a plus a monster on plushie I'm yet to find out what the Monster plushie is for I'm not gonna fix my deck I don't have the glitch this time so I can do it but I'm not gonna fix my deck so I don't wanna I wanna do like a whole video on the monster one which would be cool I'll be ready I'm ready I kind of like that we don't have to care about our money too much which is nice what I do like about this little thumbnail is that Jerome's in here without tears and he's looking Shifty he's got one eyebrow down here and one up here you know what I'm saying yep yep yep it's about to get weird looking right now he's crying crying over here am I bullying wait I might be billions bullion let's not do this go away Kid fine see ya Jerome Jerome Jerome you don't know what's coming to you this episode maybe hey you must be one of the new kids I'm Carla Johnny Contraband uh do you want a laser do we just meet her and then just hand over laser I guess what the no way oh why did you get that she kind of took it anyway uh how did you get it this is incredible with this I can finally finally what kid get your schedule you've got a lot of work to do oh I like the sound of this so what are you talking about uh with this laser module and with the other principles kid transferring I can finally go through with my little project what do you mean by with that other principles kit oh Jerome oh of course I think I remember why he's crying I don't his dad died right just left him not sure when he deep alone Jerome please uh what is the little projects you see I'm pretty good about getting around this school I got keys secret passages I know how to tangle with Stevie but who's Stevie if you ever watch the series yet I'm terrible her name so I guess we'll find out your Stevia soon one problem I've never been able to solve is getting a passage from the teacher's lounge to the Janice's closet how does the laser help come on we need to be a little bit smarter than this let's dot the eyes and cross the t's all right on its own it doesn't but I heard about the stuff that went on at your other school that was a lot of stuff hey I've seen some weird stuff in nuggets place as well so this school Lane is uh innocent you know oh yeah he that place was a train wreck I'm talking about the little pocket bombs that listen to your gum oh yeah forgot about those those sucked I need one and you're gonna get it for me you're friends with that crying kid over there right no he's always been mean to me well you're gonna be find him a tissue or something maybe you could cheer him up it'll give you one of those devices where am I getting a tissue from probably someone who thinks she's a princess pigtails over there might fit the bill all right okay pigtails hey what's up Cindy Cindy yes see how hard my brain had to work in just to pluck up a name and match it to her face it's kind of bad it happens in real life too it's awful this new school is so much more my style um can I just get a tissue please uh sorry honey but we yesterday's news besides we both know I'm no I'm too good for you anyway um I disagree you're pretty awful easy they're leftovers you've just got me leftovers that's actually Savage we wouldn't want there to be another dismissed domestic abute our new school would be I'm always ready for a domestic dispute that's kind of wild what happens if we do this though I feel like we have to do this Jerome if you've got anything to say absolutely not are we gonna have to have a domestic dispute let's do it good so am I cry about it give me a tissue no no no no no no no and this just means we're having a rap battle and that's what you mean not rare it's rare depends where you're going with this oh wait no stop stop hitting her please actually carry on a little no stop stop no I'm not putting up with this today I am way too tired and dizzy and your behavior will not be tolerated all right yeah you can stop here now that hurts stop it uh Miss Apple guys just turn this in front of the principal he's still going as well as well the eyeballs are gonna fall out and we don't physically discipline our students here we're all a little on edge after what happened yesterday which means in kindergarten one because it's only Tuesday that was Monday but please remain civil to each other Just For Today ah fine just for today thank you Miss Applegate no worries she's too polite maybe she's a cyborg too uh go to hell wow okay um you first yes Cindy with a spicy comeback I like that Grumble stupid Cindy Grumble always being awful wow that was uh that was eventful hey we match almost I look a little bit more cyborg than you though look kid I'm close to losing my control don't freaking talk to me right now um oh where are we gonna I'm gonna have to risk it but I no not dealing with you go inside and call off about to freaking lose it maybe the lunch lady can make me a sandwich oh my did she hit me I heard the hit noise but I don't know whether she just like did a warning smack on the stones of the stairs maybe oh here comes bugs all right well dude that was impressive hey yeah yeah yeah yeah what are you talking about you really got under Applegate skin there she looks like she's about to snap so what I'm just saying one really loud noise or one more incident might completely break her see if anyone around here has something thanks for the suggestion and then that Carla girl has a firecracker that should do the trick bro I need a tissue this is not what I need oh is this a weird glitch it's still talking to Applegate over there wait what the I am in some kind of weird Loop right now okay so I'm gonna try I've reset the day I think I'm gonna talk to her before the domestic abuse incident which is weird to say where yesterday's news ouch here's a tissue Crimea River for goodness sake it was that easy unbelievable I got better things to do see a pigtails I'm gonna call you pigtails from now on at least I remember that uh so are you best friends with the crybaby oh wait no I need to go over and talk to Jerome wipe away those little tears these tears have been in hours of gameplay we finally going to get rid of them go away kid I won't talk about it uh have a tissue thanks man can't believe they made me come to school today why what's wrong I'm not gonna tell you you know what what's the difference do you know why we're in the school instead of all of them uh no something bad happened they found my dad in some weird labunders oh yeah yeah we're just pretending we didn't know his head was uh missed oh yeah he definitely died I remember that detail funny that so now you know what I have to do then right if I find a foster family oh my God uh I have a mom jeez I think revenge on who did this to my family Jerome was looking kind of sneaky now I think he's ready to destroy someone she was obsessed with my Dad wait Lily's not even here she's not she's not here that's what you think I know she's here I can feel it can you help me find her please I need Justice I guess I can help you thank you now we just need to lead of some sort culture nugget he was close to Billy and has a crush on Lily so maybe he knows oh this is getting spice uh let's talk to Carla real quick uh yes he wants to find Lily we are friends with crybaby hmm she was that girl whose brother went missing right interesting you know I did see two kids sneak into the crawl space under the skull why didn't you mention this earlier and what is a crawl space uh could it be them did you could we have description or something it wouldn't surprise me since that nugget kid caved in my secret passage this morning we need another way to get down there oh I wonder if it's to do with that tree remember that tree that's on the far right uh what are options I say we go through that great he's a screwdriver let that nugget kid out I'll distract Bob so he doesn't know this is open I'm not even gonna question it okay then yo Carter has got the good she's got everything she has Contraband laser screwdriver she's got keys secret tunnels okay nugget calm down calm down um oh wait do you know where Lily is no it does not feel like answering questions right now yeah no get out of here fine all right nuggets getting a little assassin he's still got both of his arms crazy uh nugget is free thank you for freeing nugget no problem well she run over it quick nice job kids this is nugget huh certainly is yes like it is nugget who is ponytail girl I'm Carla say you wouldn't have happened to see anyone down there perhaps some kids and hoodies uh nugget is not supposed to say only those with the secret stuffed creature may know well nugget we're about to be best friends again today I have said creature right secret I've heard enough Mimi and smart class kid we all work to do that's why we need the a plus that's the belt everyone heading inside your assigned classrooms uh go to my class let's do this Carla what's what's going on here I thought it was the character on the right I definitely was not oh good you're here we need to get down to that cool space to confirm if that girl is there um how do we get there why do you think I had you open that great oh yeah yeah but how do we get out of here are we easy enough here's the key to the door that will lead you to the handicap ramp let's go take our assessments to do so Dana lets us out you're coming with me I'm only following you downstairs I'll make sure Stevie doesn't stop you from using key Stevie is he um is he one of the whole monitors is he the chef the hormones that I kind of like but kind of don't could be got it hey what gives oh yeah we've done the cleaning supplies talk uh they need to do an assessment on the computer the prize is a cleaning supply let's go do our assessment real quick take the assessment thank you for taking your assessment please take your pick of the cleaning supply oh yeah I need to last time I took the toilet paper and it is what I actually needed so I'm gonna take the spray bottle just in case because that's something I haven't needed yet so I'm just going to take that go do some smart child things huh you think I'm a smart oh of course I am forgot I'm masquerading as a smart child uh let's go Danna probably won't stop us now let's see what happens lucky lap of the table real quick and then we're out of here let's do this and just when you think you're going the bathroom together yeah you'll see how I'm dressed um no okay never mind she's ashamed okay just don't cause any trouble of course no I wouldn't do that would I hey the boys room is downstairs he can go down but you can't relax man the student handbook says I'm allowed to assist a new student with finding the bathroom hey she is ridiculously smart she should have a um a brain no a head with the brain the size of Dr Danna oh okay I didn't know that thanks oh he's a pushover bro I like him my pleasure oh it's this guy well that guy is dumb but Stevie isn't I know he looks like a Stevie once he sees us he'll take me back upstairs then what while he's doing that use the keys to get out before he comes back so which which way is that one it's got to be that way yeah it's got to be to the right we need to be back in class before the Bell Rings I'll make another distraction for you so Stevie doesn't see you come in from outside she's a criminal mastermind insane let's go let's do this Carla you're not supposed to be downstairs the girl's bathroom is upstairs that other monster should have stopped you all right man stop snitching on the other monitor oh uh that's right uh sitting me maybe you could walk me there to make sure I don't make any more mistakes don't play dumb with me come on let's take you back upstairs yeah you're dumb you're so dumb see ya I think the lunch lady doesn't find me and put a spag straight on my forehead uh right let's unlock this door this has been we have interacted with this before but it's been locked we have unlocked the secret right this must be it I think it's here there's also this up left up okay um wait what does that say up left up right up right that's a lot to remember I'm definitely gonna need that at some point I'm cheating I'm taking a picture this is called using my brain just in case we need it it feels like this whole uh okay din I don't want to touch any dirt hey why not oh is that it what are we meant to do next oh is this different wait what's this has this been here the whole time hello oh wait is this do I have to do the code is it this smart up left up right up right left up no I think it's broken okay so I I might have as I've restarted the game and um let me show you how I died so I was zipping through the dialogue and I accidentally pressed um yes on why I think I know why we're at this school I put yes uh you do how do you find out I only know because I found the body parts and then I accidentally put I'm the one who did it you what I did it you know what here take this is that one of your dad's I know where Billy is and then that activates the thing see you in hell and then I exploded quite badly Let's uh get back to where we were we're back and my curiosity got the best of me last time apparently we can go up here but definitely not doing that again in a hurry I obviously need to go to the great why didn't I think of this before I need to go here underneath oh wait this is where the monster killed me before this box looks interesting I think I can hear something inside speak the plushie uh uh okay wait a second wait a second wait a second is the monster gonna be here why are there two body bags here one Earth this isn't a normal elevator button seems to be an eye scanner oh God there's a secret lair down here should I use it I'm staying here I guess we're looking in the Box and squeak the plushie wait is a hooded figure oh [Music] you're like we've been waiting in there for hours who are you guys oh yeah we should probably tell you that it's us Lily and Billy we've been spying on this new school we discovered a lot do you want to hear about it um sure well it turns out the three kids who are re-zoned to another school weren't actually rezoned they're here they're deep under the school I can't believe she's back that elevator has a secret ice gun that gives you access to go way underground so how do they survive the monster I think they're using them for experiments like they did with me we have to help them again history is repeating itself what do you need our original plans to Tunnel down there with the digging equipment that might take too long our other options to get past the eye scanner how do we do that by getting Penny down here she's a robot which means you can be controlled oh it's also why the lights go out when the kids gets into the principal's office it's voice activated and cause Penny to take out the care do is Miss bathing and Penny kills people she kills children we didn't know this about her last time oh my God right so we need that remote can you get it for us if not we'll just have to start digging I'm just gonna just let's part that for a second uh Jerome's after Lily uh me oh I guess he blames me for what happened to his dad yup we should have seen this coming Billy what's the big deal he can't get to us he doesn't even know we're here we can't risk it I have to confront him oh God uh he has to know the truth about his father what exactly is the truth head back upstairs and tell Jerome to meet me in the girls bathroom knock on the first stool twice you should get back to class before the Bell Rings you don't want to get study hall yeah I definitely know on that okay this is me doing the circle of confusion I think we're good let's go this is shocking hopefully no one else goes down there because they're pretty easy to find hey Carla hey Stevie it's my friends doing that unacceptable Carla I'm giving you study hall you're not supposed to be down unbelievable come on man I'm just checking on my friend maybe he's a an Android as well he's fine see now get back upstairs before I send you to the principal's office all right fine geez and you you've had a long enough for your bathroom break back upstairs now how did you not see that I came through the side door it's like pee outside maybe oh good you're back I'll take that key so what's the deal are those kids down there could we get Jerome to them they'll be in the girls bathroom yeah let's tell the crybaby the good news I like these nicknames so you know I can't remember the normal names this is great cry baby did you find out anything about Lily do you know where she is this is going to be I thought I don't know how this is gonna go she'll be in the bathroom so she is here I knew it I'm gonna get her for what she did thanks kid I have a plan to get you there we'll talk during lunch I'll wait we're not going now I guess the apples around yeah never mind I hope you all learned something today please go to lunch he's like just get out of here I don't want to see you right gang let's let's go I think bugs can hear us though I need to go upstairs that bathroom I've got some extra Burgers like you asked what are they for Stevie got a little extra irritating me today and now I have study hall I'm not gonna go to the principal's office for all of this so principal office if you get sent there Death full on death so what can we do we're going to start a food fight they'll draw all the monitors and give you a chance to leave we just need someone big and dumb to start it bugs it's your chance to shine buddy okay then you just need to find someone when to start it once it starts there should be enough chaos for you to get out of here one more thing while you're upstairs get into the science class and change the lesson plan to robotics I'm gonna need some of that stuff to finish our projects girls bathroom go upstairs science change lesson plan got it hello sir bugs are okay but I actually kind of missed a slop want to start a food fire yeah I do this place could be a little redecorating Soca nuggets face I would say that's mean but um yeah easy that kid I'm not starting to fight without proper ammunition you want more food yeah bring me all Burgers we'll kick this food fight off right you can have mine how many do you need now what more should do it go get one hurry up this feels too easy way too easy can I have a burger please thank you I don't like talking you too much too too much because it just reminds me of the time when you snip out a spatula handle into my head it was awful there you go then let's get this shot on the road let's do this hey Noggin oh this guy that's gonna be far is he gonna be able to hit that nugget does not wish to speak to hey that was a good shot I like that nugget does not like but oh yeah he only likes chicken nuggets hey Fatso watch it you almost hit me with that grease ball oh uh my mistake I'll make sure to hit you this time this is a really like controlled food fight oof hey that was rude come on weird kids we don't have to put up with this let's give him a taste of his own medicine nugget I'd never considered throwing food back at the nasty bully nugget normally just poisons his enemies he's definitely said that before but nugget can make an exception this time chuckham he's Chucky nuggets oh no get hit Cindy she's mad what the I don't want to get involved in your stupid bird unacceptable so we're not standing my carpet never mind I don't think you have a choice sorry perhaps I should get my sister oh this happens in the previous uh Mission as well didn't it just everything's all different look at them lobbing things oh my God look at him oh he's angry I kind of want to talk to him I've never seen him do a different facial expression you wrong kids this is gonna take forever to clean up someone's gonna die for this and it's not gonna be me see you later let's get out of here kinda terrifying not gonna lie did it I swear a burger just flew across the screen all right we need to go to science class first real quick just quickly head in here so doors to the side oh it's locked let's just go up let's see what happens to knock on this stall twice right oh uh uh occupied oh this is the stool she said she'd be in I told you my memory is terrible knock on the store there is a lady in there though uh apple bottoms listening to us hello Lily yeah yeah you killed my dad Apple Bottom's right there throwing up this is awkward oh God oh God now I'm gonna do what he should have done I'm gonna stop you in your crazy conspiracy theories um oh he's looking really angry actually this is a very awkward situation this mission is called something to do with boom and I'm hoping that's not gonna happen now Jerome Waits I can explain everything liar I know where Bill she's not lying what of course she's lying she's just trying to save herself Jerome did you ever stop to consider why your dad had explosives and why they blow up when you mentioned my brother I'm sure there was a reason it's because you're unstable he knew you were after him this this whole situation is feels weird with the happy music by the way it feels like everything should be a little bit more tense yeah because he kidnapped my brother and turned him into a monster that makes pills that does sound crazy uh you were there you tell him it's all true listen Jerome cry baby it's true wait you were there you saw everything she's telling the truth yup then my dad's he was oh geez I didn't want to be sick oh he's crying again no we don't have the tissue I'm sorry Jerome thanks for helping me clear things up with him I'll see you soon bye little see ya he's gonna leave us here with the bomb okay we have a problem I need to come up the stairs I think she knows where I am we need to get out of here now oh God Benny Penny what do we do there's got to be another way out of here help me find it or we're all dead uh It's gotta be this way right with the old uh the old screwdriver Apple warm heard this whole scenario risky touching the bomb shouldn't have done that uh let's unscrew the event let's go that's perfect come on guys we gotta go follow yes Jerome is here we should be safe here she won't be looking for long what now I'm gonna head back down to Billy we still have a lot of work to do I'm sure there's something you can do in here to wear out the time before recess yes good luck in Jerome I'm so sorry man I feel sorry for Jerome look at his poor little face bless him right we need to change this so what we tried to do before we change this please and drums in the way uh so we need to change this to robotics oh what the I'm sorry Diana no please don't shoot me please don't shoot me please how'd you get my science classroom explain yourselves We snuck in through the vent very honest oh it's rather clever not clever enough to avoid study all but still clever oh man oh we're in study hall now look look at all the food bugs has literally got lettuce in his eyeball uh look at all the bad children today my word there are a lot of you to make matters worse I didn't get my coffee uh no one move or talk just uh just be quiet oh this is the trick question from before say nothing otherwise it'll shoot us because he really wants to shoot us I said no moving wait what oh like uh no moving or talking now would be a good time to eat an apple thank you Game for that otherwise that would have taken me ages to figure out he stopped me in the eye socket I got no eye now okay say nothing this is Warren eat an apple uh I'm just gonna close my eyes real quick look at the way why did you look so weird when he sleeps it looks like a bug okay then did you work through your issues Jerome I guess I did I'm still processing it all but I feel a little better good so you're okay with passing that little device of yours then you leave it upstairs oh I already did I think left on the bathroom floor upstairs see look my brain is active right now unbelievable great okay kid let's go up and grab that thing what about Ghana what about him got engaged coffee today he'll see like a baby until the Bell Rings we'll be fine as long as we're back when he wakes up okay we've got three apples to be able to do this hopefully there's no Hall monitors though uh don't know where they are they must be in class or something is Apple what I'm gonna be in here though surely if she saw the bomb when she came out she would have picked it up Gods what do you rotten kids doing up here we're looking for a little device that was left on the ground have you seen it I love the thinking that he has like a really girly laugh I don't know why uh maybe I have what's in it for me if I tell you uh I don't know what you want uh well the cafeteria needs some cleaning spray ah let's see huge brain today absolutely huge um and the toilet paper needs replacing oh I didn't bring both oh we could do that good come back when you do unless uh Cindy picked up the other one now what's your name Carla Carly both begin with C it's confusing uh what do I need to do oh go and clean the cafeteria gee that's a big job what prizes you pick the cleaning spray cool I got the toilet paper head on down to the cafeteria and drop that off meet back here as soon as possible let's go over okay so we couldn't have failed that bit anyway that's great um hey whoa you're supposed to be in study hall you've been out here is unacceptable I'm sending you to the whoa that buddy calm down keep the eyebrows in check please I'm just delivering some cleaning spray oh well okay thanks now get back to study hall you're welcome and you're welcome you're not gonna get in trouble anymore there we go there you are so you dropped off that spray bottle right yes sir awesome let's go get that device from that Old coot uh we're gonna blow the lid off this place wait we're actually like gotta do that because I feel like we want to get a study all for that and you know how bad it is if we get sent to the principal's office it's uh it's game over uh where do we need to go oh yeah down we have quite a few apples to spend though hello everybody how's it going still asleep huh Jerome I guess I feel a little better guess I didn't know my dad as well as I thought guess not do we just have to I completely like read what she said but it hasn't gone into my brain so what do I do now just spend apples yeah I'm even kid you're free to waste time when I'm not trying to get something done what do I what do I do what do I do go downstairs outside what am I doing here I wasn't paying attention oh it's you yeah okay my brain is back on track you don't do my job for me you bet good maybe your kids aren't no bad after all maybe I shouldn't have hit so many of you with my mop well there'd be more of us to be fair uh well then you can leave me alone now what about the device the what oh yeah a little doodad I put it in the weapons closet so my cleaning cart Bobo left the door unlocked looks like he was tripping on something in there uh you don't even have it with you come on man deal again I'll let the whole kids know to let you in now don't now now get out of here before I change my mind by hitting kids with my mop yeah we're out here bye when he threatens the mop thing you gotta go well let's head down here almost out of time let's go uh we need to go boys bathroom Hello friends and the way he smokes is hilarious with his chin shape I don't know why oh my God whoa It's what's wrong with your face oh my goodness uh it's hard to breathe in here once I blow a hole in the wall it will air out nicely probably snap Bob out of his little trance jeez man let's get that device and get out of here if we stay too long we'll end up like him got it um where do we need to go weapons closet there's a chainsaw and shovel we don't need those things here uh leave the weapons alone oh god um yeah this bat is giving off some dizzying fumes it's hooked up to a tube that seems to be running to the cafeteria now where's my stuff Jerome's devices in this car's back okay take the device I don't have much longer we can last like this and we've got to get the heck out of here let's go let's go let's go Bob what are you doing geez this school is not as bad as the last one so far it's a little bit weird but nothing crazy right we're out of here let's go we need to get back before Donna Donna wakes up we're in the wrong place let's go back downstairs quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick good stuff kid no we just need to go back to our seats and wait for the Bell to ring don't forget to pay your lab fee oh yeah we've got enough I think it's four dollars or three dollars right it's less than five easy oh uh I must have dozed off for a moment there uh right anyone who wants to come to science class come pay for your lab fee three three dollars straight in your pocket my man take it so this is robotic you haven't tried this yet why is there blood on this already very suspicious today's lessons will be about robotics anyway robots are a wonderful way to terrorize the tri-state area in front of you is one of my favorite kinds of robot the hydraulic press oh that's why it's got a stain do we have any volunteers to stick their head under it anyone uh uh you kids are no fun just go stick those spare parts together until something lights up uh what do we do now what's going on it's time to break this sucker down we need to deactivate the triggering mechanism so it doesn't blow our heads off how do we do that that's a good question uh maybe someone from your old school has experience dealing with this sort of thing yeah robots are cool and all you know the stuff in here comes close to what I've made and you deactivate this you know what I can but you also know everything oh no sweaty box Monty used to be my favorite oh well top three is there anything else I can do hmm maybe there is something I've seen you hanging out with Carl all day are you on good terms with her do you want a date is that what you want good good so what do you say you drop a good word about me yeah you do don't you I know it I'm on fire I'm on an actual fire I could try well you better try hard either you can give me twenty dollars you can set me on a date with her [Music] this ain't gonna be easy to say but we got some business uh well did you find anyone to do it Monty will okay all right so why isn't he doing it he wants to be your boyfriend ah the grimy little you know what fine but I'm not happy about it oh that was easy I thought it was gonna be harder I did it Monty do the thing did you ask her what did she say you're a lucky man Monty she said yes say that on the date buddy she'll really like it I can't wait I would be a force to be reckoned with so about the device oh yeah uh this will just take a minute there I disabled the list on it it won't pop unless you give it a different method of exploding okay so we need a switch or something let's see thank you Monty you absolute Legends uh just hurry up and tell the little dweeb that I'll be his girlfriend he's gonna move on it's already done jeez you're probably playing with the Wii boarding you could probably hear you oh great go away for this date let's get crushing are we putting this in here I'm not sure how I feel about this it looks like pressing this button will turn on the crusher I don't need to push it yet I can play something here yeah place the device oh my God we're about to we're about to blow this place up that let's see what happens looks like pressing this button will turn on the crusher the last Apple to be spent and it's going to be spent wisely oh oh it it didn't explode well she wants to make a different bomb she can totally blow open that wall now okay great yay another day of learning concluded please don't break anything on the way out oh I thought she was going to do it now this is anticlimactic I want explosions no explosions for that hard work and we only died once but no Twice actually never mind I'll just say by accident but what a day I can't believe it we're able to build this thing so quickly and you want to know the cherry on top fast make two bombs how sick is that you can have one for yourself I am so lucky uh since it uses Penny's Tech she won't recognize it as Contraband so have fun with that I'm sure we'll be working again together soon so the final mission is because this contributes to the final mission it's definitely gonna be using bombs oh God yeah maybe uh you can also have this monster one card uh tornado and just uh that impressed like a kid I see ya later we only got one monster one card today which is bad for us things that go boom I like the undercover we should probably wear that next time and we've got the uh I'm not gonna say that because I think I know what it's trying to get me to say I'm not looking for another swearing compilation to be made of me deal two damage plus two if your last discarded is green not bad yeah that's not a bad card actually now we know how to play the game okay we have bomb we have other stuff too we have new outfits as well which we will save for next time which is the Shifty ones which I like we're definitely going to wear those okay let's look at the mission map real quick there you go things that go boom contributes the bomb to this Mission yeah we only have two missions left we've done this one already so we have the monster mum plushie and the bomb I wonder what the Monster one plus you'll be used for and then we need to do kings not able and this one Whatever that is and then we move on to the final mission so again if you want to see Kane's not able and the the mystery Mission done in one episode next time in the bumper video then um let me know leave a like or comment whichever but today was interesting we're gonna have to start blowing up the school that's a lot for two schools in two days anyway thanks so much for watching hope you enjoyed as much as I did leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you're new and I'll see in the next one all right see ya
Channel: DanTDM Live
Views: 833,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm live, gaming, video games, funny
Id: X3qlca_ZNfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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