HERRINGBONE TILE KITCHEN BACKSPLASH - Kitchen Makeover - Life With Queenii

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hey guys so today I'm going to be working on my kitchen backsplash I already did a little sample here but I will insert before pictures so you guys could see what this area looked like it was not always white it was green so you'll see some pictures right now of how it looked and it wasn't the prettiest it was like a like a moment due to recolor okay so in my husband we prime the entire kitchen and you know we're pretty much gonna go through a transition of three mommy wig or are giving the kitchen that makeover because it's very outdated you know the cabinet's will be painted white pieces the backsplash and everything and I just hope you guys are ready for this journey that we're gonna go on and you don't pretty much get the dream kitchen that we both want especially me since I do most of the cooking in the house even though I do all the cooking in the house but um yeah I will be doing a lot of this work by myself no I hope it inspires you to do things on your own or at least try you know if you fail try again my followers who are super amazing thank you guys so much for 15,000 subscribers on this channel I did not expect to have that many subscribers this fast so I appreciate that thank you for watching the videos and liking them and loving them you guys gonna see how I do my kitchen backsplash keep on watching okay so as some of you can see we're going for a herringbone pattern tile how we're using a beveled edge field tile it's a subway tile but it has a curved edge to it I hope you could see that you see that right there so it gives it this really awesome look and instead of it completely being flat it gives it a really nice texture without it being too much so I already did a test sample this area I use a acrylic adhesive to apply it and this is not coming off at all I did this last just to test it up and see how it would work and then this morning I took off all the spacers okay and I'm really excited to finish this with you guys so I really hope you're excited maybe if you have like a project like this in your house and you're kind of scared to do it I hope this video inspires you to go ahead and do it it's all about patience research and taking your time that's pretty much it okay and you can definitely do this much easier with tile that's like mosaic that comes in a sheet you can just put it on there but you still have to cut all right all right you guys so as you could see I actually laid out my tile in front of the area where I'm going to apply it and if you could see a piece is missing from here this area is missing this is what's on the wall right here so so that's what's on the wall right there there's a point that's missing this is supposed to go like this right there so if you look at it it's the same exact piece that's missing from there and yeah so I have it planned out so this is something you'll have to do if you plan on doing a herringbone pattern aren't you guys you're going to need a few tools to do this job right here okay and I think I spent maybe under $100 for the tools alone not like the adhesive and the grout but you're going to need a rotary tool and I got this one from Walmart and I promise you the video is not sponsored and I'm missing you wish it was also got this ruler it has a perfect 45 degree angle right there okay you're gonna need some painters tape for some of the cuts because you don't want the tile to crack so you feel like how it's gonna crack like put some tape on it and it's going to kind of help you out a little bit you're also going to need a trowel this is a notch trowel it's 3/16 of an inch by 5:32 of an inch okay and you're going to need a grout float this one is a smooth one and you're also gonna need one of these which is optional you don't have to get this this is the red rubber grout float it's like a spongy material but I'm not gonna use this because it's gonna pretty much suck up all the grout because it's sponge and it's porous this one is not it's nice and smooth and you can use the edges to clean up okay you're gonna need a tile cutter I got this from Home Depot for I believe it was twenty dollars I want to say okay and it's really actually good I got this from Lowe's this is caulk it's designed to be used around water tile tub and countertops and this one is in the shade white bright white okay you're gonna need a caulking gun you can get that from Walmart for super cheap you're going to need one of these these is this like a little putty spatula thingamabob all right marker you're also gonna need spacers this is 1/16 of an inch they're really tiny because I don't want a lot of big gaps between the tile this is the adhesive that I'll use it's the krill ceramic tile adhesive and really recommended by one of the Home Depot employees so I got two of these but it there's a lot in there and I also got this this is going to be my grout it is kind of a bastard I believe I wanted white white but uh let's see what it looks like because it says alabaster I hope it's white white oh this doesn't look good maybe his definition of white and mines were different that I want bright white these are some of tools that you're going to need I do have a diamond blade for the rotary tool it get diamond blades off Amazon for my rotary tool these were ten dollars for all of these they're super cheap but I did test them out and it actually works so I'll be using these to make cuts around outlets and things like that okay I got a leveler you're going to need that I got one of these little square notches it has different sizes on it so I'll be using this side for the areas where are really small and I can't reach with the big one okay so yeah this is this is what you're going to need I know look like a whole lot it looks super confusing but just have an area like the countertop and have it all laid out so it's not all here by your working space okay alright you guys so this area right here I do not want this outlet it is a cable wire outlet I don't want a TV in my kitchen I'm actually gonna get a tablet so you know I want a little like I want my kitchen to be homey feeling but yet modern but not modern to the point where my kitchen feels cold you know what I mean so on bright white but a little modern things but I don't want a TV I'll get a tablet and put a tablet stand in whatever so we're gonna close this up because I'm not gonna use it all right we're going to use this right here you get them in packets like this they sell this in most hardware stores and it comes with grout tape that's like a sticky tape and it's like a mesh and it comes with it I took the tape off with this one but you could put it cut it to size put it where you need to put it with the tape and it pretty much stays in place this still this is still sticky I can press it on and it will pretty much stay in place and you can go over it but you need to put the mesh tape okay you can't just do it like that all right so this one's already cut to size and I'm gonna put fresh tape on it you can buy these in the hardware store as well so this is just for like drywall patching and stuff like that it's really handy to keep this alright so I'm just gonna go over it one piece there make it nice and flat cut it don't want too much so just leave like an extra 1/2 an inch to an inch on all the sides it's gonna be covered up by tau anyways yeah write it down and use one of these little plastic tools to just make it nice and flat but there's like any loose threads take them off I'm going to be using this the company is called DAP dry decks it's a spackling product and it's pink and when it's dry it turns white I'm going to start on the edge and just like fade it out you want it to be nice and smooth okay make sure you press it in but [Applause] I know someone's gonna say you should've did that before you put your sample piece but me I'm a pretty impatient person sometimes and when I start working on a project I get excited and I just want to see something or sometimes I just need to do a little bit of it just to keep me inspired all right so I put a little bit on there I'm gonna let it dry and then once it's dry I'm gonna go over it again all right you guys so once it dried a bit more I went over it again just doing thin layers and then let that one dry a bit more and then I went over that again until it was nice and smooth and patched up completely all right so now I'm gonna go in with my square notch I got this one from Lowe's that's where I got from yep Lowe's and honestly I prefer this one more than the big one that I got okay so I'm gonna go in and use I'm using this side of it or 1/8 of an inside I'm gonna end up using this small little you know knotch to do pretty much the entire backsplash I'm gonna show you guys most of what I do and then once I finish I'll do a second video on it you're also gonna have to back butter so put a little amount on the back of the tile okay so small amount nothing too crazy [Applause] I just realized that my pattern was off oh my goodness I just saw it hold on hold on so this is supposed to go this way I am so sorry about that okay this made a mistake I just saw it and I'm so happy I was looking at him like something doesn't look right okay so really through the whole process again back butter okay so it's okay if you make mistakes I'm making mistakes do so but make sure you realize the mistakes earlier all right so this one goes like that sorry about that okay once that one's in a little triangular friend goes there we're gonna put that one I'm gonna back butter this one too so little it's kind of awkward working with gloves you're in there put that there now we're going to go in with that table piece okay that we put there which was an accident still has the back butter on it put it in place okay get your spacers i'mma tell you this herringbone pattern is not easy the quote I got to do my backsplash was $800 you guys and there's no way I'm spending $100 for someone to put tile up for me and it doesn't include the products I didn't have to buy all my supplies myself and their fee simply to put up a panel is $800 and I know that's probably the right correct price but I'm a regular person with a regular budget so just gonna do it myself and save some money take my time are you guys so our first cut is gonna be this pile right here that's gonna go right here by the outlet just pull it in place pull it in place use your marker and just like make an outline over here about let's gonna be okay gonna use our tile cutter to cut it and I'm gonna put it in place so I got this tile cutter pretty much a few months after I moved into the house and I pretty much you know got intimidated by the beveled edge tile but I figured out if I score once I'd turn it around school the other side it works out well I even ended up getting a wet saw which scared me to death I returned up so once I have my tile cut as you guys can see I did a 45-degree angle on this cut I used my ruler that I got from Walmart I'm going to back butter it and you know put it in place where the outlet is you're going to have to you know remove the screws from the outlet because the wall is pretty much getting a little bit higher so you're gonna have to you know remove the screws from the outlet and then it's pretty much going to raise up a bit so when you put your new outlet covers on it'll be nice and flush and you know even make sure you put your spacers in okay and another thing I wanted to tell you guys if you can't get some gloves that fit really well I did you know have one glove on one hand because I cut my finger really bad not with the tile I was actually kidding cleaning the bathroom and I sliced my thumb on both sides open with a pair scissors don't use scissors to clean vacuums okay but um yeah wear some you know gloves to keep your hands nice and clean because you know I pretty much had to wash scrub my hands off you know with all the adhesive that was stuck onto it okay so now I'm just gonna move a bit faster I'm gonna put a bit more of the adhesive on to the wall and I must say I really do like this product it's super easy to work with it wasn't too messy okay but once it gets on your hand it does dry so that's why I say get some gloves and I'm pretty sure that's with all you know adhesives to putting on tile that will happen so do get some gloves but it was super easy to work with the little knotch that I used work really well it did the job for me as far as the process this backwall I did pretty much all of it in one night which includes cutting the tile as I went because I also discovered that my cabinet you know when the house was made the cabinets that were installed were slightly off just like by a tiny amount so there was a slight slant in the tile so I had to cut as I went you know it doesn't you can't really notice that there's a slant until you start measuring things and this is something I've learned personally about houses usually measurements are usually off by a little tiny bit you don't notice them until you go you know put something there that requires measuring okay all right so I'm cutting this piece of tile to finish off the top part and this is gonna go right underneath the cabinet right there and don't worry about the gap I'm going to fill that all in once I'm completely done you know putting all the tile on the backsplash my house did not come with tile on the backsplash it was just painted and that's just you know with the amount that I cook regularly that was just not gonna work for me all right here's a little tip with the rotary tool it comes with sanding bits if you need to send your tile you can use it and sign it just to make it a bit more even and as you guys can see I also had to cut another piece using the 45-degree angle ruler that I got from Walmart which came in so handy you guys so if you're you know not familiar with you know shapes and angles and angles just get the ruler it will help you okay and that kind of little triangle putting that little hole over there and here I gave up my measure [Music] outlets and that's pretty much all I needed them to do and as you can see I cut both sides and then I cut the middle just a bit this is just to kind of make it weak so that when I go in with my plier it doesn't break the tile completely in half I must say I am happy with the rotary tool that I got from Walmart it does get the job done I'm pretty sure it's not as great as the dremel brand but it does what I needed to do okay so here I'm outlining again you guys can see it's sparking a bit yeah these bits go really quickly but for the price and the amount of did I say bits blades put amount of blades that I got it was well worth it because one diamond blade alone I believe is $18 and this was ten dollars and I had so many so it worked for what I needed it to you know work for that's that's all I needed okay so that's how the cover is going to look okay and as you can see I'm going to cut up an extra piece because it was too high there's nothing wrong with making mistakes just make sure you notice those mistakes quickly and you know early so that when you're gonna fix them it's not you know set in place and you have to rip it out of the wall I must say I'm so happy with the way my first cuts look for my outlet I think they look really cool and you know close to professional probably not as clean as a professionals but remember there's going to be a outlet cover there no one's going to see that okay so now that I'm nearing the end or the edge of the backsplash at the end the edge of the backsplash I'm gonna use what's called a tile edge it's pretty much a piece of like trim for tile that's going to finish off the tile since this type of tile does not come with like a special piece of tile to finish it off so you can get this in Home Depot or Lowe's I got this one in Lowe's and it's bright white or white you guys just saw I was doing some measurements so what I'm gonna do here is make a miter cut this little gizmo thing that I have here I got this in a little kit at Home Depot to make miter cuts on some crown molding that I installed in my house so I didn't have to purchase this again but this is a miter cut it's pretty much an angle 45 degree cut okay so I'm going to have to make one long one and then one small one which is about two and a half inches to finish off the tile so once you're done with your cuts you place it in position and I also used a leveler to make sure that the trim was level and perfectly straight I also took away any excess you know adhesive that was on the side you don't want that to dry there so take it off completely and then this is the second piece a little tiny piece at first it was too big so I had to redo it but this is how it's supposed to look it's a book that's not how it's supposed to go look remember if you're doing it for the first time things like this will happen but anyways it's supposed to go together like this and then you push it in place into the adhesive okay once you have it together like that it should look nice and clean you can fill in the little gap there with some caulk or some grout whatever it is that you have but I think caulk will do a better job so I used the leveler as well to make sure that it was perfectly straight so the top one you see what a little bubble is that will let me know that it's perfectly straight or if I have to adjust it before it starts drying so now I'm gonna go ahead and finish cutting my tile and then just pretty much finish off this side of the backsplash so if you guys want to know how long this took cause I'm pretty sure a lot of people are gonna ask how long this took well it really just depends on the type of saw you have if you have a manual tile cutter if you have a wet saw if you you know if you have something that's gonna cut your tile much faster than a manual a tile cutter if your tiles are completely flat that will make your life so much easier but my tiles have that little edge so it takes a little tiny bit more time and I'm just one person okay I'm just one person and while I was doing this I had to do so many other things you know I had to still be a mom while doing this so I just wanted to let you guys know that but you know it it took me I think about four hours to do just this part of the backsplash so I just you know did it in about not three days worth of hours but you know I did a little bit a little bit by a little bit in about three or four days or yeah three or four days and I finished it up well not completely I right now I still have the stove backsplash to do and I have the other side of the backsplash to do that's between the stove and the fridge but the plans for the kitchen you know we're brightening it up so this window frame we ran out of primer it's a special stain blocking primer that I got and it works okay but I you have to put two coats on it because the stain sometimes comes through but the frames of the windows will be white the walls will be gray back splash of course is white the kitchen cabinets will be white and the countertops I do have a plan for that and I will post a video on what exactly it is that I will be doing to my countertops the faucet will eventually change we'll put in a new sink new hardware all of that is just gonna take some time and I you know I hope you guys are patient and ready for this journey because it will take some time to get it done okay so this was another day that I started the backsplash behind the faucet you can notice by my change of clothes and I have gloves on okay these gloves were a little bit too big but you know they they were okay okay my hands weren't as messy as they were the first day alright so as you guys could see I'm doing my cuts while I am doing this I didn't have my tile pre-cut and I'm still using the little small notch I did have some water damage be my faucet because there was a piece of granite like a little bar of granted that you if you go in the beginning part of the video see me take it off there was like a little crack in it well not a crack but there was like a little yeah a little crack in the caulk that was on it and water was leaking through and I fixed that but the water kept going through so that's another reason why I completely took out that little back piece of granite that was there I just did not like it at all so I just took it out and that was that I fixed up the area where it caused a bit of damage to the drywall fix that up and then you know went over it with the tile alright you guys so once I finished this part of the backsplash I think I was done for the night and then the next day I did the grout for the first part of the backsplash that I did so this grout is already you know like pre sealed so I don't have to go in and seal it they actually in the beginning of the video I showed you they gave me the shade called alabaster which is an off-white yellow tone grout and that's not what I wanted I wanted bright white so I had to go back try to return it and then come to find out the color was discontinued and basically they don't sell it anymore so I couldn't even return it I couldn't get a refund or anything like that they couldn't do anything they used the same card that I had to try to get me a discount and the girls said that because they discontinued it they can't give me anything so now I'm just stuck with this ugly grout just anyways I'm not going to have to seal it once I'm done it has that already just follow the directions on the back of the grout which is pretty simple what they want you to do is lightly moisten the tile so what I did was I have this huge sponge that I use for cleaning grout I dam I wet it a little bit squeeze it out really well and just lightly padded the tile got it nice and damp but not wet you don't want the tile to be dripping water you just want it like almost like a mist almost like a little a tiny miss okay and then you go with your grout and you move around in a 45 degree angle and get the grout in the you know the little grooves okay it's unfortunate like if you read the reviews on this graph this is the fusion pro grout you don't have to seal it once you have it in its done you don't have to do anything else you're done but I noticed a lot of people don't follow the directions and just you know slap it on and it doesn't work for them because they're not following the directions the main reason the the main problems are about then the main problem is as people are not making the tile damp like I did something like this right before I apply to grout I'm sorry it's not in the video but I did something similar like this and that just helps the grout move around okay when I first put it on the ground was falling off like completely it was falling off of the float it was falling off completely but it needs a little tiny bit of moisture to hold on to so you can easily spread it and you know get it into the grooves okay just follow the directions and you'll absolutely love it I love it I will buy it again okay like when I do it like this this it works out better and as you can see I'm still doing the 45 degree angle and don't worry about the top parts of the tile I will fill that in and you know I'm pretty much gonna use whatever falls out or whatever falls down I'm just gonna use that and fill in the top part of the tile right there I know you could see it fill it in and it's all going to look super beautiful nice smooth even and professional-looking in my opinion okay it's my little work of art I absolutely love it one thing about the fusion pro grout like I said you don't have to seal it and once you get it in it's pretty much there for forever okay it is expensive a small tub that little small tub I had was twenty dollars or twenty four dollars I think it was twenty four dollars you guys so it is a bit expensive but if you don't want to go in and have to seal all a little see it's it's worth it I promise you it is okay so now as you guys could see I took all the little leftover grout that fell out and I'm just gonna use this to put it in the top part right there to fill it in I'm just using my fingers to push it in I still have my gloves on so you know it's fine I'm just shoving in the grout in those little cracks that are there a little you know space this is gonna give it a nice clean look and once I'm done I go in and clean it up and remember the sponge is that you don't want the sponge to be soaking wet you don't want water dripping off squeeze off all of the water off of it all of it you just want the sponge to be damp so you can clean the surface of the tile and not take the grout out of you know the grooves just let the sponge gently glide over the tile you know taking off the grout off the tile but not out of the grooves you guys I know my voice went in and out here I don't know if it's the wetter or whatever but my voice sounds really funny so there take your time wipe it off okay don't leave the grout on there to try and just you know you can use a paper towel if you want there's a lint-free cloth and pat dry and this is pretty much the final look for the first part of my backsplash you guys I'm really happy with how this turned out I know some people are gonna be like oh you should have changed the counter before you did the backsplash well I got this backsplash supplies first so backsplash first okay but I hope you guys learned something I hope it was inspirational if you enjoyed the video make sure you give it a thumbs up comment down below and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and hit notifications so you don't miss any uploads I love you guys and I'll see you all very soon bye you
Channel: LifeWithQueenii
Views: 66,174
Rating: 4.8693113 out of 5
Keywords: how to tile a backsplash, herringbone backsplash, how to, herringbone pattern, how to cut tile, how to lay tile, how to fill in grout, how to use tile cutter, how to use rotary tool to cut tile, subway tile backsplash, subway tile herringbone backsplash, life with queenii, fushion pro grout, acryl pro adhesive, home renovation, ktchen makeover, hgtv, KITCHEN BACKSPLASH, HERRINGBONE TILE INSTALLATION, HERRINGBONE PATTERN, tile, backsplash installation, kitchen makeover
Id: ugJtfDS0uOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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