PAINTING MY OLD APPLIANCES WITH STAINLESS STEEL PAINT//how to makeover old appliances for $24

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[Music] so I've seen this product on the market for quite some time and it is stainless steel paint so we are in need of a new dishwasher and possibly microwave depending on if this works or not so we figured we might as well take the risk and see if the stainless steel paint actually works because like I said our dishwasher is broken and it's a very tiny size so we figured once there's a good sale we'll get a new one so I thought it would be really fun to try out this product so I found this product on Amazon for I think twenty three dollars I'll link it down below so what I started off by doing is I taped off whatever I don't want to be painted and then I took some sandpaper and went over the whole market wave this part was scary because if the microwave ends up looking good we would love to keep it so I was a little nervous about this next the directions say to take a window cleaner and to clean off the microwave it's very specifically with window cleaner I'm not really sure why I guess it gets the grease off well so now I was just cleaning off the dishwasher and doing the same to that I also decided to put plastic everywhere because we were doing this inside I was kind of struggling there and then the little lid fell off but anyway we were doing this inside because it was snowing outside so we couldn't really take things off and do this outside but definitely if it's summer I would probably recommend taking the doors off your microwave or dishwasher and doing this out there but I taped it up really well so we didn't have any incidences where this one on the counter anything like that so now I'm just taking a white primer spray paint and I'm just going over the microwave with that and then I'm also going over the dishwasher with that and I did end up doing two coats of this primer you definitely could use a paint primer but I just felt like this brave paint was going to be so much easier and it was I've also never used a spray paint primer for I've always just use like bin or something like that so I was very hesitant on it but it worked so well so now I just taped the dishwasher off and for the next step for the dishwasher is I'm going to spray paint everything black and now they do have appliance spray paint that comes in black but I ended up just going with the one that's made specifically for plastic and other materials like that because I felt like it would stick better and it's stuck so amazingly and I've been able to clean the dishwasher and we haven't had any weird like cases of it like falling off or anything like that so that was great so I let this sit overnight because I didn't want to tamper with a spray paint and risk ruining it or anything like that so at this point I definitely recommend taking a picture of what your dishwasher says because there's lots of cycles on there and everything like that and bring me painting over it so make sure you guys have that on hand so you don't forget the tape that I used is really great when it comes to painting walls but it was not so great when it came to spray paint and the rest of this project so I kept having issues where I had to go back in and kind of Reese and some areas and stuff like that as you guys can see but here is the product the star of the show like I said I got this from Amazon for $23 I was very skeptical of it I didn't really think it would work or even look like stainless steel because it's just paint and I didn't think it would be possible but what I loved about this product is that it comes with the brush and if you guys have ever seen my video before where I redid a bathtub with a product from Amazon that product did not come with the brush so I really appreciated that this one did so this one comes with the top coat and the base coat which is awesome so I just gave the first coat a really good shake because they said it might be kind of lumpy so this is what it looks like it's very sparkly and iridescent and it made me kind of nervous because I didn't think again it would look like stainless because it just kind of looks like little kids paint but then I just took some chopsticks because that's all I had and we kind of sushi for dinner the night before and I just mix this up really well so now I've taped off I've taped off everything that was black that I didn't want to get painted with a stainless steel paint and I was so nervous to do the first coat of this so what the instructions say is to first go from left to right for your first coat my first wipe I didn't end up doing this only because there was too much paint on the brush so I kind of had to go back and forth the tricky part about the dishwasher was doing the sides of the dishwasher if you have one of those dishwasher that just has like a flat face and isn't kind of rounded like this it's probably a little bit easier than this one I guess I don't know definitely it would be a lot easier though how do we take in the dishwasher apart and maybe did this flat or did this outside because I had to keep opening it up but the process was easy and unlike the bathtub paint that I used this one didn't have a bad odor to it it literally just smelt like paint where the bathtub paint I had to open up all the windows and the fumes made me very dizzy so now I'm putting on the second coat of paint and the second coat was going on very light they recommend you do all of your coats very light which is what I did and then the last coat I ended up doing pretty heavy but anyway here I'm just taking a small paint brush to get around this knob and that was probably the most difficult part of it all was just getting around all the little buttons and everything I ended up painting over those two lights on the dishwasher that was light up red because I was just kind of over it and I didn't cared that much ESCO is officially on and it actually looks really good the next step I'm not too sure what to do with I had a couple ideas so on the front of the dishwasher obviously there were spots where it said said like pots one said normal like basically all the different cycles so at first I thought I would take my handy-dandy little label maker and I thought it'd be cute to just make little labels this is an embossed label maker so it makes labels that look like this one and just like 3d basically and it's really cute so I started that but the issue is that it makes the words really far apart and I don't know if you guys can tell but our dishwasher it's like a mini dishwasher it's not even a normal size so I think that eventually when we do get a new dishwasher we'll probably get a normal-sized one because there's plenty of room for it so the issue though is that it kind of spreads the words out really far and if you don't have enough room for it so I can show you guys basically like this is like one button but it goes over the like button you know to man and this is like the shortest word that there was the other word was normal and it just it wouldn't have all fit right here my next option was I had Conor pick up some of these sharpies with the little ultrafine point at the end and I was just gonna write it on I don't really have good handwriting though so I was just gonna try my best but I'm starting to think I might just leave a blank here right now until I can find a better solution or I might have my friend Brianna it's kyburi if you're watching this come over cuz she is really good handwriting and she can like make her writing look like any type of like script or font so I might have her come over at some point and writings I just don't want to mess it up or ever thinking - I could go to like Michael's or something like that and then just buy like really tiny little letters and like little letter stickers and then just stick those on so I do have a few options so I think I'm gonna leave that blank but basically the next step is to put on the clear coat and then once the clear coat is on you can put as many layers of that on as you want until you like the finished gloss and then I'm gonna peel off all the paint and show you guys what it looks like so like I mentioned this is the gloss coat or the final coat that goes on you can put as many coats of this on as you would like the more you put on the glossy er your finish will be I ended up only putting one coat on because I really liked how the finish looked but I'll have to see in the morning if I want to add more so funny story while I was filming this video I was starting to not feel so great probably like a few scenes back and turns out I had the flu so that's why I didn't post anything last week I was so excited to get this project done and it was just sitting halfway done in my kitchen for almost a full week before I got back into it today and today I'm finally feeling better so I just want a full force into this and I wanted to just get it done for you guys to show you and I also want to get it done for myself so I could see what it looked like so just keep away from germs and just keep washing your hands everyone cuz it was not fun at all but anyway I'm just applying this clear coat now to the microwave and just going over it I applied the clear coat in a pretty thick layer I didn't really do it lightly and once again this pesky tape just did not do such a great job so I'll show you guys how I fix that later and at this point I was kind of freaking out because as you guys can see on the microwave there is so much pain and I've never had this issue before so it was very new to me and kind of frustrating so I went to Lowe's and I found this goog on latex paint this is actually a water-based paint but it came off with this so I just kind of layered this on to the paint and I let it sit on there for a few minutes and then I couldn't find a razor blade so I had like this little like stapler thing or like this staples that we're just in a bunch so I just took that and scraped off the paint and it worked like a charm and it looked beautiful so now I just took some of the black spray paint and I just am touching up all of the areas that got some of the silver stainless on it all right it's time for the reveal you ready Willie all right this actually looks amazing I'm not sure if I should have painted the venn stainless or not let me know what you guys think I don't know but let me know and maybe I'll paint it stainless if you guys say I should but I am so shocked at how good this looks and you guys can see the stainless appliance underneath it compared to this and it looks just like it now here is the dishwasher which also looks amazing I think that the microwave looks a little bit better I think what's throwing me well maybe what just throwing me off about the microwave or the dishwasher rather is that we don't have any of the words on it so it just like looks very weird and empty but I think that if we were to put the words on it it would probably look back to normal I am really impressed with it the only issue I had with this with the dishwasher like I mentioned was that the tape was just horrible so it made it very hard to like fill in everything but this microwave looks so good I'm really impressed with how it came out and then the tape or the paint remover that I used worked so well and really took off all of that excess paint so like the finish of it feels I didn't really feel like stainless I guess because stainless is like a little bit more slippery than this but it has a really nice finish to it and I only ended up putting one coat of like the final gloss on it and I'm sure if you put multiple coats on it would probably have more about like smooth feel like the stainless but it's not rough or anything like that but overall I would definitely do this again or if you guys are like in an apartment and you just want like an easy fix you guys just don't want to spend money right now I think it's such a great fix because it instantly made our kitchen look so much better and I'm very impressed with it so I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I'll talk to you guys the next one bye
Channel: Our Little Nest
Views: 3,708,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PAINTING MY OLD APPLIANCES WITH STAINLESS STEEL PAINT, how to makeover old appliances for $24, stainless steel paint, makeover old microwave, makeover old dishwasher, makeover old appliances, makeover refridgerator, paint oven, paint, stainless paint, inexpensive, inexpensive kitchen, kitchen renovation, kitchen, kitchen diys, kitchen on budget, make cheap look expensive, insane diys, diys you must try, must try, amazon hacks, hack, kitchen hack, appliances, budget friendly
Id: YcWjnY6eULw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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