How To Install A Tile Back Splash

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I and welcome to another video by get-it-done home repairs today we're going to be tiling the backsplash let me bring in I'm gonna show you what kind of tools you're going to need I'll explain what the tools are used for and then we're going to get this job done it's really a fairly simple job once you're up to this point right here removing the backsplash is a little bit more difficult as I will put a link down below and you can see how I took out the backsplash underneath these cabinets but let me explain what we're going to do and then how we're gonna do it so first thing we're going to do is we're going to talk about the different tools that are needed now obviously we are going to need some tiles whatever tile you use this tile here is a 4 by almost 13 inches so this is the tiles that I'm going to be using here you're going to need an adhesive this is what they call type 1 adhesive you can get this in any big-box store it's meant to hold on the tiles the smaller tiles like this the big tiles for the floors is a different type of a cement you are going to need spacers depending on the thickness that you want in between the the tiles themselves if you wanted a certain thickness between me you'll need to pick up with other spaces you want to use as personal preference these tiles some of the tiles come with a little bump out on the side right here so if you chose to use just a standard bump out it would be sort of like this weird since pretty much together like that that's not the way I'm going to use it I'm actually going to make a joint just a little bit thicker like that but again that's personal preference so it depends on what kind of a space or you need these are the ones we'll be using all right so we're gonna put that to the side now when you start your first course underneath the the wall right here you'll put something like this here to actually give it some depth so you'll have a little bit of a space above here I am NOT going to be using these either I chose to make everything uniform so I'm going to use these these spacers here like this so that the unit does uniform all the way from the front bottom up to the top where goes up and unnie Thea alright so this is just another example of what kind you can use if you needed a thicker space underneath the bottom you can use these and you can you can you know make it different different thicknesses alright you are going to do need a couple of different trials I will tell you this this trial which you can see is a very looks like about a half inch his square this one is meant for bigger areas and bigger tiles so this we're not going to use they have actually a smaller all different sizes you can use the one I'm going to be using is a 3/16 v-notch because that's the one that is is the best for this particular size tile if you're using a much smaller tile then obviously you will use a smaller notch because it's very important that when you put these tiles on that the back of the tile itself is pretty much covered all everywhere with the the adhesive all right so this is the one we're going to be using I will tell you this cleaning up the tools sometimes there's a little bit of a pain in the rear end so I don't I use these maybe two or three times I throw them away and I just get a new one because getting this adhesive off of here is a little bit difficult so it's personal preference again if that's what you choose that's what I do alright we're going to need something like this to get the the adhesive at the bucket screwdrivers of course you're going to need a marker to mark the tiles what you'll need to cut them a couple of little screwdrivers a pencil and I will tell you this whenever you install tiles you will need to get it all over screws because the screws that are in here are too short when you put this back together you'll try to screw this in and then shoot the screw will just barely catch so get yourself one that's a little bit longer I'm not pregnant I'm not pushing this particular brand but this is the ones I use their inch and a half there are six 32 by inch and a half so that's the ones that I use to give us a little more depth on the on the on the switch it's on the light on the outlet you'll have it out a little bit further alright so as you can see our first row is laid out which is just what we're going to put it I will tell you this before you do anything back here measure it out and make sure your tiles are going to go exactly where you want them I didn't measure it out and it is going to come out perfectly on this side over here because I am going to go back behind this refrigerator in the back over here so I did lay it out and make my calculations already but make sure that you actually calculate it before you start putting tiles up now these tiles are like a subway tile and we do is we stagger them so it's like a 50% offset so the first one is going to come up it's going to go in just like that and then the second one that we're going to put over the top of it is going to be staggered just like that so it's actually 50% staggered so what we're going to need to do is we're going to need to cut the tile now to cut the tile there's different ways you can do it you can use a tool like this to cut the tile you put this on here you put your tile inside here like this you measure your thickness you strike it with the the tile cutter a couple of times and then you push on it and it snaps the tile I'm not going to use it it's I'm actually going to be using a wet soil because it makes a much better cut so that's what I'm going to be using but if you don't have a wet sore this is an alternative a fairly cheap at a big-box store as well next thing we're going to need is women possibly a utility knife we are going to need something like this these are these are nibblers to actually chip away any kind of like if you have this this tile up in here and you need to to actually chip it away we're going to use those nibblers here to get in there and chip away well we don't do what we do is we go outside but the what's more we cut it here and we cut it here and I would ship it away but we'll get into that once we get to that point alright so for now we're going to we're going to stop we're doing here before I do anything we're going to go out to the wet soil which we wet so we always use outside because it's very wet of course okay so we are going to go outside now I'm going to take you along with me and I'm going to show you how a wet soil works like I said the percent stagger between me the full tile on the bottom and 50% of it over the top of it so we're going to make home walk dead center of the tile we're gonna take it out to the wet soil cut this in half bring it back inside here and then we're gonna get started all right so I'll come and take a walk outside okay now we we have our marks on the tile already where we're gonna cut it at the 50% so we are now gonna turn the soil and we're gonna be very careful you want to make sure you wear some kind of safety goggles just so you don't get anything in your eyes and then we're just gonna go very slowly you don't want to force the tile key to stick the saw because if you force it give them the possibility of cracking it or getting a bad cut we're gonna let the store through your work we're gonna use a scrap piece of tile just to push it through so they don't accidentally further their hands on or off make sure it comes to a complete stop and as you can see it's a nice clean cut on both sides so now we have to had 50% to put up okay now that we made our cuts on the edge of the tile here we have two exact same sizes you didn't notice a personal preference if you choose to do it that's great if you don't want to it's not a big deal you take a stone like this and they'll take a rough edge right on here if you were putting tiles up against something that's going to be actually what you're wanting a little bit dahi take that a tool like this and you just run it across the top like that and it takes off the sharp edge right off of here so we're going to do that real quick and then we're going to get started now I will tell you this if you don't have it don't worry about it it's really not that important okay so if you haven't used it if not it's okay next thing we're going to do now is we're going to take our adhesive and we're going to do just a small area where we're going to be putting the tiles you don't want to put adhesive on the entire backsplash and then not get to it quick enough because the adhesive glue dry and the tile won't adhere to it properly all right so what we're going to do now is we're going to take he's put it on here we're gonna take this we're gonna put the adhesive on then we're gonna bring it up like this from bottom to the top and then after that we're gonna go from to sign so we have a nice uniform bead of mastic on there or adhesive when you use the tool you're going to use it at an angle such as this because you want to make sure that you have a 3/16 row of adhesive on it you don't want to use it like this you want to use it like this so we have a nice clean row on there all right so let's let's get started and we'll see how it goes all right remember you don't want to do too much of an area you want to do just enough that you can cover it and it's not going to dry half I do cover up with ever surfaced I'm working on because you don't want to take a chance on damaging the surface that you have all right so let's put some on just going to spread it in a little bit you want to make sure you get everything even in the corners all right over here it's very important that you get into the corners as well okay now when you put your tile and you got to put your tile in I will tell you this make sure you take your stickers off the back wheel and leave these on here when you put your tile in you're going to push the tile in you're going to give it a little bit of a twisting motion until you set it in place so we're going to take the tile lay it in here like this push it in same thing just push it in here a little bit of a twisting motion you know way to take our spacers and I'm going to put my spacers underneath be tile okay now we're gonna take our our cut tile the one that we actually cut the end is what's going to go up against the wall right there so now we're going to take this we're just going to put it in the same thing a little bit of a twisting motion with spacers in there don't let it take our second tile you know you can see your idea we're going to need to make a cut right here see this so what we're going to do now is we're going to take off this here because we have to go back outside so we'll guess you okay so now we're just gonna we're gonna put this on hold for a second you know we're going to continue down the wall and we'll run the rest of them in [Music] okay I'm gonna put the tile in lean it up on it I'll have a twisting motion put your spacers underneath okay so now we have the the first row of tiles is actually done - let me just show you real quick okay so the first row of tiles is in when that we're now going to cut this this piece down right here so we can actually cut it around the switch itself so let me get my sharpie and then we'll continue okay now I'm going to do is we're going to bring our tile in the way supposed to be we're gonna bring it up in here we may not have to cut this one actually it may be enough let's just take this is out a little bit okay we do not have to cut this here but let me just fix this one piece here I thought it's gonna have to cut it but I guess that okay so now we'll take our tile again we're going to push up in place yet maybe we just barely cleared the bottom of the pucks right down here otherwise it was going to have to cut a little piece out of it but we'll do that when we get over here all right so let me get my spacers we'll put some spacers in and we'll continue as you can see right here the screw will clear the box so we don't have to cut that one there now let's continue on this row [Music] I'll show you this one here this one we all going to need to cut this out because as you can see this box is a little bit lower than the other box so we're going to come back to this in just a minute what we're going to do now is we're going to come back over here and get that tile back in okay now we're gonna we're going to take this tile here we're gonna stick this tile in place now [Music] okay now we're going to make up measurements here but I just want to point this out to you if it's going to be a couple of minutes and we're going to go outside and cut this tile we're gonna take the adhesive back off so it doesn't dry you can just scrape it just make sure you take your adhesive back off so it doesn't dry because tiles wanted here to he spit that's dried out all right so let me get my sharpie and we'll walk it up and continue okay now we're gonna mock our tile before we go outside the cut of the wet soil I will tell you this this type of a cut on the wet sore is a lot easier than trying to use those nibblers because the nibbler the nibblers you'll need to cut up quite a bit so you got to be real careful with it but if that's the only thing that you have is something like this you can use it on there okay alright so we're gonna do now is we're going to put this up here where it's going to be situated we're going to mark where the the outside of the box is and that's what we're going to do our first cut right there right there alright now we're going to need the height of it as well and we're going to come down one inch okay so this is what we're going to cut out outside I'm not going to take you outside to do it because it's just a matter of cutting a straight line up this way and a straight line up this way and then we're going to take this out up to that line right there all right so the way we do that is we're gonna you know what I'll bring you outside I'll show you how it goes okay now we're just going to cut on the one line we're gonna cut it down to the that one inch mark that we put on this so we're going to set our guide up so that we have a nice straight cut and it doesn't actually go crooked so once we set it up we'll bring our cover back down and that'll keep the water from being thrown all around and we'll make our first cut you want to cut very slowly you don't want to cut it too quick to crack the tile then we probably stop there you don't have to mentally catch it you snap the tile okay they remove our guide now we're going to bring the guy that round so that we can make our second cut it doesn't fit on the one side so we'll gonna remove it I'm gonna move that guy over to the left side and then we'll bring on tile up against a guide set the guide and lock it in place and then we can make our second cut so that's a nice straight line as well it's an easy and I want to push the too hard in fact papaya [Music] [Music] [Music] okay and then there you can see we'll have a nice clean cut across the top and down each one to this side so it's a nice a nice level cut to fit around the socket alright let's go inside and continue okay so as you can see putting the tiles up is really not that bad the main thing is just doing your cuts around the outlets to make sure they come out good I am gonna have to do a couple of more cuts over here but that gives you the idea of what you're going to do now we're going to let the the adhesive dry for probably about a day and then we'll take out these spacers in between here and of course they just pull right out I will tell you this if you look and you see any of the the joints are filled with adhesive you may want to take a very small screwdriver and clean out the adhesive because we will need to put grass inside there but that's it we're going to finish up this this realm of of tiles and then then we're good to go all right so what I'll do is when I'm ready to grab it I'll make another video on how to gravity at the backsplash alright as always thanks for watching and I'll see you in action you
Channel: Get It Done Home Repair
Views: 35,350
Rating: 4.8706198 out of 5
Keywords: how do i install subway tiles, how do i put up tiles, how do i tile a back splash, tile, grout, kitchen tile, how do i tile a kitchen a back splash, how do i install kitchen tiles, how do i install a under the cabinet microwave, how do i install an over the range wicrowave, how do i attach a microwave, how do i replace a microwave, how do i put up a microwave, how to install kitchen cabinets, installing kitchen cabinets, grouting tile backsplash, how to grout tile backsplash
Id: 0unRtT6_syA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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